MBT :: Volume #13

#1212: The penalty of god

The penalty of Chapter 1212 god 第1212章神的惩罚 Truly speaking, very long has not seen Rosie, Qin Chao also really somewhat thinks of this female Devil. 说实在的,很久沒有见到罗茜,秦朝还真有些想念这个女恶魔了。 She and Su Ji in own, the status actually is almost at heart important. 她和苏姬在自己的心里,地位其实差不多重要。 One can have today's achievement, has the inalienable relations with her. 自己能有今天的成就,和她也是有着不可分割的关系的。 If were not she found itself, tempted - was puzzled oneself to sign that soul contract. 如果不是她找到自己,诱-惑自己签下了那一份灵魂契约的话。 One, was not this time Qin Chao. 自己,也就不是此时的秦朝了。 On the day of Qin Chao forever remembers, a female from behind is hugging herself, the nice-smelling aura reaches in the nose. 秦朝永远都记得那一天,一个女子从身后抱着自己,好闻的气息传进鼻中。 She said near her ear gently. 她在自己耳边轻轻的说。 Inborn Devil Body person...... Ahem, my luck is really good...... Is careful, before I look for you, by Devil God not making a false counter-accusation......” “天生魔体的人……哼哼,我的运气真不错……要小心哦,在我來找你之前,不要被魔神给反噬了哦……” Is this kind of female Devil, initially wholeheartedly wanted to take away oneself soul female Devil, now truly has actually fallen in love with itself. 就是这样一个女恶魔,当初一心想要拿走自己灵魂的女恶魔,现在却已经真正的爱上了自己吧。 Meets each time, others do not like giving you pleasantly surprised one,” “每次见面,人家不都喜欢给你一个惊喜嘛,” Rosie sees Qin Chao, has given him a charming supercilious look, how, not to like,” 罗茜看到秦朝,给了他一个娇媚的白眼,“怎么,不喜欢啊,” Saw that you like actually very much, but, this hateful bird man, me does not like,” “见到你倒是很喜欢,只不过,这个讨厌的鸟人在,我就不喜欢了,” Qin Chao said reluctantly. 秦朝无奈地说道。 Hateful,” “可恶,” Guevara whole body sends out the silver ray, breaks in the water tank that from that bringing the current of water to fly. 格瓦拉全身发出银色的光芒,从那破掉的水塔中,带着水流飞了出來。 „Who you are, messenger who dares to look down upon our gods,” “你是什么人,竟敢瞧不起我们神的使者,” Guevara both eyes illumination, tries to see the Qin Chao depth. 格瓦拉双眼发光,试图看出秦朝的深浅。 Was only a pity, he how diligently, cannot see through. 只可惜,他怎么努力,也都看不穿。 This man is any strength, how such mysterious. 这个男人到底是什么力量,怎么这么的神秘。 You is a bird man, actually I did not know that” “你身为鸟人,竟然连我都不认识么,” The Qin Chao racket the clothes, said that everybody called me for the slaughter bird specialized household, Qin Chao,” 秦朝拍拍衣服,说道,“大家都称呼我为屠鸟专业户,秦朝,” Qin Chao...... Originally is you,” 秦朝……原來是你,” Guevara is shocked. 格瓦拉大为震惊。 The Qin Chao given name, in Roman Church, is illustrious in the heaven. 秦朝的大名,在罗马教会,在天堂都是赫赫有名的。 Many angels died in his hand, became his funerary object. 多少天使死在了他的手中,成为了他的殉葬品。 Any by the angel that he kills, the soul cannot be left over. 凡是被他杀死的天使,灵魂都剩不下。 This fellow, indeed has butcher's name. 这个家伙,的确有着屠夫的称呼。 Happen, I run into you, is your time of death,” “正好,我遇到你,就是你的死期,” Strength Angel Guevara said with clenched jaws that I must revenge for the brothers who my these died,” 力天使格瓦拉咬牙切齿地说道,“我要为我那些死去的兄弟报仇,” I said that I am the slaughter bird specialized household,” “我都说了,我是屠鸟专业户,” Qin Chao shrugs the shoulders, you came, is only the dead end,” 秦朝耸耸肩膀,“你來了,也只是死路一条而已,” Extremely arrogant, making me deliver you to go to hell,” “狂妄,让我送你下地狱吧,” He was saying, works on a Saint spear|gun, has been throwing to Qin Chao. 他说着,抓起一把圣枪,对着秦朝就投掷了过來。 But Qin Chao actually extends a hand, very at will the Saint spear|gun that comes rapidly, grasped in the hand. 秦朝却只是伸出一只手來,很随意地就把那急速而來的圣枪,抓在了手中。 Your angel such selects move, dares to trade one,” “你们天使就这么点招数么,敢不敢换一个,” Explodes,” “爆,” Guevara's corners of the mouth, actually appear the smiling face of prevailing. 格瓦拉的嘴角,却浮现起得逞的笑容。 Bang,” “轰,” Then, the Saint spear|gun in Qin Chao hand has the distortion, suddenly exploded one group of silver rays. 接着,秦朝手中的圣枪极具扭曲,眨眼之间炸成了一团银色的光芒。 The huge explosion that this starts, cage has the mist and dust, gave to tremble the entire classroom building. 这掀起的巨大爆炸,笼起烟尘來,把整个教学楼都给震颤了。 This is the god makes to the fate,” “这就是和神做对的下场,” Guevara said complacently. 格瓦拉得意洋洋地说道。 Then, he has turned the head, looks at Rosie to say. 接着,他转过头,望着罗茜说道。 Now, should solves your time,” “现在,该是解决你的时候了,” Saves my person not dead, how can be one's turn me,” “救我的人还沒死,怎么能轮到我呢,” Rosie correct use dagger, is processing the slender nail at this time carefully. 罗茜此时正用匕首,精心处理着自己修长的指甲。 Stupidity of Devil, incurable,” 恶魔的愚蠢,无可救药,” Guevara sneers, my Saint spear|gun, getting down how but can also survive, gives up your ignorant fantasy, the realistic bitterness is you are unable to imagine,” 格瓦拉冷笑一声,“中了我的圣枪,还怎么能够存活的下來,放弃你无知的幻想吧,现实的惨痛是你无法想象的,” This saying I also give to you,” “这话我也送给你吧,” Rosie satirized all says with a smile. 罗茜无不讽刺地笑道。 Stupid,” “愚蠢,” Guevara puts out a hand, is throwing the chains that the silver light forms together to Rosie. 格瓦拉伸出手來,对着罗茜就扔出一道银光形成的锁链來。 Works as,” “当,” But at this time, a white treasured sword dropped from the clouds, cut off that chains directly around the middle. 而就在这时候,一把白色的宝剑从天而降,直接把那锁链拦腰斩断。 Anything,” “什么,” Guevara was startled, you have the helper,” 格瓦拉吃了一惊,“难道你还有帮手,” Sorry, here temporarily I,” “抱歉,这里暂时就我一个人了,” Qin Chao claps, walked from that smog. 秦朝拍拍手,从那烟雾之中走了出來。 Anything,” “什么,” Guevara is shocked, looks at safe and sound Qin Chao, you, how you will be all right, nobody can prevent the Saint light the might, this is how possible,” 格瓦拉十分震惊,看着安然无恙的秦朝,“你,你怎么会沒事,沒人可以阻挡圣光的威力啊,这怎么可能,” Your this bird man, does not know the great strength of Dongfang (Eastern),” “你这鸟人,根本不知道东方的强大,” Qin Chao walked toward him slowly, western heaven well you do not need, to suffer to death to the Dongfang (Eastern) mainland, I help you,” 秦朝缓缓向他走了过去,“好好的西方天堂你不待,非要到东方大陆來受死,那我就成全你,” This Strength Angel is also the Golden Body five heavy strengths. 力天使也就是金身五重的力量。 One are Golden Body sevenfold, disparity very big. 自己乃是金身七重,差距非常的大。 To kill him, cannot use Nine Dragon Ring. 想杀他,连九龙环都用不上。 Hateful, extremely arrogant heathen, dies,” “可恶,狂妄的异教徒,去死吧,” Guevara waves, the space is crashing unceasingly the white cross, has shelled the past toward Qin Chao. 格瓦拉一挥手,天上不断坠落着白色的十字架,向着秦朝轰击了过去。 „,” “啪,” Qin Chao lifts the right hand, hit a sound to refer to casually, forcefully stops the cross that these crashed in the midair. 秦朝抬起右手來,随便打了个响指,就把那些坠落的十字架给强行停在了半空中。 This is...... Any strength......” “这是……什么力量……” Guevara was afraid finally. 格瓦拉终于害怕了。 This Qin Chao strength...... Is the strength of upper position angel. 秦朝的力量……已经是上位天使的力量了啊。 It is not good, oneself must go back, this news reporting heaven. 不行,自己一定要回去,把这个消息上报天堂。 Let stronger upper position angel cut to kill this heathen to be good. 让更强的上位天使來斩杀这个异教徒才行啊。 Thinks of here, a Guevara wing racket, must run away. 想到这里,格瓦拉翅膀一拍,就要逃走。 Hits runs, your angel did not have the illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy,” “打不过就跑吗,你们天使也太沒气结了,” Qin Chao shakes the head, then waves the arms about, Soul Binding Lock flew from the palm, the lightning is the same, suddenly twines on that Guevara's waist. 秦朝摇摇头,然后一甩手,囚魂锁从手掌中就飞了出來,闪电一样,眨眼之间就缠绕在那格瓦拉的腰上面。 Bang,” “砰,” Qin Chao is entraining Soul Binding Lock, pounded Guevara to the cement platform. 秦朝拽着囚魂锁,把格瓦拉砸向了水泥平台。 This cement platform pounds a big hole directly, was almost pounded to put on. 这水泥平台直接砸出一个大坑,差点就被砸穿。 If not good of Qin Chao control, it is estimated that this strength, can penetrate the entire building directly. 如果不是秦朝控制的好,估计这股力量,能直接穿透整座大楼。 What Guevara fallen is seven meat eight elements, at present a darkness. 格瓦拉被摔的是七荤八素,眼前一片漆黑。 Is Strength Angel, his first time such in an extremely difficult situation. 身为力天使,他还是第一次这么的狼狈不堪。 Hateful, this fellow, where braves. 可恶,这个家伙,到底是哪里冒出來的。 Dongfang (Eastern) Cultivation, exists. 东方修真界,真的存在吗。 This Guevara is also the new angel, he does not know very early beforehand East and West armistice agreement. 这格瓦拉也是新天使,他并不知道很早之前的东西方停战协议。 At that time was god of West is also ready to make trouble, one crowd of angels wanted to subdue the Dongfang (Eastern) mainland, making here person their followers. 当时也是西方的神界蠢蠢欲动,一群天使想要收服东方大陆,让这里的人都成为他们的信徒。 But, their roads of eastern expedition were prevented in the boundary of mainland. 但,他们的东征之路被阻挡在大陆的边界。 One crowd of Cultivator, with their magic arts, Magic Tool, have crushed the delusions of these angels easily. 一群修真者,用他们的法术,法器,轻而易举地粉碎了这些天使的妄想。 However the time passes was too long, majority of angel Samsara too multiple, has forgotten the past lesson. 不过时间过的太久了,大部分天使轮回太多次,已经忘记了当年的教训。 In their opinion, Dongfang (Eastern) these 1.3 billion population, if their followers, then their strength unprecedented great strength. 在他们看來,东方这1300000000人口,如果都是他们的信徒,那么他们的力量就会空前的强大。 You will be punished by the god,” “你会受到神的制裁的,” Guevara was also the angel of Cenozoic, in his eyes, the strength of god was strongest. 格瓦拉也是新生代的天使,在他眼中,神的力量才是最强的。 The messengers of own these gods, here, naturally are also invincible. 自己这些神的使者,在这里,自然也是战无不胜。 Although he body was controlled, but the mouth can also use, therefore, recited the note that Qin Chao could not be understanding unceasingly. 他虽然身体被控制住了,但嘴巴还能用,于是,不断吟唱着一种秦朝听不懂的音符。 Although does not know that he was singing any ghost thing, but Qin Chao actually knows that certainly was some large-scale magic. 虽然不知道他在唱什么鬼东西,但秦朝却知道一定是某种大型魔法。 Because, caused at that day about, was having the continuous bright element, gathered at the terror speed. 因为,在那天使的左右,正有源源不断的光明元素,以恐怖的速度汇聚过來。 With my soul, opens penalty evil front door,” “用我的灵魂,來开启惩罚邪恶的大门吧,” Guevara's both eyes, emit the fierce ray suddenly, god cuts, arrives,” 格瓦拉的双眼,忽然放出剧烈的光芒,“神裁,降临吧,” The students of Capital City university, may see today various marvelous matters. 京都大学的学生们,今天可算是见到各种奇妙的事情了。 First pursues dismissal of Li Na group. 首先是追求李娜团的解散。 Black and blue that once arrogant assistant regimental commander, repaired. 那曾经飞扬跋扈的正副团长,被人修理的鼻青脸肿。 It is said that finally is dingily slips out from the conference site. 据说,最后都是灰溜溜地从会场里溜出去的。 The karate society is also equal to dismissing. 还有空手道社也是等同于解散。 Head Xu Ming, facing a big new student, does not dare to put the fart, making the karate society face countenance throw into. 社长徐明,面对一个大一新生,连屁都不敢放,让空手道社颜面丢进。 In addition the members of society of entire karate society took down by the same big new student, significance that this Club again has not had. 加上整个空手道社的社员都被同一个大一新生放倒,这个社团也就沒有再存在的意义。 Remembers before then, in these students, can tell others, oneself are the member of society of karate society, is very glorious. 记得在此之前,这些学生里,能告诉别人,自己是空手道社的社员,都是非常荣耀的。 But now, nobody dares to propose these characters again, probably karate society has not existed from the start generally. 而现在,沒人再敢提这几个字,好像空手道社压根就不存在过一般。 These enough have caused a stir in the campus. 这些就已经够轰动校园的了。 Finally, many students in the setting sun in the western sky, one that has for the campus are shocked. 结果,好多学生在夕阳西下的时候,更是为校园里发生的一幕而震惊。 First was water tank in No. 5 building exploded, the spate has spread directly the roof, flowed downstairs right in the face. 首先是五号楼上的水塔爆炸了,大水直接蔓延过楼顶,劈头盖脸地流淌到了楼下。 At that time several student who took a walk in downstairs, was irrigated a drenched chicken directly. 当时几个在楼下走动的学生,直接被浇了个落汤鸡。 Also is late autumn, several freeze the cold, has had a fever. 又是深秋,好几个都冻感冒,还有甚者已经发烧。 This has not calculated that these No. 5 classroom building with being haunted to be the same, rumbling vibration. 这还不算完,这五号教学楼就跟闹鬼一样,轰轰震动不已。 Many people almost think that was earthquake. 好多人差点都以为是地震了。 To finally, is in sky emits the out of phase. 到了最后,更是天空之中冒出异相。 The original red sunset glow sky, covers depressing dark cloud now. 本來红色的晚霞天空,现在笼罩上了一层压抑的乌云。 In cloud layer of that tumbling, golden ray unceasing twinkle. 那翻滚的云层之中,金色的光芒不断的闪烁。 Then, in people surprised look, the golden ray, from the dark cloud thoroughly, then loudly fell on No. 5 classroom building roof together. 接着,在众人惊讶的眼神中,一道金色的光芒,从乌云中透了出來,然后轰然落在了五号教学楼楼顶上面。 I force a day, this is anything,” “我勒个天,这是什么,” 2012 must come really......” “难道2012真的要來了么……” Student of one crowd of not understanding the true situation, encircles downstairs No. 5. 一群不明真相的学生,围在五号楼下。 Trembling that several girl, even fear, has the boyfriend is hugging the boyfriend, does not have the boyfriend seizes the chance to be hugged. 好几个女生,甚至怕的瑟瑟发抖,有男友的就搂着男友,沒男友的就趁机被人搂。 Almost all students, are recording this moment with the cell phone. 几乎所有的学生,都在用手机记录着这一刻。 The day falls the phenomenon. 天降异象啊。 Bang,” “砰,” That classroom building, immediately by this light beam shooting through. 那一栋教学楼,顿时被这光柱给射穿。 Whistling......” “呼呼……” Is looking at that together Saint light, has passed through the entire building directly, that Guevara of dissipation soul, cannot be bearing smile gradually. 望着那一道圣光,直接贯穿了整个楼宇,那正在渐渐消散灵魂的格瓦拉,忍不住笑起來。 Ha Ha, ha...... This, this is god makes to the fate......” “哈哈,哈哈哈……这,这就是和神做对的下场……” But the light beam diverges finally, a form of man, actually stands in the opposite. 而光柱终于散去,一个男子的身影,却站在对面。 His body, binds one to brave the golden light guard shield. 他的身上,裹着一层冒着金光的护罩。 „The might of this infliction from god , compared with Ninety Nine Heavenly Calamity, is nothing to speak of simply,” “这种神罚的威力,和九九天威比起來,简直就是不值一提,” The Qin Chao words, Guevara cannot understand, moreover this Strength Angel, is dull is thoroughly silly. 秦朝的话,格瓦拉听不懂,而且这个力天使,已经是彻底呆傻了。 Including, could not kill you infliction from god...... You are Satan......” “连,连神罚都杀不了你……难道,难道你是撒旦……” Satan is any thing,” “撒旦算什么东西,” Qin Chao knows this male servant said is the Lord of hell, he came, I am also same do not pay attention,” 秦朝知道这厮说的就是地狱之主,“就算他來了,我也一样不放在眼里,” It is not about Golden Immortal time cultivation base, oneself present Nine Dragon Armor erupts, is the Loose Immortal time, in addition Luo Rumeng, puts together his, at is not the issue. 不就是金仙期左右的修为么,自己现在九龙铠爆发,也是散仙期,加上罗如梦,拼他一下,根本不是问題。 This, is the Qin Chao capital, 这,就是秦朝的资本,
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