MBT :: Volume #13

#1213: Grasps deceitfully in the carriage

Chapter 1213 grasps deceitfully in the car(riage) 第1213章抓奸在车 Guevara eyes winked winking, inside filled was not willingly. 格瓦拉眼睛眨了眨,里面充满了不甘心。 It is not willingly, indeed is not willingly...... 不甘心,的确是不甘心…… Has not been able to report the Qin Chao true strength to the heaven, he wanted the soul to dissipate...... 还沒能把秦朝的真正实力上报给天堂,他就已经要灵魂消散了…… This Qin Chao strength, seemingly compared with the upper position angel also formidable...... 秦朝的实力,貌似比上位天使还要强大…… Is it possible that he and Archangel, is a rank. 莫非,他和大天使长,是一个级别。 No, this impossible...... 哦,no,这不可能…… Archangel except for God most formidable existence, is the mythical characters of God personally creation. 大天使长是除了上帝最强大的存在,是上帝亲手创造的神话人物。 This Asian man, how possibly has the Archangel strength...... 这个亚洲男子,怎么可能有大天使长的力量…… He does not think clearly, does not have the opportunity to understand...... 他想不明白,也沒机会想明白…… Leaves his, only then died. 留给他的,只有死亡。 Moreover, is death that the soul cannot be aloof. 而且,是灵魂不可超脱的死亡。 This Strength Angel changes to Saint light, dissipates in the roof. 力天使化作点点圣光,消散在楼顶上。 Rosie relaxed finally, said to Qin Chao. 罗茜终于松了一口气,对秦朝说道。 Shouted, was too dangerous, had you, it is estimated that my this time died,” “呼,太悬了,要不是有你在,估计我这次就死定了,” How you annoyed them,” “你怎么惹上他们了,” Qin Chao puts out a hand, is drawing Rosie, passes through the space instantaneously. 秦朝伸出手,拉着罗茜,瞬间穿越空间。 Two person bodies dodge, presents again time, sits, in Qin Chao buys for Li Na that Audi a4. 两个人身体一闪,再次出现的时候,是坐在秦朝买给李娜的那辆奥迪a4里。 Here, temporarily is also peaceful and safe. 这里,暂时还算是安静又安全的。 „The place that the young handsome fellow, finds was getting more and more romantic,” “呀,小帅哥,找的地方越來越浪漫了嘛,” Rosie looked in this car(riage), smiled to Qin Chao, you want to play the car(riage) to shake,” 罗茜看了看这车里,对秦朝笑了笑,“难道你想玩车震么,” Little said uselessly, hurries to enter the subject,” “少说沒用的,赶紧进入正題,” Qin Chao knows, this Rosie most likes is chats idly. 秦朝知道,这罗茜最喜欢的就是聊闲。 Meets each time, must pull some useless things to mention to him listens. 每次见面,都要扯一些沒用的东西说來给他听。 Good good, you look at you, is always so anxious,” “好嘛好嘛,你看你,总是那么猴急,” Rosie kneels on the back seat, body sympathized in the bosom of Qin Chao, lay by his ear, aspirated such as said blue. 罗茜跪在后座上,身体贴到了秦朝的怀中,趴在他耳旁,吐气如兰地说道。 Thinks others really......” “真的那么想人家啊……” You look like do not fear death,” “你看來是一点都不怕死啊,” Qin Chao was hearing Rosie fragrance, puts out a hand, holds in the arms the outstanding buttocks of Rosie. 秦朝闻着罗茜身上的香味,伸出手來,搂住罗茜的翘臀。 Others do not fear death...... You let others excited dying quickly......” “人家不怕死呢……你快让人家兴奋的死掉吧……” The Rosie sound, as if a small hand, is cancelling the heart of Qin Chao. 罗茜的声音,仿佛一只小手,勾着秦朝的心。 Hurried to say the proper business,” “赶紧说正事吧,” Qin Chao has patted the outstanding buttocks of Rosie, making the elegant face of Rosie somewhat crimson. 秦朝拍了一下罗茜的翘臀,让罗茜的俏脸有些绯红。 Good, always that violence,” “好嘛,总是那么暴力呢,” She has turned wriggling the waist, said that this time, the matter was a little crisis, you know, who in the hell the strongest king was,” 她扭了扭腰,说道,“这一次,事情是有点危机了,你知道,地狱里最强的君王是谁么,” Lucifer, I am have heard probably,” 路西法吧,我好像是听说过一点,” Qin Chao after all in the hell has walked randomly the person, spoke. 秦朝毕竟是在地狱里游走过的人,说到。 Um, right, the Lucifer strength, almost and King of Hell is close, but in Heaven Realm Archangel, there is such powerful one to exist, is Michael,” “嗯,沒错,路西法的实力,几乎和地狱之王接近,而在天界大天使长中,也有这么强悍的一个存在,就是米迦勒,” Two strongest Archangel,” “两个最强的大天使长么,” Qin Chao has estimated at heart, it seems like that the Archangel strength is not completely same, is irregular. 秦朝心里估算了一下,看來大天使长的实力并不是完全一样的,也是参差不齐。 Strongest two, strength close Golden Immortal. 最强的两个,实力接近金仙么。 Their God, should be any rank. 那他们的上帝,应该是个什么级别。 In any case, should be present cannot cope. 反正,应该是现在的自己对付不了的。 Um, is they,” “嗯,就是他们两个,” Rosie continues saying that „, because these two people are unique existences, moreover two people hate mutually, therefore, before is very early, they unceasing battle, finally, the strengths of two people mutually spelled to hit, have caused space storm, this space storm, almost gave the destruction Earth, therefore, God has to get rid, gave the seal two people, therefore, had in a legend, cursed picture......” 罗茜继续说道,“因为这两个人都是独特的存在,而且两个人互相憎恨,所以,在很早之前,他们双方就不断的交战,终于有一天,两个人的力量互相拼撞,引起了一场空间风暴,这场空间风暴,差点把地球给毁灭,所以,上帝不得不出手,把两个人给封印,于是,就有了一副传说之中,被诅咒的画……” Black and White Paradise,” 黑白天堂,” Qin Chao immediately one startled, originally that Black and White Paradise, such comes. 秦朝顿时一惊,原來那黑白天堂,是这么來的么。 Um...... It can be said that this picture, turns on the key of revelation front door,” “嗯……可以说,这幅画,就是开启天启大门的钥匙,” Rosie nods, „these bird men in heaven, want to release Lucifer and Michael, opens the revelation the front door,” 罗茜点点头,“天堂的那些鸟人,想释放路西法米迦勒,重新打开天启的大门,” Damn, this group of lunatics,” 我勒个草,这帮疯子,” Qin Chao understood immediately, Rosie so will be no wonder anxious this picture. 秦朝顿时明白了,难怪罗茜会这么紧张这幅画。 Your Devil, why must prevent,” “那你们恶魔,为啥要阻止,” Is King of Hell, does not want to release Lucifer,” “是地狱之王,不想释放路西法,” Rosie said with a smile, „, if the Lucifer retrieval freedom, could not do well to challenge King of Hell, became the master of new hell, Pride he, this matter, was coming out that made,” 罗茜笑道,“如果路西法重获自由,搞不好要挑战地狱之王,成为新的地狱的主人,傲慢的他,这种事情,是做的出來的,” So that's how it is......” “原來如此……” Qin Chao nods , the hell is one crowd not cannot benefit the early fellow. 秦朝点点头,果然,地狱都是一群无利不起早的家伙。 „, This time, heaven that group of bird men, draw to that” “那么,这一次,天堂那群鸟人,都是冲着那幅画去的了,” Um......” “嗯……” Rosie somewhat worries said that was a pity the bird man inborn Saint light, restrains our these Devil, we want to destroy their plans, perhaps is difficult,” 罗茜有些担忧地说道,“可惜鸟人天生的圣光,就克制我们这些恶魔,我们想破坏他们的计划,恐怕是难上加难,” Um, this matter, I will try to find the solution......” “嗯,这件事,我会想办法的……” Qin Chao naturally cannot let any nonsense revelation opening. 秦朝自然不会让什么狗屁天启开启。 That was good...... Um, when I owe you a favour......” “那太好了……嗯,当我欠你一个人情吧……” Rosie was saying, the coquettish look such as silk looks at Qin Chao, does not know that the Qin high official person, wants to go to anything from Little Girl here,” 罗茜说着,媚眼如丝地看着秦朝,“就是不知道秦大官人,想从小女子这里要去什么呢,” You guess that” “你猜呢,” Qin Chao smiles. 秦朝嘿嘿一笑。 hateful, others know that your most color, lived compared with our these in the person of hell also wants the color......” 讨厌,人家就知道,你这人最色了,比我们这些住在地狱的人还要色……” Rosie smiles one tenderly, her both hands push suddenly, overthrows Qin Chao on the back seat of passenger vehicle, then both hands separate, press by the body of Qin Chao. 罗茜娇笑一声,她忽然双手一推,把秦朝推倒在轿车的后座上,然后双手分开,压在秦朝的身体两侧。 Meanwhile, an attractive big eye, unceasing sizing up on Qin Chao. 同时,一双漂亮的大眼睛,在秦朝身上不断的打量。 „, You did not fear, after you moved me, your beautiful pretty little girls, act difficult with you,” “难道,你就不怕,你动了我之后,你的那些美娇娘们,和你闹别扭么,” How can, they very be open,” “怎么会呢,她们都挺开放的,” Qin Chao smiles, a pair of hand walks randomly on Rosie very much dishonestly. 秦朝嘿嘿一笑,一双手很不老实地在罗茜身上游走。 Said again that they do not know now we are making anything......” “再说,她们现在又不知道我们在做什么……” You determined that” “你确定么,” Naturally......” “当然了……” The Qin Chao color center is big, naturally with enough time could not have attended to other matters. 秦朝色心大起,自然也沒來得及顾得上其他的事。 But at this time, the glass of vehicle suddenly was sounded. 而就在这时候,车子的玻璃忽然被人敲响。 Qin Chao is startled immediately. 秦朝顿时一惊。 My goodness, Rosie this girl, shielded him outside the feeling unexpectedly to car(riage). 好家伙,罗茜这丫头,竟然屏蔽掉了他对车外的感觉。 Although this female Devil strength bad are too many, but some exquisite skills, are actually very unique. 虽然这女恶魔的力量差的太多,但有一些小巧的本事,却是很独特的。 Qin Chao sits to look, Wang Yuan that young miss, is standing outside the car(riage) furiously. 秦朝坐起來一看,王鸳那个小姑娘,正气哼哼地站在车外。 Damn, how is this girl. 我勒个草,怎么是这丫头。 Wang Yuan thought that today is very strange. 王鸳觉得今天真的很奇怪。 Presented one by the person who oneself are mistaken, defeated Dong Lingyu did not say. 出现了一个让自己看走眼的人,把董凌宇打败了不说。 The sky of school, but also presents together the light beam bewilderedly, gave to puncture the classroom building unexpectedly. 学校的上空,还莫名其妙出现一道光柱,竟然把教学楼都给打穿了。 The view of school is, the school has encountered unprecedented being struck by lightning. 学校的说法是,学校遭到了前所未有的雷劈。 Majority of schoolmates, has believed this view. 大部分同学,也都相信了这个说法。 The thunder and lightning gathers, can indeed form a dazzling ray. 雷电聚集在一起,的确能形成一道耀眼的光芒。 Also some people on the quiet said in secret that which person misdemeanor possibly was does, this thunder divided his. 私底下也有人悄悄说,可能是哪个人坏事做多了,这雷是劈他的。 However at that time in that classroom building and nobody, this is lucky. 不过当时那栋教学楼里并沒有人,这是万幸的。 Otherwise, if divided person, the school should become famous. 否则,要是劈死了人,学校又该出名了。 Also wants they to chat a meeting with Li Na Lin Yushi, but the matter of company has not finished, she must continue the running bank to draw the fund to be good. 本來还想和李娜林雨诗她们多聊一会,但公司的事情还沒忙完,她还要继续跑银行拉资金才行。 Finally, in the parking lot takes car(riage), makes her see extremely indignant one. 结果,在停车场里取车的时候,又让她看到了极其气愤的一幕。 Qin Chao that fellow, unexpectedly in he buys for the Li Na car(riage), flirts with the woman who another monster flatters. 秦朝那个家伙,竟然在他买给李娜的车里,和另一个妖媚的女人调情。 Hateful, oneself also think that he is any good person, originally is also this appearance. 可恶,自己还以为他是什么好人,原來也是这个样子。 Did not have a school, makes this type matter that doing a disservice to Li Na. 还沒出学校呢,就做这种对不起李娜的事情。 Is Li Na Senior Sister, how her Wang Yuan can bear. 身为李娜学姐,她王鸳怎么能忍得了。 Must teach him well, making him know that the woman is not good to bully. 一定要好好教训他,让他知道女人不是好欺负的。 Comes out, comes out quickly,” “出來,快出來,” Wang Yuan knocks the glass, while said. 王鸳一边敲玻璃,一边说道。 Then ended, has annoyed the evil star,” “这下完了,惹了煞星了,” Qin Chao has no alternative, sits to open vehicle door. 秦朝无可奈何,坐起來推开车门。 He walked from the car(riage), looks at opposite Wang Yuan. 他从车里走了出來,看着对面的王鸳 But Wang Yuan is simple, flies directly a foot, with her high-heeled shoes, kicks to the lower abdomen of Qin Chao. 王鸳非常干脆,直接飞起一脚,用她那高跟鞋,踢向秦朝的小腹。 Fuck, ruthless person. 卧槽,狠人啊。 Rivers and lakes woman. 江湖女侠。 But how Qin Chao possibly was kicked, he puts out a hand such to copy, copied the calf of Wang Yuan in the hand. 秦朝又怎么可能被踢中,他伸出手这么一抄,就把王鸳的小腿抄在了手里。 Beauty, any matter must move the foot, if kicked to me badly, you may unable to compensate,” 美女,什么事情还要动脚啊,万一给我踢坏了,你可赔偿不起啊,” This foot may probably kick the words, the lifeblood of man discarded. 这一脚可要踢中的话,男人的命根就报废了。 Naturally, the premise opposite party is in the situation of ordinary man. 当然,前提对方是个普通男人的情况下。 Kicks you not to be a pity,” “踢死你都不可惜,” The Wang Yuan anger said that you, you loosen my leg,” 王鸳怒道,“你,你松开我的腿,” She felt that own calf was caught in the pincers to be the same by the pincers, hates to clench jaws. 她感觉自己小腿被铁钳钳住一样,恨得咬牙切齿。 Then thinks that this man skill, Dong Lingyu was not a match, how she can kick. 这才想起來,这男人身手了得,连董凌宇都不是对手,她又怎么能踢得中呢。 Loosens, you ensure does not kick,” “松开可以,你保证不踢了,” Qin Chao said. 秦朝说道。 Good, I guaranteed,” “好,我保证,” Wang Yuan nods. 王鸳点头。 Qin Chao then loosened the calf of Wang Yuan. 秦朝这才松开了王鸳的小腿。 Li Na,” 李娜,” After Wang Yuan puts down, suddenly finger of Qin Chao behind. 王鸳放下之后,忽然一指秦朝身后。 When Qin Chao turns the head, she is a foot kicks. 秦朝转头的时候,她又是一脚踢來。 Forever do not believe woman's guarantee,” “永远别相信女人的保证,” The Wang Yuan mouth said. 王鸳嘴里说道。 But this time, Qin Chao rapidly was turning around, has taken up the calf of Wang Yuan once more. 而就在这时候,秦朝非常迅速地转身,再次抄起了王鸳的小腿。 Wang Yuan has a dream has not thought how Qin Chao possibly responded is so quick. 王鸳做梦都沒想到,秦朝怎么可能反应那么快的。 Moreover, this copies accurate also that. 而且,这一抄还那么的精准。 You, you loosen me,” “你,你松开我,” Wang Yuan goes all out to struggle, but cannot work loose. 王鸳拼命挣扎,但就是挣脱不开。 Her where has that big strength. 她哪有那么大的力气啊。 Did not loosen, loosens you to pull up has kicked,” “不松开,松开你又该撩蹶子了,” I am not the donkey,” “我又不是驴,” The Wang Yuan anger said. 王鸳怒道。 You compare the donkey also to kick the person,” “你比驴还会踢人,” Qin Chao said leisurely. 秦朝慢悠悠地说道。 Hateful, I do not kick am not good,” “可恶,我不踢了还不行么,” No, I listened to some people saying that forever do not believe woman's guarantee,” “no,我听有人说过,永远别相信女人的保证,” Qin Chao smiles. 秦朝嘿嘿一笑。 Wang Yuan air/Qi must die, does not have to think one have eaten owing of oneself words. 王鸳气的要死,沒想到自己吃了自己话的亏。 This may swell entire. 这可肿么整啊。 She cannot work loose, makes him such grab own calf helplessly. 她又挣脱不开,难道眼睁睁的让他就这么一直抓着自己的小腿啊。 This does not take own advantage. 这不是占自己的便宜吗。 You go off track, I can kick you,” “你要不是出轨,我能踢你吗,” Wang Yuan gets angry. 王鸳嗔怒。 I go off track, where I have gone off track,” “我出轨,我哪里出轨了,” Qin Chao continues to say leisurely. 秦朝继续慢悠悠地说道。 You also quibbled, who the woman in car(riage) was,” “你还狡辩,车里的女人是谁,” Wang Yuan puts out a hand toward the car(riage) in a finger. 王鸳伸手往车里一指。 In car(riage), in car(riage) besides me, some where also people,” “车里,车里除了我,哪里还有人,” Qin Chao smiles. 秦朝笑起來。 Opens eyes to talk nonsense, that is not......” “睁着眼说瞎话,那不就是……” Wang Yuan turns the head to look that immediately is dumbfounded. 王鸳转头一看,顿时目瞪口呆。 In the car(riage) that charming woman, vanished into thin air at this time unexpectedly. 车里本來那个娇媚的女人,此时竟然不翼而飞。 Although she with Qin Chao in noisy, but is actually not the dementia. 她虽然和秦朝在闹,但却不是痴呆。 If some people leave the vehicle, she definitely will know. 如果有人离开车子的话,她一定会知道的。 That woman but who, just saw, hides in her eye underground, vanished into thin air. 可是,刚刚看到的那个女人,就在她的眼皮子地下,不翼而飞了。 This, this is, damn. 这,这难道是,见鬼了吗。 She looks at Qin Chao, in the eye has written all over surprisedly, 她看着秦朝,眼睛里写满了惊奇,
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