MBT :: Volume #13

#1211: Revelation

Chapter 1211 revelation 第1211章天启 One group of people threw, eyes covetously one by one, wants to take down quickly then Qin Chao. 一群人扑了上去,各个虎视眈眈,想要把秦朝放倒而后快。 But Qin Chao actually still smokes, corners of the mouth are hanging the light smiling face. 秦朝却依然抽着烟,嘴角挂着淡淡的笑容。 Quick, in this arena puts on the person of white color clothing/taking. 很快,这擂台上就都是穿着白色道服的人。 Has the fist, has to kick the foot. 有出拳的,有踢脚的。 But Qin Chao actually instantaneously gets rid, his gearing has not moved, but stands there, only uses a hand, rushing to these members of society before body gives to hit to fly. 秦朝却瞬间出手,他连动都沒动,只是站在那里,只用一只手,就把冲到身前的那些社员一个个都给打飞。 Everybody gawked. 大家都愣了。 With looking at movie. 就跟看电影似的。 This, this is the genuine master. 这,这才是真正的高手吗。 These many people, these many pair of fists and feet, unexpectedly how a man. 这么多人,这么多双拳头和脚,竟然奈何不了一个男人。 He looks like novel master in extremely, the ordinary person cannot approach him. 他就像是小说中的绝顶高手,平常的人根本靠近不了他。 This fellow...... Such aggressive......” “这家伙……这么生猛……” Wang Yuan saw that the eye was straight. 王鸳看到眼睛都直了。 Her eye transferred the revolutions suddenly, does not know that has thought of anything. 她眼睛突然转了转,不知道想到了什么。 Lin Yushi is actually not surprised, she knows the Qin Chao skill. 林雨诗倒是并不惊奇,她是知道秦朝的本事的。 Such several people, where can be his match. 这么几个人,哪里会是他的对手呢。 „, Your big brother Qin so was strong,” “哇,原來你秦大哥这么强呀,” Shang Luo is still excited, „a person can hit these many, was too fierce,” 商洛却兀自兴奋起來,“一个人能打这么多个,太厉害了,” Naturally fierce......” “当然厉害啦……” Li Na looked at own best friend one, the heart said that you also owed him a kiss, but must I come for you. 李娜看了自己的闺蜜一眼,心说你还欠他一个吻呢,还得我來替你还。 Really cool, is not good, you must make him teach me,” “真酷,不行,你得让他教教我,” Shang Luo holds the hand of Li Na to shout. 商洛拉着李娜的手嚷道。 This, this I may say does not calculate......” “这,这我可说了不算……” Li Na shakes the head again and again. 李娜连连摇头。 Said again, you is a girl, matter study anything that kills, is really,” “再说了,你是女孩子,打打杀杀的事情学什么,真是的,” Cool, your this obedient female does not understand,” “多酷呀,你这个乖乖女不懂啦,” Shang Luo turns the head to look in the Qin Chao eye, has filled the small star. 商洛转头看着秦朝的眼中,又充满了小星星。 The complexion is ugliest, must be Xu Ming. 脸色最难看的,就要属徐明了。 His face previous currently, various colors have. 他脸上现在,各种颜色都有。 Nearby female member of society, is surprised bad that bites one's tongue, looks at Qin Chao, the eyeball must fly. 旁边的女社员,也是惊讶的差的那咬舌头,看着秦朝,眼珠子都要飞了出來。 This fellow is so strong. 这家伙这么强。 These many students, were used a hand levelling by him. 这么多学员,都被他用一只手给摆平了。 Excuse me, has not opened such hangs, including the foot has not moved. 拜托,沒有这么开挂的吧,连脚都沒动一下。 President Xu Da, your member of society left the stage,” “徐大社长啊,你的社员可是都已经退场了,” Lin Yushi has referred to one side intent said that your this big head, should get rid to teach others one,” 林雨诗在一旁意有所指地说道,“你这位大社长,是不是该出手教训人家一下呢,” I, I do not get rid easily,” “我,我轻易是不出手的,” The leg of Xu Ming a little becomes tender, stands under the arena, is supporting the one breath, said that my master has said that my Fist Arts is extremely flagitious, with words that the person contends in martial arts, will not do well will hit the person remnantly, therefore, I will decide not to get rid,” 徐明的腿有点发软,站在擂台下,强撑着一口气,说道,“我师父说过,我的拳法太过凶残,和人比武的话,弄不好会把人打残,所以,我决定不出手,” Under the stage sobbed a piece. 台下唏嘘一片。 This fellow, to really will also look for the stair. 这家伙,到还真会找台阶啊。 All right, I did not fear that you hit to be remnant I,” “沒事,我不怕,你來打残我吧,” Qin Chao stands on the stage, colludes to the Xu Ming check. 秦朝站在台上,对徐明勾勾手。 The Xu Ming heart jumps crazily. 徐明心狂跳一下。 Fuck, I came up, the disabled estimate was his mother's I. 卧槽,我上去了,残废的估计就是他娘的我了。 Therefore, kills does not come up. 所以,打死也不上去。 No, person who I have Wu De, I will not leave to offend somebody absolutely,” “不,我是有着武德的人,我绝对不会出伤人的,” Xu Ming was thoroughly insensitive, stood said in that. 徐明是彻底厚脸皮了,站在那说道。 Ok, does not come up I not to demand,” “算了,不上來我也不强求,” Qin Chao stands in that points is sitting in ground Wei Xiaolong and Dong Lingyu said that you, lost, according to the agreement, this any Li Na Pursuer Society, must dismiss to me, if has not dismissed, after that do not blame me not being impolite,” 秦朝站在那,指着坐在地上的韦晓龙董凌宇说道,“你们两个人,已经输了,按照约定,这个什么李娜追求团,就要给我解散,如果沒解散的话,那以后,就别怪我不客气了,” Qin Chao said that walked toward Li Na. 秦朝说完,向着李娜走了过去。 He held the hand of Li Na once more, but this time, actually nobody dares to say anything again. 他再次牵起了李娜的手,但这一次,却沒人敢再说什么。 His Skill/KungFu is good,” “他功夫不错,” Huang Ping looks from afar, said that disciple of which ancient Wu aristocratic family possibly is, if has annoyed him, will unable to do well to annoy his back family to come,” 黄平远远地看着,说道,“可能是哪个古武世家的弟子,如果惹了他,搞不好会惹出他背后的家族來,” Huang Shao consider is detailed,” “黄少考虑的就是详细,” Ma Ruohang flatters hastily, that we did not get rid to him like this,” 马若航连忙拍着马屁,“那这样我们就不对他出手了么,” That how,” “那怎么可以,” Huang Ping curls the lip, „the young ancient Wu aristocratic family, already was actually panting, I do not want to annoy, does not want to put to trouble to Huang Family, but Li Na, I will be will not emit the palm absolutely, therefore, this person, finally, I must move, but, must have a method, moving,” 黄平撇撇嘴,“小小的古武世家而已,其实早就已经过气了,我不想惹,是不想给黄家多添麻烦,但李娜,我是绝对不会放出掌心的,所以,这个人,最终,我还是要动,只不过,要有一个方法,神不知鬼不觉的动,” Young master is wise,” “少爷英明,” Was good, you have little flattered , to continue to give me to follow side Shang Luo, that Art Faculty department is colored, I must take sooner or later,” “好了,你少拍马屁了,继续给我跟在商洛身边,那个艺术系的系花,我早晚也是要拿下的,” Knew, Young master, you felt relieved that” “知道了,少爷,您就放心吧,” Ma Ruohang should say again and again. 马若航连连应道。 Is very good,” “很好,” Two people such in corner, are gazing at Qin Chao and Li Na. 两个人就这么在角落里,注视着秦朝李娜 Meanwhile, above a roof of Capital City. 与此同时,在京都的一个楼顶之上。 Ugly Devil, this time you cannot escape from my palm,” “丑陋的恶魔,这一次你逃不出我的掌心,” Saint spear|gun that a white light forms, emerges out of thin air suddenly, then falls on the street. 一道白光形成的圣枪,突然凭空出现,然后落在街道上面。 Immediately, all on street, are given the impact by the white light that this Saint spear|gun blasts out is damaged. 顿时,街道上的一切,被这圣枪炸开的白光给冲击的破碎不堪。 Several automobiles were raised directly, several pedestrians change to the flesh and blood. 好几辆汽车直接被掀起,几个行人化作血肉。 The street, was exploded a giant gulf. 就连街道,都被炸出一个巨大的深坑來。 Suddenly, this flake street, became the ruins. 一时间,这一小片街道,成为了废墟。 Is injured innumerably, frightened pedestrian goes all around, shrieks and howls wildly. 无数受伤的,受惊的行人四处奔走,鬼哭狼嚎。 Your this bird man, but when must pursue,” “你这鸟人,还要追到什么时候,” On the roof in upper air, a form of female bound the black smoke to fall. 在高空的楼顶上面,一个女子的身影裹着黑烟落了下來。 On her pretty face is somewhat anxious, stares at the opposite that racket a man of white wing to say. 她俏丽的脸庞上有些忧虑,盯着对面的那拍着一对白色翅膀的男子说道。 He He, your this Devil, is god I of messenger, how can also make your this ugly thing walk in the ground, gives me, get lost the hell to go,” “呵呵,你这恶魔,身为神的使者的我,又怎么能让你这丑陋的东西在地面上行走,给我,滚回地狱去吧,” Saying, him was stretching out the palm, the palm grips a Saint spear|gun, was losing to that female Devil. 说着,他伸出手掌,掌心又攥起一把圣枪,对着那女恶魔就丢了过去。 The body of female Devil changes to black smoke to dissipate immediately, whatever that Saint spear|gun penetrated the past from the middle. 恶魔的身体顿时化作黑烟消散,任凭那圣枪从中间穿透过去。 Bang,” “砰,” That Saint spear|gun punctures the roof, finally enters in an opposite office building. 那圣枪刺破楼顶,最后窜进对面的一座办公楼里面。 In the entire office, white light glitters, the people who inside works were attacked the mince meat by the Saint light. 整个一层办公室里,白光闪烁,里面工作的人都被圣光冲击成了肉末。 cough cough......” 咳咳……” The female Devil form condenses in one side, but as if this together attacks, has not hidden completely. 恶魔的身影在一旁重新凝聚,但似乎这一道攻击,并沒有完全躲过去。 She hugs is bringing the arm of blood, coughs two, then satirized all said to that day airborne angel. 她抱着带着鲜血的胳膊,咳嗽两声,然后无不讽刺地对那天空中的天使说道。 „Compared with us, you are more like the butchers,” “和我们比起來,你们更像是屠夫,” These do not have humanity of belief, but is the meat insect,” “这些沒有信仰的人类,只不过是肉虫而已,” On that day made the float in airborne, has not confessed for own slaughtering slightly. 那天使漂浮在空中,丝毫沒为自己的大开杀戒而忏悔。 I deliver them to go to hell, is the decree of god,” “我送他们下地狱,也是神的旨意,” God, really where I do not know your gods, if he, will certainly feel to be shamed for your behavior,” “神,我真不知道你们的神在哪里,如果他在的话,一定会为你的行为而感到蒙羞,” Female Devil curls the lip. 恶魔撇撇嘴。 Rosy Dessy, you said that anything was also useless,” 罗斯伊德茜,你说什么也沒用了,” The angel flaps the wings, said that my Strength Angel Guevara, must go back your this female Devil belt today, had you, perhaps King of Hell also has to come out to chat with us, when the time comes, the angel Devil cooperation, opens the revelation, this world, once more will return is gentle and calm, ha,” 天使拍着翅膀,说道,“我力天使格瓦拉,今天一定要把你这女恶魔带回去,有了你,地狱之王恐怕也不得不出來和我们谈谈了吧,到时候,天使恶魔合作,重新打开天启,这个世界,就会再次回归平和与平静,哈哈哈,” You were insane,” “你们疯了,” Rosie is nipping the silver tooth, actually is also thinking and we cooperate,” 罗茜咬着银牙,“竟然还想着和我们合作,” Enemy who Devil and angel, do not refuse stubbornly to extinguish from the beginning. 恶魔和天使,从一开始就是不死不灭的对头。 In this world did not have so-called Devil, creates at the beginning of the world, only then the angel takes care in the side of God. 本來这个世界上沒有所谓的恶魔,创世之初,也只有天使服侍在上帝的身边。 Afterward, God was partial to humanity that he created, this has caused Archangel Lucifer Envy. 后來,上帝更加偏爱他创造出的人类,这引起了大天使长路西法嫉妒 His strength is very formidable, finally his Envy, making him be enticed by Satan, thorough degeneration, became fallen angel Lucifer. 他的力量是很强大的,最终他的嫉妒,让他被撒旦诱惑,彻底的堕落,成为了堕落天使路西法 Also he, the soul pollution of humanity, finally becomes ugly Devil. 也正是他,才把人类的灵魂污染,最后成为丑陋的恶魔 He must make God have a look, humanity is ugly, how fearful. 他要让上帝看看,人类丑陋起來,是多么的可怕。 Humanity does not have words, the enemy of enemy, is a friend,” “人类不是有句话么,敌人的敌人,就是朋友,” Guevara he he smiles, to open revelation, even if cooperates with your ugly Devil, clenched teeth also to recognize,” 格瓦拉呵呵一笑,“为了打开天启,即使和你们这些丑陋的恶魔合作一下,咬咬牙也就认了,” Bah,” “呸,” Rosie also scolded, „your bird men, when our Devil was disorderly, opened the revelation, after extinguishing humanity, next was destroyed, is our these Devil,” 罗茜又骂道,“你们这些鸟人,当我们恶魔沒头脑么,开启天启,灭了人类之后,下一个被毁灭的,就会是我们这些恶魔,” He He, your this small Devil is not it seems like silly, was only a pity that you think anything was useless, nobody can defy the decree of god,” “呵呵,看來你这小恶魔还不傻,只可惜,你想什么都沒用了,沒人能违抗神的旨意,” Guevara was saying, in the hand condenses the Saint spear|gun, today, you must fall in my Guevara's hand,” 格瓦拉说着,手里又凝聚出圣枪,“今天,你就要落在我格瓦拉的手里,” I lead you to bring death,” “那我就带你去送死吧,” The Rosie look moves suddenly, body changes to the black smoke, speeds away. 罗茜忽然神色一动,身体又化作黑烟,一路疾驰。 Guevara takes back the Saint spear|gun, flaps the wings. 格瓦拉收回圣枪,拍着翅膀。 You run away not far, this is only you revolts dauntlessly,” “你逃不远的,这只是你无畏的反抗而已,” His flying speed is extremely fast, closely pursues in Rosie. 他飞行速度极快,紧紧追在罗茜的身后。 Rosie uses the strength of whole body, unceasing escape. 罗茜使出全身的力气,不断的逃命。 Sky over the Capital City city, has the black smoke that such together almost the naked eye cannot see clearly, fast speeding along. 京都市上空,就有这么一道几乎肉眼看不清的黑烟,快速的飞驰。 Quick, this black smoke has flown the suburb position, then turns toward a huge school to close up. 很快,这黑烟就飞到了郊区的位置,然后向着一所庞大的学府靠拢。 Here scenery is actually good,” “这里的风景倒是不错,” Guevara laughs, wants to kill you really here, is only a pity your dirty soul, value of use,” 格瓦拉哈哈大笑,“真想把你射杀在这里,只可惜你那肮脏的灵魂,还有利用的价值,” Yes,” “是么,” Rosie stopped suddenly, falls a roof in classroom building, then cold is gazing at that Guevara. 罗茜突然停了下來,落在一座教学楼的楼顶,然后冷冷地注视着那格瓦拉。 Gave up escaping,” “已经放弃逃命了吗,” Guevara pats flaps the wings, fell. 格瓦拉拍拍翅膀,也落了下來。 It seems like, you knew you and my disparity finally,” “看來,你终于知道了你和我的差距了,” No, was your time of death arrived,” “不,是你的死期已经到了,” Rosie muttered said. 罗茜喃喃说道。 Ha Ha, your Devil is very humorous,” “哈哈,你们恶魔还真挺幽默,” Guevara cannot bear laugh, in the hand condenses the Saint spear|gun, „the words that you surrender obediently, can actually some pain,” 格瓦拉忍不住哈哈大笑,手里凝聚出圣枪,“你乖乖投降的话,倒是还能少些痛苦,” Oh, how you cannot understand......” “唉,你怎么就听不懂呢……” Rosie sighed, I said that your time of death arrived,” 罗茜叹了口气,“我说你的死期到了,” Messenger who who can kill our these gods,” “谁能杀死我们这些神的使者,” Guevara said proudly, particularly I, Strength Angel Guevara,” 格瓦拉傲然地说道,“尤其是我,力天使格瓦拉,” Trivial bird man, dares to go into the Dongfang (Eastern) place to talk big,” “区区鸟人,也敢跑到东方的地头上说大话,” At this time, a light sound, resounded in Guevara's ear. 就在这时候,一个淡淡的声音,在格瓦拉的耳边响起。 On that day caused to be startled, the heart said that some people came, how he can not discover. 那天使吃了一惊,心说有人來,他怎么会沒发现。 He turns the head, only sees a gigantic fist. 他一转头,只看到一只硕大的拳头。 Bang,” “砰,” The body of this Strength Angel, is hitting the screw directly, has hit, hits in nearby water tank. 力天使的身体,直接打着螺旋,撞了出去,撞到一旁的水塔之中。 Immediately, that water tank blasts out, inside water unceasing flows. 顿时,那水塔炸开,里面的水不断的流淌出來。 Qin Chao, you came finally......” 秦朝,你终于來了……” Sees this man of fist, Rosie may calculate to relax. 看到这个出拳的男子,罗茜可算松了一口气。 My small Devil, how you bring such a pleasant surprise to me,” “我的小恶魔,你怎么给我带來这么个惊喜,” Qin Chao looked that did not look that was hit angel one that flies, but to Rosie, has been revealing a forced smile, 秦朝看也不看那被打飞的天使一眼,而是对着罗茜,露出了一个苦笑,
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