MBT :: Volume #13

#1210: Rally togethering to attack

Chapter 1210 rally togethers to attack 第1210章群起而攻之 Xu Ming does not know where the self-confidence of this woman came from. 徐明不知道这女人的自信來自哪里。 But he actually knows that Wei Xiaolong will definitely not lose. 但他却知道,韦晓龙肯定不会输。 You wait to cry,” “你们就等着哭吧,” He has put down ruthless words maliciously. 他狠狠地放下了狠话。 Good, when the time comes looked that who will cry,” “好,到时候看谁会哭,” Lin Yushi is that self-confident. 林雨诗还是那么自信。 Li Na is also so, only then Wang Yuan and Shang Luo, anxious look on the stage. 李娜也是如此,只有王鸳商洛,才充满担忧地看着台上。 Sees not to have, under the stage is my Club brothers,” “看到沒有,台下都是我社团的兄弟,” Wei Xiaolong has referred to arena following karate Club these people, today, before them, in front of Li Na, I, Wei Xiaolong, must defeat you,” 韦晓龙指了指擂台下面空手道社团的这些人,“今天,在他们面前,在李娜面前,我,韦晓龙,要打败你,” „,” “哦,” Qin Chao has complied with one lightly, then pulls out the smoke, lit one very much satisfied. 秦朝淡淡地应了一声,然后掏出烟來,很惬意地就点燃了一根。 „......” “……” Wei Xiaolong is somewhat speechless, this Qin Chao seemingly has not paid attention to be the same him. 韦晓龙有些无语,这秦朝貌似沒把他放在眼里一样。 Karate anything is the child plays,” “空手道什么的都是小孩子玩的,” Dong Lingyu pinches own fist, the joint makes ka ka the sound, today makes you taste, fierce of my kick boxing,” 董凌宇捏捏自己的拳头,关节发出咔咔的声音,“今天让你尝尝,我散打的厉害,” Is the karate is fierce,” “是空手道厉害,” Kick boxing is fierce,” “散打厉害,” Damn, your he has no alternative but with father jiang,” “操,你他吗就不能不跟老子犟,” You, or is convinced, we hit one first,” “你要不服气,咱俩先打一场,” Two people were saying was saying starts to fight. 两个人说着说着就开始掐架。 Qin Chao penetrates the smog, looks at two people, suddenly thought. 秦朝透过烟雾,看着两个人,忽然觉得。 They, is a pair of good base friend. 他们两个,才是一对好基友啊。 I believe that if you are pursue Li Na to be fruitless, might as well because of together be good,” “我个人认为,你们两个如果是追求李娜无果的话,不如就在一起好了,” Qin Chao said that lets Wei Xiaolong and Dong Lingyu immediately Wrath. 秦朝说了一句,让韦晓龙董凌宇顿时愤怒 You said anything,” “你说什么,” Your boy is any meaning,” “你小子是什么意思,” I meant that you are very hopeful,” “我是说,你俩还是很有希望的,” Qin Chao smokes, while said leisurely that „, hitting is the sentiment, scolding is the love, likes the pinnacle trampling with the foot, you, if is really very suitable,” 秦朝一边抽烟,一边悠悠地说道,“正所谓,打是情,骂是爱,爱到极致用脚踹,你俩,果真很适合,” Scratches, who and he does the base,” “擦,谁和他搞基,” My heart forever belongs to Small Nana,” “我的心永远都是属于小娜娜的,” Two people simultaneously expressed very disgustingly. 两个人同时表示很恶心。 Qin Chao wants to be disgusting first their. 秦朝就是想先恶心他们一下。 Who makes them run first disgustingly own. 谁让他们先跑來恶心自己的。 In any case today is your time of death, said that who you want first and fight,” “反正今天是你的死期,说吧,你想先和谁交手,” Wei Xiaolong said wickedly. 韦晓龙恶狠狠地说道。 He was plans pain flat this boy one. 他是打算痛扁这小子一顿了。 Does not get in his spring flower brightly all over the sky red, he does not know really my Wei Xiaolong is how heroic. 不打他个春花灿烂满天红,他真不知道我韦晓龙是多么英勇。 When the time comes Li Na sees my heroic bearing, has not surrendered to me. 到时候李娜看到我的英姿,还不对我投怀送抱的。 You on together,” “你们两个一起上吧,” Qin Chao has been cancelling colluding to two people, I strive to handle you in a cigarette,” 秦朝对着两个人勾了勾手,“我争取在一支烟之内搞定你们两个,” Fart,” “放屁,” Dong Lingyu shouted abuse immediately, „were you fever brain burn silly, a person hit our two, tired of living courting death, but also Skill/KungFu of cigarette, Skill/KungFu of cigarette was handled by us,” 董凌宇顿时破口大骂,“你是不是发烧脑子烧糊涂了,一个人打我们两个,活腻了找死,还一支烟的功夫,一支烟的功夫被我们搞定吗,” The Wei Xiaolong heart said that this male servant can speak quite powerful words finally. 韦晓龙心说,这厮总算能说一句比较给力的话了。 You tried not to know,” “你们试试不就知道了,” Courts death, I come first,” “找死,我先來,” Dong Lingyu was impatient. 董凌宇已经迫不及待了。 His sprinted to clash, then to Qin Chao, direct whip leg was dressing up, kicks to his face. 他一个疾跑就冲了过來,然后对着秦朝,直接一记鞭腿披挂,踢向他的脸。 A very sharp foot. 很犀利的一脚。 It looks like in Qin Chao, this foot is good. 秦朝看來,这一脚还是不错的。 But was only a pity that this is only in the average person eyes. 但只可惜,这只是在普通人眼中。 This dresses up, is the Dong Lingyu very self-satisfied move. 这一记披挂,也是董凌宇很得意的招数。 He uses this move, in the past has defeated the innumerable players in the arena. 他用这招数,当年在擂台上打败过无数选手。 His under foot, can cleave in two wooden stake. 他的一脚下去,能把木桩劈成两半。 Even if Qin Chao is solid, this under foot, he must lie down a half a month in the hospital. 就算秦朝结实,这一脚下去,他也要在医院躺个半个月了。 However, is quick he to know one have made a mistake, moreover is wrong very oddly. 但是,很快他就知道自己错了,而且错得很离谱。 „,” “啪,” Qin Chao very much at will lifts continuously the arm, single-handed received Dong Lingyu this foot. 秦朝只是很随意地抬起一直胳膊來,单手就接下了董凌宇这一脚。 This, is how possible,” “这,怎么可能,” Dong Lingyu was startled, looks own this foot was being held own calf single-handed, making his calf be similar to puts to be the same on the sheet iron, presses unable to press, is startled dumbfoundedly. 董凌宇吃了一惊,看着自己这一脚被人单手托着自己的小腿,让他小腿如同搁在铁板上一样,压也压不下去,惊得目瞪口呆。 This, this is how possible. 这,这怎么可能啊。 Own dressing up, but kicks to spread around the world not to have the rival. 自己的披挂,可是踢遍天下无敌手的。 His cold sweat, but flowed. 他这冷汗,可就流下來了。 „Are you good you,” “你行不行啊你,” Wei Xiaolong looks in side that cannot bear complain, was not good I to get up,” 韦晓龙在旁边看着,忍不住抱怨道,“不行我上了,” Paternal grandmother, you are not knowing. 奶奶的,你知道个屁。 The Dong Lingyu waist makes an effort, the body reverses, jumped actually. 董凌宇腰部一用力,身子反转,硬是跳了起來。 His another leg contains a bigger strength, the step on on the chest of Qin Chao. 他另一条腿蕴含更大的力道,蹬在秦朝的胸口上。 This step on, can the rib of Qin Chao kicking absolutely. 这一蹬,绝对能把秦朝的肋骨给踢断。 Bang,” “砰,” A foot is actually very accurate, is very steady. 一脚倒是很准,也很稳。 But Qin Chao has not drawn back including retreat one step, the corners of the mouth is still also hanging the smiling face. 秦朝后退都沒退一步,嘴角还依然挂着笑容。 You have not eaten meal,” “你沒吃饭么,” Saying, Qin Chao waves. 说着,秦朝一挥手。 Immediately, the body of this Dong Lingyu flew. 顿时,这董凌宇的身体就飞了出去。 Also is Bang one, he fell before the foot of Wei Xiaolong. 又是砰的一声,他摔在了韦晓龙的脚边。 Wei Xiaolong has not thought that own ally, such easily losing. 韦晓龙也沒想到,自己的战友,就这么被轻易地给丢回來了。 Well,” “咦,” Wang Yuan cannot bear call out in alarm one, cannot think, your big brother Qin, to having several brushes,” 王鸳忍不住惊呼一声,“想不到,你那秦大哥,到有几把刷子,” Dong Lingyu is the local kick boxing champion, has not thought that one round, was given to take down, but also loses to be so far. 董凌宇是当地的散打冠军,沒想到一个回合,就被人给放倒了,还丢出去这么远。 You today how such waste firewood,” “你今天怎么这么废柴,” Wei Xiaolong cannot bear ask. 韦晓龙忍不住问道。 Fuck, you try,” 卧槽,你自己去试试,” The expert gets rid, has on knowledge. 正所谓行家一出手,就知有沒有。 One round, Dong Lingyu knows that the Qin Chao skill, was too hard...... 只是一个回合,董凌宇就已经知道,秦朝的身手,太硬了…… Is the strength greatly, your this waste, looks my,” “就是力气大点而已,你这废物,看我的,” Wei Xiaolong several small broken steps, flee to go forward. 韦晓龙几个小碎步,窜上前去。 Meanwhile, a soaring to the heavens artillery fist, directly rushes to the Qin Chao honor. 同时,一记冲天炮拳,就直接奔向秦朝的脸面。 The Dong Lingyu useless movement were too many, karate pursue is the strength, simple simply, most direct attack effect. 董凌宇沒用的动作太多了,空手道追求的就是力量,简单干脆,最直接的攻击效果。 He a fist, in air has sent out the fulmination. 他啪地一拳,空气里都发出了爆鸣。 „,” “啪,” But is the clear sound, Qin Chao casually extends a hand, has sealed up an artillery fist of that Wei Xiaolong. 但又是清脆的响声,秦朝只是随随便便伸出一只手來,就封住了那韦晓龙的一记炮拳。 This is the karate that you are proud,” “这就是你引以为傲的空手道,” The Qin Chao cold satire said. 秦朝冷冷地讽刺道。 Meanwhile, he flies a foot, kicks on the lower abdomen of Wei Xiaolong. 同时,他飞起一脚,踢在韦晓龙的小腹上。 The severe pain, was similar to by the hammer came. 剧痛,如同被锤子來了一下。 The Wei Xiaolong pain cold sweat braves, the body is vertical to fly, because was grasped by Qin Chao, the body has not flown away, but has raised, the body flares-out, finally layer on layer falls on the ground. 韦晓龙疼的冷汗直冒,身体垂直飞起,因为被秦朝抓着手,身体沒飞走,而是扬了起來,身体拉直,最后重重地摔在地上。 Bang,” “砰,” The dust has raised, Wei Xiaolong fell full of admiration. 灰尘掀了起來,韦晓龙摔了个五体投地。 Person who does not know, but also thinks that he is prostrating oneself Qin Chao. 不知道的人,还以为他在膜拜秦朝 Collapses at the first blow,” “不堪一击,” Qin Chao loosened the fist of Wei Xiaolong, claps, said. 秦朝松开了韦晓龙的拳头,拍拍手,说道。 The audience are silent. 全场寂静无声。 At this time, even if there is a needle to fall on the ground, seeing that they can also listen. 这时候,就算有根针掉在地上,他们也能听的见。 This man...... Too powerful. 这个男人……太强悍了。 Pursues assistant regimental commander of Li Na group, unexpectedly by his one move handling. 追求李娜团的正副团长,竟然都被他一招给搞定了。 Aggressive, which this boy is comes, so is unexpectedly flamboyant. 生猛啊,这小子是哪來的,竟然这么牛逼。 Huang Shao, he can select Skill/KungFu probably,” “黄少,他好像会点功夫啊,” By nearby stand, Ma Ruohang stands side Huang Ping, lowered the sound to say. 在一旁的看台旁边,马若航站在黄平身旁,压低了声音说道。 Indeed some backgrounds,” “的确有些來路,” Huang Ping nods, but said that „, but, to us, can select Skill/KungFu, does not have any use, I am very rich, only needs to bribe a killer, can handle him, but, copes with a student, but also is insufficient such big battle formation,” 黄平点点头,但却还是说道,“不过,对我们这些人來说,会点功夫,沒什么用处,我有的是钱,只需要买通一个杀手,就能搞定他,不过,对付一个学生而已,还不至于这么大的阵势,” Yes Yes, Huang Shao said is extremely,” 是是,黄少所言极是,” Ma Ruohang nods hastily, I inquired, he is the IT Faculty big new student, but also participated in the campaign of student association secretary unit, probably, the Lin Yushi decision must leave behind him personally,” 马若航连忙点点头,“我已经打听好了,他是计算机系的大一新生,还去参加了学生会秘书部的竞选,好像,林雨诗亲自拍板要留下他,” „, The matter was getting more and more interesting,” “呵,事情越來越有意思了,” Huang Ping said neither cold nor hot that our time some are, can play with him slowly, was right, I make you help me inquire the Shang Luo matter, inquired how,” 黄平不冷不热地说道,“我们时间有的是,可以慢慢和他玩,对了,我让你去帮我打听商洛的事,打听的怎么样了,” Oh, Huang Shao, this young girl is also very thorny,” “哎呀,黄少,这个小妞也很棘手啊,” Ma Ruohang said immediately, she, although usually spoke to me anything was very optional, but the rumor was tightening actually, wants to cause any useful news to come from her, was specially difficult,” 马若航立刻说道,“她虽然平时跟我说话什么的很随意,但其实口风紧着呢,想从她那弄出点什么有用的消息來,特别难,” You are many on dessert,” “那你就多上点心,” Huang Ping said that morning, she is also my person, in the school flower list these Beauty, my Huang Ping wants 11 to conquer,” 黄平说道,“早晚,她也是我的人,校花榜上那些美女,我黄平要11去征服,” He stands there, said proudly. 他站在那里,傲然地说道。 This is the pride that their Huang Family juniors can have. 这是他们黄家子弟才能拥有的骄傲。 But at this time, under the stage by silence from the beginning, turned into various types to clamor. 而此时,台下由一开始的寂静,变成了各种喧哗。 Many people start to discuss the Qin Chao matter. 好多人都开始议论起秦朝的事情來。 Which this boy comes,” “这小子哪來的啊,” Legend is the Small Nana scandal boyfriend,” “传说是小娜娜的绯闻男友啊,” Before had not seen in the school...... The masters, want to request him to be the master,” “以前沒在学校里见过……高手啊,真想拜他为师,” Xu Ming has almost nipped the tongue, said the boast a moment ago, the successor who finally now regard as important, was knocked down one move unexpectedly. 徐明差点咬了舌头,刚才还说出大话,结果现在自己看重的接班人,竟然被人一招撂倒。 Wei Xiaolong fell ill. 难道韦晓龙生病了。 Should be so. 应该是如此吧。 After all his karate blanking bar, the second kills 35 guys is not the issue. 毕竟他可是空手道黑带啊,秒杀35个大汉都不是问題的。 Then, I looked that is who cries,” “这下,我看是谁哭,” No matter Lin Yushi actually that Wei Xiaolong whether falls ill, was reminding complexion pale Xu Ming in side. 林雨诗却不管那韦晓龙是否生病,在旁边提醒着脸色铁青的徐明 I am not convinced, I must compete with you,” “我不服气,我要和你比试,” Xu Ming was saying, simultaneously gripped the blanking bar of waist. 徐明说着,同时扎进了腰间的黑带。 „,” “哦,” Qin Chao asked that why you must fight with me,” 秦朝问道,“你为什么要和我打,” Because you insulted Skill/KungFu that I studied, the karate, was strongest,” “因为你侮辱我学的功夫,空手道,是最强的,” Xu Ming shouts. 徐明嚷道。 Clashes your words, I insulted you to be light,” “就冲你这句话,我侮辱你都是轻的,” Qin Chao disdain said that including the ancestors have forgotten the person, but can also have any Wu De, ok, I am convenient today, solves trash to consider as finished again,” 秦朝不屑地说道,“连祖宗都忘了的人,还能有什么武德,算了,我今天就顺手,再解决一个垃圾算了,” You dare to scold me,” “你敢骂我,” Xu Ming is angry immediately. 徐明顿时大怒。 But under the stage is the people of karate society, hears Qin Chao this saying, is filled with righteous indignation, is going all out to shout to the stage on. 而台下都是空手道社的人,听到秦朝这话,一个个义愤填膺的,对着台上拼命叫嚷。 Your member of society was too boisterous,” “你的社员都太聒噪了,” Qin Chao cocoa ear, „, if not convinced, you can on together,” 秦朝抠抠耳朵,“若是不服气,你们可以一起上,” Was too extremely arrogant,” “太狂妄了,” Xu Ming thinks that a fist bang explodes that man. 徐明想一拳轰爆那个男人。 Was too rampant, making him know our karate fierce,” “太嚣张了,让他知道我们空手道的厉害,” Before that follows also to shout in Xu Ming girl that she beckons, immediately many karate members of society jumped up the arena, overran toward Qin Chao. 那之前跟在徐明身边的女生也叫嚷起來,她一招手,顿时好多空手道社员就跳上了擂台,一个个向着秦朝冲了过去。 This group of people were jumped anger, must fight in groups. 这帮人被跳起了怒火,是要打群架了。 Um, said accurately that is one group of people hits Qin Chao one. 嗯,准确的说,是一群人打秦朝一个。 The person many strengths are big. 正所谓,人多力量大。 Moreover person many courage are strong. 而且人多胆子壮。 These many people on, hug a person of fist also to hit the disabled idea this boy together. 这么多人一起上,都是抱着一人一拳也把这小子打残废的想法。 Even if had an accident has not related, law does not punish numerous offenders. 就算出了事也沒关系,法不责众嘛。 Xu Ming nods to own female member of society secretly, the heart said good that she makes. 徐明对自己的女社员暗暗点头,心说她做的好。 But Shang Luo they are actually very anxious. 商洛她们却是很紧张。 You went too far,” “你们太过分了,” The Wang Yuan anger said that these many people bully one unexpectedly,” 王鸳怒道,“竟然这么多人欺负一个,” Does not have the means that who makes him insult our Skill/KungFu,” “沒办法,谁让他侮辱我们的功夫呢,” Xu Ming shrugs the shoulders, said. 徐明耸耸肩膀,说道。 ====================== the following content is free =========================== ======================以下内容免费=========================== Took 6 point one chapters, ahead of time. 本來是要6点更的一章,提前更了。 Stated the renewal program, usually every day 2, in the weekend possibly in addition. 重新声明一下更新计划,平时每天2更,周末可能加更。 Later 10 : 00 am to 11 points, two all put together, did not establish fixed time renewed, an everybody time can look at ~, otherwise I feared that some people should say me, always „a day one, 以后上午10点到11点,两更一起全放,就不设置定时更新了,大家一次可以都看了哈~不然我怕又有人该说我,总是“一天一更”了,
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