MBT :: Volume #13

#1209: Karate mass organization

Chapter 1209 karate Club 第1209章空手道社团 The Wei Xiaolong air/Qi, said that I am also an assistant regimental commander, many you should discuss with me. 韦晓龙气得要死,怎么说我也是个副团长吧,多少你该跟我商量一下。 When you Li Na Pursuer Society is your. 你当李娜追求团是你一个人的呢。 Said that how you plan to compete with,” “说吧,你们打算怎么比试,” Qin Chao asked slowly. 秦朝缓缓问道。 Although our these many people, but does not bully you, goes to battle by both of us,” “虽然我们这么多人呢,但也不欺负你,就由我们两个人出战,” Dong Lingyu has referred to itself and nearby Wei Xiaolong, „, so long as you can win our two, you can carry off Li Na, our associations, automatically dismisses, from now, does not harass Li Na,” 董凌宇指了指自己和旁边的韦晓龙,“只要你能赢我们两个,你就能带走李娜,我们这个团体,也就自动解散,从此以后,再也不骚扰李娜,” Wei Xiaolong is listening to the Dong Lingyu words in side, the nose of air/Qi was crooked. 韦晓龙在旁边听着董凌宇的话,气的鼻子都歪了。 His heart said that scratches, your this silly fork spoke the words is so dead, what to do if lost. 他心说,擦,你这傻叉把话说的这么死,万一真输了怎么办。 Therefore, he does not have a good complexion, is staring regimental commander, puffs. 因此,他也沒有个好脸色,瞪着正团长,喘着粗气。 I have studied two years of kick boxing, may let alone I bully you,” “我学过两年的散打,可别说我欺负你,” Dong Lingyu pats the chest saying that this assistant regimental commander is also the karate blanking bar player, if he does not blow flamboyant, hope that this, you have not won basically,” 董凌宇拍着胸膛说道,“这位副团长也是空手道黑带选手,如果他不是吹牛逼的话,这一场,你基本沒有获胜的希望,” Wei Xiaolong wants to hit the person. 韦晓龙想打人。 Scratches, what is I do not blow the flamboyant words. 擦,什么叫我不是吹牛逼的话。 I one year ago is the player of karate blanking bar,” “我一年前就已经是空手道黑带的选手了,” He said hastily that for fear that by Li Na despising, has the certificate is the card,” 他连忙说道,生怕被李娜给看低了,“有证书为证,” I knew, where we start,” “我知道了,那我们在哪里开始,” The kick boxing and karate, Qin Chao has not paid attention. 又散打又空手道的,秦朝根本沒放在眼里。 Cannot fight in the school, but fair martial arts athletics yes,” “在学校里不能打架,但公平的武术竞技是可以的,” Wei Xiaolong then said that place in our karate Club, I and their heads is very ripe,” 韦晓龙接着说道,“地点就在我们的空手道社团吧,我和他们的社长挺熟,” Is people who practices the karate, Wei Xiaolong is in itself also one of the karate society. 都是练空手道的人,韦晓龙本身也是空手道社的一员。 Just, he does not have the time to handle any karate society, has more time, he is glad to pick up the little girl, exits a younger sister. 只不过,他沒时间去打理什么空手道社,有更多的时间,他更乐意去泡妞,出去把妹。 The youth of man, should give to the innumerable beautiful young girls to be right. 男人的青春,应该献给无数的美少女才对。 Good, that such has decided that” “好,那就这么定了,” Qin Chao is holding the hand of Li Na, when the time comes, shows mercy well,” 秦朝牵着李娜的手,“不过到时候,多手下留情就好,” This said that says, ha,” “这个好说,好说,哈哈哈,” Dong Lingyu thinks one won, the smiling face of corners of the mouth is the retrogression does not get down. 董凌宇以为自己赢定了,嘴角的笑容是消退不下去了。 Li Na Li Na, passed today, you know that I was intrepid. 李娜李娜,过了今天,你就知道,我是多么的强悍了。 Only then I, can protect you. 只有我,才能保护你。 Wei Xiaolong did not speak, but in heart actually started to think after defeating Qin Chao, how should handle Dong Lingyu this boy. 韦晓龙也不吭声,但心中却开始想着打败秦朝之后,该如何搞定董凌宇这小子了。 This fellow was too disgusting, is the simpleminded that type. 这家伙太恶心了,属于头脑简单那种。 But his is also skillful, oneself and he fight twice, has shared half and half. 但他身手又不错,自己和他交手过两次,都是平分秋色。 In his family|home the background also a little, heard that is a Capital City courtling. 他家里背景也有一点,听说是京都的一个小官员。 Has good that words said that the official employed in the capital is small is also an officer. 有句话说的好,京官再小也是官啊。 Therefore, Wei Xiaolong does not dare to move this regimental commander, although two people struggle, but basically is also maintaining the gentle condition. 因此,韦晓龙也不敢太动这正团长,两个人虽然明争暗斗的,但基本上还保持着平和的状态。 Li Na Pursuer Society assistant regimental commander, must with Li Na name brand boyfriend pk. 李娜追求团的正副团长,要和李娜的正牌男友pk了。 This news, like winged, disappears without a trace in the Capital City university. 这个消息,就像长了翅膀一样,在京都大学里不胫而走。 These three people, although the isotopic big new student, but also calculates in the Capital City university known. 这三个人,虽然同位大一新生,但在京都大学里也算都小有名气。 Especially Li Na, in the Beauty list the second person, in the Capital City university several does not know. 尤其是李娜,美女榜上第二的人,京都大学里几个不认识啊。 Including Shang Luo, returned to the dormitory, this will catch up. 商洛,本來都回了宿舍,这会都赶來了。 Small Nana, was your big brother Qin good,” 小娜娜,你秦大哥行不行啊,” Looks to stand Qin Chao in martial arts contest arena, Shang Luo is holding the hand of best best friend, while cannot bear the worry ask. 看着站在比武擂台上的秦朝,商洛一边拉着自己最佳闺蜜的手,一边忍不住担心地问道。 That two people, have practiced probably, your big brother Qin was also too impulsive, what to do if has been injured,” “那两个人,好像都练过的吧,你秦大哥也太冲动了,万一受伤了怎么办,” Big brother Qin fought probably is also very ruthless,” “秦大哥好像打架也挺狠的,” Li Na said that she recalled to drink many that day, big brother Qin, others arms pulling apart, „the strength was not in any case small,” 李娜说道,她回忆起自己喝多的那天,秦大哥一手,就把人家的胳膊给扯断了,“反正力气是不小,” Oh, cannot master these boys, how always to like killing,” “唉,真搞不懂这些男孩子,怎么总喜欢打打杀杀的呢,” Shang Luo shakes the head. 商洛摇摇头。 Li Na, you really in this,” 李娜,你们果然在这啊,” But at this time, another familiar sound sound. 而这时候,又一个熟悉的声音响了起來。 Li Na and Shang Luo turn head to look, originally is Wang Yuan Senior Sister. 李娜商洛回头一看,原來是王鸳学姐 Senior Sister, you also came,” 学姐,你也來了,” Li Na is very surprised, you also watch the martial arts contest,” 李娜很惊奇,“你也來看比武,” Yes, heard that your boyfriend and person hit, I came to see,” “是啊,听说你男朋友和人打起來了,我就來看看,” Wang Yuan said that she has turned the head, looks at Qin Chao on arena, „is he good, your assistant regimental commander I did not understand, but regimental commander Dong Lingyu I have contacted, the kick boxing champion in high school that city, if not in the family|home opposed that it is estimated that gives up the examination going, when the specialized kick boxing player went,” 王鸳说道,她转过头,看着擂台上的秦朝,“他行不行呀,你那个副团长我是不了解,但正团长董凌宇我接触过,高中那会还是全市的散打冠军,如果不是家里反对,估计就放弃考学去当专业的散打选手去了,” Such fierce......” “这么厉害……” Shang Luo somewhat is flabbergasted, is worried for Qin Chao. 商洛有些咋舌,更加为秦朝担心起來。 I believed my big brother Qin,” “我相信我的秦大哥,” Li Na is actually very firm, because Qin Chao has not disappointed him. 李娜倒是很坚定,因为秦朝从來都沒让他失望过。 Li Na, how just a student association, you made such big noise,” 李娜,怎么刚一出学生会,你们就闹这么大的动静,” Another acquaintance walked. 又一个熟人走了过來。 Li Na they looked that is immediately surprised. 李娜她们一看,顿时都惊讶起來。 Wang Yuan is startled. 王鸳更是吃惊。 Forest Senior Sister, you came,” “林学姐,你怎么也來了,” This is not Wang Yuan,” “这不是王鸳么,” Lin Yushi looks at Wang Yuan, smiled, long time no see,” 林雨诗看着王鸳,笑了笑,“很久不见了啊,” Before Wang Yuan, is one of the student association, because afterward her family's company was too busy, left the student association. 王鸳以前也是学生会的一员,但后來因为她家里的公司太忙,就离开了学生会。 Saw that you are not easy, was really a pity, if you still in the student association, this secretary-general, I can also give you,” “见到你太不容易了,真是可惜,如果你还在学生会的话,这一届的秘书长,我也可以交给你了,” Lin Yushi indeed very much regretted. 林雨诗的确是很惋惜。 In the secretary unit the capable person is few, moreover she is also quite heavy the female light male. 秘书部里能人很少,而且她又比较重女轻男。 This Wang Yuan is actually very able, the morning of only being a pity. 王鸳倒是很有能力,只可惜走的早。 Lin Yushi felt that Li Na is also good, but this little girl wholeheartedly wants to study the unit, is very regrettable. 林雨诗感觉李娜也挺不错,但这小丫头一心想去学习部,也很遗憾。 Does not have the means that family's work was too busy, recently does not know how to do, a project that did well, but the bank suddenly does not want to loan to us, over the two days the running bank, busy I was green butts rotten Em, “沒办法,家里的工作太忙了,最近也不知道怎么搞的,本來弄好的一笔项目,但银行突然不想给我们贷款了,这两天跑银行,忙的我是焦头烂额, Wang Yuan sees own Senior Sister, could not bear complain two. 王鸳看到自己的学姐,也忍不住抱怨了两句。 In the past Lin Yushi was bringing own. 当年林雨诗可是很带着自己的。 Although tired a point, but with her, have not been short of study the thing. 虽然累了一点,但自己跟着她,沒少学东西。 Your big brother Qin wanted the high-sounding talk,” “你的秦大哥又要高调了啊,” Lin Yushi shakes the head with a smile, then has turned around, looks at that man on arena, „to Wei Xiaolong and Dong Lingyu...... Even if they on together, perhaps were not your big brother Qin a match of person,” 林雨诗笑着摇摇头,然后转过身去,看着擂台上的那个男人,“对上韦晓龙董凌宇……就算他们两个人一起上,恐怕也不是你秦大哥一个人的对手吧,” Others do not know that the Qin Chao skill, her Secretary-General Lin can not know. 别人不知道秦朝的本事,她林秘书长能不知道么。 After all, Qin Chao has saved a she time person. 毕竟,秦朝可是救过她一次的人。 That time Xiao Fengwu, may as if grasp the false angel strength abnormal character. 那一次的萧凤梧,可似乎掌握着伪天使力量的变态人物。 Such character, grasping the violent has punched by Qin Chao, an ability of hitting back does not have. 那样的人物,都被秦朝给抓起來暴揍了一顿,一点还手的能力都沒有。 Two ordinary students, even if studied has selected Skill/KungFu, how can also. 只是两个普普通通的学生,就算是学了点功夫,又能如何呢。 This Qin Chao, bullied person. 秦朝,也太欺负人了。 He is so fierce,” “他有这么厉害,” Wang Yuan actually does not think that he always thought Qin Chao is only delicate pretty boy. 王鸳却不这么想,他总觉得秦朝只是个弱不禁风的小白脸而已。 In any case, compared with them is fierce, he he,” “反正,比他俩是厉害一点,呵呵,” Lin Yushi does not expose, but said lightly. 林雨诗也不点破,只是淡淡地说道。 Laughable,” “可笑,” But at this time, a male student, had one crowd to put on the male and female students of white Daoist robe similarly, walked toward here. 而这时候,一个男生,身后带着一群同样穿着白色道袍的男女学生,向着这边就走了过來。 Xu Ming,” 徐明,” Lin Yushi saw that male student, the brow wrinkled slightly. 林雨诗看到那男生,眉头微微皱了起來。 Secretary-General Lin Da, you, although is very intelligent, is very able, but looks at the skill of person, is is very bad,” “林大秘书长,你虽然很聪明,也很有能力,但看人的本事,可是差得很啊,” That Xu Ming is holding the arm, said with a smile slightly, from Xiao Fengwu, to this Qin Chao, your judgment to the person missed the extreme,” 徐明抱着胳膊,微微笑道,“从萧凤梧,到这个秦朝,你对人的判断差到了极点,” Xu Ming, your this saying is any meaning,” 徐明,你这话是什么意思,” The Lin Yushi complexion changes. 林雨诗脸色微变。 Any meaning, is this meaning,” “什么意思,就是这个意思,” Xu Ming said proudly that in the past I and Xiao Fengwu pursued you together, finally you have actually complied with that Xiao Fengwu, now how, the boy treadons two ships, you comfortable,” 徐明傲然地说道,“当年我和萧凤梧一起追你,结果你却应了那萧凤梧,现在怎么着,那小子脚踏两条船,你舒服了沒有,” Xu Ming, you do a bit less this set,” 徐明,你少來这套,” Lin Yushi is cold the face saying that you and Xiao Fengwu, are not the good thing,” 林雨诗冷着脸道,“你和萧凤梧,都不是什么好东西,” Hey, you have not been my girlfriend, naturally does not know my sympathizing,” “嘿,你沒做过我的女朋友,当然不知道我的体贴,” Xu Ming smiles, Secretary-General Lin Da, if you need, my front door, will open wide for you,” 徐明嘿嘿一笑,“林大秘书长,如果你需要,我的大门,还是会为你敞开的,” You are the province province, your front door, remained to come and go out to these crazy miniature small girl, my Lin Yushi, will meet never peep one,” “你还是省省吧,你的大门,留着给那些痴迷你的小女生出入好了,我林雨诗,是永远都不会往里瞧一眼的,” You......” “你……” Xu Ming knows that Lin Yushi is the famous oil salt does not enter. 徐明知道林雨诗是有名的油盐不进。 Matter that she recognizes, is correct , will not change. 她认定的事情,就是正确而且不会改变的。 But he is not convinced. 但他不服气。 In this Beauty list the first female, not having the man not to move. 美女榜上第一的女子,沒有男人是不动心的。 Perhaps her appearance and nearby Li Na share half and half. 可能她的长相和旁边的李娜平分秋色。 But on her gang of cold proud makings, are that big small girl are actually not able to compare. 但她身上那股冷傲的气质,却是那大一小女生无法比拟的。 This, lets the countless man crazy crazy things similarly. 这,也同样是让无数男人痴狂的东西。 How has words to mention, man animal, you are the thing that makes him unable to eat, he is greedier. 有句话是怎么说來着,男人这种动物,你越是让他吃不到的东西,他就越馋。 Lin Yushi, is the fish that this letting man can never eat. 林雨诗,就是这种让男人永远吃不到的鱼。 You think that Wei Xiaolong is such dish role,” “你们以为韦晓龙就是这么菜的角色吗,” His cold snort|hum, splits the topic , to continue saying that he is a I most favorite member of society, can say that in this Club, besides me, he did not have the rival, I planned after I had drawn back, makes him take over my this karate Club,” 他冷哼一声,叉开话題,继续说道,“他是我最得意的一个社员,可以说,在这个社团里,除了我之外,他还沒有敌手,本來,我打算等我退了之后,就让他來接手我这个空手道社团,” On your this broken Club, has anything to be good to connect with,” “就你这破社团,有什么好交接的,” Lin Yushi disdain said that brings honor to the martial arts of young devil, you also feel all right,” 林雨诗不屑地说道,“弘扬小鬼子的武术,你也好意思,” Lin Yushi, you leave go too far,” 林雨诗,你别太过分,” A female member of society the squawk shouts immediately, karate is very formidable, therefore we must study it, the thing of young devil how, who has let it compared with martial arts these flowery boxing,” 一个女社员立刻尖声嚷道,“空手道很强大,所以我们才要学它,小鬼子的东西又怎么了,谁让它比国术那些花拳绣腿强呢,” Talked nonsense,” “扯淡,” Wang Yuan cannot bear in the side knitting the brows head, you have seen the genuine martial arts,” 王鸳忍不住在旁边皱了皱眉头,“你见过真正的国术么,” In television often does not develop, jumps several meters high, flies up to the eaves and walls, but also any internal strength, bah, that is how possible, does not conform to the science,” “电视里不常演么,一蹦好几米高,又飞檐走壁的,还什么内功,呸,那怎么可能,根本不符合科学,” You understand anything, in the television develops how can be the genuine martial arts, you looked that the swordsmen film looked,” “你懂什么,电视里演的怎么会是真正的国术,你看武侠片看多了吧,” Wang Yuan has seen a martial arts master, sees his old man with own eyes, how to take down several young and vigorous guys. 王鸳是见过一个国术大师的,亲眼看他一个老头,如何放倒几个年轻力壮的大汉。 The martial arts are fierce, how this girl can understand. 国术凶猛,这丫头怎么能了解。 Snort, waits a while our Wei Xiaolong to expose his Skill/KungFu, you understood,” “哼,等一会我们韦晓龙展露他的功夫,你们就明白了,” That girl shouts. 女生嚷道。 Hope, he not oppressive is very miserable,” “希望,他不会被虐的很惨,” Lin Yushi, in that self-confidently has actually smiled, 林雨诗,却是在那,自信地笑了起來,
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