MBT :: Volume #13

#1208: Duel of agreement 【4】

Duel of Chapter 1208 agreement 第1208章约定的决斗 This not good......” “这不行……” Li Na shakes the head again and again, here person are too many,” 李娜连连摇头,“这里人太多啦,” Where person are many, you look at the surroundings, respectively is busy at various young lovers,” “哪里人多啊,你看周围,都是各忙各的小情侣,” Qin Chao hints about Li Na to have a look. 秦朝示意李娜左右看看。 Really, surroundings that several pairs of young lover, is busy at own matter. 果然,周围那几对小情侣,都在忙自己的事情。 The pair feeds food blatantly mutually, two hug together own just happy. 有一对公然互相喂饭,还有俩抱一起亲的正欢。 You have a look at them, I make you kiss, various your types do not want,” “你看看他们,我就让你亲一下,你就各种不愿意啦,” But, is...... Very embarrassed......” “可,可是……很不好意思的……” Li Na swinging like rattle-drum. 李娜头摇的像拨浪鼓一样。 That considers as finished, it seems like your hateful your big brother Qin, I walked,” “那算了,看來你讨厌你秦大哥了,那我还是走吧,” Qin Chao knows to treat Li Na, under wants the ruthless medicine, can make this young girl obey obediently. 秦朝知道对待李娜,要下狠药,才能让这个小妞乖乖就范。 He stands up, strikes an attitude to walk. 他站起身來,作势要走。 Who makes the Li Na obedient female come. 谁让李娜是乖乖女來着。 No, big brother Qin, I, I......” “别,秦大哥,我,我……” Li Na has held on oneself big brother Qin hand hastily, on the elegant face is having a look of entreaty. 李娜连忙拉住了自己秦大哥的手,俏脸上带着一点哀求的神色。 About her looked, finally nods slowly. 她左右看了看,最终缓缓点头。 I, I kiss am not good......” “我,我亲还不行么……” This also almost,” “这还差不多,” Qin Chao has collected the body, the face pastes in the small Li Na front. 秦朝把身子凑了过去,脸贴在小李娜的面前。 Come, your big brother Qin did not fear that was profited by you,” “來吧,你秦大哥不怕被你占便宜,” hateful......” 讨厌……” The small Li Na face is red, charmingly angry, then wants the face of own Qin Chao. 李娜脸红红的,娇嗔一声,然后就要亲秦朝的脸。 Who makes you nestle cheek to cheek,” “谁让你亲脸啦,” Qin Chao toward the retroversion drawing back, must kiss here immediately,” 秦朝顿时往回退了退,“要亲这里,” He has referred to his mouth. 他指了指自己的嘴。 „,” “啊,” Li Na calls out in alarm one, you, you must let Shang Luo and you kiss,” 李娜惊呼一声,“你,你难道也要让商洛和你接吻,” „The Shang Luo words, have naturally nestled cheek to cheek, kisses such happy matter, how your big brother Qin can cheap that girl,” 商洛的话,自然是亲脸了,接吻这么美好的事情,你秦大哥怎么能便宜了那个丫头呢,” This Qin Chao said that probably is any good deed same...... 秦朝说的,好像是啥好事一样…… Li Na knows one says Qin Chao, because she did not have big brother Qin that thick facial skin. 李娜知道自己是说不过秦朝的,因为她沒有秦大哥那么厚的脸皮。 Good, good......” “好,好吧……” Li Na deep breath two tones, is staring at the eye of Qin Chao, then has collected own mouth slowly. 李娜深呼吸两口气,又盯着秦朝的眼睛,然后缓缓把自己的嘴凑了上去。 Person who two like mutually, kissing time, usually is not opening the eye. 两个互相喜欢的人,接吻的时候,通常都是不睁着眼睛的。 If the opposite party opens the eye, that showed that he possibly did not care about this matter. 如果对方睁眼睛,那证明他心里可能不太在乎这种事了。 In other words, the opposite party possibly does not have anything to feel. 也就是说,对方可能沒啥感觉。 But Qin Chao and Li Na obviously are not this, two people both subconsciously have closed the eye. 秦朝李娜显然都不是这样,两个人都下意识地闭上了眼睛。 With the feeling, probably is only bringing magnetic as, the lip approaches slowly. 只凭着感觉,好像带着一点磁性似的,嘴唇缓缓靠近。 But side at this time, suddenly heard hears screams. 但就在这时候,忽然听到旁边传來一个惊呼声。 Animal, lets loose our Small Nana,” “禽兽,放开我们的小娜娜,” Two people were also startled, have stood the body, looked toward side. 两个人同时吃惊,站直了身体,往旁边望去。 Sees only the cafeteria entrance, is standing one group of boys. 只见食堂门口,站着一群男学生。 They are looking at Qin Chao one by one, an indignation of face, Qin Chao snatched they most beloved treasure to be the same probably. 他们各个望着秦朝,一脸的气愤,好像秦朝抢了他们最心爱的宝物一样。 „...... Is they......” “啊……是他们……” Li Na calls out in alarm one suddenly. 李娜忽然惊呼一声。 Your this fellow, which from braves,” “你这家伙,从哪冒出來的,” A student of lead, on arm is bringing a sleeve emblem, above writes the Small Nana three characters. 一个领头的学生,手臂上带着个袖章,上面写着小娜娜三个字。 He walked in a threatening manner, scolds to say to Qin Chao loudly. 他气势汹汹地走了过來,大声对秦朝呵斥道。 Dares to touch our Small Nana, you do not want to live,” “竟敢碰我们的小娜娜,你不想活了,” This buddy is not high, can have one meter about 75, but Qin Chao looked that his is very healthy, although the body is emaciated, but is the lean meat, should exercise frequently. 这哥们个头不高,能有一米75左右,但秦朝看出來他身体很不错,身上虽然瘦弱,但都是精肉,应该是经常锻炼。 I am the Li Na boyfriend, Qin Chao, the fortunate meeting,” “我是李娜的男朋友,秦朝,幸会,” It seems like these, should be legend the person in Li Na Pursuer Society. 看來这些,应该就是传说中的李娜追求团的人了吧。 Is one crowd of youth warm-blooded, student who the zoosperm goes to the head, Qin Chao is said very much politely. 都是一群青春热血,精虫上脑的学生而已,秦朝还是很客气地说道。 Fortunate meeting your younger sister,” “幸会你妹,” But the opposite party is not polite, Small Nana is in our mind the common goddess, allows you to tarnish, you draw to make a debut, today this matter has not ended,” 但对方却不怎么客气,“小娜娜是我们心目中共同的女神,怎容你來玷污,你画出道來吧,今天这事沒完,” I can understand your mood,” “我能理解你的情绪,” Qin Chao said lightly that after all Small Nana is like this attractive and intelligent girl, impossible nobody to pursue, you like her me not intervening, but she after is my girlfriend, both of us are what kind, is our matters, do not go too far,” 秦朝淡淡地说道,“毕竟小娜娜这样漂亮又聪颖的女孩,不可能沒人追求,你们喜欢她我不干预,但她毕竟是我的女朋友,我俩想怎么样,是我俩的事情,你不要太过分了,” I excessively,” “我过分,” A male student face grief and indignation, the thump chest pounds said fully that you have robbed our goddesses, added me excessively, hateful, I, pursue the Li Na group regimental commander, Dong Lingyu pull up the words today in this, so long as I am also living, you gave up any idea of that touches our goddesses,” 那男生一脸悲愤,捶胸捣足地说道,“你把我们的女神抢走了,还说我过分,可恶,我,追求李娜团团长,董凌宇今天把话撩在这,只要我还活着,你休想碰我们的女神,” Schoolmate Dong, you sanely,” “董同学,你理智一点好么,” Li Na frowns, looks at front Li Na Pursuer Society regimental commander, you have been interfering my private life,” 李娜皱着眉头,看着面前的这个李娜追求团的团长,“你已经在干涉我的私生活了,” I like you, Small Nana,” “我只是喜欢你啊,小娜娜,” Dong Lingyu said hastily that also has my behind these members, they like you, is right,” 董凌宇连忙说道,“还有我身后的这些会员,他们都喜欢你,对不对,” Right, Small Nana, we love you,” “沒错,小娜娜,我们爱你,” You are our goddesses,” “你是我们的女神,” Behind that group of male students shouted loudly. 后面那一群男生都跟着高呼起來。 Bored,” “无聊,” Li Na is a little unhappy. 李娜有点不开心了。 Big brother Qin accompanied himself with great difficulty, bumped into such one group of annoying fellows unexpectedly, was really hateful. 秦大哥好不容易來陪陪自己,竟然碰到这么一群烦人的家伙,真是讨厌 Qin Chao is uncomfortable, it seems like that the small woods plans of two people, must be scrapped. 秦朝也不舒服,看來两个人的小树林计划,就要泡汤了。 Look, the assistant regimental commander came,” “看,副团长來了,” Assistant regimental commander goes into action together, can definitely recall the goddess the heart,” “正副团长一起出马,肯定能挽回女神的心,” These Li Na Pursuer Society members discussed. 这些李娜追求团的成员们议论起來。 Is who moved my Small Nana,” “是谁动了我的小娜娜,” Does not see that person, first hear Qisheng. 不见其人,先闻其声。 A roaring sound reached in cafeteria. 一个怒吼声传进了食堂里面。 Just both fried the good chef two fried rice, saw this, does not dare to call the food to be good, hid sees a play in the one side. 刚把两份炒饭都炒好的厨师,看到这一幕,也不敢招呼饭好了,躲在一旁看戏。 Young is good. 年轻就是好啊。 Like in the past, liked individual, but must covertly, continually draw starts to blush. 像自己当年,喜欢个人,还得偷偷摸摸的,连拉一下手都脸红。 Which looks like now, in the presence of everyone kisses in the cafeteria is also all right. 哪像现在,在食堂当众亲嘴也沒啥事了。 Then, is the present is good. 说起來,还是现在好啊。 Just right that Wei Xiaolong, you come, our goddesses must be poached,” 韦晓龙,你來的正好,咱们的女神要被人挖走了,” Dong Lingyu draws own ally immediately, before among this assistant regimental commanders because always the matter dispute of Li Na is unceasing. 董凌宇顿时拉來自己的战友,以前这正副团长之间总是因为李娜的事情争执不断。 But currently had outside area, two people form the same front immediately, altogether imperial foreign enemy. 但现在有了外地,两个人顿时结成同一条战线,共御外敌。 Whose is such big courage,” “是谁这么大的胆子,” Wei Xiaolong also Wrath. 韦晓龙也十分的愤怒 Paternal grandmother, previous time woos the big operation plan to be defeated, irritated him. 奶奶的,上次求爱大作战计划失败,就让他很恼火了。 Li Na this girl, which set eats. 李娜这丫头,到底是吃哪一套啊。 Has the girl not to like wooing. 有女孩子不喜欢求爱的吗。 One are working as the big crowd of people, then romantic woos, like this went bankrupt. 自己当着大庭广众,那么浪漫的一个求爱,就这样破产了啊。 Paternal grandmother bear. 奶奶个熊的。 Thinks on the air/Qi. 想起來就气。 His vision falls to the Li Na opposite that male student on, immediately stares. 他目光落到李娜对面的那个男生身上,顿时就是一愣。 Damn, how is he. 我勒个草,怎么是他。 Fellow who previous that gets so far as the Rolls-Royce illusory image. 上次那个弄到劳斯莱斯幻影的家伙。 Person who can get so far as an illusory image, the status definitely is not low. 能弄到一辆幻影的人,身份肯定是不低吧。 Yes, is you......” “是,是你啊……” The Wei Xiaolong complexion changes, if this fellow background is too hard, may not be affable. 韦晓龙脸色微变,如果这家伙背景太硬,那自己可就不好惹了啊。 Although their family|home also calculates in Sunan City, but in Capital City this latent talent place, but did not say. 虽然他们家在苏南市还算可以,但在京都这个藏龙卧虎的地方,可就不好说了。 Is honored, you also recognize me,” “真荣幸,你还认得我啊,” Qin Chao ridiculed intentionally said that assistant regimental commander Sir can also remember me, was too glorious,” 秦朝故意讥讽地说道,“副团长大人还能记得我,太荣耀了,” Said, says......” “好说,好说……” Wei Xiaolong is somewhat awkward, words said that previous that car(riage)......” 韦晓龙有些尴尬,“话说,上次那车……” Hi, who did not have two rich points friends,” “嗨,谁还沒两个有钱点的朋友了,” Qin Chao beckons with the hand, Commander Wei should not be afraid,” 秦朝摆摆手,“韦团长不要害怕哈,” The fear, I am afraid your younger sister. 害怕,我害怕你妹啊。 Heard that was not the Qin Chao car(riage), Wei Xiaolong also has self-confidently. 一听说不是秦朝的车,韦晓龙又有自信了。 This brothers...... Called, calling anything to come......” “这位兄弟……叫,叫什么來着……” This was my big brother Qin,” “这是我秦大哥,” Li Na closely is hugging the arm of Qin Chao. 李娜紧紧搂着秦朝的胳膊。 „, Right, Brother Qin,” “哦,对,秦兄弟,” Wei Xiaolong coughs, early that quite, although you and Li Na know, but I believe that the love is strives, our everyone, has this and Li Na in the together opportunity,” 韦晓龙干咳一声,“虽然你和李娜认识的比较早,但我个人认为,爱情是争取來的,我们这里的每个人,都有这个和李娜在一起的机会,” This, I acknowledged actually, but this possibility is almost zero,” “这个,我倒是承认,只不过这个可能性几乎为零,” Qin Chao smiled. 秦朝笑了笑。 Li Na to own thoughts, Qin Chao most understands now. 李娜对自己的心思,秦朝现在是最了解不过了。 Can substitute for him status the man in the Li Na heart, probably temporarily has not discovered. 能取代他在李娜心中地位的男人,好像暂时还沒发现呢吧。 This did not say,” “这个可不好说,” Wei Xiaolong always has an inexplicable self-confidence to oneself. 韦晓龙对自己总有一种莫名的自信。 Right, all have possibility,” “沒错,一切皆有可能,” The Dong Lingyu also loud [say / way], he pats his chest, said that for the love, I must with your single Tiao,” 董凌宇也大声道,他拍拍自己的胸膛,说,“为了爱情,我要和你单挑,” Ha,” “哈,” Qin Chao looked at this buddy one eyes, single Tiao, you...... Has not gotten sick,” 秦朝看了这哥们一眼,“单挑,你……沒病吧,” You are sick,” “你才有病,” Dong Lingyu shouts, is the man compares, I must make Small Nana know that what man, can give her the security sense,” 董凌宇嚷道,“是男人就比一比,我要让小娜娜知道,什么样的男人,才能给她安全感,” „......” “……” Li Na was speechless. 李娜都无语了。 Security sense, this what with what. 安全感,这都神马神马啊。 Right, our Li Na Pursuer Society must with your duel,” “对对对,我们李娜追求团要和你决斗,” These male students shouted. 那些男生都跟着嚷了起來。 Li Na looks at Qin Chao very much awkwardly. 李娜很尴尬地看着秦朝 One a little were unfair to big brother Qin, accompanied a oneself meeting with great difficulty, but must be given the entanglement by these people. 自己有点对不起秦大哥,好不容易來陪自己一会,还要被这些人给纠缠。 Although in my opinion, you are only the children who one crowd of anything do not understand,” “虽然在我看來,你们都只是一群什么都不懂的小孩子,” About Qin Chao looked, then said that „, but, I pour am not cannot accept your requests,” 秦朝左右看了看,然后说道,“不过,我倒也不是不能答应你们的这个要求,” If you lost, must leave Li Na,” “那如果你输了,就要离开李娜,” Dong Lingyu shouts immediately. 董凌宇立刻嚷起來。 Right, leaves our goddesses,” “对对,离开我们的女神,” One group of people create a disturbance. 一群人又跟着起哄。 You, how can such excessively......” “你们,怎么可以这么过分……” Li Na a little must be mad cries. 李娜有点要被气哭了。 Has not related,” “沒关系,” Qin Chao has patted the shoulder of Li Na, then said that I comply with your challenges, but, I have a request, you must comply, I can do this duel with you,” 秦朝拍了拍李娜的肩膀,然后说道,“我答应你们的挑战,不过,我也有个要求,你们必须答应,我才能和你们搞这个决斗,” Request, you said that” “要求,你说吧,” Wei Xiaolong said immediately that I am a regimental commander, I can take responsibility,” 韦晓龙立刻说道,“我是团长,我可以做主,” You is a regimental commander, I am anything,” “你是团长,那我是啥,” Dong Lingyu disaffection. 董凌宇十分的不满。 We now are the same fronts,” “我们现在是同一条战线的,” Wei Xiaolong thought that this Dong Lingyu is really simpleminded, do not confuse own situations,” 韦晓龙觉得这个董凌宇真的是头脑简单,“千万不要自乱阵脚,” I must distinguish clearly primary and secondary,” “我只是要分清主次而已,” Dong Lingyu refuses to admit being inferior said that in front of Li Na, he always wants to display oneself. 董凌宇不甘示弱地说道,在李娜面前,他总想表现自己一番。 Said that your condition is anything,” “说吧,你的条件是什么,” Wei Xiaolong air/Qi must die, scratches, your this is different, snatches your younger sister's topic. 韦晓龙气的要死,擦,你这不也是一样么,抢你妹的话題啊。 My condition is very simple, if I have won, dismisses your this so-called Li Na Pursuer Society,” “我的条件很简单,我要是赢了,就解散你们这所谓的李娜追求团,” Ha,” “哈,” Wei Xiaolong and Dong Lingyu look at each other in blank diamay. 韦晓龙董凌宇面面相觑。 Li Na also sees own big brother Qin, originally is such condition. 李娜也看着自己的秦大哥,原來是这样的条件么。 Your this associations, have disrupted the life of my Small Nana, therefore, I must use your methods, dismisses your this associations,” “你们这种团体,已经扰乱我小娜娜的生活了,所以,我要用你们的方法,解散你们这个团体,” Qin Chao said straightforwardly. 秦朝直截了当地说道。 Wei Xiaolong somewhat hesitates. 韦晓龙有些犹豫。 One test the student association is not probably good, but this assistant regimental commander works as, is interesting. 自己考学生会大概是不行了,但这个副团长当的,还是蛮有意思的。 Ok,” “行,” But has not waited for him to open the mouth, Dong Lingyu has actually readily agreed that 但沒等他开口,董凌宇却已经一口答应了下來,
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