MBT :: Volume #13

#1207: Repays a debt for the boudoir honey 【3】

Chapter 1207 repays a debt for best friend 第1207章替闺蜜还债 You still remember your former boyfriend,” “你还记得你的前男友吧,” Qin Chao asked. 秦朝问道。 Lin Yushi nods. 林雨诗点点头。 She is very meanwhile surprised, because Qin Chao while was speaking with oneself, but also was carrying on some brief self introductions. 同时她十分惊讶,因为秦朝在和自己说话的同时,还在进行着一些简短的自我介绍。 Her former boyfriend, Xiao Fengwu. 她的前男友,萧凤梧 This man, she is will not forget. 这个男人,她是怎么也不会忘记的。 Not only falls between two stools, plays to divide the leg, but also wants to tarnish itself. 不但一脚踏两船,玩劈腿,还想玷污自己。 On him is also having one very mysterious strength, if at that time were not this male student gets rid, oneself already by his such. 他身上还带着一种很神秘的力量,当时如果不是这个男生出手的话,自己已经被他那样了。 Then, he should be his benefactor. 说起來,他应该是自己的恩人。 I detected that at your student associations, has this unhealthy strength person, therefore, I must enter the student association, slowly who investigates this person is, therefore, but also asked forest Beauty to coordinate me,” “我发觉你们学生会中,还有个拥有这样不健康力量的人,所以,我要进入学生会,慢慢调查出这个人是谁,所以,还请林美女多配合我,” Qin Chao said these words, then with single-hearted devotion looks at the reflection of Lin Yushi. 秦朝说出这番话,然后就专心看着林雨诗的反映。 Really, in the Lin Yushi eye presented the little confusedness. 果然,林雨诗的眼中出现了一点点的迷茫。 But quick, this confused has become firm. 但很快,这迷茫就成了坚定。 Schoolmate Qin,” “秦同学,” She has opened finally the mouth, the flashing eyes are staring at Qin Chao. 她终于又开口了,目光炯炯地盯着秦朝 Before you campaign for the secretary unit, I want to ask you to understand first, what is the secretary unit,” “在你竞选秘书部之前,我想先请你了解一下,什么叫秘书部,” She, continued saying that our secretary departments, are ministrant and coordinative department, we biggest work, coordinates the work of other departments, therefore to put it bluntly, actually we are do odd jobs, therefore, here can be a very painstakingly very tired place, you are also willing to join,” 她顿了一下,继续说道,“我们秘书部,是一个服务性和协调性的部门,我们最大的工作,就是配合其他部门的工作,所以说白了,其实我们就是打杂的,因此,这里会是一个很苦很累的地方,你还愿意加入吗,” This Senior Sister, first I want to correct you to my viewpoint,” “这位学姐,首先我想纠正一下你对我的观点,” Qin Chao stands there, spoke with confidence, possibly many people will think that our generation of students, cannot endure hardship, only understood to enjoy happiness, I thought that this point was completely mistaken, because this was only part of phenomena, cannot represent completely, in my opinion, enduring hardship was a skill, this looked like the investment is the same, any investment, must pay so much funds in the earlier period, even must be ready that lost money, later can have an income,” 秦朝站在那里,侃侃而谈,“可能很多人会觉得,我们这一代的学生,不能吃苦,只懂得享福,我觉得,这一点大错特错,因为这只是一部分的现象,不能代表全部,在我看來,吃苦是一种本事,这就像是投资一样,任何投资,在前期都是要付出大量的资金,甚至要做好赔钱的准备,后期才能有所收益,” He looked at one in again and again several student association cadres of nod, then continues to say. 他看了一眼在连连点头的几个学生会干部,然后继续说道。 Moreover, what our students most lack is anything, exercises and experience, I now was just big one, has not gone out of the society, my idea, can exercise itself in the student association first, the meaning of this Senior Sister, is the secretary unit is most painstakingly, actually, this has happen to complied with my meaning, I want to find the most bitter place, exercises itself, is fine sweet, first endures hardship, this is my idea,” “而且,我们学生最缺少的是什么,就是锻炼和经验,我现在刚刚大一,还沒走出社会,我的想法,就是能在学生会先锻炼一下自己,这位学姐的意思,是秘书部是最苦的,其实,这正好应了我的意思,我就想找一个最苦的地方,來锻炼自己,要得甜,先吃苦,这是我的观念,” Good, this schoolmate has the opinion very much,” “不错,这位同学很有见解,” A cadre cannot bear nod. 一个干部忍不住点点头。 Oh, is very indeed outstanding, I thought that the secretary unit also needs person like this,” “嗯嗯,的确很优秀,我觉得秘书部也需要这样的人,” Other people also echo. 其他的人也纷纷附和。 Wen Huajun had not spoken. 文华俊却一直沒说话。 He always thought that looked this male student is not pleasing to the eyes, as if he here, won oneself brilliance to be the same. 他总觉得看这个男生不顺眼,仿佛他在这里,就夺走了自己身上的光辉一样。 Some people said that two pretty women in the same place, mutually will be reprehensible, various types find fault. 有人说,两个漂亮女人在一起,会互相看不顺眼,各种挑毛病。 But two outstanding men in the same place, will then pity clearheadedly. 而两个优秀的男人在一起,则会惺惺相惜。 Actually , is not so. 其实,也不全是如此。 Some men, inborn is the super narcissism. 有的男人,天生就是超级自恋。 He thinks except for himself, the world does not have the outstanding man basically. 他认为除了自己,天下基本就沒有优秀男人。 Wen Huajun, is the model of this man. 文华俊,就是这种男人的典范。 Therefore, Qin Chao before him, the association makes him have a garish feeling. 所以,秦朝在他面前,总会让他有一种扎眼的感觉。 This schoolmate, I have seen many people,” “这位同学,我见过很多人,” Therefore, he opens the mouth saying that on their glib lips is very fierce, can say very much, but arrives really does, actually all shrinks in behind, but this schoolmate, you give me now such one feeling,” 于是,他开口说道,“他们嘴皮子上都很厉害,很能说,但真到做的时候,一个个却全都缩在后面,而这位同学,你现在就给我这样的一种感觉,” This school leader, I acknowledged that your viewpoint, in this world indeed has this person,” “这位学长,我承认你的观点,这个世界上的确有这种人,” Qin Chao did not refute his words first, but has met one, but immediately a transition, but, I believe that can say did not represent is being undoable, the language and motion, looked like the right-hand men of person, the two were indispensable,” 秦朝先不反驳他的话,而是接了一句,但马上一转折,“不过,我认为,能说并不就是代表着不能做,语言和行动,就像是人的左右手,二者缺一不可,” Moreover, I have joined the student association, my every action and every movement will also be supervised by everybody, if I light said do not do, this Secretary-General Lin, can definitely kick the student association me,” “而且,我加入了学生会,我的一举一动也会被大家所监督,如果我光说不做,这位林秘书长,完全可以把我踢出学生会,” The Qin Chao words, obtained the approvals of many person. 秦朝的话,得到了很多人的认同。 Wen Huajun at once, does not know that this found any excuse to be good again. 文华俊一时之间,也不知道该再找什么理由好了。 He specially special wants to find fault. 他特别特别的想挑刺。 He is looked that this man is not pleasing to the eyes. 他就是看这个男人不顺眼。 Schoolmate Qin, I hoped to see your motion,” “秦同学,我希望看到你的行动,” Did not wait for Wen Huajun to say anything again, Lin Yushi decided. 不等文华俊再说什么,林雨诗已经拍板了。 You through the preliminary test, second examination did not need to participate, from now, you were one of the secretary unit, if you had not the good action, or the non- achievement, I will kick out you personally,” “你通过初试了,复试也不用参与了,从此以后,你就是秘书部的一员,如果你有不好的举动,或者不作为,我会亲自把你踢出去,” This, was too a little careless,” “这,有点太草率了吧,” Wen Huajun cannot bear somewhat surprisedly. 文华俊忍不住有些惊讶。 Little looked Lin Yushi such cannot sit still. 很少看林雨诗这么坐不住的时候啊。 This student association secretary unit, has only recruited four people, but also is girl. 这一届的学生会秘书部,也只招纳了四个人,还都是女生 Lin Yushi is not some hateful male students, how can recruit the male student to join. 林雨诗不是有些讨厌男生么,怎么会招男生來加入的。 I always need a person to come to me to lift the table,” “我总需要一个人來给我抬桌子,” This is the reply of Lin Yushi. 这是林雨诗的回答。 Thanks the secretary-general to my this opportunity, I will display well, proved I said is not the empty talk,” “谢谢秘书长给我这次机会,我会好好表现,证明我说的都不是空话,” Qin Chao has double meaning, in the Lin Yushi hear, does not know that was says in the student association to have the false angel words is the empty talk, the words that must work for the student association were the empty talk. 秦朝一语双关,在林雨诗听來,也不知道是说学生会里有伪天使的话是空话,还是要为学生会效力的话是空话。 If she knows that actually these two are the empty talk, it is estimated that must irritate at the scene. 如果她知道其实这俩都是空话,估计要气死在当场。 When Qin Chao walks complacently from classroom gate, the Shang Luo surprised mouth must unable to close. 秦朝得意洋洋地从教室门里走出來的时候,商洛惊讶的嘴巴都要合不上了。 You owe me a kiss yo, young girl,” “你欠我一个吻呦,小妞,” Qin Chao hey said with a smile, when cashed,” 秦朝嘿嘿笑道,“什么时候兑现呢,” That, that my a little matter, must walk first,” “那,那个,我有点事,得先走了哈,” Shang Luo knows that the matter is not wonderful, sole buys oil, prepares to sneak off. 商洛知道事情不妙,脚底打油,准备开溜。 „......” “……” Qin Chao looks that Shang Luo from runs away at present, dumbfounded. 秦朝看着商洛从眼前跑掉,目瞪口呆。 Hee hee, big brother Qin, you also lay yo,” “嘻嘻,秦大哥,你也被诳了呦,” Li Na cannot bear smile, this girl ghost is smart, it is estimated that you could not obtain the Beauty heat to kiss,” 李娜忍不住笑起來,“这丫头鬼机灵着呢,估计,你是得不到美女的热吻了,” Talked nonsense,” “瞎说,” Qin Chao curls the lip, who said that I cannot obtain, my side has big Beauty,” 秦朝撇撇嘴,“谁说我得不到的,我身边就有一个大美女,” Saying, pulls up the Li Na small hand, walks toward the teaching front door outside. 说着,拉起李娜的小手,就往教学楼门外走去。 Big brother Qin......” “秦大哥……” Li Na blushes, was sexually harassed by own big brother Qin. 李娜脸红起來,又被自己的秦大哥调戏了。 However, likes being sexually harassed like this. 不过,很喜欢被这样调戏呢。 Two people left the classroom building, Li Na have held on the arm of Qin Chao to say suddenly. 两个人出了教学楼,李娜忽然拉住秦朝的胳膊说道。 Big brother Qin, has not eaten our school canteen, I lead you to eat meal,” “秦大哥,还沒吃过我们学校食堂吧,我带你去吃饭吧,” „, Has meals in a cafeteria,” “啊,吃食堂,” A saying had meals in a cafeteria, Qin Chao could not bear remember oneself university that meeting. 一说吃食堂,秦朝就忍不住想起自己大学那会。 Is on vacation from school each time, has meals in a cafeteria with going to war. 每次一放学,吃食堂都跟打仗似的。 What the impression is most is military training that meeting, after a sociology has given birth to the military training, with starving to death shepherd, dashes about wildly to the cafeteria. 印象最深的是军训那会,一群学生下了军训之后,就跟饿死的狼狗似的,狂奔向食堂。 Went late, basically any delicious did not have. 去晚了,基本啥好吃的都沒了。 Also is the Qin Chao school is small, at that time on a cafeteria. 也是秦朝的学校小,当时就一个食堂。 Afterward had two, seemed like the situation has not changed for the better. 后來有了两个,貌似情况也沒好转。 The Capital City university was different, cafeteria are many, but the student are also many, does not know that had him in the past that type with snatching the trough condition. 京都大学就不同了,食堂很多,但学生也不少,不知道有沒有他当年那种跟抢槽似的状态。 Walks, I know that has a cafeteria is very delicious,” “走嘛,我知道有个食堂还是挺好吃的,” Li Na draws the Qin Chao entreaty saying that usually was big brother Qin asks me to eat meal, today also makes me invite your one chapter,” 李娜拉着秦朝哀求道,“平时都是秦大哥请我吃饭,今天也让我请你一回嘛,” Well good, that had meals in a cafeteria,” “好好好,那就去吃食堂好了,” Although Qin Chao is not quite hungry, but when was accompanying small Li Na. 秦朝虽然不太饿,但就当陪着小李娜了吧。 Hee hee, knows that big brother Qin was best,” “嘻嘻,就知道秦大哥最好了,” Li Na is very happy, so long as his big brother Qin is willing to accompany itself, she is happy. 李娜十分开心,只要自己的秦大哥愿意陪着自己,她就是开心的。 This will be just right the cafeteria person not to be many,” “这会正好食堂的人不多,” She is bringing Qin Chao, went to by in a classroom building cafeteria. 她带着秦朝,一路去了教学楼旁边的一个食堂里面。 Indeed, inside student 3322, are very actually quiet. 的确,里面的学生3322,倒是挺清静。 Qin Chao even sees some young lovers, sits in the cafeteria, uses the utility power, plays the game with the computer together. 秦朝甚至看到有些小情侣,坐在食堂里,利用公用电源,一起用电脑玩游戏。 This actually economizing place. 这倒是个省钱的地方。 Boss, gives me to come squid fried rice,” “老板,给我來一份鱿鱼炒饭,” Small Li Na familiar house before a window, has brushed the card. 李娜熟门熟路地到了一个窗口前,刷了卡。 Wait a bit,” “稍等,” Inside chef deducts the amount in the card. 里面的厨师在卡上扣掉金额。 Big brother Qin, you ate anything, ate casually yo, I treated,” “秦大哥,你吃什么,随便吃呦,我请客的,” Li Na said with a smile. 李娜笑道。 Comes one casually...... Did not fry rice on the mutton,” “随便來一个吧……唔,就羊肉炒饭好了,” Qin Chao is not very interesting mouth. 秦朝不是很有味口。 Good,” “好嘞,” Small Li Na full of enthusiasm, probably very happily is the same. 李娜却兴致勃勃地,好像很高兴一样。 She sits in the Qin Chao opposite, waits for the food to be good, while stares at Qin Chao to keep watching. 她坐在秦朝对面,一边等着饭好,一边盯着秦朝看个不停。 You in looking at anything, on my face long spent,” “你在看什么,我脸上长花了,” Qin Chao cannot bear touch own face, asked. 秦朝忍不住摸了摸自己的脸,问道。 I am thinking how I had not discovered before, big brother Qin such can say,” “我在想,我以前怎么沒发现,秦大哥这么能说,” Small Li Na covers mouth to smile, you do not know that Shang Luo heard you and these student association cadres' dialogs at that time, the face was white, I long am so big, first time sees her to admit defeat,” 李娜又捂着嘴笑起來,“你不知道,商洛当时听到你和那些学生会干部们的对话,脸都白了,我长这么大,还是第一次看到她吃瘪,” Your how probably also very excited as......” “你怎么好像还挺兴奋似的……” Qin Chao was speechless, she is your best friend,” 秦朝都无语了,“她可是你闺蜜呀,” Oh, does not harm her,” “哎呀,又不是害她啦,” Li Na beckons with the hand, look at her to admit defeat a little slightly excited,” 李娜摆摆手,“只是看她吃瘪有点小兴奋啦,” That does not take pleasure in others'misfortunes,” “那不还是幸灾乐祸么,” Qin Chao hey said with a smile, you also were really a pair of friend who is a bad influence,” 秦朝嘿嘿笑道,“你俩还真是一对损友,” Where has,” “哪有,” Li Na corrects the viewpoint of Qin Chao, both of us should be best best friend, hee hee......” 李娜纠正秦朝的观点,“我俩应该是最佳闺蜜,嘻嘻……” Good, you said is right......” “好吧,你说的都是对的……” A Qin Chao eye revolution, „, but, since you are best best friend, she owes my thing, this you have repaid,” 秦朝眼睛一转,“不过,既然你俩是最佳闺蜜,那么,她欠我的东西,就该你來偿还了,” „, Anything,” “啊,什么啊,” Li Na blinks. 李娜眨眨眼睛。 She lost, must kiss my one, you said right, now your best best friend disappeared, has owed a such big brush debt...... Hey, what to do you said that” “她输了,得亲我一口,你说对吧,现在你的最佳闺蜜不见了,欠了这么大的一笔债……嘿嘿,你说怎么办呢,” Volume...... This, this yard normalizing code...... Is she owes you, is not I owes you......” “额……这,这一码归一码啊……是她欠你,又不是我欠你的……” The Li Na face is red. 李娜脸通红。 That is different, you are best best friend,” “那不都一样么,你们是最佳闺蜜呀,” Qin Chao was thick the facial skin was wanting in any case, how, you do not want to kiss me,” 秦朝反正是厚着脸皮要了,“怎么,你不想亲我呀,” Thinks......” “想啊……” Li Na replied honestly, may, but does not want to kiss for her...... This, the feeling is very strange......” 李娜老老实实地回答道,“可,可是不想替她亲啊……这,感觉很怪嘛……” This I could not control, in brief, today this debt, you are , also, not , also,” “这我就管不了了,总之,今天这债,你是还,也得还,不还,也得还,” Qin Chao said arbitrarily. 秦朝蛮横地说道。 That, good...... Waited a while to finish eating the food, went to woods......” “那,那好吧……等一会吃完饭了,去树林吧……” Li Na blushes is not good. 李娜脸红的不行了。 cough cough, woods, good evil place,” 咳咳,树林,好邪恶的地方,” Qin Chao smiles was stranger, that is our matters, now, you are in the cafeteria, first repays a debt for your best friend,” 秦朝笑的更诡异了,“那是咱俩的事,现在,你在食堂里,先替你闺蜜还债吧,”
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