MBT :: Volume #13

#1206: Lost price 【2】

Chapter 1206 lost price 第1206章输了的代价 Li Na was in itself esteemed by secretary-general Lin Yushi of student association, president Wen Huajun has the complex thoughts. 李娜本身就被学生会的秘书长林雨诗所推崇,那主席文华俊更是有复杂的心思。 In addition she is this year's Sunan City science subjects foremost person in the field, wants to enter the study unit of this student association, is not the difficult matter. 加上她还是今年的苏南市理科状元,想进入这学生会的学习部,并不是难事。 Therefore, several people on the scene, but asked at will her several issues, then nod. 因此,在场的几个人,只是随意问了她几个问題,便都点点头。 Was right, Schoolmate Li Na, an issue needs to ask you, possibly quite personal, but with entering some study unit also relations,” “对了,李娜同学,还有一个问題需要问你,可能比较私人,但和进入学习部也有些关系,” Wen Huajun looks at beautiful small Junior Sister, said. 文华俊看着美丽的小学妹,说道。 You asked that School leader,” “您问吧,学长,” In Wen Huajun at heart, this you asked that the psychosexuality became you have kissed...... 文华俊心里,把这个你问吧,意淫成了你吻吧…… I will certainly kiss your...... Looks own Junior Sister that ruddy lip, Wen Huajun at heart somewhat itchy. 我一定会吻你的……看着自己学妹那红润的嘴唇,文华俊心里就有些痒痒。 Although in the school has many girl also to surrender to him, but his Wen Huajun is supercilious, cannot have a liking. 虽然学校里有很多女生也对他投怀送抱的,但他文华俊心高气傲,都看不上。 My Wen Huajun woman, if certainly goddess of being a focus of public attention. 文华俊的女人,一定要是个万众瞩目的女神。 This Li Na, calculated qualified. 李娜,也算够格了。 So long as charm, this simple-hearted small Junior Sister , not obedient surrendering. 只要自己魅力一出,这天真无邪的小学妹,还不乖乖的投怀送抱么。 Schoolmate Li Na, you had boyfriend,” 李娜同学,你有男朋友了么,” Li Na is very surprised, does not know why the presidents of this student association will ask such a question. 李娜很吃惊,不知道这学生会的主席为什么会问这么一个问題來。 Do not misunderstand,” “不要误会,” Wen Huajun saw the astonishment of Li Na, answered hastily with a smile, „, if you had the boyfriend, to a certain extent, will affect you in the work of study unit, I attended three years of university, saw has many such people, therefore, according to the experience, wants to ask you,” 文华俊看出了李娜的惊异,连忙笑着解释道,“如果你有男朋友的话,在一定程度上,还是会影响到你在学习部的工作的,我上了三年的大学,见过有不少这样的人,所以,根据经验,想问一问你,” Some boyfriends could not complete to work. 有男朋友就做不好工作了么。 Li Na at heart disturbed. 李娜心里忐忑了一下。 I had the boyfriend,” “我有男朋友了,” Li Na has thought that thought does not conceal this matter. 李娜想了一下,觉得还是不隐瞒这件事情。 If she said does not have, big brother Qin will be definitely sad. 如果她说沒有,那秦大哥肯定会伤心的。 Has, does not need to conceal anything. 有就是有,不需要隐瞒什么。 Such remarks, many Li Na admirers all die by heartbreak. 此言一出,好多李娜的仰慕者全都伤心欲绝。 The goddess in heart, really had main. 心中的女神,竟然有主了。 Hateful. 可恶啊。 Who is, if knows, must kill him. 到底是谁,如果知道的话,一定要杀了他。 Moreover, School leader, I believe that has the boyfriend, will not represent will hold up the work,” “而且,学长,我认为,有男朋友,并不代表就会耽误工作,” Li Na said plausibly, person who Madame Curie same has the husband, but she had discovered radium element, the love with the work is part that we live, I thought that should not to be the same, gets rid is in addition same, I think, together I can both do is very good,” 李娜振振有词地说道,“居里夫人一样是有老公的人,可她还是发现了镭元素,爱情和工作都是我们生活的一部分,我个人觉得,不该为了其中一样,抛弃另一样,我想,我可以两者一起都做的很好,” The reply of small Li Na, made Wen Huajun not be feeling well very much. 李娜的回答,本來让文华俊很不爽。 Knows the woman who one like had the boyfriend, will be a man will not be feeling well. 知道自己喜欢的女人有了男朋友,是个男人就都会不爽。 But afterward her answer, makes Wen Huajun at present one bright. 但随后她的答案,却让文华俊眼前一亮。 This girl is good, has cheek, thought. 这个女孩子不错,有脸蛋,还有思想。 How she had the boyfriend to be able, will also have a more outstanding man. 她有男友了又能如何,还会有比自己更优秀的男人吗。 The animal instinct of woman, is pursues a more outstanding gene becomes the other half. 正所谓,女人的动物本能,是追求更优秀的基因成为另一半。 One, are she better choice. 自己,就是她更好的选择。 He has turned the head, talked several with the ministers of study unit, has exchanged the view with Lin Yushi, then officially said. 他转过头,和学习部的部长交谈了几句,又和林雨诗交换了一下意见,便正式地说道。 Ok, Schoolmate Li Na, we should in one issue that the list announced the result, however your outstanding, has made me want to tell you impatiently, you passed the preliminary test, I think, even if were the second examination, you will not have any issue,” “ok,李娜同学,本來我们应该在一会发布名单來宣布结果的,但是你的优秀,已经让我迫不及待的想要告诉你,你已经通过了初试,我想,就算是复试,你也不会有任何的问題,” Real, thanks school leader Senior Sister, I will certainly try hard,” “真的吗,谢谢诸位学姐学长,我一定会更加努力的,” Small Li Na hears this to announce that is very happy, after having been permitted, excitedly left the classroom. 李娜听到这个宣布,十分开心,得到允许之后,就激动地离开了教室。 Fierce, Small Nana,” “厉害呀,小娜娜,” Shang Luo went forward to hug her, you must be more relaxed than me, this told you decided but not yet announced that” 商洛上前拥抱了她一下,“你比我还要轻松多了,这就告诉你内定了,” Um......” “嗯……” Li Na blushes, looks at Qin Chao. 李娜红着脸,看着秦朝 She very wants also to hold with big brother Qin, shares her joy. 她挺想也和秦大哥抱一下的,來分享一下自己的喜悦。 Before these many people, she is but embarrassed. 可是在这么多人面前,她不好意思。 You do not have a look, this is small Li Na of which family|home,” “你也不看看,这是谁家的小李娜,” Qin Chao also proud said with a smile, was my many years of cultivation good,” 秦朝也是骄傲地笑道,“都是我多年栽培的好啊,” Big brother Qin......” “秦大哥……” Small Li Na charmingly angry. 李娜娇嗔了一声。 Your family big brother Qin, knew to boast,” “你家秦大哥啊,就知道吹牛皮,” Shang Luo asked with a smile, you had not said that met you, if lost, what to do should,” 商洛笑着问道,“你还沒说,一会你要是输了,该怎么办,” What to do, I lost words, I kiss you one,” “怎么办,那我输了的话,我就亲你一下吧,” Qin Chao blinks. 秦朝眨眨眼睛。 Bah,” “呸,” Shang Luo has hammered a Qin Chao chest fist, good hard feeling. 商洛锤了秦朝胸口一拳,好硬的感觉。 Is beautiful you, is the great-aunt I suffers a loss,” “美得你,都是姑奶奶我吃亏,” What to do you must,” “那你要怎么办,” Qin Chao asked. 秦朝问道。 Shang Luo thinks, big eye that her is in sharp contrast, unceasing roving. 商洛想了想,她那黑白分明的大眼睛,不断的转來转去。 Suddenly, her eye has shone. 忽然,她的眼睛亮了一下。 Was right,” “对了,” Um,” “嗯,” Qin Chao does not know that this little girl has thought of anything. 秦朝不知道这妞想到了什么。 „, The Capital City art museum, will have a great picture exposition of French world sensation,” “过一阵,京都的艺术博物馆,会有法国一副轰动世界的名画展览会,” Shang Luo has smiled, is «Black and white Hell» that great picture,” 商洛笑了起來,“是《黑白地狱》那副名画,” Black and white hell,” “黑白地狱,” Qin Chao did not know about these matters. 秦朝对这些事情可是一点都不了解。 Um, this is a great picture of very legend, it is said before is a Catholic dies, draws, on that day main believer, after drawing this work, embellished the sky with his all blood, causes this marking, it is said that has Devil Power, each has its master, will die inexplicably,” “嗯,这是一幅很传奇的名画,据说是一位天主教徒死前所画,那天主教徒,在画完这幅作品之后,用他所有的鲜血來点缀了天空,导致这幅画上,据说带有魔力,每个拥有它的主人,都会不明不白地死亡,” „,” “哦,” Qin Chao carries a shoulder-pole load the brow, that inadequate curse of marking. 秦朝挑挑眉头,那不成了画上的诅咒么。 Um, historically indeed is also so, several have its person is very bad luck, most famous is Hitler, has won this picture from a Jewish Rich merchant hand, less than several days he lost,” “嗯,历史上的确也是如此,好几个拥有它的人都很倒霉,最有名的就是希特勒,从一个犹太富商手里夺走了这幅画,沒过几天他就兵败了,” Sweat, such legend, right is only the coincidence,” “汗,这么传奇,搞不好只是巧合,” Did not say certainly, this picture, afterward has collected in any case in Paris Louvre, I have wanted to look like, but does not have the opportunity, but recently Sino-French establishing diplomatic relations 48 th anniversary, to celebrate this picture, many French artwares, transported to the Beijing art museum has displayed, was only a pity that I heard can see this picture truly, was the powerful officials, because it only displayed for day, ticket of that day, I have not bought,” “说不准,反正这幅画,后來一直收藏在巴黎卢浮宫里,我一直想去看來着,但沒有机会,但最近中法建交48周年,为了庆祝就把这画,还有很多法国艺术品,都运到北京艺术博物馆來展出了,只可惜,我听说能真正看到这幅画的,都是权贵,因为它只展出一天,那一天的票,我沒买到,” Shang Luo mentioned this, was very depressed. 商洛说起这个,就十分沮丧。 Although his father is also rich in Sunan City, but in Capital City this latent talent the place of water depth, actually cannot raise water splash. 虽然他老爸在苏南市也算有钱,但在京都这个藏龙卧虎的水深之处,却是掀不起一点水花來。 The same day ticket, she has used many means that also cannot buy. 当天的票,她用了好多办法,也沒能买來。 Your meaning, if I lost, gets so far as ticket of that day to you,” “你的意思,如果我输了,就给你弄到那天的票是么,” Qin Chao understood the meaning of this girl finally. 秦朝终于明白这丫头的意思了。 Oh, I want to look that the black and white hell was very long, before was to watch the picture, an ideal condition did not have,” “嗯嗯,我想看黑白地狱很久了,以前都是看照片,一点意境都沒有,” Shang Luo nods again and again. 商洛连连点头。 Ok, that such settled,” “行,那就这么说定了吧,” Qin Chao nods, „, if I lost , helping you carry out the ticket, this, fair,” 秦朝点点头,“如果我输了,就帮你搞到票,这样,公平了吧,” Oh, fair, was too fair,” “嗯嗯,公平,太公平了,” Shang Luo hee smiles. 商洛嘻嘻笑起來。 The Qin Chao heart said that is fair. 秦朝心说,公平个屁啊。 You lost have also kissed me one, the ruthless dessert had finished up, moreover could not do well your this girl to profit. 你输了也就亲我一下而已,狠点心就完事了,而且搞不好还是你这丫头占了便宜呢。 My Qin Chao, does not make the person kiss casually. 秦朝,也不是随便就让人亲的。 I lost, but must carry out the ticket of that difficult lane. 我输了,可就要搞那么难弄的票。 Where was fair. 哪里公平了。 Small Nana, your big brother Qin meant what he says,” 小娜娜,你秦大哥说话算数的吧,” Shang Luo draws the arm of Li Na to say. 商洛拉着李娜的胳膊说道。 Has kept a promise......” “一直算数的……” Li Na naturally knows own this best friend thoughts. 李娜自然知道自己这闺蜜的心思。 Hee hee, I have felt relieved, big brother Qin, this matter may all give you yo,” “嘻嘻,那我就放心了,秦大哥,这件事可就全交给你了呦,” „...... Probably I lost,” “……好像我输定了似的,” Qin Chao speechless. 秦朝一阵无语。 In any case, I think you could not win,” “反正,我个人认为你是赢不了的,” Shang Luo smiles not to listen, it is estimated that in psychosexuality her ticket. 商洛笑个不听,估计在意淫她的票了。 Next, campaigns for Schoolmate Qin Chao of secretary unit,” “下一位,竞选秘书部的秦朝同学,” Liang Haodong came out to shout the number. 梁浩东又出來喊号了。 He has given a Qin Chao look. 他给了秦朝一个眼神。 To me, looked at my performance,” “到我了,看我的表现吧,” Qin Chao has patted own windproof coat, was smiling to Liang Haodong, enters the classroom with him. 秦朝拍了拍自己的风衣,然后对着梁浩东笑了笑,跟着他走进教室。 Does not use anxiously, well performance,” “不用紧张,好好表现,” Liang Haodong encourages to say to own study younger brother. 梁浩东给自己的学弟鼓励道。 Qin Chao nods, stands classroom. 秦朝点点头,站到了教室当中。 Lin Yushi that the person who sees, gains ground by chance is surprised immediately, the mineral water that even before letting slip to overturn table, has put. 看到进來的人,恰巧抬头的林雨诗顿时大吃一惊,甚至失手打翻了桌前放的矿泉水。 Qin Chao puts out a hand, held that bottle of mineral water very much accurately, then has returned on the table. 秦朝伸出手來,很准确地就抓住了那瓶矿泉水,然后放回了桌子上面。 Senior Sister is careful,” 学姐小心,” He was smiling to Lin Yushi. 他对着林雨诗笑了笑。 Lin Yushi heart chaos. 林雨诗芳心大乱。 How can be he. 怎么会是他。 Previous that has saved own fellow. 上次那个,救了自己的家伙。 He is not the Li Na elder brother, has become the student in school, ran to come to here to campaign. 他不是李娜的哥哥吗,怎么成了学校的学生,又跑來这里竞选來了。 In that flash, she has fluttered a idea. 在那一瞬间,她飘过一个想法。 This fellow, infiltrates to disturb. 这家伙,是混进來捣乱的。 It is not good, oneself must quickly reveal him to be good. 不行,自己要赶快揭穿他才行。 The student association campaigns , such serious matter, how can make him come to disturb. 学生会竞选,这么严肃的事情,怎么能让他进來捣乱呢。 In Lin Yushi this idea has fluttered the flash, Qin Chao realizes. 就在林雨诗这个想法飘过的一瞬间,秦朝就察觉到了。 She must reveal itself probably. 她好像要揭穿自己。 If were revealed that oneself started as if to by Shang Luo that young girl smiling. 要是被揭穿了,自己起步似乎要被商洛那个小妞给笑死了。 By that time, oneself before her, may be any face does not have. 到那时候,自己在她面前,可真的是什么面子都沒有了。 Must prevent Lin Yushi. 一定要阻止林雨诗 Qin Chao Mind moves, opens mouth, with own Mind, binds Yuan Qi, has delivered to near the ear of Lin Yushi. 秦朝意念一动,张开嘴來,用自己的意念,裹住元气,送到了林雨诗的耳边。 Beauty, do not disclose, I detected that here has the false angel aura, therefore comes to look up,” 美女,你不要声张,我是发觉,这里有伪天使的气息,所以进來查一查的,” Anything,” “什么,” Lin Yushi has called out in alarm one, about has a look. 林雨诗惊呼了一声,左右看看。 Secretary-General Lin, you how,” “林秘书长,你怎么了,” Nearby Wen Huajun asks immediately kindly, appearance that a little restlesses,” 旁边的文华俊立刻关切地问道,“有点心神不宁的样子,” He spoke you not to hear,” “他说话你们沒有听到吗,” Lin Yushi stares greatly attractive eye, asked. 林雨诗瞪大着漂亮的眼睛,问道。 Speech, did not have, was right, this schoolmate, you can do to introduce oneself,” “说话,还沒有啊,对了,这位同学,你可以做自我介绍了,” Wen Huajun looked around forest big Beauty one very much strangely. 文华俊很奇怪地看了旁边的林大美女一眼。 How this was, came after this male student, was absentminded. 她这是怎么了,从这个男生进來之后,就失魂落魄的。 Is it possible that two people know. 莫非,两个人认识么。 It is not right, heard Lin Yushi, only then a boyfriend, having called anything to forget, but definitely is not the big new student . Moreover, it is said bid good-bye. 不对吧,听说林雨诗只有过一个男友,叫什么忘了,不过肯定不是大一新生,而且,据说已经分手了。 School leader Senior Sister is good, I called Qin Chao,” “诸位学姐学长好,我叫秦朝,” The Qin Chao corners of the mouth are hanging light smile, introduced oneself. 秦朝嘴角挂着淡淡的微笑,自我介绍道。 Meanwhile, his Yuan Qi continues to bind the remaining words, delivers to near the ear of Lin Yushi. 同时,他元气继续裹着剩下的话,送到林雨诗的耳边。 They cannot hear me to speak, as the insider, I also only told you,” “他们是听不见我说话的,作为知情人,我也只告诉你,” Lin Yushi then understands, why only will then be surprised. 林雨诗这才明白,为什么只有自己才会惊讶。 This male student, how can that many mysterious abilities, he be, 这个男生,怎么会那么多神奇的能力,他到底是什么人,
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