MBT :: Volume #13

#1205: Won has kissed you 【1】

Chapter 1205 won has kissed you 第1205章赢了就亲你 Qin Chao has not thought that he they will deliberately create trouble with Shang Luo unexpectedly. 秦朝也沒有想到,他竟然会跟着商洛她们胡闹。 Possibly , he also wants to return to the college days. 可能,他心里,也想回到大学时代吧。 Everyone some dreams, if can return to the school days. 每个人心里都有个梦想,如果自己能回到学生时代。 Person who especially their these go to work, is the hope. 尤其是他们这些上班的人,最是渴望。 The school days, with the feeling of work time, the environment, are completely different. 学生时代,和工作时代的感觉,环境,完全不同。 Some people had said that university, is a small society. 有人曾经说过,大学,是个小社会。 But here is the soft sand, you threw down, is not sore, but can also crawl. 但这里都是软沙子,你摔倒了,不疼,还爬得起來。 But to the genuine society, you threw down, badly beaten that can fall. 可是到了真正的社会上,你摔倒了,就会摔的头破血流。 Very possible, henceforth is unable to recover. 很可能,从此一蹶不振。 This is the society, the society is brutal. 这就是社会,社会是残酷的。 I, if campaigned, how that should,” “我要是竞选上了,那该如何呢,” Qin Chao never hits not to have the weaponry that the small advantage occupies. 秦朝从來不打沒便宜占的仗。 He smilingly, is looking at Shang Luo. 他笑眯眯地,望着商洛 Oh, you are big boss, I can have something to give you......” “哎呀,你是大老板,我能有什么可以给你的呀……” The Shang Luo charmingly angry [say / way], except for me, does not have any you can look on, even if I, has Li Na, you cannot have a liking,” 商洛娇嗔道,“除了我本人,就沒什么你能看的上的了,唔,就算是我本人,有李娜在,你也看不上的吧,” Knows that Shang Luo is cracking a joke. 知道商洛是在开玩笑。 But this little girl also indeed is small Beauty, did not say excited, that is impossible. 但这妞也的确是个小美女,说不心动,那是不可能的。 But Li Na, then titter while looks that two people are noisy here. 李娜,则是一边偷笑一边看着两个人在这边闹。 She knows that the Shang Luo disposition, likes being up to mischief to deliberately create trouble, therefore, she has not gone to prevent. 她知道商洛的性格,就喜欢搞鬼胡闹的,所以,她也沒有去阻止。 „The cheap matter, I have not done . Moreover, takes the risk that was caught up with,” “沒有便宜的事,我可不去做哦,而且,还是冒着被人赶出來的风险的,” You want anything......” “那你想要什么啊……” Shang Luo also intertwined, but she wants to look that very much Qin Chao deliberately creates trouble in the student association. 商洛也纠结了,不过她是很想看秦朝在学生会里胡闹一下的。 The university life, sometimes is actually very bored. 大学生活,有时候其实是很无聊的。 In this bored life, an investment interesting color, that is amusing. 在这无聊的生活里,投入点有趣的颜色,那多么好玩呀。 You thought that” “你觉得呢,” Qin Chao has smiled, the Shang Luo a little whole body that smiles is scared. 秦朝一直笑,笑的商洛有点浑身发毛。 If you can enter the second examination, that miss kisses your one,” “如果你能进入复试,那本姑娘就亲你一口,” Shang Luo had made a determined effort, Paternal grandmother, becomes the great-aunt is really a porcelain doll. 商洛发了狠了,奶奶的,真当姑奶奶是瓷娃娃啊。 „,” “啊,” Nearby Li Na was scared. 一旁的李娜傻眼了。 Small Nana, you, or gives up, that” 小娜娜,你要不舍得,那就算了吧,” After the Shang Luo words exit / to speak, a little regretted. 商洛话出口之后,也有点后悔。 Said that this is also the best friend boyfriend. 怎么说,这也是自己闺蜜的男朋友嘛。 Such teased him, seemed a little immoral. 这么调侃他,似乎有点不道德。 I have not related,” “我沒关系的,” Li Na said lets the Shang Luo surprised words, you play your, does not need to lead me,” 李娜却说了一句让商洛吃惊的话,“你们玩你们的,不用把我带进去,” Big brother Qin girl may more than one. 秦大哥身边的女孩子可不止一个了。 This being jealous anything, although also has, but Li Na does not want to display. 这种吃醋什么的,虽然也有,但李娜可不想表现出來。 Too small that if displays, big brother Qin slowly will not have liked himself. 若是表现的太小性了,秦大哥就会慢慢不喜欢自己了。 Moreover, she also thought that Shang Luo is deliberately creates trouble. 而且,她也觉得商洛就是胡闹而已。 She always such loves noisily, should have a rule by people to govern her. 她总这么爱闹,也该有个人治治她了。 Otherwise, to the society, must perhaps suffer a loss. 不然以后到了社会上,说不定要吃亏呢。 Small Li Na, your unexpectedly extroversion to this degree,” “小李娜,你竟然外向到这种程度,” Shang Luo was startled, she has not thought that Li Na has complied unexpectedly. 商洛吃了一惊,她沒想到李娜竟然应了下來。 Heavens, this, how this can be good...... 天啊,这,这怎么能行呢…… She, she i.e. said...... 她,她就是说说而已嘛…… What's wrong, does not dare,” “怎么,不敢了,” Qin Chao smiles to ask. 秦朝笑问道。 Bah, the old lady has anything not to dare,” “呸,老娘有什么不敢的,” Shang Luo showed the whites of the eyes immediately, that such settled, lost when had been nipped one by the pig, let alone, you may not win,” 商洛顿时翻了个白眼,“那就这么说定了,输了就当被猪咬了一口了,何况,你不一定能赢,” The Capital City university selects the student association member, the character who such serious matter, how can let Qin Chao this uncle level mixes. 京都大学选拔学生会成员,这么严肃的事情,怎么能让秦朝这个大叔级的人物混进去呢。 Definitely incorrect. 肯定不行的。 She is the joke is a focus, from the start has not thought Qin Chao can succeed. 本來她就是玩笑为主,压根就沒想过秦朝能成功。 We said it and meant it,” “那我们一言为定,” Qin Chao has patted starting, has decided this matter. 秦朝拍了下手,算是敲定了这件事。 Decides decides, fears you,” “定就定,怕你呀,” Shang Luo smiles, as if has imagined appearance that Qin Chao was caught up with. 商洛笑起來,似乎想象到了秦朝被人赶出來的模样。 But at this time, the people of several school leader Senior Sister appearances walked from the beforehand 102 classrooms, starts to maintain the discipline. 而就在这个时候,有几个学长学姐模样的人从之前的102教室里走了出來,开始维持纪律。 Everybody peaceful, lined up, boards craft the department of the name and register, is having own application form, waits to shout number passing through the gate,” “大家安静一下,排好队,过來登机一下名字和报考的部门,然后带着自己的报名表,等喊号进门,” Clerks of student association said. 一个学生会的干事说道。 Shang Luo looked at Qin Chao one at this time complacently, then has turned out her application form from own packet. 商洛这时候得意洋洋地看了秦朝一眼,然后从自己的小包里翻出了她的报名表。 Ahem, without this thing, looked how you go. 哼哼,沒有这个东西,看你怎么进去。 Qin Chao looked at Shang Luo one, has not revealed her to imagine surprised. 秦朝只是看了商洛一眼,并沒有流露出她想象中的惊讶。 Buddy, excuse me, I come time is too hurried, the application form forgot to bring......” “哥们,不好意思,我來的时候太匆忙,报名表忘记带了……” Qin Chao walks up, should be the boys of secretary unit said with that. 秦朝走上前去,和那个应该是秘书部的男学生说道。 So to be how careless,” “怎么这么马虎,” The student has sized up Qin Chao several up and down, which unit you must campaign,” 那学生上下打量了秦朝几下,“你要竞选哪个部的,” Secretary unit, I have heard in the student association, the secretary unit is most outstanding, making me yearn specially that I was also too excited, therefore......” “秘书部啊,我一直听说学生会里,秘书部是最优秀的,让我特别向往,我也是太激动了,所以才……” He He, as can be appreciated, as can be appreciated,” “呵呵,可以理解,可以理解,” The student has patted the shoulder of Qin Chao, buddy, the secretary unit indeed is a very good choice, has not related, you name, I help you greet, then writes down your name first, met the campaigners of other secretary departments to make, we made your,” 那学生拍了拍秦朝的肩膀,“哥们,秘书部的确是个很好的选择,沒关系,你叫什么名字,我帮你打个招呼,然后把你名先记下來,一会其他秘书部的竞选者都弄完了,我们就弄你的,” Oh, that has thanked, troublesome buddy, no matter can elect, I asked you to drink,” “哎呀,那太谢谢了,麻烦哥们了,不管能不能选上,我都请你喝酒,” Drinking is the minor matter, I in the past also and you were equally harebrained, hopes that had the opportunity becomes the colleague, I called Liang Haodong,” “喝酒是小事,我当年也和你一样冒冒失失的,希望有机会成为同事啊,我叫梁浩东,” I called Qin Chao, that was laborious big brother Liang,” “我叫秦朝,那就辛苦梁大哥了,” Qin Chao in a few words, the matter of application form handling. 秦朝三言两语,就把报名表的事情给搞定了。 Shang Luo in behind, what looks is dumbfounded. 商洛在后面,看的是目瞪口呆。 This Qin Chao was also too aggressive, obviously the opposite party is only a big two student, his a fellow of graduation, but also the hard tube others called the brother. 秦朝也太生猛了,明明对方只是个大二的学生,他一个毕业的家伙,还硬管人家叫哥。 The set that which studying he is. 他在哪学的这一套啊。 In her, the solemn Dafa Group chairman, can not be very Pride that type, can climb the friendship with others unexpectedly. 在她心里,堂堂大发集团的董事长,不得是非常傲慢那种啊,竟然也会和人家去攀交情。 Resembles, sees billionaires, for money bargained back and forth same as the small merchant...... 就好像,看到一个亿万富翁,在为了一块钱和小商贩讨价还价一样…… Simply, was too inconceivable...... 简直,太不可思议了…… Handles,” “搞定,” Qin Chao walked, has given Shang Luo and a Li Na ok look. 秦朝走了回來,给了商洛李娜一个ok的眼神。 This fellow, despises her. 这家伙,鄙视她。 Under, waits to visit me to display,” “下面,就等着看我发挥吧,” Qin Chao does not care about despising of these two little girls, still smiles. 秦朝才不在乎这俩妞的鄙视,兀自笑着。 „, I thought that you can display any situation, when an interview time, you should be revealed that” “切,我看你能发挥到什么地步,等到一面试的时候,你就该被揭穿了,” Shang Luo in side unceasing is throwing the cold water. 商洛在旁边不断的泼着冷水。 She must attack Qin Chao, the Qin Chao attack did not have the information, withdraws from this game to be good. 她就是要打击秦朝,把秦朝打击的沒了信息,退出这场游戏才好。 Because, her Shang Luo, somewhat lacked self-confidence. 因为,她商洛,有些沒底了。 She likes deliberately creating trouble frequently. 她经常喜欢胡闹的。 Especially in the high school, these pursues her and Li Na male students, has not been short by her is given to make fun. 尤其在高中的时候,那些追求她和李娜的男生们,沒少被她给捉弄。 But makes fun of their times, Shang Luo at heart always self-confident. 但捉弄他们的时候,商洛心里总是自信满满。 However this time, she actually lacked self-confidence. 不过这一次,她心里却沒有底了。 Always felt that Qin Chao can win itself to be the same probably. 总感觉,秦朝好像能赢了自己一样。 He. 他真的可以吗。 Next, Shang Luo of elected propaganda department,” “下一个,应选宣传部的商洛,” At this time, Liang Haodong walked, said. 这时候,梁浩东又走了出來,说道。 To me,” “到我了,” Shang Luo has held up the application form in hand, shook shaking. 商洛举起了手里的报名表,晃了晃。 Shang Luo, come on,” 商洛,加油啊,” Li Na said hastily. 李娜连忙说道。 Does not need to give me to refuel, I do not have the issue ironclad,” “不用给我加油啦,我铁定沒问題的,” Shang Luo beckons with the hand, then walked. 商洛摆摆手,然后就走了进去。 Li Na and Qin Chao lie in entrance look secretly. 李娜秦朝就趴在门口偷偷看。 Sees only in this collective teacher, person who front sits one crowd of college student leader appearances. 只见这集体教师里,前排坐着一群学生干部模样的人。 Other person of Qin Chao did not know, but he has recognized most that woman, Lin Yushi. 其他人秦朝不认识,但他认出了最中间的那个女人,林雨诗 Faint, is this beautiful secretary is unexpectedly long. 晕,竟然是这位美女秘书长。 Also right, this student association campaigns, is a minister of department, certainly must. 也对,这学生会竞选,身为一个部门的部长,肯定要在的吧。 One, gave to forget her actually. 自己,倒是把她给忘了。 Li Na also saw Lin Yushi obviously, said in the Qin Chao ear secretly. 李娜显然也看到了林雨诗,偷偷在秦朝耳边说道。 Big brother Qin...... Forest Senior Sister also in......” “秦大哥……林学姐也在啊……” Li Na remaining meanings, it goes without saying. 李娜剩下的意思,不言而喻。 The meaning is, Lin Yushi in this, you what to do. 意思是,林雨诗在这,你怎么办啊。 Qin Chao beckons with the hand, hints her not to need to be worried. 秦朝摆摆手,示意她不用担心。 Lin Yushi, that bet, looked that she can pierce itself. 林雨诗,那就赌一赌好了,看她会不会戳穿自己。 Shang Luo performance good of , facing several examination officials' inquiries, 11 replies is free. 商洛表现的很不错,面对几个考官的提问,11应答自如。 In the suggestion in propaganda, she gives is also very critical. 在宣传方面的建议,她给的也很中肯。 Especially she has put out her several works from the handbag. 尤其她从皮包里拿出了自己的几幅作品。 What painting pictures is really good, Ma Ruohang of propaganda department hastily was also speaking the word of praise by own minister. 画画的是真不错,宣传部的马若航在自己的部长旁边也连忙说着好话。 Finally also asked several issues, puts Shang Luo to come out. 最后又问了几个问題,才放商洛出來。 Shang Luo, what kind,” 商洛,怎么样,” After waiting for Shang Luo to come out, Li Na asked hastily. 商洛出來之后,李娜连忙问道。 Ok,” “ok,” Shang Luo blinked to Li Na, raises up a ok hand signal. 商洛李娜眨了眨眼睛,竖起一个ok的手势。 This meaning is, she does not have the issue completely. 这意思是,她完全沒问題。 Next, Li Na of elected student association student unit,” “下一个,应选学生会学生部的李娜,” Liang Haodong walks once more, announced. 梁浩东再次走出來,宣布道。 Big brother Qin, refueled for me,” “秦大哥,为我加油啊,” Li Na raises the small fist, has brandished, was taking own application form. 李娜举起小拳头,挥舞了一下,然后才拿着自己的报名表走了进去。 Liang Haodong looks at Qin Chao with Xian Yan the vision. 梁浩东用一种羡艳的目光看着秦朝 This buddy luck was good, actually knew that the Math Faculty famous department is colored, moreover in Beauty list the second character. 这哥们运气太好了,竟然认识数学系有名的系花,而且还是美女榜上第二的人物。 Really curious, which specialty this buddy is, really has such good luck. 真好奇,这哥们到底是哪个专业的,竟然有这么好的运气。 If he entered the student association, oneself well communicated with him, perhaps, can obtain some and opportunity of Li Na contact also perhaps. 如果他进了学生会,自己就好好跟他多來往,沒准,能多得到一些和李娜接触的机会也说不定。 You are famous Li Na, today finally sees the surface,” “你就是大名鼎鼎的李娜啊,今天终于见到面了,” After Li Na goes, sits charming a man by Lin Yushi, has been showing a smiling face to Li Na. 李娜一进去之后,坐在林雨诗旁边的一个帅气的男子,对着李娜露出了个笑容。 Li Na knew that this male student, his reputation spreads far and wide in the Capital City university. 李娜认识这个男生,他的名声在京都大学可是远扬的。 Because he is the school student association president of Capital City university, Wen Huajun. 因为他就是京都大学的校学生会主席,文华俊 He this year big three, academic record is the school vanguard. 他今年大三,学习成绩一直是学校前茅。 Moreover, he in going to school, but also established a small company, it is said that the benefit is good, lets in his hand some money. 而且,他自己在上学的时候,还创立了一个小公司,据说,效益还不错,让他手里有些钱。 In addition he charming handsome semblance, making him for a while diamond Wang Laowu in school. 再加上他帅气俊朗的外表,让他一时成为了学校里的钻石王老五。 Heard that pursues his girl to be also not infrequent, but is since so long, he does not have a girlfriend. 听说追他的女孩子也不在少数,但这么久以來,他都沒有一个女朋友。 Also does not know him in anything. 也不知道他在等什么。 However Li Na does not care about these, she only hopes one can enter the study unit, exercises itself well. 不过李娜也不关心这些,她只希望自己能进入学习部,好好锻炼一下自己。 School leader was polite, I hope that the school leader can understand me through my working ability, but is not the rumor,” “学长客气了,我希望学长能通过我的工作能力了解我,而不是传言,” Li Na smiles. 李娜笑起來。 In the Wen Huajun heart nods, this girl, is really good. 文华俊心中点头,这个女孩子,果然不错。 He knows many girl, has talent does not have the semblance, has the semblance does not have the brain. 他认识好多女生,有才点的沒外表,有外表的沒大脑。 But has liked Lin Yushi, is too cold, is not own dish. 而喜欢过的林雨诗,又太冷,不是自己的菜。 Front this small Junior Sister, he he, is actually good. 面前这个小学妹,呵呵,倒是不错。 ================ the following content is free ========================== ================以下内容免费========================== Sorry, the website backstage had hung a moment ago, this can just ~ 抱歉,刚才网站后台挂了,这会刚好~ Today is 51, is first day the top carriage, 4 offer, the meaning meaning, thanked these to support my wools, your words made me very warm ~ 今天是51,又是第一天上架,4更奉上,意思意思,感谢那些支持我的羊毛们,你们的话让我很温暖~ Regardless of you use any way to support Old Yang, I thanked very much. 无论你用什么方式支持着老羊,我都很感谢。 Good, the idle talk were not many said that continued second, 好了,废话不多说,继续第二更,
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