MBT :: Volume #13

#1204: Campaigns for the student association 【3】

Chapter 1204 campaigns for the student association 第1204章竞选学生会 But Huang Ping is not Tang Zong that lower part impulsive fool. 黄平不是唐宗那种下半身冲动的傻瓜。 You investigate, which department the boy is, which specialty.” “你去调查一下,那小子是哪个系,哪个专业的。” He said to a nearby male student. 他对旁边的一个男生说道。 Knew.” “知道了。” The male student pulls out the cell phone immediately, gives Qin Chao of distant place to photograph secretly. 那男生立刻掏出手机来,偷偷给远处的秦朝拍了张照片。 He is just about to leave, Huang Ping also said suddenly. 他正要离开的时候,黄平突然又说道。 And other.” “等一下。” Huang Shao, what but also there is to tell?” “黄少,还有什么吩咐?” Announces the picture that they hold hands that making the Li Na Pursuer Society person have a look.” “把他们牵手的照片公布出去,让李娜追求团的人看看。” I understood, Huang Shao, my this manages.” “我懂了,黄少,我这就去办。” The male student leaves rapidly. 那男生迅速离开。 Huang Ping looks that two people hold hands the form that goes far away, in the heart laugh in one's heart. 黄平看着两个人牵手远去的身影,心中暗笑。 The boys, dare to pick up the woman who I like. Makes me have a look, you are any background! 小子,敢泡我喜欢的女人。就让我看看,你到底是什么来路! Big brother Qin, I cannot accompany you first, I one must attend the preliminary test that the student association campaigns.” “秦大哥,我先不能陪你啦,我一会还要去参加学生会竞选的初试。” Yes? My can Small Nana campaign for finally?” “是么?我的小娜娜终于要竞选了?” Qin Chao is interested very much, wants me to accompany you to go together?” 秦朝很感兴趣,“要不要我陪你一起去?” Good, had big brother Qin, I will have self-confidently.” “好哇,有秦大哥在,我会更有自信的。” Li Na has smiled, forest Senior Sister said that I should not any issue.” 李娜笑了起来,“林学姐说了,我应该没什么问题的。” Forest Senior Sister? Also is that Secretary-General Lin Yushi.” “林学姐?又是那个林雨诗秘书长吧。” Qin Chao remembers previous time by he has saved that arrogant girl. 秦朝想起上次被他救过的那个趾高气扬的女孩来。 Oh, she is good to me. Is the person somewhat is proud, but she also has the proud capital.” “嗯嗯,她对我挺好的。就是人有些骄傲,但她也有骄傲的资本嘛。” In the eye of Li Na as if some worships, she studies is school first, in the university, was very rare. Heard that in the past was also the province foremost people in the field comes up, was fierce.” 李娜的眼睛里似乎有些崇拜,“她学习一直是学校第一名,在大学里,就很难得了。听说当年也是省状元上来的,非常厉害。” Um, particularly her goddess Bodyguard, very fierce......” “嗯,尤其是她的女神亲卫队们,也很厉害……” Qin Chao remembers that illegal clique, cannot bear want to smile. 秦朝想起那个非法小团体,就忍不住想笑。 Is the young people, likes doing these useless things. 到底是年轻人,喜欢搞这些没用的东西。 When this age, always does not need to consider other, so long as is likes, made. 在这个年纪的时候,从来都不用考虑其他的,只要是自己喜欢的,就去弄了。 Also only then in this age, they have this opportunity and right. 也只有在这个年纪,他们才有这个机会和权利。 After having worked, a lot are done, starts cautiously, was with trepidation. 等到工作了以后,很多事情做起来,就开始小心翼翼,提心吊胆了。 Is overcautious and indecisive, for fear that has anything to lose cannot undertake. 瞻前顾后,生怕有什么损失承担不起。 This, big brother Qin......” “这个,秦大哥……” Li Na starts the speech to hesitate suddenly. 李娜忽然开始说话犹犹豫豫的。 How?” “怎么了?” Qin Chao cannot bear curiously. 秦朝忍不住好奇。 What is this girl covering up? 这丫头在遮掩什么呢? Actually...... Actually......” “其实……其实……” Li Na with the bookend face, the sound was saying like the mosquito embarrassed, actually...... I now, there is a such association......” 李娜不好意思地用书挡着脸,声音像蚊子一样地说道,“其实……我现在,也有个那样的团体……” Ha?” “哈?” Qin Chao was astonished. 秦朝惊愕了。 You, did you have the pro- health/guard to roll?” “你,你也有亲卫团了?” Qin Chao swallows the saliva. 秦朝吞了吞口水。 However, will not think too strange. 不过,也并不会觉得太奇怪。 Own family|home Small Nana appearance, does not miss several points compared with that Lin Yushi. 自己家小娜娜的容貌,并不比那林雨诗差几分。 Only insufficient, Lin Yushi body were many a corona and charm. 只不够,林雨诗身上多了一种光环和魅力罢了。 Small Nana is big one, what body are more is the youth and shyness. 小娜娜毕竟才大一,身上更多的是青春和羞涩。 He, they are self-designated are Li Na Pursuer Society......” “他,他们自命为李娜追求团……” I go, this name.” “我去,这名字。” Qin Chao touches the nose, cannot think, my family Small Nana, some these many supporters.” 秦朝摸摸鼻子,“真想不到,我家小娜娜,也有这么多拥护者了。” hateful, big brother Qin you laughed at me.” 讨厌,秦大哥你笑话我。” Li Na charmingly angry [say / way]. 李娜娇嗔道。 Where laughs at you, you grew up.” “哪里是笑话你啊,你长大了嘛。” Qin Chao favored to drown has blown the nose of Li Na, you were a university student, no longer was the youngest sisters of my neighbor.” 秦朝宠溺地刮了一下李娜的鼻子,“你都是大学生了,不再是我邻家的小妹妹了。” Who said that I not, I forever am!” “谁说我不是啦,我永远都是!” Li Na grabs the hand of Qin Chao, does not make him blow own nose. 李娜抓住秦朝的手,不让他刮自己的鼻子。 Is you have not made me blow the nose.” “是你还不让我刮鼻子。” I feared that you blew collapsed, is unattractive.” “我怕你刮塌了,就不好看了。” Who said that my Small Nana regardless of what, is attractive.” “谁说的,我的小娜娜无论什么样,都好看。” That wants fat several times, big brother Qin should not want me.” “那要胖好几倍呢,秦大哥就该不要我了。” Small Li Na digs the mouth to say. 李娜撅着嘴巴说道。 Where, moreover I will make you thin.” “哪里,而且我会让你瘦下来的。” Qin Chao smiles suddenly very much evilly. 秦朝忽然很邪恶地笑起来。 Well? How to be thin? The girl loses weight very difficultly yo.” “唔?怎么瘦下来?女孩子减肥很难的呦。” Movement...... Vertical motion......” “运动啊……上下运动……” This......” “这样啊……” Li Na had not thought anything, but sees Qin Chao that evil smiling face, immediately has realized anything 李娜本来没觉得什么,但看到秦朝那邪恶的笑容,顿时意识到了什么 In addition and remembered beforehand Wang Yuan and she has said that that matter. 加上又想起之前王鸳和她说过的,那个事情。 Immediately, the small face red, is carrying own book charmingly angry, has patted Qin Chao. 顿时,小脸通红,娇嗔地拎着自己的书,拍了秦朝一下。 Big brother Qin, your hateful! Knows that thinks these ** matter!” “秦大哥,你讨厌!就知道想那些**的事情!” Which ** matter?” “哪些**的事情?” Therefore Qin Chao does asks properly, „do I swell do not know? Explained to big brother Qin quickly.” 秦朝故做正经地问道,“我肿么不知道呀?快跟秦大哥解释解释。” hateful, you bully me!” 讨厌,你又欺负我!” My where has......” “我哪有……” Qin Chao expressed very undeserved. 秦朝表示很冤枉。 My anything had not said obviously that is you indulges in flights of fancy. I have not known what you think is anything, making you explain, you also did not say that now I bully you.” “我明明什么都没说,是你胡思乱想。我还不知道你想的是什么,让你解释一下,你又不说,现在又来说我欺负你。” You, hateful......” “你,讨厌……” Li Na knows one are quarrels Qin Chao. 李娜知道自己是吵不过秦朝的。 Her sudden look moves, then asked. 她突然神色一动,然后问道。 „Did you, you acknowledge that you have to bully me......” “你,你承不承认,你有欺负我……” Why must acknowledge, I have not handled matter......” “为什么要承认,我没做过的事情……” Qin Chao is just about to argue that Li Na has collected suddenly, said near own ear in a low voice, you, if did not acknowledge, later...... Does not let on you...... The bed of old lady......” 秦朝正要辩解,李娜忽然凑了过来,在自己耳边低声说道,“你要是不承认,以后……就不让你上……老娘的床……” Volume......” “额……” Qin Chao is dumbfounded immediately. 秦朝顿时目瞪口呆。 This Li Na, when has learned the so agile and fierce words! 李娜,什么时候学会了如此剽悍的话! He naturally does not know that this is Shang Luo that girl, was all right jokes with Li Na. 他自然不知道,这都是商洛那丫头,没事和李娜闹着玩说的。 Li Na remembers very much clearly that Shang Luo drew to say frequently. 李娜很清晰地记得,商洛经常拉着自己说。 Small Nana, your big brother Qin, if bullied you, you coped with him with these words, the guarantee was easy-to-use!” 小娜娜,你那秦大哥要是欺负你了,你就用这句话对付他,保证好使!” Shang Luo said each time that Li Na will make a big red painted-face, is itchy with her mutual flexure. 每次商洛这么说,李娜都会闹个大红脸,然后和她互相挠痒痒。 Has not thought that this time...... One also really used...... 没想到,这一次……自己还真的用上了…… However, seems like the effect is good...... 不过,貌似效果还不错啊…… This...... You won.” “这……你赢了。” Qin Chao shrugs the shoulders, you must tell me, who is gives you this set?” 秦朝耸耸肩膀,“不过你得告诉我,到底是谁交给你这一套的?” I did not tell you.” “我才不告诉你呢。” Li Na has turned head, does not dare to look at the eye of Qin Chao. 李娜扭过头去,不敢看着秦朝的眼睛。 Said after this saying, she suffices bashfully. 说完这话之后,她就够羞的了。 One, how can say such words...... 自己,怎么能说出这样的话来…… hateful Shang Luo, was she has a bad effect on oneself. 讨厌商洛,都是她把自己带坏了。 „, You did not tell me, I also know.” “切,你不告诉我,我也知道。” Qin Chao smiles, is Shang Luo that girl teaches?” 秦朝嘿嘿一笑,“是商洛那丫头教的吧?” How Ah? do you know?” 啊?你怎么知道?” On the Li Na elegant cheek has written all over surprisedly. 李娜俏脸蛋上写满了惊奇。 Does not know that now knew.” “本来不知道,现在知道了。” Hateful! Big brother Qin you lay I!” “可恶!秦大哥你诳我!” Li Na knew to be swindled immediately, is angry no wonder that. 李娜顿时知道上当,嗔怪道。 Hi, even if did not lie you, cannot run others to go. Besides Shang Luo that girl, who can also teach you these at sixes and sevens things.” “嗨,就算不诳你,也跑不出别人去。除了商洛那丫头,谁还能教你这些乱七八糟的东西。” Oh, she does not have evil intent......” “哎呀,她也没有坏意啦……” I know me to know that your best friend, teaches you to select the life slightly to kill, very has the use. However, the one who is miserable is I.” “我知道我知道,你的闺蜜嘛,教你点生活小必杀,也挺有用处的。不过,惨的可是我啊。” Qin Chao painstakingly face. 秦朝苦着个脸。 Li Na wants to smile secretly, but also life slightly must kill, big brother Qin most hateful. 李娜偷偷想笑,还生活小必杀,秦大哥最讨厌了。 Two people hand in hand, enter in No. the 3 building of Capital City university. 两个人手拉手,走进京都大学的三号楼里面。 In this building hall some present many students, have disturbedly, has self-confidently, talks of this and that with the friend. 这一楼大厅里现在有不少学生,有忐忑的,有自信的,还有跟朋友谈天说地的。 These are come the person of preliminary test......” “这些都是来初试的人啊……” Qin Chao looked at one, person are really many.” 秦朝看了一眼,“人还真不少。” Nana, you come!” “娜娜,你来啦!” At this time, the distant place had girl, greeted toward them. 这时候,远处有个女生,向着他们打招呼。 Shang Luo...... You come is very early.” 商洛……你来的很早么。” Li Na beckons hastily. 李娜连忙招手。 I added that how Small Nana has not come. Originally, was stolen the halfway.” “我还说呢,小娜娜怎么还没来。原来,是被人半路劫走了呀。” Shang Luo sees Qin Chao, in an attractive eye cannot bear flow the happy expression. 商洛看到秦朝,一双漂亮的眼睛里忍不住流淌出笑意。 Words said that your big brother Qin also really kept thinking about you, on this day must run toward the school many.” “话说,你的秦大哥还真惦记你呀,这一天要往学校跑多少趟啊。” Hey......” “嘿嘿……” Qin Chao hollow laugh two, the heart said that is your this girl, taught people bad things my small family Li Na. 秦朝干笑两声,心说都是你这丫头,把我家小李娜教坏了。 Shang Luo, do you also want to participate in the campaign of student association?” 商洛,你也要参加学生会的竞选吗?” Qin Chao asked. 秦朝问道。 Yes, your family Small Nana can campaign, why I not.” “是呀,你家小娜娜可以竞选,为什么我就不可以啊。” Shang Luo smiles, „, although the study unit I cannot go, but the propaganda department and ensure does not have the issue.” 商洛笑起来,“虽然学习部我是进不去,但宣传部,保证没问题嘛。” Right, Shang Luo young girl ran for our propaganda department, can definitely come up!” “对对对,商洛mm参选我们宣传部,肯定能上去的!” Nearby male student compensates to say with a smile immediately. 旁边一个男生立刻赔笑道。 Qin Chao and Li Na then note, originally side Shang Luo also with a male student. 秦朝李娜这才注意到,原来商洛身旁还跟着一个男生。 It is not they do not have the patience, is really this male growth commonplace of extremely. 不是他们没长心,实在是这个男生长的太过不起眼。 It looks like that type loses in the crowd, type that again could not find. 就像是那种丢在人群中,就再也找不到的种类。 Little Ma classmate, thank you have encouraged.” 小马同学,谢谢你的鼓励了哈。” Shang Luo very much at will has actually dealt with his one. 商洛却很随意地应付了他一句。 But can speak words with Shang Luo, the male student is very as if excited. 但能和商洛说句话,那男生似乎就很兴奋。 This, these two are your friend. Hello, hopes after us, is the colleagues.” “这,这两位就是你的朋友吧。你们好,希望我们以后都是同事啊。” Sentimental boy also regarded Qin Chao is the new student in school. 感情这小子把秦朝也当成是学校的新生了。 Also no wonder, Qin Chao originally also just shortly after graduation, after Cultivation, appearance not old, but the body has a mature flavor. 也难怪,秦朝本来也就刚毕业不久,修真之后,长相也未曾老过,只是身上有一种成熟的味道。 These shy university students, where to be able such flavor to come. 这些青涩的大学生,一个个哪里能品出这样的味道来。 He He, I am......” “呵呵,我是……” Qin Chao is just about to explain that suddenly the Shang Luo digression said that „right, he is IT Faculty, called Qin Chao, entered the interview of student association.” 秦朝正要解释,忽然商洛插话道,“没错没错,他是计算机系的,叫秦朝,也来参加学生会的面试。” Em? 额? Qin Chao and Li Na are also startled, the girl of Shang Luo this ghost elf, must do anything. 秦朝李娜同时吃惊,商洛这鬼精灵的丫头,又要搞什么。 Shang Luo actually turned head, blinked to two people secretly. 商洛却是回过头来,偷偷对两个人眨了眨眼睛。 Hello, I called Ma Ruohang, was the clerk of student association propaganda department, the fortunate meeting fortunate meeting.” “你好你好,我叫马若航,是学生会宣传部的干事,幸会幸会。” That Little Ma classmate puts out a hand immediately with a smile, looked that this brothers are dignified in appearance, which unit Ah? wants to campaign for 小马同学立刻笑着伸出手来,“看这位兄弟仪表堂堂,是想竞选哪个部啊? Secretary unit!” “秘书部!” Has not waited for Qin Chao they to speak, Shang Luo opens the mouth to say. 没等秦朝他们说话,商洛又开口道。 Originally is this...... The secretary unit is also one of the student association outstanding departments, the brothers refuel!” “原来是这样……秘书部也是学生会优秀的部门之一,兄弟加油吧!” Little Ma classmate, you should go to the classroom to prepare, the preliminary test must start.” 小马同学,你是不是该去教室里准备了呢,初试要开始了。” Shang Luo said. 商洛说道。 „, Yes, my this goes.” “哦,对对对,我这就去。” Ma Ruohang pats the forehead hastily, „that in our classroom sees!” 马若航连忙一拍额头,“那个,我们教室里见!” Then, went into that collective classroom speedily first. 说完,一溜烟先跑到那个集体教室去了。 Shang Luo, how you said that big brother Qin was the IT Faculty student!” 商洛,你怎么说秦大哥是计算机系的学生呀!” After he walked, Li Na holds on the hand of Shang Luo immediately, is angry saying that added he must campaign for the student association, this is not deliberately creates trouble!” 他走了之后,李娜顿时拉住商洛的手,嗔道,“还说他要竞选学生会,这不是胡闹嘛!” Hee hee, this is amusing!” “嘻嘻,这样多好玩呀!” Shang Luo actually smiles, a pair flood the gentle eye, is falling on Qin Chao, you saw your big brother Qin, had anything to distinguish with our university students! What kind, Small Nana big brother Qin, you had the skill, had the confidence to campaign for the student association?” 商洛却笑起来,一双泛着柔媚的眼睛,落在秦朝身上,“你看你秦大哥,和咱们大学生有什么区别呀!怎么样,小娜娜的秦大哥,你那么有本事,有没有信心竞选学生会呢?” ====================================== ====================================== Free version finally locates together - female Zhang Tui ~ 免费版的最后一块处-女章推~ «Unsurpassed Enlightened ruler», the profound imaginary recent work, the author who knows, the head of show wave, the article certainly is greatly good ~ recommends everybody to taste ~ 《无上圣主》,玄幻新作,作者大安知,骚浪之首,文章一定不错~推荐大家去品尝~ Thank everybody support to Old Yang ~ 感谢大家对老羊的支持~
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