MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1915: Ghost-mask Divine Country

Has saying that Ghost-mask takes advantage good. 不得不说,鬼面打得一手好算盘。 Chaos universe quantity that he grasps now already over a hundred Capital, but the present three column gods, the aura intensity obviously also arrives in ten Capital. 他现在掌握的混沌宇宙数量已经上百京,而眼前的三柱神,气息强度明显还不到十京。 On the hard strength, the Ghost-mask insta-kill three people are not difficult. 论硬实力,鬼面秒杀三人都不难。 However since is under the Aza three column gods, naturally some methods. 不过既然是阿撒麾下的三柱神,自然有些手段。 Can decode Ghost-mask Illusion Art like Rato a moment ago, moreover decoded twice. 就像刚才奈亚拉托能够破解鬼面幻术,而且破解了两次。 Although Ghost-mask not with full power, but also fully explained that Rato's method was astonishing. 虽然鬼面没有用全力,但也足以说明奈亚拉托的手段惊人了。 However, at this moment without is dragged into Ghost-mask Divine Country that the indication arrives, the bonus is Rato, is unable to work loose again. 然而,此刻被毫无征兆到的拉入鬼面神国,饶是奈亚拉托,也无法再挣脱出去了。 In my Divine Country, must follow my game Rule......” “在我的神国里,就得遵循我的游戏规则……” Hears Ghost-mask these words time, three column god hearts exuded not good feeling immediately. 听到鬼面这句话的时候,三柱神心头顿时泛起了不太好的感觉。 Makes me think, what game we do play to be good?” Ghost-mask phantom held the chin to fall into the thinking. “让我想想,我们玩个什么游戏好呢?”鬼面虚影托着下巴陷入了思索。 At this moment, acts suddenly, he wields single-handedly, together space crack from the phantom place autoform of Ghost-mask. 就在这时,尤格陡然出手,他一手挥出,一道空间裂缝自鬼面虚影处自动成型。 But next flickers, his eye pupil fierce shrinks, the complexion became uglier. 但下一瞬,他眼瞳猛的一缩,面色变得更加难看了。 Because this strikes, simply has not created to the opposite party affects slightly. 因为这一击,根本没有对对方造成丝毫影响。 As if the attack of oneself, with that said space that phantom is, situated in different chart levels. 仿佛自己的攻击,跟那道虚影所在的空间,处于不同的图层。 Does not need to waste energy. In my Divine Country, before the game formally starts, all your attack methods to me are invalid.” The projection of Ghost-mask answered with a smile, „, only then after the game started, the player can start the true contest.” “不用白费力气。在我的神国里,游戏正式开始之前,你们的所有攻击手段对我都是无效的。”鬼面的投影笑着解释道,“只有在游戏开始之后,玩家才可以开始真正的较量。” Hears these words, three column gods understood the Ghost-mask Divine Country characteristics instantaneously. 听到这番话,三柱神瞬间明白了鬼面神国的特性。 Divine Country of average person, many are direct or enhance the strength indirectly, or can limit the opponent in certain aspects. 一般人的神国,多数都是直接或间接提升自身战力,或者在某些方面能够限制对手。 But has Divine Country of small number of people, is quite special. 但有少数人的神国,比较特殊。 Their Divine Country belong to Rule kind of Divine Country, enters the Divine Country person, must follow this Rule to fight. 他们的神国属于规则神国,进入神国的人,都必须遵循这种规则来进行战斗。 Like present Ghost-mask Divine Country, clearly is this type. 就像现在鬼面神国,明显就属于这种类型。 This Divine Country type, is hardest to deal with. 这种神国类型,也是最难缠的。 Detected that this point, three column gods almost simultaneously started Divine Country. 察觉到了这一点,三柱神几乎同时发动了神国 They want to use their Divine Country, dodges some Rule in opposite party Divine Country. 他们想要利用自身的神国,来规避对方神国内的部分规则 But next flickers, three people found impressively, oneself Divine Country, is unable to arrive unexpectedly. 但下一瞬,三人赫然发现,自己神国,竟然无法降临。 Ghost-mask also detected obviously three people of changes, smiled again, said do not use energy, you do not believe.” 鬼面显然也察觉到了三人的异动,再次笑了,“都说了别费劲了,你们偏不信。” Three people of facial colors, saw the extreme immediately difficultly. 三人面色,顿时难看到了极点。 Ok, I decided.” At this time, Ghost-mask as if also finally made the decision, we played 123, klutz.” “好了,我决定了。”这时,鬼面似乎也终于做出了决定,“我们就玩‘123,木头人’吧。” Hears this game name, three people stare. 听到这个游戏名,三人都是一愣。 Ghost-mask has not paid attention to three people of responses, then started to tell game Rule. 鬼面也没有理会三人的反应,接着便开始讲述起了游戏规则 Game Rule is this, I several 123, you must avoid the attacks of all klutzes. If some people were bumped into by the klutz, even if bumps into a hair, that person will turn into the klutz directly, participates to the surplus players besieges......” “游戏规则是这样的,我数123,你们必须避开所有木头人的攻击。如果有人被木头人碰到,哪怕只是碰到一根头发,那个人都会直接变成木头人,参与对剩余玩家的围攻……” This special is 123 klutzes?! 这特么是123木头人?! Your this game simply does not have the tiny bit similarity with 123 klutzes! 你这游戏跟123木头人根本没有一丝一毫的相似之处好吧! Three column god hearts start to complain crazily. 三柱神心头都开始疯狂吐槽。 If turned into the klutz, after the game ended, how can?” First calms down, asked a key question. “如果变成了木头人,游戏结束之后会怎样?”尤格第一个冷静下来,问出了一个关键问题。 Will become my private thing.” Ghost-mask smilingly replied, accurate, becomes a small toy in my Divine Country.” “会成为我的私有物。”鬼面笑眯眯地回答道,“确切来说,是成为我神国里的一件小玩具。” Eye pupil shrinks , asked that „that if were we wins?” 尤格眼瞳一缩,又问道,“那如果是我们赢了呢?” „......” Ghost-mask chuckle, but gave the response, „, if really had the player to win, can safe and sound left my Divine Country.” “呵……”鬼面轻笑一声,但还是给出了回应,“如果真有玩家赢了,可以安然无恙的离开我的神国。” Here again supplementary explanation. The lost player, is unable to leave.” “这里再补充说明一下。已经输掉的玩家,无法离开。” What level is the strength of klutz?” Also asked immediately. “木头人的战力是什么层次?”尤格又立马问道。 With your three people of similar.” Ghost-mask bore the temper to give the explanation, „, if with compared with you, that had fairness that lost the game.” “和你们三人差不多。”鬼面还是耐着性子给出了解释,“如果用比你们强的,那就有失游戏的公平性了。” Except for dodging, can we also counterattack?” Asked that this issue, is Rato. “除了闪避,我们也可以还击吧?”问出这个问题的,是奈亚拉托。 Sure.” The Ghost-mask smile was more abundant several points, „, so long as ensure fleshly body does not touch the klutz, you have any method to use.” “当然可以。”鬼面笑容更盛了几分,“只要保证肉身不触碰到木头人,你们有任何手段都可以用出来。” Game time? Can have a limit?” Rato narrows the eye to ask slightly. “游戏时间呢?总得有个限制吧?”奈亚拉托微微眯眼问道。 Ten rounds!” Smilingly gave the response in that Ghost-mask big faces of three people of top of the heads, ten rounds ended, if in your three people some people won, that person can return safe and sound leaves safely. And in a short time, will not become my hunting target again.” “十轮!”在三人头顶的那张鬼面大脸笑眯眯地给出了回应,“十轮结束,如果你们三人中有人赢了,那个人就可以毫发无损地安然离开。并且在短时间内,不会再成为我的狩猎目标。” I have an issue. Since has the fairness game, you should also be a player?” This time seems like the inquiry, launched in drawing Ghost-mask actually. “我还有一个问题。既然是具备公平性的游戏,那你也应该是玩家吧?”尤格这次看似提问,实则是在拉鬼面下水了。 Naturally, I am the player klutz of your opposite!” The Ghost-mask tone obviously somewhat jumps for joy. “当然,我是你们对立面的玩家木头人!”鬼面语气明显有些雀跃起来。 Before the game starts, I also want to confirm a matter.” At this time, Rato opened the mouth again, in the game process, we attack to the klutz was effective?” “在游戏开始之前,我还想确认一件事。”这时,奈亚拉托再度开口,“在游戏过程中,我们对木头人的攻击是有效的吧?” Naturally effective.” Ghost-mask gave the affirmative reply directly , „, if you can achieve, can try killed I. This is also another entry method.” “当然有效。”鬼面直接给出了肯定的回答,,“如果你们能做到的话,可以尝试着斩杀我哦。这也是另外一种通关方法。” Very good, I like this entry method.” Nearby killing intent has started to ascend. “非常好,我喜欢这种通关方法。”一旁的莎布妮古身上的杀意已经开始升腾。 Aunt, your murderous aura side leaked......” Ghost-mask to ignore the situation to tease one with a smile. “阿姨,你身上的杀气侧漏了哦……”鬼面还是不顾场合地笑着调侃了一句。 Murderous aura even more intensely. 莎布妮古杀气越发强烈。 Rato and as before are maintaining calm, closely examined the issues on several game Rule. 奈亚拉托和尤格则依旧保持着冷静,又追问了几个游戏规则上的问题。 Without other issues, our games must formally start.” “如果没有其他问题的话,那我们的游戏就要正式开始了哦。” Ghost-mask that several giant ugly face diverges finally gradually, not far away before three people, condensed the original appearance. 鬼面那几张巨型鬼脸终于渐渐散去,在三人身前不远处,凝聚出了原本的模样。 Although saw Ghost-mask to condense the figure, three people have not acted rashly. 虽然看到鬼面凝聚出了身形,三人还是没有贸然行动。 Because they know, the game has not formally started, now attacks wastes energy completely, will only lose the strength of control in vain. 因为他们知道,游戏还没有正式开始,现在攻击完全是白费力气,只会白白损耗主宰之力。 Ghost-mask that form rapid twist deformation under three people of gazes, several breaths, then changed to a lofty tree. 就在三人的注视之下鬼面那道身影迅速扭曲变形,数息之间,便化作了一株参天大树。 That tree, over ten thousand meters high, the innumerable branches toward extend fully in all directions, the quantity feared that has several million greatness. 那棵树,足有上万米高,无数枝条朝着四面八方延伸而出,数量怕是有数百万只巨。 Sees Ghost-mask this distortion, three column god complexions obviously are unattractive. 看到鬼面这番变形,三柱神脸色都明显不好看了。 Do you manage this named klutz?! 你管这个叫木头人?! This special is klutz its ancestor! 这特么是木头人它祖宗吧! Is good because, three people can obviously feel, the aura intensity of this great tree, is not Ghost-mask own aura intensity, but is equivalent to the oneself three people. 好在,三人能明显感觉到,这一株巨树的气息强度,并不是鬼面自身的气息强度,而是与自己三人相当。 This point, lets three people big relaxing of. 这一点,让三人大大的松了一口气。 If Ghost-mask does not adjust the aura, by his strength incarnation klutz, three people will fear First Round to be annihilated. 要是鬼面不调整气息,以他自身的战力化身这个“木头人”,三人恐怕第一轮就会全军覆没。 As the klutz of Ghost-mask incarnation condenses the formation thoroughly, void transmits suddenly is similar to the mechanical combination tone female voice together. 随着鬼面化身的木头人彻底凝聚成型,虚空中突然传来一道类似于机械合成音般的女声。 One, two and three, klutz!” “一、二、三,木头人!”
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