MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1914: Card in a hand

Brow slightly pressed, It knows certainly, Ghost-mask is what meaning. 莎布妮古眉头微蹙,祂当然知道,鬼面是什么意思。 Puts.” “放出来吧。” When somewhat hesitates, nearby opened the mouth suddenly. 就在莎布妮古有些犹豫的时候,一旁的尤格陡然开口了。 Does not put, we do not have the slight odds of success.” “不放出来,我们没有丝毫胜算。” That following war......” “那后续的战争……” The child of black mountain sheep, as scheduled, is to use in the war. After all this thing, is completely the war weapon. 黑山羊之子,按照原计划,是要在战争中使用的。毕竟这东西,完全就是战争兵器。 Not only innate has the strengths of three column gods, but can also with swallowing Divine Country changes many and unceasingly grow stronger. 不仅先天拥有着三柱神的实力,还可以随着吞食的神国变多而不断变强 Although has trained for several months, threw ate many Divine Country resources, but the child of this time black mountain sheep was also far from the Peak condition of arriving in the strength. 虽然已经培养了几个月,投食了不少神国资源,但此时的黑山羊之子还远没有抵达实力的巅峰状态。 First deals with the present crisis.” Broke the hesitation. “先应付眼前的危机。”尤格打断了莎布妮古的犹豫。 Nearby Rato also followed to open the mouth, I approved of judgment.” 一旁的奈亚拉托也跟着开口了,“我赞同尤格的判断。” At this moment, together under the sound resounds, I also approve of!” 就在这时,又是一道欠欠的声音响起,“我也赞同!” The source of sound impressively is Ghost-mask. 声音的源头赫然是鬼面 Almost at the same time, Rato wielded the scepter suddenly. 几乎在同时,奈亚拉托陡然挥动了权杖。 And then saw, has the tiny glass piece illusion fragment to remove all around fast. 尤格和莎布妮古这才看到,周遭有细小玻璃碎片般的幻境碎片在快速褪去。 Useless, in pharaoh condition I, can completely understand all your Illusion Art methods.” Rato looked unemotionally to Ghost-mask. “没用的,在法老状态下的我,可以看透你的所有幻术手段。”奈亚拉托面无表情地看向了鬼面 The opposite party when started talking a moment ago, displayed Illusion Art quietly, but was unable to pose any threat to the oneself three people. 对方在刚才开口说话的时候,又悄然施展了幻术,但已经无法对自己三人造成任何威胁了。 Has saying that you one time successfully caused my interest.” Ghost-mask not only does not have the slight style decoded frustration, instead is even more excited, looked that was full of the burning hot to Rato's look. “不得不说,你又一次成功引起了我的兴致。”鬼面不仅没有丝毫招式被破解的挫败感,反而越发兴奋起来,看向奈亚拉托的眼神充满了炙热。 Then, he shot a look, eyeglasses handsome fellow, was sorry, my hunting list can only arrange you to second now.” 说完,他又瞥了一眼尤格,“眼镜帅哥,抱歉了,我的狩猎名单现在只能将你排到第二位了。” Breaks faith easily. Really is the dregs male!” Not far away Black Charcoal complained directly. “这么容易就变心。真是个渣男!”不远处黑炭直接吐槽。 Obviously, White and others here atmosphere is very relaxing. 显然,白他们这边气氛很轻松。 But another side, could not bear with the final card in a hand eventually. 而另一边,莎布妮古终究还是忍不住用出了最后的底牌。 It makes this decision, incessantly is because two companions instigate, is the judgment of Its oneself. 祂做出这个决定,不止是因为两名同伴怂恿,更是出于祂自己的判断。 The oneself three people, one to one are not necessarily able to win to Blade Alliance this group of fellows. 自己三人,一对一对上刀盟这群家伙都未必能赢。 Let alone opposite more than 20, in the quantity had the advantage completely. 更别说对面有二十多个了,数量上完全占据了优势。 If oneself does not use the child of black mountain sheep, three people probabilities will fall from the sky directly here, did not exist following to summon the child of black mountain sheep to enter the war. 自己如果不动用黑山羊之子,三人大概率会直接陨落在这里,也就不存在后续再召唤出黑山羊之子参战了。 As pinches hand seal fast, white one group of line of sight fell on Its body. 随着莎布妮古飞快掐出手印,白一行人的视线都落在了祂的身上。 No one makes a move to prevent, because White and others hopes that can summon the child of black mountain sheep. 没有人出手阻止,因为白他们本身就希望莎布妮古能召唤出黑山羊之子。 The Divine Country intensity of child of each black mountain sheep is not weak in three column gods. 要知道,每一只黑山羊之子的神国强度都是不弱于三柱神的。 But, 11 egg sheaths, means that now can breed the children of 11 black mountain sheep. 而莎布妮古,如今还有十一枚卵鞘,意味着可以孕育出十一尊黑山羊之子。 It looks like in White and others, is equal to 11 three column God Grade other Divine Country. 白他们看来,等同于十一座三柱神级别的神国 They actually does not know that White and others this time idea, only thinks White and others wants catches the whole lot in a dragnet the child and the oneself three people black mountain sheep, by never recurring trouble. 莎布妮古祂们却并不知道白他们此时的想法,只以为白他们是想将黑山羊之子和自己三人一网打尽,以绝后患。 not much time, the double hand seal secret art pinches. 没多大会,莎布妮古双手印诀掐完。 His recovered the appearance of main body directly. 祂的身体直接恢复成了本体的模样。 That is one group of giant black fog, in the fog, is tumbling unceasingly the organs of various lives. 那是一团巨大的黑色云雾,云雾里,不断翻滚着各种生灵的器官。 Has the head, has the limbs, has the eye, has the mouth...... 有脑袋,有肢体,有眼睛,有嘴…… Naturally, but also has the innumerable tentacles. 当然,还有着无数的触手。 Aunt, your main body is quite ugly! Must frighten me!” The Ghost-mask sound resounds suddenly again. “阿姨,你的本体好丑啊!都要吓到我了!”鬼面的声音陡然再度响起。 Rato and can Ghost-mask glower, has no response. 奈亚拉托和尤格都会鬼面怒目而视,莎布妮古却没有任何回应。 His body soon starts to accelerate to wriggle, and inflates unceasingly. 祂的身体很快开始加速蠕动,且不断膨胀。 Endured a body of ratio chaos universe size, in the blink of an eye inflates over a hundred times to continue. 原本就堪比一座混沌宇宙大小的躯体,眨眼的工夫就膨胀了上百倍不止。 Until Its build almost that leaf of front door size that went near this crafty territory to open, the situation of inflation was eased finally. 直到祂的体型差不多接近这次诡域开启的那扇大门大小了,膨胀的态势才终于得到了缓解。 After moment, in the black fog, found out a great hoof slowly...... 片刻过后,黑雾之中,缓缓探出了一只巨蹄…… „The child of black mountain sheep!” “黑山羊之子!” White one group of stare at that only monster that the black fog is breeding stubbornly. 白一行人死死盯着黑雾孕育出来的那只怪物 That is build huge hoof class monster, is growing three elephant sturdy great hooves. 那是一只体型巨大的蹄类怪物,长着三只大象般的粗壮巨蹄。 Above the great hoof is one group of giant jet black flesh lumps, above the sheep mouths and sheep's eye of distribution not Rule proliferate. 巨蹄上方是一团巨大的墨黑肉块,一张张分布不规则的羊嘴和羊眼遍布其上。 Again upward, in the above of flesh lump, is sturdy incomparable tentacles, towers just like the sheep's horn high...... 再往上,在肉块的上方,则是一根根粗壮无比的触手,宛若羊角般高高耸立…… This only monster, and before , that egg sheath last round of breeding „the child of black mountain sheep has similar place, but is not quite same. 这只怪物,与之前那枚卵鞘最后一轮孕育的“黑山羊之子”有类似的地方,但又不太一样。 Incessantly shape, aura intensity not in a scale. 不止形态,就连气息强度都不在一个档次上。 At present the child of this black mountain sheep, that aura intensity has only surpassed three column gods obviously, was as good as White and others anyone completely. Is grasping over a hundred Capital chaos universes Exceed Grade powerhouses absolutely. 眼前这只黑山羊之子,那气息强度已经明显超过了三柱神,完全不亚于白他们任何一人了。绝对是掌握着上百京混沌宇宙的超级强者。 As the child of first black mountain sheep arrives, White and others sees in the black fog quickly, found out the second great hoof. 随着第一只黑山羊之子降临,白他们很快看到黑雾之中,又探出了第二只巨蹄。 The child of second black mountain sheep arrives quickly. 第二只黑山羊之子很快降临。 This shape with first completely exactly the same, but in the aura intensity slightly has the difference. But also similarly is over a hundred boundary chaos universes intensities. 这只形态跟刚才的第一只完全一模一样,只是气息强度上略有差别。但也同样是上百境混沌宇宙的强度。 Is third, fourth...... 紧接着是第三只,第四只…… Child of the only black mountain sheep arrives one after another. 一只只黑山羊之子接连降临。 Until after 11 th arrives, that huge black fog shape finally starts to contract the build. 直到第十一只降临之后,莎布妮古那庞大的黑雾形态才终于开始收缩体型。 But the White and others attention has not placed on again, but observed closely the child of that only black mountain sheep. 白他们的注意力都没有再放在莎布妮古身上,而是都盯住了那一只只黑山羊之子。 We do not know for the time being this monster has what ability, first separates them, defeat in detail!” Issued the instruction white/in vain instantaneously. “我们暂且不知道这种怪物具备什么能力,先将他们分开,各个击破!”白瞬间下达了指令。 His also first charged into child of the black mountain sheep. 他也第一个冲向了其中一只黑山羊之子。 Lancelot, Kally several people also follow hastily. 兰斯洛,凯莉几人也连忙跟上。 Only has Ghost-mask, only shot a look at child of several black mountain sheep, the vision then returned to the bodies of three column gods again. 唯有鬼面,只瞥了一眼几只黑山羊之子,目光便再次回到了三柱神的身上。 Next flickers, just restored the human shape the complexion suddenly changes. Because It discovered, oneself lost suddenly to the induction of child of black mountain sheep. 下一瞬,刚刚恢复人类形态的莎布妮古面色陡然一变。因为祂发现,自己突然间失去了对黑山羊之子的感应。 It turns head to look, this discovered, the side only has Rato. 祂扭头一看,这才发现,身边只剩下奈亚拉托和尤格。 Does not see incessantly is oneself breeding the children of 11 black mountain sheep, the people of opposite party camp. 不见的不止是自己孕育的十一只黑山羊之子,还有对方阵营的众人。 Welcome three guests to arrive at my Divine Country!” “欢迎三位客人来到我的神国!” Hears this sound, three column Divine Capital/god cannot bear the brow slightly wrinkle. 听到这个声音,三柱神都忍不住眉头微皱。 Because, is that under the sound, even the tone lets the dislike of three people of instinct. 因为,又是那个欠欠的声音,连语气都让三人本能的厌恶。 An illusory big face of Ghost-mask appeared in three people of top of the heads directly, smilingly looks below three people. 鬼面的一张虚幻大脸直接出现在了三人头顶,笑眯眯地看着下方的三人。 „Don't you compel me to breed the child of black mountain sheep intentionally? What's wrong, now the child of black mountain sheep bred, don't you dare to challenge?” The tone also started taunting some flavors. “你不是故意逼着我孕育黑山羊之子吗?怎么,现在黑山羊之子孕育出来了,你又不敢挑战了?”莎布妮古语气也开始有些冷嘲热讽的味道了。 Does not worry. That rough skin thick flesh thing is not definitely good to kill.” Not far away, is a big face of Ghost-mask appears, I first solve you, first didn't gain three Divine Country steadily?” “不着急。那种皮糙肉厚的东西肯定不是那么好杀的。”不远处,又是一张鬼面的大脸浮现出来,“我先解决掉你们,不就是先稳赚了三座神国吗?” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ Discovers today, the new keyboard that recently used has several key positions to have even/including key the issue. If everyone discovered that in the chapter has the wrong character, can in the group inform my.】 【今天才发现,最近用的这个新键盘有几个键位有连键的问题。如果大家发现章节里有错字的,可以群里告知我一下。】
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