MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1916: 123 rd, klutz

That say/way mechanical female voice finished speaking, changes holds up Ghost-mask of day of great tree then to find out trillion branch, killed toward three column gods just like inescapable net. 那道机械女声话音刚落,化作擎天巨树的鬼面便探出了亿万枝丫,宛若天罗地网般朝着三柱神袭杀而来。 Three column God Body shapes dodge hastily, but that branch actually pursues just like the maggot of tarsal bone on. 三柱神身形连忙闪躲,但那一根根枝丫却宛若跗骨之蛆追击而上。 Three people almost ran pinnacle body method, dodged crazily. 三人几乎将身法运行到了极致,一路疯狂闪躲。 not much time, the branch of that great tree almost proliferated the trim space. 没多大会,那巨树的枝桠几乎就遍布了整片空间。 Three column gods soon detect, the space that oneself can move swiftly is reducing. 三柱神很快察觉到,自己能够活动的空间在迅速缩小。 Three people immediately changed the strategy, starts to counter-attack, exterminates the branch that pursuit comes. 三人立即改变了策略,开始反击,清剿那追击而来的枝桠。 However, the big tree of Ghost-mask incarnation is not a vegetarian, the resilience may be called terrifying. 不过,鬼面化身的这棵大树也不是吃素的,恢复能力堪称恐怖 All branches, almost the cut off instance, starts to grow rapidly by visible speed. 所有枝桠,几乎都在被斩断的瞬间,就开始以肉眼可见的速度迅速重新生长出来。 Even so, the hindrance of moment also eased three people of besieged pressures enormously. 但即便如此,片刻的阻碍也极大的缓解了三人被围攻的压力。 The First Round attack, continued all day time fully, finally stopped. 第一轮攻击,就这么整整持续了一整天的时间,才终于停了下来。 Three column gods, catches one's breath finally. 三柱神,也终于缓了口气。 This day later, three people have actually tried initiative attack Ghost-mask. 这一天下来,其实三人也尝试过主动攻击鬼面 But Ghost-mask defensive strength of incarnation great tree is quite astonishing, his branch almost takes three column gods to cut off full power, let alone that sturdy incomparable tree trunk. 但化身巨树的鬼面防御力相当惊人,他那一根根枝条几乎都要三柱神全力才能斩断,更别说那粗壮无比的树干了。 In three people, even if attacks ability strongest. 三人之中,哪怕是攻伐能力最强的尤格。 Also only left behind one on the tree body less than ten centimeters deep scar. 也只在树体上留下了一道不足十厘米深的伤痕。 As for Rato , the scar depth that two people attacks leave behind less than five centimeters. 至于奈亚拉托和莎布妮古,两人的攻击留下的伤痕深度都不足五厘米。 But the big tree of Ghost-mask incarnation, the tree trunk diameter is the kilometer fully. 鬼面化身的这株大树,树干直径足有上千米。 Even he not by branch disturbance, whatever three people attack, will need talents to cut off over ten thousand times. 就算他不以枝条干扰,任由三人攻击,都需要上万次才会被斩断。 Let alone, his not only branch, the tree trunk also has extremely strong Regeneration ability. 更别说,他不仅树枝,树干也具备极强的再生能力。 That scar that leaves behind, he only used for less than 0.01 second, to complete the restore. 尤格留下的那道伤痕,他只用了0.01秒不到,就完成了修复。 Three people also after several attempts, understand why Ghost-mask will say securely, „, if you can achieve, can try killed I. This is also another entry method.” 三人也是在几番尝试之后,才明白过来,为什么鬼面会有恃无恐的说,“如果你们能做到的话,可以尝试着斩杀我哦。这也是另外一种通关方法。” Because of this customs clearance mode, the oneself three people cannot achieve. 因为这种通关模式,自己三人根本就做不到。 Confirmed this point, three people also can only choose normal customs clearance mode to support honestly ten rounds! 确认了这一点,三人也只能老老实实的选择正常的通关模式撑过十轮! Is good gets down because of this First Round, although three people are somewhat thrown into confusion from the beginning, but adapted to the attacking mode of opposite party quickly. 好在这第一轮下来,三人虽然一开始有些手忙脚乱,但很快适应了对方的攻击模式。 If only this difficulty, supporting ten rounds should the issue not be big. 如果只是这种难度的话,撑过十轮应该问题不大。 When three people are thinking, the Ghost-mask sound suddenly resounds. 就在三人这么想着的时候,鬼面的声音突然响起。 First Round is I gives your warm-up matches. Mainly wants to make you first be familiar with game Rule. After all, too ended the game early , was extremely rather senseless.” 第一轮算是我让给你们的热身赛。主要是想让你们先熟悉一下游戏规则。毕竟,太早结束游戏,也未免太过无趣了。” Hears these words, three people of hearts sink slightly. 听到这番话,三人心头微微一沉。 Obviously, then, the game difficulty will promote! 很显然,接下来,游戏难度会升级! The Ghost-mask words just said, the void that say/way is similar to the female voice that the machinery synthesizes resounds suddenly again. 鬼面话刚说完,虚空中那道类似于机械合成的女声突然再次响起。 One, two and three, klutz!” “一、二、三,木头人!” The Second Round game, formally starts! 第二轮游戏,正式开始! The mechanical female voice finishes speaking, Ghost-mask that giant tree body suddenly starts to tremble. 机械女声话音刚落,鬼面那巨大的树体突然开始震颤起来。 Only in a minute, set up the body to split two on by visible speed rapidly. 只片刻,树体就以肉眼可见的速度迅速分裂成了两棵。 this scene, looks at the three people are the brow selects. 这一幕,看得尤格三人都是眉头一挑。 Really, Second Round difficulty promotion! 果然,第二轮难度升级了! In the next second of tree sleeve ingredient crack, the branches of two great trees started to live just like the water snake rapidly generally. 在树体完成分裂的下一秒,两棵巨树的枝桠都开始迅速宛若游蛇一般活了过来。 Quite quick!” “好快!” In Rato eyes flashes through wipes with astonishment, It discovered impressively, these round is the branch quantity turns time incessantly, even attacked speed to promote about ten times. 奈亚拉托眼中闪过一抹惊愕,祂赫然发现,这一轮不止是枝桠数量翻倍,连攻击速度都提升了近十倍。 Three people had spent a fight rhythm of day of temporal adaptation, had the change instantaneously! 三人原本已经花了一天时间适应的战斗节奏,瞬间有了变化! This also made three people fall into the distressed condition again, even just started First Round was more distressed. 这也使得三人再次陷入了狼狈状态,甚至比第一轮刚开始的时候还要狼狈。 Is more careful, only had attack speed of tree to promote!” “小心一些,只有一棵树的攻速提升了!” Sent greetings the oneself observed result quickly to two partners. 尤格很快将自己观察到的结果传音给了两名伙伴。 But three people of facial colors actually not, therefore good many. 但三人面色却并没有因此就好多少。 In fact attack speed of two trees promote, instead is better to deal with. 事实上两棵树的攻速都提升,反而更好应付。 Because attack speed is consistent, the fight rhythm relatively is unitary. 因为攻速一致,战斗节奏就相对单一。 So long as the oneself three people adapted to this fight rhythm, behind was good to deal with. 只要自己三人适应了这种战斗节奏,后面就好应付了。 But currently the attacks of two trees have two different speed, means that the opposite party has two different fight rhythms. 但现在两棵树的攻击有两种不同的速度,意味着对方有两种不同的战斗节奏。 Because the trees branch are too much, which branch is unable to distinguish to come from which tree, ahead of time makes sentences in advance, can only adjust according to the attack that oneself faces currently. 而且由于树木枝条过多,根本无法辨别哪根枝条来自于哪棵树,提前做出预判,就只能根据自己当下面临的攻击来进行调整。 This also means, three people need constantly to adjust oneself speed to deal with two different fight rhythms. 这也意味着,三人需要不断调整自己速度来应对两种不同的战斗节奏。 The difficulty was instead bigger! 难度反而更大了! Two fight rhythms, do three people uncomfortably. 两种战斗节奏,搞得三人难受不已。 But after small half-day distress, three people adapted to this fight rhythm eventually, somewhat exhausted has supported the next day. 但小半天的狼狈过后,三人终究还是适应了这种战斗节奏,有些疲惫的撑过了第二天。 Until Ghost-mask stopped continue attack, three talents relax finally. 直到鬼面停止了继续攻击,三人才终于松了口气。 But quick, fell into the unease. 但很快,又陷入了不安状态。 Because, they almost can expect, the Third Round attack, the difficulty will also promote. 因为,他们几乎可以预料,第三轮攻击,难度还会升级。 With one, two and three, klutz!” The mechanical combination tone resounds again, great tree one time of Ghost-mask incarnation starts to split again. 随着“一、二、三,木头人!”的机械合成音再度响起,鬼面化身的巨树再一次开始分裂。 Two great trees also split, only in a minute, turned into four. 两棵巨树同时分裂,只片刻,就变成了四棵。 Sees this scene, three column god complexions were even more ugly. 看到这一幕,三柱神脸色越发难看了。 I have to acknowledge, certain inspirations of this game, come from you.” “我不得不承认,这个游戏的某些灵感,来自于你。” On four great trees appears simultaneously Ghost-mask that ugly face, looked toward, in the tone obviously has the flavor that is taunting. 四棵巨树上同时浮现出鬼面那张鬼脸,朝着莎布妮古看了过来,语气中明显带着一丝嘲讽的味道。 Three column god words have not sent, Ghost-mask these words and at present this scene, making them guess correctly the trend of following several rounds of this game. 三柱神一言未发,鬼面这番话和眼前这番场景,让祂们已经猜到后面几轮这个游戏的走向了。 This round is four, the next round is eight, again the next round is 16...... 这一轮是四棵,下一轮就是八棵,再下一轮就是十六棵…… The game establishment of Ghost-mask, before obviously borrowed, fission Rule of that egg sheath. 鬼面的这种游戏设置,明显是借用了之前那枚卵鞘的分裂规则 Three column god hearts sank the valley. 三柱神心都沉到了谷底。 Two trees, have made three people somewhat run about to deal with. 两棵树,就已经让三人有些疲于应付了。 Behind great tree quantity such time after time multiplies, the difficulty also only meets the One Step step increasing. 后面巨树数量这样一次次倍增,难度也只会一步步递增。 Now what three people most fear, attack speed of all great trees are different. 三人现在最怕的是,所有巨树的攻速都不一样。 Now two trees, three people use the small half-day time to adapt. 现在两棵树,三人都用了小半天的时间才适应。 The quantity of great tree are more, adapts to the time of requiring longer. 巨树的数量越多,适应起来需要的时间就会越长。 Once the adaptation, a fight rhythm of oneself side will go haywire thoroughly. 一旦适应不了,自己一方的战斗节奏会彻底陷入混乱。 When the time comes let alone was touched by the branch, was cut the meat froth to have the possibility by the innumerable branches. 到时候别说被树枝触碰到了,被无数树枝斩成肉沫都有可能。 Looks at the present four great trees, in three people of hearts is even more disturbed. 看着眼前的四棵巨树,三人心中越发忐忑起来。 Only in a minute, four great trees split the formation thoroughly. 只片刻,四棵巨树就彻底分裂成型。 Next flickers, an intense sense of crisis transmits from the black vest position suddenly. 下一瞬,一股强烈的危机感陡然从黑背心位置传来。 Rato without hesitation, figure direct Flicker, from flees same place. 奈亚拉托毫不犹豫,身形直接闪烁,从原地遁走。 Movement even is quicker than several points It, the figure does not have the indication to vanish directly. 尤格的动作甚至比祂还更快几分,身形毫无征兆就直接消失。 But acted slowly actually a racket...... 而莎布妮古动作却慢了一拍…… His ankle area, was twined by a dark green branch quietly. 祂的脚踝,被一根暗绿色枝丫悄然缠绕。 His body, starts to be assimilated by that branch by visible speed rapidly. The build inflates rapidly, and grows the bark and branch unceasingly...... 祂的身体,也开始以肉眼可见的速度被那根枝丫迅速同化。体型迅速膨胀起来,且不断长出树皮和枝桠…… Only one second is less, It was assimilated a great tree thoroughly! 只一秒钟的时间不到,祂就被彻底同化成了一棵巨树! The fifth great tree, immediately started encircling to the other two three column gods! 第五棵巨树,也立即对剩余的两名三柱神发动了围剿!
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