MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1575: Stalling tactics

Monster Paradise()”! 怪物乐园()”! Innumerable tentacles airtight wrapped Four Faced Person, formed a giant sarcoma in the midair. 无数触手密不透风的将四面人包裹了起来,在半空中形成了一个巨大的肉瘤。 But this was also not finished, sarcoma surface tentacles layer by layer multiplied to cover unceasingly, that sarcoma also increased in by visible speed unceasingly. 但这还不算结束,肉瘤表面一层又一层的触手不断增殖覆盖着,那颗肉瘤也在以肉眼可见的速度不断增大。 As for sarcoma that in the outside world cannot see, was isolated the energy thoroughly, the light source, fell into the endless darkness. 至于外界看不到的肉瘤内部,则是被彻底隔绝了外界能量,光源,陷入了无尽的黑暗。 Is the vision, Four Faced Person can feel incessantly clearly, the oneself five feelings were being eliminated gradually. 不止是视觉,四面人能清晰感受到,自己的五感都在被渐渐剥夺。 In place that Four Faced Person cannot see, the innumerable mucus tentacles crazy from are attacking the body of Four Faced Person in all directions. 四面人看不见的地方,无数黏液般的触手疯狂从四面八方侵袭着四面人的身体。 Even if however five feelings gradually are losing, Four Faced Person has to the sensation of dangerous instinct, his figure depended upon the instinct still to dodge and resist crazily. 不过哪怕五感在逐渐丧失,四面人还是具备着对危险本能的感知,他的身形依靠着本能仍在疯狂闪躲和抵抗。 When body first time because of moving aside by mucus tentacle contamination , the Four Faced Person heart is startled. 当身体第一次因躲闪不及被黏液触手沾染上的时候,四面人心头一惊。 His sense of touch already nearly numb, but he can feel this thing to swallow oneself Divine Energy as before clearly fast. 他的触觉已经近乎麻木,但他依旧能清晰感受到这东西在快速吞食自己神能 Although he worked loose the entanglement of tentacle quickly, mucus tentacle quick second time third time that but these seize every opportunity contaminates. Even if pesters one to be worked loose instantaneously, it can carry off some Divine Energy. 虽然他很快挣脱了触手的纠缠,但那些无孔不入的黏液触手很快第二次第三次地沾染上来。哪怕只是纠缠上一个瞬间就被挣脱,它都能带走一些神能 This way is not good, my Divine Energy will be swallowed by it sooner or later completely.” “这样下去不行,我的神能迟早会被它吞食殆尽。” Before inducing Divine Energy in within the body is draining speed far ultra, Four Faced Person realized, oneself drags for a long time, the loss possibility is bigger. 感应着体内的神能流失速度远超之前,四面人意识到,自己拖得越久,败北的可能性就越大。 Although some cards in hand do not want to be known, but now is the crucial moment, does not use, possibly later did not have the opportunity to use. 虽然有些底牌不想被人知道,但如今已是生死关头,再不用,可能以后都没机会用了。 Read and this, he also no longer hesitated. 一念及此,他也不再犹豫。 His head rotates suddenly, situated in the right side that face to the left-handed twist 90 degrees, turned faced directly, the alone pupil that on the face that only shut tightly also opens slowly. 他的脑袋突然转动起来,原本位于右侧的那张脸向左扭转了九十度,变成了正面朝向,脸上那只原本紧闭的独瞳也缓缓睁开。 In that alone pupil, is blooming indistinctly the golden flame. 那独瞳中,隐约绽放着金色的火焰。 In the instance that the alone pupil opens, Divine Energy of his whole body starts to be crazily hot tempered, and Divine Energy quantity is also raised suddenly. 就在独瞳睁开的瞬间,他浑身的神能开始疯狂暴躁起来,并且神能的量也在急剧提升。 10%! 10%! 20%! 20%! 30%! 30%! ...... …… Two times! 两倍! Three times! 三倍! ...... …… Has risen dramatically to four times, finally stops. 一直暴增到四倍,才终于堪堪停下。 That golden Divine Energy, has been wrapping his whole body incessantly, even looks like the flame to pass the body, extended one meter to outside the body. 那金色的神能,已经不止是包裹着他的全身,甚至像火焰般透体而出,足足向体外延伸了一米有余。 The shape, looks like one golden flame of agitated combustion. 形态,就像是一朵正在汹汹燃烧的金色火焰。 In an instant, was jet black a sarcoma inner space, was illuminated thoroughly. 刹那间,原本漆黑一片的肉瘤内部空间,也被彻底照亮。 Four Faced Person saw all around on the scarlet meat wall, found out slender yellowish pink tentacle that is contaminating the mucus innumerably. That tentacle, completely the beforehand great lump does not release such tenacious sharp, but is more like the silt same quality of material. 四面人看到了四周猩红的肉壁上,探出了无数沾染着黏液的纤细肉色触手。那一根根触手,全然不似之前巨瘤释放出来的那样坚韧锐利,而更像是淤泥一样的质地。 Really is the disgusting style.” Four Faced Person cannot bear complain makes noise. “真是恶心的招式。”四面人忍不住吐槽出声。 While complaining, his also Thunderclap acted. 就在吐槽的同时,他也雷霆般出手了。 Looks the innumerable tentacles that everywhere comes, he inspires suddenly, next one flickers, opens mouth to howl. 看着漫天而来的无数触手,他陡然吸了一口气,下一瞬,张嘴呼啸而出。 The inexhaustible golden flame spews out from his mouth instantaneously, suddenly then filled the trim sarcoma space. 无穷无尽的金色火焰瞬间从他嘴中喷涌而出,眨眼间便弥漫了整片肉瘤空间。 That yellowish pink tentacles, but touches the flame slightly, then rapid disappears to burst by the visible speed carbonization. 那一根根肉色触手,只是稍微触碰到火焰,便迅速以肉眼可见的速度炭化消溃。 Everywhere yellowish pink tentacle, looks like the snow and ice rapid ablation under solar insolation. 漫天的肉色触手,就像是太阳暴晒下的冰雪般迅速消融。 not much time, the golden flame then spread on the sarcoma inner wall, the inner wall as if by the strong acid corrosion fast melt, was also changed to beach beach green water to drip, sent out the extreme decayed flavor...... 没多大会,金色的火焰便蔓延到了肉瘤内壁上,内壁也仿佛被强酸腐蚀般快速融解,化作一滩滩绿水淌下,散发出极端的腐臭味道…… The sarcoma that not much time, layer upon layer the tentacle construction becomes was burnt several large cave/hole, the golden form moves sideways from cave entrance together. 没多大会,层层触手构建而成的肉瘤被烧出数个大洞来,一道金色身影从洞口闪身而出。 „, Was this uses the card in hand?” The sound that great lump that flesh wriggles first conveys. I guessed correctly this move cannot surround you, originally is also thinking consumes your Divine Energy. Has not thought actually, you like this are unexpectedly resolute, used the card in hand directly.” “啧啧,这算是用出底牌了吗?”巨瘤那血肉蠕动的声音第一时间传来。“我猜到了这一招困不住你,本来也只是想着多消耗你一点神能。倒是没想到,你竟这样果决,直接用出了底牌。” You , if not use this move, perhaps can also live for a long time.” Four Faced Person sneers. “你若不用这一招,或许还能活得久一点。”四面人冷笑一声。 He is also disinclined to continue with the opposite party idle talk, opened mouth to attract a big tone again, the next second, opened mouth to emit again the golden flame. 他也懒得继续跟对方废话,再次张嘴吸了一大口气,下一秒,再次张嘴喷吐出金色火焰。 Everywhere golden flame goes toward the great lump billowing steamroll just like the tsunami...... 漫天的金色火焰宛若海啸般朝着巨瘤滚滚碾压而去…… dragon flame?!” The great lump sends out surprised. 龙炎?!”巨瘤发出一声惊疑。 He naturally recognized, this was some true dragon dragon flame, did not have the thing not to burn. 他自然认出来了,这是某种真龙种的龙炎,无物不焚。 He also understood immediately, how Four Faced Person is from the sarcoma interior difficulty-relief. 他顿时也明白了,四面人是怎么从肉瘤内部脱困而出的。 True dragon flame, is almost the difficult adversaries of all Abyss methods. 真正的龙炎,几乎是所有深渊手段的克星。 The great lump guessed, Four Faced Person can emit dragon flame, should be because he has swallowed some true dragon type. Borrowed the true dragon bloodline strength and inheritance remembers, then unified the fire element truth to simulate. This flame has dragon flame certain characteristics, but is not true dragon flame, the prestige can on have a disparity. 巨瘤猜测,四面人能喷吐龙炎,应该是因为他吞噬过某种真龙种。借用了真龙种的血脉力量和传承记忆,然后结合了火元素真理模拟出来的。这火焰具备龙炎的某些特性,但算不上是真正的龙炎,威能上还是有所差距。 Restrains the oneself technique type facing this comparison, great lump not slightly flurried. 面对这种比较克制自己的术式,巨瘤并没有丝毫慌乱。 He is very definite, has the Four Faced Person within the body Divine Energy affirmation that has fought to consume much with the blood pupil. He is also very assured, the opposite party this hitting the gold/metal flame condition of chicken blood should unable to continue is too long now, the dragon flame spout of such wide scope is more impossible to maintain for a long time. 他很确定,已经和血瞳有过一战的四面人体内神能肯定已经消耗了不少。他也十分笃定,对方现在这种打了鸡血的金炎状态应该持续不了太久,这样大范围的龙炎喷涌更不可能长期维持。 Determined these points, in his heart soon had the countermeasure, is character drags! 确定了这几点,他心中很快有了对策,就是一个字拖! The time that so long as oneself delays is long enough, Four Faced Person will stop emitting of dragon flame sooner or later, will be separated sooner or later from present this chicken blood condition. 只要自己拖的时间够久,四面人迟早会停止龙炎的喷吐,也迟早会从现在这种鸡血状态脱离出来。 Moreover, if the time drags enough for a long time, the silver armor may be able direct and nine quiet to, helping oneself relieve at present the harassment of these rattan. 而且,如果时间拖得够久,银甲有可能能直接和九幽对上,帮自己解除目前这些藤条的骚扰。 Once four sides and nine quiet tied down by the oneself two people, the snake female also has the opportunity to withdraw, joins to fight the circle. 而一旦四面和九幽都被自己二人缠住,蛇女也有机会脱身,重新加入战圈。 How therefore to see, the stalling tactics is now to the oneself most advantageous plan. 所以怎么看,拖字诀都是现在对自己最有利的方案。 Looks the golden sea of fire that at present heads on like surging tides, the great lump has not dodged, he very clear cannot escape by oneself speed, therefore is also disinclined to dodge. 看着眼前如潮水般扑面而来的金色火海,巨瘤没有闪躲,他很清楚以自己速度根本就逃不过,所以也懒得闪避。 The innumerable tentacles find out crazily, concentrates quickly before the body a mire. 无数根触手疯狂探出,很快在身前凝出一片泥沼。 In that mire, ascends to throw day of monstrous waves rapidly, is not weak in the dragon flame imposing manner, covers toward the dragon flame sea of fire front surface. 那泥沼之中,迅速升腾起一道道扑天巨浪,以不弱于龙炎的气势,朝着龙炎火海迎面盖去。 Although the great lump is not skilled in the Water Department element truth, is actually holding on to the Earth Department element truth, is skilled to the technique of mire. To a certain extent, is to the one restraint of Fire Element truth. 巨瘤虽然并不精通水系元素真理,却掌握着土系元素真理,对着泥沼之术最为精通。某种程度上,也算是对火系元素真理的一种克制。 Had the Fire Element truth ignition ability of dragon flame characteristics to be obviously overbearing annexed and destroyed the mire monstrous waves one after another forcefully. 只是带着龙炎特性的火系元素真理灼烧能力明显更加霸道硬生生吞灭了一道又一道的泥沼巨浪。 However, the great lump obviously decides to with Four Faced Person consume like this. 不过,巨瘤明显是打定了主意要跟四面人这样耗下去。 He does not trade other methods, but continues to output Divine Energy, expedites the mire monstrous waves one after another to throw strikes the resistance...... 他也不换其他手段,而是继续输出神能,催生出一道又一道的泥沼巨浪扑击对抗…… both sides were in the deadlock stage suddenly. 双方一时间进入了僵持阶段。 The great lump heart is even more calm, he most wants to see is now this condition, the time that this war delays is longer, more is favorable for oneself. 巨瘤心头越发镇定,他最想看到的就是现在这种状况,这一战拖的时间越长,对自己就越有利。 But another side, Four Faced Person actually cannot bear frown...... the Monster Paradise latest chapter address: https:// 而另外一边,四面人却忍不住皱起了眉头……怪物乐园最新章节地址:https:// Monster Paradise full text reading address: https:// 怪物乐园全文阅读地址:https:// Monster Paradise txt downloading address: https:// 怪物乐园txt下载地址:https:// The Monster Paradise cell phone read: https:// 怪物乐园手机阅读:https:// In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( Chapter 1577 stalling tactics) reading record, will turn on the bookshelf then to see next time! 为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第1577章拖字诀)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! 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