MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1574: 2nd games

Monster Paradise()”! 怪物乐园()”! In Divine Territory of nine quiet vines, the innumerable vines block the sky. 九幽藤的神域里,无数藤蔓遮天蔽日。 The trim space seems one piece completely the sea that is constituted by the vine. 整片空间仿佛就是一片完全由藤蔓构成的海洋。 Together form fast shuttle in. 一道身影快速穿梭其中。 That is together the silver form, if the short distance can see, this form is actually very big, is three meters fully. But his figure is quite flexible, can definitely walk randomly freely in the vine of this everywhere. 那是一道银色身影,如果是近距离可以看到,这道身影其实十分高大,足有三米有余。但他的身形却极为灵活,在这漫天的藤蔓中完全能够游走自如。 His each step treads, even each movement, by largest degree is fending all around the attack of vine flexibly. 他的每一步踏出,甚至每一个动作,都在以最大程度灵活闪避着周遭藤蔓的攻击。 Even if presents the predicament that is unable to dodge occasionally, he also cuts to extinguish the vine by the palm immediately, leaves promptly. 哪怕偶尔出现无法躲闪的困局,他也都在第一时间以手掌将藤蔓斩灭,及时抽身。 Perhaps the attack methods of nine quiet vines to others, is a big trouble. But as the King of close combat, is this personal attack that the silver armor most does not fear. Regardless of the quantity of vine has many, frequency of attack high, angle strange. To him, dodging is the instinct of body. 或许九幽藤的这种攻击手段对别人来说,是一种不小的麻烦。但作为近战的王者,银甲最不怕的就是这种贴身攻击。无论藤蔓的数量有多少,攻击的频率有多高,角度有多诡异。对他来说,闪避都是身体的本能。 He even thought that oneself closes one's eyes even, will not be hit by this attack. 他甚至觉得自己就算是闭着眼睛,都不会被这种攻击击中。 But another side great lump, did not have such good luck. 而另外一边的巨瘤,就没有这么好的运气了。 Is entirely different from the silver armor, the coping style that he adopts resists. 与银甲截然不同,他采取的应对方式是对抗。 Some many attacks with the vine, he finds out many to resist with it with the tentacle. 有多少跟藤蔓攻击,他就探出多少跟触手与之对抗。 The reason does not have him, his body method always draws the hip generally recognized. 原因无他,他的身法向来都是所有人公认的拉胯。 Regarding this point, he does not want to pass to improve. Because he rises to sitting the positions of six big overlords from the beginning, he never has the need the help of body method. 对于这一点,他也从来没有想过去改进。因为他从一开始崛起到坐上六大霸主的位置,他就从来没有需要过身法的帮助。 All fights that he experiences, basically is the domineering steamroll opponents. 他经历的所有战斗,基本上都是强势碾压对手。 The opportunity that the opponents usually run away continually does not have, necessity that he has not even pursued. 对手通常连逃走的机会都没有,他甚至都没有追击的必要。 In fact, even if the present is to the opponent of previous nine quiet vine ranks, he does not want to pass the insufficiency on Full Patch oneself body method. 事实上,哪怕如今是对上九幽藤这种级别的对手,他也没想过去弥补自己身法上的不足。 So long as because he thinks, his tentacle quantity can definitely not be smaller than the vine that nine quiet vines release. 因为只要他想,他的触手数量完全可以不比九幽藤释放出来的藤蔓少。 Said, now absolutely does not have that necessity. 只是说,现在完全没有那个必要。 Here is nine quiet vines Divine Territory, similar style, his Divine Energy loss wants to be smaller. The great lump does not want to fight the consumption the opposite party in this state, is not cost-effective. 这里是九幽藤的神域,类似的招式,他的神能损耗要小很多。巨瘤并不想在这种状态下跟对方拼消耗,太不划算了。 Three people of battlefields were in the deadlock stage long time, three people somewhat changed countenance suddenly slightly. 三人的战场进入了僵持阶段良久,突然间三人都微微有些动容。 Because three people induce, the Four Faced Person aura returned, but the blood pupil does not have. 因为三人都感应到,四面人的气息回归了,但血瞳没有。 „Was blood pupil that fellow, got rid of?!” Silver armor eye pupil scarlet dim moment, does not seem to expect this result. “血瞳那家伙,被干掉了?!”银甲眼瞳的猩红黯淡了片刻,似乎没有预料到这种结果。 The sarcoma of distant place somewhat is also shocking, is so quick?! This also less than ten minutes!” 远处的肉瘤也有些震惊,“这么快?!这还不到十分钟吧!” But feels relaxed quickly, the outside world passed for ten minutes, but in the Divine Territory characteristics of by blood pupil, two people possibly has tens of thousands of times in the confrontation of spiritual level. 但很快又释然,外界过去了十分钟,但在以血瞳的神域特性,两人在精神层面的交锋可能已经有成千上万次了。 Most shocking, hides Three Tailed Snake Woman in Dense Purple. 最为震惊的,还是躲在紫氤氲里的三尾蛇女 Although she hides in the purple fog, is unable to be induced by the outside world, but she can actually induce to all clearly, naturally also induced disappearance of blood pupil aura. 她虽然躲在紫雾之中,无法被外界感应到,但她却能清晰感应到外界发生的一切,自然也感应到了血瞳气息的消失。 As the Four Faced Person cohabitant, she knows that the Four Faced Person close combat strength is very strong, possibly is not weaker than the silver armor many. What she has not thought that properly speaking to a great extent can restrain the Four Faced Person blood pupil, first was eliminated unexpectedly by Four Faced Person. 作为四面人的姘头,她知道四面人近战实力很强,可能并不比银甲弱多少。她没想到的是,按理说很大程度上能克制四面人的血瞳,竟然第一个被四面人淘汰出局了。 This fellow, is never willing to tell me, his four faces are hiding what secret. Now looks like, a face should have powerful Mental-class method is not weak in Xuetong the energetic method!” “这家伙,从来不肯跟我说,他的四张脸到底藏着什么秘密。现在看来,其中一张脸应该是具备着强大的精神类手段不弱于血瞳的精神手段!” Is strange bedfellows for many years, although two people do not have the name of couple, Three Tailed Snake Woman pondered to the Four Faced Person understanding already enough deeply, has not actually thought of the expectation of his strength far ultra oneself. 同床共枕多年,两人虽然没有夫妻之名,三尾蛇女自忖对四面人了解已经足够深了,却没想到他的实力还是远超自己的预料。 Even is inducing to that flash that the blood pupil aura vanishes, she a little suspected the oneself standing wrong camp. 甚至在感应到血瞳气息消失的那一瞬间,她都有点怀疑自己是不是站错阵营了。 She chooses silver armor their camps, on the one hand is because four pairs of two odds of success are enormous, on the other hand is also because she has very thorough understanding of the silver armor, has enough confidence to his strength. 她之所以选择银甲他们这个阵营,一方面是因为四对二胜算极大,另一方面也是因为她对银甲有着很深入的了解,对他的实力有着足够的信心。 This looks like, oneself another cohabitant Four Faced Person, the strength does not seem weak in the silver armor. 这会看来,自己的另一个姘头四面人,实力似乎并不弱于银甲。 But this vacillation only appeared flickered, pinched out by Three Tailed Snake Woman. 但这种动摇只出现了一瞬,就被三尾蛇女掐灭。 She knows, oneself does not have the opportunity that second time chooses. 她知道,自己已经没有第二次选择的机会了。 Following silver armor, so long as destroys completely nine quiet and four sides two people, oneself can also slice. But if oneself defects, even if helped Four Faced Person win the silver armor they, finally might regards as the threat to get rid of by Four Faced Person and nine quiet vines. 跟着银甲,只要灭掉九幽和四面两人,自己还能分一杯羹。但若是自己反水,哪怕是帮着四面人赢了银甲他们,最后还是有可能被四面人和九幽藤视作威胁干掉。 Since has stood the team, can only brace oneself to continue to stand. 既然已经站了队,就只能硬着头皮继续一站到底了。 Decides, Three Tailed Snake Woman continues to withdraw, follow closely trend, while is waiting for the making a move opportunity patiently. 打定了主意,三尾蛇女继续龟缩着,一边关注着外界动态,一边耐心等待着出手机会。 But in battlefield that the vine proliferates, quick Regeneration accident. 而藤蔓遍布的战场上,很快再生变故。 After solving the first hunting goal, Four Faced Person locked on the second hunting goal quickly. 在解决了第一名狩猎目标之后,四面人很快锁定了第二名狩猎目标。 Although no induces to any internal qi locks, but the great lump guessed, the next goal of opposite party can be oneself. 虽然没有感应到任何气机锁定,但巨瘤猜测,对方的下一个目标会是自己 He is inducing to the earliest possible time that the blood pupil aura dissipates thought of this point. 他在感应到血瞳气息消散的第一时间就想到了这一点。 Because the silver armor close combat is extremely strong, the defense capability is six big overlord's heads. With for Four Faced Person of close combat powerhouse, he cannot ask for any advantage to, let alone defeated. 因为银甲近战极强,防御能力更是六大霸主之首。同为近战强者的四面人,对上他讨不到任何好处,更别说击败了。 Three Tailed Snake Woman cannot withdraw, that goal also can only be oneself. 三尾蛇女又龟缩不出,那目标也只能是自己 However the great lump was not fearing that on the one hand is because he does not have fear mood inborn, on the other hand he does not think that Four Faced Person can get rid of oneself. 不过巨瘤也不在怕的,一方面是因为他天生就没有恐惧这种情绪,另一方面他也并不认为四面人能干掉自己 not much time, Four Faced Person then passed through the numerous vines to appear before the great lump body not far away. 没多大会,四面人便穿过重重藤蔓出现在了巨瘤身前不远处。 In the instance that he presents, the great lump launched the attack without hesitation directly. 就在他出现的瞬间,巨瘤毫不犹豫直接发动了袭击。 The innumerable tentacles find out crazily, wells up toward Four Faced Person. 无数触手疯狂探出,朝着四面人涌去。 Four Faced Person seems like very relaxed is dodging, looks like you to be prepared early, knows that I will come.” 四面人看似十分轻松的闪躲着,“看来你早有准备,知道我会来。” From your perspective, if chooses the silver armor, in a short time is unlikely to decide the victory and defeat, I naturally became a more superior choice.” The sound of great lump seems the flesh creeping motion pushes, „, but, I do not think that you made the correct choice.” “从你的角度来看,若是选择银甲,短时间内不太可能分出胜负,我就自然成了更优选择。”巨瘤的声音仿佛是血肉蠕动挤出来的,“不过,我并不认为你做出了正确的选择。” Depends on the attack method that your lies softly?” Four Faced Person taunted with a smile. “就凭你这软趴趴的攻击手段吗?”四面人笑着嘲讽道。 Attack method that my lies softly, may get rid of you.” The great lump finishes speaking, the front section of innumerable tentacle split suddenly. “我这软趴趴的攻击手段,也有可能干掉你哦。”巨瘤话音刚落,无数触手的前段突然分裂。 Changes two, two change four, four change eight...... 一变二,二变四,四变八…… The quantity of tentacle rises dramatically by the exponential order instantaneously. 触手的数量瞬间以指数级飙升。 Four Faced Person unexpected, was contacted the body by several tentacles quickly. 四面人猝不及防之下,很快被数根触手接触到了身体。 He wants to work loose, actually discovery that tentacle as if stuck the sticky candy the same as glue on, as the action of oneself was blocked, the tentacle quantity of sticking were getting more and more. 他想要挣脱,却发现那一根根触手仿佛黏皮糖一样粘上了,而且随着自己的行动受阻,粘上来的触手数量越来越多。 Has assisted Four Faced Person to disturb the nine quiet vines of great lump with the rattan not to think that the great lump will come such a suddenly, he lends a hand to rescue time, slow a racket. 一直辅助着四面人用藤条干扰巨瘤的九幽藤也没想到巨瘤会突然来这么一手,他出手救援的时候,已经慢了一拍。 Four Faced Person under in the blink of an eye, was wrapped by the innumerable tentacles, turned into a meatball of creeping motion...... the Monster Paradise latest chapter address: https:// 四面人在眨眼的工夫下,就被无数触手包裹进去,变成了一颗蠕动的肉球……怪物乐园最新章节地址:https:// Monster Paradise full text reading address: https:// 怪物乐园全文阅读地址:https:// Monster Paradise txt downloading address: https:// 怪物乐园txt下载地址:https:// The Monster Paradise cell phone read: https:// 怪物乐园手机阅读:https:// In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( the Chapter 1576 second war) reading record, will turn on the bookshelf then to see next time! 为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第1576章第二战)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! 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