MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1573: Immortal

Main text Chapter 1573 immortal 正文第1573章仙 Has not waited for the blood pupil to reply, the Four Faced Person head rotates suddenly. Reversed 90 degrees situated in the left side that face toward right, turned faced directly. The eye pupil that on the face that three shut tightly also opens slowly. 没等血瞳回答,四面人脑袋突然转动起来。原本位于左侧的那张脸向右扭转了九十度,变成了正面朝向。脸上那三只原本紧闭的眼瞳也缓缓睁开。 In instantly, his body shape that three eye pupils open also starts to have the radical change. 就在三只眼瞳睁开的刹那,他的身体形态也开始发生剧烈的变化。 The body surface starts to turn white fast, an original mail-armor and helmet turns into White Robe that clothes sleeve fluttered. The physique that the muscle dragon tied also starts becomes slender, three meters tall figure turned into more than ten meters suddenly. Above back, grows one by visible speed fast only like the jade slender arm, that arm quantity has risen suddenly to 16 stops. 身体表面开始快速发白,就连原本的一身甲胄都变成了衣袂飘飞的白袍。原本肌肉虬结的形体也开始变得修长,三米多高的身材眨眼间就变成了十余米。脊背之上,也以肉眼可见的速度快速长出一只只如玉般的修长手臂,那手臂数量一直暴涨到十六只才堪堪停下。 His body surface, is filling light white fog, wraps in which the entire body, a strange dim feeling. 他的身体表面,弥漫着一层淡淡的白雾,将整个身体包裹其中,给人一种奇怪的朦胧感。 Saw that the Four Faced Person shape started to change, the blood pupil has not waited for the opposite party shape to stabilize to launch the attack thoroughly without hesitation. 看到四面人的形态开始发生变化,血瞳没等对方形态彻底稳定下来就毫不犹豫发动了攻击。 Exchanges the good book. Now follow closely may get the cash red package! 交流好书。现在关注可领现金红包! The void tens of thousands of pupil pupil just like the stars of everywhere shone the assorted brilliance, next one flickered, that eye pupil exploded projects severe glow who the innumerable colors varied, fell in torrents toward Four Faced Person just like the rainstorm under. 虚空中成千上万颗瞳眸宛若漫天的星辰般亮起了各色光彩,下一瞬,那一颗颗眼瞳爆射出无数颜色各异的厉芒,宛若暴雨般朝着四面人倾泻而下。 Said innumerably arrow severe glow will then submerge the Four Faced Person form shortly thoroughly. 无数道箭矢般的厉芒顷刻间便彻底淹没了四面人的身影。 Also does not know that is because the shape without stabilizes other what reasons completely, Four Faced Person as if from the start would have no to dodge this to strike, even has not defended with enough time, was embezzled by innumerable severe glow thoroughly. 也不知道是因为形态没有完全稳定下来还是其他的什么缘故,四面人似乎压根就没有闪避这一击,甚至都没有来得及防御,便被无数厉芒彻底吞没。 But blood pupil only when the opposite party figure was embezzled joyful flickered. 但血瞳只在对方身形被吞没的时候欣喜了一瞬。 Although he saw Four Faced Person was attacked to penetrate the body innumerably, but touches that flash of opposite party body in the attack, he knows that the attack of oneself failed. Hits with has not hit the opponent, the touch is completely different. 虽然他看到了四面人被无数攻击穿透了身体,但在攻击触及对方身体的那一瞬间,他就知道自己的攻击落空了。击中和没有击中对手,触感是完全不一样的。 Your this level?” Suddenly, the void sound resounds together. “你就这点水准吗?”忽然间,虚空中一道声音响起。 A white form condenses the formation fast, impressively is Four Faced Person. 一道白色身影快速重新凝聚成型,赫然是四面人 But not far away, the form that was penetrated by innumerable severe glow also twists finally gradually, goes pale, unexpectedly is only together phantom. 而不远处,那被无数厉芒穿透的身影也终于渐渐扭曲,淡去,竟然只是一道虚影 Here, but your home game, if in this place the strength is also only this, I a little suspected how your overlord position sits.” White Robe Four Faced Person be relentless spoke the taunt to say. “这里可是你的主场,如果在这种地方你的实力也只是这样的话,我都有点怀疑你这霸主位置是怎么坐上来的了。”一身白袍四面人毫不留情地出言嘲讽道。 You know immediately, how my position sits.” In the sound of blood pupil cannot listen to too many mood. “你马上就会知道,我的位置是怎么坐上来的了。”血瞳的声音里听不出太多情绪。 But his voice falls next one flickers, trim space all eye pupils shine fast again. 但他声音落下的下一瞬,整片空间所有眼瞳快速再次亮起。 The assorted brilliance rapid condenses on the eye pupil. 各色的光彩迅速在眼瞳上凝聚。 Four Faced Person sees that laughs at one, similar style, nothing but is the quantity are many, speed again quickly. Can't you do a new trick?” 四面人见状,嗤笑一声,“同样的招式,无非就是数量再多一点,速度再快一点。你就不能搞点新花样吗?” Relax, this was not that move a moment ago. I thought now what you most need to be worried, can oneself die in this move.” The sound of blood pupil spreads spookily at the same time, his attack also erupted. “放心吧,这可不是刚才那一招。我觉得你现在最需要担心的是,自己会不会死在这一招上。”血瞳的声音幽幽传出的同时,他的攻击也爆发了。 Before seeming like as before, that move of exactly the same, truly also such as Four Faced Person said that severe glow the number were more, was quicker. 看起来依旧和之前那一招一模一样,确实也如四面人所说的,厉芒的数量更多了,也更快了。 But this one time, Four Faced Person also raised 12 vigilance. 但这一次,四面人也提起了十二分的警惕。 He did not think a moment ago what the blood pupil said is frightening oneself, in this move is definitely also hiding other anything. 他并不觉得血瞳刚才说的是在吓唬自己,这一招里肯定还藏着别的什么。 Avoids severe glow exploding to shoot cautiously, Four Faced Person has not relaxed with enough time, suddenly the complexion changes. 小心翼翼地避开厉芒的爆射,四面人还没来得及松一口气,就突然间脸色微变。 Because he saw, after oneself has dodged all severe glow fires, that severe glow ran upon opposite eyeball unexpectedly, then reflects by quicker speed...... 因为他看到,自己闪避过所有厉芒的射击之后,那一道道厉芒竟然撞上了对面的一颗颗眼球,然后以更快的速度反射回来…… He almost moves aside, was penetrated the screen. 他差一点就躲闪不及,被穿透成了筛子。 The void eye pupils are exploding as before fast project severe glow, but at the same time all severe glow after touching eye pupil, then immediately the acceleratory reflex( not necessarily is vertical reflection, motion trajectory can change), after second time hits the eye pupil, one time acceleratory reflex...... 虚空中一只只眼瞳依旧在快速爆射出一道道厉芒,但与此同时所有厉芒在触碰到眼瞳之后,便立即加速反射(不一定是垂直反射,运行轨迹会变),在第二次撞击到眼瞳之后,又一次加速反射…… At once, in the trim space is proliferating the assorted different glow, 一时之间,整片空间里遍布着各色异芒, Path speed is various, even can say the confusion. If the first wave of attack of blood pupil is the rainstorm attack, rainstorm that then this second wave, that falls in torrents now completely all-around. 轨迹速度各不相同,甚至可以说混乱。如果说血瞳的第一波攻击是暴雨侵袭,那么现在这第二波,那就完全是全方位倾泻的特大暴雨了。 The angle that almost every severe glow projects, speed has nothing in common, even the prestige can be different. 几乎每一道厉芒射出的角度,速度都各不相同,甚至威能都不一样。 Over time, Four Faced Person has even started to lose to these severe glow paths sentenced in advance, can only conduct to dodge and defend by the instinct of body. 随着时间的流逝,四面人甚至已经开始失去对这些厉芒轨迹的预判了,只能凭借身体的本能来进行闪避和防御。 But under this attack speed and attack frequency, Four Faced Person has an oversight unavoidably or moves aside, without supporting the multi- congresses was hit by severe glow one after another. 但在这种攻速和攻击频率之下,四面人难免有所疏漏或是躲闪不及,没撑多大会就被厉芒接连击中。 This way is not good, was too passive.” Four Faced Person dodges to defend, while is thinking deeply about the countermeasure. He also knows that for a long time defends to lose, like this continues, the time drags for a long time, the probability that oneself wins even more will be only uncertain. “这样下去不行,太被动了。”四面人一边闪避防御着,一边思索着对策。他也知道久守必失,这样继续下去,时间拖得越久,自己赢的几率只会越发渺茫。 After pondering over of moment, he caught the eye to shoot a look at an all around eye pupil, then soon had the resolution. 片刻的思忖过后,他抬眼瞥了一眼四周的眼瞳,便很快有了决断。 His both arms shake, in both hands concentrates suddenly two long swords. 他的双臂一震,双手之中陡然凝出两柄长剑。 Meanwhile, after the back, the palms of 16 arms also gripped a long sword respectively. Next flickers, 18 arms wield a sword, void concentrates in an instant the innumerable say/way white sword glow, the quantity is not even under that severe glow. 与此同时,脊背之后,十六只手臂的掌心也各自握住了一柄长剑。下一瞬,十八只手臂挥剑而出,虚空中刹那间凝出无数道白色剑芒,数量甚至并不在那一道道厉芒之下。 But the sword glow condenses the formation instantly, did not welcome to severe glow who the eye pupil projected, but was shoots to go toward the eye pupil illness/quick that in void proliferated. 但剑芒凝聚成型的刹那,却并不是迎向眼瞳射出的厉芒,而是一道道朝着虚空中遍布的眼瞳疾射而去。 The blood pupil miscalculation, he thinks that Four Faced Person this move to resist severe glow, has not actually thought he carries severe glow the attack hardly, direct attack void eye pupil. 血瞳判断失误,他以为四面人这一招是为了对抗厉芒,却没想到他硬扛着厉芒的攻击,直接攻击虚空中的眼瞳。 The next second, white sword light Flicker, penetrated eye pupils, shoots to explode it. 下一秒,一道道白色剑光闪烁而出,穿透了一颗颗眼瞳,将其射爆。 Void passes on hemorrhage pupil angry shouting immediately, he has not thought, the Four Faced Person sword glow attack intensity went far beyond the anticipation of oneself. 虚空中立即传出血瞳愤怒的嘶吼,他没想到,四面人的剑芒攻击强度远远超过了自己的预期。 The time that but a breath does not arrive , the void most eye pupil was damaged, remaining complete also less than 1/5. 只不过一息不到的工夫,虚空中的大半眼瞳都被毁损,剩下完好的还不足五分之一。 Your Abyss monster, practices unexpectedly the Immortal Spirit Species technique method, simply is the Abyss shame!” The blood pupil angry sound conveys, before sounding obviously does not have, such has the energy. “你一个深渊怪物,竟然修行仙灵种的术法,简直是深渊的耻辱!”血瞳愤怒的声音传来,听起来明显没有之前那样有底气了。 You think why my side can name for the immortal? My this side, but refining Immortal Spirit Species sword cultivator condensed. This condition, especially restrains to the Abyss energy.” “你以为我这一面为什么要取名为仙?我这一面,可是炼化了一只仙灵种剑修才凝聚出来的。这种状态,对深渊能量尤为克制。” This moment White Robe Four Faced Person clothes sleeve is floating, the whole body white fog lingers, if not look at his head, but also seriously somewhat Immortal Spirit Species flavor. 此刻一身白袍四面人衣袂飘飘,浑身白雾萦绕,如果不去看他的脑袋,还当真有几分仙灵种的韵味。 I did not fear that the truth told you, this shape, was I breeds intentionally, was used to cope with your several Overlord Grade cards in hand. But you, very lucky becomes my first hunting target.” “我也不怕实话告诉你,这种形态,也是我故意孕育出来,用来对付你们几位霸主级的底牌。而你,很幸运的成为了我的第一个狩猎目标。” The voice falls, before Four Faced Person body , the innumerable white sword light condenses the formation again, dense and numerous, just like the everywhere stars of sunny summer night...... 话音落下,四面人身前无数白色剑光再次凝聚成型,密密麻麻,宛若晴朗夏夜的漫天星辰…… Still in looking for " Monster Paradise " free novel? 还在找"怪物乐园"免费小说? hundred degrees celsius direct search: "……" Looked that the novel is very simple! 百度直接搜索:""看小说很简单!
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