MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1576: In order to express gratitude, I eat you

Four faces of Four Faced Person, can use besides conventional condition that face for a long time, another three faces have the opening instant limit. 四面人的四张脸,除了常规状态那张脸可以长期使用之外,另外三张脸都是有开启时间限制的。 A few four sides knows him to have the condition, had also guessed regarding this point. But they thought that the reason of limit should be, fleshly body and Spirit Soul of opening different condition to Four Faced Person will have the superior burden. 少数知道他有四面状态的,对于这一点也都有所猜测。但他们都觉得限制的原因应该是,开启不同状态对四面人肉身灵魂会产生超常的负担。 Only then Four Faced Person oneself knows, the fact is not such. 而只有四面人自己知道,事实并非如此。 His each face, is actually a different personality. 他的每一张脸,其实都是一个不同的人格。 And the Host standard, is the face of conventional condition, is maintaining the balances of another three personalities. 其中主人格,是常规状态的这张脸,维持着另外三个人格的平衡。 At present his four personalities can stay the state of equilibrium, depended is mainly the Host standard of conventional condition. 目前他的四个人格能够保持平衡状态,靠的主要就是常规状态的这个主人格。 But he switches over a face each time, needs to release an times personality to come out. 而他每次切换一张脸,都需要释放一个次人格出来。 Although after trading the face, in a short time is led by the consciousness of Host standard, but changes the time of face longer, the awakening degree of times personality will be higher, will start to revolt against the Host standard the dominant position. 虽然换脸之后,短时间内还是以主人格的意识为主导,但换脸的时间越长,次人格的觉醒程度就会越高,就会开始反抗主人格的主导地位。 If the time surpasses limits certainly, the times personality that was released will awaken thoroughly, will be very likely to suppress the Host standard in turn, will wrest away the leading power of body. 如果时间超过一定限制,被释放出来的这个次人格就会彻底觉醒过来,极有可能会反过来镇压主人格,霸占身体的主导权。 Some people possibly felt, but trades a personality to lead, has what relations, later can also switch over in any case. 有些人可能觉得,只是换个人格主导而已,有什么关系,反正以后还能切换。 But the issue is, once the Four Faced Person Host standard loses the leading power, among several personalities the existing balance relationship will be completely broken. Occupies that times personality of dominant position, quick will swallow other personalities, monopolizes the body. 但问题在于,一旦四面人主人格失去主导权,几个人格之间现有的平衡关系会被彻底打破。占据主导地位的那个次人格,很快就会吞噬其余所有人格,独占身体。 Because monopolized the entire body thoroughly, Four Faced Person fleshly body and Spirit Soul toward direction transformation of this personality leadership. Turns into one to only have an independent consciousness, and consciousness and brand-new individual of fleshly body Spirit Soul perfect integration. 因为只有彻底独占了整个身体,四面人肉身灵魂才会朝着这个人格主导的方向转化。变成一只只有一个独立意识,且意识与肉身灵魂完美融合的全新个体。 In other words, Four Faced Person will not exist, displacing can be another completely different monster. 也就是说,四面人会不复存在,取而代之的会是另一只完全不一样的怪物 Risk, Four Faced Person has not raised with anybody. 这其中的风险,四面人没有跟任何人提过。 Even if near the most intimate pillow the person, has not disclosed a character. 哪怕是最亲密的枕边人,都没有透露过一个字。 After all this type of secret, is concerning the oneself life and death, said that was used very much easily. 毕竟这种隐秘,关乎着自己的生死,说出去很容易被人利用。 In the battlefield, the stalling tactics of great lump, making Four Faced Person somewhat anxious. 战场上,巨瘤的拖字诀,让四面人有些焦急。 He uses dragon flame, is the loss enormous method. Originally what thinks is ends this fight by quickest speed, now to the mire be actually prevented layer upon layer by the great lump, reaches the impass. 他使用龙炎,是损耗极大的手段。本来想的是以最快的速度解决这场战斗,如今却被巨瘤以层层泥沼阻挡下来,陷入僵局。 The gap is less than a half hour, he conducted the switch over of second face. Now the Host standard be at the extremely exhausted condition, enabling him to suppress the times personality the time also greatly to reduce. 间隔不到半个小时,他就进行了第二张脸的切换。现在主人格处于极度疲惫的状态,使得他能够压制次人格的时间也大大缩短。 This war, he can only fight a battle to force a quick decision, otherwise the consequence is dreadful. 这一战,他只能速战速决,要不然后果不堪设想。 More than ten minutes of dragon flame spouts, the small achievement has not entered. This also makes him even more think deeply about the following countermeasure anxiously. 十多分钟的龙炎喷涌,寸功未进。这也让他越发焦急地思索着接下来的对策。 Really the incorrect words, can only use that move!” “实在不行的话,只能用那一招了!” Only intertwined the moment, Four Faced Person made the final resolution quickly. 只纠结了片刻,四面人很快做出了最后的决断。 He has not stopped emitting of dragon flame, both hands starts to pinch the numerous and diverse seal secret arts rapidly. 他没有停止龙炎的喷吐,双手开始飞速掐出繁杂的印诀。 After moment, strange forms work loose from his back, works loose to the ninth form, stopped continuation. 片刻过后,一道道诡异的身影从他的脊背之上挣脱出来,一直到第九道身影挣脱出来,才停止了继续。 Nine forms after side Four Faced Person stands firm, that form impressively and this time Four Faced Person alone eye of condition is exactly the same, seems the clone who in a mold carves. 九道身影在四面人身旁站定之后,那一道道身影赫然和此时四面人的独目状态一模一样,仿佛是一个模子里刻出来的克隆人。 But at this time, Four Faced Person also stopped the spout of dragon flame finally. 而此时,四面人也终于停止了龙炎的喷涌。 The distant place great lump has been losing concentration follow closely Four Faced Person here trend, sees the opposite party emits clone time, he knows that the opposite party this really must open the big move. 远处巨瘤一直在分神关注四面人这边的动向,看到对方放出“克隆人”的时候,他就知道对方这回是真的要开大招了。 trymad1 ( gad2 ) ; catch ( ex ) heart somewhat anxious at the same time, is even more assured. trymad1(gad2);catch(ex)心头有些紧张的同时,也越发笃定。 This fellow is doing in haste the big move, it seems like my guess right. He this condition cannot maintain is too long now surely!” “这家伙这么着急就开大招,看来我的猜测没错。他现在这种状态必定维持不了太久!” So long as I can persist in continue drag, sooner or later can burn out him!” “只要我能坚持继续拖下去,迟早能拖垮他!” The great lump plans to implement the stalling tactics obviously. 巨瘤显然是打算将拖字诀贯彻到底。 Although there is a countermeasure, he does not dare to belittle the Four Faced Person method. 虽然有了应对策略,他也丝毫不敢小觑四面人的手段。 Void, Four Faced Person ten form proud stand, looked exhaltedly to direction that the great lump was. 虚空中,四面人十道身影傲立,居高临下地看向了巨瘤所在的方向。 The next second, several form ten fingers spread out, the fingertip bursts out flagellated gold glow. 下一秒,数道身影十指箕张,指尖迸发出一根根鞭状金芒 Under the innumerable gold/metal whips interlock, changes to inescapable net, blots out the sky toward the great lump. 无数金鞭交错之下,化作天罗地网,朝着巨瘤铺天盖地而来。 The great lump heart the secretly thought is not good immediately, finds out the innumerable tentacle resistance hastily. 巨瘤心头顿时暗道不好,连忙探出无数触手抵御。 That gold/metal whip is coercing the dragon flame strange characteristics, the tentacle of great lump touches slightly, was fired burned black. 那一根根金鞭都裹挟着龙炎的诡异特性,巨瘤的触手只是稍稍触碰,就被灼烧成一片焦黑。 Several eat under the pain, the great lump gave up continuing with the tentacle to resist quickly directly, then summoned mire great hands from void, struck to go toward that gold/metal Bianju net. 几番吃痛之下,巨瘤很快放弃了继续用触手直接对抗,转而从虚空中召出一只只泥沼巨手,朝着那金鞭巨网拍击而去。 Here was just in the deadlock stage again, side Four Faced Person have several a form to join the battlefield. 这边刚刚再次进入僵持阶段,四面人身旁又有数道身影加入了战场。 Four forms died of suffocation directly all escape routes outside gold/metal Bianju net, from four different directions, spouted tsunami dragon flame toward the great lump...... 四道身影直接堵死了金鞭巨网之外的所有退路,从四个不同方向,朝着巨瘤喷出了海啸般的龙炎…… Almost every, the might is not at that the Four Faced Person main body emitted together under. 几乎每一道,威力都不在刚才四面人本尊喷吐的那一道之下。 Great lump immediately heart in great surprise. 巨瘤顿时心头大惊。 This wave of attack came from in all directions, almost evades not to be possible to evade. 这一波攻击来自于四面八方,几乎避无可避。 Perhaps if the defense, can be forcefully several times continues to the consumption of Divine Energy. 如果强行防御,恐怕对神能的消耗会是刚才的数倍不止。 The dragon flame tsunami that in four directions heads on shortly will soon embezzle oneself, the great lump heart makes a determined effort, direct is hard above the top of the head gold/metal whip great net hit to go. 眼看着四个方向上扑面而来的龙炎海啸即将吞没自己,巨瘤心头发狠,直接硬着头顶上方的金鞭巨网撞击而去。 In that plump figure will soon hit when great online, his body changed to a piece of liquid fat suddenly, easily then penetrated the net holes, withdraws. 就在那肥硕的身形即将撞击在巨网上的时候,他的身体陡然化作了一片液态脂肪,轻易便穿透了一个个网洞,从中脱身而出。 this scene, looks at the nine quiet vines of Four Faced Person and distant place stares. 这一幕,看得四面人和远处的九幽藤都是一愣。 Two people have not thought obviously, great lump that fleshly body is seemingly solid , can actually change instantaneously is similar to the shape of liquid. 两人显然都没想到,巨瘤那肉身看起来坚实无比,却能瞬间化作类似于液态的形态。 However, although Four Faced Person does not know that the opposite party by what method difficulty-relief, will actually also be ready to all possibilities ahead of time. 不过,四面人虽然不知道对方会以什么方法脱困,却也提前对所有可能性都做好了准备。 His main body figure flashes, appeared sky over the great lump top of the head directly. 他本尊身形一闪,直接出现在了巨瘤头顶上空。 Just escaped the birth day great lump not to relax from dragon flame with enough time, heard the top of the head to broadcast the Four Faced Person sound. 刚从龙炎中逃出生天的巨瘤还没来得及松一口气,就听到头顶传来了四面人的声音。 I have been ready that you escaped!” “我早就做好了你逃出来的准备!” Finishes speaking, he then noticed that Four Faced Person double is in charge, rumbles together the golden shock wave. 话音刚落,他便看到四面人双掌印出,轰出一道金色激波。 Rolls to me!” “给我滚回去吧!” Regarding this strikes, the great lump dodges from the start, by the shock wave bang , the figure was fallen directly toward under. 对于这一击,巨瘤压根就闪躲不及,直接被激波轰中,身形朝着下方坠去。 At this time, several doppelgänger also very coordination withdrew the whip net, whatever the great lump fell into the sea of fire. 这时,几个分身也十分配合的撤去了鞭网,任由巨瘤落入火海之中。 Next one is flickered in the great lump figure, the Four Faced Person main body and surplus several doppelgänger that the golden sea of fire submerges almost deeply inspire simultaneously, then emits toward under endless golden dragon flame...... 就在巨瘤身形被金色火海淹没的下一瞬,四面人本尊和剩余几道分身几乎同时深吸一口气,然后朝着下方喷吐出无尽的金色龙炎…… This fire, burnt for nearly a half hour. 这一场大火,足足烧了近半个小时。 Until Four Faced Person felt faintly oneself is unable to maintain to the suppression of times personality, this diverges finally. He also felt relieved that returned the conventional shape. 直到四面人隐隐感觉自己无法维持住对次人格的压制了,这才终于散去。他也放心地退回了常规形态。 In the sea of fire, the vitality of great lump vanishes before more than ten minutes thoroughly. 火海之中,巨瘤的生机早在十多分钟之前就彻底消失殆尽。 He toughed it out is continue maintain more than ten minutes of dragon flame to emit, was feared that the opposite party has not died thoroughly. 他又硬挺着继续维持了十多分钟的龙炎喷吐,就是怕对方没死透。 trymad1 ( gad2 ) ; catch ( ex ) basically can determine now, the opposite party is cool. trymad1(gad2);catch(ex)不过现在基本上可以确定,对方已经凉了。 No living creature, can not send out any miserable howling and resistance under the ignition of dragon flame. 没有一只活物,能够在龙炎的灼烧之下不发出任何惨嚎和反抗。 Removed all doppelgänger, Four Faced Person waited for the flame to clear patiently, the mist and dust removed. 撤除了所有分身,四面人耐心等待着火焰散尽,烟尘褪去。 Crossed some little time, fires burn through, the mist and dust gradually is also thin. 过了好一会,余火燃尽,烟尘也渐渐稀薄。 Four Faced Person saw by gulf that in the flame burns, has a completely carbonized black spheroid. 四面人看到了被火焰烧出的深坑之中,有着一个完全被碳化的黑色球体。 He approaches cautiously, even can smell the meats scorched flavor clearly, is stronger much the fierce putrefactive odor. 他小心翼翼地靠近过去,甚至能清晰闻到肉类被烧焦的味道,还有浓烈得让人作呕的剧烈腐臭味。 When is away from that carbonized spheroid more than ten meters, Four Faced Person stopped the footsteps, has not continued to approach again. 在距离那被碳化的球体十余米的时候,四面人停住了脚步,没有再继续靠近。 But is the five fingers spreads out, found out several Divine Energy silk threads, touched that carbonized spheroid by far. 而是五指箕张,探出了数根神能丝线,远远地触碰上了那个碳化球体。 Under touching of Divine Energy, Four Faced Person saw the carbonized structure finally, probably onion, wraps a layer upon layer layer upon layer. 神能的触碰下,四面人终于看到了被碳化的结构,像是一层层洋葱,层层包裹。 He uses Divine Energy to strip that layer upon layer onion fast, wants to have a look at the great lump to be extinguished by the thorough fever. 他用神能快速剥离着那一层层“洋葱”,想要看看巨瘤是不是被彻底烧灭。 As he one bares the carbonized level layer upon layer, he saw quickly, innermost that structure was carbonized place fragment powder thoroughly. 随着他一层层剥开碳化层,他很快就看到,最里面那一层结构都被彻底碳化成了一地齑粉。 Obviously the great lump died again cannot die. 显然巨瘤死得不能再死了。 Four Faced Person then takes back Divine Energy, long relaxes. 四面人这才收回神能,长长地松了口气。 But at this moment, the mutation lives steep. 但就在这时,异变陡生。 The under foot of Four Faced Person, a Bloody tentacle break out from the ground from the place bottom suddenly, the tentacle tip like the tree root fission, found out by the potential of thunderclap, drilled into the mouth and eye nose of Four Faced Person...... 四面人的脚下,一根血色触手陡然从地底破土而出,触手尖端如树根般分裂,以迅雷之势探出,钻入了四面人的口腔和眼鼻…… Four Faced Person can feel clearly, a strange strength is invading oneself fleshly body rapidly. 四面人能清晰感受到,一股诡异的力量在迅速侵占自己肉身 Get lost to me!” “给我滚出去!” Four Faced Person blows up whole body Divine Energy, wants to work loose great lump move of subsequent hand, but hindered the opposite party 12 seconds, invading of fleshly body was still continuing. 四面人鼓起浑身神能,想要挣脱巨瘤这一招后手,但只是阻碍了对方一两秒钟,肉身的侵占仍在继续。 He can induce clearly, by opposite party invading speed, most five minutes, oneself will lose the control thoroughly to the body. 他能清晰感应到,以对方这种侵占速度,最多五分钟,自己就会彻底失去对身体的控制权。 Read and this, he also makes a determined effort. 一念及此,他也发了狠。 This is you compels my!” “这是你逼我的!” The next second, the Four Faced Person head rotates suddenly, that face situated in back of the head, revolved slowly 180 degrees, turned into the face. 下一秒,四面人头颅突然转动,原本位于后脑勺的那张脸,缓慢的旋转了一百八十度,变成了正脸。 That is a fierce incomparable face, three eye pupils do not have an eye White's darkness, on the forehead also steadily two Bloody big horn. 那是一张狰狞无比的脸,三只眼瞳都是没有眼白的一片漆黑,额头上还长着两只血色大角。 Opens the next second of eye in him, the whole body muscle starts the dragon knot to blush, starts to infiltrate the faint trace black fog from the pore...... 在他睁开眼睛的下一秒,浑身肌肉开始虬结发红,从毛孔中也开始渗透出丝丝黑雾…… Looks down the condition that oneself placed, grows the horn Four Faced Person finds out a big hand that is growing the black sharp claws, held the tentacle that connects the oneself eye nose and ground, then makes an effort to pull. 低头看了一眼自己身处的状态,长角四面人探出一只长着黑色利爪的大手,一把抓住了连接自己眼鼻和地面的触手,然后用力拉扯起来。 A hand pulls upwardly, another hand that tentacle toward the oneself mouth stopper, makes an effort to chew...... 一只手向上拉扯,另外一只手则将那触手往自己嘴里塞,用力嘴嚼起来…… Four sides, your lunatic!” The bottom transmits the great lump quickly sad and shrill miserable howling. “四面,你这个疯子!”地底很快传来巨瘤凄厉的惨嚎。 The grows the horn person actually cracks into a smile suddenly, four sides? That fellow already not. I must many thanks you, helping me obtain this fleshly body property rights.” 长角人却突然咧嘴一笑,“四面吗?那个家伙已经不在了。我还得多谢你,让我获得了这具肉身的所有权。” „If not your final forcing, four sides that fellow will not emit me. If not you and his battle, weakens the limit his consciousness intensity, I do not have the means easily to counterattack him.” “如果不是你最后的逼迫,四面那家伙不会放出我来。如果不是你与他的交战,将他的意识强度削弱到极限,我也没办法这么轻易反制他。” To express gratitude, I eat you!” “为了表示感谢,我就吃掉你吧!” He said that while continues to gobble up the great lump. 他一边说,一边继续吞吃着巨瘤。 The miserable howling sound of quick, great lump is even more weak, until finally, did not have the sound thoroughly...... 很快,巨瘤的惨嚎声越发微弱,直至最后,彻底没了声音……
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