MF :: Volume #10

#970: Cold prairie

In cabin, auspicious atmosphere. 客舱内,一片祥和的气氛。 Because crosses the reason that the little while must take off, now the people in cabin are having the breakfast with a sense of urgency, is drinking the drink fruit juice. 因为过会儿就要起飞的缘故,现在客舱里的人都在抓紧吃着早餐,喝着饮料果汁。 The Banshee aircraft two floors, the space is big enough, everyone sits in the position at will, is cheerful and lively. 女妖飞行器上下两层,空间足够大,大家随意地坐在位置上,有说有笑。 Suddenly presents the black form that from the staircase with a handrail, making the everyone instantaneous delay in two layers cabin live. 突然从扶梯出现的黑色身影,让二层客舱里的所有人瞬间呆滞住了。 That is five like the lightning, the whole body wears the black battle dress quickly, on the face is drawing the form of deep greasepaint. Even if neglects the submachine gun that in their hands has, the people in cabin not them toward any good aspect association. 那是五道快如闪电,全身穿着黑色作战服,脸上画着深色油彩的身影。即使忽略他们手中持有的冲锋枪,客舱里的人们也不会把他们往任何好的方面联想。 The form that last crashes in the cabin holds a gun single-handed, aims at the extravehicular dark prairie to touch off the trigger. 最后一名冲进客舱的身影单手持枪,对准舱外黑暗的草原扣动扳机。 dá dá dá dá 哒哒哒哒 The large flame thunders, the cartridge case raindrop falls on the cabin floor. 火舌轰鸣,弹壳雨点般掉落在客舱地板上。 If not the muzzle aims at outside prairie following the cabin door, these brutal bullets, will knock out cave entrance on Cabin Room. 如果不是枪口顺着舱门指向外面草原,这些无情的子弹,就会在机舱上凿出一个个洞口。 The effect of deterrent is very good. 威慑的效果很好。 After sound of gunfire, everyone in two layers cabin is motionless, like root wood/blockhead. 枪声过后,二层客舱里的所有人都一动不动,像根木头。 In five intruding forms, two kept two layers, another three people rapid flush away toward on one layer cabin. On one layer besides the ordinary cabin, first-class cabin, with cockpit. 五名闯入的身影中,有两名留在了二层,另外三人迅速朝着上一层客舱冲去。上一层除了普通舱,还有头等舱,和驾驶舱。 Two people who leave behind, observe the situation the dramatic team members and this group of actors with the vision, his vision on wild wolf like prairie in staring rabbit. 留下的两人,有一名用目光环视剧组成员和这群演员,他的目光就像草原上的野狼在凝视兔子。 He opens the mouth slowly, asked everyone to coordinate our actions, otherwise the consequence was proud.” 他缓缓开口,“请各位配合我们的行动,否则后果自负。” In entire cabin completely silent, no one dares to reply him, a just sound of gunfire, nearly made them be frightened out of one's wits. 整个客舱里鸦雀无声,没人敢回答他,刚刚的一阵枪声,差点儿让他们魂飞魄散。 Who can think? 谁能够想到? merely patted promotion on the beautiful prairie, actually in some seemingly tranquil night, one crowd is not the unclear militants who the ordinary gangster can describe, intrudes in Banshee aircraft? 原本只是在美丽草原上拍一部宣传片,却会在某个看似宁静的夜晚里,有一群绝不是普通匪徒能够形容的不明武装人员,闯入女妖飞行器内? After several minutes, rushes to the three layers personnel two pilots, detained with other members. 数分钟后,冲上三层的人员把两名飞行员,和其他成员押了下来。 Two pilots when study commercial driving, had been trained, in encountering various types arises suddenly the dangerous handling plan. According to studying plan, they should the earliest possible time close the cockpit cabin door, then with radio, to control tower report. 两名飞行员在学习商业驾驶时,就被培训过,在遭遇各种突发危险时的处置方案。按照学习过的方案,他们应该第一时间关闭驾驶舱舱门,然后用无线电,向塔台汇报情况。 What a pity the plan cannot keep up with the change, when they when hearing outside anomaly sound, responded again wants to work the earphone contacts, they are used to referring to the forehead. 可惜计划赶不上变化,当他们在听到外面异常动静,再反应过来想抓起耳机联络时,他们已经被人用微冲指住了脑门。 Banshee aircraft also anchors on the prairie at present, these people asked them to set out to go to the cabin from the driving chair. 女妖飞行器目前还停泊在草原上,这些人叫他们从驾驶椅上起身前往客舱。 The life is important, two pilots can only obey the instruction. 性命要紧,两名飞行员只能听从指令。 Quick, including two Stewardess that goes out to take the commodity, with the Wen Miaotong same place, was detained in the two layers cabin. 很快,连着外出取物资的两名空姐,跟文妙彤一起,也被押进了二层客舱中。 Personnel who altogether eight wear the black combat uniform/subdue, they wear the black hat, on the face are scratching the greasepaint, except for can distinguish them is the strong male, in addition even person of Asian descent, white black did not distinguish. 一共八名身穿黑色作战制服的人员,他们头戴黑色帽子,脸上擦着油彩,除了能辨别他们是强壮的男性,除此之外连黄种人,还是白黑都辨别不了。 Their vision are callous, the movement is succinct. 他们一个个目光冷酷,动作简洁干练。 „Do you...... you want to do?” Under the immense fear, a pilot is emboldening to ask. “你……你们想要干什么?”巨大恐惧之下,一名飞行员壮着胆子发问。 In eight personnel could not see that who is takes the lead, but one and common member turns the head slightly, said in the ice-cold stiff Chinese: Everyone, hands over all communication device.” 八名人员里看不出谁是领头,不过有一名并不起眼的成员微微转头,用冰冷生硬的中文说道:“所有人,交出一切通讯设备。” The people in cabin were detained in an corner/horn, hears these words, everyone simultaneously hit to tremble, helpless. Several Stewardess, with more than ten utilities no use sheds tears. 客舱里的人都被押在一角,听到这句话,大家齐齐打了个寒颤,不知所措。几名空姐,和十多名小演员们已经无助的吧嗒吧嗒直掉眼泪。 Sees the crowd not to coordinate, that speaking personnel start the countdown. 看见人群不怎么配合,那位发话的人员开始倒计时。 Three.” “三。” Two......” “二……” Hands over... us to hand over.” Does not know that was who takes the lead, hurries to throw cell phone in pocket on the ground. “交…我们交。”不知是谁带头,赶紧把兜里的手机扔在了地上。 Boundless grassland, close to border line. The signal naturally does not have, even if there is signal they not to dare to have any unusual action. 茫茫草原,又靠近边境线。信号自然是没有,不过就算有信号他们也不敢有任何异样举动。 Quick, the ground lost one pile of cell phone. Wen Miaotong does not dare to be disobedient their meaning, because she is not clear about the details of this group of people. 很快,地面就丢了一堆手机。连文妙彤也不敢忤逆他们意思,因为连她也不清楚这伙人的底细。 Very good!” “很好!” That person nods , without the waste motion, the merely whole body to stretch straight standing in the Cabin Room entrance, „, in view of the fact that you so coordinate, I give you a way out.” 那人点点头,没有多余动作,只是浑身绷得笔直的站在机舱门口,“鉴于你们如此配合,那我给你们一条生路。” Now, everyone lining up five of prepares to get off an aircraft.” “现在,所有人排好队伍准备下机。” What is most near the top is several Stewardess, their original tears, squatting no use there. But this group of people are not willing to waste the time, entrains release directly extravehicular. 最靠前的是几名空姐,她们本来眼泪吧嗒,无助的蹲在那里。但这伙人根本不愿意浪费时间,直接拽起一个推出舱外。 First Stewardess was staggered release to go, the remaining people hurry to set out, according to their orders goes out extravehicular. 第一名空姐被踉跄着推出去了,剩下的人赶紧一个个起身,按照他们的命令走出舱外。 Two pilots front in finally, their heart intense craziness jump, they guessed the goal of this group of people faintly. Guesses to turn over to guess, trembling they, find this group of people not to buckle their meanings, hurries to go out extravehicular. 两名飞行员垫在最后,他们心脏激烈的狂跳起来,他们隐隐猜测到了这伙人的目地。猜归猜,战战兢兢的他们,瞧见这伙人没有扣他们的意思,也赶紧走出舱外。 Extravehicular, pitch-black like black ink, the radiant starry sky seems like the tentacle to be possible. 舱外,漆黑如墨,璀璨星空似乎触手可及。 But this moment scenery is not beautiful, outside the warm cabin, is more than ten degrees below zero cold prairies, the gale sobs. 但此刻景色并不美丽,温暖的客舱外,是零下十多度的寒冷草原,大风呜咽。 Even...... 甚至…… pack of wolves. 还有狼群。 Was caught up with the aircraft 30 many people, most people only wear the frail coat, desperate they, were blown by the cold wind again, immediately shrinks one group to sob there. 被赶下飞行器三十多人,大部分人只穿着单薄的外套,绝望的他们,再被冷风一吹,立刻缩成一团在那里哭泣。 Under this environment, even if that group of people do not harm them, perhaps they could not insist for several hours. 这种环境下,哪怕那伙人不伤害他们,恐怕他们也坚持不了数小时。 The first time, they felt that oneself left the death is so near. 第一次,他们感觉到自己离死亡这么近。 That eight members of chief criminal, after driving away all passengers, immediately two idiom solutions start the military equipment, dashes on three layers. 罪魁祸首的那八名成员,在赶走所有乘客后,立刻有两名成语解下手中武装,飞奔上三层 Then, a person gets to the entrance, in the Cabin Room cabin door of research belt/bring escalator. 接着,还有一人走到门口,在研究带自动扶梯的机舱舱门。 Evidently, he wants to close the cabin door. 看样子,他想把舱门关闭。 The cabin door difference of Banshee aircraft and traditional airplane is not big, but were many a escalator, therefore in operation some differences. That person studied for dozens seconds, without studying the clue, to/clashes that person that spoke to shake the head. 女妖飞行器与传统飞机的舱门差别不大,但多了一道自动扶梯,所以操作上还是有些区别。那人研究了数十秒,没研究出头绪,就冲发话的那人摇摇头。 Pilot do you come up, how tell me the cabin door to close?” “飞行员你上来,告诉我舱门如何关闭?” Under the muzzle, two pilot simultaneously stations, old that held down the Deputy Pilot arm, oneself moved toward filled the staircase with a handrail of danger. 枪口之下,两名飞行员齐齐站了起来,年长的那位按住了副机长胳膊,自己走向充满了危险的扶梯。 Can...... be able, to give us some protection against the cold clothes?” “能……能不能,给我们一些御寒衣服?” The old pilot is clenching teeth, has the determination of being unafraid of death, outside was too cold, since you do not harm us, that then it will be alright acts charitably. Our down clothing, place on the seat above luggage rack.” 年长的飞行员咬着牙,带着视死如归的决心,“外面太冷了,您既然不伤害我们,那就行行好。我们的羽绒服,都放在座椅上方的行李架上。” Then, the old pilot atmosphere does not dare to breathe, can only look at that person with the split vision secretly. 说完,年长的飞行员大气都不怎么敢喘,只能偷偷用余光看着那人。 That person of corners of the mouth smiled, the smiling face is cruel. 那人的嘴角微微笑了,笑容残忍。 Told me, the operating procedure of cabin door.” “告诉我,舱门的操作方法。” The pilots can only accept fate, said the operating procedure, later was caught up with the staircase with a handrail. 飞行员只能认命,把操作方法说了一遍,随后被赶下扶梯。 Quick, Banshee aircraft four Vectored Thrust Ducted Propeller wū wū rotate suddenly. 很快,女妖飞行器的四台涵道推进器忽然呜呜地转动起来。 The intense air current that the propeller spouts, makes the crowds of not far away cry immediately loudly. The strong winds blow on the body, shears just like the blade. 推进器喷出的激烈气流,顿时让不远处的人群们放声大哭。狂风吹在身上,宛若刀割。 Bang “砰” A leather suitcase was thrown from the cabin door. 一个皮箱被人从舱门里丢了出来。 The leather suitcase shook off, revealed inside disorderly mess goods and clothes, then each article down clothing and leather suitcase were ejected unceasingly. 皮箱摔开,露出了里面乱七八糟物品和衣服,接着一件件羽绒服和皮箱被不断抛出。
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