MF :: Volume #10

#969: In shadow

The flashlight hit past tense, the heart of Wen Miaotong was also fierce, pū tōng and pū tōng, beat. 手电打过去时,文妙彤的心脏也剧烈的,“噗通”、“噗通”,跳动起来。 She is afraid sees what. 她害怕看见什么。 Under the dazzling light shines, outside is a stretch of withered and yellow lawn. 耀眼的灯光照耀下,外面是一片枯黄的草地。 Wen Miaotong is also rapid the light shifts, hits toward the two sides. 文妙彤又迅速把灯光横移,朝两边打过去。 Similarly was the lawn, the glare flashlight illuminated the big piece withered and yellow lawn. Wen Miaotong stared at these lawns to look carefully looked, tried to find what anomaly, for example had the trace of auspicious clothing/taking camouflage. 同样是草地,强光手电照亮了大片枯黄的草地。文妙彤仔细盯着这些草地看了又看,试图从中找到有何异常,比如有吉利服伪装的痕迹。 Frightened me to jump.” Wen Miaotong patted the chest gently, in the heart the long stretch/leisurely one breath. “吓了我一跳。”文妙彤轻轻拍了拍胸口,心中长舒一口气。 Outside not anomaly. 外面并无异常 Naturally the safest way, opens the cabin door, outside she goes to use the flashlight personally according to a photo. 当然最保险的方式,是把舱门打开,她亲自去外面用手电照一照。 However Wen Miaotong thought that does not have this necessity, first she just likely saw a fleeing in all directions this solitary one wolf, will open the cabin door definitely to awaken by noise others. And her boss has not reminded, her work environment has the danger. 不过文妙彤觉得没有这个必要,一来她刚刚很可能看到了一只流窜的孤狼,打开舱门必然会吵醒其他人。二来她的上司也没有提醒过,她的工作周围环境有危险。 Returns to the seat, Wen Miaotong continues to look movie that oneself have not watched. 重新返回座位,文妙彤继续看自己未看完的电影。 If Wen Miaotong goes out, and shines Banshee aircraft under with the flashlight, will discover that originally on smooth lawn, were many several not too obvious sticking out. 如果文妙彤出去,并用手电照射女妖飞行器的下方,就会发现原本平坦的草地上,多了几道不太明显的隆起。 What a pity because of angle of view relations, under the position situated in fuselage, only if some people go out of the cabin door to observe. 可惜因为视角关系,位于机身下方的这个位置,除非有人走出舱门才能观察到。 Narrow squeak!” “好险!” With sticking out that under the surrounding lawn fuses together, some unexpectedly people are exchanging with the sound that slightly cannot be checked. 和周围草地融为一体的隆起下方,竟然有人用微不可查的声音在交流。 Almost, has to take the measure.” Under the camouflage of perfect, some people said accordingly: I move when fortunately, caught in the cabin, some people have not rested, and has been in sight out of the window.” “差一点点,不得不采取措施。”完美的伪装下,有人应声道:“还好我移动时,捕捉到了客舱内,有人还没休息,并一直在望着窗外。” Since they have not stepped out of the cabin the examination, our wireless monitoring device, has not surveyed the signal that they exchange outward.” “既然他们没有出舱查看,我们的无线监测设备,也没有探测到他们对外交流的信号。” Then we had not been discovered on representative.” “那就代表我们没有被发现。” Static waiting time.” “静静等待时机。” After complying that several slightly cannot be checked, Cabin Room below prairie falls into silent. 几声微不可查的答应后,机舱下方的草原陷入沉默中。 Silent, not only also has the sound, movement. These stick out, on small mound of earth that the inverse image had, motionless, does not know that is the person is the ghost. 沉默的不仅还有声音,还有动作。这几道隆起,就像原本就存在的小土包,一动不动,不知是人是鬼。 ...... …… Time 1 0.1 pasts, when the electron clock in Cabin Room jumps to 3.4 ten, in the cabin starts to resound a melodious music alarm slowly. 时间一点一点过去,当机舱内的电子钟跳到三点四十时,客舱内开始慢慢响起一阵悠扬的音乐闹铃。 When the music sound increases, in the cabin in people of deep sleep is opening the an eye opener eyeball. 当音乐声音变大时,客舱内正在沉睡的人们纷纷睁开眼睛。 Rests also to hit to breathe out in three layers director Assistant, said loudly: Good, everyone awakes, I give everyone 20 minute of washing, ten minutes eat the breakfast time, finished eating us to toward the cloud layer in fly, go to the shooting most perfect sunrise!” 睡在三层的导演助理也打着哈气走下来,大声道:“好了好了,大家都醒醒,我给大家二十分钟时间洗漱,十分钟吃早餐时间,吃完我们要往云层上飞,去拍摄完美的日出!” At this time, a porthole outside world as before pitch-black piece. 此时,舷窗外面的世界依旧漆黑一片。 People stand, walks toward the washroom. Stewardess also crawl in abundance, rubs to focus to stick, heats up the fast food breakfast and drinks to everyone. 人们纷纷站起来,往洗手间走去。空姐们也纷纷爬起来,揉着眼糊,给大家加热速食早餐和饮品。 Two pilots rest in the first-class cabin. 两位飞行员睡在头等舱。 First-class cabin each seat can turn into the small bed, rests here and rests on the hotel bed is no different, can be rested fully. 头等舱每一张座椅都能变成小床,睡在这里和睡在宾馆床上没有任何不同,可以得到充分休息。 After they wash, enters the cockpit, starts the routine inspection measuring appliance and aircraft condition. 他们洗漱完毕后,走进驾驶舱,开始例行检查仪表和飞行器状态。 All good, the aircraft surplus power sources have 40%. 一切良好,飞行器剩余电源还有百分之四十。 wèi wèi here is Banshee 093, called Chifeng Yulong Airport.” 喂喂这里是女妖093,呼叫赤峰机场。” After clutter, in the aircraft interphone transmits the reply, Chifeng receives, please 093 report the aircraft condition.” 一阵杂波后,通话器里传来回答,“赤峰收到,请093汇报飞行器状态。” Two pilots report, inquired that current weather, satisfies the launching condition. 两名驾驶员汇报完,又询问目前的天气,是否满足起飞条件。 The airfield control tower sends in the newest weather situation, inquired after their today's flight plan, that side the pilot and control tower ended the telephone conversation. At this time also had Stewardess to send two breakfasts, and after making them open , the goods warehouse cabin door. 机场塔台发来最新天气情况,又询问了他们今天飞行计划后,驾驶员与塔台那边结束通话。这时也有空姐送来两份早餐,并让他们把后货仓舱门打开。 Afterward two Stewardess look to take the flashlight, prepares to go to the goods warehouse to take the commodity. 随后两名空姐去找取手电,准备去货仓里拿物资。 Wen Miaotong finished eating the breakfast, changed a seat near the top while convenient. Later she and his her utilities, must act the passenger. 文妙彤吃完早餐,顺便换了个靠前的座位。待会儿她和其她小演员们,要扮演乘客。 When the time comes will have another transport aircraft from airport departure, comes to converge with Banshee aircraft. The photographers stand in the transport aircraft cabin entrance, catches after the camera the sunlight raises, the first wisp of sunlight shines on aircraft only beautiful scenery. 到时候会有另一架运输机从机场出发,过来与女妖飞行器汇合。摄影师站在运输机的舱门口,用摄影机来捕捉阳光升起后,第一缕阳光照耀在飞行器上的唯美景色。 Two Stewardess are lifting the flashlight, when opens the cabin door, Wen Miaotong stems from politely, asked that needs her also to help. 两名空姐举着手电,打开舱门时,文妙彤出于客气,问需不需要她也去帮忙。 Doesn't use, with the drink, admits in the trash the info clerk box while convenient.” “不用不用,就是拿点饮料,顺便把垃圾放进收纳箱里。” kēng chi, the Banshee aircraft cabin door was opened from inside by Stewardess, the cabin door shoves open, the staircase with a handrail extends automatically at the same time, the outside cold air also takes advantage of a favorable situation to keep toward inside filling. 吭哧”一声,女妖飞行器的舱门被空姐从里面打开,舱门推开,扶梯自动延伸的同时,外面寒冷的空气也乘势不停往里面灌。 Wen Miaotong also stood, she prepares with help two Stewardess take the thing. 文妙彤也站了起来,她准备跟下去帮两位空姐拿东西。 First ventilates, and while convenient also under confirmation peripheral environment whether anomaly. 一来透透气,二来顺便也确认下周边环境是否异常 Before everyone slept, she opened the cabin door rashly, will definitely awaken by noise everyone, now does not have this worry. 之前大家都睡觉,她贸然打开舱门,肯定会吵醒大家,现在就没这个担心了。 A outside pitch-black piece, three people use the flashlight to go down the staircase with a handrail. 外面漆黑一片,三人打着手电走下扶梯。 Three lights, three people are cheerful and lively, personal connection of Wen Miaotong in Stewardess is good, everyone called her wonderful Sister Tong. 三道灯光,三个人有说有笑,文妙彤空姐里人缘不错,大家都叫她妙彤姐。 Thank you wonderful Sister Tong!” “谢谢你了妙彤姐!” All right, slight effort.” Wen Miaotong sweeps away surrounding with the flashlight, confirmed that has not discovered anomaly, shifts the vision to Cabin Room under. “没事,举手之劳。”文妙彤用手电横扫周围一圈,确认没有发现异常,又把目光转移到机舱底下。 Four landing gear on the ground, each landing gear three meters high. Under Cabin Room happen to have half the area of basketball court to be covered, here is darker. 四根起落架支在地上,每根起落架三米高。机舱底下正好有半个篮球场的面积被笼罩起来,这里更加黑暗。 Wen Miaotong merely sweeps with the light at will. 文妙彤只是随意用灯光一扫。 But! 可是! This sweeps, nearly makes her be frightened out of one's wits. 这一扫,差点儿让她魂飞魄散。 Because of her light, just hits stick out in one small mound of earth on. 因为她的灯光,刚好打在了一道隆起的“小土包”上。 Under the short distance, others cannot recognize, Wen Miaotong actually recognizes this is what. 近距离之下,别人认不出来,文妙彤却认得这是什么。 She just thinks that turn tail screamed, that say/way small mound of earth is blasting out instantaneously. 她刚想转身逃跑尖叫,那道“小土包”就在瞬间炸开。 That is not the mound of earth, merely an apron that inserts completely the withered and yellow weeds. Under the apron, is whole body pitch-black, on the face is scratching the form of terrifying greasepaint. 那不是土包,只是一张插满枯黄野草的伪装网。伪装网下,是一名浑身漆黑,脸上擦着恐怖油彩的身影。 This form like the lightning, snatches quickly actually before Wen Miaotong screamed flushed. 这道身影快如闪电,硬是抢在了文妙彤尖叫之前冲了过来。 A bright as snow sharp blade, with a powerful arm, the Wen Miaotong scream stubbornly card in throat, because the blade on her neck, the arm restrained her mouth horizontally. 一柄雪亮的利刃,和一根强有力的胳膊,将文妙彤的尖叫死死卡在了喉咙中,因为刀刃就横在她脖子上,手臂勒住了她的嘴巴。 Another two Stewardess thorough were ignorant, their brains are working as the machine instantaneously. 另外两名空姐彻底懵了,她们大脑在瞬间当机。 However only worked as the machine zero point several seconds, on their necks, had two bright as snow knife edges horizontally in front. 然而只当机了零点几秒,她们的脖子上,就有两柄雪亮的刀刃横在前面。 Afterward, under Cabin Room on that stretch of dark lawn, five black forms go out slowly. 随后,机舱下方那片黑暗的草地上,有五名黑色身影缓缓走出。 Dares to speak a few words, you will die.” “敢说说一句话,你们就会死。” In five black forms, some people said in the stiff Chinese low voice, is the neat gun palate sound. On these faces is scratching the form of terrifying greasepaint, in everyone hand has one to clash short...... 五名黑色身影中,有人用生硬的中文小声说了一句,接着是齐刷刷的枪支上膛声。这些脸上擦着恐怖油彩的身影,每人手里都持有一把短冲…… Not the far place, is the Banshee aircraft escalator. 不远之处,就是女妖飞行器的自动扶梯。 There to lead to Cabin Room, there has the warm braw that blows lifelike, has the temperate light to project, there to lead to light. 那里通向机舱,那里有栩栩吹出来的暖风,有温和的灯光射出,那里通向光明。 Five black forms , lift not silently to charging into the staircase with a handrail. 五名黑色身影,一言不发地,举着微冲冲向扶梯。
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