MF :: Volume #10

#968: Is the vertigo or?

After Electric Crystal discussed that Ye Qing sent five security personnel, with two battle efficiency extremely high Monstrous Laborer, takes the flight, flies toward Mongolia Airport. 电晶商讨后,叶青就派了五名保安人员,和两名战斗力极高的巨力苦工,乘坐航班,朝边蒙机场飞去。 If only depends on several security personnel, with two mind not flexible Monstrous Laborer, wants to catch to a spy, this truly somewhat forces someone to do something against his will. 如果仅凭几名保安人员,和两名头脑不怎么灵活的巨力苦工,就想逮到一只间谍,这确实有些强人所难。 But has the Electric Crystal entire journey to stare at her cell phone, is grasping her every action and every movement. 但有电晶全程盯着她的手机,掌握着她的一举一动。 This was simple. 这就非常简单了。 Wen Miaotong does not know, own cell phone had been monitored. 文妙彤并不知道,自己的手机已经被人监控。 Throughout the afternoon, she immerses in the joy of soon leaving. Also shooting did not have her what matter, Wen Miaotong to sleep in the afternoon simply completely relaxedly. 整个下午,她都沉浸在即将离开的喜悦中。再说下午拍摄也没她什么事情,文妙彤就干脆心旷神怡地睡了一觉。 Tonight, Banshee aircraft must cross in the cold open country as before. 今天夜里,女妖飞行器依旧要在寒冷的野外渡过。 Because Movie Director Ding has wanted to lay out perfect, Banshee aircraft in the pitch-black cloud layer, raises slowly, brings the dawn to entire world the scene. 因为丁导演一直想要拍出完美的,女妖飞行器漆黑云层中,缓缓升起,给整个世界带来曙光的场景。 This scene patted, absolutely was in promotion most only beautiful one, must therefore strive for perfection. 这个场景拍好了,绝对是宣传片中最唯美的一段,所以要精益求精。 7 : 00 pm, today's production work successfully is completed. Everyone everyone from genuine Stewardess there lead(er) a rich box lunch, using up the meal should sleep. Next day 4 : 00 must get out of bed, shooting ends tired for day with the dead dog type, does not rest to do. 傍晚 7 点,今天的摄制工作圆满完成。大家每人从真正的空姐那里领了一份丰富的盒饭,用完餐该睡觉睡觉。第二天四点就要起床,拍摄完一天累的跟死狗样,不睡干什么。 In Banshee aircraft is as warm as in spring, everyone covers the blanket quickly on heavy to go off. 女妖飞行器里温暖如春,大家盖着毯子很快就沉沉睡去。 Wen Miaotong rests slightly is later, but here does not have the network, the only entertainment, can have a look to download the good movie with the seat front monitor. Looks, Wen Miaotong also depresses the joy in heart, forcing oneself to rest earlier. 文妙彤睡得略晚一些,不过这里没有网络,唯一娱乐,可以用座椅前方的显示器看看已经下载好的电影。看着看着,文妙彤也压下心中的欣喜,强迫自己早点休息。 In pitch-black land, only then descends Banshee aircraft on prairie, sends out luminous. 漆黑的大地中,只有降落在草原上的女妖飞行器,散发出点点光亮。 Naturally, in Chifeng Yulong Airport several hundred kilometers away, is a bustling with light scene. 当然,在几百公里外的赤峰机场,则是一番灯火通明的景象。 In the airport staff rest area, Security Department two teams of Captain Qin Bo, just and under four masters, were discussing how to complete Boss to give their duty. 在机场员工休息区内,保安部的二队队长秦波,正和四名手下,商讨着如何完成老板交给他们的任务。 Qin Bo originally in Mongolian border forces service, and is the veteran of seven years of soldier. 秦波原先就在边蒙边防部队服役,并且是七年兵的老资格。 Guards the border area, naturally must do with some illegal border-crossing members unavoidably. ignorant/veiled most is among the herdsmen the friction issue, when to the spring and summer forage grass is lush, would opposite herdsman riding the sheep that the motorcycle steals here herdsman. 守卫边疆,自然免不了要和一些不法的越界份子打交道。边蒙这边最多的就是牧民之间摩擦问题,一到春夏季牧草肥美时,总会有对面的牧民骑摩托车过来偷这边牧民的绵羊。 Two sides herdsmen also frequently the issue that because the cattle graze, triggers the argument. 两边牧民也经常会因为牛羊吃草的问题,引发争论。 Their border defense matches all -terrain vehicle, pursuing the motorcycle is very adept. 他们边防都配越野车,追摩托车很是拿手。 This is also the reason that Qin Bo was sent to carry out this task, his opposite side ignorant/veiled is familiar, there is a rich hunt experience. 这也是秦波被派来执行这项任务的原因,他对边蒙熟悉,又有丰富的追捕经验。 Boss makes him squat near the airport, waits for that woman named Wen Miaotong to appear, once that side issues the instruction, Qin Bo must give to buckle quietly her. 老板让他在机场附近蹲守,等那位叫文妙彤的女人出现,一旦那边发出指令,秦波就要悄悄把她给扣起来。 Captain, we do this, what to do if in the police by airport were discovered?” Student who in five people of teams, the physical culture school graduates, with worrying about tone inquiry. 队长,咱们这样做,万一被机场里的警察们发现怎么办?”五人队伍里,有一名体校毕业的学生,用担忧语气询问。 What nonsense spoke, this airport is our Company constructs, we catch the thief who steals the Company thing, what issue can have?” Qin Bo was not worried about this, this was their Company security responsibility, said again their merely made an arrest, asked under the thing to fall behind, finally the person will definitely be turned over police. “说什么傻话,这座机场都是我们公司自己建的,我们来抓偷公司东西的小偷,能有什么问题?”秦波丝毫不担心这个,这是他们公司保安职责,再说他们只是抓人,问出东西下落后,最后人肯定会被移交给警方 Now we must consider the place, is this woman has the partner to aid, or is she professionally-trained?” “现在我们要考虑地,是这女人有没有同伙接应,或者她受过专业训练?” Therefore later, we must first examine these days flight information, has a look at the suspicious foreigner.” “所以待会儿,我们要先把这几天的航班信息审查一遍,看看有没有可疑的外国人。” Qin Bobian recalled Boss to confess that his detail, the thinking said: Boss said, according to the chat content of Network Department gate interception, this group of people likely has the USA background, because they use the American English to chat.” 秦波边回忆老板交代他的细节,边思索道:“老板说,根据网络部门截获的聊天内容来看,这伙人很可能有美国背景,因为他们用美式英语在聊天。” American(s) is not good to cope, when the time comes must hit, your 10 million do not keep the hand, cannot show tender affection.” 美国人可不好对付,到时候要打起来,你们千万别留手,更不能怜香惜玉。” ...... …… The dim light of night like a black great antiquity wild animal , is peeping under the vault of heaven quietly the boundless grassland. 夜色如同一头黑色的洪荒野兽,悄无声息地,窥视着苍穹下茫茫草原。 2 : 00 am, the myriad things are silent. 凌晨 2 点,万物寂静。 On Banshee aircraft, everyone is going to sleep, same peace. 女妖飞行器上,所有人都在入睡,同样一片安宁。 Unknowingly, Wen Miaotong wakes from the sleep. 不知不觉中,文妙彤从睡梦里醒了过来。 In the afternoon time, she, because does not need to face that again beast of prey Engineer, therefore appears especially is relaxed, in addition couple days ago must deal with shooting, as well as to complete the task, made her be exhausted. She was simply satisfactory rested for several hours, this little while somewhat awoke early. 下午时候,她因为不用再面对那位“猛兽工程师”,所以心情显得格外放松,加上前几天既要应付拍摄,又要完成任务,着实让她累坏了。她干脆美美了的睡了几小时,这会儿有些醒早了。 Looked under the cell phone time, without Wen Miaotong of sleepiness, planned to look for the section movie first to look casually, so long as waits again for two hours, the dramatic team will begin. 看了下手机时间,没有了睡意的文妙彤,打算随便找部电影先看着,只要再等两小时,剧组就会重新开工。 „” “啊呜” Outside the porthole a long wolf is howling, shakes the whole body that Wen Miaotong frightens, immediately Wen Miaotong chuckled. 舷窗外一声悠长的狼嚎,把文妙彤吓的浑身一抖,随即文妙彤又咯咯笑了起来。 This little while she is not fake on the desolated prairie, the aircraft that but she lives, light/only the landing gear has three meters high on the lift-off, let alone a wolf, comes 10,000 heads even again, still gave up any idea of that shakes Banshee aircraft. 这会儿她在荒芜的草原上不假,可她住的这架飞行器,光起落架就离地有三米高,别说一头狼,就算再来一万头,也休想撼动女妖飞行器 Thinks of here, Wen Miaotong draws a circle with the hand porthole in gently. 想到这儿,文妙彤轻轻用手舷窗上画圈。 Regardless the camp factor, actually Wen Miaotong admires this Monster Industrial Company. Like the Banshee aircraft that she sits now, can produce its Company, is one also wants great Company compared with Boeing. This Company, had changed the trip mode of human. 抛开阵营因素,其实文妙彤非常佩服这家巨兽工业公司。就像她现在坐着的这架女妖飞行器,能够生产它的公司,一定是一家比波音还要伟大的公司。这家公司,已经改变了人类的出行方式。 Heard that this Company Director-General, the age is similar to her...... 听说这家公司总裁,年龄与她相仿…… Wen Miaotong is even thinking at heart, if the higher authority arranges her to be close to this Company Director-General, that this good! 文妙彤甚至在心里想,如果上级安排她去接近这家公司总裁,那该多好! The thought of this wishful thinking, making her unable to bear smile. Afterward prepares to re-focus 这个痴心妄想的念头,让她自己都忍不住笑了。随后准备把注意力转移到前面的小屏幕上,她晚上看的那部电影还没看完。 Turns the head instantaneous, Wen Miaotong turns head suddenly like lightning, erratically watched out of the window surprisedly. 转头瞬间,文妙彤忽然又闪电般回头,惊疑不定地看住了窗外。 That instant that just the split vision took back, Wen Miaotong saw to have a shadow probably, flashed to pass from the lawn? 刚刚余光收回的那一霎,文妙彤好像看见了有一道黑影,从草地上一闪而逝? The boundless grassland is dark, but the cabin light of Banshee aircraft two floors is shining at this time. Light by porthole, can meet outside a point indistinctly the scenery. 茫茫草原黑暗无比,但此时女妖飞行器上下两层的客舱灯光都亮着。灯光透过舷窗,也能隐约照见一点外面景物。 Is the misconception, what thing really has? 是错觉,还是真的有什么东西? If the staff, will suspect generally at most own vertigo, can associate to these days otherwise, has seen many time prairie wild wolves. But Wen Miaotong is not an average person, her occupation makes her not dare to bet. 要是一般员工,顶多会怀疑自己眼花了,再不然也会联想到这几天,已经看见过很多次的草原野狼。但文妙彤不是一般人,她的职业让她不敢去赌。 Since had suspected, must ravel. 既然有所怀疑,就一定要弄明白。 Thinks of here, Wen Miaotong shook the head, pretends to choose a movie very much at will, looked at the 20 minute actually patiently, set out to go to the washroom. 想到这儿,文妙彤摇摇头,装作很随意地选了部电影,硬是耐心看了二十分钟,才起身去上洗手间。 In this process, her vision has not moved toward the porthole outside. 这个过程中,她的目光没有往舷窗外面挪过。 Therefore their this time to prairie shooting promotion, the living materials that prepares is sufficient. 他们这次是为了到草原拍摄宣传片,所以准备的生活物资非常充足。 Not only there is a food, has the protection against the cold commodity, but also provided many glare flashlights. These flashlights, place close to the storage of washroom. 不仅有食品,有御寒物资,还配备了众多的强光手电。那些手电,就放在靠近洗手间的储物柜中。 There is also the field of vision scotoma, after Wen Miaotong several minutes, hid came out the glare flashlight. 那里也是视野盲点,文妙彤数分钟后,藏了把强光手电出来。 Without returning to own seat, Wen Miaotong arrives at the porthole that the first no one takes a seat the time, shakes on the wrist/skill, used toward out of the window land the glare flashlight. 没有回到自己的座位,文妙彤走到第一个无人落座的舷窗边上时候,就手腕一抖,把强光手电朝着窗外大地打了过去。 Instantaneously, the flashlight refers to the position, was covered by a dazzling white light. 瞬间,手电所指位置,被一片耀眼的白光笼罩。
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