MF :: Volume #14

#1381: Some people are honest

Ye Qing observed the situation one to stand in the front several managers, in his words saying a moment ago was very straightforward, has selected the deep and clear state to stand with the branches the existing problem. 叶青环视了一圈站在前面几位主管,刚才他话语中说地很直白,已经点出了潇州站和分部之间存在问题。 Staff who so long as participated in Plasma Battery replacing, when hearing the deep and clear state stands with the branch, awakens immediately. 只要是参与了电浆电池倒换事件的员工,在听到潇州站和分部时,就会立刻醒悟。 However including General Manager to the river, on these responsible faces will write all over to be anxious and terrified forever, making Ye Qing not good to distinguish anything. 不过包括总经理向永江在内,这些主管们脸上都写满了紧张和惶恐,让叶青也不好分辨出什么。 „Does deep and clear state stand...... the deep and clear state to stand with the branches?” General Manager will be confused to a river face forever, southern Hunan Province Department must manage 14 municipal stations, 86 County Grade points. “潇州站……潇州站和分部之间?”总经理向永江一脸迷茫,湘南省分部要管理14个市级站,86个县级点。 Will he care about the trend that the deep and clear state stands? 他怎么会在意潇州站的动向? He thought that oneself is busier than President, other staff got off work, he must rush about to work hard. 他觉得自己比总统还忙,别的员工都下班了,他还要奔波操劳。 Therefore Chief Ye arrives the branch suddenly, but also leads one group of executives to drag in lots of people to ask, making him feel specially suffering. 所以叶总突然驾临分部,还带着一群高管兴师动众来发问,让他觉得特别委屈。 To forever the river confused expression, making the Ye Qing mood better. 向永江迷茫的表情,让叶青心情稍好一些。 This indicated that should not have participation to the river forever, that side headquarters preliminary analysis, thinks that he has not been involved. 这说明向永江应该没有参与其中,总部那边的初步分析,也认为他没有参与其中。 If participates including branch General Manager of province, can only show that Monster Industrial in personnel management and operating audit, has the immense problem. 如果连一省的分部总经理都参与进去,只能证明巨兽工业在人事管理方面和业务审查方面,存在巨大问题。 Thinks of here, the Ye Qing's vision will look to forever the river behind, said to these managers and these staff: I believe that the deep and clear state stand, what happened with the branches, these two information. Enough has let your inside some insiders, understands reason that I and headquarters investigation group arrives.” 想到这儿,叶青的目光看向向永江身后,对着那些主管和那些工作人员道:“我相信潇州站,和分部之间发生了什么事情,这两个信息。已经足够让你们里面一些知情者,明白我和总部调查小组到来的原因。” If some people confessed on own initiative, I will consider to process leniently.” “如果有人主动坦白,我会考虑从轻处理。” Now everyone has ten seconds of consideration time.” “现在大家有十秒的考虑时间。” Then, Ye Qing looked at watch indicator in the wrist/skill, later held the arm waiting countdown to end. 说完,叶青看了眼手腕上的手表指针,随后抱着胳膊等待倒计时结束。 Front crowd is somewhat flurried, everyone stares mutually, expected that some people can tell them exactly to have anything. 面前的人群有些慌乱,大家互相瞪眼,期望有人能告诉他们到底发生了什么。 But ten seconds were too short, until the countdown ended, in the crowd no one stands as before. 但十秒时间太短了,直到倒计时结束,人群中依旧没有人站出来。 Very good.” Ye Qing has no interest in accompanying in this several people to consume again, but waves, such being the case, that is conscientious in discharging official duties.” “很好。”叶青没有兴趣再陪这里面的几个人耗下去,而是挥了挥手,“既然如此,那就公事公办吧。” In the investigation group several leading Minister executives go forward one step, Fang Yunxin take the lead to issue the investigation order, I announced, Monster Industrial in southern Hunan Province Department investigates programming since ministry level.” 调查小组里几位带队的部长高管上前一步,方云心率先发布调查命令,“我宣布,巨兽工业驻湘南省分部进入内部一级调查程序。” „When everyone enters duty training has studied the confidential regulations, was clear that first-level investigates the programming step.” 各位入职培训时都学习过保密条例,也都清楚一级调查程序的步骤。” Now starting from, is in a 20 minute of silent stage, asking everyone to maintain the distance.” “现在开始,进入二十分钟的静默阶段,请各位保持距离。” Fang Yunxin announced the order, the ten security department security personnel in headquarters walk into the crowd immediately, they let the managers and staff in hall disperse certain distance respectively, and forbade to talk. 方云心宣布完命令,总部的十名保卫部安保人员立刻走入人群中,他们让大厅内的主管和员工们各自散开一定的距离,并且禁止交谈。 Human Resources Department and Legal Department investigation group member carries the briefcase half step to enter the elevator, goes to the work region to conduct the data copy to the work computer of branch. 人事部法务部的调查小组成员则携带公文包快步走进电梯,前往办公区域对分部的办公电脑进行数据拷贝。 In the crowd presents a flurry. 人群里出现一阵慌乱。 They are very clear first-level investigate the programming flow, in first-level investigates under programming, their all interior work account numbers, the backstage jurisdiction is frozen temporarily. 他们都很清楚一级调查程序的流程,在一级调查程序下,他们的所有内部工作账号,还有后台权限都会被临时冻结。 In other words before the investigation ended, they are unable to operate any document material of branch again. 也就是说在调查结束前,他们无法再对分部的任何文件资料进行操作。 Meanwhile, the investigation group will comb all document materials of branch. 与此同时,调查小组会对分部的所有文件资料进行梳理。 This does not have the ghost issue at heart fishily, the person is not a machine, will leave behind this that oversight in the work unavoidably. 这不是心里有鬼没鬼问题,人又不是机器,在工作中难免会留下这种那种的疏漏。 Waits for the technical personnel to comb, to discover they go to work to catch a fish by hand, or worked not the earnest behavior? 等技术人员梳理完,岂不是就发现他们上班有摸鱼,或是工作不认真行为了? Usually in could ambiguously in the past, but now Chief Ye on the scene, obviously a lot of anger. 平日里或许能含糊过去,可现在叶总在场,又明显一肚子怒气。 If hears them to go to work to catch a fish by hand again...... 如果再听到他们上班摸鱼…… merely also can only worry at present, in first-level investigates in programming start, they could not handle anything. 只是目前也只能担忧,在一级调查程序启动情况下,他们做不了任何事情。 At this time Network Department and the technical department headquarters has connected the branch network, at the high-level Administrator jurisdiction, combed all electronic data of branch. 这时总部的网络部和技术部已经接入分部网络,以高级管理员权限,对分部的所有电子资料进行梳理。 The key point was the deep and clear state stand sends out that 60 sets of branch, to be hit First-gen Plasma Battery processing record that discarded the label, with detailed video surveillance. 重点是潇州站发往分部的那六十套、被打了报废标签的第一代电浆电池处理记录,和详细视频监控。 Monster Industrial has implemented the paperless work, and related to the product processing flow link, each link must have the connection personnel of correspondence to sign the confirmation. 巨兽工业早就实行了无纸化办公,并且涉及到产品处理流程环节,每一个环节都要有对应的交接人员签字确认。 Therefore wants to check the personnel who handle specifically to be very easy, the recombination internal video surveillance, can lock the handling personnel status accurate. 所以想查到具体经手的人员很容易,再结合内部的视频监控,就能准确无误地锁定经手人员身份。 Only after 17 minutes, with the headquarters technical personnel coordination, the investigation group irised out five key personnel lists. 只经过了十七分钟,在总部技术人员配合下,调查小组就圈出了五名重点人员名单。 Product maintenance section manager section Kai. 产品维护部主管章凯。 Product maintenance section Warehouse dispatcher road subgroup. 产品维护部仓库调度员路子群。 Product comprehensive recovery processing workshop manager Li Ran. 产品综合回收处理车间主管李苒。 Product comprehensive recovery processing workshop technician dried fish Construction Bank. 产品综合回收处理车间技术员鲍建行。 Product comprehensive recovery processing workshop technician horse river bank. 产品综合回收处理车间技术员马河乾。 After investigation group information report to Ye Qing, Ye Qing nods, later read the names of these five people. 调查小组把信息汇报给叶青后,叶青点了点头,随后念出这五个人的名字。 Approaches Manager, you come with me.” “还有向经理,你们跟我来一下。” By several people of mixed reactions of Ye Qing roll-call, on some people of foreheads the cold sweat was kept braving. 叶青点名的几人反应不一,有人额头上冷汗不停冒。 Some people do intentionally calmly, manner that clear purified oneself, but also some people of whole faces were confused. 有人故作镇定,一副清者自清的神态,还有人满脸迷茫。 Responsible section Kai of product maintenance section slow-going there, a starting to speak but hesitating appearance, he wants to argue anything. 产品维护部的主管章凯在那里磨磨蹭蹭,一副欲言又止的样子,他想辩解什么。 A result security personnel go forward to catch his arm directly, entrains him to the team. 结果一名安保人员上前直接擒住他胳膊,把他拽离队伍。 Security personnel of the same type one meter over eight physique from headquarters, body strong body strong merely most basic entering duty condition. 来自总部的安保人员一水儿一米八以上块头,身强体壮只是最基本的入职条件而已。 In fact the security personnel in security section, majority has the service experience. 事实上安保部里的安保人员,大部分都有服役经历。 Responsible section Kai was carried the chicken the same as carry side Ye Qing, painful and inspection team solemn suddenly vision, lets chapter of triumphant both legs one soft, almost collapses to the ground on. 主管章凯被拎小鸡一样拎到了叶青身旁,冷不丁的痛苦和检查小组严肃的目光,让章凯双腿一软,差点瘫坐在地上。 The security personnel reproved: Stands.” 安保人员训斥道:“站好。” In southern Hunan Province Department almost all staff, followed to hit trembled. 湘南省分部里几乎所有员工,都跟着打了一哆嗦。 Ye Qing hints the security personnel to bring these people rest area that arrives at the corner, oneself sit on the sofa. 叶青示意安保人员把这几人带到角落的休息区,自己坐在沙发上。 Then asked Second-gen Plasma Battery that they trade, whom did sell to? 然后问他们换下来的第二代电浆电池,都卖给谁了? Leaf... Chief Ye, assorted... what Plasma Battery?” Product maintenance section manager section Kai anxiously changed to the sound, I really do not know.” “叶…叶总,什…什么电浆电池?”产品维护部主管章凯紧张到声音都变了,“我真的不知道啊。” Chief Ye, I since has joined Monster Industrial, perseveres on the post conscientiously, does not dare the moment to neglect.” 叶总,我自从加入巨兽工业以来,就兢兢业业坚守在岗位上,不敢有一刻怠慢。” Usually gets off work, I do not go to the entertainment to relax as far as possible, but reported two University management courses, enhances own ability diligently.” “平时下了班,我也尽量不去娱乐放松,而是报了两个大学的管理课程,去努力提高自己的能力水平啊。” Chief Ye......” 叶总……” Responsible section Kai finishes speaking, moreover how many people also rush to follow to complain of injustice, said that they regard the family/home to be the same Monster Industrial, how to make the harm family interest the matter? 主管章凯话音刚落,另外几人也赶忙跟着叫屈,说他们都把巨兽工业当成家一样,怎么会做出损害家庭利益的事情? Ye Qing has not spoken, to was General Manager to forever river Ji, he wished one could to trample chapter of several feet, your several, made matter that violated the Company benefit?” 叶青还没说话,到是总经理向永江急了,他恨不能踹章凯几脚,“你们几个,是不是做出了违反公司利益的事情?” Said, otherwise and other investigation groups checked, your situation will be only more difficult.” “说出来,不然等调查小组查出来,你们处境只会更艰难。” No.” “没有啊。” How can?” “怎么会?” Manager, my section Kai is what manner, you also not clear......” 经理,我章凯是什么为人,您还不清楚……” Ye Qing looked at one to forever the river, the latter stops the voice embarrasedly. 叶青看了一眼向永江,后者才讪讪止住话音。 About the basic situation of branch, the investigation group had passed to Ye Qing here the initial report. The report showed, to forever river Hezhang is not the pure relational hierarchy. 关于分部的基本情况,调查小组已经把初步报告传到了叶青这里。报告显示,向永江和章凯并不是单纯上下级关系。 They join Monster Industrial together, but employment history on personal history in same Company. 他们一同加入巨兽工业,而履历上的工作经历在同一家公司 I gave you to stand a moment ago on own initiative the honest opportunity, you have not stood.” “刚才我给你们主动站出来坦白的机会,你们没有站出来。” Ye Qing is angry now very much, after that 60 sets of Plasma Battery arrive in the branch, all links are responsible for by these five people at present. 叶青现在很生气,那六十套电浆电池抵达分部后,所有的环节都是由眼前这五人在负责。 They still feign in this. 他们还在这装傻充愣。
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