MF :: Volume #14

#1382: Do you regard the family/home Company?

Ye Qing did not prepare rubbish with them. 叶青不准备跟他们废话了。 „Did flow comb?” “流程梳理出来了嘛?” Ye Qing these words were not to them said that but talked through the holographic eyeglasses and headquarters that side. 叶青这句话不是对他们说的,而是通过全息眼镜和总部那边对话。 Boss, now only the energy definitely is the hands and feet that these five people move.” Said in Network Department General Manager Ji Ke of headquarters: „After I leads the technical personnel to connect branch Server, the accent took that batch of entire journey records of Plasma Battery transports from the deep and clear state stand.” 老板,现在只能肯定是这五个人动的手脚。”远在总部的网络部总经理计可说道:“我带领技术人员接入分部服务器后,调取了那批从潇州站运送过来的电浆电池的全程记录。” „From the document record, can only confirm maintenance section and that side product comprehensive recovery processing workshop, there are record to this batch of batteries dismantling and innocuous treatment.” “从文件记录上看,只能确认维护部和产品综合回收处理车间那边,有对这批电池的拆解和无害化处理记录。” In workshop monitoring record, actually could not find dismantling and innocuous treatment of video correspondence.” “车间监控记录里,却找不到对应的拆解和无害化处理视频。” Now the investigation group in the workshop, is checking these to recycle the product numbering program on metal spare part, in all abandonment Plasma Battery operational records to the workshop, traces to the source.” “现在调查小组正在车间里,核对那些可回收金属零部件上的产品编号,对车间里所有的报废电浆电池操作记录,进行溯源。” Investigation group believes, the deep and clear state happening in the matter that stands, possibly is not complete.” “调查小组认为,发生在潇州站的事情,可能并不是全部。” Moreover after we combed the video, had not found the video that Plasma Battery was transported.” “另外我们梳理了视频后,并没有找到电浆电池被运送出去的视频。” We analyzed, these discarded Plasma Battery, in product maintenance section Warehouse, to comprehensive recovery processing workshop flow, was transported the secret.” “我们判断,那些报废了的电浆电池,是在产品维护部仓库,到综合回收处理车间这段流程中,被人秘密运输去的。” Through the front door monitoring of corresponding time, we locked two van truck that has the high suspicion.” “通过对应时间段的大门监控,我们锁定了两辆具备高度嫌疑的厢式货车。” Ye Qing asked that is the license plate of deep and clear state city? 叶青问是潇州市的汽车牌照嘛? Ji Ke said. 计可说是的。 The Ye Qing analysis said: Plasma Battery that in other words these prepared to discard, by the person transports after the branch, very big probability old route returns, delivered to the deep and clear state city directly.” 叶青分析道:“也就是说这些本来准备报废的电浆电池,被人从分部运输出来后,很大概率原路返回,直接送到了潇州市。” Then Ruida Company of deep and clear state city, Company just replaced the new generation Plasma Battery Swift Thunder automobile, exchanged this batch of old batteries that prepare to discard.” “然后潇州市的瑞达公司,又把公司旗下刚刚更换了新一代电浆电池疾雷汽车,换上了这批准备报废的旧电池。” Ye Qing emphasized: They sold to anyone the new battery, I now am not clear.” 叶青强调道:“他们把新电池卖给了谁,我现在不清楚。” But I affirmed, that side deep and clear state city besides responsible Zheng Songli, in ghost.” “但我肯定,潇州市那边除了主管郑松立外,还有一个内鬼。” In the ghost is very possible is the person in deep and clear state city Swift Thunder automobile service station, because received exchange corresponded the ID old battery, still needs to activate to use again.” “内鬼很可能是潇州市疾雷汽车服务站的人,因为即使是换回原来对应ID的旧电池,也需要再激活一下才能使用。” Battery ID and vehicles information match, the activation process is simple, and does not use the networking, the direct local area activates.” “电池ID和车辆信息匹配,激活过程简单,并且不用联网,直接本地激活就可以。” Even if the local area activates, that Ruida Company does not have this ability.” “就算是本地激活,那家瑞达公司也没这个能力。” Should be the technician in deep and clear state city Swift Thunder automobile service station, brings to read device to come to serve.” “应该是潇州市疾雷汽车服务站的技术员,带着读取设备上门服务的。” You check all Swift Thunder automobile service stations in investigates Xiaozhou city again, has a look at that time, labor numbers of which technicians there are also online.” “你再查一查潇州市的所有疾雷汽车服务站,看看那个时间段,有哪些技术员的工号还在线。” Ji Ke said that immediately checks. 计可说马上查。 The telephone conversation ended, Ye Qing watches one side was standing embarrasedly branch General Manager to approach forever the river. 通话结束,叶青看住了一旁讪讪站着的分部总经理向永江。 Your his hemp.” “你他麻真可以啊。” Takes a look, takes a look at you to lead the good staff.” “瞧瞧,瞧瞧你带出来地好员工。” From the branch to the place site, the courage is one by one big. Resold Plasma Battery not saying that but also provided to come to serve, helping the person activate free.” “从分部到地方站点,胆子是一个比一个大。倒卖电浆电池不说,还提供上门服务,帮人免费激活。” Ye Qing more said more air/Qi, stands from the sofa, you, your several, really should rejoice that is the Monster Industrial staff.” 叶青越说越气,从沙发上站起来,“你,还有你们几个,真应该庆幸是巨兽工业的员工。” Otherwise Ruida Company of deep and clear state city, with hiding steals Second-gen Plasma Battery these people soon to face in the back is out, is your example.” “不然潇州市的瑞达公司,和藏在背后窃取第二代电浆电池的那些人即将面临地下场,就是你们例子。” Product maintenance section manager section Kai is pale at this time, frightened difficult secure. 产品维护部主管章凯此时已经脸色苍白,惴惴难安。 Through these dialogues that he heard a moment ago, making section Kai understand oneself have no lucky opportunity again. 通过刚才他听到的那些对话,让章凯明白自己再无任何侥幸机会。 On section Kai the forehead is the cold sweat, his stumbling along say/way: Leaf...... Chief Ye, I... I really does not know.” 章凯的额头上全是冷汗,他磕磕绊绊道:“叶……叶总,我…我真的不知道啊。” The Ye Qing brow twists, does this fellow also dare to quibble? 叶青眉头一拧,这家伙还敢狡辩? Isn't ~ “不是不是 section Kai beckons with the hand hastily, quickly explained: My meaning is, I...... I do not know that they sold to anyone these Plasma Battery.” 章凯连忙摆手,急忙解释道:“我意思是,我……我不知道他们把那些电浆电池卖给了谁。” Because we...... we are only responsible for transporting intentionally these abandonment Plasma Battery.” 因为“我们……我们只负责把那些故意报废的电浆电池运出去。” The opposite party are the network transactions. 对方又都是网络交易。 Chapter this confessed that immediately looked like lit the blasting fuse, the manager and technician who remaining four participated, could not stretch the mood again. 章凯这一坦白,顿时像点燃了导火索,剩下四名参与进来的主管和技术员,再也绷不住情绪。 Chief Ye...... I am obsessed for a while.” 叶总……我一时鬼迷心窍。” Chief Ye, asking you to process me leniently, I confess now......” 叶总,求求你从轻处理我,我现在就坦白……” Ye Qing cannot bear again, trampled. 叶青再也忍不住,一脚踹了过去。 A moment ago was this fellow, said that regarded the family/home Monster Industrial. 刚才就是这家伙,说把巨兽工业当成自己家。 ...... …… These five people of branch confessed. 分部的这五人坦白了。 They process return of one set of Plasma Battery are 100,000. 他们处理一套电浆电池的回报是十万。 When there are them to look for abandonment Plasma Battery transported to the headquarters, including chapter five people, according to the odd numbers that the opposite party sends, first deposits these Plasma Battery in Warehouse of product maintenance section. 每当有他们物色好了的报废电浆电池运抵总部时,包括章凯在内的五人,就会根据对方发过来的单号,将这些电浆电池先存放在产品维护部的仓库里。 The product maintenance section is section Kai the domain, after Plasma Battery that if according to the normal flow, needs to discard delivers to here . 产品维护部是章凯的地盘,如果按照正常流程,需要报废的电浆电池送抵这里后。 The technical personnel will first demolish the battery protection outer covering, takes out the battery protection outer covering, chip mold train, with thermal module. 技术人员会先拆除电池保护外壳,取出电池保护外壳,还有芯片模组,和散热模组。 These have the value of retrieval reuse. 这些都有回收再利用的价值。 Dismantling that waits to be able to recycle, the remaining Plasma Battery core components, will deliver to the product comprehensive recovery processing workshop, conducts the innocuous treatment. 等能回收的拆解完,剩下的电浆电池核心部分,就会送到产品综合回收处理车间,进行无害化处理。 Now section Kai is in conspiracy with the Warehouse dispatcher, jumped over the dismantling step directly, delivers to the product comprehensive recovery processing workshop Plasma Battery. 现在章凯伙同仓库调度员,直接跳过了拆解步骤,把电浆电池送到产品综合回收处理车间。 Then is the product comprehensive recovery processing workshop performance time. 接下来就是产品综合回收处理车间表演时刻。 This group of people received complete Plasma Battery, need to fill in completes a series of forms and that the log as usual, according to the detoxification destruction processing flow walks again. 这帮人接收了完整的电浆电池,把需要填写的一系列表格和工作记录照常做好,再按照无害化销毁处理流程走一遍。 In fact these complete Plasma Battery stay in the storehouse in workshop as before, when quiet at dead of night, making the carrier vehicle come, smuggles these complete Plasma Battery. 实际上这些完整的电浆电池依旧停留在车间的库房里,等到夜深人静,让外界运输车辆进来,把这些完整的电浆电池偷运出去。 Is absurd? 荒唐不荒唐? Very absurd, according to normal logic, let alone is management concept advanced Monster Industrial. 很荒唐,按照正常逻辑,别说是管理理念先进的巨兽工业 Even if changes the general large-scale technology corporation, does not have the product that the truth will present needs to discard, the careless mistake of openly being resold. 就算换一般中大型科技企业,也没道理会出现需要报废的产品,被堂而皇之倒卖出去的纰漏。 Because the business management is responsible for according to the function division now layer upon layer, responsibility. The business level, is the product flowing level, each process point, needs to be responsible for the person of this link signing the connection. 因为现在企业管理都是按照职能划分层层负责,责任到人。无论是业务层面,还是产品流动层面,每经过一环,就需要负责这环的人签字交接。 Theoretically, a link has problems. Other Person-in-Charge on that entire link, can discover. 理论上,其中一个环节出问题。那整个环上的其他负责人,都能发现。 They are work to make money, is not a scapegoat. 他们是来工作赚钱的,不是来背锅地。 Therefore on the link has problems unable to solve, that others will definitely report, avoids being implicated. 所以环节上出了问题又解决不了,那其他人肯定会上报出去,避免受到连累。 Absurdity absurdly here. 荒唐就荒唐在这里。 Southern Hunan Province Department here, is not some link has problems. 湘南省分部这里,不是某个环节出了问题。 Is from top to bottom, all links all had problems. 是从上到下,所有环节全出问题了。 The issue drives into the basic unit site from a Swift Thunder automobile, said that needs to discard the old battery to start to appear. 问题从一辆疾雷汽车驶入基层站点,说需要报废旧电池开始出现。 Then the battery was escorted to the branch, the branch needs to make corresponding processing the link, has the problem one after another. 然后电池被送往分部,分部需要做出对应处理的环节,接连出现问题。 Really verified those words, when all flows have the issue time, that issue does not exist. 真是印证了那句话,当所有流程都有问题时候,那问题就不存在。 Very normal, without issue! 很正常,没问题呀! Does one set of Plasma Battery 100,000, they altogether did 73 sets, makes a profit seven hundred 30 ten thousand. 搞一套电浆电池十万,他们一共搞了七十三套,获利七百三十万。 These seven hundred 30 ten thousand, the branch five people take 5 million. Remaining two hundred 30 ten thousand, are assigned by deep and clear state standing manager Zheng Songli. 这七百三十万,分部五个人拿五百万。剩下两百三十万,由潇州站主管郑松立来分配。 Listens confessing that these five people may be called are too late to regret, the Ye Qing hair to be air/Qi to set upright. 听完这五个人堪称追悔莫及的坦白,叶青头发都要气地竖起来。 One group for petty profit, on ignorant fellow of taking risks. 一帮为了蝇头小利,就铤而走险的无知家伙。 They for seven hundred 30 ten thousand, make this matter. 他们为了七百三十万,做出这种事情。 Actually does not know, these hide in the back, person who dozens sets of brand-new Second-gen Plasma Battery takes. 却不知道,那些躲在背后,把几十套全新的第二代电浆电池弄到手的人。 After attaining these Plasma Battery, which aspects the battery will apply, will bring the tremendous negative impact? 拿到这些电浆电池后,会把电池应用到哪些方面,会带来多大的负面影响? Perhaps they know. 或许他们知道。 These people badly are also a school record, they do not have the truth unable to think through these people, why must think of every means to make Second-gen Plasma Battery. 这几人最差也是一本学历,他们没道理想不通那些人,为何要费尽心思去弄第二代电浆电池 Ye Qing is clenching teeth to ask: Besides reselling Plasma Battery, you have also handled other matter?” 叶青咬着牙问道:“除了倒卖电浆电池,你们还做过别的事情没有?” Several people beckon with the hand hastily, „.” 几人连忙摆手,“没有没有。” Yes?” Ye Qing sits on the sofa, makes noise creak that the finger pinches, investigation group has started to all product parts that you handle, conducts the tracing investigation.” “是嘛?”叶青坐在沙发上,把手指捏的咯吱作响,“调查小组已经开始对你们经手的所有产品部件,进行溯源调查。” If the investigation group finds out anything again......” “如果调查小组再查出什么……” That...... has... has.” Product maintenance section manager section Kai is afraid to say a word: These people also in the name of product spare part damage, ordered some product spare parts from here.” “那……有…有的。”产品维护部主管章凯吞吞吐吐道:“那些人还以产品零部件损坏名义,从我这里订购了一些产品零部件。” „It is not the important spare part, Chief Ye you must believe me, even if they do not walk here to subscribe, so long as they spend to take time, damages the product spare part intentionally, or dismantles directly, can still serve the similar purpose.” “不过都不是什么重要的零部件,叶总你要相信我,即使他们不走我这里订,只要他们费费手脚,把产品零部件故意损坏,或者直接拆解下来,也能达到同样目地。” I go to NM.” For a long time had not said Ye Qing of vulgar language could not bear. “我去NM的。”好久没说粗话的叶青又忍不住了。 ...... …… After a half hour, other branch staff relieve first-level investigate programming, according to second-level investigates programming to start the work. 半小时后,分部其余员工解除一级调查程序,按照二级调查程序展开工作。 Ye Qing lets part of investigation group members, has these people including branch Manager, rides Banshee aircraft to non-stop fly the deep and clear state city. 叶青则让一部分调查小组成员,带着包括分部经理在内的这几人,乘坐女妖飞行器直飞潇州市。 Ye Qing a lot of anger must fall in torrents. 叶青一肚子怒火要倾泻。
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