MF :: Volume #13

#1293: 1370: Eve of action

Chapter 1293 第1293章 1370: Eve of action 1370:行动的前夕 After picture by clear enlargement, can see more details. 画面被清晰的放大后,可以看见更多细节。 For example these walk the person in desolate beach, when taking a walk majority is the right hand is swinging with the body, their left hand holds after the waist. 譬如这些行走在荒滩上的人,走动时大部分都是右手在随着身体摇摆,他们左手扶在腰后。 In addition can see the attire of these people is quite extremely fat, probably is hanging the lots. 另外还能看见这些人身上的装束都比较臃肿,像是挂着很多东西。 Two tactical squads, are certainly impossible to have bottles of cans to come to the wilderness the picnic. 两个战术小队,当然不可能带着瓶瓶罐罐来荒野里郊游。 Without a doubt, these person of affirmations arm the tooth. 毫无疑问,这些人肯定已经武装到了牙齿。 This is one crowd is primarily the black skin color man, mixed with the teams of several white skin color men. 这是一群以黑肤色男人为主,夹杂了几名白肤色男人的队伍。 They patrol in the Tajana country and Nigeria border, takes a broad view at the surrounding dozens square kilometers , is located in Nigeria country one to drill the ore to have the value target. 他们游弋在塔加纳国与尼加亚的边境上,放眼周围几十平方公里,也只有位于尼加亚国这边的一座钻矿有价值目标。 Certainly drills the ore to us.” Ye Qing controls the virtual rocking bar, making biological Goshawk circle in the top of the head of this group of people, from the outline of their backpack, after estimating they have not carried the heavy weapons, to Electric Crystal was saying: How drills ore that side defensive measure?” “一定是冲我们钻矿来的。”叶青操控虚拟摇杆,让仿生苍鹰在这群人的头顶盘旋一圈,从他们背包的轮廓,估算出来他们没有携带重型武器后,对着电晶道:“钻矿那边的防卫措施如何?” Without the assurance, instigates part to come nuclear Factory that side strength.” “如果没有把握,就把涉核工厂那边的力量调拨一部分过来。” Should not have the issue.” Electric Crystal thinks saying: This drills the ore close to the border, initially to guard against that side the Tajana country, I strengthened one set of Factory to defend device specially.” “应该没问题。”电晶想了想道:“这座钻矿靠近边境,当初为了防范塔加纳国那边,我特意多加强了一套工厂防卫设备。” I thought that happen to can also take the this time opportunity, tests our defense system.” “我觉得正好也可以借这次机会,来测试一下我们的防卫系统。” Boss you know that since we establish Factory after Anut Area, here public security shortly day by day good. Sooner some day also natives want to mix the pilferage, now public security good, only then the mouse dares to slide.” 老板你知道的,自从我们在阿奴特区建立工厂后,这里的治安眼看着一天比一天好。早些日子还有些当地人想混进来小偷小摸,现在治安好到只有耗子才敢溜进来了。” ...... …… In the picture, some people look up the day, and with biological Goshawk looking at each other. 画面中,有人抬头望天,并且和仿生苍鹰对视。 After multiple confrontation, even if the US has not decoded the Monster Industrial detection technology, they can still from confrontation, infer, Monster Industrial has had an extremely covert technical detection method. 经过多次交锋,即使美方没有破解巨兽工业的侦查技术,他们也能从一次次交锋中,推断出来,巨兽工业已经掌握了一种极为隐蔽的科技侦查手段。 Unmanned Reconnaissance Machine is one type is very mature, already in the technology that in the civilian field popularizes. 无人侦察机是一种很成熟,已经在民用领域中普及开来的技术。 In the Captain Cavill backpack of this fighting force, is carrying foldaway Unmanned Reconnaissance Machine. 本次战斗队伍的队长卡维尔背包里,也携带着一款折叠式无人侦察机 This Reconnaissance Machine besides traditional optical lens, but also has the IR optics to reconnoiter device. If in the wind speed low environment, it can bring 15 minutes of effective low-altitude reconnaissance time for the operational squads. 这款侦察机除了传统的光学镜头外,还配有红外光学侦察设备。如果在风速较低的环境下,它能为作战小队们带来十五分钟的有效低空侦察时间。 Now Captain Cavill, the vision of correct use doubt, is looking situated in several hundred meters Gao Tian airborne that only Goshawk. 现在队长卡维尔,正用狐疑的目光,望着位于数百米高天空中地那只苍鹰 In this distance he cannot see clearly the Goshawk detail, if from the flight attitude, Goshawk truly does not only have the suspicious place. 这个距离上他看不清苍鹰的细节,如果只从飞行姿态上来看,苍鹰确实没有可疑之处。 Moreover the front not far away, the low mountain valleys, that has Goshawk the words that dwells in Sangokri, is not strange. 另外前面不远处,就有一片低矮的山谷,那有苍鹰在山谷里栖息的话,也不算奇怪。 However...... 但是…… This Goshawk is only revolving them to circle several, probably is carefully examining them. 这只苍鹰在围绕着他们盘旋了几圈,好像在审视着他们。 Cavill is a elite operational member who was born in the SEAL assault team, his trail proliferates half world, he has seen and has hunted for the animal, has shown compared with animal world in also many. 卡维尔是一名出生于海豹突击队的精锐作战成员,他地足迹遍布半个世界,他所见过和猎过的动物,远比动物世界里展现过的还多。 He slows down the footsteps intentionally, arrived at side another member unknowingly. 他故意放慢脚步,不经意间来到了另一名队员身旁。 Without the exchange, merely several covert hand signals, this similarly elite member understood the Captain intention. 没有交流,只是几个隐蔽的手势,这名同样精锐的队员就明白了队长的意图。 This member with the aid of visor long gown shield, took a modeling anomaly strange weapon quietly. 这名队员借助身上的遮阳长袍掩护,悄悄将一把造型异常奇怪的武器拿了出来。 This is made by the plastic the weapon all over the body, although the contour looks like assault rifle, but the head is really a anomaly exquisite metal antenna. The cartridge clip position, turned into an information processing box that has various data interfaces. 这把武器通体都由塑料制成,外形虽然像一把突击步枪,但头部确是一个异常小巧的金属天线。弹夹位置,变成了一个带有各种数据接口的信息处理盒。 This is the unmanned machine disturbance spear/gun. 这是无人机干扰枪。 Occurs in Nigeria that in view of the coup of their puppet General, was some time ago, the marine fight nearby Madagascar island. 无论是发生在尼加亚里那场针对他们傀儡将军的突然行动,还是不久前,发生在马达加斯岛附近的海上战斗。 As being responsible for tactical Commander Mardy Kaess of Monster Industrial action, and one group of staff officers, have the ample reason to suspect Monster Industrial, is mastering an extremely advanced electronic reconnaissance technology. 做为负责巨兽工业行动的战术指挥官马迪克斯、和一帮参谋们,都有足够理由去怀疑巨兽工业,掌握着一种极为先进的电子侦察技术。 This reconnaissance technology likely has the radar and optical stealth science and technology, otherwise the impossible times to let the Monster Industrial material enemy situation, making them check without the trail. 这种侦察技术很可能具有雷达和光学隐身科技,否则不可能一次次让巨兽工业料敌先机,让他们查无踪迹。 In order to guard against this possibility, this fight squad carried the advanced disturbance spear/gun specially. 为了防范这种可能,本次战斗小队特意携带了先进的干扰枪。 If this type of disturbance spear/gun is used to cope with civil level unmanned aircraft, then it can search and take over control of the unmanned machine radio telecontrol signal effortlessly, turns into them to toss about the toy unmanned machine at will. 这种干扰枪如果用来对付民用级无人飞行器,那它可以毫不费力的搜索并接管无人机的无线电遥控信号,把无人机变成他们随意折腾地玩具。 If there is Army Grade Unmanned Reconnaissance Machine of frequency-hopping encryption function, this model of disturbance spear/gun can also launch the short distance the directed interference electric wave, and through external connection GPS signal imitation device, deceives unmanned machine, achieving has let the goal that the opposite party crashes. 如果是具有跳频加密功能的军用级无人侦察机,这款干扰枪还可以发射短距离的定向干扰电波,并通过外接GPS信号模拟设备,来欺骗无人机,已达到让对方坠毁的目地。 Captain Cavill received the disturbance spear/gun, walks the starting switch of start disturbance spear/gun. 队长卡维尔接过干扰枪,边走边启动干扰枪的启动开关。 When he carries out the task, regardless of being not overrated again vigilantly. 在他执行任务时,无论再警惕都不为过。 Also is relying on this vigilance, he can have the opportunity to participate in the fights, and steps onto the Captain position that assumes sole responsibility for an important task. 也正是凭借着这份警惕,他才能有机会参加一场又一场的战斗,并走上独当一面的队长位置。 Because this only Goshawk circled several in their top of the head, Captain Cavill decided that launches not a visible electromagnetic offensive. 就因为这只苍鹰在他们头顶盘旋了几圈,队长卡维尔就决定对它发起一次看不见的电磁攻击。 This vigilant looks like in nearby members somewhat is rather unnecessary, because in they know, at present no country, can develop this seemingly no flaw biological Goshawk unmanned machine. 这份警惕在旁边的队员们看来未免有些多余,因为在他们认识中,目前根本没有哪个国家,能够研制出这种看上去毫无破绽的仿生苍鹰无人机 When Captain Cavill moves to disturb the frequency band, suddenly holds up the disturbance spear/gun likely wood/blockhead type, has aimed when the directional antenna Goshawk and Goshawk actually fly as before swaggering, this unnecessary is more obvious. 队长卡维尔调好干扰频段,突然举起干扰枪像个木头样,一直把定向天线对准苍鹰苍鹰却依旧大摇大摆飞行时,这种多余更加明显了。 However no one said what/anything, Captain unnecessary at least can rule out that extremely small possibility. 不过没人说什么,队长的多余至少能排除掉那极为微小的可能。 Although disturbance failure, but Cavill actually relaxes. 虽然干扰失败,但卡维尔却松了口气。 Passed the moment that only Goshawk to fly away, this tone was looser. 过了片刻等那只苍鹰飞走,这口气更松了。 If really can disturb only Goshawk one, perhaps later these team that carries out the task in the overseas, the first time must first catch bird. 如果真能把只苍鹰一头干扰下来,恐怕以后这些在海外执行任务的队伍,第一件时间就要先“捕鸟”。 Continues to maintain the vigilance, Cavill brings the team is bypassing that brown mountain top, when enters presumptive area on the electronic map, he first sought the place level area, first calls here the members, before conducting the final action, preparatory work. 继续保持警惕,卡维尔带着的队伍在绕过那座褐色山头,进入电子地图上的预定区域时,他先寻了处山坳,把队员们先召集到这里,进行最后的行动前准备工作。 The 20 three members, member majority is the black flesh. 二十三名队员,成员大部分都是黑色肌肤。 The weapon that each of them carries is not unified, likes to match according to the members respectively. 他们每个人携带的武器并不统一,都是按照队员们各自喜好来搭配。 They have not worn the standard combat clothing, long gown that the visor uses, is the Africa native commonly used design. 他们也没有穿着制式作战服装,就连身上遮阳用的长袍,也是非洲当地人常用的款式。 In order to confuses falsehood with the truth, these members also studied several indigenous languages specially. 为了能以假乱真,这些队员们还特意学习了几句当地语言。 „When now.” “现在对时。” Cavill reported to the second precisely, also puts out to have the telescope of range finder function, observes one surrounding terrain earnestly and keeps firmly in mind. 卡维尔报了精确到秒的时间后,又拿出带有测距功能的望远镜,认真把周围地形观察一遍并牢记在心。 Now I repeat an action to want the responsibility.” “现在我重复一遍行动要责。” Team A member is responsible for sweeping clear the perimeter security equipment, completes after the peripheral cleaning, enters the interior rapidly, all large-scale machineries and device conduct the demolition destruction.” “A组队员负责清扫外围警戒器材,在外围清扫完成后,迅速进入内部,所有大型机械和设备进行爆破破坏。” According to other two Factory information that the observers provided in the past, we knew that the Monster Industrial Factory surrounding, erects the electron to stand guard the equipment.” “根据侦察人员以往提供的其它两座工厂的情报,我们得知巨兽工业工厂外围,都架设有电子警戒器材。” Therefore in the Factory surrounding of this new construction, definitely also has the same security equipment to exist.” “所以在这座新修建的工厂外围,肯定也有同样的警戒器材存在。” Cavill puts down the telescope, from puts out the canteen behind, after filling a cold water , to continue to assign saying: Team B is responsible for sweeping clear the resistance goal, and at the maximum speed storms into their production storehouses, takes away their all processing good diamond.” 卡维尔放下望远镜,从身后拿出水壶,灌了口凉水后继续分配道:“B组负责清扫反抗目标,并且以最快速度攻入他们的生产库房,拿走他们所有加工好的钻石。” We must build are Tajana country that side indigenous warlord, false appearance that to snatch these diamond begins.” “我们要营造出是塔加纳国那边土著军阀,为了抢这些钻石才动手的假象。” Gave a pretext in any case is this, did the outside world believe that had nothing to do with us.” “反正借口就是这样,外界信不信,跟我们无关。” Good ~ “好了 Everyone spends a 20 minute of rest recovers the energy, after the 20 minute, the action starts.” “大家花二十分钟休息恢复体力,二十分钟后,行动开始。” No one spoke, among the members have the sufficient tacit understanding, completed all this plans of doing before departure. Before action, hurrying to drink water supplement food to be right. 没有人说话,队员们之间已经有了充足默契,在出发前也做好了所有该做的计划。趁着行动前,赶紧喝水补充食物才对。 This action does not have the code name, but actually has special significance. 这场行动没有代号,但却意义非凡。 Because this is the headquarters to the Anut Area Monster Industrial branch, initiates the comprehensive cleaning action the bugle. 因为这是指挥部对阿努特地区巨兽工业分部,发起全面清扫行动的号角。 Takes this to drill the ore for the beginning, takes the Gulf fleet several hundred kilometers away to arrive to end. 以这座钻矿为起点,以几百公里外的几内亚海湾舰队抵达为落幕。 Monster Industrial several Factory, will change into stretch of ruins. 巨兽工业的几座工厂,都将化为一片废墟。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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