MF :: Volume #13

#1294: Fight squad charge

Chapter 1294 第1294章 1371: Fight squad charge 1371:战斗小队冲锋 Ten minutes quick on the past. 十分钟时间很快就过去。 At this time the members also received the canteen and nutrition biscuit of supplement physical strength, they took the respective weapon, made the final check. 这时队员们也纷纷收起水壶和补充体力的营养饼干,他们将各自的武器都拿了出来,做最后检查。 Checkoff, Cavill orders, all members are divided into two groups immediately, starts to bend the waist goes out from the level area place one after another. 检查完毕,卡维尔一声令下,所有队员们立刻分成两拨,开始弯着腰鱼贯从山坳处走出。 Monster Industrial the drills the ore in low mountain valleys, because of area immense, the mountain valley seems like with the plain does not have much difference, the merely gradient was slightly high. So long as arrives at the head, will see inside mountain valley plain. 巨兽工业的这座钻矿位于一片低矮山谷中间,因为面积巨大,山谷看上去和平原没有太大区别,只是坡度稍稍高了一些。但只要走到头,就会看见里面的山谷平原。 Now here had been encircled by a steel railing fence. 现在这里已经被一圈钢铁栏杆围墙圈了起来。 Stood looks at the past in the mountain valley, can see the rail fence interior clearly is the operation like a raging fire mine. 站在山谷看过去,可以清楚看见铁栏围墙内部是一座正在如火如荼开工的矿场。 Cavill leads Team A member to touch to a commanding point, when prepares to Factory conducts to attack, discovered that this diamond mine field does not have the observer to pass on a message that dangerous. 卡维尔带着A组队员摸到一处制高点,准备对工厂进行突击时,发现这座钻石矿场并没有侦查员传言的那么“危险”。 It compares with other mining area Factory is no different, at present this seems like mining equipment more advanced, but scale actually small many times. 它跟其它矿区工厂相比没什么不同,眼前这座看起来开采设备先进一些,但规模却小了很多倍。 Cavill in the Africa land, looks at a copper mine that the France person has invested, the scale of that copper mine compared at present this big far more than ten times, and in the mining area also has the armed guard to drive to go on patrol. 卡维尔在非洲大地上,看过法国人投资的一座铜矿,那座铜矿的规模比眼前这个大了何止十倍,并且矿区内还有武装保安开车巡逻。 At present this drills the ore as if patrol security unable to see...... 眼前这座钻矿似乎连个巡逻保安都看不到…… Has overlooked the entire mining area field, Cavill starts to seek for its external power line. Like this before the action starts shuts off the power source, will benefit their attacks. 俯瞰过整个矿区场,卡维尔开始寻找它的外部供电线路。这样在行动开始前把电源切断,会非常有利于他们的进攻。 What a pity looked for one not to find, it seems like that this Factory was the interior generates electricity. 可惜找了一圈也没有找到,看来这座工厂是内部发电。 Cavill only then shifts the vision to that often has the front door place that the mineral product truck passes in and out. 卡维尔只有把目光转移到那座不时有矿用卡车进出的大门处。 In Cavill's eyes, that front door does not garrison. 在卡维尔眼里,那座大门根本不设防。 Because it, only then two leaves are opening railing iron gate, only constructs a small house in similar reception room by iron gate. 因为它只有两扇开着的栏杆铁门,在铁门旁边只建有一个类似传达室的小房子。 This iron gate, even if inside staff brave death to push up it, his members can also bare-handed surmount the front door in ten seconds. 这种铁门,哪怕里面员工们冒死把它推上,他的队员们也能在十秒之内徒手翻越大门。 That side quick Team B also transmitted the reconnaissance report. 很快B组那边也传来了侦察报告。 Captain, I use the spectrometer scanning around Factory, truly by stone induces device in several infrared of hiding.” 队长,我用光谱仪器扫描过工厂周围,确实在几个隐蔽在石头旁边的红外感应设备。” Should be the active infrared intrusion detector, in the railing fence also has, I think them should also one set of vibration induction detector, but this device does not send out the spectrum, is very in a short time difficult to search.” “应该是主动红外入侵探测器,栏杆围墙上也有,我想他们应该还有一套震动感应探测器,但这种设备不发出光谱,短时间内很难搜索到。” This member is relaxed, somewhat thinks otherwise saying: Captain, this is completely the security level of civil level.” 这名队员语气轻松,有些不以为然道:“队长,这完全就是民用级的警戒水平。” Captain Cavill also thinks that these stand guard device like the toy, several that but this not representative he will only expose according to the Factory surrounding stand guard device, underestimated the defense of this Factory. 队长卡维尔也认为这些警戒设备如同玩具,但这并不代表他会只根据工厂外围暴露出的几个警戒设备,就低估了这座工厂的防御。 Do not relax vigilantly.” “不要放松警惕。” Commanding point arranges two snipers to be responsible for admonishing, others provide the firepower support in the surrounding. When Team A acts, I do not allow any Factory personnel to sneak off from here.” “制高点安排两名狙击手负责警戒,其它人在外围提供火力支援。在A组行动期间,我不允许有任何工厂人员从这里溜走。” Yes.” “是。” ...... …… The action started. 行动开始了。 Team A members who Captain Cavill leads tear up are used for the long gown of visor, in reveals not the unified wilderness camouflage battle dress. 队长卡维尔率领的A组成员们撕掉用来遮阳的长袍,露出里面并不统一的荒漠迷彩作战服。 Under Captain leads, they start to initiate the sprint to Factory. 队长带领下,他们开始对工厂发起冲刺。 This is not the blind charge. 这不是盲目冲锋。 Drills the Miner factory to construct with the mountain valleys, proliferates the rock that various sizes are varying outside of rail fence. 矿工厂建与山谷中间,在铁栏围墙的外面遍布着各种大小不一的岩石。 Now these rocks became the natural screens of these people, each short distance sprint can use the rock as the bunker. And on the way of sprint, will also make the sudden transition subconsciously, movement that or is sideways to stop suddenly. 现在这些岩石成了这些人的天然屏障,他们每一次短距离冲刺都会以岩石为掩体。并且在冲刺途中,还会下意识做出突然转折,或是突然侧身停顿的动作。 If some people take the weapon to stand guard under the fence, even if discovered this group of people infiltrate toward here, is unable to aim at them with the muzzle. 如果有人拿着武器在围墙下警戒,就算发现了这群人朝这里渗透,也根本无法用枪口瞄准他们。 They always dodge to pass in the rocks, does not keep any flaw. 他们总是在岩石之间一闪而逝,不留任何破绽。 The forefront member will also hold the weapon to make the aiming shape, provides the shield for the member who behind sprints. 最前面队员还会持武器做瞄准状,为后面冲刺的队员提供掩护。 Captain Cavill placed the final side of members, his always last sprint. 队长卡维尔一直保持在队员们的最后方,他总是最后一个冲刺。 Strange......” “奇怪……” Cavill on the way of the sprint, the innermost feelings cannot bear start to whisper. 卡维尔在冲刺途中,内心忍不住开始嘀咕。 Regardless of because security device of Factory surrounding is Army Grade or the civil level, he and his members, does not prepare to dodge these to stand guard device cautiously. 因为无论工厂外围的警戒设备军用级还是民用级,他和他的队员们,都不准备小心翼翼地去规避这些警戒设备 They are not the commercial spies, sees infrared or the vibration surveys device, turns the avoidance that and jumps infrared. Perhaps the atmosphere does not dare to pant for breath, but must put on the special characteristics the silicon rubber shoes, walks in the ground carefully. 他们又不是商业间谍,看见红外或者震动探测设备,就又扭又跳的躲避红外。或是大气都不敢喘息,还要穿着特质的硅胶鞋,在地面小心行走。 They must destroy this Factory at the maximum speed thoroughly, regarding security device of surrounding, they, so long as steps on crudely broken then. 他们要以最快速度彻底破坏这座工厂,对于外围的警戒设备,他们只要粗暴地一脚踩碎即可。 After all regardless of destroys with does not destroy, the Factory that side will discover them. 毕竟无论破坏与不破坏,工厂那边都会发现他们。 But why have they touched not to arrive at a 20 meter distance of the rail fence, the appearance that Factory also not detects? 但为何他们已经摸到了距离铁栏围墙不到二十米的距离,工厂还一副毫无察觉的样子? Normally, these stand guard device should before a half minute to discover that their trails, then in Factory the alarm bell writings, the personnel make a mess. 正常情况下,那些警戒设备应该在半分钟前就发现他们的踪迹,然后工厂内警铃大作,人员们乱作一团。 In the earphone broadcasts the sound of Team B: Sniper takes place IR warning device that surrounding found to destroy.” 耳机里传来B组的声音:“狙击手就位、外围找到的红外警戒设备已经破坏。” Whether there is anomaly situation?” Captain Cavill asked low voice, the latter replied in Factory all normal. “有无异常情况?”队长卡维尔小声问道,后者回答工厂内一切正常。 Captain Cavill believes that side Factory should detect the sound, even if unable to judge whether their group of people carry the weapon. Also can from admonishing device, knew that has gang to be close to Factory fast. 队长卡维尔相信工厂那边应该察觉到了动静,即使无法判断他们这群人是否携带武器。也能从警戒设备那边,得知有一伙人员正在快速接近工厂 The confidential rank of this time action is high, that side Factory is impossible to know the news that ahead of time some people must invade, will not prepare for dealing with ahead of time. 这次行动的保密等级非常高,工厂那边不可能提前得知有人要入侵的消息,更不会提前做好应对准备。 They definitely will be flurried one group. 他们必然会慌乱一团。 Now has nothing flurriedly, all normal. 现在却没有任何慌乱,一切正常。 If there is choice, vigilant Cavill can choice give up the this time duty, because Factory arrives normally somewhat unusual. 如果有选择,性格警惕的卡维尔会选择放弃这次任务,因为工厂正常到有些反常。 However he does not have the right to give up. 但是他没有权利放弃。 Dozens days ago has that naval battle near Madagascar island, has let fifth fleet thorough furious that he subordinates. The ground that if he directs the enforcement action, does not fight to run away. That admiral without hesitation that furious and anger, vents on Cavill. 数十天前发生在马达加斯岛附近的那场海战,已经让他隶属的第五舰队彻底恼怒。如果他指挥的地面打击行动,再不战而逃。那舰队司令会毫不犹豫地把那份恼怒和怒火,发泄在卡维尔头上。 That launches the attack. 那就发起进攻吧。 He and squad members are point soldiers in the SEAL assault team, if encounters the irresistible counter-attack strength, Cavill also has certain assurance to lead the squad members to remove. 他和小队成员们都是海豹突击队里的尖兵,如果遭遇不可抗拒的反击力量,卡维尔也有一定把握能带领小队成员们撤出来。 Thinks of here, Cavill issued the order to attack through the earphone. 想到这里,卡维尔通过耳机下达了进攻命令。 The voice falls, 11 Team A squad members tumble from the rock immediately. 话音落下,十一名A组小队成员立刻从岩石后面翻滚而出。 They toward not opening wide the front door direction advances, because in any operation, the operational handbook refuses the fight members to gather, launches the attack from the same direction. 他们没有朝着敞开着的大门方向突进,因为在任何作战行动中,作战手册都严禁战斗成员们聚集在一起,从同一个方向发起攻击。 They at a 20 meter spacing, prepare bare-handed to surmount the rail fence mutually. 他们互相以二十米的间距,准备徒手翻越铁栏围墙。 In them behind, Team B member will provide the cover of fire for them. 在他们身后,B组成员会为他们提供火力掩护。 What first is close to the rail fence is in the team arms cross country result best small fellow Lamy, this fellow runs a quick resembles cheetah. 最先接近铁栏围墙的是队里武装越野成绩最好的小个子拉米,这家伙奔跑起来快的像一头猎豹。 Two meters high rail fence, feared that ordinary person can also step on the above perch to crawl. Small fellow Ramilli with the strength of approach, soaring steps 两米多高的铁栏围墙,怕那普通人也能踩着上面的横栏爬过去。小个子拉米利用助跑的力道,腾空一脚踩在一米高的横栏上,接着双手往下一按,身形就轻松地跃过围墙。 Cavill to is responsible for observing the situation in behind, but when small fellow Lamy crossed the rail fence, Cavill thought suddenly the situation is not right. 卡维尔冲在后头负责观察局势,可就在小个子拉米翻过铁栏围墙时,卡维尔忽然觉得情况不对。 Because after small fellow Lamy crossed the fence, does not have as usual relaxed falling in the ground. 因为小个子拉米翻过围墙后,没有像往常一样轻松的落在地面。 He is leaping the multi- flash, probably suddenly lost the body control, then fell down in the ground. 他在跃过去多一瞬间,好像忽然丧失了身体掌控权,接着一头栽倒在了地面。 Cavill has not made noise with enough time, the second member also turned. 卡维尔还未来得及出声,第二名队员也翻了过去。 Just like small fellow Lamy, he is leaping the past instance, falls to the ground straightly. 和小个子拉米一样,他在跃过去的瞬间,也直挺挺栽倒在地。 The third member discovered anomaly, therefore he when contacting the rail fence does not have choice to surmount, but a foot pedal removes the impulse above ruthlessly. 第三名队员发现了异常,所以他在接触铁栏围墙时没有选择翻越,而是狠狠一脚蹬在上面卸去冲击力。 He did not have to draw back with enough time in the future, the feeling thigh shakes suddenly, then like hit by the lightning, straight in the future one but actually. 他还没来得及往后退,就感觉腿部忽然一震,接着如同被闪电击中,直挺挺往后一倒。 Fake ~ 发克 This rail fence has the high-voltage, is of intermittent intelligent electricity person...... 这铁栏围墙有高压电,还是间歇性智能电人的那种…… Less than one second, he faints. 一秒不到,他昏倒在地。 Two members are flushing the front door, the front door are opening wide, theoretically does not have by the possibility that the high-voltage hits. 有两名队员在冲大门,大门敞开着,理论上不存在被高压电击中的可能。 The other members stop the figure rapidly, they shouted abuse, while fell on that outside member cautiously drags to entrain. 余下队员们迅速止住身形,他们一边破口大骂,一边小心翼翼地把那名倒在外面的队员拖拽回来。 Has not turned head to the two members of front door, two in the rail fence falls to the ground the companion, must first drag them. 冲大门的两名队员没有回头,在铁栏围墙内还有两名栽倒在地的同伴,要把他们先拖出来。 These two members are holding such idea, successfully rushed to the front door, so long as are many one step to bridge over the front door. 这两名队员抱着这样想法,也成功冲到了大门的正中间,只要再多一步就能跨过大门。 Then outside members, seeing that is opening wide the front door two sides post, to blow out two dazzling white electric arcs suddenly. 然后外面的队员们,看见那座敞开着的大门两边门柱、忽然爆出两条炫目的白色电弧。 This scene, has the arc discharge like the two electrodes of motor, penetrates the air the phenomenon. 这种场面,就像电棍的两条电极发生电弧放电,击穿空气的现象。 merely this phenomenon was enlarged innumerable times. 只是这种现象被放大了无数倍。 The electric arc flashes to pass, finally vanishes, in two on member who to/clashes the front door. 电弧一闪而逝,最后消失在两名冲大门的队员身上。 Also poured two...... 又倒了两名…… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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