MF :: Volume #13

#1292: 1369: unmanned machine cruise

Chapter 1292 第1292章 1369: unmanned machine cruise 1369:无人机巡航 The kinetic energy of pistol cartridge, usually between 350 to 500 joules. 手枪子弹的动能,通常在350到500焦耳之间。 However the pistol cartridge cannot penetrate present seal glass, the bullet only above, leaves behind a spider web shape the radioactive trace, even if actually the bullet hits in the same position, is still not necessarily able to penetrate. 但是手枪子弹穿透不了眼前的这块密封玻璃,子弹只会在上面,留下一个蛛网状的放射性痕迹,其实就算子弹打在同一个位置,也未必可以穿透。 The sharp blade that however indefinite form metal condenses, can actually like gripping the paper pierces with ease. 但是不定型金属凝聚出的利刃,却可以像扎纸一样轻松刺穿。 The saber-toothed tiger takes itself as the center of circle, has a piece of spider web with the bone Shiio section puncture, on the spider web each line is together the smooth margin. 剑齿虎以自身为圆心,用骨椎尾部穿刺出一片蛛网,蛛网上每条线都是一道平滑的切口。 Except for the terrifying kinetic energy, the sharp degree of indefinite form metal sharp blade also has lasting achievements. 除了恐怖的动能,不定型金属利刃的锋利程度也功不可没。 Its cutting edge thinnest place only then sends silk 1/10. 它的刃口最薄处只有发丝的十分之一。 Then disassembles the demonstration of shape. 接着是拆卸形态的展示。 Broken opens the devil image that under the shape saber-toothed tiger indefinite form robot stands, but its foreleg has turned into the multipurpose manipulators who have been able to revolve freely. 破拆形态下剑齿虎不定型机器人还是站立的恶魔形象,但它的前肢已经变成了可以自如旋转的多功能机械手。 It can the machinery that without destruction mechanism complete, any can be disassembled with ease, disassembles one pile of components. 它能在不破坏机械结构完整性情况下,轻松将任何可以被拆卸的机械,拆卸成一堆零件。 When Ye Qing brings the Legend(ary) monster(s) two people of groups are looking at the fission blade, the Underground Base middle, are many light gray metal frame that a volume and Banshee aircraft is similar. 叶青带着传奇怪兽二人组去看裂变刀时,地底基地的中间,已经多出一块体积与女妖飞行器相仿的浅灰色金属框架。 This is the body frame of Commander ships. 这是指挥官型舰船的机体框架。 Frame most materials are use titanium alloy to manufacture, although in Factory can forge better body material, what the Commander ships are most important is the heat-resistance, titanium alloy has the original advantage in this aspect. 框架大部分材料都是采用钛合金来制作,虽然工厂内可以锻造出更好的机体材料,不过指挥官型舰船最重要的是抗热性能,钛合金在这方面具有独到优势。 Also requires the time to the Commander ships manufacturing flow, but that side Anut Area does not have the too much time to wait. 指挥官型舰船制造流程还需要时间,但阿奴特区那边已经没有太多时间等待下去。 In the morning that side the harbor sent in the news to say ; That Kang Deluo promotion missile Cruiser will soon enter the Gulf range, the ten minutes of but before the news sending out, missile Cruiser and two supplies ships closed the public radiocommunication to distinguish system suddenly, frightened nearby passing ships jumped greatly, inquired that the harbor was what situation. 上午港口那边发来消息说;那艘康德罗加级导弹巡洋舰即将进入几内亚海湾范围,但就在消息发出的十分钟前,导弹巡洋舰和两艘补给舰忽然关闭了公共无线电识别系统,把附近过往的船只吓了大跳,纷纷询问港口这边是什么情况。 The public radiocommunication distinguishes system, when is the civil ships navigate is used for auto answer device of against collision. 公共无线电识别系统,都是民用船舶航行时用来防碰撞的自动应答设备 Closed this set of system, only then nearby radar can search the military vessel position. 关闭了这套系统,就只有附近的雷达才能搜索到军舰位置。 However no has civilian vessel idle being all right to do with the electronic scanning it, when attention navigation do not run upon then it will be alright. 不过没有哪有民用船只闲的没事干去用雷达搜索它,注意航行时不要撞上就行 After all the example that US military vessel and civil cargo ship collide may be many, if runs upon has bad luck. 毕竟美方军舰和民用货轮碰撞的例子可不少,万一撞上就是倒了血霉。 Without a doubt, this was Cruiser entered the alert posture signal. 毫无疑问,这是巡洋舰进入了战备状态的信号。 Ye Qing cannot put does not attend, their goals are Factory facility of Monster Industrial in Anut area. 叶青不能放之不顾,它们的目标就是巨兽工业阿奴特地区的工厂设施。 both sides do not have the reconciliation to be possible in any case, with its passive waiting, this time might as well initiated an attack. 反正双方已经不存在和解可能,与其被动等待,这次不如主动出击。 ...... …… At dusk, Multi-purpose Warship taking advantage of the dim weather shield, arrives in a crown opening and closing -type immense hangar. 傍晚时分,领主战舰借着昏暗的天色掩护,降临在一座顶部开合式的巨大机库内。 Besides two saber-toothed tiger robot, factory side also produced in a hurry biological Unmanned Reconnaissance Machine of a number of carrying energy modules urgently, and defended device with a technology content higher survey. 除了两台剑齿虎机器人,工厂这边还紧急赶制出了一批搭载能源模块的仿生无人侦察机,和科技含量更高的探测与防御设备 Dozens Monstrous Laborer these equipment transporting to the goods warehouse, are waiting for device to install, Ye Qing has Electric Crystal and night enters the cockpit, then top the hangar slides slowly, reveals the dim sky. 数十名巨力苦工正将这些装备搬运至货仓,等设备装完,叶青带着电晶和夜娜走进驾驶舱,接着机库顶部缓缓滑开,露出昏暗的天空。 Starts the electromagnetism stealth pattern.” “启动电磁隐身模式。” In start......” “启动中……” Starts the optical stealth pattern.” “启动光学隐身模式。” In start......” “启动中……” The white ray that slightly may not check together flashes through from Multi-purpose Warship, the Multi-purpose Warship dark semblance suddenly becomes dim. 一道微不可查的白色光芒从领主战舰身上闪过,领主战舰原本黝黑的外表忽然变得朦胧起来。 Mysterious happened, the Multi-purpose Warship outer covering vanishes unexpectedly slowly, finally fuses together with the environment. If not approach examines carefully, cannot see the slight image difference of it and environment. 神奇一幕发生了,领主战舰的外壳竟然慢慢消失,最后与周围环境融为一体。如果不是凑近细看,根本看不见它与周围环境的细微图像差别。 Multi-purpose Warship shoots up to the sky. 领主战舰冲天而起。 Highly 20,000 meter, cruising speed 1.5 Mach. 高度两万米,巡航速度一点五马赫。 An elevation higher air is thinner, therefore theoretically aircraft higher , if flying, then it when the endoatmosphere flies the air drag that encounters is also smaller. 海拔越高空气越稀薄,所以理论上一架飞行器如果飞行的越高,那么它在大气层内飞行时受到的空气阻力也就越小。 The merely Multi-purpose Warship volume is extremely scary, it is one of the human in history tonnage biggest aircraft, be only the tonnage of Saturn No. 5 rocket can measure strength with it. 只是领主战舰的体积太过吓人,它是人类有史以来吨位最大的飞行器之一,只有土星五号火箭的吨位能与它一决高下。 It when the supersonic flight, the thin air as before seems like by the thunder and lightning sweep away, sends out heaven-shaking to move vibrates. 它在超音速飞行时,稀薄的空气依旧像是被雷电横扫似地,发出惊天动地震动。 In the cockpit a tranquility, all noises were actually flung in behind, cannot catch up with Multi-purpose Warship. 驾驶舱内却一片宁静,所有的噪音都被甩在后头,根本追不上领主战舰 On seat that can revolve freely, three people of sitting postures are various. 可以自如旋转的座椅上,三人坐姿各不相同。 Night closes one's eyes motionlessly just like the statue. 夜娜宛如雕像般闭着眼睛一动不动。 Ye Qing sits is approaching window seat, somewhat looks at out of the window scenery lost. 叶青坐在靠近舷窗位置,有些出神地望窗外景色。 Multi-purpose Warship has flown for three hours, before the launching , the sky has faded out, but flew the sky and land of three small afterchine out of the window, instead the time flow backwards becomes bright. 领主战舰已经飞行了三个小时,起飞前天空已经渐暗,但飞行了三小后舷窗外的天空和大地,反而时间倒流般变得明亮起来。 Electric Crystal sits in the middle, brings the holographic eyeglasses, both hands on the keyboard crazy. 电晶坐在中间,带着全息眼镜,双手在键盘上狂点。 Electric Crystal is coding to Anut Area several Factory, all biological unmanned machine. At present there altogether 40 biological modeling unmanned machine, their duties are the patrol Factory peripheral ground environments. 电晶正在给阿奴特区的几座工厂内、所有的仿生无人机重新编码。目前那里一共有四十只仿生无人机,它们的任务是巡逻工厂周边地面环境。 Now Electric Crystal must change their patrol route, making them start to go on patrol along the Anut Area border line. 现在电晶要改变它们巡逻路线,让它们沿着阿奴特区的边境线开始巡逻。 West side endless sea. 还有西边无尽的海洋。 In the goods warehouse this time carried 12 biological unmanned machine that carried the energy module, their modeling and sea gull are similar, in energy full load, they go on patrol the radius to be astonishingly 600 kilometers. 货仓内这次携带了十二架搭载了能源模块的仿生无人机,它们造型与海鸥相仿,能源满载情况下,它们巡逻半径可以达到惊人地六百公里。 Electric Crystal on the electronic chart, divides 12 patrol regions Gulf. 电晶在电子海图上,把几内亚海湾划分成十二个巡逻区域。 This draws support from stealth version goatsucker aircraft to act as the depot ship again, Electric Crystal can realize to a 20 four hours of continuous reconnaissance of Gulf of Guinea controls. 这样再借助一架隐身版夜鹰飞行器充当母舰,电晶就能实现对几内亚湾的二十四小时不间断侦察掌控。 That missile Cruiser and two supplies ships do not come, once dares to come, Electric Crystal has the sufficient confidence to clutch in one hour from Gulf them. 那艘导弹巡洋舰和两艘补给舰不来则罢,一旦敢来,电晶有充足信心可以在一小时内将它们从几内亚海湾揪出来。 As the biological unmanned machine patrol routes renew, around Anut Area Factory, these only in seemingly circled Goshawk that aimless hunts, starts to stir up the wing quietly, vanishes above Factory quickly the sky. 随着一架架仿生无人机的巡逻路线更新,在阿奴特区工厂周围,那些原本一只只在看似漫无目的盘旋捕猎的苍鹰,开始悄然煽动翅膀,很快消失在工厂上方天空。 These biological unmanned machine are carrying most advanced optical surveillance device, the life that can automatic move chooses from the static environment. 这些仿生无人机都搭载着最先进的光学侦察设备,可以自动将活动的生命从静态环境中挑选出来。 Waits to establish 12 most advanced Dvora unmanned machine, Electric Crystal extends the arm well satisfied, prepares to take undeserved credit to Ye Qing. 等把十二架最先进的无人机设定完毕,电晶心满意足地伸了伸胳膊,准备向叶青邀功。 Its arm extended half actually to stop suddenly. 它胳膊伸了一半却忽然停了下来。 Well the ~ border line has the situation.” “咦边境线有情况。” Ye Qing hears word has turned the head, is also opening the eye in night who eyes closed maintains mental tranquility, asked lazy, what situation?” 叶青闻言转过头,正在闭目养神的夜娜也睁开了眼睛,慵懒问,“什么情况?” Electric Crystal referred to the holographic eyeglasses, is the anomaly warning that biological unmanned machine sends out, I change to the public channel the picture, you look.” 电晶指了指全息眼镜,“是一架仿生无人机发出的异常告警,我把画面转到公共频道,你们自己看。” The reconnaissance picture appears in the middle of Ye Qing and night elegant field of vision quickly. 侦察画面很快出现在叶青和夜娜的视野当中。 The anomaly reconnaissance picture originates from No. 37 unmanned machine, its present patrol region is third drills the Tajana country of Miner factory next door. 异常侦察画面来源于37号无人机,它现在的巡逻区域是第三钻矿工厂隔壁的塔加纳国。 Looks with the naked eye, picture not obvious anomaly. 用肉眼看,画面并无明显异常 But now intelligent identification programming, in this stretch of brown land, iriss out the 20 many tiny red circles. 但现在智能识别程序,在这片褐色的大地上,圈出了二十多个细小的红圈。 The Ye Qing long-distance involvement this unmanned machine control, enlarges through the lens, can see these small circles, actually the villain who walks. 叶青远程介入这架无人机的控制权,通过镜头放大,可以看见这些小圈,其实是一个个正在行走的小人。 Has not looked at what anomaly.” The Ye Qing doubts said: Looks at Coordinate this is in the Tajana country, the patrol position also approaches that border highway to Anut Area, are some people not strange?” “没看出来什么异常啊。”叶青疑惑道:“看坐标这是在塔加纳国,巡逻位置也靠近那条通往阿奴特区的边境公路,有人不算奇怪吧?” Electric Crystal reminded: You pay attention to their formations.” 电晶提醒道:“你注意他们的队形。” This is the tactical formation.” Night does not care at to say: These people put on seem like that is not unified, but through everyone in the position, the spacing of mutually keeping. Can see clearly, they are two small battle groups in the execution combat action.” “这是战术队形。”夜娜满不在乎道:“这些人穿着看似并不统一,但通过每个人的所在位置,还有互相留出的间距。就可以清楚看出来,他们是两个战斗小组在执行战斗行动。” Ye Qing takes the Primordial Spirit glove, pressed the virtual rocking bar. 叶青带上元神手套,把虚拟摇杆压了下去。 The picture is gradually enlarging, till can see clearly on them the detail. 画面在逐渐放大,直到可以看清他们身上细节为止。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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