MF :: Volume #13

#1291: 1368: Underwater killer

Chapter 1291 第1291章 1368 underwater killer 1368水下杀手 Then the issue came. 那么问题来了。 To recruit that arbitration level Cruiser, must break through the fetter of earth's attraction, goes to the nihility outer space. 想要招募那艘仲裁级巡洋舰,就要突破地心引力的束缚,前往虚无太空。 Manned Aerospace? 载人航天 Currently Dragon Creek Beach Factory has this technological strength, but does not have the technical hardware. 目前龙溪滩工厂有这个技术储备,但没有技术硬件。 Except for Monster Industrial, the remaining that three aviation great nations have the strength to send in the outer space the astronaut, naturally Ye Qing had affirmed their physical examination inspected. 除了巨兽工业,就剩下那三个航空大国才有实力将宇航员送入太空,当然叶青肯定过不了他们体检考核的。 It seems like only then begin, then summoned arbitration level Cruiser in the outer space. 看来只有自己动手,然后在太空中召唤出仲裁级巡洋舰 In Ninth Stage science and technology blueprint(s), can make Ye Qing fly spaceship blueprint(s) of outer space. 第九阶段科技图纸中,就有一份可以让叶青飞上太空的飞船图纸 Commander ships. 指挥官型舰船。 If Eighth Stage astronavigation level Aerospace airplane, the shadow of part of human Aerospace airplanes. That Ninth Stage ships, then thoroughly cast off the shadow of human Aerospace enterprise. 如果说第八阶段的宇航级航天飞机,还有一部分人类航天飞机的影子。那第九阶段的舰船,则彻底摆脱了人类航天事业的影子。 Although it does not have the plasma propeller, advancing the way as before is the chemical energy. 它虽然没有等离子推进器,推进方式依旧是化学能。 But its propellant like Plasma Battery such, the chemical propulsion technology that masters has the overwhelming advantage to human. 但它的推进剂就像电浆电池那样,对人类已掌握的化学推进技术具有压倒性优势。 Ye Qing had not previously made these two Aerospace aircraft , because its technical difficulty is too high the technical type that and involves is too many. Even if makes, Company currently does not have the business request in this aspect. 叶青先前没有制造这两种航天飞行器,是因为它的技术难度太高、涉及到的技术种类太多。就算制造出来,公司目前也没有这方面的业务要求。 Now looks like must also be listed as in the middle of the R & D program the Commander ships. 现在看来要把指挥官型舰船也列入研发项目当中。 ...... …… Three days later. 三天后。 Dragon Creek Beach Factory, in Underground Base. 龙溪滩工厂,地底基地内。 Ye Qing and Electric Crystal, the night of three people, are standing square transparent room that is built before the sight glass completely. 叶青电晶,还有夜娜三人,正站在一座完全由观察玻璃打造的正方形透明房间前。 The entire room seals completely, comprised of the glass including even the ceiling. In this room does not even have illumination device, must depend upon the flare outside room to inside secondary light source. 整个房间完全密封,包括连天花板也由玻璃组成。这座房间内甚至都没有照明设备,要依靠房间外的照明灯对里面补充光源。 Roasts under the white light, can see in the glasshouse, two silver-white metal objects are lying in the glass floors. 炙白的灯光下,可以看见玻璃房内,有两个银白色金属物体正趴在玻璃地板中间。 Is, lies in the room. 是的、趴在房间里。 The outward appearance of this silver-white metal object, like a mechanical cheetah that runs from Transformers (franchise) world. But their heads cannot see the facial features outline, only has two diamond optical observation device. 这个银白色金属物体的外观,像一只从变形金刚世界里跑出来的机械猎豹。但它们脑袋看不出五官轮廓,只有两颗钻石般的光学观察设备 In Electric Crystal holds notebook that cannot see the brand, a hand above quick such as the rap of lightning. 电晶手里捧着个看不出品牌的笔记本电脑,一只手在上面快如闪电的不停敲击。 On the screen is a red progress bar, now the progress bar from 93% toward 100% is stepping slowly near. 屏幕上是一个红色的进度条,现在进度条正从93%慢慢朝着100%迈近。 When the progress bar arrives at 100%, when the color also transfers the green from red, Electric Crystal raising the head self-confident say/way: Boss, Machairdus combat system Has inducted completes, now room these two indefinite form weapons, then really become the saber-toothed tiger, can hunt for independently.” 当进度条走到100%,颜色也从红色转为绿色时,电晶抬起头自信满满道:“老板,【剑齿虎作战系统】已经导入完成,现在房间里里这两台不定型武器,这下真的成了剑齿虎,可以独立捕猎了。” The voice falls, Electric Crystal knocks the carriage return on notebook keyboard without hesitation. 话音落下,电晶毫不犹豫地敲下笔记本键盘上的回车键。 In system match......” 系统匹配中……” Match passes, the mechanical carrier conforms to the secure identification condition code.” “匹配通过,机械载体符合安全识别特征码。” Self-checks, system match rate/lead 100%.” “自检完毕,系统匹配率100%。” In start......” “启动中……” Starts.” “启动完毕。” On the screen springs information, when presents the inscription that starts, in the glass room the vapid two silver-white machines, stood suddenly. 屏幕上弹出一条条信息,当出现启动完毕的字样时,玻璃房间内原本毫无生气的两台银白色机器,忽然站立了起来。 does not have any device indicating lamp appears on them. 没有什么设备指示灯出现在它们身上。 Any intelligence quotient online designer, impossible, in needs to carry out to infiltrate on special device that or the secret destroys, installs any naked eye obvious indicating lamp. 任何一个智商在线的设计师,都不可能在一款需要执行渗透、或是隐秘破坏的特种设备上,安装什么任何肉眼可见的指示灯。 During movie that work, tracker that flicks and so on , can only appear in the movie plot. 电影里那种工作期间一闪一闪的追踪器之类,也只能出现在电影情节里。 It cannot hear the noise of any mechanical movement similarly, this and glass whether sound-insulated are not related, even if will pick off the glass not to have any mechanical noise. 它同样也听不到任何机械运动的噪音,这和玻璃是否隔音没关系,哪怕拿掉玻璃也不会有任何机械噪音。 After two machairduses were activated, stood to wait and see everywhere. 两只剑齿虎被激活后,站起来四处观望了一圈。 When their seeing stands Electric Crystal and Ye Qing outside glass room, immediately steps the light and lively silent footsteps to arrive around the glass. 当它们看见站在玻璃房间外面的电晶叶青时,立刻迈着轻灵无声的脚步来到玻璃跟前。 Boss, their present shapes are the armed states.” Electric Crystal knocked the seal glass with the translucent finger, raised the head to the acoustic source extremely sensitive two machairduses instantaneously, acoustic source data that the analysis receives. 老板,它们现在的形态是待命状态。”电晶用半透明的手指头敲了敲密封玻璃,对声源极其敏感的两台剑齿虎瞬间抬头,分析接收到的声源数据。 Electric Crystal separates gives the hand signal that caressed withstand/top spatially, introduced: In the armed state, saber-toothed tiger exterior indefinite form metal does not need the energy supply to distort, therefore this is its energy consumption least conditions.” 电晶隔空做了个抚顶的手势,介绍道:“在待命状态下,剑齿虎外部的不定型金属也无需能源供给来变形,所以这是它能耗最少状态。” Raps several on the keyboard, saber-toothed tiger robot that matter indestructible silver metal becomes flows suddenly. 在键盘上敲击几下,剑齿虎机器人那层坚不可摧的银色金属忽然变得流动起来。 It looks like the ice to melt rapidly the water, is transferred the ice by the water again instantaneously. 就像是冰迅速消融成水,再由水瞬间转为冰。 Like cheetah type saber-toothed tiger robot, the four limbs had greatly reduced at this time, and turned into the finny fins. 原本像一只猎豹样的剑齿虎机器人,这时候四肢已经大大缩短,并且变成了鳍状脚蹼。 The spot that as if vanishes moved on the tail, its was thick the long end in the length invariable foundation, became specially spacious. 似乎消失的部位都挪动到了尾巴上,它那原本粗长的尾部在长度不变基础上,变得特别宽大。 Electric Crystal nods to Ye Qing. 电晶叶青点了点头。 Ye Qing un the sound, pressed down front control key later. 叶青嗯了声,随后按下面前的控制按键。 Mysterious happened, after Ye Qing presses down the key, is less than two seconds. Front completely the room that is made by the sight glass, like encountering rainstorm attack rapid water penetration. 神奇的一幕发生了,叶青按下按键后不到两秒。面前这座完全由观察玻璃制成的房间内,就像遭遇暴雨侵袭一样迅速进水。 The innumerable water drops permeate from the room, less than several minutes submerge completely two saber-toothed tiger robot. After more than ten minutes, this glass room had been submerged by the water completely. 无数水珠从房间顶部渗入,不到数分钟时间就完全将两台剑齿虎机器人淹没起来。等十多分钟后,这座玻璃房间已经完全被水淹没。 These are after the pure water of anti-penetration processing, after does not contain the pure water immersion full glasshouse of any impurity, and quiet, these water instead with vanishing were the same, could not see that any by the ripple that the reflection shoots. 这些是经过反渗透处理的纯水,等不包含任何杂质的纯水浸满玻璃房、并平静下来后,这些水反而和消失了一样,看不到任何被光折射出来的波纹。 Cut cruising condition saber-toothed tiger robot to fling the tail, in the pure water that in transparent to as if did not have hovered. 切换成了巡航状态的剑齿虎机器人甩了甩尾巴,在透明到仿佛不存在的纯水里游动起来。 Every moves the tail one time, they can hover several meters distance in void, in soon before the glass wall will bump into can reverse the body rapidly, with the aid of four fins rapid change directions. 每一次甩动尾巴,它们都能在虚空中游动几米距离,在即将于玻璃墙相撞前又能迅速扭转身躯,借助四条脚蹼迅速改变方向。 The hovering speed is faster is faster. 游动速度越快越快。 When they are the maximum velocity, stands Ye Qing outside glasshouse has not seen clearly their appearances completely, can only see two silver bands to go round and round at present, their speed to towed to entrain the remnant shadow in the water quickly. 当它们达到最大速度时,站在玻璃房外的叶青已经完全看不清楚它们的样子,只能看见两条银色般的绸带在眼前绕来绕去,它们速度快到在水中拖拽出了残影。 At present the scene cannot with shocking to describe. 眼前景象已经不能用震撼来形容。 Their not only represented Monster Industrial most state-of-art industrial technology agglutination, in their also represented this star sea, most fatal killer. 它们不仅代表了巨兽工业最尖端的工业技术凝集,它们还代表了这个星球的海洋中,最致命杀手。 When they stop hovering, when returns Ye Qing and Electric Crystal front, the shape switches over again. 当它们停止游动,重新回到叶青电晶面前时,形态再次切换。 This time is the fight shape. 这一次是战斗形态。 Under the fight shape, they turned into the light and lively devil. 战斗形态下,它们变成了轻灵的恶魔。 Was used for the hydroplane the stubby fins, turned into the insect clan joint, again its tibia and foot attachment point, but also associated extremely sharp tiny hangnail. These hangnails can make it tear any thin metal with ease, but can also let them likely the gecko free movement on the metal wall. 原本用来滑水的粗短脚蹼,变成了虫族关节,再它的胫节和足连接处,还伴生着极为锋利的细小倒刺。这些倒刺可以让它轻松撕裂任何较薄的金属,还能让它们在金属墙壁上像壁虎般自由移动。 Machairdus one meter under fight shape two, body is highly slender. Besides the high and low joint, end also has heteromorphous bone Shiio in it. 战斗形态下的剑齿虎高度一米二,身型修长。除了上下关节,在它尾后还有一根异形般的骨椎尾巴。 The tail terminal installed the position of fission blade, but the fission blade installs must circulate to decrease temperature, now only replaces with the indefinite form metal blade of saber-toothed tiger bringing. 尾巴末端本来是安装裂变刀的位置,不过裂变刀装上就要一直循环降温,现在只用剑齿虎自带的不定型金属刀代替。 Evacuates all water in glasshouse, Electric Crystal when testing its stern attack speed, takes at present this to resist the pistol shot short-range fire simply the sight glass room. 排空掉玻璃房内的所有积水,电晶在测试它的尾部攻击速度时,干脆就拿眼前这座可以抵御手枪弹近距离射击的观察玻璃房间。 Ye Qing will draw back quietly in the future two steps, hid in night of behind. 叶青悄悄往后退了两步,躲在了夜娜身后。 Then sees in the glasshouse that only lithe devil, in by every second of over five times frequency, with the rear sharp blade puncture sight glass. 然后就看见玻璃房内那只轻盈的恶魔,在以每秒超过五次的频率,用尾部利刃穿刺观察玻璃。 ~ ~ ~ ~ “噗 As remnant shades flash through, can on the bulletproof glass start to present the spider web neat breakage, less than ten seconds, the glass wall turns into the screen thoroughly. 随着一道道残影闪过,可以防弹的玻璃上开始出现蛛网般的整齐破损,不到十秒时间,玻璃墙就彻底变成筛子。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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