MF :: Volume #13

#1290: 1367: Ultimate gift parcel

Chapter 1290 第1290章 1367: Ultimate gift parcel 1367:终极礼包 After mask ablation, a cheek of fair and clear heroic spirit appears in front of Ye Qing. 面罩消融之后,一张白净英气的脸蛋出现在叶青面前。 The short hair, the facial features as if carve carefully equally beautifully. 短发,五官仿佛精心雕琢一样美丽。 However most makes people unable to neglect is her eye, her seemingly tranquil eye pupil deep place, as if contains the infinite strength, these strengths turn into the dazzling arrogance and ice-cold by the pupil. 然而最让人无法忽视地是她的眼睛,她那看似平静的眼眸深处,似乎蕴藏着无穷力量,这些力量透过眼眸变成刺目的高傲和冰冷。 Coldly, very cool feeling. 冷冷的,酷酷的感觉。 Her also two-prong ear partly covers under the black short hair, adds several points of gentleness to her. 她还有一双尖耳朵半盖在黑色的短发之下,给她平添几分柔和。 Elf?” “精灵?” Ye Qing discovered oneself as if the elf is predestined friends, at present this Commander looks like the elf in fantasy story. 叶青发现自己似乎和精灵有缘,眼前这位指挥官像极了奇幻故事里的精灵。 Boss, I am Commander, is not the elf.” Commander salutes to Ye Qing, the Ye Qing actually subconsciousness will draw back in the future two steps. When she salutes, actually brought whiz ~ like the knight-errant movie in a broken wind sound/rumor. 老板,我是指挥官,不是精灵。”指挥官叶青敬了个礼,叶青却下意识往后退了两步。因为她敬礼时,竟然像武侠电影里那样带起了“嗖地”一下破风声。 This was too exaggerating. 这太夸张了。 „Are you...... the wrestle skill are very strong?” The Ye Qing doubts gathered round Commander to transfer, the latter turned head to have doubts looks at Ye Qing. “你……是不是格斗技能特别强?”叶青疑惑地围着指挥官转了一圈,后者扭头疑惑地看着叶青 Boss, you say the combat capability?” 老板,你是说战斗能力嘛?” Almost.” “差不多吧。” Ye Qing finishes speaking, was gust confused the eye. Cannot see clearly the Commander movement, that two pistols by her even lift/move in the hand, simply are been quick a lightning. 叶青话音刚落,就是一阵风迷了眼睛。根本看不清指挥官的动作,那两把手枪已经被她平举在了手中,简直快成了一道闪电。 Boss, if the battle efficiency calculates purely, human like you, I felt many cannot be the threat again.” The Commander clever lip turns upwards slightly, very very smiles, „, but the fight is not my most strong point, the command capability is my special skill.” 老板,如果单纯以战斗力来算,像您这样的人类,我觉得来再多都不能算是威胁。”指挥官灵巧的嘴唇微微翘起,酷酷一笑,“但战斗并不是我的最强项,指挥能力才是我的特长。” Ye Qing is emboldening her must watch with the spear/gun, introduced after Commander, Ye Qing understands these two dazzle the cool black pistol to be outstanding. 叶青壮着胆子将她的配枪要来观赏,经过指挥官介绍,叶青才明白这两把炫酷的黑色手枪不同凡响。 It is Gauss pistol, depends upon the strong electromagnetism accelerating force the target damage, the cartridge clip can prepare the ball 60 rounds of tiny special warheads. 它是高斯手枪,依靠强大的电磁加速力去杀伤目标,弹夹可以备弹六十发细小的特殊弹头。 But stimulation the warhead kinetic energy, attacks the step bullet close to 7.62 millimeters of full charge. 而激发出去的弹头动能,接近全装药的7.62毫米突击步枪弹。 Ye Qing tries to touch off the trigger to nearby metal shelf, finally the trigger deadlocks automatically. 叶青试着对旁边的金属货架扣动扳机,结果扳机自动锁死。 Commander told Ye Qing, this was her exclusive with the spear/gun, others had more than enough. 指挥官告诉叶青,这是她的专属配枪,别人用不了。 Ye Qing sits in the stool does not want to speak in the morning. 叶青坐在凳子上半天不想吭声。 A little attacks the person. 有点打击人。 After the moment, Ye Qing raised the head to her hesitates saying: Or we change a name, Commander called very irritable feeling like this, particularly you when calling my Boss.” 片刻后,叶青抬起头对她沉吟道:“要不我们换个名字吧,指挥官这样叫起来很别扭的感觉,尤其是你在叫我老板时。” Commander patted under the waist with the spear/gun, I thought that this name is good?” 指挥官拍了拍腰下的配枪,“我觉得这名字挺好啊?” Naturally this is not she has to threaten the Ye Qing's meaning, but is she felt itself, regardless of equipment, from ability, her very suitable Commander this name. 当然这并不是她有威胁叶青的意思,而是她觉得自己无论从装备、还是从能力上,她都挺适合指挥官这个名字。 Ye Qing thought Commander this name extremely virilizes, without aesthetic sense. 叶青则觉得指挥官这个名字太过男性化,没有美感。 Moreover Commander appearance not like Electric Crystal translucent also sparkling, if she brings a hat to block from the ear, brings holographic eyeglasses to block from the arrogant elegantly beautiful vision again, she can definitely appear with Ye Qing in the outside world. 另外指挥官的外貌不像电晶那样半透明还闪闪发光,如果她带一个帽子遮住耳朵,再带一只全息眼镜来遮住高傲冷艳的目光,她完全可以和叶青一起出现在外界。 If there is a bystander to present, calling Commander is very definitely strange. 如果有外人在场,叫指挥官肯定很奇怪。 That has a nickname, has an aesthetic sense point mystically, you looked that the Electric Crystal name has the mystery very much.” Ye Qing and she said the idea, the latter arrives had not opposed. “那就起一个外号吧,更神秘更有美感一点的,你看电晶的名字就很有神秘感。”叶青把想法和她说了一遍,后者到没有反对。 After several minutes, Commander had the new name. 几分钟后,指挥官有了新的名字。 night. 夜娜。 This name sounded had mysterious and aesthetic sense, simultaneously the Commander name can add in front, Commander night. 这名字听起来带了点神秘和美感,同时指挥官称呼可以加在前面,指挥官夜娜。 Gave the name, Ye Qing thought that two people sense of distance was nearer. Moreover this fight clothing was also too conspicuous, Ye Qing thought that can help her choose several windproof coats. 起了名字,叶青觉得两人距离感更近了一些。另外她这身战斗服装也太惹眼了一些,叶青觉得可以帮她选几件风衣。 Chooses the clothes naturally to go to virtual world, can choose some life to install besides the windproof coat with the work clothes. 选衣服当然要去虚拟世界里,除了风衣外还可以多选一些生活装和工作服。 Used the special jurisdiction to help night of register a status account number, the birth race choice person clan. 利用特殊权限帮夜娜注册一个身份账号,出生种族选择人族。 After a half hour, Ye Qing and night appeared in virtual world, facing this brand-new world, night displays absolutely to be calm at present, she just liked to the surroundings and sardine equally crowded crowd has not heard. 半小时后叶青和夜娜出现在了虚拟世界里,面对眼前这个全新世界,夜娜表现出了绝对冷静一幕,她对周围和沙丁鱼一样拥挤的人群恍若未闻。 We can go to TMall star to choose the clothes, naturally you meet the thing that is interested in also to buy.” The Ye Qing speech simultaneously, opens the communication preparation in wrist/skill to call Electric Crystal, making it open the jurisdiction to brush 1 million virtual coins from the backstage to night. “我们可以去天猫星球选衣服,当然你遇到感兴趣的东西也可以买下来。”叶青说话同时,打开手腕上的通讯器准备呼叫电晶,让它从后台开权限给夜娜刷一百万虚拟币。 After five minutes, Electric Crystal of black cape appeared in front of Ye Qing. 五分钟后,一身黑色斗篷的电晶出现在了叶青面前。 In virtual world, Electric Crystal as before is the translucent sparkling appearance, periphery for does not cause is the attention of person clan, it uses the cape solid, seems like a sorcerer who oneself wrap. 在虚拟世界里,电晶依旧是半透明闪闪发光模样,不过为了不引起周围全是人族的注意,它用斗篷给自己包裹的严严实实,看起来像个巫师。 Led their two people to get TMall star transmission card, Ye Qing saying that made her spend casually, when considered to give her gift. 带他们两人领过天猫星球传送卡,叶青说让她随便消费,就当是送给她的礼物时。 Ye Qing then remembers suddenly, Ninth Stage ultimate gift parcel matter. 叶青这才恍然想起,第九阶段的终极礼包事情。 Lightens two Ninth Stage science and technology blueprint(s), not only can obtain to recruit Legend(ary) monster(s) Commander, after Commander recruits, meets the unlocking Ninth Stage ultimate gift parcel. 点亮两个第九阶段科技图纸,不仅仅可以获得招募传奇怪兽指挥官,在指挥官招募出来后,同时也会解锁第九阶段终极礼包。 Ye Qing remembers after Commander recruits, Monster Factory has not given any and gift parcel related prompt. 叶青记得在指挥官招募出来后,怪兽工厂并未给出任何和礼包有关的提示。 Has the question, Ye Qing to inquire night of doubts about the ultimate gift parcel. 带着疑问,叶青询问夜娜关于终极礼包的疑惑。 The Commander night elegant aloof said: Boss, the ultimate gift parcel must be able to receive to the outer space.” 指挥官夜娜高冷道:“老板,终极礼包必须到太空里才能领取。” Ye Qing and Electric Crystal reveal the confused vision simultaneously, Ye Qing ask strangely: Did not say that after you recruit, doesn't have other prerequisite conditions?” 叶青电晶同时露出迷茫目光,叶青奇怪问道:“不是说把你招募出来后,就没有其它的前置条件了嘛?” How can arrive in the outer space now?” “怎么现在又要到太空里?” Does not have other supplemental conditions.” Night blinks, „, but the ultimate gift parcel is Cruiser, Earth does not conform to its recruiting environment. If recruits forcefully, it starts the plasma engine when running out of the atmosphere, will cause very big impact fracture to the surface, strong plasma bunch that simultaneously it sprays, will also destroy a lot of air.” “是不存在其它附加条件啊。”夜娜眨了眨眼,“但终极礼包是一艘巡洋舰,地球并不符合它的招募环境。如果强行招募,它启动等离子发动机在冲出大气层时,会对地表造成很大冲击破坏,同时它喷射出来的强等离子束,还会破坏大量空气。” Then it doesn't return to the outer space is not good?” Ye Qing now full belly question, but this issue said, thinks and felt some own noob. “那它不返回太空不行嘛?”叶青现在满肚子疑问,不过这个问题说完,想想又觉得自己有些小白 Night said that the ultimate gift parcel is one can Cruiser that roams through in the outer space, if recruits on Earth, it must fly for a lifetime to the outer space. Even if not fly to the outer space, only hovers in the endoatmosphere. 夜娜说终极礼包是一艘可以在太空遨游的巡洋舰,那如果在地球上招募出来,它总不能一辈子不飞向太空。就算不飞向太空,只在大气层内翱翔。 The destructive power and sound that it is estimated that it creates, possibly compare ten long journey five rockets to bundle astonishingly together. 估计它造成的破坏力和动静,可能比十枚长征五火箭捆一起还惊人。 It is big, can Cruiser, the large-scale spaceship that fights in the outer space?” “它到底多大啊,巡洋舰,是可以在太空里战斗的大型飞船嘛?” Its full name called Arbitration level Cruiser, It lives for the outer space battle specially, the volume is about two aircraft carrier sizes.” “它的全名叫【仲裁级巡洋舰】,它专门为太空战斗而生,体积大约是两艘航母大小。” „......” Ye Qing and Electric Crystal looked at one mutually, sees to plant from the opposite party vision the feeling of calling tearing. “……”叶青电晶互相看了一眼,都从对方目光里看见有种叫撕裂的感觉。 Two aircraft carrier volumes? 两艘航母的体积? No wonder night said that is unable to recruit in the endoatmosphere. 怪不得夜娜说无法在大气层内招募出来。 Even if defers to two aircraft carrier weights to calculate, should be much more actually. 哪怕就按照两艘航母的重量去计算,实际应该远远不止。 That dead weight possible two 30 ten thousand tons arbitration level Cruiser, to fly in the endoatmosphere, perhaps the needed thrust force needs several million kilo Newton, needs several hundred long journey five bunches in the same place. 那艘自重可能二三十万吨的仲裁级巡洋舰,如果想在大气层内飞行,需要的推力恐怕需要几百万千牛,需要几百枚长征五捆在一起。 This thing flight, do't that can the sound of earth-shattering? 这玩意飞行,那不得天崩地裂的动静? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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