MF :: Volume #13

#1210: 1187: Transformed Buckler

Chapter 1210 第1210章 1187: Transformed Buckler 1187:被改造的巴克勒 This world was certainly insane. 这个世界一定疯了。 Or was insane. 要不就是自己疯了。 Buckler is thinking like this. 巴克勒这样想着。 That roaming cavalry army corps tactic Commander of lower berth walks to go forward, whole face sympathy, right General, which country are you at to hold an office?” 下铺的那位游骑兵团战术指挥官走上前,满脸同情,“对了将军,请问您在哪个国家任职?” Buckler said afraid to say a word, is the Tajana country. 巴克勒吞吞吐吐说,是塔加纳国。 He said that oneself is General, is actually tooting one's own horn to oneself. He in a Tajana country merely warlord, hand/subordinate several thousand soldiers, but also is continually regular militarized training no indigenous soldier. 他说自己是将军,其实是在给自己脸上贴金。他在塔加纳只是一个军阀而已,手下几千士兵,还都是连正规军事化训练都没有的土著士兵。 Tajana country?” Cavalry regiment tactic Commander has a head wet from the fog, that is what country, how to listen not to listen. 塔加纳国?”骑兵团战术指挥官满头雾水,那是什么国家,怎么听都没听过。 He looks at the vision of doubts to behind the companions, these people shake the head similarly. 他把疑惑的目光望向身后同伴们,这些人同样摇头。 On...... by the Nigeria country.” “就……就在尼加亚国旁边。” Law carves “法刻” Seven industry from USA military and Elite of aviation, scolds one immediately lowly. 七名来自美国军方和航空行业的精英们,立刻低骂了一句。 Damn, they also think a moment ago can be detained here by Monster Industrial, inferiorly is also the talented military commander who some country can assume sole responsibility for an important task. This black fellow introduced oneself is General, they think that at least was also real power General of South African that half developed country, can be joined to to become the status of Monster Industrial enemy. 该死,他们刚才还认为能被巨兽工业关押到这里,最次也得是某个国家能够独当一面的军事指挥人才。这个黑家伙自我介绍是位将军,他们认为最起码也得是南非那个半发达国家的实权将军,才能配得上成为巨兽工业敌人的身份。 Unexpectedly is name has not in the primitive small country wild General. 没想到,竟是一个连名字都没听说过的原始小国里野将军 This goods, they in carrying out the task have killed one stack at least. 这种货色,他们在执行任务中起码干掉过一沓。 It seems like they are really are scared by Monster Industrial, even past they in the vigilance and courage that the world each region expedition tempered, is vanishing gradually. 看来他们真是被巨兽工业吓破了胆,连昔日他们在世界各地征战锤炼出的警觉和勇气,都在渐渐消失。 In the dormitory eight beds, are also emptying one at this time. 宿舍里八个床位,此时还空着一个。 Finds Buckler to have the idea that wants to approach toward that bunk, cavalry regiment tactic Commander Armitage collapses the face immediately, rookie, please roll by the toilet to rest.” 瞧见巴克勒有想往那个床铺靠近的想法,骑兵团战术指挥官阿米蒂奇立刻把脸一崩,“新人,请你滚马桶旁边去睡。” „Did you have to plant say one again?” Buckler stares Armitage suddenly. “你有种再说一句?”巴克勒豁然瞪住阿米蒂奇。 No one dares to speak to him. 没人敢这么跟他说话。 In the Africa land, except for that youngster, on dares such to the person who he spoke, has paid the death price. 非洲大地上,除了那位年轻人,上一个敢这么跟他说话的人,已经付出了死亡代价。 Is the warlord in Africa, the years of schooling are unimportant. 非洲当军阀,文化程度并不重要。 Must have one to would rather die than importantly the gas transmission potential, this can emerge from one flock of hyenas. Therefore on Buckler this little while been mad jack-o'-lantern, the preparation and other fellows dare with on oneself ruthless one, to pinch the fist to make him again understand, on this lands who is Boss. 重要地是要有一口宁死不输气势,这样才能从一群鬣狗中脱颖而出。所以巴克勒这会儿被气的鬼火上头,准备等这家伙再敢跟自己狠上一句,就捏起拳头让他明白,这片土地上谁才是老大 Commander Armitage solved the way of conflict to be simple, his direct whip leg pulled out on Buckler head. 指挥官阿米蒂奇解决冲突的方式简单极了,他直接一个鞭腿抽在了巴克勒脑袋上。 The latter wooden stake type falls down straightly, was towed the dead dog the same as drag near the toilet by him. 后者木桩样直挺挺栽倒,然后被他拖死狗一样拖到了马桶边上。 Next day. 翌日。 Buckler was sprinkled by basin cold water awakes, heaving in sight is two is holding the arm, occupies a commanding position to take a look at his ranger SCS member. 巴克勒被一盆冷水泼醒的时候,映入眼帘地就是两位抱着臂膀,居高临下打量他的游骑兵特战队员。 In the dormitory is turning on a light as before. 宿舍里依旧亮着灯。 Buckler narrowed the swelling eye to look on a wall the prison, he just saw the bright moonlight to sprinkle in the prison. 巴克勒眯着肿胀地眼睛看了眼墙上铁窗,他刚好看见皎洁的月光洒在铁窗上。 Gets up, gives us to wash the clothes.” Commander Armitage kicked the paralysis with the foot in Buckler who the ground feigns death. “起来,去给我们把衣服洗了。”指挥官阿米蒂奇用脚踢了瘫在地上装死的巴克勒。 You kill me either, either after waiting, I kill you.” In Buckler's swelling eyes non-stop the emitting virulent vision, my Buckler has not bowed to anybody his entire life, let alone your group of captives, even your President also gave up any idea.” “要么你弄死我,要么等以后我弄死你。”巴克勒肿胀的眼睛里不停喷吐恶毒目光,“我巴克勒一生从没有向任何人低过头,别说你们这群阶下囚,连你们的总统也休想。” Commander Armitage, kuāng dāng kuāng dāng, shooting first with one hand and then the other was two Palestinian long-handled fans. 指挥官阿米蒂奇,“哐当哐当”,左右开弓又是两巴掌扇了上去。 After the fan ends, Armitage and another SCS member sneer, dies?” 扇完之后,阿米蒂奇和另一名特战队员冷笑,“死?” Entered here, you can die happily are an expectation.” “进了这里,你能痛快死去才是一种奢望。” You could rest assured that in the future years, your some are the opportunity kills me.” “你放心,在往后的岁月里,你有的是机会弄死我。” But I told you seriously, you will soon discover, today your blindly ignorantly courage, like losing the freedom scattered with the wind.” “但是我郑重告诉你,你很快就会发现,今天你盲目无知地勇气,会像失去的自由一样随风飘散。” You have the opportunity, actually does not have any courage.” “你有机会,却没有任何勇气。” Buckler was dizzy, now is awakened by these two slaps in the face thoroughly. Hears this foreigner to dare to question that unexpectedly own guts, that evil fire leapt one to burn the eyebrow at heart, counter- the hand has seized his trouser legs coverings, preparation bit. 巴克勒原本头昏脑涨,现在被这两个耳光彻底唤醒了。听到这个洋人竟然敢质疑自己的胆量,心里那股邪火腾地一声烧着了眉毛,反过手一把揪住他的裤腿,就准备一口咬上去。 Commander Armitage kicks the bread flour pocket the same as kick out of the way him, on the face not being angry expression, instead showed a strange smiling face unexpectedly. 指挥官阿米蒂奇踢面粉口袋一样踢开他,脸上竟然毫无生气表情,反而露出了一种奇怪笑容。 This smiling face, looked like met a joyful smile of fun toy. 这种笑容,就像是遇到了一个好玩玩具的快乐微笑。 Remaining several people that the surroundings watch the fun, unexpectedly is also a transcription so joyful smile. 周围看热闹的剩下几人,竟然也是一副本该如此的快乐微笑。 Naomi.” Armitage toward shouted behind, the young man who immediately the hair picks out the azure stubble stands. “内奥米。”阿米蒂奇朝身后喊了一声,立刻有一名头发剔成青茬的年轻男人站出来。 This toy gave you.” Armitage referred to the ground curling up one group of unlucky ghosts, the order said: Works two years of learned that set in Guantanamo Prison you, uses on this General.” “这个玩具交给你了。”阿米蒂奇指了指地上蜷成一团的倒霉鬼,命令道:“把你在关塔那摩监狱里工作两年学到的那一套,用在这位将军身上。” I give your half a month time, must transform a qualified servant him.” “我给你半个月时间,要把他改造成一名合格仆人。” Yes.” “是。” When the weather just shone. 等天色刚刚亮起时。 In the dormitory loudspeaker resounds the represented set the short sentry post. 宿舍喇叭里响起代表了集合的短哨。 The foreigner who seven wash is subconscious immediately shakes, then hurries to receive the smiling face, builds a docile clever expression to run diligently the dormitory. 七名洗漱完毕的洋人顿时下意识一抖,接着赶紧收起笑容,努力营造出一张温顺乖巧的表情跑出宿舍。 Buckler was also towed. 就连巴克勒也被人拖了出去。 Outside the dormitory, Monstrous Laborer is carrying basin full head, is turning the thick blobs of oil with a pot, inside big piece wool does not even have the belt/bring skin fat of light, with the stew of complete white vegetable outer leaf. 宿舍外,一名巨力苦工正端着一盆满头,和一锅翻着浓浓油星,里面大片连毛都没光的带皮肥肉,和完整白菜帮子的炖菜。 God, meat?” 上帝,肉?” Sees these compared with the finger also thick fat sliced meat, seven foreigners wish one could to soak in these oil soup the eyeball. 看见那些比手指还厚的肥肉片,七名洋人恨不能把眼珠子都泡进那些油汤里。 ...... …… Anut just welcomed the sunrise, at this time in Zhongyun City ten thousand li (0.5 km) away, as before a darkness. 阿努特刚刚迎来日出,此时在万里之外的中云市,依旧一片黑暗。 The sky in lightly is having the light rain, the rainwater is sprinkling in Dragon Creek Beach Factory, like giving this bustling with light Factory covered the one layer careful Baisha. 天空正在淅淅沥沥下着小雨,雨水洒在龙溪滩工厂里,就像给这座灯火通明工厂蒙上了一层细细白沙。 All over the body dark, just like the great whale same side-coupled huge ship, calmly lies in a sea connected immense dock. 一艘通体黝黑,宛若巨鲸一样的全密封式巨轮,正静静趴在与大海相连的一座巨大船坞中。 This is the [The Humpback Whale] nuclear power transport ship. 这是座头鲸号核动力运输船。 Now [The Humpback Whale] four leaves of cabin doors full, the dock top gantry crane, is slinging an orange yellow painting Colossus Type X to ship toward the cargo hold, also has entire seven in nearby goods area, with its exactly the same immense steel form. 现在座头鲸号的四扇舱门全开,船坞顶部龙门吊,正吊起一辆橙黄色涂装的巨神X型往货舱里装运,在旁边货区里还有整整七辆,与它一模一样的巨大钢铁身影。 In Underground Base under that barren hill of Dragon Creek Beach Factory middle position, surpasses 50 Metal Specialist and Master Craftsman at this moment gathers inside. 龙溪滩工厂中间位置的那座荒山下方地底基地里,此刻正有超过五十名的金属专家精巧大师聚里面。 In front of monster(s) worker, there are six diameter three meters, the height five meters silver-white metal vessel. 怪兽工人们面前,有六个直径三米,高五米的银白色金属容器。 These are by the high hard alloy material, and achieves 50,000 tons free swaging machine after the forging pressure, high-temperature pull Chang on the round anvil work table, forges the thick semifinished product that becomes again. 这些都是由高硬质合金材料,并经过锻造压力达到五万吨的自由锻造机,在圆砧工作台上高温拔长,再锻造而成的粗坯。 Overnight, monster(s) worker in Underground Base, forged six diamond resonating separates device The thick semifinished product of ore vessel. 一夜之间,怪兽工人们在地底基地里,锻造出了六个【钻石共振分离设备】矿石容器的粗坯。 But in them behind, that altitude is close to the 30 meter tetrastyle free swaging machine, is keeping forging the thick semifinished product as before. 而在他们身后,那座高度接近三十米的四柱式自由锻造机,依旧在不停锻造粗坯。 As the hammer stage of free swaging machine under presses slowly, was fixed the fiery red alloy thick semifinished product on round anvil work table, immediately gets down at the visible speed depressed. 随着自由锻造机的锤台缓缓下压,被固定在圆砧工作台上的火红合金粗坯,立刻以肉眼可见的速度消沉下去。 Follows the fire rain to scatter, lets the person heart fierce beat the depressed deafening sound. 伴随着火雨四溅,还有让人心脏剧烈跳动的沉闷震响。 In order to forges to be able in every second of oscillation amplitude one, the frequency in 1000 the storage ore vessel of resonance frequency next long-firing operation, monster(s) worker, must forge the skin hardness to be seven, anti- submitting surpasses 1500 Mpa, the tensile strength surpasses the 2000 Mpa ultra strength alloy steel. 为了能锻造出能在每秒振幅一,频率一千以内共振频率下长时间工作的储矿容器,怪兽工人们,必须要锻造出表面硬度达到七,抗屈服度超过1500Mpa,抗拉强度超过2000Mpa的超高强度合金钢。 And 12 diamond resonating separate device, must finish in three days. 并且十二座钻石共振分离设备,要在三天之内完工。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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