MF :: Volume #13

#1209: 1186: That crowd of mining worker

Chapter 1209 第1209章 1186: That crowd of mining worker 1186:那群挖矿的工人 The Nigeria moon, seems like the standard outer circle tonight. 尼加亚的月亮,今夜似乎格外圆。 This is the Ye Qing mood is perhaps excellent, effortless, attacked and captured the most difficult technological difficulty reason in virtual world. 这或许是叶青心情大好,不费吹灰之力,就在虚拟世界中攻克了最难技术难题缘故。 In any case Ye Qing release virtual world time, stands when landing out of the window overlooks the Anut capital city dim light of night, always thought that wheel pure white moon, is exposing the smile. 反正叶青推出虚拟世界的时候,站在落地窗外俯瞰阿努特首府城市夜色时,总觉得那轮洁白的月亮,在对着自己展露微笑。 The silver moon/month hangs in the upper air, pure white brilliance, not only exposes to Ye Qing one person. 银色的月挂在高空,洁白的光辉并不只对叶青一人展露。 In Anut Area, everyone bathes under this bright moon. 阿奴特区,所有人都沐浴在这轮皎月之下。 Is singing the happy cartoonists in the Hotel flat roof including that crowd, including around Sotu Rainforest, for the rare earth metal mineral, with concentrated uranium mineral struggle worker. 包括那群正在酒店露台唱歌欢乐的漫画家们,也包括正在索图雨林周围,为了稀土金属矿物,和浓缩铀矿物奋斗的工人们。 Sotu Rainforest is piece of subtropical Rainforest that filled with the rich primitive aura. 索图雨林是一片充满了浓郁原始气息的亚热带雨林 This piece of Rainforest is situated above the Africa prairie, Work of the Gods of nature, on this dry prairie, molds annual rainfall over 1500-mm mysterious place forcefully. 这片雨林坐落于非洲草原之上,大自然的鬼斧神工,硬生生在这片干涸的草原上,塑造出一片年降雨量高达1500毫米以上的神奇之地。 Here need dozens people of joint holding ancient trees everywhere are, here says one set of independent ecology system, inside proliferates is letting the dense ground vegetation that the person is hard to start. 这里需要数十人合抱的古老树木遍地都是,这里自称一套独立的生态系统,里面遍布着让人举步维艰的稠密地面植被。 Here is the forbidden area of life. 这里是生命的禁区。 On the Rainforest surrounding prairie, the generation is living the every large or small dozens tribes. 雨林的周围草原上,世代生活着大大小小几十个部落。 However several hundred years ago, the local tribe indigenous knows, around this piece of Rainforest is surrounding in that hills, is occupying one crowd Ghost. 但是在几百年前,当地部落土著们就知道,这片雨林周围环绕着的那片群山中,居住着一群“幽灵”。 No one can describe that crowd of Ghost concrete appearance, the local area indigenous only knows, in that piece of Rainforest contained the innumerable buried treasures. There everywhere is the attractive delicious fruit, everywhere is the lush prey. 没人能描述那群幽灵的具体模样,当地土著们只知道,那片雨林中蕴藏了无数宝藏。那里到处都是诱人可口的水果,遍地都是肥美的猎物。 For several hundred years, in the peripheral tribe has countless hunters to conquer there. 几百年来,周边部落里有无数猎人想要征服那里。 They stay behind, overwhelming majority, only then one has not to return to the experience that makes one sob. 他们留下的,绝大部分只有一段让人唏嘘的有去无回经历。 Ignorant indigenous thinks that there is living Ghost that eats the person, even the tribe most powerful hunters are unable to conquer that piece of bountiful Rainforest. 愚昧的土著们认为那里生活着吃人的幽灵,即使部落最强大猎人也无法征服那片富饶雨林 Monster Industrial told them with the modernized technological strength. 巨兽工业现代化科技力量告诉他们。 There does not have Ghost. 那里没有幽灵 There only then contains the High-Purity calcium uranium mica in surroundings mountain range. 那里只有蕴藏在周围山脉里的高纯度钙铀云母。 ...... …… The calcium uranium mica is the uranium 235 main extraction minerals. 钙铀云母是铀235的主要提取矿物。 Monster Industrial to mine these uranium mines, behind Sotu Rainforest, established an uranium Miner factory that specially has the uranium 235 concentrated to over 90% abilities, and takes these concentrated uraniums as the energy, set up hot nuclear power plant that ultra Supercritical Electricity Generating Unit comprised in Factory. 巨兽工业为了开采这些铀矿,特意在索图雨林背后,建立了一座具有将铀235浓缩到90%以上能力的铀矿工厂,并以这些浓缩铀为能源,在工厂内设立了一座由超超临界发电机组组成的热核电站 Buckler General was sent under custody by Banshee aircraft to the uranium Miner factory time, was just good is moon/month of the night of hanging the land. 巴克勒将军女妖飞行器押送到铀矿工厂时候,刚刚好是月悬大地的夜晚。 Where is this?” “这是哪里?” Lets loose me.” “放开我。” „Do you know that who I am, does your group of robber foreigner, believe the second day, can my army bring the person to trample flat here?” “你知不知道我是谁,你们这群强盗外国人,信不信第二天,我的军队就能带人把这里踏平?” Buckler General was also being detained the arm by two compared with the rhinocero strong foreign country strong men, although he cannot struggle to escape, but he can vent in the heart with the mouth the dreadful anger. 巴克勒将军被两名比犀牛还强壮的外国猛男押着胳膊,他虽然不能挣扎逃跑,但他可以用嘴来发泄心中滔天怒火。 If the looks can kill people, his two foreign strong men certainly in deep sorrow. 如果眼神可以杀人,他身边两名外国猛男一定被万箭穿心。 His solemn Tajana country west land king of prairie, the brave soldiers 5000, govern the next seven cities, several hundred villages. Because how many unexpectedly with one foreign youngster fails to agree, tied hands to detain to one completely mysterious Factory that is constructed by the concrete tall wall? 他堂堂塔加纳国西部大地上的草原之王,手下雄兵五千,治下七座城镇,数百个村落。竟然就因为跟一个外国年轻人的几句话不投机,就被五花大绑押到一座完全由混凝土高墙建造成的神秘工厂里? Why? 凭什么? He refuses to accept. 他不服。 That frame mysterious aircraft that even if he rides, descends in one piece is full of the science fiction style, even he two years ago arrives at the USA traveling, has not seen in Factory that has similar technical construction. 哪怕他乘坐的那架神秘飞行器,降落在一片充满科幻风格,连他两年前到美国旅游,都没见过有类似科技建筑的工厂里。 Buckler General was foul-mouthed, until was detained a square concrete construction entrance by two foreign strong men. 巴克勒将军一路骂骂咧咧,直到被两名外国猛男押进一座四四方方的混泥土建筑门口。 That is the door that is cast by silver metal, the gate opens together, Buckler General was trampled the time, his scolding sound also stops suddenly. 那是一道由银色金属铸成的房门,门一开,巴克勒将军被一脚踹进去时候,他的骂声也戛然而止。 His dumbfounded, in the metal door is four only in the bunk bed that in the military compound can see. Now in four bunk beds, the seven heads search from the gray bedding, stares him not silently. 傻眼了,金属房门里面是四张只在军营里才能见到的上下铺。现在四张上下铺里,正有七个脑袋从灰色被窝里探出来,一言不发地瞪住他。 Seven blond foreigners? 七个金发碧眼的老外? In Buckler General head is, that China youngster wants to do, this Factory is not the China person opens, how to have seven western countries foreigners? 巴克勒将军脑袋里全是云里雾里,那个华夏年轻人想干什么,这座工厂不是华夏人开的嘛,怎么会有七个欧美国家的老外? iron gate kuāng dāng closes simultaneously, shut in Buckler General during a seal construction that completely comprised of the question mark. 身后铁门哐当一声关上同时,也把巴克勒将军关进了一座完全由问号组成的密封建筑当中。 He the pestle like the root wooden stake in the entrance, on the black coal type face, a pair of snow white eyeball high and low change sizes up here. 他像根木桩一样杵在门口,黑炭样的脸上,一双雪白眼珠上下翻动打量这里。 Four bunk beds. 四张上下铺。 Corner even is separated no bathroom, opposite stainless steel basin, by the basin also placed seven iron cups neatly, inside put the toothbrush toothpaste, cup above was hanging seven towels. 墙角一个连间隔都没有的卫生间,对面一个不锈钢水池,水池旁边还整齐摆放了七个铁杯,里面放着牙刷牙膏,杯子上面挂了七个毛巾。 Looks at to the entrance wall time, Buckler General saw a row of iron-covered cabinet, the cabinet following to place seven pairs of work clothes shoes that neatly covered entirely the soil. 望向门口墙壁的时候,巴克勒将军看见了一排铁皮柜子,柜子下面整齐摆放着七双布满泥土的工装鞋。 Who are you?” “你们是谁?” You close here me, actually wants to do?” “你们把我关到这里,到底想干什么?” Buckler General over the face scowl, reproved with the hometown language asks toward this giving a name foreigner hand/subordinate equally. 巴克勒将军满面怒容,用家乡语言训斥手下一样朝着这起名洋人发问。 These seven foreigners, the emaciated look of malnutrition, the body wear the inexpensive work clothes clothing/taking wear a look , the surroundings are suspending the poor daily necessities, they saw just to send under custody oneself two China people, saw the cat like the mouse clever docile. 这七名洋人,一个个面带营养不良的菜色,身上穿着廉价工装服,周围摆着寒酸日用品,他们看见刚刚押送自己的两名华夏人,就像老鼠看见猫一样乖巧温顺。 Under the army 5000, in Buckler General that on this lands lords it over, where and will drill in the ore to mine the coolie exactly the same foreigner good complexion to this group? 手下军队五千,在这片土地上称王称霸的巴克勒将军,哪里会给这帮和钻矿里挖矿苦力一模一样的洋人好脸色? Questions that he occupies a commanding position, making these seven foreigners whisper, then rested the foreigners who approached the entrance lower berth to lift the quilts to sit. 他居高临下的发问,让这七名洋人交头接耳起来,接着一名睡在靠近门口下铺的洋人掀开被子坐了起来。 Rookie, in the report the name and is under the unit.” “新人,报上你的名字和隶属单位。” This person said that is English. 这人说地是英语。 Buckler General years of schooling are not high, English can only understand some simplest phrases. Therefore he first turns, in the local words: father cannot understand.” 巴克勒将军文化程度并不高,英语只能听懂最简单的一些常用语。所以他把头一扭,用当地话说:“老子听不懂。” Rookie, in the report the name and is under the unit.” That foreigner knitting the brows head of question, changed into Chinese. “新人,报上你的名字和隶属单位。”发问的那个洋人皱了皱眉头,换成了汉语。 Buckler General can distinguish this is Chinese, after all a short time ago he had the quarrel/corners of the mouth conflict with China youngster. 巴克勒将军能分辨出这是汉语,毕竟前不久他才和一位华夏年轻人发生口角冲突。 Naturally can distinguish, not representative he can understand. 当然能分辨出,不代表他能听懂。 Rookie, in report your name and......” “新人,报上你的名字和……” This time, is Arabic. 这一次,是阿拉伯语。 Boss that the Buckler General snow white eyeball stares, thought that this foreigner coolie his mother real false, can speak the three-country languages? 巴克勒将军雪白的眼球瞪的老大,心想这个洋人苦力他妈真的假的,能说三国语言? Rookie, in report your......” “新人,报上你的……” Rested to sit in the foreigner in upper berth, asked in Portuguese. 睡在上铺的一个洋人坐了起来,用葡萄牙语发问。 Rookie......” “新人……” Some people asked in German. 有人用德语发问。 Rookie......” “新人……” Some people asked in Zulu. 有人用祖鲁语发问。 Rookie......” “新人……” Finds Buckler General and a turkey stupidly stands there equally, some people asked in French. 瞧见巴克勒将军跟个火鸡一样傻愣愣站在那里,又有人用法语发问。 This Buckler General can understand time finally. 这一次巴克勒将军终于能听懂了。 Opens the Africa land, is one by Europe the history of blood and tears that non-stop colonizing. 翻开非洲大地,就是一部被欧洲不停殖民的血泪史。 These is also deepest in the mark that on this lands leaves behind by France, on the Africa main road, uses French to reach as high as 30 one for the Africa country of first language. In the Africa upper circles of society, cannot proficiently have a good command of French, is regarded as will not only have the nouveau riche of culture indigenous. 这其中又以法国在这片土地上留下的印记最深,在非洲大路上,使用法语为第一语言的非洲国家高达三十一个。在非洲上流社会中,不能熟练掌握法语,只会被视为没文化的暴发户土著。 Buckler General speaks certainly French, however he whole face in a terrified way had fallen back on near iron gate at this time. 巴克勒将军当然会法语,然而这个时候他已经满脸惶恐地退到了铁门边上。 Who these are, only has two people to ask merely, proficiently traded 78 foreign languages. 这些到底是什么人,仅仅只有两个人发问,就熟练换了七八种外国语言。 This talent in the Africa land, can mix the status of diplomat inferiorly. 这种人才在非洲大地上,最次也能混个外交官的身份。 Buckler somewhat said in French hesitant: I...... my name was Buckler, the duty was General.” 巴克勒有些犹豫地用法语说道:“我……我叫巴克勒,职务是将军。” General duty?” 将军职务?” Which country do you serve in?” Sits stands suddenly in that foreigner of entrance lower berth, the salute of facial features solemn said: I am under the USA specified commands the 75 th roaming cavalry army corps and first battalion Lieutenant Colonel operational Commander Armitage.” “请问您服役于哪个国家?”坐在门口下铺的那位洋人忽然站起来,面容严肃的敬礼道:“我是美国特种司令部麾下第75游骑兵团、第一营中校作战指挥官阿米蒂奇。” His finishing speaking, there is a person in inside upper berth to make the salute saying: General hello.” 他的话音刚落,又有里面一个上铺的人做起来敬礼道:“将军您好。” I am the USA air force Patterson Air Force Base first-level lieutenant colonel pilot.” “我是美国空军帕特森空军基地一级中校飞行员。” General hello, I am Lockheed Aerospace Airline Company high-level Engineer.” 将军您好,我是洛克希德航天航空公司高级工程师。” General hello, I am......” 将军您好,我是……” The seven foreigners in dormitory, one by one or sit or stand to Buckler the one after another salute and introduced own status. 宿舍内的七名洋人,挨个或坐或站地给巴克勒一一敬礼并介绍自己身份。 Buckler in French introduced that oneself duty is General. 巴克勒用法语介绍自己的职务是将军 These seven foreigners had not suspected slightly, because can be detained the person who here mines by Monster Industrial, is not the air force flying ace and special operations forces team Commander, in Aerospace aeronautical circle's famous high-level Engineer. 这七名洋人丝毫没有怀疑,因为能被巨兽工业关押在这里挖矿的人,不是空军王牌飞行员、特战队指挥官,就是在航天航空界闻名遐迩的高级工程师 Now are many General, is not out of the anticipation. 现在多了一名将军,根本不出意料。 They are American(s), the respective status early is clear with here manager confession. 他们都是美国人,各自身份都早早跟这里的管理者交代清楚。 At present this passing through the gate maintains the arrogant attitude black person as before, they, think his officer high weight naturally. 眼前这位进门依旧保持高傲态度的黑人,他们理所当然地,认为他官高权重。 How otherwise to be sent under custody alone by two managers? 否则怎么会被两名管理者单独押送进来? děng děng|etc|wait 等等 After seven foreigners introduced respectively, suddenly somewhat bewildered watching Buckler. 七位洋人各自介绍完后,突然有些莫名其妙的看住巴克勒。 How this General starts the both legs to tremble, did the forehead break into sweat? 怎么这位将军开始双腿发抖,额头冒冷汗了? You...... you.” Buckler General like contracting the heavy senile dementia, his tooth trembled up and down, what are you saying?” “你……你们。”巴克勒将军就像患了重度老年痴呆,他的牙齿上下打颤,“你们在说什么?” How are you possibly Lieutenant Colonel USA and major?” “你们怎么可能是美国中校和少校?” USA is the world most powerful country, you are talking nonsense what.” 美国世界最强大的国家啊,你们在胡说什么。” We have not talked nonsense, the foreigner surface appearance that seven sticking together warm up peeps. 我们没胡说啊,七个抱团取暖的洋人面面相窥。 What lieutenant colonel major this has, they were solemn can Social Security Bureau Bureau Chief and brigadiers-general plant in Monster Industrial, what unusual did a not being worth a red cent field grade military rank have? 中校少校这有什么,他们连堂堂能社会保障局局长和准将都栽在了巨兽工业手里,一个一文不值的校级军衔有什么稀奇? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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