MF :: Volume #13

#1211: 1188: plan of General Mopu

Chapter 1211 第1211章 1188: plan of General Mopu 1188:莫普将军的计划 When the Anut sky, raises to wipe the dawn first. 阿努特的天空,升起第一抹曙光时。 Ye Qing also wakes up from the alarm sound. 叶青也从闹铃声中醒来。 Two Metal Specialist have tidied up the personal effects, when going out, on the face also brings General Mopu of awake song sleepiness to wait in the entrance. 两名金属专家已经收拾好随身物品,出门时,脸上还带着惺忪睡意的莫普将军已经等候在门口。 Today is the day that Mr. Ye returns to homeland, besides send-off, General Mopu also made one prepare on some Africa main roads the quite precious as gold gift. 今天是叶先生回国的日子,除了送别之外,莫普将军还让人准备了一些非洲大路上比较金贵的礼物。 Ye Qing is impolite with General Mopu, he looks for these Ambergris who the person gets so far as, the treasured vase palm oil and so on Dou Dou especially likes. 叶青并没有跟莫普将军客气,他找人弄到的那些龙涎香,宝瓶棕榈油之类兜兜都特别喜欢。 Besides these, General Mopu also prepared two pure to reach the IF level radiant raw diamond stone. 除了这些,莫普将军还准备了两颗纯净度达到IF级的璀璨钻石原石 Two diamond, each diamond has the pigeon egg size. 两颗钻石,每颗钻石都有鸽蛋大小。 General you are......” go to the vehicle of airport, some Ye Qing quite accidents/surprises watch in the box, with the swan flannelette is fronting two best quality goods original drills. 将军你这是……”前往机场的车上,叶青颇有些意外地看住盒子里,用天鹅绒布垫着的两颗极品原钻。 The General Mopu this time writing skill is really big, if throws into the pockets of Europe these jewelry merchants two original drills, how long perhaps could not want, at some jewelry exhibition, can present two models of multi-million dollars diamond jewelry. 莫普将军这次手笔真不小,若是把两颗原钻丢进欧洲那些珠宝商人的口袋,恐怕要不了多久,某个珠宝展会上,就能出现两款价值几百万美金的钻石珠宝。 These two best quality goods drilled not compared with Ambergris, palm oil these local products. 这两颗极品原钻可不比龙涎香,棕榈油那些土特产。 The best quality goods drilled compared with the golden also precious as gold hard currency, by understanding of Ye Qing General Mopu, he is also far from being able to act wealthily casually the situation of 1 million dollars gift. 极品原钻可是比黄金还金贵的硬通货,以叶青莫普将军的了解,他还远没有富裕到可以随便出手百万美金礼物的地步。 Only if...... 除非…… Said General, has the matter to need my help?” “说吧将军,是不是有事需要我的帮助?” General Mopu scratches the head smiles, said that really has a matter to trouble Mr. Ye. 莫普将军挠头一笑,说确实有件事儿想麻烦一下叶先生 General Mopu is the position longs for and modernized international community trail connection moist sign General, is one likes profiting from other powerful nation development programs General. 莫普将军是位非常渴望与现代化国际社会接轨的潮牌将军,同时也是一位非常喜欢借鉴其他强国发展方案的将军 China is a very good teacher. 华夏就是一个非常非常好的老师。 Naturally this is not a General Mopu person is imitating, in Southeast Asia and in Africa continent, many third world countries the China development and change step by step, regards as the teacher who is worth studying. 当然这也不是莫普将军一个人在模仿,在东南亚、在非洲大陆,很多第三世界国家都把华夏一步步的发展变化,视为最值得学习的老师。 Yesterday General Mopu pondered half the night, finally made pace of development steps a bigger decision again. 昨天莫普将军思考了半宿,最终做出把“发展步伐”再迈得更大一些的决定。 Although he has not read Economic basis decides overtop structure These words, but 【To develop must have money This truth understands profoundly. 他虽然没读过【经济基础决定上层建筑】这句话,但是【想发展就得有钱】这个道理还是深刻明白的。 Unsurprisingly, will wait for Monster Industrial large quantities of machinery device to enter that three to drill the ore next week one after another. 不出意外,等下星期巨兽工业的大批机械设备就要陆续进驻那三座钻矿。 When the time comes, by the Monster Industrial terrifying producing capacity. General Mopu could not need a half year, can obtain one, in the past he had a dream does not dare to imagine low-grade to drill the sharing benefit amount. 到时候,以巨兽工业恐怖开采能力。莫普将军要不了半年,就能从中分得一笔,以往他做梦都不敢想象的中低品原钻分润金额。 Is this sum of money used to do? 这笔钱用来干什么? Naturally is used to develop Anut Area, develops it, can have the vigorous modernized society of health economical hemopoiesis ability. 当然是用来发展阿努特区,将它发展成一个,可以拥有健康经济造血能力的蓬勃现代化社会。 General Mopu spent for a long time, has studied China economic development model, with present stage economic situation. 莫普将军花了很长时间,去研究过华夏经济发展模式,和现阶段经济状况。 Especially after opening, these soars in a short time, but economical forced purchase. 尤其是从开放之后,那些在短时间内腾飞而起的经济强市。 He has thought development route that copies these cities. 他想过照搬这些城市的发展路线。 Then after mainly studies, General Mopu discovered oneself want. 然后重点研究完之后,莫普将军发现自己想多了。 China can become China, is not the government development project does merely correctly. 华夏之所以能成为华夏,绝不仅仅是政府发展规划做得正确。 Left that crowd of worker that has the selfless devotion, left these to neglect to eat and sleep, scientists who lifetime risk to scientific undertaking, China, even if invited the deity, is impossible to have today's economy and scientific and technological achievement. 离开了那群拥有无私奉献精神的工人,离开了那些废寝忘食,把毕生都风险给科学事业的科学家们,华夏就算请来神仙,也不可能拥有今天的经济和科技成就。 Even if today, General Mopu can have no fear of great distances to arrive on here Monster Industrial staff from these as before, smells this spirit. 哪怕在今天,莫普将军依旧能从那些不远万里来到这儿的巨兽工业员工身上,嗅到这种精神。 Said that is difficult to be obedient, General Mopu really wants the head to pull out, develops the route to copy China that several economical forced purchase. Perhaps in less than three years, entire Anut Area the family property that accumulates must be tossed about none. 说句难听话,莫普将军真要脑袋一抽,把华夏那几个经济强市发展路线照搬过来。恐怕用不了三年,整个阿奴特区的攒下的家底就要被折腾精光。 With a China person comparison, General Mopu felt own hometown group of compatriots, is one flock of pigs. 华夏人一比较,莫普将军觉得自己家乡这群同胞,就是一群猪。 Mr. Ye, my here has the Anut Area three years of development plan, do you help me refer?” 叶先生,我这边有个阿奴特区三年发展计划,您帮我参考参考?” General Mopu sees Ye Qing to nod, then starts to introduce delightedly plan that summarized recently, Mr. Ye you are know that buries the minerals that in land only, our Anut Area at present, can take acts.” 莫普将军叶青点头,便开始眉飞色舞介绍起自己最近总结出的方案,“叶先生您是知道的,我们阿努特区目前,唯一能拿得出手的也就是埋藏在土地里的矿产。” Digs the receiving in exchange development funds these minerals, obviously is the most convenient path, but it definitely is not only the one after another strip.” “把这些矿产挖出来换取发展资金,显然是最方便的一条道路,但它肯定不是唯一一条。” „Since you, I have been studying the China economic development route, wants to find one to suit our paths.” “自从跟了您之后,我一直在研究华夏经济发展路线,想从中找到一条适合我们的道路。” Afterward, I studied these emphatically from a region Houxiang Village, gradually developed the China miracle of world top grade economic city. I felt, in these cities, there is a place that very multiple-valued our Anut Area profits from.” “后来,我又着重研究那些从一片落后乡村,逐步发展成世界顶级经济城市的华夏奇迹。我觉得,在这些城市中,有非常多值得我们阿努特区借鉴的地方。” For example their introduction of talent plan.” “譬如他们人才引进方案。” Their public resource assignments and management......” “他们的公共资源分配和管理……” děng děng|etc|wait Ye Qing listened to discourse of several minutes of General Mopu, has to make noise to break him. 等等叶青听了几分钟莫普将军的高谈阔论,不得不出声打断了他。 How to listen to his meaning, this development plan has the idea of how many municipalities copying that? 怎么听他意思,这个发展计划有照搬那几个直辖市的想法? Insane! 疯了吧! Ye Qing decides to console his well, General I thought that you need calmly calm, China and your here has very big difference.” 叶青决定好好劝解他一下,“将军我觉得你需要冷静冷静,华夏和你们这里还是有很大差异的。” For example our cultural backgrounds, economic situation, even you must consider the education level of two countries......” “例如我们的文化背景,经济状况,甚至你还要考虑到两个国家的教育程度……” I understand me to understand.” General Mopu somewhat smiled embarrassed, these industries developed us to be definitely too difficult to learn, not only we, world also had no country to learn.” “我懂我懂。”莫普将军有些不好意思笑了,“那些工业发展我们肯定学不来了,不仅我们,世界也没有哪个国家可以学到。” But after I studied their municipal transportation data, discovered a very scary data.” “但我研究了他们城市交通数据后,发现了一个非常非常吓人的数据。” What data did Ye Qing ask? 叶青问什么数据? General Mopu said the entry population. 莫普将军说出入境人数。 Mr. Ye, light/only a Shanghai city, had four 10 million from the population of airport entering / leaving country last year, did you say this terrifying?” When General Mopu most starts to learn this data, the first response is the statistician is careless, added zero behind the figure. 叶先生,光尚海一市,去年从机场出入境的人数就有四千万,您说这恐怖恐怖?”莫普将军最开始获知这数据时,第一反应就是统计员粗心,在数字后面多加了个零。 Exit / entry population Ah! of city 一个城市的出入境人数啊! Let alone four 10 million, 4 million, are still even less than not the entire Nigeria population. 别说四千万,就算四百万,也比整个尼加亚的人口少不到哪里去。 But after General Mopu searches various Official statistics, discovered that this figure is real...... 可当莫普将军查遍各种官方统计数字后,才发现这个数字是真实的…… Then he also inquired other city entering / leaving country population, finally draws a conclusion. 然后他又查询了其它城市出入境人数,最后得出一个结论。 Did not need the wishful thinking to imitate the China industry development path again, came tourist casual of these China overseas travel little, the economy of their Anut Area can soar dozens percentage points. 不用再痴心妄想去模仿华夏工业发展道路了,把这些华夏出境旅游的游客随便拉一点点过来,他们阿奴特区的经济就能腾飞好几十个百分点。 Originally General Mopu to developing tourism this lacks confidence, the present stage only dares to take the wild nature as principal, attracts some Europe these to be very fond of the tourist of exploration to come. 本来莫普将军对发展旅游业这块信心不足,现阶段只敢以狂野自然为主打,吸引一些欧洲那些酷爱探险的游客过来。 But yesterday, after he ran into the China cartoonists who that crowd came the Anut Area traveling specially . 可是在昨天,他遇到了那群特意来阿奴特区旅游的华夏漫画家们之后。 General Mopu from these cartoonists pleasantly surprised repetitive faces, discovered China travels this, said that does not permit to have the worth doing greatly. 莫普将军从这些漫画家们惊喜连连的脸上,发现了华夏旅游这块,说不准大有搞头。 Does not check does not know, has a scare. 不查不知道,一查吓一跳。 General Mopu investigated a power of consumption of China tourist last night specially, after the investigation, discovers and compared with the China tourist, Europe that group of foreigners are not worth licking. 莫普将军昨夜特意调查了一下华夏游客的消费能力,调查后发现和华夏游客相比,欧洲那帮鬼佬根本不值得去舔。 He with hunted and seduction of abalone lobster detain that group of cartoonists several days specially free. 他特意用免费狩猎、顿顿鲍鱼龙虾的诱惑多挽留了那帮漫画家们几天。 He wants to understand that these walk, even can eat the wart hog that is not willing to eat to shout and wrangle to a native, takes China year people who the camera is pursuing several li (0.5 km) place, most hopes that can play what/anything in Africa, sees what/anything. 他想多了解一下这些走路上,甚至能对一头当地人吃都不愿意吃的疣猪都大呼小叫,拿着相机追出几里地的华夏年人们,最希望能在非洲玩到什么,见到什么。 Perhaps this group of cartoonists, just by several border control with the purchase illegal diamond excuse suffering a loss reason. 或许这群漫画家们,刚被几个边检员用购买非法钻石的借口吃过亏缘故。 They want not to think, told General Mopu, played what/anything also to wait for them specifically to play has been able to determine, but did cheap legitimate diamond and gold buys the project definitely to be hot. 他们想也没想,就告诉莫普将军,具体玩什么还得等他们玩过了才能确定,但搞便宜的合法钻石和黄金买买买项目肯定能火。 Therefore your final meaning, is the hope can with the China tourism department, facilitates the close bilateral tourism cooperation?” “所以你最后的意思,是希望能和华夏旅游部门,促成亲密的双边旅游合作?” General Mopu hurries ēn ēn to nod, unilateral cooperation is also good, I know that us few individuals can arrive at the China traveling luxuriously.” 莫普将军赶紧嗯嗯点头,“单边合作也行,我知道我们这边没几个人能奢侈到去华夏旅游。” Us can provide the visa-free to the China tourist, with the personal protection of absolute safety.” “我们这边可以给华夏游客提供免签,和绝对安全的人身保障。” Moreover local Hotel and construction of scenic site, I can hire China construction Company to construct.” “另外当地酒店和旅游景点的建设,我都可以聘用华夏的施工公司来建设。” These are not difficult.” Ye Qing thought that General Mopu this tourism development plan, puts that side the tourism department, can definitely pass happily. Since Monster Industrial comes Nigeria after the trailblazer, domestic present several large-scale industry the mineral resource goal placed Nigeria. “这些不难啊。”叶青觉得莫普将军这份旅游发展计划,放到旅游部门那边,肯定能愉快通过。自从巨兽工业来了尼加亚当开路先锋之后,国内现在有好几家大型企业都把矿产资源目标放在了尼加亚 And China had in the past flies to the international flight of that Nigeria country's, although merely stopover station, but later the tourist becomes many, clears the direct flight to have no difficulty. 并且华夏以往就有飞往尼加亚国的国际航班,虽然只是中转站,但以后游客变多,开通直航没有任何难度。 But......” the General Mopu forced smile said: Even if signed the unilateral tourism cooperation is still useless.” “可是……”莫普将军苦笑道:“就算签了单边旅游合作也没用啊。” 99% China friends have not listened to have our countries.” “99%的华夏朋友都没听过有我们这号国家。” Was 99.99% Ye Qing corrected his data. “是99.99%”叶青纠正了一下他的数据。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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