MT :: Volume #7

#656: Abyss big devil

The Purgatory world was dark cloudy and cold, now after Devil's Gate erupts, the massive negative energy product aggregates, here appears stranger, but terrifying. Place fire that the vault earth's crust spout fills, illuminates the Purgatory world primary light source, now the flame by the unceasing transpiration upward energy irrigation, the flame dark red or the yellow turns into one type flame that from the original tangerine is bringing the strange green light. 尼根世界本就幽暗阴冷,现在恶魔门爆发以后,大量负面能量积集,这里就显得更加诡异而恐怖了。穹顶地壳喷涌弥漫的地火,是照亮尼根世界主要光源,现在火焰被不断蒸腾向上的能量灌注,火焰从原来的橘红暗红或黄色变成一种带着诡异绿光的火焰。 Canyon that the Devil's Gate vestige is, now high Highland swells to turn into energy volcanos, the innumerable black energies like the adverse current waterfall, unceasingly spout from the crater. 恶魔门遗迹所在的峡谷,现在高高地隆起来变成一座座能量火山,无数黑色的能量就像逆流的瀑布般,正在不断地从火山口喷涌出来。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The grating keenly blowing such as ten thousand beasts gallop. 刺耳尖啸如万兽奔腾。 „Was this energy volcano?” “这就是能量火山了么?” Lancelot shocks the picture that looks is seeing at present, even if he also felt that unquenchable palpitation, is actually how strong energy burst can form such power and influence? The energy of the energy volcano spewing out, can destroy to disintegrate an entire city every second. 兰斯洛德非常震撼望着眼前见到的景象,哪怕是他对此也感到难以抑制的心悸,究竟是多么强的能量爆发出来方能形成这样的威势?从能量火山里喷涌而出的能量,每一秒就能摧毁瓦解一整座城市。 Should these many days release the strong strength? If this releases to cause the earthshaking disaster sufficiently, now actually gets together the gate of opening abyss, the abyss fearful place thus can also be inferred. 这么多天该释放出多强的力量?这要是释放出来足以造成惊天动地灾难,现在却都被聚合起来开启深渊之门,深渊的可怕之处由此也就可见一斑了。 „A flag inserted!” “阵旗已经插好!” Lancelot vision has swept the surroundings, although the energy volcano scale is big, the surroundings fill the energy to be rich, is impossible to see clearly other person of positions by the naked eye, impossible to exchange in this noisy environment, but truly can achieve by Divine Sense. 兰斯洛特目光扫过周围,虽然能量火山规模非常大,周围弥漫能量非常浓郁,以肉眼是不可能看清楚其他人位置,也不可能在这种嘈杂环境里交流,但是以神识确实可以做到。 Lancelot Divine Sense with dozens Heaven Domain 6th Layer above masters links, everybody distributes around four of energy volcano now, in front of everyone is inserting a giant flag, this flag uses the blood of god demon as a flag of material manufacture. 兰斯洛特神识与几十位天域六重以上高手连接在一起,现在大家都分布在能量火山的四周围,每个人面前都插着一面巨大旗帜,这面旗帜是以神魔之血为材料制作的阵旗。 The energy volcano essence is barrier. 能量火山本质是一种结界 So long as thinks the means suppressing it. 只要想办法将其给压制住。 Then will again not pose the threat. 那么也就不会再构成威胁了。 Some flags of Chu Tian refinement, these many top players present personally, should not have the too major problem. After all this discovery is prompt, luckily transmission of Miracle City and communications system, otherwise some people discover this crisis, enters Purgatory to prevent radically without enough time, finally can only look at Continent to fall helplessly the catastrophe. 楚天亲手炼制的阵旗,还有这么多顶尖高手在场,应该没有太大问题吧。毕竟这次发现非常及时,幸亏奇迹城的传送阵和通讯系统,否则就算有人发现这个危机,也根本来不及进尼根来阻止,最后只能眼睁睁看着大陆陷进浩劫。 Everybody is patient.” “各位稍安勿躁。” Records to wait till other three seals sincerely to prepare, we can begin.” “谨记必须等到其他三个封印地都准备完毕,我们才可以动手。” „The Chu Tian president said that four energy volcano interconnection penetrations, must therefore together the seal, otherwise seal 12, several other slightly slow, then by the energy of seal volcano from other three volcanic eruptions, being made other three volcanos obtain to strengthen, like this coped to eat.” 楚天大总统说了,四座能量火山互相连接贯通,因此必须要一起封印,否则封印其中12座,其他几座稍微迟钝,那么被封印火山的能量就会从其他三座火山喷发出来,让其他三座火山获得加强,这样对付起来将会更加吃了。” Lancelot transmits the thought using Divine Sense to everybody, duplicates Chu Tian has confessed the matter for everybody. 兰斯洛德利用神识将思想传递给大家,为大家重复楚天交代过的事情。 Everyone shows the earnest expression, they all are Continent top Expert, now actually has to take to Chu Tian, Chu Tian truly is the Continent for tens of thousands years the most outstanding rare talent, and morning of this crisis Chu Tian discovery offer solution, but also does not know what really will turn into. 每个人都露出认真的表情,他们个个都是大陆顶尖强者,现在对楚天却是不得不服,楚天确实是大陆几万年来最杰出的奇才,这次危机要不是楚天发现的早并且提出解决办法,还真不知道会变成什么样呢。 Probably waits for ten minutes. 大约等待十分钟。 Meng Qingwu said to other Lancelot as well as three seal heads using the communication: Attention, the attention, all parties are ready, now starts the countdown, ten, nine, eight and seven...... Second, one! Starts the seal!” 梦轻舞利用通讯对兰斯洛特以及其他三个封印点的负责人说:“注意,注意,各方准备就绪,现在开始倒计时,十,九,八、七……二、一!开始封印!” Lancelot starts Divine Sense fiercely: Starts big!” 兰斯洛德猛地发动神识:“启动大阵!” Dozens Expert grip a flag, the whole body Source Energy continuously use, these flags insert after the ground, calm automatic, and stimulates the formidable energy, turbulent violent fluctuates to bloom from the flag, sees only the ground to look like the spider web to present the rough seas dense and numerous traces immediately, these traces splice to combine mutually, finally turns into circular huge Array, covers the entire volcano unexpectedly. 几十个强者纷纷握住阵旗,浑身元力源源不断用处,这些旗帜插在地上以后,无风自动且激发出强大能量,一股汹涌猛烈的而波动从旗帜绽放开来,只见地面顿时像蜘蛛网般出现大浪密密麻麻的纹路,这些纹路互相拼接组合起来,最后变成一个圆形的巨大阵法,竟然将整个火山都覆盖在其中。 Volcano spout energy flux reduces half suddenly. 火山喷涌能量流骤然缩小一半。 Dozens Heaven Domain 6th Layer above Expert are responsible for establishing law, hundred Heaven Domain Expert are responsible for transmitting the Source Energy supplementary energy in the, this super seal big intensity could also be imagined. The non- matrix mark and Rune spread to cover unceasingly in the volcano, finally presents one to float spatial Source Energy Array in the crater position, stiffly crater sealing up. 几十位天域六重以上强者负责建立法阵,更有百名天域强者在附近负责传输元力补充能量,这座超级封印大阵的强度也就可想而知了。无数阵纹与符文不断蔓延覆盖在火山,最终在火山口位置出现一个浮空的元力阵,硬生生将火山口给封住了。 Must succeed! 要成功了! The Chu Tian Great Emperor stand in the abyss gate 30-40 li (0.5km) observes. 楚天大帝们站在深渊门三四十里观察。 In the sky collapses probably leaps the energy that the river surges to weaken rapidly, the dead ahead abyss position face energy in rapidly was also weakened, when twines thick dark clouds once more diverge, the people see these to revolve around abyss position face nearby living thing. 天空中好像崩腾大河般涌动的能量迅速减弱,正前方深渊位面门的能量也在迅速被削弱,当缠绕再次的浓浓黑云散去时,众人都看见这些围绕在深渊位面门附近的生物。 These living thing generally are the abyss devil images, somewhat looks like the octopus, somewhat looks like the insect, in brief is all sorts of strange and unusual unusual. These living thing clearly have the Gao Zhihui biology of technical civilization, because presents several similar small Airship things in their top of the head. 这些生物普遍都是深渊恶魔形象,有些长得像章鱼,有些长得像昆虫,总之千奇百怪非常奇特。这些生物显然也是有科技文明的高智慧生物,因为在他们头顶出现好几个类似小型飞船的东西。 Naturally. 当然了。 Totally different that these Airship battleships, Miracle Commerce makes, each is the spheroidal, its volume in dozens meters to hundred meters, the surface is similar hypha floating matter, the whole slowly will also wriggle, this at all likely is not the man-made product, but is one natural monster, but is they releases many abyss biology. 这些飞船战舰,奇迹商会造出来的迥然不同,每一个都是球型,其体积在数十米到百米不等,表面都是类似菌丝般的漂浮物,整体还会缓慢的蠕动,这根本不像是人造产品,而是一种天然的怪物,可是偏偏就是它们将很多深渊生物释放出来。 These strange things devil from abyss battlefield? 这些稀奇古怪的东西就是来自深渊战场的恶魔么? The abyss devils had found that the problem is, all sends out restless and angry roaring, uses is the abyss languages, Airship of several hair bulb shapes also starts, is preparing to open up an offensive in all directions. They realized obviously opening abyss gate energy seemed weakened is finding the way to prevent all these occurrences. 深渊恶魔们已经发现问题所在,全都发出不安和愤怒的吼叫,所使用的都是深渊语言,几个毛球形状的飞船都同时启动,正准备向四面八方展开攻势。他们显然意识到开启深渊门能量似乎被削弱在想办法阻止这一切发生。 Chu Tian said hastily: Young lady, Good enough, opened the transmission door!” 楚天连忙说:“大小姐,差不多了,开传送门!” Good, the space coordinate had determined that nearby energy flux is dissipating, disturbs to the space in the range.” The Meng Qingwu sound conveys from communication: Is opening the space transmission gate.” “好,空间坐标已经确定,附近的能量流在消散,对空间干扰在范围以内。”梦轻舞声音从通讯器里传来:“正在开启空间传送门。” When abyss biology devils prepare to open attack, they felt suddenly a space intense fluctuation, is blooming the ray space gate, suddenly presents in the field of vision range. 深渊生物凶神恶煞准备开进攻时,突然间他们都感觉到空间一阵强烈的波动,一个绽放着光芒的空间门,突然在视野范围里呈现出来。 Roar roar!” “吼吼!” These abyss living thing see this to roar, shortly will just like tidal starts to surge, the flame, lightning and dark ball, various gorgeous Can will attack, from this army will reappear, will just like the raindrop is crazy, but, they want obviously before the space transmission gate will form will see it to give to ruin. 这些深渊生物见此都怒吼起来,顷刻间犹如潮水般开始涌动,火焰、闪电、黑暗球,各种绚灿攻击,从这支军队中浮现出来,犹如雨点般疯狂而至,他们显然是想在空间传送门形成前见它给毁掉。 Protection transmission gate!” “保护传送门!” This matter does not need the Chu Tian build, ten Great Emperor level characters soar to keep off in front of space in abundance, their Source Spirit bloom in abundance, unites the hand to support ultra-large barrier, only depends on the attack that the strengths of ten people resist to come densely and numerously. 这种事情根本不需要楚天体型,十位大帝级人物纷纷腾空而起挡在空间门前,他们的元魂纷纷绽放出来,联起手支撑起一个超大型的结界,只靠十个人的力量抵挡住密密麻麻而来的攻击。 The space transmission gate gradually becomes clear. 空间传送门渐渐变得清晰。 Even if crosses for 1-2 minutes to form again officially. 哪怕再过一两分钟就能正式形成。 Offensive that these abyss living thing release is getting more and more formidable, the flight vehicle that type resembles the hair bulb also starts to play the role, the light beams of destructions stroke, lets defend barrier to present the massive fissures suddenly. 这些深渊生物释放出来的攻势却越来越强大,那种好像毛球的飞行器也开始发挥作用,一道道毁灭的光束击打过来,让防御结界骤然出现大量裂痕。 Even if this chapter is ten Great Emperor strengths suddenly is also hard to prevent. 这回哪怕是十位大帝实力一时间也难以阻挡。 At this time several flight devils fast approached, in their mouth has the turbulent energy, wants evidently before the space gate formed officially destroyed it. 这时候又有好几头飞行恶魔快速靠近,他们口中都含着汹涌的能量,看样子是想在空间门正式形成前将其毁去。 Cuts!!” “斩!!” This critical moment Great Emperor rises straight from the ground, releases Source Spirit is surely the different treasured swords, in his hand holds to grasp the great sword to turn into the hundred zhang (333m) to be long, adheres to stick cohere above the sword of Source Spirit surely in abundance, makes in the hand the great sword instantaneously colorful, a sword display, the world cracks, mops up a big piece of monster at the scene. 这个关键时刻一位大帝拔地而起,释放出元魂是千万把不同的宝剑,他手中持握巨剑变成百丈长,千万把元魂之剑纷纷附着其上,瞬间让手中巨剑变得色彩斑斓,一剑展出,天地崩裂,当场扫灭一大片怪物。 Another Great Emperor level character rises straight from the ground. 又一个大帝级人物拔地而起。 His whole body golden light sparkle imposing manner is astonishing, just likes a Jinjia war-god of being indomitable spirit, carries the infinite bodyguard to hit an abyss to be unusual directly, terrifying strength at the scene being split up of abyss unusual bang. 他全身金光闪耀气势惊人,犹如一个顶天立地的金甲战神,携带无穷卫士直接撞进一艘深渊非常,恐怖力量当场将深渊非常轰的四分五裂。 Now the abyss gate opening degree is limited, the biological strength that therefore runs is not generally strong, the boarding of abyss Airship is also very low. Naturally, here strong and weak relative, their small and weak are only the relative abyss strengths, in fact these monsters generally have a Heaven Domain 2nd Layer level, even if these strange unusual, does not need Miracle Commerce to make warship inferior many. 现在深渊门开启程度非常有限,因此跑出来的生物实力普遍不强,深渊飞船的登机也很低。当然,这里的强弱是相对的,他们的弱小只是相对深渊实力而言,实际上这些怪物普遍都具备天域二重水平,哪怕是这些稀奇古怪的非常,都不必奇迹商会造出来军舰逊色多少。 Finally the space gate appeared successfully. 终于空间门成功出现了。 The Miracle City space gate constructs successfully instant, first flees is more than 100 Miracle City black lightning fighter aircraft, next is two warships, afterward are hundreds of the master who thousand strike to clash from inside, these Expert that recruits from various countries, moreover various Undead, Flying Dragon, big dragon, Titan, Behemoth and other biology, the quantity in achieve 10,000 in a short time. 奇迹城空间门构建成功的刹那,首先窜出来是100多架奇迹城的黑色闪电战机,其次是两艘军舰,随后数以百计千击的高手从里面冲出来,这些都是从各国招募来的强者,另外各种亡灵飞龙、巨龙、泰坦、比蒙等生物,数量在非常短时间里就达到10000。 The abyss regiment sees this in great surprise. 深渊军团见此都大惊。 This is obviously very rather preliminary possibly has this science and technology? 这个未免明明很低级怎么可能有这种科技? Two world regiments launch in the Purgatory world attack mutually, although abyss regiment is powerful, but the abyss regiment quantity are too few, moreover makes up the soldier speed to be slow, Miracle City continuously has the top army to walk directly from the space gate, therefore the abyss regiment was suppressed quickly. 两个世界军团在尼根世界展开互相冲击,虽然深渊军团的实力非常强大,但是深渊军团数量太少,而且补兵速度非常慢,奇迹城则源源不断有顶级军队从空间门直接走进来,因此深渊军团很快就被压制住了。 Chu Tian exchanges with other Great Emperor with Divine Sense: Everybody do not waste the time, immediately closes the abyss gate along with me!” 楚天神识与其他大帝交流:“大家不要浪费时间,立刻随我关闭深渊门!” Good!” “好!” Several Great Emperor soars regarding the abyss gate in abundance. 十几个大帝纷纷腾空而起围绕着深渊门。 The abyss gate is actually a other dimension channel of ripping open, wants to close the abyss gate also is very actually simple, so long as crushing keeps the abyss gate energy order, then the abyss gate meeting loses balanced, under the other dimension principle automatic repair cicatrization, was moved under water the space and time that supports to reposition. 深渊门其实就是一个撕开的位面通道,想要关闭深渊门其实也很简单,只要击碎维持深渊门的能量秩序,那么深渊门聚会失去平衡,位面法则自动修复愈合之下,被潜行支撑开来的时空就会复位了。 Everybody collaborates to attack the abyss gate!” “大家联手攻击深渊门!” 19 Great Emperor simultaneously releases Source Spirit. 19位大帝同时释放出元魂 This could be said as the Continent for tens of thousands years most formidable joint attack, the terrifying offensive almost simultaneously to the abyss gate bang in the past, this struck, if can hit the abyss gate, then can definitely disrupt it. Who knows that attacks in everybody must hit the abyss gate instant, from the abyss gate sends out angry roaring. 这可以说是大陆几万年来最强大一次联手进攻了,恐怖攻势几乎同时向深渊门轰过去,这一击要是能击中深渊门,那么肯定能够打乱它。谁知道就在大家攻击就要命中深渊门的刹那,从深渊门里发出一声愤怒的吼叫。 Resembles the octopus tentacle thing, extends fiercely from the space and time crack, the lengths of two hundreds of zhang (333m), about 40-50 meters thickness, his surface covers entirely the thousands eyeball, this obviously is some terrifying part of abyss big devil body. 一条好像章鱼触手般的东西,从时空裂缝里面猛地伸出来,足足有两百丈的长度,大约有四五十米粗,他表面布满数以万计的眼珠,这显然是某一个恐怖的深渊大恶魔身体的一部分呢。 The Chu Tian complexion changes: „It is not good, dodge!” 楚天脸色一变:“不好,快闪!” This giant tentacle shape thing stands upright like the dangerous poisonous snake, that above dense and numerous eye simultaneously shines the ray, myriad death rays want the lasing to come out in all directions, interwove instantaneously in Purgatory the terrifying death network, a distant place small mountain peak is hit by ray, the entire summit part was ground into dust, big of these light beam might could also be imagined. 这条巨大触手状东西就像危险毒蛇般挺立起来,那上面密密麻麻的眼睛同时亮起光芒,万千道死亡光线想四面八方激射出来,瞬间就在尼根交织成恐怖的死亡网络,远处一座小山峰被一道光线击中,整个山顶部分都被碾成齑粉,这些光束威力之大也就可想而知了。 So long as all living thing were only hit by these, almost cannot escape by luck. 所有生物只要被这些光命中,几乎就没有能够幸免的。
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