MT :: Volume #1

#6: Making money important matter

The Demon Beast meat nutrition is rich, can strong and healthy body, even grows Source Energy, the right and wrong special method is not only able the cooking, the average person not to dare easily edible, even if cultivation base quite profoundness, is the strict limit edible, the situation of otherwise presenting the injury body. 魔兽肉营养丰富,能强身健体,甚至增长元力,只是非特殊手段无法烹饪,普通人不敢轻易食用,哪怕修为较为高深者,也是严格限量食用,否则会出现伤害身体的情况。 Chu Tian Source Energy cooking, almost solution all issues! 楚天元力烹饪方法,几乎解决所有问题! The first time! 第一次! Meng Yingying produces to go all out a thought! 梦莹莹产生想要想要大干一番的念头! In the life, does not have moment now to be likely powerful, does not have the moment warm-blooded to rush likely now, she thought that this is the fervor of undertaking, this to beforehand her, is almost the matter that wants unable to think. 生命中,从没有一刻像现在充满力量,从没有一刻像现在热血澎湃,她觉得这是创业的激情,这对以前的她来说,几乎是连想都不敢想的事情。 Where to start an undertaking to be so easy? 创业哪有这么容易? Isn't the elder sister equally powerful character, cautiously cautious? 姐姐一样强悍的人物,还不是小心翼翼如履薄冰? Meng Yingying does not have the elder sister to be calm and intelligent, does not have merchant some quick-witted sly and business brains, has mysterious Chu Tian, she by an intuition of glutton, has realized the broad market and opportunity! 梦莹莹没有姐姐沉稳和智慧,没有商人该有的机智狡猾和生意头脑,却有神秘兮兮楚天,她凭借一个吃货的直觉,已经意识到广阔的市场和商机! This opportunity was really too rare. 这种机会真是太难得了。 Meng Yingying was just dismissed, by the Han Shaolong shame, was in a trough, she wants to do a result, making all people have a look! 梦莹莹刚刚被开除,又被韩少龙羞辱,正处于一个低谷,她想干出一番成绩,让所有人看看! Chu Tian did not oppose actually, but asked one: How do you plan to do?” 楚天倒是不反对,只是问一句:“你打算怎么做?” We go to the square to sell the beef steak!” Meng Yingying said ambitiously: Made money, person of half!” “我们去广场卖牛排!”梦莹莹雄心勃勃说:“赚到了钱,一人一半!” Chu Tian hears these words, almost tea spurts. 楚天听到这句话,差点一口茶水喷出来。 The young girl of this nerve big strip is really the rare best quality goods! 这位神经大条的小妞真是百年难遇的极品! Hasn't the commercial value of electric lamp seen? 电灯的商业价值没看到么? Hasn't the ventilator commercial value seen? 风扇阵的商业价值没看到么? She has all neglected, only thinks that sells the beef steak. 她偏偏全都忽视了,只想到卖牛排。 This advanced cooking in hand, making money method some are, for example sells the technology to make money, for example the development franchising, which is very rich way, finally Miss Meng Yingying thinks of stupidest spreading one's wares on the ground for sale! 这超前的烹饪技术在手,赚钱方法有的是,比如卖技术赚钱,比如发展加盟连锁,哪个都是很有钱途的,结果梦莹莹大小姐想到最笨的摆地摊! ! 罢了! This is also good! 这样也好! Most at least, does not shout again is returning goods. 最起码,不会再嚷嚷着退货了。 The South Sky square in the town center, the nearby has mercenary soldier Guild, Symbol Technique Master Guild and Alchemy Master Guild, actually very lively section. 天南广场在市中心,附近有佣兵公会符术师公会炼药师公会,倒是非常热闹地段。 Meng Yingying is a going ahead impatient person, immediately spends 10 gold coins to enter to buy 200 the beef steaks of moonlight cows, then buys some basic kitchen necessities, took some furniture from the family and obstructs the umbrella greatly, is drawing with a beast car(riage), entrains the square Chu Tian together. 梦莹莹是一个说做就做的急性子,立刻花费10金币进购200块月光牛的牛排,接着买一些油盐酱醋,从家里拿了一些桌椅和大遮雨伞,用一辆兽车拉着,把楚天一起拽去广场。 How how much money does the beef steak sell to be appropriate?” Meng Yingying sits in the compartment, reveals to feel embarrassed the expression, fresh beef steak that buys from the material market, must together 5 silver coins!” “咋们的牛排卖多少钱合适呢?”梦莹莹坐在车厢里,露出为难表情,“从材料市场买来的新鲜牛排,一块都得5银币呢!” Chu Tian proposed: In my opinion, each 1 gold coin!” 楚天提议道:“依我看,每一份1金币!” Meng Yingying flashes through one startled to accommodate: Expensive some will such people buy?” 梦莹莹闪过一丝惊容:“这么贵会有人买吗?” 1 gold coin = 100 silver coin = 10000 copper cash, the moon/month expenditure of ordinary three family in 20-30 silver coins about, Meng Yingying studies in the illustrious Grandmaster Zhang Liqing hanger-on, four years of school expense 2000 gold coins. 1金币=100银币=10000铜币,普通三口家庭的月开支就在20-30银币左右,梦莹莹在赫赫有名的张立清大师门下学习,四年学费不过2000金币。 The moonlight yak freely is Demon Beast, is actually most preliminary Level 1 Demon Beast, Meng Yingying buys 200 fresh beef steaks, altogether spends 10 gold coins merely! 月光牦牛尽管是魔兽,却是最低级的1级魔兽,梦莹莹买200块新鲜牛排,总共仅仅花费10金币而已! A beef steak price arrived at average person two moon/month many normal expenditures! 一块牛排价格抵普通人两月多的正常开支了! Will some people buy really? 真的有人会买吗? Chu Tian said: Average person will not eat the Demon Beast meat, has consumer who the ability purchases the Demon Beast meat, is not Practitioner is the rich person, they will not care about this money.” 楚天解释说:“普通人根本不会吃魔兽肉,有能力购买魔兽肉的消费者,不是修炼者就是富人,他们不会在乎这点钱的。” Chu Tian sees Meng Yingying a little to be swayed by personal gains and losses, immediately the tough stance said: We hoard as a rare commodity, moreover unique, ten times of profits do not have, that was not worth setting up a stall. Listens my, right! However do not forget one pledged, the money of if making must be divided my half.” 楚天梦莹莹有点患得患失,立刻强硬态度说:“我们奇货可居,而且独此一家,十倍利润都没有,那就不值得出来摆摊了。听我的,没错!不过不要忘记自己承诺,如果赚到的钱要分我一半。” Meng Yingying hears here, immediately racket full chest, righteousness thin Yun Tianhe said: Relax, the I, Meng Yingying speech always kept a promise, how if can make money, a copper coin must have you.” 梦莹莹听到这里,立刻拍拍饱满胸脯,义薄云天的说:“放心吧,我梦莹莹说话从来都算数,若是咋们能赚钱,一个铜板都少不了你。” ............ ………… South Sky square. 天南广场。 Tall tall and straight palm trees stand and wait for a long time in the both sides of road, each palm tree hangs all over the gigantic fruit, this palm tree is called Sun brown, daytime can absorb the sunlight, night the blooming ray illuminates the road, this plant is equal to the street light of this world. 一颗颗高大挺拔的棕树伫立在路的两旁,每一棵棕树都挂满硕大果实,这种棕树叫做太阳棕,白天能够吸收阳光,夜晚则绽放光芒来照路,这种植物相当于这个世界的路灯。 In various lawn flower gardens covers entirely the illumination plant. 各种草坪花圃里面布满发光植物。 For example moonlight mushroom, for example luminous flower, bright with many colors, very attractive. 比如月光蘑菇、比如夜明花,五光十色,非常的漂亮。 The tall buildings and store shop, above these constructions, all the crawling full glimmer vine, agrees to glitter the colorful ray, just likes more effect of red candle, including some are the constitution sparkle the shining billboard. 高楼大厦、商铺店铺,这些建筑上面,全都爬满微光藤蔓,同意闪烁着五颜六色光芒,犹如弥红灯的效果,其中有一些更是构成闪闪发亮的广告牌。 The passers-by raise the pumpkin and jellyfish lamp, is taking a walk leisurely and carefree. 路人提南瓜灯、水母灯,正在悠闲散着步。 Pumpkin, actually calling sunlight pumpkin plant, after sunlight pumpkin is mature, the entire pumpkin picks, soaks the special liquid medicines, making its long time retain the bright characteristics. But sunlight pumpkin can store up light element in sunlight in daytime, when automatically will bloom to the night, raises just likes in the hand the lantern is the same. 南瓜灯,其实一种叫“日光南瓜”的植物,当“日光南瓜”成熟以后,整个南瓜摘下来,浸泡特殊药水,使其长时间保留鲜活特性。而“日光南瓜”在白天能储存阳光里的光元素,当到夜晚就会自动绽放出来,提在手里犹如灯笼一样。 The jellyfish lamp, is actually a special Source Energy living thing, because Source Energy is weak, almost does not have any battle efficiency, is similar to the firefly floats in the wilderness, will bloom every day to the night the ray. Fluorescent jellyfish reproduction speed is quick, is suitable to treat as biological lamps and lanterns, specifically is used to provide at night according to the road. 水母灯,其实是一种特殊的元力生物,因为元力非常弱,几乎不具备什么战斗力,如同萤火虫般在荒野漂浮,每天到夜晚就会绽放出光芒。荧光水母繁殖速度很快,非常适合当做一种生物灯具,专门用来提供夜间照路。 The South Sky City road speeds away is the beast car(riage)s, has the monitor lizard to pull a cart, has the great cow to pull a cart, has Demon Beast to pull a cart, the variety is rich, is mysterious. 天南城公路疾驰的都是兽车,有巨蜥拉车,有巨牛拉车,有魔兽拉车,品种丰富,非常神奇。 This is the urban night scene of this world, half is the plant, half is the city, the urban lively picture and nature perfect integration together, without any contradictory place. 这就是这个世界的城市夜景,一半是植物,一半是城市,城市繁华景象与自然完美融合到一起,没有任何矛盾的地方。 Meng Yingying came late. 梦莹莹来晚了。 The place that the entire square can set up a stall, had almost been seized, she has to look for a relative surrounding position to stop over, demonstrates the prepare location. 整个广场能摆摊的地方,几乎都已经被占领,她只好找一个相对外围位置落脚,显示布置好场地。 In a big hurry quick!” “快快快!” „The I'm coming lane obstructs the umbrella!” 我来弄遮雨伞!” You go to hang the electric lamp!” “你去把电灯挂好!” The electric lamp bulb shines instantaneous, surroundings pedestrian looks askance, the electric lamp ray is very bright, the ray is also very stable, was more outstanding than the biological illumination or crystal lamp. The people cannot look, the electric lamp is any thing. 电灯泡亮起来瞬间,周围行人纷纷侧目,电灯光芒很亮,光线也很稳定,远比生物照明或晶石灯优秀了。只是,人们都看不出来,电灯到底是什么东西。 Meng Yingying wears the long dress trousers, is the good scarf, wears the mask, she is a little anxious, but the victory or defeat in this at one fell swoop, shouts immediately loudly: Sells the moonlight beef steak, delicious the beef steak of nutrition, gold coin!” 梦莹莹穿着长衣长裤,系好围巾,戴着口罩,她有点紧张,不过胜败在此一举,立刻大声喊起来:“卖月光牛排,好吃又营养的牛排,一金币一份!” Meng Yingying is thick the facial skin to shout several. 梦莹莹厚着脸皮喊几句。 Because the light bulb and beautiful woman relate, nearby surrounds the person is increases much. 因为灯泡和美女关系,附近围观人是增加不少。 Meng Yingying discovers a depressed phenomenon, although the crowds are many, but the stall is abegging, her is at heart anxious. Evening's won't be able to sell? First time does business is defeated, that attack was too big! 梦莹莹发现一个郁闷的现象,虽然围观群众很多,但是小吃摊无人问津,她的心里不禁焦急起来。不会一晚上一份都卖不出去吧?第一次做生意就失败,那打击就太大了! Strangely what this beef steak has, can sell unexpectedly such expensively?” “这牛排有什么稀奇的,竟然能卖得这么贵?” A wear helmet and armor and waist hang the long sword, to carry the uncle of iron bow to walk the inquiry. 一个穿着盔甲、腰悬长剑、还背着铁弓的大叔走过来询问。 Meng Yingying has not opened the mouth, Chu Tian first said: Uncle is the first guest, we asked you to eat free. If thinks, that much supports, propagandizes 12 for us.” 梦莹莹还没有开口,楚天就抢先说道:“大叔是第一个客人,我们免费请你吃。若觉得还可以,那就多多捧场,为我们宣传12。” Free? Since there is this good deed, I am impolite!” “免费?既然有这种好事,那我就不客气了!” This was one just carried out the mercenary soldier who duty came back, the mercenary soldier is not short of money generally, has not seen some people to set up a stall probably sells the Demon Beast meat, therefore curious under asked that finally met the opportunity of free tasting, that cannot certainly let off. 这是一个刚刚执行任务回来的佣兵,佣兵一般都是不缺钱的,大概没见过有人摆摊卖魔兽肉,所以好奇之下就来问,结果遇到免费品尝的机会,那当然不能放过了。 Chu Tian causes a look to Meng Yingying. 楚天梦莹莹使一个眼神。 Good, you wait / etc.!” “好嘞,你等等!” Meng Yingying takes up a beef steak to put into the pot, fries cautiously the beef steak, carries to the mercenary soldier uncle in front of personally. 梦莹莹拿起一块牛排下锅,小心翼翼把牛排煎好,亲自端到佣兵大叔面前。 In tray thoroughly ripe beef steak, making the mercenary soldier uncle violate the whisper, year to year outside carries out the task, has not hunted little and killed Demon Beast, fully realized that the Demon Beast meat very difficult ingredients, this girl to conjure to be the same probably, how many minutes burn one unexpectedly, won't this be the false meat? 盘子里熟透的牛排,让佣兵大叔心里直犯嘀咕,常年在外执行任务,没有少猎杀魔兽,深知魔兽肉很难料理,这个女孩好像变戏法一样,竟然几分钟就烧好一份,这不会是假的肉吧? The mercenary soldier uncle shears a meat with the blade, cautiously fills toward the mouth. 佣兵大叔用刀割好一块肉,小心翼翼的往嘴里塞去。 Hissing......” “嘶……” The mercenary soldier uncle brow closely wrinkles immediately. 佣兵大叔眉头顿时紧紧皱起来。 This makes Meng Yingying be anxious, beef steak is not for fear that tasty, the mercenary soldier uncle has not appraised, immediately cuts to fill together toward the mouth, the speed that he eats is quick, almost less than three minutes, the entire beef steak entered in the belly. 这让梦莹莹揪起心来,生怕牛排不对胃口,佣兵大叔没有评价,立刻又切下一块往嘴里塞去,他吃的速度很快,几乎三分钟不到,整块牛排就进了肚子里。 Good! Good! Good!” The uncle wipes the mouth to stand, laughs brightly crisply several: This meat is really good, absolutely resources are well used!” “好!好!好!”大叔擦擦嘴站起来,朗爽大笑几声:“这肉真不错,绝对物有所值!” Meng Yingying shows the wild with joy expression: Thanks the uncle!” 梦莹莹露出狂喜表情:“谢谢大叔!” Although had not made money, but won others to approve, that is also the matter of filling people with enthusiasm! 虽然没有赚到钱,但是赢得人家认可,那也是振奋人心的事情啊! The mercenary soldier uncle pulls out three gold coins refreshedly: Such the thing of delicacy, I must bring to go back to give the wife the child to taste, packs three to me!” 佣兵大叔非常爽快掏出三枚金币:“这么美味的东西,我要带回去给老婆孩子尝尝,给我打包三份!” Really success! 真的成功了! This is not only the today's first business, is in the Meng Yingying life first making money, has important meaning and value that is unable to weigh, if this matter told the elder sister, the elder sister will be very certainly happy! 这不仅仅是今天第一笔生意,更是梦莹莹人生中第一次赚钱,有着无法衡量的重要意义和价值,这件事情要是告诉姐姐,那姐姐一定会很高兴的! Meng Yingying receives money time, almost jumps excitedly, three gold coins quite for half a month the spending money, the relaxedness gained. She wishes one could to come a hug to celebrate with Chu Tian, but more pleasantly surprised matter also in behind. 梦莹莹收到钱的时候,几乎激动地跳起来,三枚金币相当半个月零花钱,轻轻松松就赚到手了。她恨不得跟楚天来一个拥抱庆祝,不过更惊喜的事情还在后头。 „Isn't that Fierce Tiger Mercenary Group Wang Laosi? His nitpicking, he thinks very much very satisfied, is difficult to be inadequate is very delicious?” “那不是猛虎佣兵团的王老四么?他的性格挑剔的很呢,他都觉得很满意,难不成真的挺好吃?” Who knows that tastes!” “谁知道呢,去尝尝!” Two young bosses, here comes one!” “两位小老板,这里来一份!” I also come one!” “我也来一份!” „......” “……” The mercenary soldier uncle responded that arouses the interests of many person, immediately comes on the person who several mercenary soldiers dress up the attempt, finally effect extraordinary good. The stall business from is abegging immediately, becomes the human spirit increases, Chu Tian and Meng Yingying are together busy, beef steak assume. 佣兵大叔反应,引起很多人的关注,立刻就几个佣兵打扮的人过来尝试,结果效果出奇的好。小摊生意顿时从无人问津,变得人气直增,楚天梦莹莹一起忙碌,牛排一块块呈上去。 Delicious!” “好吃!” Flavor is really good!” “味道真不错!” Packs for me!” “为我打包一份!” Was too delicious, I must tell in the group the brothers, making everybody taste!” “太好吃了,我要告诉团里兄弟,让大家来尝尝!” Boss, you later must come frequently, we will continue to give thought to pay attention to!” “老板,你以后要经常来哦,我们会继续关顾的!” ............ “…………” Shining money fall into the purse. 一枚枚金灿灿的钱币掉进钱袋。 The Meng Yingying mouth quickly smiled crookedly, she long such greatly does not have a celestial phenomenon to be like this happy today, does not have a celestial phenomenon to be equally enthusiastic today and sense of achievement, found the direction like the person of wrong path, found oneself value and position, this feeling was very good. 梦莹莹嘴都快笑歪了,她长这么大就没有一天像今天这样开心,更没有一天像今天一样充满激情和成就感,像迷途的人找到方向,找到自己价值和位置,这种感觉真的很好。 The customers are in the majority by the mercenary soldier, the mercenary soldier is straightforward, gets rid is also very extravagant. 顾客以佣兵居多,佣兵性格豪爽,出手也是很阔绰。 Although Chu Tian prepares three pots spare, but the business irritable degree, obviously somewhat goes beyond the expectation, their cultivation base is not high, can only restore Source Energy to fry the beef steak in turn...... Two hours of world, sells more than 100 unexpectedly! 虽然楚天准备三口锅备用,不过生意火爆程度,显然有些超出预料,两人修为都不高,只能轮流恢复元力来煎牛排……两个小时的世界,竟卖出去100多份! Chu Tian and Meng Yingying soon were also tired are in shock! 楚天梦莹莹也快要累得休克了! Meng Yingying while the rest time, goes into other stalls, buys two cups of cold drinks to come back, she gives Chu Tian one cup: Our business were good, is almost unbearably busy, we should hire a manpower, this can increase the income.” 梦莹莹趁着休息时候,跑到其他地摊,买两杯冷饮回来,她递给楚天一杯:“我们的生意太好了,几乎忙不过来,我们应该雇一点人手,这样才能增加收益呀。” „Do you have the brain?” Chu Tian wipes the full sweat with the dirty towel, drinks big ice fruit juice saying: Since the echo is so good, that should increase the investment, for example registers a chamber of commerce, in a hotel, finding the way to fire own brand, by spreading one's wares on the ground for sale to have prospects?” “你到底有没有脑子?”楚天用脏毛巾擦擦满头汗水,喝一大口冰果汁道:“既然反响这么好,那就应该加大投资,比如注册一个商会,在开一家酒店,想办法打响自己的品牌,靠摆地摊能有出息?” Nod of Meng Yingying chicken calligraphy stroke rice: Right, right, first contributes money, then opens a shop! I listen your!” 梦莹莹小鸡啄米似的点点头:“对,对,先攒钱,再开店!我听你的!” Meng Yingying gets to know the benefits , the courage also changed fat, Zhang Liqing drew back 2000 gold coins, decided to deduct secretly does not deliver, treats as own undertaking fund, so long as competently became the enterprise, the elder sister not only will not blame, instead will take itself as the honor! 梦莹莹尝到甜头,胆子也变肥了,张立清退回来2000金币,决定私自扣下不上交,当做自己的创业资金吧,只要能干成事业,姐姐非但不会怪罪,反而会以自己为荣的! Right! 对! Like this right! 这样准没错! So long as does with Chu Tian together, that certainly is the rich way! 只要跟着楚天一起干,那一定是有钱途的!
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