MT :: Volume #1

#5: Elementary force pan

In the afternoon, fierce Yang Ruhuo. 午后,烈阳如火。 Meng Yingying sits in the swing of yard rocks gently, the sunlight sprinkles on the bright and clean busy flesh, reveals the thigh to be snow white, young and fresh-looking can twist the water leakage. Fine cheeks become dirty, the clear teardrops broken line pearl falls likely, the delicate appearance, making the person unable to bear have the protection desire. 梦莹莹坐在小院的秋千轻轻晃动,阳光洒在光洁无暇肌肤上,更显大腿雪白诱人,水嫩的能拧出水。只是,一张精致的脸颊变得脏兮兮,晶莹泪珠像断线珍珠掉下来,柔柔弱弱的样子,让人忍不住产生保护欲。 A mindless sound passes on. 一个没心没肺的声音传过来。 May find you!” “可找到你了!” I was starving, didn't you provide food?” “我快饿死了,你难道不管饭么?” The Chu Tian hair is chaotic, two awake song walk, appearance that has not awaked. 楚天头发乱糟糟,两眼惺忪走过来,一副没睡醒的模样。 Meng Yingying turned the face away snort|hum said: „Do you awake unexpectedly? Now is afternoon!” 梦莹莹扭过脸哼道:“你竟然才睡醒?现在已经是下午了!” Chu Tian said righteously: You arrange to the house that I live, was small and dirty, did not have including the oil lamp, let alone pots and pans . Moreover the window was very small, almost did not ventilate, the Great Summer day was stuffy looks like the canned food, how making me rest?” 楚天理直气壮说:“你安排给我住的房子,又小又脏就算了,连盏油灯都没有,更别说锅碗瓢盆了,而且窗户很小,几乎不透风,大夏天闷得像罐头,让我怎么睡?” Meng Yingying: Yes?” 梦莹莹楞一下:“是么?” That also used saying that bedboard was hard, rests me to be backbreaking.” Chu Tian is moving the physique, a very uncomfortable appearance: Luckily the elder brother is intelligent and quick-witted, I pry open the gate of warehouse, from putting out some materials improved the lodging condition, under this tosses about, the sky is about to have shone, I am sleepy and tired, this lies on the bed, a nature sleep lethargic sleep had been to noon.” “那还用说,床板硬邦邦,睡得我腰酸背痛。”楚天活动着筋骨,一副很不舒服样子:“幸亏哥聪明又机智,我撬开仓库的门,从拿出一些材料把住宿条件改善了一下,这番折腾之下,天都快亮了,我又困又累的,这躺在床上,自然一觉昏睡到过了中午。” So that's how it is. 原来如此。 Wait / Etc.! 等等! He pries open the gate of warehouse! 他撬开仓库的门! This fellow is bold! 这家伙胆大包天啊! Chu Tian discovered that the Meng Yingying complexion has the tear stains, „, how you have cried, by my pitiful bitter experience, the spirit that as well as in the adverse circumstance strove constantly for self-improvement moving?” 楚天发现梦莹莹脸色有泪痕,“咦,你怎么哭了,难道是被我悲惨遭遇,以及逆境中自强不息的精神给打动了?” Meng Yingying wipes an eye, said panting in indignation: Nonsense, I was been sad by the teacher dismissal, no matter I your life!” 梦莹莹擦一把眼睛,气呼呼说道:“胡说八道,我是被老师开除了才难过,我才不管你死活呢!” Chu Tian beckons with the hand: Hi, big matter, but the old ordinary man dismantles the bridge after crossing, this is truly insincere.” 楚天摆摆手:“嗨,多大点事,不过老匹夫过河拆桥,这确实太不厚道。” The Meng Yingying two jade legs in a flash, whiz jump down from the swing, two fork waists stand in the front, do not speak irresponsibly, although was dismissed by Grandmaster Zhang, but may draw back the school expense, this is equal to teaching without charge in vain for four years, hasn't he obtained any advantage?” 梦莹莹两条玉腿一晃,嗖得就从秋千上跳下来,两手叉腰站在面前,“不要乱说,虽然被张大师开除,不过可把学费都退回来了,这等于白白教四年呢,他并没有得到任何好处?” Chu Tian has a long yawn, said sluggishly that naive, I clear told you, I helped these job contents that you completed, its value can South Sky City Symbol Technique Master Guild buying, a that old ordinary man foot kicks out of the way you, clearly wants to have sole possession.” 楚天打一个长长哈欠,懒懒散散说道,“天真,我就明白的告诉你吧,我帮你完成的那些作业内容,其价值能把天南城符术师公会给买下来,那老匹夫一脚把你踢开,分明就是想独吞。” Can boast? The Grandmaster Zhang high character and integrity, how will handle this matter!” Meng Yingying circles to Chu Tian in front of: „, I was dismissed, you were unemployed. I must have you to return goods, making the slave trader give back to me money!” “不能不吹牛?张大师高风亮节,岂会做这种事情!”梦莹莹绕到楚天面前:“还有,我被开除了,你就失业了。我要带你去退货,让奴隶贩子把钱还给我!” Chu Tian has a scare: What's wrong? Also can return goods!” 楚天吓一跳:“怎么?还能退货!” Meng Yingying snort|hum a sound track: That naturally, three days of guaranteed return of goods if unsatisfied, seven days of exchange guaranteed!” 梦莹莹哼一声道:“那当然,三天包退,七天包换!” I scratch! 我擦! Is up to mischief? 搞什么鬼? Does the slave market of this time, really have such user-friendly post-sale service? 这个时代的奴隶市场,竟然有这么人性化的售后服务? Do not be anxious, no rush, I can show that my value does not stop so.” Chu Tian wants not to say: This, I asked you to have feast first.” “别急,别急,我可以证明自己的价值绝不止如此。”楚天想都没有想就说:“这样吧,我先请你吃一顿大餐。” Asked me to have the feast, you?” “请我吃大餐,就你?” Right, now prepares, only missed the food and spice.” “对啊,现在都准备好了,只差食材和作料了。” Meng Yingying was been simply muddled by the Chu Tian air/Qi: You actually do not have including the food and spice, what did this also call to prepare?” 梦莹莹简直被楚天气糊涂了:“你却连食材和作料都没有,这也叫什么都准备好了?” A Chu Tian dead pig does not fear the hot stance: Excuse me, my which rich, but believes me, you will not be disappointed!” 楚天一副死猪不怕烫的架势:“拜托,我哪有钱啊,不过相信我,你不会失望的!” What medicine in the Chu Tian bottle gourd is selling? 楚天葫芦里卖着什么药? The Meng Yingying most of the day has not eaten the thing, belly also was truly hungry was very hungry, she decided to fill the belly first, then how went to the headache issue that the elder sister explained that therefore brought Chu Tian to the food storeroom. 梦莹莹大半天没吃东西,肚子确实也很饿很饿了,她决定先填饱肚子,再去想怎么跟姐姐解释的头疼问题,因此就把楚天带到食材储藏室。 Beef steak two of moonlight yak.” “月光牦牛的牛排两块。” Silver soft-shelled turtle.” “白银甲鱼一只。” „......” “……” Chu Tian selected the food. 楚天挑好了食材。 Meng Yingying walked while knits the brows saying: You take are the Demon Beast meat, although Demon Beast meat very nutrition, but is not delicious, but also indigestion!” 梦莹莹一边走一边皱着眉说:“你拿得都是魔兽肉,虽然魔兽肉很营养,但是不好吃,还不消化呢!” Who said?” “谁说的?” „Is this is the general knowledge good!” Meng Yingying seriously suspected now the Chu Tian cook, Demon Beast has the monster of practice ability, Demon Beast human body fusion massive Source Energy, its intensity is human ten times of hundred times, the soldier is very difficult to cut open with the blade, let alone our teeth. Because the intensity of Demon Beast meat is too high, the average person stomach has no way to digest, when you eat unable to draw, cannot do well also kills!” “这是常识好不好!”梦莹莹现在严重怀疑楚天的厨艺,“魔兽是有修炼能力的怪物,魔兽肉体融合大量元力,其强度是人类十倍百倍,战士用刀都很难割开,更别说我们的牙齿了。因为魔兽肉的强度太高,普通人肠胃没法消化,等你吃进去拉不出来的时候,搞不好还出人命的!” Your these barbarians, really did not understand that enjoys the life.” “你们这些野蛮人啊,真是不懂得享受生活。” What meaning? Dares saying that this young lady is a barbarian, my where looks like barbarian! Returned goods! Returned goods!” “什么意思?敢说本小姐是野蛮人,我哪里像野蛮人了!退货!退货!” Often the returning goods returned goods, have not rested a bed, has own of flesh, said that hurts feelings.” “别动不动就退货退货,好歹睡过一张床,有肌肤之亲,这么说多伤感情啊。” Bastard, but also dares to say this matter!” Meng Yingying violent anger like thunder: I must return goods!” “坏蛋,还敢说这件事!”梦莹莹暴怒如雷:“我一定要退货!” Do not be angry, should not be angry, calculates that I did make a mistake was not good?” Girl who Chu Tian hurries to comfort the violent anger: Such being the case, I slightly demonstrated thing that a civilized person uses, compensates your spiritual loss!” “别生气,别生气,算我错了还不行么?”楚天赶紧安抚暴怒的丫头:“既然如此,我就稍微展示一点文明人用的东西吧,来补偿你的精神损失吧!” Chu Tian has roared for quite a while. 楚天哄了半天。 The small girl enter in the hut finally. 小丫头总算跟着走进小屋里。 The hut said on such as Chu Tian is the same, is one is also stuffy is hot and dark place. 小屋本来就如楚天所说一样,是一个又闷又热又暗的地方。 However Meng Yingying opens the gate instance, just likes is petrified instantaneously, is shocked at the scene in same place, two stare in a big way, cannot believe the seen picture: This...... What thing is this?” 不过梦莹莹打开门的瞬间,犹如瞬间被石化,当场惊呆在原地,两眼瞪得大大的,不敢相信所看到的画面:“这……这是什么东西?” Several small coverglasses string together to hang with line on the ceiling, in each bulb blooms the bright ray, lets in the dim hut the side special bright comfortable. 几个小玻璃罩用线串起来挂在天花板上,每一个玻璃球里都绽放出明亮光芒,让昏暗小屋内边的特别明亮舒服。 A teapot is placed on broken wooden table, has not placed in the fire to roast, in the pot makes the sound that seethes with excitement, has actually continued not to weaken, probably is at the condition of boiling. 一个茶壶摆在破木桌上,没有放在火上烤,壶内发出沸腾的声音,却一直持续不减弱,好像一直处在烧开的状态。 Whistling! 呼呼! The wind reverberates in the room, originally is four sides the wall is drawing green Array, four Array interactions, draw the indoor flow, forms an intermittent power and prestige, the Great Summer day stays in the indoor thinks neat cool. 风在屋内回荡,原来是四面墙壁画着青色阵法,四个阵法相互作用,拉动室内气流,形成一阵阵威风,大夏天呆在室内都觉得清爽凉快。 This glass what's the matter, anything can shine is so bright!” “这个玻璃怎么回事,什么能发光这么明亮!” This called the electric lamp bulb.” “这叫电灯泡。” The Chu Tian time, the electric lamp eliminates many years of thing. 楚天时代,电灯是淘汰多年的东西。 This time, the electric lamp has not actually invented. 这个时代,电灯却还没有发明出来。 Continent universal use candle or oil lamp, upscale is crystal lamp. The former is not convenient is not very bright, the latter construction cost and consumption are expensive, the middle and lower level family can accept. 大陆普遍使用蜡烛或油灯,高档一些的则为晶石灯。前者非常不方便也不够明亮,后者造价和消耗都非常昂贵,绝非中下层家庭能够接受的。 The electric lamp appears, absolutely is a civilized milestone! 电灯出现,绝对是一个文明的里程碑! The Meng Yingying eye opens the eyes big: Why will electric lamp shine?” 梦莹莹眼睛睁的大大的:“电灯为什么会发亮?” Chu Tian explained: „The principle of electro-optical exchange, engraves five Source Energy Array, absorbs Array of Source Energy, Array of Source Energy electricity generation, Array of energy storage, Array of electrical energy regulation output, Array of phonograph energy of light, law connects mutually, simultaneously played the role, the electric lamp bulb shines.” 楚天解释起来:“光电互换的原理,刻印着五个元力阵,一个吸收元力阵法,一个元力发电之阵法,一个电能储存之阵法,一个电能调控输出之阵法,一个电转化光能之阵法,法阵互相串联,同时发挥作用,电灯泡就亮起来了。” Meng Yingying just prepared to open the mouth. 梦莹莹刚准备开口。 Chu Tian is impolite breaks: Was good, do not continue to ask that said again, you do not understand.” 楚天不客气打断:“好了,别继续问,再说下去,你也不懂。” Meng Yingying did not have the time to blame Chu Tian to be impolite, points at the teapot saying: Why can your teapot heat up?” 梦莹莹没时间怪罪楚天无礼,指着茶壶说:“你的茶壶为什么能自己加热?” Simple picture heating type Source Energy Array!” “简单的画一个加热类型的元力阵!” How does hut have the wind to be mobile?” “小屋怎么有风流动?” Because ventilator on wall, I want to make the air conditioning actually, but could not find the material, can only push someone take on a difficult job.” “因为墙上的风扇阵,其实我想做空调的,只是找不到材料,只能勉为其难了。” The Meng Yingying probably curious baby asked that finally exclaims: Oh, many strange things, some of some of your really strange skills!” 梦莹莹好像好奇宝宝般问一个遍,最后惊叹道:“哎呀呀,好多稀奇古怪的东西呀,你真有一些奇怪本事呢!” Chu Tian Ha Ha said with a smile: „Won't this chapter bring to return goods to the slave market me?” 楚天哈哈笑道:“这回不会把我带到奴隶市场去退货了吧?” That must look at your performance!” The Meng Yingying curiosity is exuberant, when sees the novel thing, suddenly forgets to worry, the mood improved, carelessly sat: Hello, didn't you ask me to have the feast? The food has brought to you, here does not have the kitchen! I told you, if you dare to play me, I led you to return goods!” “那还得看你的表现!”梦莹莹好奇心非常旺盛,当见到新奇的东西,一时间忘记烦恼,心情变好了很多,大大咧咧坐下来:“喂,你不是请我吃大餐吗?食材都给你带来了,这里也没有厨房啊!我告诉你,你要是敢耍我,我就带你去退货!” Chu Tian conjures same pulls out a flat-bottomed pan, why needs the kitchen? Look, fries a beef steak to you!” 楚天变戏法一样掏出一个平底锅,“何必需要厨房?看着,给你煎一块牛排!” Chu Tian Source Energy instills into, Source Energy Array of bottom of the pot shines the ray. 楚天元力灌输出来,锅底的一个元力阵亮起光芒。 Without any open fire! 没有任何明火! The flat-bottomed pan above air, actually probably receives the high temperature, started to distort unexpectedly. 平底锅上方的空气,却好像受到高温般,竟然开始变形了。 The most mysterious place lies, high temperature was locked likely in a several centimeters high range, the surroundings completely could not feel that a flat-bottomed pan hand is throughout icy cold. 最神奇的地方在于,高温像被锁在一个几厘米高范围内,周围全然感觉不到,平底锅把手始终都是冰凉的。 Chu Tian takes up the beef steak of moonlight cow to lose together, 楚天拿起一块月光牛的牛排丢进去, Scoffs!” “嗤啦!” The beef steak contact bottom of the pot, sends out by the sound of high-temperature ignition immediately. 牛排接触锅底,立刻发出被高温灼烧的声音。 Chu Tian has not used the fire obviously, flat-bottomed pan likely simultaneously by several hundred thousand flame holes, very intensive and even heating is the same. 楚天明明没有使用火,平底锅像同时被几十万个小火孔,非常密集且均匀的加热一样。 Probably crosses for 30 seconds. 大约过30秒钟。 Chu Tian shakes the wrist|skill gently, beef steak is turned surface, sees only had been fried place, unexpectedly changed the color. 楚天轻轻一抖手腕,牛排被翻一个面,只见被煎过的地方,竟然已经变颜色。 But moonlight yak Demon Beast! 月光牦牛可是魔兽呢! Generally chef very difficult material type of food! 一般厨师很难料这种食材! Generally flame also very difficult cooking type of food! 一般火焰也很难烹饪这种食材! The Demon Beast human body intensity is extremely high, heat conductivity is also bad, sometimes directly places in the fire to bake, the outer layer fired the hard coke completely, interior possibly not ripe. Even if the slice boils thoroughly, this type of food is very much difficultly is also digested. 魔兽肉体强度极高,热导性也非常差,有时候直接放在火上烧烤,外层完全烧成焦炭了,内部可能都没熟。即使切成薄片来煮熟,这种食物也是很难被消化的。 The quantity of heat that in Chu Tian the flat-bottomed pan releases, as if there is strong penetrability, seeps each cell, fundamentally disintegrates the Demon Beast meat the stubborn characteristics, in full is releasing the delicacy and nutrition. 楚天手里平底锅释放出来的热量,似乎具有超强的穿透性,渗透进每一个细胞,从根本上瓦解魔兽肉的顽固特性,正在充分把美味和营养释放出来。 Scoff! Scoff! Scoff! 嗤!嗤!嗤! The beef steak by the reverse side, the fragrant butter class came out unceasingly. 牛排不断地被反面,香喷喷牛油流出来。 Chu Tian sees crucial moment Good enough, the sea salt, the black pepper, the olive oil, the lemon juice...... Various types of spice put. 楚天见火候差不多,海盐,黑胡椒,橄榄油,柠檬汁……各种作料放进去。 Cooks for about eight minutes. 煎烤八分钟左右。 Braved the steam the beef steak to leave pot together. 一块冒着热气的牛排出锅了。 Young lady, please take your time!” “小姐,请慢用!” Chu Tian pours into the beef steak the Meng Yingying tray, entire beef steak three centimeters thick, the luster is red, the meat broth crossflow, the inside and outside are thoroughly ripe, tender and delicate delicious, strange rich fragrance, fills the entire room, making the Meng Yingying saliva quickly flow, impatient sheared with the table knife. 楚天把牛排倒进梦莹莹的盘子里,整块牛排三厘米厚,色泽红亮,肉汁横流,内外熟透,娇嫩可口,一股奇异浓香,更是弥漫到整个房间,让梦莹莹口水都快流出来了,迫不及待的拿餐刀一割。 The Demon Beast meat is very tenacious, this beef easily was actually cut. 魔兽肉是很坚韧的,这块牛肉却轻而易举就被切下来了。 Meng Yingying forks the meat to admit the mouth. 梦莹莹叉起肉放进嘴里。 Hum......” “呜呜呜……” The Meng Yingying eye braved light, ate unable to stop, immediately eats several bulks continuously, ate is greedy, said unclearly that „, I have not eaten such good Demon Beast meat!” 梦莹莹眼睛都冒光了,一吃就停不下来了,立刻连续吃几大块,吃得满嘴流油,含糊不清说道,“哇,我从来没吃过这么棒的魔兽肉!” Chu Tian is tired is sweating profusely, but sees the appearance that the young beautiful woman likes, actually gratified nod. 楚天累得满头大汗,不过见小美女喜欢的样子,倒是欣慰的点点头。 Before this body, truly is an aristocrat, once cultivated after a period of time, but Body Refinement Realm has not achieved, Source Energy is really the weak pity, therefore comes the cooking with Source Energy, is not small to the Chu Tian consumption. 这具身体以前确实是个贵族,曾经修炼过一段时间,不过炼体境都没达到,元力实在是弱的可怜,因此用元力来烹饪,对楚天消耗不小。 Meng Yingying saw that Chu Tian is exhausted, an intention revolution, stood saying: „Can you teach me to use this pot to fry the beef steak?” 梦莹莹看出楚天非常疲惫,心念一转,站起来说:“你能不能教我用这个锅煎牛排呢?” Chu Tian knows that being with good intention small girl wants to share the pressure, smiled was saying: Actually is very simple, does not need to study!” 楚天知道善解人意小丫头想来分担压力,微笑着说:“其实很简单的,根本不用学!” Meng Yingying puts down the tableware to walk: Makes me try!” 梦莹莹放下餐具走过来:“让我试试嘛!” Chu Tian frying the flat-bottomed pan of beef steak gives in her hand, I draw one small to fry in the bottom of the pot of flat-bottomed pan ‚’, you only need to instill into Source Energy, it will produce the results, now you give a try.” 楚天把煎牛排的平底锅交给她手里,“我在平底锅的锅底画一个‘小型煎炸阵’,你只需要把元力灌输进去,它就会产生效果,现在你试试看。” The Meng Yingying good and evil has Body Refinement 2nd Layer cultivation base, although Source Energy is not deep, but compared with Chu Tian Source Energy strong several times, she instills into Source Energy to the flat-bottomed pan, sees only bottom of the pot Source Energy Array to absorb Source Energy, immediately has the spout the invisible energy. 梦莹莹好歹有炼体二重修为,虽然元力并不深厚,不过比楚天元力强几倍呢,她对平底锅灌输元力,只见锅底元力阵吸收元力,立刻产生喷涌的无形能量。 Scoffs!” “嗤啦!” A beef steak loses, immediately has the high-temperature cauterization the sound. 一块牛排丢进去,立刻产生高温烧灼的声音。 The Meng Yingying small face is excitedly red, anxious is grasping the flat-bottomed pan, „the present does? How now to do?” 梦莹莹激动地小脸通红,紧张的握着平底锅,“现在怎么做?现在怎么做?” Chu Tian walks to grip the small hands who Meng Yingying shivers, „should not be anxious, stabilizes the Source Energy output, probably trades one side every 30 seconds, to like this. The midway added the spice on the line. I have said that is very simple.” 楚天走过去握住梦莹莹颤抖的小手,“不要紧张,稳定元力输出,大约每30秒换一面,对就像这样。中途加入作料就行了。我说过,很简单的。” The hand of small girl is slippery and tender. 小丫头的手又滑又嫩。 Chu Tian bears multimode. 楚天忍住多模一把。 Meng Yingying blushes the apple to be the same, does not know is anxious, is at heart shy, only thought that a warm big hand, surrounds oneself both hands, she has not thought unexpectedly too repels, treats as to be all right. 梦莹莹脸红得更苹果一样,不知是紧张,还是心里羞涩,只觉得一张温暖大手,包围自己双手,她竟没觉得太排斥,也就当做没事。 After several minutes. 几分钟后。 The fragrant ripe beef steak appeared together! 一块香喷喷的熟牛排出现了! Meng Yingying laughs excitedly: I, Meng Yingying can also cook the delicious beef steak!” 梦莹莹兴奋大笑起来:“我梦莹莹也能烧出好吃的牛排了!” Does the stupid girl, have Source Energy cooking unable to burn? Only if the brain has the issue! 蠢丫头,有元力烹饪阵还烧不出?除非脑子有问题! She looks like makes a very great matter, appears very happy, is filled with joy, was only a pity that only brings two beef steaks, otherwise really well plays. 她像做出一件很了不起的事情,显得很开心,满心欢喜,只可惜只带来两块牛排,不然真得好好的玩一玩。 Meng Yingying discovered that Chu Tian has two pots, one is to fry the flat-bottomed pan of beef steak, one is the steel pot of making soup, she points at the earthenware cooking pot to ask: „Is this pot also useful?” 梦莹莹发现楚天有两个锅,一个是煎牛排的平底锅,一个是煲汤的钢锅,她指着砂锅问:“这个锅又有什么用?” This is makes the soup, I draw one small to cook, we do not bring a silver soft-shelled turtle, cooks pot turtle soup to be what kind of?” “这是个煮汤的,我画一个‘小型烹煮阵’,我们不是带来一只白银甲鱼吗,炖一锅甲鱼汤怎么样?” I like the turtle soup, lets I'm coming!” “我喜欢甲鱼汤,让我来!” Meng Yingying volunteers! 梦莹莹自告奋勇! She personally chopping the good silver soft-shelled turtle washes cleanly, all forces in cooks the soup in the pot, adds some chicken nuggets and shiitake mushrooms again, Jiang Pian, then starts to input Source Energy, entire process very simple, almost does not need to undergo any study. 她亲自把剁好的白银甲鱼洗干净,全都塞进炖汤的锅里面,再加进去一些鸡块、香菇,姜片、接着就开始输入元力,整个过程非常的简单,几乎不需要经过任何学习。 Source Energy cooking. 元力烹饪。 This time almost does not have, or is extremely immature. 这个时代几乎没有,或者说还极其稚嫩。 Age of Chu Tian life, Source Energy Array seeps to life, the Source Energy cooking is very common one skill, although most people understand several Source Energy cooking Array, but is skilled in the Source Energy cooking truly is actually not many. Because fries in oil explodes boils roasts, in each classification, most at least over a hundred different Source Energy Array, only then the true top Source Energy chef, spends for several years to study, can learn these skills completely. 楚天生活的年代,元力阵渗透到生活方方面面,元力烹饪是很常见的一种技能,虽然绝大多数人都懂几个元力烹饪的阵法,但是真正精通元力烹饪的却不是很多。因为煎炒炸煮烤,每一个分类里面,最起码有上百个不同元力阵,只有真正的顶级元力厨师,花费十几年时间去学习,才能把这些技巧全部学会。 Chu Tian is not the specialized Source Energy chef, but versatile strong cooking Array, he will use, like this goes out travelling far, especially when the open country explores, total is unlikely eats uncooked the Demon Beast meat. 楚天不是专业的元力厨师,不过通用性较强的烹饪阵法,他还是会用的,这样出门远游,特别是野外探险时,总不至于生吃魔兽肉。 After 15 minutes. 15分钟后。 Chu Tian nods: Soup was good.” 楚天点点头:“汤好了。” Is so quick? We usually make soup, that must boil for several hours to continue!” “这么快吗?我们平常熬汤,那都得熬几个小时不止呢!” Traditional cooking way how could and does the Source Energy cooking compare? Good, turns on the bowl, making us taste the flavor!” “传统烹饪方式岂能和元力烹饪做比较?好了,打开锅子,让我们尝尝味道!” The pot cover was lifted instantaneous, intense rich fragrance scatters, Meng Yingying was smoked is about to faint, she has not thought that food beam energy spread sends out such attractive flavor. She hurries to bring the bowl, first installs a large bowl to oneself. 锅盖被掀开瞬间,一股强烈浓香飘散开来,梦莹莹被熏得都快晕了,她从来没有想过,食物能散发出这么诱人味道。她赶紧拿来碗,先给自己装一大碗。 Cooking liquor creamy white, the rich fragrance is delicious, flavor is mellow, but the fragrance is not greasy, fresh, but is not rank, several bones cook just right, the physique represses, is powerful, the shiitake mushroom chicken nugget also completely cooked rottenly, the flavor melted the cooking liquor completely, simply was the world best quality goods! 汤汁乳白,浓香可口,味道醇厚,香而不腻,鲜而不腥,几块骨头炖得恰到好处,筋骨弹压,劲道十足,香菇鸡块也完全炖烂了,味道完全融进汤汁,简直是人间极品! Quite hot, is quite hot!” “好热,好热!” The Meng Yingying starved ghost reincarnation, drinks one bowl of Tang Jin belly, the whole body skin feels hot, the blood combustion is the same. 梦莹莹饿死鬼投胎般,喝一碗汤进肚子,浑身皮肤发烫,血液燃烧一样。 Chu Tian is calmer, from beginning to end chews carefully: Demon Beast ** has very rich nutrition and ability, the Source Energy cooking can fully unearth it, your physique is weak, a time cannot eat too, otherwise made amends, instead will go wrong.” 楚天淡定多了,从始至终细嚼慢咽的:“魔兽**有非常丰富的营养和能力,元力烹饪能将其充分挖掘出来,你的体质还不够强,一次不能吃太多,否则补过头了,反而会出毛病。” After Meng Yingying eats to the full the belly, does not know that in the head which muscle has made contact with, stands to pound on the table fiercely: Chu Tian, I have thought through, how to form a partnership to do business!” 梦莹莹吃饱肚子以后,不知道脑袋里哪根筋搭上了,猛地站起来一拍桌子:“楚天,我想通了,咋们合伙做生意吧!” What?” “什么?” We make money together!” “我们一起去赚钱呀!” Meng Yingying throws to seize Chu Tian, two make an effort to sway, they are away from a table, Chu Tian is sits, Meng Yingying is standing, she bends down, two mischievous big white rabbits revealed that followed sways, jumped and jumps, that picture mighty waves rushed. 梦莹莹扑过去揪住楚天,两手使劲摇晃起来,两人隔着一张桌子,楚天是坐着的,梦莹莹则站着,她俯身的时候,两只调皮的大白兔又露出来了,伴随摇晃,又蹦又跳,那画面波涛澎湃。 Too mischievous! 太顽皮了! Chu Tian wishes one could to put out a hand, teaches them well! 楚天恨不得伸手进去,好好教训教训它们! Chu Tian thinks very strange: How will you think of this suddenly?” 楚天觉得很奇怪:“你怎么会忽然想到这个?” Meng Yingying has not realized to be exposed, reddens all over the face saying: I was dismissed by the teacher, elder sister knows that will be very certainly disappointed. I do not have the face to tell her, might as well draw back the school expense to make the qualification with the teacher, I am rich, you have the technology, how to form a partnership to make the money maliciously, gives her a pleasant surprise!” 梦莹莹没有意识到走光,满脸通红说:“我被老师开除,姐姐知道一定会很失望。我也没脸去告诉她,不如拿着老师退回来学费做本钱,我有钱,你有技术,咋们合伙狠狠赚上一大笔钱,给她一个惊喜!” Chu Tian asked: What do you have to plan?” 楚天问道:“那你有什么计划?” Meng Yingying is an impatient person, pounds on the table to shout: „Does anything plan! Tonight sets up a stall with me! How to sell the beef steak!” 梦莹莹是一个急性子,拍桌子喊道:“什么计划不计划的!今晚跟我去出摊!咋们卖牛排去!”
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