MT :: Volume #1

#7: Chu Tian of violence

Before dawn, the business is gradually lonely. 凌晨,生意渐渐冷清。 Meng Yingying hefts the heavy purse, today has not occupied the good position, but the victory is still magnificent, when she prepares to quit work the going home number money, suddenly hears several sharp grating sounds. 梦莹莹掂掂沉甸甸的钱袋,今天没占到好位置,不过战果依然辉煌,正当她准备收摊回家数钱时,突然听到几个尖利刺耳的声音。 „, Boss, your this meat is not fresh!” “哇,老板,你这肉根本不新鲜啊!” I have eaten two, now thought that the belly was painful!” “我吃了两口,现在觉得肚子痛了!” This meat definitely has the issue, you must give a view!” “这肉肯定有问题,你们必须给一个说法!” Guest who four put on Pi Jia keeps clamoring, is full arm model community, the stature is strong, the whole face is ugly and ferocious-looking, looks is not the friendly kind. 四个穿着皮甲的客人不停叫嚣,其中为首一者满臂纹身,身材强壮,满脸横肉,一看就不是什么善类。 Meng Yingying for fear that affects the business, immediately explained: Our material is very fresh, is impossible to have problems.” 梦莹莹生怕影响生意,立刻去解释:“我们材料很新鲜,不可能出问题。” Bang! 砰! Model community men's epee heavy racket table: Damn, I may, no matter, the brothers ate your thing to have diarrhea, you should be responsible for!” 纹身男重重一拍桌子:“他妈的,我可不管,兄弟吃了你们的东西闹肚子,你们就该负责!” Said right, you know that who our Brother Long is?” Another vagabond stands, very rampant calling out: Brother Long wants a few words, forever do not want to mix here!” “说的没错,你知道我们龙哥是什么人吗?”另一个地痞站起来,非常嚣张的叫道:“龙哥只要一句话,你们永远别想在这里混下去了!” Brother Long has the Body Refinement 3rd Layer strength, battle efficiency is experienced, the strength is good, usually is leading one group of villains, bullies small and weakly, extorts, stops at no evil, is nearby piece of region famous local bully, the average people does not dare to provoke. 龙哥拥有炼体三重实力,战斗力经验丰富,实力非常不俗,平时带着一群恶棍,欺负弱小,敲诈勒索,无恶不作,是附近一片区域有名的地头蛇,普通人都不敢招惹。 The stall profit is too high, unavoidably causes the person to be jealous, these people feared that is finding fault. 小摊利润太高,难免引起人眼红,这几人怕是在找茬。 Meng Yingying has not thought how to cope with this situation, her instinct is quite weak, thought cannot be a minor matter after the destruction does business. These bludgers nothing but extort a wealth, so long as is not too excessive, suffers unexpected financial losses the disappearing disaster is not. 梦莹莹没有想过怎么对付这种情况,她天性就比较软弱,心想不能为一点小事就破坏以后做生意。这些混混无非是勒索点钱财,只要不是太过分,破财消灾也不是不可以。 Meng Yingying read this field of endeavor: We just cannot come custom, has anything not to the place, hopes that you advise.” 梦莹莹念此道:“我们刚来不懂规矩,有什么不对地方,希望你们指教。” Ha! 哈! This young girl so is about to admit defeat? 这小妞这么快服软了? This indicated that does not have what perfect background mostly! 这说明多半没有什么过硬背景啊! You are sensible!” Brother Long not only has not quit when you're ahead, instead courage strong: This, compensates 1000 gold coins, hands over again several pots, after I guarantee you, is all right!” “你还算懂事!”龙哥非但没有见好就收,反而胆子壮了起来:“这样吧,赔1000金币,再把几个锅交出来,我保你们以后没事!” Meng Yingying complexion big change: You extort simply! Our where has 1000 gold coins!” 梦莹莹脸色大变:“你们简直是勒索!我们哪有1000金币!” Actually I do not want to feel embarrassed you!” Brother Long has a relish is sizing up Meng Yingying, in the dreadful vision reveals an immorality: This, you follow us, making our brothers play one in the evening, this sum of money!” “其实我也不想为难你!”龙哥饶有兴致的打量着梦莹莹,猥琐的目光中流露出一丝淫邪:“这样吧,你跟我们走,让我们兄弟玩一晚上,这笔钱就算了!” As soon as several vagabonds listened to this words to move the color center. 几个地痞一听此话都动了色心。 Ha Ha, Brother Long, you were really really kind.” “哈哈,龙哥,你真是太够意思了。” Said right, this South Sky City most expensive red card, that late also has no need for 1000 gold coins!” “说的没错,这天南城最贵的红牌,那一晚也用不着1000金币啊!” However, this young girl chest is big, the buttocks also very much curl upwards, I looked at not the inferior these chiefs among flowers!” “不过话说回来,这小妞胸大,屁股也很翘,我看也不逊色那些花魁了!” Although wears the mask, but the flesh is fair, two thighs are straight, that chest scale is astonishing, stature curve wonderful graceful charming, absolutely is the rare best quality goods beautiful woman. Similar matter is not first doing, such best quality goods have not actually met. 虽然戴着口罩,不过肌肤白皙细嫩,两条大腿笔直匀称,那胸部规模更是惊人,身材曲线妙曼迷人,绝对是难得的极品美女。类似事情也不是第一次做,这样极品却是没有遇到过。 Meng Yingying was mad the small face to be pallid, simultaneously felt the vision that the opposite party is ready to make trouble, starts to be flurried at heart: Went too far, I want the law enforcement team to consider you!” 梦莹莹被气得小脸煞白,同时感觉到对方蠢蠢欲动的目光,心里不禁开始慌乱起来:“太过分了,我要去执法队告你们!” Ha Ha Ha Ha!” “哈哈哈哈!” Do not worry, after we end crisply, you go freely!” “别着急,我们爽完后,你尽管去告!” Perhaps, you after here ends crisply, there can be crisp one time.” “说不定,你在我们这里爽完以后,那里又可以再爽一次。” How many person of unscrupulous laughing, such naive words, only then the fool could say, why the local bully can do all kinds of evil things, these this bribes has bribed, where will fear this threat? 几人肆无忌惮的大笑,这么天真的话,只有傻瓜说得出来,地头蛇凭什么能为非作歹,那些该贿赂的都贿赂了,哪里会怕这种威胁呢? Chu Tian already discovered that the situation does not suit, he ties first in the seating guests person account, then takes up a flat-bottomed pan, walked slowly. 楚天早就发现情况不对劲了,他先把在坐客人账结完,接着抄起一口平底锅,缓缓地走了过来。 Well, are you boyfriend of this young girl?” “咦,你是这小妞的男朋友吧?” Chu Tian has not spoken a few words from beginning to end, this makes several people think that he is also weak idiot, moreover on Chu Tian the Source Energy fluctuation is very weak, this strength cannot pose the threat. 楚天从始至终就没说过一句话,这让几人觉得他也是一个软弱草包,况且楚天身上元力波动很弱,这种实力根本构不成威胁。 The vagabonds pull out a short sword, pointed at Chu Tian to threaten saying: I told you, your woman had a liking for by Brother Long, wants to borrow to play an evening, Brother Long wants to dally with your woman, this was your being honored, should better not, or knew the good and evil, otherwise......” 地痞抽出一把短刀,指着楚天就恐吓说:“我告诉你,你的女人被龙哥看上了,想借回去玩一晚,龙哥想玩你的女人,这是你的荣幸,最好不要不识好歹,否则的话……” Bang! 砰! Chu Tian wields the right hand, the pot retakes again to the square features in! 楚天一挥右手,锅重重拍在对方脸上! Suddenly spout greatly strengthened quantity of heat from Source Energy Array, the vagabond half face was burnt the massive blood blisters, even the including packaging was burnt has fallen off, a Chu Tian then foot layer on layer tramples to strike the crotch, kicks several meters far it directly. 元力阵骤喷涌出极强热量,地痞半张脸被烧出大量血泡,甚至连皮都被烧得脱落了,楚天接着一脚重重踹击胯下,直接将其踢出几米远。 „!” “啊啊啊啊!” I ended! I ended thoroughly!” “我完了!我彻底完了!” The vagabond face is miserably howling is falling down sways back and forth, a hand covers is burning the rotten face, a hand is covering the disruption fruit, panic-stricken and calls out in grief desperately. 地痞脸惨嚎着倒在地上打滚,一只手捂着烧烂的脸,一只手捂着碎裂蛋蛋,惊恐而绝望悲鸣。 The people were shocked. 众人都惊呆了。 This boy is really the ruthless role! 这小子真是狠角色啊! Does not utter a word, gets rid directly, a move disfigures one's face, when move of never recurring, is ruthlessly spicy, making people scared! 一声不吭,直接出手,一招毁容,一招绝后,狠辣之际,让人胆寒! Damn!” Brother Long shows the angry expression: „The Body Refinement 1st Layer strength does not have, dares to discard my subordinate, brings about own destruction simply! On! Kills him!” “他妈的!”龙哥露出恼怒的表情:“炼体一重实力都没有,敢废掉我一个手下,简直自寻死路!上!干掉他!” Two vagabonds are Body Refinement 2nd Layer cultivation base, Chu Tian how, regardless to see is not the match, although just overthrew one, but others look like, that purely is the relations of sneak attack, now the Brother Long two subordinates also come up, perhaps Chu Tian does not have the strength of revolt! 两个地痞是炼体二重修为,楚天无论怎么看都不是对手,虽然刚刚打倒一个,但是别人看来,那纯粹是偷袭的关系啊,现在龙哥两个手下同时上来,恐怕楚天毫无反抗之力! Wait / Etc.!” Meng Yingying shows the startled expression: You let off him, 1000 gold coins, I give!” “等等!”梦莹莹露出惊慌表情:“你们放过他,1000金币,我给!” Late!” “晚了!” Today must abandon him!” “今天必须废了他!” Vagabond two leg pedals pounce upon suddenly, around the fist flood the light white light, condenses Source Energy to pound to Chu Tian face. 一个地痞两腿蹬地猛扑过来,拳头周围泛起淡淡白光,凝聚元力楚天面门砸去。 Does Chu Tian compared with the average person, how resist hitting hard of Body Refinement 2nd Layer merely slightly? 楚天仅仅比普通人稍微强一点,如何抵挡炼体二重的重击? Source Energy of military within the body not only can stimulate Source Energy Array, can in the combat process, the comprehensive winding speed, strength, defense wait / etc., these people of Source Energy obviously be Chu Tian several times, the casual fist has several hundred kilograms strength, the cow can overthrow easily, wants the second to kill Chu Tian simply is easy! 武者体内的元力不仅仅能激发元力阵,更能在战斗过程中,全面提升速度、力量、防御等等,这几人的元力显然是楚天的好几倍,随便一拳有几百公斤的力量,牛都能轻易打倒,想要秒杀楚天简直是轻而易举! Chu Tian moves has not moved, this looks like in other people, obviously is the speed is too slow, therefore responded without enough time. 楚天动都没有动,这在其他人看来,显然是速度太慢,所以来不及反应。 Does not want!” “不要!” Meng Yingying exudes one to call out in alarm. 梦莹莹发出一声惊呼。 Chu Tian is calm, fast foot tramples, just likes has foresight, when the foot lifts happen to treads in the opposite party crotch, the opposite party fist anchors in Chu Tian front several centimeters places, hair of Ling Lie fist wind even dishevel Chu Tian. 楚天非常从容,快速一脚踹出,犹如未卜先知般,脚抬起时正好踏在对方胯下,对方拳头则在楚天面前几厘米地方停住,凌冽拳风甚至吹乱楚天的头发。 This was really too strange. 这一幕真是太诡异了。 The Chu Tian speed and strength star cannot compare the opposite party, at first sight delivers to the strategic point like the opposite party the leg of Chu Tian on own initiative. 楚天速度和力量明星比不上对方,乍看像对方把要害主动送到楚天的腿上一样。 „!” “啊啊!” The vagabonds fall down, sad and shrill pitiful yell reverberates once more. 地痞倒在地上,凄厉惨叫再次回荡。 A Chu Tian foot steps on to square features, at the scene opposite party bridge of the nose treading. 楚天一脚踩在对方脸上,当场把对方鼻梁给踏断了。 At this time, another vagabond armed with knife to puncture, the Chu Tian footsteps moved lightly, was sideways slightly, the knife point by the difference of slightest, swept from the front. 这时候,另一个地痞持刀刺过来,楚天脚步轻挪,微微侧过身,刀锋以分毫之差,从面前扫过去。 damn!” 可恶!” Dies!” “去死!” Under the vagabonds become angry out of shame, fast dance several blade light, the brandishing a sword speed is quick, the angle is also very cunning, making the person look fearful and apprehensive, this person of sabreplay has been equal obviously. However, Chu Tian just likes the butterfly puts on colored, times avoid by the difference of micro, seems like the bad risk extremely, is actually very calm. 地痞恼羞成怒之下,快速舞几道刀光,挥刀速度很快,角度也很刁钻,让人看得心惊胆战,此人刀术显然是相当了得的。然而,楚天犹如蝴蝶穿花般,一次次都以微毫之差避开,看似凶险万分,实际十分从容。 The Chu Tian corners of the mouth hang up one to sneer. 楚天嘴角挂起一丝冷笑。 Really full of holes! 真是破绽百出! Such trash could not cope, Chu Tian might as well killed. 这样垃圾都对付不了,楚天还不如一头撞死。 When the vagabond attacks again, Chu Tian advances vigorously one step, avoids a blade that punctures calmly, the right leg raises the knee suddenly, the numerous hit opposite party crotch, the vagabond face poured in the place upper eyelid was green, calling out pitifully, twitching, two was covering the crotch, flowed out the significant blood and stench liquids, result that it seems like similarly cannot avoid dying without a heir. 当地痞再一次攻过来,楚天猛进一步,从容避开刺来的一刀,右腿骤然提膝,重重撞击对方胯下,地痞脸倒在地上脸都绿了,惨叫着,抽搐着,两手捂着胯下,流出大量血液和腥臭液体,看来同样没能避免断子绝孙的结局。 My God!” “我的天!” This boy got rid too to be also ruthless!” “这小子出手也太狠了!” Really felt strange that two fellows resemble to deliver the fruit to explode!” “真是奇了怪了,那两个家伙好像自己把蛋蛋送上来让人爆的!” Chu Tian by absolutely the small and weak strength, the match who defeats the formidable several fold, moreover looks like so accomplishes a task with ease, is almost the impossible matter, all people were shocked. 楚天以绝对弱小实力,打败强大数倍的对手,而且看起来如此游刃有余,几乎是不可能的事情,所有人都被震惊了。 Brother Long has not made clear what's the matter, several little brothers do not have fought many battles freely, but has worked as the person of two years of soldier, from the fight experience, is from the Source Energy strong and weak, how regardless of should not lose to this wool not to have the long uneven boy! 龙哥也没搞清楚怎么回事,几个小弟尽管不是身经百战,不过都是当过两年兵的人,无论是从战斗经验来说,还是从元力强弱来讲,无论如何也不该败给这个毛都没长齐的小子啊! The Meng Yingying excited small face is red: Hits well, great!” 梦莹莹兴奋小脸通红:“打得好,打得好!” This fellow not only understands the strange knowledge, moreover such can hit, is really the accident is pleasantly surprised! 这家伙非但懂得稀奇古怪知识,而且还这么能打,真是意外惊喜! Brother Long fell into obviously wildly with rage, clang, pulls out the long sword that cold brightness sparkles from the waist: such insignificant ability, makes you have a look today, in front of the absolute strength disparity, your trick is useless!” 龙哥显然已经陷入狂怒,铿得一声,从腰间抽出一把寒光闪闪的长剑:“雕虫小技,今天就让你看看,绝对实力差距面前,你那点花招是毫无用处的!” Brother Long is the Body Refinement 3rd Layer strength, its Source Energy intensity naturally compares several little brothers to be high, therefore the strength, speed and defense, various aspects strive to excel a scale! 龙哥炼体三重的实力,其元力强度自然比几个小弟都高,因此力量、速度、防御,各方面都要强一个档次! Chu Tian shrugs: Gives a try!” 楚天耸耸肩:“试试看吧!” Brother Long roars, wallops suddenly, delimits together the cold brightness, the thorn to the Chu Tian chest. 龙哥怒吼一声,骤然一个猛冲,划出一道寒光,刺向楚天胸膛。 This Brother Long strength has really been equal, this sword pays attention to Source Energy, therefore is ruthless and quick, even if the rock can also break out with ease, is far from the front several little brothers can compare favorably. 龙哥实力果然相当了得,这一剑关注元力,因此又狠又快,哪怕岩石也能轻松劈开,绝非前面几个小弟能媲美的。 Chu Tian moves the body to fend slightly, that sword edge by the millimeter disparity, scratches from the left, light Sword Qi passed over gently and swiftly, the hair that several cutting off falls gently. 楚天微微挪身闪避,那剑锋以毫米差距,从左侧擦过去,淡淡剑气掠过,几根割断的头发飘落下来。 Simply bad risk! 简直凶险之极! Ha!” “哈哈哈!” Was too slow! Suffers to death!” “太慢了!受死吧!” Brother Long fully releases Source Energy, bursts out swift and fierce Sword Qi, cuts several swords continuously! 龙哥充分释放元力,迸发出凌厉剑气,连续斩出好几剑! Chu Tian is unhurriedly, just likes lithe swallow, avoided by the slight disparity! 楚天不慌不忙,犹如轻盈的燕子,以细微的差距躲避开来了! This what's the matter? 这到底是怎么回事? Brother Long reveals the unbelievable expression, Chu Tian is implicated by the boundary, speed impossible quick. 龙哥露出难以置信表情,楚天受境界拖累,速度不可能很快。 Each movement, every time moves, actually just likes experiences thousands of times to calculate, almost as precise as the millimeter micron. 每一个动作,每一次挪动,却犹如经历千万次演算,几乎精密到毫米微米。 Therefore, often can at the minimum motion scope, shunt times bad risks to attack, just likes a loach is flexible, making Brother Long means not have. 因此,每每都能以最小移动幅度,躲开一次次凶险攻击,犹如一条泥鳅般灵活无比,让龙哥一点办法都没有。 Oh!” “天哪!” This is hyper-focus !” “这是入微!” A crowd person calls out in alarm, making other people awaken terrified! 人群一个人惊呼起来,让其他人悚然醒悟! South Sky City has several hundred thousand Body Refinement Cultivator, only then dozens Awakened Soul Cultivator, two cannot achieve hyper-focus , this boy does not have including the Body Refinement 1st Layer strength, does he possibly achieve hyper-focus ? 天南城有几十万炼体修士,只有几十魂醒修士,没两个是能做到入微,这小子连炼体一重的实力都没有,他怎么可能做到“入微”呢? This hyper-focus refers to the condition and boundary of Cultivator perfect control to body, letting the person can achieve the machine to be likely precise, has hyper-focus cultivation base of ability, each millimeter disparity, in their eyes like one meter difference, even control heartbeat speed, pore contraction wait / etc.. 这“入微”是指修士对身体的完美掌控的状态和境界,让人能过做到像机器般精密无比,有“入微”能力的修为,每一毫米差距,在他们眼里就像一米区别一样,甚至控制心跳速度、毛孔收缩等等。 hyper-focus is an ability. 入微是一种能力。 This ability must have enough talent, undergoes the long-term training and comprehension again, may comprehend. This ability not only can have completely the superiority in fight, can provide very big help in Symbol Arrangement Alchemy. 这种能力必须具备足够天赋,再经过长期训练和领悟,才有可能领悟到。这种能力不仅仅能在战斗中占尽优势,更能在制符炼药中提供很大的帮助。 South Sky City can achieve hyper-focus person, is almost few, which is not the master of top level, this boy does not have including the Body Refinement 1st Layer strength, does he possibly enter the boundary in this legend? 天南城能够做到“入微”的人,几乎是屈指可数的,哪个不是顶尖级的高手,这小子连炼体一重都实力都没有,他怎么可能进入这种传说中的境界? Brother Long also flustered at this moment. 龙哥此刻也慌了。 Has not thought that this looks like the common boy, actually has in the legend hyper-focus the ability, no wonder can precise incomparable sentences the attack in advance, can avoid the attack at most petty action scope, lets him by the small and weak strength, calmly deals with the formidable several times of matches! 万万没有想到,这一个看起来不起眼小子,竟然具备传说中“入微”的能力,怪不得能精密无比的预判攻击,又能以最小动作幅度来躲避攻击,让他以弱小实力,从容应对强大几倍的对手! I manage your anything hyper-focus , today must die!” “我管你什么入微,今天必须死!” Brother Long is ready for any sacrifice, wild with rage calling out, releases Source Energy fully, the long sword is glittering slightly the ray, erupts the double speeds instantaneously, a front surface sword chops to Chu Tian. 龙哥豁出去,狂怒的暴吼,全力释放出元力,长剑闪烁着微微光芒,瞬间爆发出双倍的速度,迎面一剑向楚天劈过去。 Just likes in winds the fallen leaf, looks like butterfly in a flowering shrubs, Chu Tian gently flutters several centimeters, sword edge avoids by the difference of micron, chops the fissure the ground stiffly, the Chu Tian right hand wields together suddenly, just likes the pincers covers the Brother Long lower jaw, the body circles to the Brother Long back, the holding down back of the head position. 犹如一片风中落叶,又像一只花丛里的蝴蝶,楚天轻轻的飘开几厘米,剑锋以微米之差避开,硬生生把地面劈出一道裂痕,楚天右手猛然一挥,犹如铁钳般扣住龙哥下颌,身体绕到龙哥后背,按住后脑勺位置。 How possible? 怎么可能? Brother Long shows the panic-stricken expression, because the movement scope is too big, now receives to incur radically without enough time: Stop!” 龙哥露出惊恐表情,因为动作幅度太大,现在根本来不及收招:“住手!” ! 咔嚓! The people hear a clear skeleton break sound. 众人都听见一声清脆的骨骼断裂声。 The Brother Long pate is twisting at a strange angle, two stare perfectly round, the pupil enlarges rapidly, mouth long big, just likes to the fish of boiling water, is panting for breath difficultly, finally loses the sound gradually. 龙哥颈部以一个诡异角度扭曲着,两眼瞪得滚圆,瞳孔迅速放大,嘴巴长的大大的,犹如离开水的鱼,正在艰难的喘息着,最终渐渐地失去声息。 Meng Yingying shows the fear expression: Chu Tian, your how homicide!” 梦莹莹露出害怕表情:“楚天,你怎么把他杀了!” Murder, must complete the killed consciousness.” Chu Tian kills a Body Refinement 3rd Layer person, just likes drinks the plain boiled water same at will, moreover does not wink the eyelid, „. Moreover, this scum lives for day, perhaps are many some innocent people damaged.” “杀人,就要做好被杀的觉悟。”楚天杀死一个炼体三重的人,犹如喝白开水一样随意,而且连眼皮都不眨一下,“况且,这种人渣多活一天,或许就多一些无辜的人被祸害。” Died well, this person gets what one deserves!” “死了好,这种人活该!” Right, kills well!” “没错,杀得好!” The people cheered. 人们纷纷喝彩起来。 Transmits a mail-armor and helmet friction from the crowd the sound, ** the soldier of wear soldier helmet and armor has encircled fast, this is the person of law enforcement team! 从人群中传来一阵甲胄摩擦的声音,**个穿着士兵盔甲的战士快速围了上来,这是执法队的人!
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