MT :: Volume #4

#301: Additional income

The Miracle group one turns into the big chamber of commerce that Imperial City wields great power with great arrogance. 奇迹集团一下变成王城最炙手可热的大商会。 For these days in the time, movie theater appeared, making Imperial City present the important goods movie fan, but Miracle Commerce not only service made the breakthrough, actually internal progress was also very rapid. 这几天时间里,影剧横空出世,让王城出现大帮影迷,但奇迹商会不仅仅业务方面取得突破,其实内部进展也是非常迅速的。 Most pleasantly surprised is the breakthrough of Shen Bingyu! 最惊喜的莫过于沈冰雨的突破! Even if Chu Tian has not thought that Shen Bingyu such will quickly break through! 哪怕楚天都没有想到,沈冰雨会这么快就突破了! This means that Chu Tian will have a formidable bodyguard of not inferior Southern Xia eight marquises strength, adds 18 god blood Yin Corpse again in the hand, now completes the active Chu Tian person, is almost few. 这意味着楚天会拥有一个不逊色南夏八侯实力的强大保镖,再加18具神血阴尸在手里,现在完成能动楚天的人,几乎是屈指可数的。 Chu Tian is to celebrate this big good deed, personally was Shen Bingyu Qing Gong. 楚天为庆祝这件大好事,亲自为沈冰雨庆功去了。 Meng Qingwu sits in the office, warm sunlight penetrates the window, sprinkles on the outstandingly beautiful white clothing beautiful woman. The hair that ties neatly, cannot discover a slight defect beautiful face, classically elegant noble makings and wear, even if the harshest vision is unable to discover a shortcoming from this woman. 梦轻舞坐在办公室,温暖阳光透过窗台,洒在绝色白衣美女身上。那整整齐齐束起的头发,找不出一丝瑕疵的美丽面庞,古雅高贵的气质和穿着,哪怕最苛刻目光也无法从这个女人身上找出一丝缺点。 Simply is the perfect goddess incarnation. 简直是完美的女神化身。 Meng Qingwu is the chamber of commerce genuine supervisor, cannot look like Chu Tian to be so natural, she will be compiling in the near future the financial bill, the statistical latest amplification data, will then issue the strategy and instruction that next step will develop. 梦轻舞是商会真正管理人,可不能像楚天这么潇洒,她在汇总近期财务账单,统计最新增幅数据,接着做出下一步发展的战略和指示。 Recently disbursed a lot of money, theater system built, various aspects invested, most at least used up 2,000,000-3,000,000. 最近支出不少钱,影院体系打造,还有各方面投资,最起码用掉两三亿。 However, the Miracle Commerce financial situation is still relaxed! 不过呢,奇迹商会财务情况依然非常轻松! Talisman, compounded drug, Canned Food and thing, all in according to extremely swift and violent trend rate of growth, even if the Miracle broadcasting station and Qilin Dao Hall make the income also to multiply. 无论是符箓、丹药、食品、用品,全都在以极迅猛趋势增长,哪怕奇迹电台、麒麟道馆获得收入也在倍增。 The Miracle Commerce service, besides theater temporary loss, other is maintaining the astonishing rate of increment, far exceeds the required value every month, this is the reason that Miracle Commerce can rapidly rise is also. 奇迹商会业务,除影院暂时性亏损外,其余保持着惊人增长率,每一个月都远远超出预期值,这也是奇迹商会能够快速崛起的原因所在。 Meng Qingwu is a very discrete and meticulous woman. 梦轻舞是一个非常谨慎而缜密的女人。 Although Miracle Commerce was abundant, hundreds of millions cashes that but the Meng Qingwu still dissatisfied present situation, now stockpiles, is ammunition that she expands. How to use them to earn more benefits discretely, is the Meng Qingwu responsibility is, is manifests the value the way. 虽然奇迹商会已经非常富足,但是梦轻舞依然不满足现状,现在储备的几亿现金,是她扩展的弹药。如何谨慎用好它们赚取更多利益,是梦轻舞的职责所在,更是体现自我价值的方式。 Chu Tian this fellow is so fierce, if she cannot play a due role, how Vice President sits relieved? 楚天这家伙这么厉害,她要是不能发挥应有作用,副总会长如何坐的安心呢? Meng Qingwu has thanked Chu Tian at heart very much. 梦轻舞心里一直很感谢楚天 If no Chu Tian, let alone today's scenery, she can continue to base in South Sky City is a problem. 如果没有楚天,别说今日的风光,她能不能继续在天南城立足都成问题。 Chu Tian promotes their sisters, Meng Qingwu except for works well, this method repays Chu Tian, but can also do? Difficult to be inadequate by the body permits! Bah, where wants! 楚天提拔她们姐妹,梦轻舞除了好好工作,这种方法来报答楚天,还能怎么做呢?难不成以身相许!呸呸,想哪里去了! After Meng Qingwu thinks, a big stroke, backlog partition three, write a prospectus fiercely. 梦轻舞深思熟虑之后,大笔猛地一划,储备金分拆三份,写出一份计划书。 The first sum of money invests research institute , to continue to improve the Miracle Commerce technology. 第一笔钱投资到研究所,继续完善奇迹商会的技术。 The second sum of money is used to expand, besides increasing the movie theater investment, more massive gathers the capable person different gentleman from the folk, starts to establish Hanger-on of group Chu Sect, is Miracle Commerce stockpiles more talented people, more masters. 第二笔钱用来扩展,除加大影剧投资外,更大量从民间招揽能人异士,开始建立集团的门客楚门”,为奇迹商会储备更多人才、更多高手。 The third sum of money is used to invest strength, Meng Qingwu starts to start the Miracle Commerce channel, collects various national Heaven and Earth Treasure as well as practice materials. Especially contains the material of strength of stars, is the Miracle Commerce high level cultivates Immortal body to provide the support. 第三笔钱用来投资实力,梦轻舞开始发动奇迹商会渠道,搜集全国天材地宝以及各种修炼材料。特别是蕴含星辰之力的材料,为奇迹商会高层修炼不灭体提供支持。 Meng Qingwu deliberates the detail carefully, immediately passes around to start to carry out. 梦轻舞仔细推敲细节,立刻传下去开始执行。 Meng Qingwu starts to continue to glance through other materials, is further information that each department sends. The Miracle radio advertizing income that Meng Qingwu concurrently manages personally turns one time, Meng Yingying is responsible for the dining Canned Food department also harvesting many, most makes Meng Qingwu feel what is surprised, Qilin Dao Hall of Nangong Yun manager, recently had an astonishing matter. 梦轻舞又开始继续翻阅其他资料,是各个部门发上来的详细情况。梦轻舞亲自兼管的奇迹电台广告收入翻一倍,梦莹莹负责餐饮食品部门也收获颇丰,最让梦轻舞感到惊讶的是,南宫云主管的麒麟道馆,最近发生一件让人吃惊的事情。 Does the big prince join Qilin Dao Hall publicly? 大王子公开加入麒麟道馆 This Dongfang Haoran is actually broad-minded, several days ago just made into the severe wound, not only has not been thinking revenges, instead joined in a hall to study. In the posterity younger generation of respected family, Dongfang Haoran such person was few. 这个东方浩然倒是心胸开阔嘛,几天前刚刚被打成重伤,非但没有想着来报仇,反而投身到道馆来学习了。大家族的后人晚辈里面,东方浩然这样的人已经很少了。 This is an opportunity! 这是一个机会! Meng Qingwu decided that hypes using the turning point. 梦轻舞决定利用契机炒作一下。 The Dongfang Haoran status is not low, he allies Qilin Dao Hall, then to the Miracle group is a very good consolidated opportunity, even can through Qilin Dao Hall, buy in the chamber of commerce it directly. 东方浩然地位不低,他加盟麒麟道馆,那么对奇迹集团是一个很好的巩固机会,甚至能够通过麒麟道馆,将其直接吸纳到商会里。 Can detain Dongfang Haoran as for Qilin Dao Hall? 至于麒麟道馆能否留住东方浩然 This issue does not need to be worried! 这问题根本不用担心! Qilin Dao Hall knowledge many are Chu Tian reorganize personally, Dongfang Haoran this martial arts maniac, so long as goes the previous time, like slurping the hallucinogen becomes addicted wants to abstain cannot swear off. Initial wasn't Shen Bingyu this? 麒麟道馆知识多数为楚天亲自整理,东方浩然这种武痴,只要去上一次,就像吸食迷幻剂上瘾一样想戒都戒不掉。当初的沈冰雨不就是这样么? Dongfang Haoran allies Qilin Dao Hall to do preheating, then also announced that cooperates to manufacture the movie theater matter with the royal family. At that time feared that is the entire city will whoop, guesses the royal family and Miracle Commerce relations. 东方浩然加盟麒麟道馆做预热,接着又公布与王族合作制作影剧的事情。那时怕是全城会议论纷纷,猜测王族与奇迹商会的关系。 Like this is favorable for Miracle Commerce! 这样对奇迹商会是有利的! Mentioned with movie theater that South Summer King cooperated, Meng Yingying had the person to be responsible for arranging to manufacture, material that in this series of movie theater consumed by treasury payment, was almost the business that gained steadily does not compensate. 说起与南夏王合作的影剧,梦莹莹已经带人去负责筹备制作了,这一系列影剧中消耗的材料由国库支付,几乎就是一项稳赚不赔的生意。 Meng Qingwu does not satisfy this. 梦轻舞不满足于此。 In this time, a sound is reaching from the entrance: Han Chairman interview of Flame Rose Commerce !” 正在此时,一个声音从门口传进来:“火玫瑰商会的韩会长求见!” Finally came? 终于来了吗? The Meng Qingwu corners of the mouth hang up a happy expression. 梦轻舞嘴角挂起一丝笑意。 Flame Rose Commerce is a Imperial City chamber of commerce, the main do business is the weapon and helmet and armor is a focus, is they specially has custom-made including the equipment of Storm Cavalry group, every year the turnover reaches as high as billions and billions, is an out-and-out large-scale chamber of commerce. 火玫瑰商会王城一线商会,主要经营业务是兵器、盔甲为主,连疾风骑兵团的装备都是他们专门定制的,每年营业额高达好几十亿,是一个不折不扣大型商会。 When Meng Qingwu arrives at the receiving callers hall, she sees Flame Rose Commerce Chairman. 梦轻舞走到会客大厅时,她见到火玫瑰商会会长 This is one 40 -year-old woman, the skin is unexpectedly fair, the carriage is plentiful, is just like 28 young girls. Because surnamed Han, called her Madame Han. 这竟是一个40岁妇人,皮肤白皙,体态丰腴,恰似28少女。因为姓韩,都叫她韩夫人 Madame Han visits personally, is really the infrequent visitor honored guest!” Meng Qingwu gives Madame Han but actually one cup of precious Elf green tea personally. 韩夫人亲自光临,实在是稀客贵客呀!”梦轻舞亲自给韩夫人倒一杯名贵的精灵绿茶。 Madame Han sizes up Meng Qingwu one, heartfelt to praise sighed: Young Lady Meng is more beautiful than the imagination , is really young and promising, this came a Imperial City two months of this performance too to be also shocking.” 韩夫人打量梦轻舞一眼,由衷赞叹道:“梦小姐比想象中更美丽,真是年轻有为,这来王城两个月这表现也太让人震惊了。” Madame Han where words, the Flame Rose 50 years of history old chamber of commerce, Miracle Commerce does not dare to call in a big way before you!” 韩夫人哪里话,火玫瑰50年历史老商会,奇迹商会不敢在您面前称大!” Old and decayed not compared with emerging promising youth!” “老而腐朽不比新兴后起之秀!” Meng Qingwu does not circle, ejects question on own initiative: Madame Han was modest, you come visiting for......” 梦轻舞不兜圈子,主动抛出疑问:“韩夫人谦虚了,您来访是为了……” I have the plan that wins, Sister Qingwu interested.” “我有一个共赢的计划,轻舞妹妹有没有兴趣。” But said that might as well.” “但说无妨。” Today watches movie theater personally, this movie theater charm is nowadays any entertaining fashion does not compare, it will definitely be all the rage Imperial City, to be all the rage Southern Summer Country. I think that movie theater work attention such being the case is high, why not completely to develop its profit value? I have an idea, lets in next movie theater, most role clothing equipment with the Flame Rose design, and gets the symbol of chamber of commerce......” “今天亲自去观看影剧,这影剧魅力是现今任何娱乐方式都比不上的,它必然会风靡王城、风靡南夏国。我想影剧作品关注度既然如此高,何不充分开发它的盈利价值呢?我有一个想法,让下一部影剧中,大多数角色穿戴装备用火玫瑰的款式,并且打上商会的标志……” Meng Qingwu knits the brows intentionally somewhat seems to be awkward. 梦轻舞故意皱眉似乎有些为难。 Relax, we do not intervene any creation, the soldier and soldier in story, can the soldier always with the equipment not be in any case?” Madame Han aggravated the chip saying: So long as can implant the Han Family weapon and equipment, I am willing to give this work 20 million support fees!” “放心,我们绝不干预任何创作,反正故事里的战士、士兵,战士总是要用装备不是?”韩夫人又加重筹码说:“只要能植入韩家兵器和装备,我愿意给予这部作品20000000的赞助费!” Meng Qingwu smiled suddenly: Madame Han, this matter, although is not difficult, but 20 million support fees , were too rather few.” 梦轻舞忽然笑了:“韩夫人,这事情虽然不难,不过20000000赞助费,未免也太少了吧。” 20 million also insufficient? 20000000还不够? The Madame Han eye stares: Adds several marks and graphs in the mail-armor and helmet weapon, this to you are only the slight effort.” 韩夫人眼睛一瞪:“不过是在甲胄兵器加几个标记和图形,这对你们来说只是举手之劳。” Words, although so, but can actually have the enormous propaganda effect to the commodity of your chamber of commerce, but the issue that Madame Han can think, other merchants sooner or later can also think. You thought that merely 20 million gold coins, do have enough competitive power?” “话虽如此,不过却能对贵商会的商品产生极大宣传效果,而韩夫人能想到的问题,其他商人迟早也能想到。你觉得仅仅20000000金币,有足够的竞争力么?” How many do you want?” “你想要多少?” Least 100 million!” “最少100000000!” Madame Han had a scare! 韩夫人被吓一跳! Really dares the lion big start to talk! 真是敢狮子大开口啊! 20 million gold coin books thought much, Meng Qingwu opened the mouth to want 100 million. This manufactures a movie theater cost to fish the larger part depending on additional several marking, this can also make money! 20000000金币本以为不少了,梦轻舞开口就要100000000。这制作一部影剧成本光凭加几个标识就捞回一大半,这也太会赚钱了吧! 100 million gold coins were too high!” A Madame Han face bitter color: This is the newly emerging things, who does not know that the effect is what kind. These asks a price such high, if has not achieved the expectation effect, we seriously loss, most 50 million, cannot be many.” “100000000金币太高了!”韩夫人一脸苦色:“这是新生事物,谁不知道效果怎么样。这一下要价这么高,万一没有达到预期效果,那我们当真是血本无归,最多50000000,不能再多了。” Meng Qingwu said unhurriedly: Actually, I am preparing to do an investment promotion meeting, seeks with the business partner who we cooperate. Miracle Commerce is constructing in other layout city theaters, this advertisement might is strong, I think that many people will be interested, if the Madame Han feeling price were high, then natural can have other people to bid.” 梦轻舞不慌不忙一笑说:“其实么,我正准备搞一个招商会,寻找与我们合作的商业伙伴。奇迹商会正在布局其他城市影院建设,这广告威力可是非常强劲的,我想不少人都会对此感兴趣的,如果韩夫人感觉价格高了,那么自然会有其他人出价。” Madame Han wants to cry but have no tears: 80 million? This is the limit!” 韩夫人欲哭无泪:“80000000?这已经是极限了!” Meng Qingwu carries the tea to drink one, saying leisurely: I can disclose ahead of time a secret message, Miracle Commerce will unite South Summer King to produce big play about kingdom prosperity and decline destiny, the pictures of many ten thousand armed forces confrontation and war. Moreover, this set of movie theater may be collected by South Summer King, becomes a masterpiece that Southern Summer Country spreads for a long time, you thought that 100 million gold coins do bid expensively? I might as well told Madame Han, this is only the present price, were getting more and more along with the theater quantity, the influence to be getting more and more broad, this price will also change.” 梦轻舞端起茶喝一口,慢条斯理的说道:“我可以提前透露一个秘密消息,奇迹商会将联合南夏王制作一部关于王国兴衰命运的大剧,其中不乏万军交锋、金戈铁马的画面。而且,这套影剧或许会被南夏王收藏,成为南夏国长久流传的一部巨作,你觉得100000000金币出价贵吗?我不妨告诉韩夫人,这只是现在的价格,随着影院数量越来越多,影响力越来越广,这价钱也会有所改变。” Respects the young!” Madame Han eventually gives up: 100 million 100 million, you must to our equipment full demonstration opportunity, should better be have some briefs and praises.” “后生可畏啊!”韩夫人最终还是放弃:“100000000就100000000,你们必须给我们的装备充分的展示机会,最好能有一些简单介绍和夸赞。” no problem!” 没问题!” Two women reach the agreement, immediately signs the contract. 两个女人达成协议,立刻就签署好了契约。 Meng Qingwu shows the satisfactory smile, this «Great Summer Beacon» has not started to manufacture, first receives the Flame Rose Commerce 100 million gold coin alliance fees, receives the cost of production from king, Late Stage has the box office and spends in passing, this Qian Zhuan also was really too easy! 梦轻舞露出满意的微笑,这《大夏烽烟》尚未开始制作,先收到火玫瑰商会100000000金币加盟费,又受到来自国王的制作费,后期有票房和附带消费,这钱赚的也真是太容易了! Shortly after Madame Han leaves. 韩夫人离开不久。 Other merchant aristocrats walk in one after another. 其他商人贵族陆陆续续找上门。 Some want to cooperate, some simply want to take a good photo, from implanting symbolized that arrives at the advertisement again, arrives at the role to act again, even is the story has custom-made, has almost everything. 有的是想合作,有的则干脆想上镜,从植入标志,再到广告,再到角色扮演,甚至是故事定制,几乎无所不有。 What Meng Qingwu said is right, Miracle Commerce does not need to make too much money through the price. 梦轻舞说的是对的,奇迹商会没有必要通过票价赚太多钱。 From the present eruption potential, movie theater has not manufactured officially, first receives the support fees of 3.2 billion gold coins! Now dares saying that the theater doesn't make money? It not only can make money, simply is the making money monster! 从现在爆发潜力来看,一部影剧尚未正式制作,先就受到3200000000金币的赞助费!现在敢说影院不赚钱?它不仅仅能够赚钱,简直就是赚钱怪兽! Meng Qingwu will be yearning in the future to the theater. 梦轻舞对影院未来充满憧憬。 How long because does not use, the entire Southern Summer Country main cities, please be covered by the theater, that is Miracle Commerce true source of wealth billowing time. 因为不用多长时间,整个南夏国主要城市,请都会被影院所覆盖,那就是奇迹商会真正财源滚滚的时候。
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