MT :: Volume #3

#300: Serial TV opera

South Summer King has to acknowledge that he has underestimated Chu Tian by far. 南夏王不得不承认,他已经远远低估楚天 This person can be Southern Summer Country uses, then definitely becomes the pillar of the state of country. The words that on the contrary cannot control, will possibly develop the turbulent center. 这种人能为南夏国所用,那么必然会成为国之栋梁。相反驾驭不住的话,可能就会发展成动荡的中心。 Now faced with two choices. 现在面临两个选择。 The first choice before Chu Tian has not grown suppresses him. 第一个选择就是在楚天没有成长起来之前打压他。 The second choice has not helped his helping hand before a Chu Tian tenth potential. 第二个选择就是在楚天没有成势之前助他一臂之力。 The South Summer King disposition tends to the first choice obviously, South Summer King likes the absolute control strength, but does not hope to present the beyond control factor. Rather tears down one to grow into the big tree of pillar of the state, must avoid this big tree growing trend being excessively prosperous, finally breaks through the danger of palace. 南夏王的性格显然更趋向第一个选择,南夏王更喜欢绝对掌控力,而绝不希望出现无法控制的因素。宁可拆掉一根能成长为栋梁的大树,也要避免这棵大树长势过旺,最终突破殿宇的危险。 The present fact is, Chu Tian is not a person! 现在的事实是,楚天不是一个人啊! Miracle Commerce had very big influence, not only starts to affect the national life profoundly, has Shen Bingyu such Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak Expert, there is a Great Shark Gang such influence giant faction. In the center, has Wu'an Monarch and big scholar, arrives at place Divine Wind Marquis and Golden Arrow Marquis, the supporter are too many, pulls one round to move the whole body. 奇迹商会已经具备很大势力,非但开始深刻影响到国民生活,更有沈冰雨这样魂醒九重巅峰强者,也有巨鲨帮那样势力巨大的帮派。在中央,有武安君、大学者,到地方神风候金箭候,支持者太多,牵一发而动全身。 A more important point is, Southern Summer Country also needs the Chu Tian talent! 更重要的一点是,南夏国也需要楚天的才华! Now the Source Energy weapon of secret research and development, South Summer King is at heart clear, once this type of weapon popularizes to the army, then Southern Summer Country will counter-attack War Hound to be just round the corner, South Summer King will also complete all previous king's dream, becomes extraordinary personality who the Dongfang Family clan will be immortal. 现在秘密研发的元力兵器,南夏王心里是一清二楚的,这种武器一旦普及到军队中,那么南夏国反击犬戎将指日可待,南夏王也将完成历代国王的梦想,成为东方家族永垂不朽的伟人。 Various this all sorts. 诸此种种。 Chu Tian cannot touch. 楚天不能碰。 Most minimum cannot touch now. 最起码现在不能碰。 South Summer King perhaps is not an outstanding king, but can a sitting quietly throne dozens years of person, absolutely not be generation of the commonplace, he knows how should control own mood, adjusts own the importance of loathing clearly, everything must take the larger situation into account. 南夏王或许不是一个出色的王,但是能稳坐王位几十年的人,绝对不是一个等闲之辈,他知道该怎么控制自己的情绪,更明白调节自身厌恶的重要性,凡是必须以大局为重。 Chu Tian putting on airs end liquor apologized. 楚天装模作样端酒赔罪。 „Do your young people compare the martial arts contest, how this King will care?” South Summer King as if to just had the matter not to care \; So long as does not kill, the competition is urges the progress the maximum thrust, this King, not only will not repel, instead will support this behavior. Bachelor Chu is the pillar of the state of country, although disposition frankly, but the personal character habit is trustworthy, after this King, must take advantage in you much, cannot bear a grudge because of these minor matters!” “你们年轻人比比武,本王又怎么会在意呢?”南夏王似乎对刚刚发生事情根本不放在心上\;“只要不出人命,竞争是促使进步的最大推力,本王非但不会排斥,反而会支持这种行为。楚学士乃国之栋梁,虽然性格直爽一点,但是品德习性值得信任,本王以后还得多多依仗于你,不可因为这些小事而心存芥蒂!” As soon as the Meng Qingwu sisters listen to this saying, relaxed completely. 梦轻舞姐妹一听这话,全部都松了一口气。 Stems from the sincerity to be perfunctory, since this words have said that South Summer King will definitely not make an issue by this to Chu Tian launches an attack. 无论是出自真心还是敷衍,这种话既然说出口了,南夏王肯定不会以此做文章向楚天发难了。 Nice wine, nice wine!” South Summer King tastes the sweet wine, said: „The Bachelor Chu not only talent overflows, has not thought that the wine-making skill is also one certainly. The this King good-for-nothing prince, had you 50% abilities, the Dongfang Family clan on no lack of successors to carry on.” “好酒,好酒!”南夏王品尝蜜酒,啧啧称赞道:“楚学士不仅仅天才横溢,没想到酿酒本事也是一绝。本王不成器的王子,有你一半的能力,东方家族就后继有人了。” Chu Tian hey said: Big prince natural talent is outstanding, my Wang does what leave this word?” 楚天嘿嘿一笑说:“大王子天资卓绝,我王何出此言?” „? Yes!” South Summer King puts down the wine class, looks at Chu Tian with the profound serious vision: this King wants to listen actually, how do you to overwhelming appraise?” “哦?是么!”南夏王放下酒杯,用深邃郑重目光看着楚天:“本王倒是想听听,你对浩然是如何评价的?” This issue asked perhaps took a lot of learning. 这个问题问的恐怕大有学问啊。 But Chu Tian has not thought that but replied truthfully: Big prince decides the talent of country, is capable the pillar of country!” 楚天没有多想,只是如实回答:“大王子定国之才,堪当国之柱石!” South Summer King said thought-provokingly: Your meaning is, overwhelming suits is Wu'an Monarch second, but isn't suitable into South Summer King?” 南夏王耐人寻味说:“你的意思是,浩然适合做武安君第二,而不适合成为南夏王?” This is the fact. 这是事实啊。 Dongfang Haoran disposition actually closer Wu'an Mr. 东方浩然性格其实更接近武安君。 Ok, this matter does not raise.” How South Summer King thinks at heart, other people are not fully correct, he looks like does not care about the appraisal of Chu Tian, but was shifts the topic saying that Miracle Commerce movie theater was very good, this King expressed likes, therefore wants to unite Miracle Commerce, built movie theater again together. And the material cost of consumption, is supported by the state treasury directly completely, and pays one to let your satisfactory production cost, the broadcast receives Miracle Commerce and Dongfang Family clan divides equally. Does not know that you can intend to approach?” “算了,这事不提也罢。”南夏王心里是怎么想的,其他人都猜不透,他看起来并不在乎楚天的评价,而是转移话题说,“奇迹商会影剧十分不错,本王表示非常喜欢,所以想联合奇迹商会,再共同打造一部影剧。其中消耗的材料成本,由国库直接全部赞助,并且支付一笔让你满意的制作费用,播放收入奇迹商会东方家族平分。不知道,你可有意向?” Has this good deed! 有这种好事! Several people are unreadable. 几个人都难以理解。 South Summer King not only leaves the material, but also payment cost of production, so long as movie 50% broadcast incomes, almost gave Miracle Commerce all advantage, what meaning he was? 南夏王不仅仅出材料,而且还支付制作费,只要影片一半的播放收益,几乎把所有好处都交给奇迹商会了,他到底是什么意思? The Chu Tian motionless look asked: Request of South Summer King?” 楚天不动神色问:“南夏王的要求呢?” „A request, the movie theater role image and story program, are all provided by us, Miracle Commerce is responsible for manufacturing and distributing.” “一个要求,影剧角色形象、故事大纲,全由我们来提供,奇迹商会只是负责制作和发行。” Understood! 懂了! After seeing Miracle Commerce movie theater, understands clearly movie theater to bring the stir and influence. Therefore, he wants taking opportunity, to manufacture a promotional film of royal family at this time, good consolidated family as well as his status. 当见奇迹商会影剧后,洞悉影剧带来轰动和影响力。所以,他这时想借着机会,制作一部王室的宣传片,好巩固家族以及他自己的地位。 movie theater of this custom make appears, is expected. 这种定做的影剧出现,本来就在意料之中。 However what has not thought that person who first seeks the cooperation, unexpectedly can be South Summer King I. 不过没有想到的是,第一个来寻求合作的人,居然会是南夏王本人。 Naturally, this also from one side explained that South Summer King truly has the extraordinary vision, he knows the Movie/TV Show value, must therefore be the first Digger. 当然,这也从侧面说明,南夏王确实具备非凡眼光,他知道影视剧的价值,所以要做第一个挖掘者。 This...... Because the industry just started to emerge, naturally is primarily the high-quality route,” “这个么……由于产业刚刚开始兴起,自然以精品路线为主,” What does this have to be good to be worried? Miracle Commerce can achieve, this King same can achieve, even in the process of manufacture, this King allows the Miracle Commerce person to be involved.” “这又有什么好担心的?奇迹商会能做到的,本王一样可以做到,甚至制作的过程中,本王允许奇迹商会的人加入其中。” What movie theater my Wang does Xiang make?” “我王想做一部什么样的影剧?” Naturally is the kingdom rises, as well as the Dongfang Family clan heroic deed resists the War Hound heroic story, from the founding of the nation to a series of stories that today has, reorganizes a series through the artistic processing completely movie theater. I suggested to be divided into ten detailed solution portrays, let the glorious image of Dongfang Family clan, forever stood erect in the people mind.” “当然是王国崛起,以及东方家族英烈对抗犬戎的英勇故事,从建国到今天发生的一系列故事,全部通过艺术加工改编成一个系列的影剧。我建议分成十部详细解刻画,让东方家族的光辉形象,永远屹立在人们心目中。” I depend. 我靠。 Unexpectedly must make continually the play. 居然要做连戏剧。 The great writer for the propaganda, the Dongfang Family clan ambition is not so small! 这么大手笔只是为宣传,东方家族野心不小啊! Chu Tian shoots a look around Meng Qingwu with the questionnaire vision, because in the chamber of commerce manages in the aspect, Meng Qingwu is more far-seeing than Chu Tian, this matter meets or does not meet, but must have a look at the meaning of Meng Qingwu. 楚天用征询目光瞥一眼旁边的梦轻舞,因为在商会管理方面上,梦轻舞楚天更有远见,这件事情接或不接,还得看看梦轻舞的意思。 Meng Qingwu nods to Chu Tian, afterward said to South Summer King: We can promote movie theater with the royal family cooperation, this is being honored of Miracle Commerce.” 梦轻舞楚天点点头,随后对南夏王说:“我们能与王室合作推出影剧,这是奇迹商会的荣幸。” Good!” South Summer King performance unusual is refreshed: This movie theater name is «Great Summer Beacon», this King must see a soul-stirring historical masterpiece, lets he spreads thousands of years later, lets the Dongfang Family clan generation after generation, sees the effort of older generation!” “好!”南夏王表现的非常爽快:“这部影剧名称就叫做《大夏烽烟》吧,本王要看到一部荡气回肠的历史巨作,让他流传到千万年后,让东方家族子子孙孙,都看到先辈的努力!” This cooperation intention sets initially. 这个合作意向初步定下。 This matter such decided.” South Summer King has not stopped over the plan: this King should have a look at that good-for-nothing prince, said goodbye in light of this!” “这件事就这么定了。”南夏王没有逗留打算:“本王该去看看那不成器的王子了,就此告别!” Sees off my king!” “恭送我王!” Several people cup one hand in the other across the chest, gaze after South Summer King to leave. 几人拱手,目送南夏王离开。 Meng Yingying, Nangong Yun and the others looked at each other in blank diamay. 梦莹莹南宫云等人面面相觑。 Is this Imperial City double arrogant Dongfang Haoran? 这就是王城双骄之一的东方浩然 Is this Southern Summer Country supreme South Summer King? 这就是南夏国至高无上的南夏王 Meng Yingying thinks very strange: Completely is why different from the hearsay in? That prince looks like like a blockhead, the king not only does not have the hearsay to be overbearing, instead looks like very amiable.” 梦莹莹觉得很奇怪:“为什么跟传闻中完全不一样?那个王子看起来就像一块木头,国王则非但没有传闻霸道,反而看起来非常平易近人。” Nangong Yun also has profound understanding. 南宫云也深有体会。 Meng Qingwu shakes the head: Southern Summer Country is the small country is not false, but can become the king in this country, itself must have the forte, even/including Sanjun is respectful to him, South Summer King you have not believed that is so simple.” 梦轻舞摇摇头:“南夏国是小国不假,但能在这个国家成为王,本身必有过人之处,连三君都对他恭敬有加,南夏王没有你们相信中这么简单。” Perhaps. 或许吧。 In future two days of time. 未来两天时间里。 Every day four theaters are fully occupied, the people by this twists and turns, the touching and exciting story attracting, after before degenerating into the tea , the food, biggest topic. 每天四座影院都人满为患,人们都被这个曲折、感人、刺激的故事给吸引了,沦为茶前饭后最大的话题。 «The War of heat degree Miracle Commerce movie theater Scarlet Blood» steadily rises, because in the play the lead image is Chu Tian, the Imperial City time raises one to pursue the star storm. 奇迹商会影剧《赤血之战》热度持续上升,因为剧中主角形象就是楚天,王城顿时间就掀起一股追星风暴。 Especially in the recent several days, Chu Tian defeats double arrogant Dongfang Haoran, this is makes noisily, making Chu Tian enhance in the Imperial City reputation once more, he was dug in Central State all sorts of facts, making the Imperial City people feel that shocked and exclaimed in surprise. 特别是最近几天,楚天打败双骄之一的东方浩然,这更是闹得沸沸扬扬,让楚天王城名声再次提高,他以前在中州种种事迹都被挖出来了,让王城人民感到震撼和惊叹。 Without doubt. 无疑。 Chu Tian turns into the Imperial City most dazzling star. 楚天变成王城最耀眼的明星。 Countless people have regarded as Chu Tian idol worship. 无数人已经把楚天视为偶像来崇拜。 Even if Meng Yingying, now was sealed by the Imperial City people as national princess, her image simply is the princess incarnation, the fine good and beautiful youth, causes crazy praises of countless person. 哪怕是梦莹莹,现在被王城人民封为“国民公主”,她的形象简直就是公主化身,纯美善良、美丽青春,引起无数人的疯狂追捧。 This is not only the only influence that the theater brings, when «War of Scarlet Blood» starts to show, Imperial City has a series of interesting phenomena. 这不仅仅是影院带来的唯一影响,当《赤血之战》开始放映来,王城发生一系列有趣的现象。 Nangong Family once powerful on Officer Zuo Yan could not withstand the public opinion, now left Imperial City on own initiative, went to other places to lie low until something blows over. 南宫家曾经威风凛凛的上卿左湮不堪舆论,现在已经主动离开王城,去其他地方避风头了。 Wang Family so is unlucky. 王家就没这么幸运了。 The Wang Family mansion its wonderful was sprinkled the excrement to throw the egg frequently, now the Wang Family posterity do not dare to take to the streets, the bewilderment will be sneak attacked, even was belayed to beat savagely. 王家府邸其妙经常被人泼粪丢鸡蛋,现在王家后人都不敢上街了,莫名其妙就会受到偷袭,甚至被人套住头暴打一顿。 In brief, this has Wang Family of old royal family history, only in the several days, deeply feels the hostility from this world. 总之,这有着老王族历史的王家,只在短短几天时间里,深深感觉到来自这个世界的敌意。 Even if leads one group of bodyguards to be useless. 哪怕带一群保镖都没用。 These intercourse passers-by disdain and despise vision, making them feel to be nervous and uneasy, such gets down is not the means! 那些往来路人不屑和鄙夷目光,让他们感到如芒在背,这么下去不是办法啊! Asked the king to take responsibility for my Wang Family!” “请大王为我王家做主啊!” King's General Tu kneels to see South Summer King, whole face grief and indignation complains tearfully. 王屠跪见南夏王,满脸悲愤哭诉道。 End although has the mistake, but Wang Family is innocent, these several hundred years of reputations quickly by Chu Tian that young child movie theater destroying! My Wang Family War-Dragon Army group bled the sacrifice in the front and meritorious military service illustrious, actually encountered in the hometown despises and insults, was really cold the heart of three services officers! End will request intensely that closes the Imperial City theater, accountability Miracle Commerce!” “末将虽有过错,可王家无辜啊,这几百年名誉就快被楚天那小儿一部影剧给毁了!我王家战龙军团在前线流血牺牲、战功赫赫,却在家乡遭到鄙视和侮辱,实在是寒了三军将士的心!末将强烈请求,关闭王城影院,问责奇迹商会!” Perhaps King's General Tu has not known. 王屠或许还不知道。 The South Summer King private bottom forms a partnership to produce the movie with Chu Tian, now started to carry on to arrange to manufacture movie theater, therefore King's General Tu wants to stop movie theater, is impossible to achieve. 南夏王私底跟楚天合伙制作影片呢,现在已经开始进行筹备制作影剧了,所以王屠想要叫停影剧,就是不可能做到的。 movie theater brings the influence to be truly unexpected, but the theater has become popular in the entire city, if closes for this reason, only feared that will cause the popular resentment to be agitated. At that time, not only Wang Family cannot wash clean the injustice to be white, only feared that this King will also encounter ten thousand people to revile.” 影剧带来影响确实出乎意料,不过影院已经风靡全城,若因为这个原因关闭,只怕会引起民怨汹汹。那时候,非但王家不能洗清冤白,只怕本王也会遭到万人唾骂。” King's General Tu righteousness words said: movie theater appears, ruins the national customs, once the national wallows to fictionalize the story for a long time, neglects to pay attention to the north war inevitably, affects the Southern Xia esteeming martial arts spirit, but how also to resist with Allied Canine Tribes?” 王屠义正言辞说:“影剧出现,败坏国风,一旦国民长久沉迷虚构故事,必然对北方战事疏忽关注,更影响南夏尚武锐气,还怎么与犬戎族对抗?” General is not anxious, the general is not anxious.” South Summer King as if already was ready, this Chu Tian recent crest of wave is too truly abundant, this King also thought that is this suppression, so as to avoid he lets success go to the head.” “将军莫急,将军莫急。”南夏王似乎早就做好准备,“这楚天最近风头确实太盛,本王也觉得是该打压打压,免得他得意忘形。” King's General Tu hears the word great happiness: My wise King!” 王屠闻言大喜:“我王英明!” King's General Tu will enter the palace to complain, all in the South Summer King anticipation. 王屠会进宫诉苦,全在南夏王意料中。 Actually in the evening leaves Miracle Commerce in the evening, South Summer King has thought that a countermeasure, not only offends Chu Tian, and can frustration maliciously the Chu Tian spirit. 其实当晚离开奇迹商会当晚,南夏王就已经想到一个对策,既得罪楚天,又能狠狠的挫挫楚天的锐气。 South Summer King writes Royal Proclamation, is stamping big Wang seal, puts out together King Command: Takes away!” 南夏王写好王书,盖着大大的王印,又拿出一块王令:“拿去吧!” King's General Tu shoots a look at a Royal Proclamation content, immediately felt the warm-blooded birthplace brain, the plump kneels, the whole face rouses exclaims loudly: Thanked my Wang Longen!” 王屠瞥一眼王书内容,顿时感觉热血贯脑,扑通一声跪下来,满脸振奋大声吼道:“谢我王隆恩!” This matter do not make widely known, fast manages!” “此事不要张扬,速速去办!” Compliant!” “遵命!” King's General Tu is filled with joy to leave the royal palace. 王屠满心欢喜离开王宫。 South Summer King shows a strange smiling face. 南夏王露出一个诡异的笑容。
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