MT :: Volume #4

#302: Elf guest

The theater opens 78 days , the Imperial City heat degree had not seen the reduction slightly, instead is more and more fiery, currently even has the aristocrat, rich person and trade route surrounding city, arrives at Imperial City in admiration of somebody's fame specially from afar, but wants to have a look at this splendid Movie/TV Show with own eyes! 影院开放已经78天之久,王城热度丝毫没见减少,反而是越来越火热,现在甚至有周围城市的贵族、富人、商旅,慕名专门千里迢迢来到王城,只是想亲眼看看这个精彩的影视剧 The Imperial City theater has not had the vacancy time, every day is fully occupied basically, light Cheap theater admission ticket on income not poor, let alone in four theater view shade processes stimulates the heavy consumptions, works according to the present trend, after one month of showing time had ended, Miracle Commerce cannot recycle the total cost, it is estimated that also recalled the major part to invest. 王城影院就没有出现空位的时候,每天基本都人满为患,光廉价影院门票就收入不菲,何况四座影院观影过程中拉动大量消费,按照现在的趋势进行下去,一个多月放映期结束后,奇迹商会就算不能回收全部成本,估计也挽回绝大部分投资了。 Four! 四座! Now merely is four theaters! 现在仅仅是四座影院! Miracle Commerce deployed that the trivial four theaters, can achieve the so magnificent achievement and achievement, if eight, 16, 32...... 100? 奇迹商会部署区区四座影院,就能取得如此辉煌的成果和成就,如果是八座,16座,32座……100座呢? Who said that the theater doesn't make money? 谁说影院不赚钱? Is the prospect considerably obviously good! 前景明明非常可观好不好! This is also not other expenses that has! 这还不算其中产生的其他费用呢! A stature slender and slender man appears in Imperial City, a dark green cape covers tall Tiao the body, the big topee blocks from the beautiful face, the dark green hair lets fall, mild-mannered smooth, is attractive, sleeve palm fair like jade, making most women grumble was inferior. 一个身材纤细而修长男子出现在王城,一身墨绿色斗篷盖住高挑身体,大大兜帽遮住秀丽的面孔,墨绿色头发垂落下来,柔顺光滑,非常漂亮,袖子手掌白皙如玉,让绝大多数女人都自叹不如。 Aubeson looks at the Imperial City theater, vision is revealing the stature that seems interested. 奥贝森望着王城影院,目光露出一丝似乎颇感兴趣的身材。 If some people see his true appearance, thinks that certainly will be surprised. This man not only has one elegant face that makes the women envy, the ear point and long, completely are different from humanity, do not need to doubt...... This is Elf! 如果有人见到他真正的样子,想必一定会大吃一惊的。这个男人不仅仅拥有一张让女人都嫉妒的秀美面孔,耳朵又尖又长,则与人类完全不同,无需置疑……这是一只精灵 The Elf time is more ancient than the Spirit Beast time, Elf is not only much longer elegantly, its life is also longer than humanity about eight times! 精灵时代比兽灵时代更古老,精灵不仅仅长得俊美飘逸,其寿命也比人类长八倍左右! The life is the long biology, understands to enjoy the life, likes appreciating the art, each Elf is almost knowledge profound scholar, is the versatile artists. Around Southern Summer Country does not have the known Elf country, this Elf travels to Southern Summer Country nearby mostly by chance, after hearing here presents the interesting thing, therefore comes to see specially. 生命越是漫长的生物,更懂享受生活,喜欢欣赏艺术,每一个精灵几乎都是知识渊博的学者,都是多才多艺的艺术家。南夏国周围没有已知的精灵国,这个精灵多半是碰巧游历到南夏国附近,当听说这里出现有趣的东西后,所以特意来看看而已。 Theater? 影院? Interesting! 有意思! These are blinded by greed, struggle continuous humanity, will have unexpectedly also few people to have the artistic cell, really makes the person be surprised! 这些利欲熏心、斗争不休的人类,竟也会有一部分人有艺术细胞,真是让人感到意外呀! Aubeson had gone to many human states, only common Southern Xia small country, special feelings. Although is only a small kingdom, but many king national capitals feel the surprise thing. For example electric lamp, Source Energy pot and loudspeaker and so on thing, even also has the blower, does not know how really the principle is a matter! 奥贝森已经去过不少人类国度,惟独不起眼南夏小国,有一种特别的感觉。虽说只是一个小王国,但有很多大王国都感到诧异的东西。比如电灯、元力锅、喇叭之类的东西,甚至还有无线电台,真不知道原理是怎么一回事! Although within several days theater admission ticket has sold out, but Aubeson has the means that in the theater has the reserved seats by the tendering way booking, most reserved seats had been fried to 100,000 gold coins prices, the offer cut-off time to show first three hours. 虽然数日内的影院门票都卖光了,但是奥贝森还是有办法的,影院里设有贵宾席以竞价方式售票,大多数贵宾席都已经被炒到100000金币的价格,报价截止时间为放映前三个小时。 Aubeson found recent, the distance has ten minutes till the offer. 奥贝森找到最近的一场,距离截止报价只有十分钟了。 I need a distinguished guest to observe the shade seat!” Aubeson spoke in a standard human language, the intonation rose gently slightly, making the person have a graceful noble feeling, the fair palm clapped several Source Stone on the table: „Did these suffice?” “我需要一个贵宾观影席!”奥贝森用一口标准的人类语说话,语调轻柔微微上扬,让人有种优雅高贵的感觉,白皙的手掌把数块元石拍在桌子上:“这些够了吗?” Source Stone? 元石 The Miracle Commerce staff are surprised. 奇迹商会工作人员大吃一惊。 Source Stone ray twinkle, not only the purity is extremely high, the implication energy is formidable, this should be Source Stone. In this Source Stone, quite 100 low grade Source Stone, but together low grade Source Stone, quite 10,000 gold coins. 元石光芒闪烁、非但纯度极高,蕴含能量强大,这应该是中品元石。这一块中品元石,相当100块下品元石,而一块下品元石,又相当10000金币。 In other words. 换句话来说。 Here directly is several million gold coins! 这里直接就是几百万金币! Has sufficed, sufficed!” Miracle Commerce does not dare to neglect, because buys the admission ticket with Source Stone, majority are foreign Cultivator, let alone gets rid so extravagantly, asked the mister to wait a minute.” “够了,够了!”奇迹商会不敢怠慢,因为用元石来买门票,大多数都是外国修士,更何况出手如此阔绰,“请先生稍候。” The distinguished guests observe the shade seat are different. 贵宾观影席就是不一样。 Not only the position is very good . Moreover the independent passenger compartment, will not be disturbed, has the special service person to serve in side. 非但位置很好,而且独立包间,不会被人打搅,有专门服务员在旁边伺候。 Aubeson enters the theater, has ordered the stir-fried dishes of several Source Energy cooking casually, loses in several Source Stone to them, unnecessary these person of tips. This may several service people almost happily faint, this tip sufficed they 50 years of wages! 奥贝森走进影院,随便点了几盘元力烹饪的炒菜,丢几块中品元石给他们,多余就算这些人小费。这可几个服务员差点幸福的晕过去了,这小费够他们50年的工资了! You get down, do not disturb me.” “你们下去吧,不要打扰我了。” Yes, yes!” “是,是!” Several whole face happy service people retreat immediately. 几个满脸幸福的服务员立刻退走。 Aubeson picks a slice of meat to admit the mouth with the chopsticks, vision immediately one bright, appears very pleasantly surprised, can humanity also make so wonderful food? Even if not inferior compared with some Elven Race gourmands! 奥贝森用筷子夹起一片肉放进嘴里,目光顿时一亮,显得非常惊喜,人类也能做出如此美妙的食物?即使比起一些精灵族美食家也丝毫不逊色了! The Southern Xia small country is really a pleasantly surprised place! 南夏小国真是一个叫人惊喜的地方! At this time the great curtain shone the ray, movie theater formally started, first a resonant hawk called in all directions to pass from loudspeaker with the rumor, interwove together in this theater, coordinated the magnificent picture, making the person have a shock feeling of being personally on the scene! 这时巨幕亮起光芒,影剧正式开始了,首先一阵嘹亮鹰鸣和风声从四面八方的喇叭里传出来,共同交织在这个剧场内,配合华丽的画面,让人有一种身入其境的震撼感! Interesting, interesting! 有意思,有意思! Aubeson shortly will be attracted. 奥贝森顷刻间就被吸引了。 No matter the content is what kind, this picture, this effect, cannot dispute absolutely! 不管内容怎么样,这画面,这效果,绝对没的说呀! This movie theater story starts slowly presents, winding splendid plots link up, the lead is quick-witted, the fiendish person is evil, is alternating the fine simple love, the three waves to a single stroke, change, finally leading actor and actress happy living in seclusion lives together. 这个影剧故事开始慢慢呈现,一个个曲折精彩的剧情连贯,主角机智聪明,魔王邪恶残忍,其中又穿插着纯美简单的爱情,一波三折,跌宕起伏,最终男女主角幸福隐居生活在一起。 Good!” “好!” Good!” “太好了!” The entire theater person gets up to applaud in abundance. 整个剧场人纷纷起来鼓掌。 Aubeson is also very excited, he travelled for pleasure these many places, first time sees the so fresh interesting thing, really does not come to a time Southern Xia small country in vain personally! 奥贝森也感到非常振奋,他游历了这么多地方,还是第一次见到如此新鲜有趣的东西,真是不枉亲自来一次南夏小国啊! The people who when has not given full expression prepare to break up, the giant screen that originally extinguished shines the ray. An appearance beautiful and clear girl, appears in central of screen, be with smile on the face, looks at everybody. 当意犹未尽的人们准备散场的时候,本来已经熄灭的巨型屏幕又重新亮起光芒。一个长相美丽而又清纯的女孩,出现在屏幕的中央,面带微笑,看着大家。 „!” “啊!” This is not a princess.” “这不是公主。” Stupid, the princess status is fictionalizes, this is Miracle Commerce management Miss Meng Yingying!” “笨,公主身份是虚构的,这是奇迹商会高管梦莹莹小姐!” Elf saw that this also feels surprised, he has not thought of this technology, but can also let his directly long-distance video call! 精灵见到这一幕也感到惊讶,他没有想到这种技术,还能让他直接远程视频通话呢! Hello, I was Meng Yingying, the theater promote already past one week, thanked everybody the support to Miracle Commerce.” “大家好,我是梦莹莹,影院推出已经过去一周了,感谢大家对奇迹商会的支持。” The audience break out the warm applause. 全场就响起热烈掌声。 Such good thing, moreover there is Cheap to be cheap, can everybody not support? 这么好的东西,而且有廉价便宜,大家能不支持么? Miracle Commerce is really the Imperial City best conscience chamber of commerce! 奇迹商会真是王城最佳良心商会啊! Meng Yingying then said: To thank everybody supports, Miracle Commerce promotes the souvenir player!” Then, the Meng Yingying side opens body, making the back strange equipment present in everybody at present. 梦莹莹接着对大家说:“为感谢大家支持,奇迹商会推出纪念品播放机!”说完,梦莹莹侧开身体,让背后一台奇怪的设备呈现在大家眼前。 This equipment screen is giant, has two meters width one meter high biography shade mirror impressively together fully, about is installing beaming honey-comb loudspeaker group structure, the back is sticking to a black box, looks like in the unusual high-end the scale. 这台设备屏幕非常巨大,赫然是一块足有两米宽一米高的传影镜,左右安装着集束蜂巢式喇叭群结构,背后紧贴着一层黑色盒子,看起来非常的高端上档次。 This is the Miracle Commerce newest promoted product player, so long as has such a player, can broadcast Miracle Commerce movie theater. At present the quantity is limited, every day only limits ten, in the future can only by the tendering way sell, will realize the mass production, we will carry on the public sale, welcome everybody to purchase!” “这就是奇迹商会最新推出的产品播放机,只要拥有这么一台播放机,就能播放奇迹商会影剧啦。目前数量有限,每天仅限十台,只能以竞价方式出售,未来实现量产后,我们将进行公开销售,欢迎大家来购买!” Originally is the advertisement. 原来是广告啊。 This player makes people very excited. 这播放机让人很心动。 However, has ten, were too rather few. 不过,只有十台,未免太少了。 Imperial City never lacks the rich and powerful people, the average person wants unable to think that can only wait for the later public sale to buy again. 王城从来不缺富豪,普通人连想都不敢想,只能等以后公开销售再买了。 Elf feels immediately very excited, immediately goes to purchase the place, ten players in the tendering sale, this purchase player have also been able to offer «the War of Scarlet Blood» sound video disk free of charge, letting the person can watch movie theater in any place, moreover there is a player in the hand, in the future after distributing more works, can after showing had ended will purchase the dish collection to watch. 精灵顿时感到非常心动,立刻前往购买地点,十台播放机已经在竞价销售中,这次购买播放机还能免费赠送《赤血之战》的音影碟,让人可以在任何地方观看影剧,而且有播放机在手,未来发行更多作品后,也可以在放映结束后购买碟子收藏观看。 The people welled up the auction market in abundance, bidding start immediately. 人们纷纷涌到拍卖场,竞拍立刻就开始了。 500,000!” “500000!” 1 million!” “1000000!” „......” “……” I leave 5 million!” “我出5000000!” Being red in the face that while the innumerable aristocrats struggle time, suddenly in the crowd broadcasts a light sound: 100 million!” 正当无数贵族争的面红耳赤的时候,突然人群中传来一个淡淡的声音:“100000000!” The people almost spurt the blood! 人们差点喷血! Who his mother is! 这他妈是谁啊! Really not Qian Dangqian? 真不把钱当钱了吗? Even if in Imperial City this place, 100 million gold coins is not a small number! 哪怕是在王城这种地方,100000000金币也不是一个小数目啊! The Miracle Commerce staff was also then scared, in this world will have such crazy person? 这下奇迹商会员工也傻眼了,这世界上怎么会有这么疯狂的人? Aubeson does not understand these human surprise, because the so-called 100 million gold coins, are really not any wealth for him. He arrives on the stage, on fair finger the ring ray dodges, massive Source Stone like rain sprinkle, before long the time piles up a hill. 奥贝森不理解这些人类的诧异,因为对他来说所谓100000000金币,实在算不上什么财富。他走到台上,白皙手指上戒指光芒一闪,大量元石就像下雨般洒落下来,不一会儿功夫就堆积成一座小山。 „Can I take away?” “我可以拿走了吗?” But...... Ok!” “可……可以!” The Miracle Commerce staff had almost not been shaken the blind eye by one pile of Source Stone, that Elf arrives in front of a player, the right hand wields gently, the player reduces unceasingly, entire was drawn to take in the middle of the ring. 奇迹商会员工差点没被一堆元石晃瞎眼睛,那精灵走到一部播放机面前,右手轻轻地一挥,播放机不断地缩小,整个被吸进收进戒指当中。 Storage Ring!” 储物戒指!” „Is this Storage Ring in legend?” “这就是传说中的储物戒指吗?” This thing minimum value tens of billions gold coins!” “这个东西起码值几百亿金币!” The people have exclaimed in surprise all. 众人无不惊叹了起来。 Storage Law Tool is the priceless treasure, let alone is the convenience easy-to-use space ring. 储物道具是无价之宝,更何况是方便好用的空间戒指。 This mysterious fellow not only money many scary, moreover there is Storage Equipment in the hand, absolutely is a great nation even advanced place, this makes the people in Southern Xia small country feel that sufficiently deeply awed. 这个神秘的家伙非但钱多的吓人,而且还有储物装备在手,绝对是一个大国甚至更高级地方来的,这足以让南夏小国的人感到深深敬畏了。 This person cannot annoy absolutely, regardless in the Southern Summer Country how formidable family, once annoying this great nation even is the great person who the empire comes, they blow the tone to make you beyond redemption casually! 这种人是绝对不能惹的,无论在南夏国多么强大家族,一旦惹上这种大国甚至是帝国来的大人物,他们随便吹口气都能让你万劫不复! Aubeson does not like by human attention feeling. 奥贝森不喜欢被人类关注感觉。 If not for really likes the megaphone, he does not collect this lively! 若不是实在喜欢播音机,他才不去凑这个热闹呢! Aubeson have not thought that these travels finally, instead has harvests pleasantly surprised. Aubeson not anxiously departure, but buys dozens magnetic recording machines and phonographs to the market, purchases the massive magnetic-sonic plates from each market, spends over a billion gold coins to exit casually. 奥贝森自己都没有想到,这一趟旅行到最后,反而有让人惊喜的收获。奥贝森没有急着离开,而是又到市场上买好几十部磁音机、留声机,从各个市场购买大量磁音盘,随随便便又花上亿金币出去。 What was this money considered as for him? 这点钱对他来说又算得了什么呢? Aubeson will bring these things to go back well-founded naturally. 奥贝森会带这些东西回去当然是有理由的。 Before that little princess embarks, has been entangling him, making his certain belt gift go back, regarding this Aubeson has had a headache, hasn't little princess what treasure seen? He cannot buy a young dragon to go back! 那位小公主出发前就一直缠着他,让他一定带礼物回去,对此奥贝森一直非常头疼,小公主什么宝贝没见过?他总不能买一头幼龙回去吧! He cannot stir up the little princess, if cannot bring the thing that makes her like, that consequence is Aubeson does not dare to imagine. 他偏偏惹不起小公主,若不能带一件让她喜欢的东西,那后果是奥贝森不敢想象的。 Now can relax finally. 现在总算可以松一口气了。 These novel gadget, little princess will certainly like! 这些新奇的玩意儿,小公主一定会喜欢! However, Aubeson has not thought that after he player takes to the little princess, for him brings in the innumerable troubles, brings innumerably to the Elf forest troublesome...... 不过,奥贝森万万没有想到,他把播放机带给小公主之后,为他引来无数的麻烦,也给精灵森林带来无数麻烦……
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