MT :: Volume #3

#297: Prince

Dongfang Haoran is the prince who the Dongfang Family clan most thinks highly, since childhood has the golden key to grow up, the first destiny granted him very outstanding talent, even if did not compare with Central State Chu Xinghe inferior, under the Dongfang Family clan huge inside story, Dongfang Haoran was one of the keiest training posterity. 东方浩然东方家族最器重的王子,自幼就是含着金钥匙长大的,首先命运赐予他非常杰出的天赋,哪怕跟中州楚星河比丝毫不逊色,东方家族庞大底蕴之下,东方浩然是最重点培养的后人之一。 The Dongfang Haoran age compared with Chu Xinghe several years old, cultivation base actually casts off Chu Xinghe big section of Awakened Soul 9th Layer merely greatly! 东方浩然年龄仅仅比楚星河大几岁,修为却甩开楚星河一大截魂醒九重 Such young, so the strength, lets many 150 years old, when became famous are many seniors to blush with shame! Also has the Dongfang Family clan fully to support, from now on the growth space feared that is hard to estimate, becomes True Spirit Realm Expert is the matter of being settled, must be the next generation supports the back of Dongfang Family clan! 这么年轻,如此实力,让多少150岁,已经成名多时的老前辈都为之汗颜!又拥有东方家族全力支持,今后成长空间怕是难以估测,成为真灵境强者是板上钉钉的事情,必是下一辈支撑东方家族的脊梁! Dongfang Haoran not only has the outstanding talent, I am a Imperial City famous practice madman! 东方浩然不仅仅具备卓绝天赋,本人更是是王城一个出名的修炼狂人! I am Chu Tian.” “我是楚天。” No matter Chu Tian the opposite party is any status! 楚天不管对方是什么身份! Meng Qingwu fully realized that fierce of big prince, feared Chu Tian that has a big mouth will anger the opposite party, immediately walks to say on own initiative: I and others do not know that the prince your honorable self visits, really had to lose welcomed, hopes that the prince do not blame, requested personally toward.” 梦轻舞深知大王子的厉害,怕口无遮拦的楚天会惹怒对方,立刻主动走出来说:“我等不知王子大驾光临,实在有失远迎了,希望王子不要怪罪,往里面请吧。” You did not have the qualifications to speak to me.” Dongfang Haoran flings icily to Meng Qingwu one, two falcon vision observe closely front Chu Tian: I do not think clearly, how will Chu Xinghe lose to your such person?” “你还没有资格跟我说话。”东方浩然冷冰冰甩给梦轻舞一句,两只鹰隼般的目光盯住前面楚天:“我想不明白,楚星河怎么会败给你这样的人?” The Meng Qingwu black eyebrow coloring eyebrow micro wrinkle reveals an awkwardness. 梦轻舞黛眉微皱露出一丝尴尬。 Since actually contact these many people, actually many unreasonable arbitrary generations, these people at present this completely different, no matter these people the manner is what kind, but regards in the Meng Qingwu look, majority fill ** bare acquisitive instinct. 其实接触这么多人以来,倒是不乏无理蛮横之辈,那些人跟眼前这位完全不同,那些人不管态度怎么样,但是看待梦轻舞眼神中,大多数是充满**裸的占有欲的。 This Dongfang Haoran, he has not paid attention to Meng Qingwu only, probably Meng Qingwu is the stuffed dummy who a blockhead carves, does not have the attraction of least bit to him. 惟独这个东方浩然,他是真的没把梦轻舞放在眼里,好像梦轻舞就是一具木头雕刻成的假人,对他没有半点的吸引力。 Dongfang Haoran said lightly: Since can defeat Chu Xinghe, explained that you are not the generation of commonplace. Why must concentrate on the useless place, has wasted the talent in vain, matter that makes these not to have the significance!” 东方浩然淡淡地说:“既然能打败楚星河,说明你不是等闲之辈。为何要把精力花在无用之处,白白浪费了天赋,做这些没有意义的事!” I depend. 我靠。 This manner installed to compel! 这态度太装逼了吧! Chu Tian takes a look at present somewhat simple-hearted prince, sees only him throughout the board a face, without any expression, disdains with the appearance that Chu Tian is a companion. 楚天打量眼前有些木讷的王子,只见他始终板着一张脸,没有任何的表情,一副非常不屑和楚天为伍的样子。 Dongfang Haoran already knew Central State Chu Xinghe, he thought that Chu Xinghe is one is not weak in own rare talent, but in comparison, he is old, the family strength is stronger, therefore cultivation base will go far beyond Chu Xinghe. If Chu Xinghe will arrive at Imperial City in the future, then definitely will entrust with heavy responsibility by the Chu Xinghe ability, at that time huge resource incline training, Chu Xinghe can fight with him quickly! 东方浩然早就知道中州楚星河,他觉得楚星河是一个不弱于自己的奇才,只不过相比之下,他年长四五岁,家族实力更强,所以修为才会远远超过楚星河。若是日后楚星河来到王城,那么以楚星河能力肯定会受到重用,那时候大量资源倾斜培养,楚星河很快就能与他争锋了! This to the Dongfang Haoran significance significant! 这对东方浩然意义重大的啊! Besides Wang Family Wang Tianlong , Dongfang Haoran could not find of the same generation the match again, once had very high expectation to Chu Xinghe, who knows that Chu Xinghe defeats on nouveau riche, in rises suddenly. This can not let ask enemy, if thirsty Dongfang Haoran is depressed? 王家王天龙之外,东方浩然再找不到同辈对手,曾经一度对楚星河抱有很高的期望,谁知道楚星河败在一个突然崛起的暴发户身上。这怎么能不让求敌若渴的东方浩然郁闷? The Chu Tian disposition, Dongfang Haoran does not like. 楚天的性格,东方浩然非常不喜欢。 This fellow has the formidable talent obviously, actually goes to any chamber of commerce to make money, the instinct becomes Practitioner that a brilliance glistens, actually turns into the influence merchant to moisten a common custom the copper stink. 这家伙明明拥有强大天赋,却偏偏去开什么商会赚钱,本能成为一个光耀闪亮的修炼者,却变成势力商人沾一身世俗的铜臭味。 I said the prince.” Chu Tian thinks strange \; Your I the non- injustice recently did not have the enmity in those days, why can create obstacles for Chu?” “我说王子殿下。”楚天觉得奇怪\;“你我往日无冤近日无仇,为何要刁难楚某?” I create obstacles, but must warn you, reverent Practitioner practice is careful not gets off one's main subject, but does not do some jobs of being opportunistic, urging you to put down these useless things well, grasped your talent and age.” “我非刁难,只是要告诫你,一个虔诚修炼者修行当心无旁骛,而不是搞些投机取巧的营生,劝你好好放下这些没用东西,把握你的天赋和年龄。” Big prince looks like really does not know the world hardship!” Chu Tian sneers: I want to know that the prince from starting to practice now, how many valuable medicine miracle cures the Dongfang Family clan has used on you, how many resources also has used and inside story?” “大王子看来真是不知人间疾苦!”楚天冷笑一声:“我想知道王子从开始修炼到现在,东方家族在你身上用了多少宝药灵丹,又动用了多少资源和底蕴?” Dongfang Haoran still wooden said: You asked this doing!” 东方浩然依然一副木然说:“你问这个干什么!” You think that everyone does live like you in the royal family? Buys the medicine not to ask for money? Buys the resources not to ask for money? Buys Cultivation Technique not to ask for money? The family gives all probably perfectly justified to be the same. You think that everyone was protected by the innumerable elders like you, is protecting? Flowers that in a greenhouse grows up, even if opens brightly also can only tie in the vase again, what qualifications has to ridicule the weeds that in the wilderness crevice grows?” “你以为每个人都像你一样生在王族吗?买药不要钱?买资源不要钱?买功法不要钱?家族给予一切就好像天经地义一样。难道你以为每个人都像你一样被无数长辈呵护着、保护着?一朵温室里长大的花朵,纵然开得再鲜艳也只能束于花瓶,有什么资格嘲笑荒野石缝里生长出来的野草?” The Dongfang Haoran complexion sinks. 东方浩然脸色一沉。 Some first people said that he is the flowers in greenhouse. 第一次有人说他是温室里的花朵。 Dongfang Haoran sneers coldly: You thought that I am inferior to you?” 东方浩然冷冷笑起来:“你觉得我不如你?” Chu Tian shrugs, I did not have saying that if the prince thinks, then but actually also right.” 楚天耸耸肩,“我没有这么说,如果王子这么想,那么倒也没错。” Meng Qingwu felt that the brow jumps. 梦轻舞感觉眉头一跳。 It is not good, this prince obviously is a person of brain muscle, now is stirred up by Chu Tian, does not erupt is strange. 不好,这王子显然是脑子一根筋的人,现在被楚天一激,不爆发才怪。 Good, is very good, the reputation of Dongfang Family clan does not allow to insult.” In the Dongfang Haoran vision reveals an anger: Since said these words, you should consider consequence that can face!” “好,很好,东方家族的名誉不容侮辱。”东方浩然目光中露出一丝愤怒:“既然说出这句话,你就该考虑过将会面临的后果!” Here is the Miracle Commerce headquarters!” Meng Qingwu hurried saying: Is it possible that does prince want to use strength to bully the weak?” “这里是奇迹商会的总部!”梦轻舞赶紧说:“王子莫非是想恃强凌弱?” No, but wants to carry on a fair challenge Dongfang Haoran to say icily: I suppress cultivation base to and same boundary fight with you, I want to take a look at the weeds that in a crevice is long actually tenaciously! Naturally, you can choose do not fight, I will not feel embarrassed a coward!” “不,只是想进行一场公平挑战”东方浩然冷冰冰的说:“我就把修为压制到和相同境界与你一战,我倒是想看看一颗石缝里长出的野草到底有多顽强!当然,你可以选择不战,我不会为难一个懦夫!” Who dares to challenge the Boss!” “谁敢挑战老大!” Chu Tian has not opened the mouth with enough time, reprimanded tenderly from afar transmits. 楚天没来得及开口,一声娇斥就远远地传来了。 Two forms clash fast, is not others Meng Yingying and Nangong Yun two people. Nangong Yun grasps a handle to be big some long handle great hammers of exaggeration, the whole face rogue color stands. 两道身影快速冲出来,不是别人正是梦莹莹南宫云二人。南宫云手持一柄大得有些夸张的长柄巨锤,满脸凶恶之色站出来。 You want to challenge our eldest children to be able, has to defeat me beforehand!” “你想挑战我们老大可以,有本事先打败我!” „Are you Nangong Yun?” Dongfang Haoran looked for the Chu Tian matter to give to forget, heard the fight, he exceptionally was excited: I heard that you have real skill, hopes that do not disappoint me!” “你是南宫云?”东方浩然把来找楚天事情都给忘记了,一听到战斗,他就异常兴奋:“我听说你也有两下子,希望不要让我失望!” Nangong Yun throws to seek information the vision, Chu Tian nod affirmed. 南宫云投来征询目光,楚天点点头表示肯定。 That tastes fierce of great-aunt!” Nangong Yun leaps fiercely, when the second foot steps forward, the entire floor was stepped on disrupts, erupted to the full speed condition, first eats my hammer!” “那就尝尝姑奶奶的厉害!”南宫云猛地一跃而出,当第二脚跨出的时候,整块地板都被踩得碎裂,已经爆发到全速状态,“先吃我一锤!” Good quick explosive force! 好快的爆发力! Very strong destructive power! 好强的破坏力! Dongfang Haoran suppressed cultivation base same level, under this situation does not dare to have slightly negligently, gushes out a purple ability from within the body, gathers in both hands. 东方浩然已把修为压制到同级,这种情况之下不敢有丝毫大意,从体内涌出一股紫色能力,聚集在双手之中。 Thump! 咚! Nangong Yun heavy hammer has pounded. 南宫云重锤砸过。 In the Dongfang Haoran hand the purple ability congeals a handle great hammer, the completeness is the energy turns into, blocked a hammer of Nangong Yun instantaneously, the burning hot fierce strength gives to melt the surroundings ground. 东方浩然手中紫色能力凝结成一柄巨锤,完完全全就是能量化成的,瞬间挡住南宫云的一道锤击,炙热凶猛力量把周围地面都给融化了。 Two hammers touch! 两锤又是一碰! Resounds loudly. 轰然响起。 The big piece ground was shaken caves, they simultaneously withdraw several steps. 大片地面都被震得崩陷,两人同时退后好几步。 Owing that and Nangong Yun eats is bigger, but Nangong Yun has diamond Immortal body of Diamond Body level, therefore does not dread this impulse. 其中南宫云吃的亏更大一些,不过南宫云金刚体级的金刚不灭体,所以根本不畏惧这点冲击力。 Dongfang Haoran calm face. 东方浩然沉着脸。 In Imperial City reputation does Nangong Yun not obviously, have this strength unexpectedly? 一个王城中名声不显的南宫云,居然拥有这种实力? Although Dongfang Haoran suppresses cultivation base, but Dongfang Haoran self-confident same level is difficult to meet the rival, even is jumps the ranks the fight, absolutely does not have the stratagem which ensures success. Nangong Yun is low in the Nangong Clan status, the «Burning Heavens Definitely» practice crucial moment is not high. Dongfang Haoran clearly is opposite, he is extremely high in the Dongfang Family clan status, cultivates «Vast Qi Secret Art», almost reached in the stage of perfection. 虽然东方浩然压制修为,但是东方浩然自信同级中难逢敌手,甚至就算是越级战斗,也都不是完全没有胜算。南宫云南宫家族地位非常低,《焚天决》修炼火候并不高。东方浩然则截然相反,他在东方家族地位极高,所修炼《浩气诀》,几乎臻于化境了。 Shares half and half? 平分秋色? Although Dongfang Haoran striking power perhaps, but Nangong Yun as if cultivates some type to protect the body mystique, therefore both sides have not received any substantive injury. 虽然东方浩然的攻击力或许更强一点,但是南宫云似乎修炼某种护体秘法,所以双方都没有受到任何实质性伤害。 Strength also calculates.” Dongfang Haoran let somebody cool off or calm down said: But is also mediocre!” “力量还算可以。”东方浩然冷冷地说:“但也不过如此!” Nangong Yun is infuriated immediately, brandishes big hammer to start to pound crazily, the Dongfang Haoran speed is quick, the purple great hammer turns into a long spear, surrounds cleverly side Nangong Yun, just likes a cunning and ruthless spicy poisonous snake, throws to nip one suddenly. 南宫云顿时火冒三丈,抡起大锤子就开始狂砸,东方浩然速度很快,紫色巨锤又变成一把长枪,灵巧环绕在南宫云身边,犹如一条刁钻而又狠辣的毒蛇,冷不丁扑上去咬一口。 Has the skill not to hide!” “有本事别躲!” The great hammer that the raging fire lingers ascends golden roaring flame, this flame was completely different from before, the instance when Nangong Yun turned, the ice turned into golden Fire Phoenix unexpectedly illusory. 烈火萦绕的巨锤升腾起一股金色烈焰,这股火焰跟之前是完全不一样的,当南宫云轮出去的瞬间,竟然凌空幻化成一只金色火凤 Looked that my falling phoenix strikes!” “看我的落凤击!” Under Nangong Yun stimulates to movement fully, golden Fire Phoenix crashes like the meteor. 南宫云全力催动之下,金色火凤就像流星般坠落。 This was the fire of Shenfeng, Nangong Yun has a «Big Nirvana Thoughts» know-how! 这是神凤之火,南宫云掌握一点《大涅槃心经》的窍门了! Dongfang Haoran realized keenly that golden flame lethality is greatly strengthened, cannot resist easily, the long spear in a ground ball, pulls out at the maximum speed draws back. 东方浩然敏锐意识到,金色火焰杀伤力极强,绝不能轻易抵挡的,长枪在地面一弹,以最快的速度抽退。 Hundred bird Chaoyang!” “百雀朝阳!” Golden Fire Phoenix crashes in the place instantaneous, disrupts instantaneously over a hundred golden birds, all turns toward on Dongfang Haoran the assault. 金色火凤坠落在地瞬间,瞬间碎裂成上百只金色小鸟,全都向着东方浩然身上袭去。 East noble spirit!” “浩气东来!” Dongfang Haoran long spear, the lasing from hand, the midair changed to big tzeyuns, blocked these golden birds instantaneously. Finally at this time, forcefully ran out of a person from tzeyun, both hands brandishes the great hammer high, had the flamingo to pursue unceasingly, fell condenses the flame on the hammer head. 东方浩然长枪一荡,从手中激射了出去,半空化作一大片紫云,瞬间挡住那些金色小鸟。结果就在这个时候,从紫云中强行冲出一个人,双手高高抡起巨锤,不断有火鸟追过来,落在锤头凝聚成火焰。 Before long time. 不一会儿功夫。 The Nangong Yun hammer turns into handle [gold/metal] flame heavy hammer! 南宫云锤子就变成一柄金焰重锤 Old lady does not believe not to be battered to death you!” “老娘就不信砸不死你!” Nangong Yun prepares to get rid, Chu Tian discovers anything: Stop!” 南宫云就准备出手,楚天发现什么:“住手!” The Dongfang Haoran whole body releases purple ray immediately, is covering from top to bottom, congeals an cuns (2.5cm) armor, almost in the instantaneous time, Dongfang Haoran turns into a billy imposing manner, the left hand holds the shield, the right hand holds the sword, 东方浩然浑身顿时释放出紫色光芒,笼罩着浑身上下,凝结成寸寸铠甲,几乎是在瞬间功夫,东方浩然就变成一个铁罐头般的气势,左手持盾,右手持剑、 Is this Source Spirit of Dongfang Family clan? 这就是东方家族的元魂 Unexpectedly is a transform effect reason! 竟然是一个变身效果的原因! When the great hammer pounds instantaneous, falls on the big shield maliciously, entire big shield hammered being split up , the violent energy rebound on Nangong Yun, that strength directly blowing to fly Nangong Yun, simultaneously Dongfang Haoran shoots the sword, happen to hits Nangong Yun of midair. 当巨锤砸过来瞬间,狠狠地落在大盾上,整个大盾被锤的四分五裂,同时也有一股猛烈能量反弹在南宫云身上,那力量之强直接就把南宫云给吹飞了,同时东方浩然一把将剑掷出,正好击中半空的南宫云 „It is not good!” “不好!” Meng Yingying and Meng Qingwu complexion big change, must pass to save others. 梦莹莹梦轻舞脸色大变,就要过去救人。 Finally, the Nangong Yun whole body covers golden flame, just likes a phoenix crashes on the ground, the surroundings were lit, but she from the intermediate station time, the whole body wound spot in the strange combustion, especially the abdomen by the spot that the sword stabs, has the golden flame to flee unceasingly from inside. 结果,南宫云浑身笼罩金色火焰,犹如一只凤凰般坠落在地上,周围都被点燃了,而她从中间站起来时候,浑身伤口部位在诡异的燃烧,特别是腹部被剑刺伤的部位,不断有金色火苗从里面窜出来。 What is stranger, these injuries in rapid change for the better! 更诡异的是,这些伤势在迅速的好转! Dongfang Haoran is shocked thoroughly, what Cultivation Technique this is, so to be how fierce? 东方浩然彻底惊呆,这到底是什么功法,怎么会如此厉害? Was I am negligent!” “是我大意了!” Comes again!” “再来!” Nangong Yun knits the brows, Source Energy consumes most, «Great Nirvana Scripture» not only fight, but can also treat own injury, was only the consumption is too a little big 南宫云皱皱眉,元力消耗大半,《大涅槃经》不仅仅呢个战斗,而且还能治疗自身伤势,只是消耗有点太大了 Was good, Nangong, you draw back.” “好了,南宫,你退下吧。” Front Chu Tian arrives personally: Then, I'm coming accompanies you to play.” 楚天亲自走到前面来:“接下来,我来陪你玩玩。”
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