MT :: Volume #3

#296: Complete success

When the theater light shines gradually, the people stimulated exceptionally, that changing plot in is too splendid, this super intense visual impact effect, is not dry stage play can compare favorably. 当影院灯光逐渐亮起来,人们一个个都亢奋异常,那跌宕起伏剧情是在太精彩,这种超级强烈的视觉冲击效果,绝不是干巴巴的话剧能够媲美的。 From mind, above sense organ, everyone as if by unprecedentedly baptism! 无论是从心灵、还是感官之上,每一个人都仿佛受到前所未有的洗礼! After looks at a story completely, everyone not only feels exceptionally satisfiedly, as if experiences this thrilling exciting risk personally, and feels to have not given full expression, because has not satisfied a craving thoroughly. 当完完整整看完一个故事之后,每个人既感到异常满足,仿佛亲自经历这场惊险刺激的冒险,又感觉到意犹未尽,因为还没有彻底过瘾呢。 „Did this end?” “这就完了?” I have not looked to satisfy a craving!” “我还没看过瘾呢!” „Do brave warrior and princess after live together?” “勇士和公主在一起以后生活呢?” „Is this movie theater? Too his mother was really happy!” “这就是影剧吗?真是太他妈爽了!” Wang Family Person too damn, I must break diplomatic relation with Wang Family Person!” 王家人可恶,我一定要跟王家人断交!” Said right, Nangong......” “说的没错,还有南宫……” Bah! Shut up, your his mother not awfully!” “呸!闭嘴,你他妈不要命了!” „......” “……” Have these spiritual life barren people thought such wonderful entertainment experience? This like best quality goods hallucinogen, once slurped again cannot swear off! 这些精神生活贫瘠的人又想过这样美妙的娱乐体验?这就像极品迷幻剂般,一旦吸食就再戒不掉了! These movie theater will also create to the person influences subtly the influence, for example the movie theater lead image makes the model by Chu Tian, what molds is one strong and formidable, is full of the sense of responsibility the soldier. Now true Chu Tian stands in the front, the people cannot bear him and movie theater lead comparison, therefore looked that he was pleasing to the eyes immediately. 这些影剧对人还会造成一些潜移默化影响,比如影剧主角形象是以楚天做模型的,所塑造的是一个坚强、强大、充满责任心的战士。现在真正楚天站在面前,人们都忍不住把他和影剧里的主角比较,所以看他顿时顺眼了很多。 The similar truth, King's General Tu and Zou Yan, these two fellows freely are not the final villains who acts in inside, is selfish, numb, even repeatedly the critical lead, this makes other people angrily arrive at the extreme, even many people open the mouth broken to scold at the scene, even making impertinent remarks also has it. 同样的道理,王屠左湮,这两个家伙尽管在里面扮演的不是最终反派,却自私自利,麻木不仁,甚至屡次要害主角,这让其他人都对此愤怒到极点,甚至有不少人当场开口破骂,甚至出言不逊者也有之。 The people deeply are infatuated with movie theater! 人们深深迷上影剧 They started to be worried. 他们开始担心了起来。 If, what to do can't see movie theater should? After all a movie theater investment is very big, moreover looks like in the short-term cannot take back any profit. 万一以后看不到更多影剧该怎么办?毕竟一部影剧投资很大,而且看起来短期内根本收不回什么利润。 The Chu Tian whole face smile arrived on the stage saying: Fellow Sirs, showing had ended, does not know that everybody can also satisfy to this?” 楚天满脸微笑走到台上对大家说:“各位大人,放映已经结束,不知道大家对这可还满意?” Chu Tian was too graceful!” A beautiful aristocrat young girl shouts high: You now are my idol!” 楚天太帅了!”一个美丽贵族少女高喊道:“你现在就是我的偶像!” A son of the influential then shouts: This does movie theater also do? This merely one does not satisfy a craving! I like under the application the princess!” 一个公子哥接着喊道:“这影剧还做不做?这仅仅一部根本不过瘾呀!我喜欢应用下公主!” You , if willing to continue to do, the old man can support!” An Mr. Bai Huzi stood saying: I support 10 million gold coins!” “你要是愿意继续做,老夫可以给赞助!”一个白胡子老头站起来说:“我赞助10000000金币!” I support 5 million!” “我赞助5000000!” I also support......” “我也赞助……” The enthusiasm of people by far is above the imagination of Chu Tian, the result that Chu Tian wants to see, Chu Tian brings a loudspeaker to shout: Everybody is not anxious, Miracle Commerce is one has the conscience responsible chamber of commerce, since the choice starts, naturally can complete, and continues to do. Therefore, everybody does not need to be worried that we will manufacture movie theater continuously, satisfies the energetic entertainment of Southern Summer Country person!” 人们的热情远远超乎楚天的想象,正是楚天想要看到的结果,楚天拿来一个喇叭喊道:“大家莫急,奇迹商会是一个有良心有责任的商会,既然选择开始,自然会做好,且继续做下去。所以,各位不用担心,我们会持续不断制作影剧,满足南夏国人的精神娱乐!” Good!” “好!” Your boy is really a good young man!” “你小子果然是一个好后生!” The aristocrats are satisfied to the reply of Chu Tian, is full of praise to Chu Tian, the in the heart satisfaction foot asked to be excused to leave to South Summer King finally. 众贵族对楚天的回答非常满意,对楚天更是赞不绝口,终于心满意足向南夏王告退离开了。 South Summer King looking pensive: How three do see?” 南夏王若有所思:“三位怎么看?” Miracle Commerce is mastering such technology, fears grasping a terrifying amassing money channel. Currently speaking, observes the shade to collect fees 20 gold coins not to be as if many each time merely, but the people neglect an issue, by the Miracle Commerce ambition, will promote really only in Imperial City? If eight state main cities construct 12 theaters respectively, then the income scale turns more than 45 times immediately, let alone can also go down to each city......” Wen Cheng to speak of here, looks at Source Energy Canned Food that in front of suspends: Let alone the theater supplements other expenses, big of benefit, is unlikely hard to imagine.” 奇迹商会掌握着这样的技术,怕是将掌握一条恐怖的敛财渠道。从目前来看,每次观影仅仅收费20金币似乎不多,但是人们忽略一个问题,以奇迹商会的野心,难道真只会在王城推广?若八州主城各建12座剧院,那么收入规模立刻就翻45倍多,更何况还能深入各个城市……”文成君说到这里,又看一眼面前摆的元力食品:“更何况剧院附带其他消费,其中利益之大,恐怕难以想象。” Wu'an Monarch lightly appraises: This preserved dynamic image technology has the prospect very much, not only can be used for the entertainment.” 武安君则淡淡评价:“这种保存动态影像技术很有前景,不仅仅能用来娱乐。” Said right.” Wen Cheng said mystifyingly: Chu Tian brainwashes to the person through the vivid movie theater story, molds itself the glory great image, discredits without the bottom line the personal enemy enemy, what today insinuates is on Wang Family and Nangong Family the minister, tomorrow feared that is links our three to dare to make an issue, even arrives links South Summer King finally......” “说的没错。”文成君阴阳怪气说:“楚天通过生动的影剧故事给人洗脑,把自己塑造成光辉伟大形象,又将仇人对头无底线抹黑,今天影射的是王家南宫家上卿,明天怕是连我们三个都敢做文章,甚至到最后连南夏王……” A Wu'an Monarch brow wrinkle: I said is not this.” 武安君眉头一皱:“我说的不是这个。” But, he really has this skill!” Wen Cheng speaks of here not to say suddenly: Burning Sun Monarch, did you say?” “但,他确实有这种本事!”文成君说到这里突然不说了:“炎阳君,你说呢?” Wen Cheng idea. 文成君想法。 Burning Sun Monarch definitely was the violent anger such as the thunder. 炎阳君肯定是暴怒如雷了。 His temperament is so irritable, can tolerate this matter occurrence? 他的脾气这么火爆,又怎么能容忍这种事情发生呢? „......” Who knows that Burning Sun Monarch, some little time responded, but said two characters continually \; Good, good, good, this movie theater a little meaning, looked including the old men somewhat fascinated.” “呃……”谁知道炎阳君愣一下,好一会儿才反应过来,只是连说两个字\;“好,好,不错,这影剧有点意思,连老夫都看得有些入迷了。” Wen Cheng stares \; You have not looked that Chu Tian taking the opportunity was insulting your Nangong Clan?” 文成君一瞪眼睛\;“你就没看出来,楚天在借机侮辱你南宫家族吗?” Zou Yan could not have represented Nangong Clan.” Burning Sun Monarch as if became extravagantly reached at this time \; This movie theater really has its originality, this Monarch thought can actually promote the promotion well.” 左湮还代表不了南宫家族。”炎阳君这个时候似乎变得非常阔达\;“这影剧实在有其独到之处,本君倒是觉得可以好好推广推广。” Snort! North Southern Summer Country has the War Hound tribe oppression, how could do the people settle in leading a life of comfort?” Wen Cheng felt that is very discontented: This movie theater, once is popular, my Southern Summer Country person was confused by it inevitably, all day long pursues to lead a life of comfort to while away the time, continue like this, under did the national customs date, how resist War Hound?” “哼!南夏国北有犬戎部族压迫,国人岂能安于享乐?”文成君感到十分不满:“这影剧一旦流行起来,我南夏国人必然被其迷惑,终日追求享乐消遣,如此下去,国风日下,如何对抗犬戎?” Wen Cheng this word is bad.” Wu'an Monarch opens the mouth saying: If movie theater can correctly guide, not only will not cause the wind of wasteful leading a life of comfort, instead can plant the loyal country to enter the spirit bravely.” 文成君此言差矣。”武安君开口说道:“若影剧能正确引导,非但不会引起奢靡享乐之风,反而能种植忠国勇进之精神。” Do not quarrel.” South Summer King did not say patiently: No matter what, the story is truly good, since appears has the value of existence. However, must have the bottom line, the this King necessity exerts some supervision rules, does not allow to discredit the realistic character and family.” “你们就别吵了。”南夏王不耐烦说:“不管怎么说,故事确实不错,既然出现就有存在的价值。但是,不能毫无底线,本王必要施加一些监管条例,不允许抹黑现实人物和家族。” Wen Cheng cannot do South Summer King to think anything. 文成君搞不到南夏王在想什么。 This king is not very repugnant Chu Tian, now the Chu Tian influence and influence, saw with own eyes that can further expand? Is unexpectedly aloof? This does not conform to the South Summer King disposition. 这位国王不是非常讨厌楚天么,现在楚天影响力和势力,眼见就要进一步扩大?竟然对此无动于衷?这不符合南夏王的性格啊。 This matter allows this King to consider to decide again that three Monarch please return.” After South Summer King three Monarch sends off, ike also to the side bodyguard said: Makes as overwhelming see me as the palace!” “这件事情容本王考虑考虑再决定,三君请回吧。”南夏王把三君都送走之后,ike又对身边侍卫说:“让浩然到宫殿来见我!” „?” This bodyguard said with amazement: Prince is closing up!” “啊?”这个侍卫惊讶说:“王子在闭关!” Closes up, closes up, all day knows the practice, built up including the brain silly, this cultivation base had the fart to use high. Wu'an Monarch cultivation base is higher than this King, finally sits the throne also isn't this King?” South Summer King is somewhat discontented: Makes him come out!” “闭关,闭关,整天就知道修炼,连脑子都炼傻了,这修为高有屁用。武安君修为本王高,最后坐上王位的还不是本王?”南夏王有些不满:“让他出来!” Yes!” “是!” South Summer King caresses the beard slightly, vision reveals the color of meaning hesitation. 南夏王微微抚抚胡子,目光露出意思沉吟之色。 After first showing ended, the people in four theaters have burst with joy, after they leave the theater, entire Imperial City also seethed with excitement. This type turbulent warm rapidly spreads like fire, making entire Imperial City be affected, the person have the curiosity, the person like following. 第一场放映结束之后,四座影院的人都沸腾了,当他们离开影院之后,整个王城也跟着沸腾了。这种汹涌热情就像大火迅速蔓延,让整个王城都受到影响,人都是有好奇心的,人都是喜欢跟风的。 Especially has the news to spread, South Summer King is leading three Monarch as well as dozens great people, all watched Miracle Commerce manufacture movie theater. This celebrity effect causes the stir, its effect like sprinkles one barrel of oil on this group of raging fire! 特别是有消息传出,南夏王带着三君以及几十大人物,全都去观看了奇迹商会制作的影剧。这名人效应引起轰动,其效果就像在这团烈火上又泼一桶油! South Summer King looked has reached an agreement, met not well? 南夏王看了都说好,难道还会不好? Three Monarch together came to look personally, haven't you looked? 三君都一起来亲自看了,你难道还不去看? The Miracle Commerce broadcasting station spreads news, immediately makes the entire city people turbulent, even has the situation of being difficult to get a ticket, the reserved seats of these tendering way sells, fry to several hundred thousand gold coin superelevation prices! 奇迹商会电台传播开一个个消息,立刻就让全城人都汹涌起来,甚至出现一票难求的情况,那些竞价方式出售的贵宾席,更是炒到几十万金币一个的超高价格! The theater ends to the night fully. 影院整整到深夜收场。 Today day of time, has almost not had the vacant position situation. 今天一天时间,几乎没有出现空席情况。 That night, Miracle Commerce holds a time conference urgently, Meng Yingying lists today's report card, almost smiled her mouth crookedly: Today we sell tickets the income to have 500-600 ten thousand gold coins, theater inside spend the income to reach 20 million gold coins, a day of earning scale least 25 million. My God, really far exceeds estimates ten times!” 当夜,奇迹商会紧急召开一次会议,梦莹莹列出今天的成绩单,差点把她的嘴都笑歪了:“今天我们售票收入就有五六百多万金币,影院里面消费收入多达20000000金币,一天营收规模最少25000000。我的天呐,真是远远超出预估十倍呢!” King ten times of prices reserve all seats for a performance, adds the aristocrat to observe the shade process again, big drawing expense, therefore the high point is also normal.” Meng Qingwu cares to this petty profit, now the Miracle Commerce fund is abundant, pours is not recouping the cost anxiously: Now theater quantity are too few, when I prepares and other theaters more, we must build more theaters to come out!” “国王十倍价格包场,再加贵族观影过程,大大的拉动消费,所以高一点也是正常的。”梦轻舞对这点蝇头小利放在心上,现在奇迹商会资金充裕,倒也不急着收回成本:“现在影院数量太少,我准备等影院更多时,我们必须打造更多的影院出来!” Chu Tian expressed the support. 楚天表示赞同。 Actually makes how much money, now is unimportant, the most important point is, Chu Tian wants to see after this entertaining fashion obtains the promotion, can in the stir and influence that Southern Summer Country causes. 其实赚多少钱,现在还不重要,最重要的一点是,楚天想要看到这种娱乐方式获得推广后,所能在南夏国造成的轰动和影响。 This, we must manufacture a number of special souvenirs again!” The Chu Tian thinking said over and over: We the video disk, the magnetic-sonic plate, phonograph and light mirror, concentrate completely, manufactures one to broadcast the movie theater equipment specially.” Chu Tian closes one's eyes to ponder for several seconds: This thing called the player!” “这样吧,我们再要制作一批特别的纪念品!”楚天思索再三说:“我们把影碟、磁音盘、留声机、光影镜,全部集中起来,制作一个专门播放影剧的设备。”楚天闭着眼睛沉思几秒:“这东西就叫播放机吧!” The video disk is the record video, the light mirror refers to being able to play the picture the mirror. 影碟是记录动态视频,光影镜是指能播放画面的镜子。 Chu Tian wants to manufacture an equipment specially, this equipment already has the phonograph broadcast sound function, has the function of broadcast picture. This equipment, only need inserts together the corresponding video disk and magnetic-sonic plate, then can realize the normal broadcast function. 楚天是想专门制作一个设备,这个设备既具备留声机播放声音功能,也具备播放画面的功能。这种设备一出,只需将相应影碟和磁音盘一起插进去,那么就能实现正常的播放功能了。 Now along with fiery of «War of Scarlet Blood», the aristocrats of many having not given full expression, certain meeting wants to buy a belt to go back to collect. These astute merchants will even buy, brings to seek money to other cities, in brief can expand the Miracle Commerce influence! 现在随着《赤血之战》的火热,有很多意犹未尽的贵族,一定会想买一份带回去收藏的。那些精明商人甚至会买下来,带到其他城市去牟利,总之都能扩大奇迹商会的影响力! This can also become a movie theater very big source of income! 这也能成为影剧一个很大收入来源! After several people of definite ideas, immediately on notice Gu Qianqiu, making the research institute begin to manufacture immediately. Four technologies are relatively mature, must do is conforms together, by the research capability of Imperial City research institute, this is not the difficult matter! 几人确定想法之后,立刻就通知古千秋,让研究所立刻着手制作。四项技术都是比较成熟的,现在要做的不过是整合到一起罢了,以王城研究所的科研能力,这并不是什么困难的事情! Chairman, some outside people seek an interview!” 会长,外面有人求见!” What person?” “什么人?” Does not know that this person holds King Command, feared that is the South Summer King person.” “不知道,此人持王令,怕是南夏王的人。” South Summer King person? That makes him come in!” 南夏王的人?那就让他进来吧!” Chu Tian is very busy, generally the talented person is disinclined to see, since is South Summer King sends, that exempts for it is difficult to give a South Summer King face. 楚天可是很忙的,一般人才懒得见,既然是南夏王派来的,那就免为其难给南夏王一个面子吧。 A person of wear black cape walks, after seeing Chu Tian, he puts the cape, reveals watches over truncates the pitching chisel resolute face, if item bright star, handsome, the skin is slightly black, is the bronze, is having sobbing beard, as if not like repairing the fringe, but the age is very young, approximately 27 or 28-year-old. 一个穿着黑色斗篷的人走进来,当见到楚天之后,他把斗篷放下来,露出一张刀削斧凿般的刚毅面孔,目若朗星,相貌堂堂,皮肤略黑,呈古铜色,留着一点唏嘘胡子,似乎不喜欢修葺边幅,不过年纪是非常年轻的,大约就二十七八岁。 „Are you Chu Tian your excellency?” This black robe young people size up Chu Tian one: I called Dongfang Haoran!” “你就是楚天阁下?”这个黑袍年轻人打量楚天一眼:“我叫东方浩然!” „Are you Dongfang Haoran?” “你是东方浩然?” Other people are surprised. 其他人都大吃一惊。 Chu Tian does not know any Dongfang Haoran, since is surnamed Dongfang, that must be the Dongfang Family clan. This is Dongfang Haoran very famous in the Dongfang Family clan? 楚天不认识什么东方浩然,不过既然姓东方,那必是东方家族。难道这个东方浩然东方家族很有名吗? Actually Chu Tian does not know that Dongfang Haoran is not very famous, but extreme Netherworld . He is a prince, is the son who South Summer King Dongfang Hao most thinks highly, in the future will have very big possibility to succeed to the throne. Moreover, the Dongfang Haoran talent is greatly strengthened, but also less than 30 years old have the Awakened Soul 9th Layer strength. 其实楚天是不知道,东方浩然不是很有名,而是非常非常的幽冥。他是一位王子,更是南夏王东方昊最器重的儿子,未来有很大可能性继承王位。另外,东方浩然天赋极强,还不到30岁就拥有魂醒九重实力。 This Dongfang Haoran and Wang Family big young master called Imperial City double arrogantly! 这个东方浩然王家大公子并称王城双骄! This title and Central State four young masters are Good enough, explained these two people's status in Imperial City young generation. No one has thought that Dongfang Haoran came personally, then he does care for what Wei? 这种称号与中州四公子是差不多的,说明这两个人在王城年轻一辈中的地位。谁都没有想到,东方浩然亲自来了,那么他意欲何为呢?
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