MT :: Volume #3

#295: Beginning broadcasting

Miracle Commerce altogether establishes four big theaters, each theater average ten theaters, each theater holds 400-500 people of appearances, since must begin broadcasting, all parties prepare to have. 奇迹商会一共设置四大影院,每个剧院平均十个剧场,每个剧场容纳四五百人的样子,既然就要开播,各方准备少不了。 First is the issue of price. 首先是票价的问题。 Miracle Commerce to the full sincerity, President Chu Tian announced that must build the theater compared with the brothel more popular recreation area, not only wants everybody to sweep the decks, but must achieve to let everyone to think highly. 奇迹商会给足诚意,总会长楚天宣布,要把影院打造成比妓馆更受欢迎的娱乐场所,非但要男女老少通吃,还要做到让每一个人都能看得起。 Therefore, the price of each deliberative vote needs 20 gold coins merely, the reserved seats sells in the bidding way, the base price 100 gold coins get up! 因此,每一张普通票的票价仅仅需要20金币,贵宾席则以竞拍方式卖出,底价100金币起! The people cannot believe simply! 人们简直就不敢相信! Miracle Commerce makes the charity? This was too inconceivable! 奇迹商会是做慈善吗?这太不可思议了! In the Imperial City theater performs the dance music and even stage play, on the little scale , to continue slightly this price! 王城剧院里表演歌舞音乐乃至话剧,稍微上一点点档次的,都不止这个价格啊! Various Lu Guizu of this money Imperial City life is money? 这点钱王城生活的各路贵族来说是钱吗? Perhaps sends the beggars to be insufficient continually! 恐怕连打发乞丐都不够! The average person in this price middle and lower level can also spend continually easily, but in this history first movie theater is the investment about 200 million gold coin large amounts of money builds, such does to recoup the cost? Judging from the present situation, is almost an impossible mission! 这种价格连中下层的普通人也能轻易消费起,而这部史上第一部影剧是投入近200000000金币巨资打造而成的,这么做能够收回成本么?从目前情况来看,几乎是一件不可能完成的任务! When Miracle Commerce continues to announce when another news, the people just now know one surprised a little too early. 奇迹商会继续宣布另一个消息时,人们方才知道自己惊讶的有点太早了。 The cinema has the effectiveness! 影院放映具有时效性! Miracle Commerce begins in own hotel Restaurant at present, or is the square and so on public area, the arrangement passes on the shade mirror equipment wantonly. In other words, after the theater showing time had ended, Miracle Commerce movie theater will carry on public showing, even if poor of lowest level besieges a city the people also to enjoy the wonderful experience of movie theater! 奇迹商会目前就着手在自家的酒店餐厅,或是是广场之类的公共场合内,大肆布置传影镜设备。也就是说,当剧院放映期结束后,奇迹商会就会把影剧进行公开放映,哪怕最底层的贫困城民也可以享受影剧的美妙体验! What this does Miracle Commerce actually want to make? 奇迹商会到底想做什么? Really was rich many fever body?! 难道真是有钱多的烧身了?! This doing a thankless job can also do, this does not conform to the instinct of merchant. 这种吃力不讨好也做得出来,这根本不符合商人的天性。 The people naturally whoop, some people said that the chamber of commerce does not want to make money in the movie, each theater supplies Canned Food . Moreover the price definitely is higher than outside, perhaps wants to draw in the supplementary expense to come back Qian Zhuan. 人们对此自然议论纷纷,有人说商会没想在影片上赚钱,每个剧场都是供应食品的,而且价格肯定高出外面,说不定是想拉动附带消费上把钱赚回来呢。 Some also say that Miracle Commerce has not thought making money from the start, this procedure is the promotion passes on image technology merely, thus increases Miracle Commerce in the Imperial City influence, because in play leading actors and actresses with me as primary form, once spreads the inevitable reputation big chirp, Miracle Commerce also became famous! 也有人说,奇迹商会压根就没想过赚钱,这次做法仅仅是推广传影技术,从而增加奇迹商会王城影响力,因为剧中男女主角都是用本人作为原形,一旦传开来必然名声大噪,奇迹商会也就出名了! Has wide divided opinions, is respectively reasonable, Movie/TV Show had not broadcast formally that first attracts the foot Imperial City people attention. 众说纷纭,各有道理,影视剧尚未正式播出,先赚足王城人民眼球。 First day sells the admission ticket time, that scene naturally is the be exciting picture of sea of people. More than 20,000 positions were sold the spatial, second-hand ticket price all of a sudden turn out 45 times, the reserved seats of tendering sale, most Gauguin sells several thousand gold coins. 第一天发售门票的时候,那场面自然是人山人海的火爆景象。20000多个位置被一下子售空,二手票价格翻出45倍,竞价销售的贵宾席,最高更是卖出数万金币。 If so calculates, every time broadcasts field energy income 1 million gold coins, if a day can broadcast that eight nine, how could it not be can the date receive 10 million? If the time is long enough, theoretically can recoup the cost, but is in fact impossible to occur. 若是如此计算的话,每播出一场能收益1000000金币,一天要是能播出八场九场,岂不就能日收10000000?若时间足够长的话,理论上是能够收回成本的,但是实际上根本不可能发生。 First, a day 20,000 people, one month of 600,000 people, what concept is this? Imperial City has to go to the theater custom the total number of people to fear also mediocre, after all this time entertaining fashion is very unitary, does not attach importance to the development of art very much, the stage play majority are very monotonous, not having the means to attract many people. 首先,一天20000人,一个月就600000人,这是一个什么样的概念?王城有去剧院习惯的总人数怕也不过如此,毕竟这个时代娱乐方式很单一,也不是很重视艺术的发展,话剧大多数都很单调,没有办法吸引多少人。 The situation that under the Miracle Commerce ultra-large effort publicity, can obtain 1-2 days of continual full houses was very great, wanting the full house to be continuously almost impossible last month, even if occurred , the theater had the limit of showing deadline, deadlocked the upper limit that the earning grew completely. 奇迹商会超大力度宣传力度之下,能获得一两天连续满座的情况就很了不起了,想要连续上月都满座几乎不可能,哪怕真的发生了,影院有放映期限的限制,完全锁死营收增长的上限。 Regardless of any perspective, this is the business that one percentage hundred lose money! 无论从什么角度来看,这都是一次百分百亏本的生意! Stimulates the supplementary expense? Is spends to gain the applause? Has other intentions? 是拉动附带消费?是花钱赚掌声?还是有其他意图? People curious, pays more attention to movie theater itself! 人们好奇之下,更关注影剧本身! This is any gadget! 这到底是个什么玩意儿! „It is not good, the important matter is not good!” The Meng Yingying hot sharp fire singes to run back the headquarters, the white and tender cheeks reappear adorable corona to be red: Our biggest theater, by royal palace wrapping!” “不好了,大事不好了!”梦莹莹火急火燎跑回总部,白嫩脸颊浮现出一片可爱的晕红:“我们最大一个剧场,已经被王宫给包下来了!” Chu Tian hear that stares: What's the matter?” 楚天闻言一愣:“怎么回事?” I just received Royal Proclamation that the royal palace sends.” Meng Yingying assumes Royal Proclamation to Chu Tian looked that South Summer King must come to the theater personally, requests to reserve all seats for a performance by ten times of prices, but we already sold the ticket!” “我刚刚收到王宫送来的王书。”梦莹莹把一封王书呈给楚天看,“南夏王要亲自来影院,要求以十倍价格包场,可是我们早就把票卖出去了!” Nangong Yun is angry very: „A South Summer King person wants to sit the entire theater, this also was too rather overbearing!” 南宫云十分生气:“南夏王一人想坐整个剧场,这未免也太霸道了吧!” South Summer King invited several imperial concubines, three Monarch and various respected family core members, watched the play to the scene completely, like this added also No. several hundred people, all was the aristocrat great person!” 南夏王邀请几个妃子、三君、各大家族核心成员,全部到现场来看剧呢,这样加起来也有好几百号人呢,全都是贵族大人物!” Do ten times of prices reserve all seats for a performance? 十倍价格包场? This seems like filthy rich, is actually nothing! 这看似财大气粗,其实算个屁啊! The Miracle Commerce biggest theater more than 800 positions, ordinary seat 20 gold coin, how much money can ten times of prices have? Will Miracle Commerce also lack this money to be inadequate? 奇迹商会最大剧场800多个位置,普通座位20金币一个,十倍价格又能有多少钱?奇迹商会还会缺这点钱不成? Everybody does not need a headache, this is the good deed.” Meng Qingwu for this reason is not awkward, instead said pleasantly surprised: These aristocrats are one by one filthy rich, today you reserve all seats for a performance, tomorrow he will reserve all seats for a performance, will be definitely endless. The king reserves all seats for a performance to invite all people, such also after cutting off has this matter possibility, we quite seize the chance to reform, preventing similar matter to have. Also is a little, the kings personally support, this to us is a good propaganda point!” “大家不用头疼,这是好事。”梦轻舞不为此为难,反而非常惊喜说:“这些贵族各个财大气粗,今天你包场,明天他包场,肯定没完没了。国王一包场邀请所有人,这么也就断绝以后发生这种事情可能,我们好趁机改革,阻止类似事情在发生。还有一点是,国王都亲自来支持,这对我们来说是一个不错的宣传点!” Said right. 说的没错。 The celebrity effect, the kings have come to see, haven't you come? 正所谓名人效应,国王都来看了,你们还不来? If South Summer King likes movie theater, then to Miracle Commerce, is a huge propaganda. 南夏王喜欢影剧,那么对奇迹商会,就更是一次巨大宣传。 Chu Tian nods: It seems like we must improve the mechanism, do ten times of prices feel all right to reserve all seats for a performance? From now on if some people want to reserve all seats for a performance, direct 200 times! Aren't these aristocrats rich? I make them spend all the way!” 楚天点点头:“看来我们得完善机制了,十倍价格好意思包场?今后要是有人想包场,直接200倍起!这些贵族不是有钱吗?我让他们花个够!” This matter causes some small tumults, these have bought the ticket the person who forces to send back, the heart naturally by the complaint. However the money of Miracle business compensation several fold, moreover opposite party is South Summer King, they did not have what words to say. 这事情引起一些小骚动,那些已经买到票又被强制退掉的人,心自然是由怨言的。不过奇迹商补偿数倍的钱,而且对方又是南夏王,他们就没有什么话好说了。 First showing must start! 第一场放映就要开始! Miracle Commerce sends out the massive bodyguards, making people flood into the theater orderly. 奇迹商会派出大量侍卫,让人们有秩序涌进影院。 At this time, South Summer King led one group of people to arrive on time, these were invited by South Summer King, each was the honored and popular great people, was almost half of the country of Imperial City upper class. 这时,南夏王带着一堆人准时到场,这些被南夏王邀请过来的,各个都是有头有脸的大人物,几乎是王城贵族阶层的半壁江山 These great people bring oneself children to abandon the child, altogether also No. 300-400 people, pour are also filled the theater less than half. Chu Tian looks several, has not discovered the Wang Family person. 这些大人物又带来自己儿女弃子,总共也有三四百号人,倒也将剧场坐满小半。楚天找几遍,没发现王家的人。 This Wang Family Person is intelligent. 王家人还算聪明。 Wang Family Person definitely knows that this movie has not insinuated little maps them, if not die at the scene awkwardly is strange, is brings contempt upon oneself simply! 王家人肯定知道,这影片没少隐射映射他们,若在现场不尴尬死才怪呢,简直是自取其辱啊! Burning Sun Monarch Nangong Yan came actually, he after is one of the three Monarch, how could to flinch on own initiative? He is actually attractive, this Chu Tian is high any acrobatics. 炎阳君南宫焱倒是来了,他毕竟是三君之一,岂能主动退缩?他倒是要好好看看,这楚天到底高什么把戏。 Chu Tian leads Miracle Commerce several people to go to pay a visit. 楚天带着奇迹商会几个人前去拜见。 South Summer King sees Chu Tian, the manner is steady, neither cold nor hot, said lightly: Several inventions of Miracle Commerce advantage to my kingdom, hope to concentrate on doing a practical work much, but do not use the intelligence and ability on this entertainment, understands 南夏王见到楚天,态度平稳,不冷不热,淡淡地说:“奇迹商会的数种发明对我王国大有益处,希望多多把精力集中做点实事,而不要把聪明才智都用在这种娱乐消遣上,懂吗” Mother. 妈的。 I also have not asked you to come. 我又没请你来。 You came to come, but also a lesson tone! 你来就来了,还一副教训口吻! Said right, said right.” Chu Tian can only hit one: Invited my king seat of honor!” “说得对,说得对。”楚天只能打一个哈哈:“请我王上座!” South Summer King sits in the reserved seats. 南夏王坐在贵宾席。 Wu'an Monarch, Burning Sun Monarch, Wen Cheng also walk. 武安君、炎阳君文成君也走过去。 The broadcast of this screening hall is not the Chu Tian control, but is the magnetic-sonic tower and magnetic shade in Miracle Commerce headquarters treads the terminal to control, this is the same with the radio principle, lets the sound signal and dynamic picturesignal puts in each theater in each theater, therefore each region is simultaneously the synchronized broadcast. 这放映厅的播放不是楚天控制的,而是奇迹商会总部的磁音塔、磁影踏终端来控制,这和收音机原理是一样的,让声音信号和动态影像信号投放到各个剧院的各个剧场里,所以各地是同时同步播放。 This group of big masters just sat shortly. 这群大老爷刚刚坐好没多久。 That 20 meters high, 40 meters wide ultra-large great curtain, shines the ray immediately, this movie starts the official broadcast, the people began immediately magnificently attracting, the battlefield picture that afterward is ten thousand people of battles, that scene real and fills shock. 那块足足有20米高,40米宽的超大巨幕,立刻就亮起光芒,这部影片开始正式的播放,众人顿时被华丽开场给吸引了,随后是万人厮杀的战场景象,那场面真实而又充满震撼性。 South Summer King and three Monarch were shocked. 南夏王和三君都惊呆了。 Does this manufacture? 这到底是怎么制作出来的? So is unexpectedly lifelike, is really hard to imagine! 竟然如此逼真,实在难以想象! Other people have such feeling similarly, this feeling was really too crisp. 其他人同样有着这样的感受,这种感觉实在是太爽了。 This toward small theater inside one, the marvelous sight beautiful scene and broad scene, gets a panoramic view. Can achieve to be confined at home truly, can feel the inconceivable risk course, even is built on stilts the world that imagines completely. When story cause and effect occur at present, fire imagination, making the person vibrate, in the destiny of host for the story worried. 这往小小剧院里面一座,奇观美景、恢弘场面,都尽收眼底。真正能做到足不出户,就能感受到不可思议的冒险历程,甚至是完全架空想象出来的世界。当曲折故事前因后果都发生在眼前,让人神往,让人震动,为故事中主人翁的命运而担忧。 This invention was too great! 这种发明太伟大了! As for any stage play, simply is department of pediatrics, instantaneously oppressive does not remain the least bit the dregs. The people do not have the thoughts and time compare, because of that tense exciting plot on the attention of attraction all audiences. 至于什么话剧,简直是小儿科,瞬间被虐的连渣都不剩半点。人们没有心思和时间去比较,因为那紧张刺激的故事情节就吸引所有观众的注意力。 This Meng Yingying is more than 100 people of teams makes together, each detail arranges is very careful. Namely exploration, fight, love and suspense portray is very appealing, but also profoundness of tyrannical, greedy and shameless portray. 梦莹莹为首100多人团队共同制成,每一个细节都布置的很是细心。即把探险、战斗、爱情、悬念刻画的很是吸引人,还把暴虐、贪婪、无耻刻画的入木三分。 The leading actor and actress meet dear friend light love, making the people look forward to that fondly remembers as if returns to the first love time. 男女主角相遇相知淡淡的爱情,让人们憧憬怀念似乎回到初恋时候。 When the leading ladies the devil seizes, people immediately felt the heart was punctured a blade. 女主角被魔头抓走时,人们顿时感觉心脏被刺一刀。 „!” “啪啪啪!” A scene piece falls the sound of cup angrily. 现场一片愤然摔杯的声音。 They all hate the tooth to be itchy, wants to commit suicide simply, that scarlet blood devil dismembering a body. 他们个个恨得牙痒痒,简直想亲自杀进去,把那赤血魔头给大卸八块。 The leads a series of awaken the soul-stirring risk, the undercover process that as well as the suspense occurred repeatedly, lets people worrying maliciously. 主角一系列惊醒动魄的冒险,以及悬念迭起的卧底过程,让人们狠狠的捏一把汗。 Finally. 最终。 Before scarlet blood founder at the point of death, mobilizes destruction the trap, the lead the leading lady losing, oneself actually by bottomless bog burying. 赤血教主临死前发动毁灭的陷阱,主角把女主角给丢出来,自己却被无底沼泽给埋葬了。 When sees here, in some perceptual women cry to be thin crash-bang. 当看到这里时,一些感性的女人哭得稀里哗啦。 When everybody thinks that lead dying time, lead by treasure, lucky escapes, finally lives in seclusion with the princess, is living the ordinary and happy life. 当大家都以为主角死掉时候,主角凭借身上一件宝物,侥幸的逃脱出来,最终和公主一起隐居,过着平凡而幸福生活。 This in the Chu Tian eye is really an outmoded story. 这在楚天眼里真是一个老掉牙的故事。 However in the person eye of this time, yes ** occurred repeatedly the suspense numerous, when the final picture ended, the people stand to applaud. South Summer King feels vibrates slightly, this story arranges was good, this theater feared that is hot! 不过在这个时代的人眼中,是**迭起悬念重重的,当最后画面结束时,人们纷纷站起来鼓掌。南夏王都感到微微震动,这故事编的太好了,这个剧院怕是要火啊! Do not look that Chu Tian does not make money now. 别看楚天现在不赚钱。 If this gadget promotes, making each city construct such theater, that also? Gains absolutely greatly gains especially! 这玩意儿要是推广开来,让每个城市都建设这样的影院,那还了得?绝对是大赚特赚的啊! The South Summer King vision flashes several. 南夏王目光闪动几下。 When thinks when influence that the theater can bring, in the South Summer King brain flashes through miraculous, has a thought together suddenly! 当想到影院会带来的影响力时,南夏王脑子里闪过一道灵光,突然产生一个念头!
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