MT :: Volume #3

#294: The manufacture was completed

Chu Tian comes Imperial City one day to cause the stir, first beats severely the Wang Family little young master, then fights with Burning Sun Monarch relative, finally is leading the big scholar gang, facing the street the Nangong Clan person expelling! 楚天王城一天就引起轰动,先痛打王家小少爷,接着与炎阳君争锋相对,最后更是带着大学者一伙人,当街把南宫家族的人给赶跑了! After Imperial City stirs the controversy, the Chu Tian not only anything matter does not have, instead lives safe and sound, Miracle Commerce not only does not have any implication, now unexpectedly is planning anything theater project, it can be said that makes noisily. 王城引起轩然大波后,楚天不仅什么事都没有,反而安然无恙过着日子,奇迹商会不仅没有任何牵连,现在居然在策划什么“影院”项目,可以说是闹得沸沸扬扬。 The people were understand. 人们算是明白了。 The Chu Tian energy is not small! 楚天能量不小啊! Even if offends Wang Family, even if offends Burning Sun Monarch, lives in the same old way, does not have an influence. 即使得罪王家,即使得罪炎阳君,照样过日子,没一点影响。 However, Chu Tian does not have but actually draws the hatred daily in all directions, the first date attracted an attention maliciously, in the future most days, he will be living the closing up practice life of living in seclusion. 不过,楚天倒没天天四处拉仇恨,首日狠狠吸引一把眼球,往后的绝大多数日子里,他都过着深居简出的闭关修炼生活。 The scarlet blood temple eats the hundreds of superior compounded drugs one time, even if until now completely has not digested. Such huge energy backlog within the body, if the time is too long will have problems. 赤血神殿一次性吃掉数以百计的上等丹药,哪怕直到现在都没有完全消化掉。这么庞大一股能量积压体内,若是时间太长也是会出问题的。 In addition. 此外。 This time alchemy technology is too rough, in the middle of the compounded drug refinement process, will produce the harmful element unavoidably, Chu Tian does not hope that was puzzled by the side effect, therefore refines several types the compounded drug that specially melts the side effect carries on the and. 这个时期的炼丹技术太粗糙,丹药炼制过程当中,难免会产生有害的元素,楚天可不希望被副作用困扰,所以专门炼制几种化解副作用的丹药进行中和。 Several hundred compounded drugs assisted Chu Tian to promote cultivation base sufficiently. 几百颗丹药足以协助楚天增进修为了。 More than thousand compounded drugs that in the Chu Tian bottle gourd stores up, sufficiently in yiliangge months, making Chu Tian enter the True Soul boundary threshold smoothly! 楚天葫芦里储存的千余丹药,足以在一两个月时间里,让楚天顺利跨进真魂境界的门槛! In the small fox not big belly, thinks of ten thousand compounded drugs incessantly. If Chu Tian can deceive some, the existing reserve sufficiently satisfies the Meng Qingwu sisters, Nangong, Feng Caidie and Yun Yao, and even Yun Xiao, all core members in the consumption of resources of Illustrious Soul time! 小狐狸不大肚皮里,装着万颗不止的丹药。楚天要是能骗来一些,现有储备就足以满足梦轻舞姐妹、南宫、风彩蝶云瑶,乃至云霄在内,所有核心成员在显魂期的资源消耗! This seems like exaggerates, actually not! 这看似十分夸张,其实一点都不! One of the resources that scarlet months Heavenly Demon Cult ten big inheritance are used to restart can few? 天魔教十大传承之一的赤月用来重启的资源能少的了吗? Illustrious Warring States, even if an [lineage/vein] branch, its prosperous time has the full member also 500,000, 20-30 Branch Lord all have the strengths of Southern Summer Country eight big marquises, can not doubt said that the scarlet blood is much stronger than the present Southern Summer Country national strength in the prosperous time! 一个赫赫战国,哪怕是一脉分支,它鼎盛时期有正式成员也有500000,二三十个分舵主个个具备南夏国八大侯爷的实力,可以毫不怀疑的说,赤血在鼎盛时期比现在南夏国国力还强得多! If such a super influence leaves behind the resources that restarts, if how many True Soul Expert cannot train continually, that also discussed that what rallies to rise? 若这么一个超级势力留下重启的资源,若是连几个真魂强者都培养不出来的话,那还谈什么重振崛起? Makes Chu Tian have a headache, this small fox compared with person also fine, wants to deceive it to be easier said than done? This fellow actually does not lift a finger to help like the stingy person! 只是让楚天非常头疼,这小狐狸比人还精,想要骗它谈何容易?这家伙却像铁公鸡一样一毛不拔! Chu Tian tried every means to persuade to cheat uselessly, finally can only allow pledge at the interest, it very much did not prefer put out a small part taking advantage of to give the master. 楚天好说歹说连哄带骗都没用,最后只能许以利息来承诺,它才很不情愿的拿出一小部分“借”给主人。 Chu Tian naturally is infuriated, mother, I am your master, unexpectedly makes loans to the master, moreover is the usury, this behavior to the pet was really too bad! 楚天自然是火冒三丈,妈的,我可是你主人,居然对主人放贷,而且是高利贷,这种行为对宠物而言实在是太恶劣了! Isn't the pet the private property of master? 宠物不就是主人的私有财产么? Taking advantage of? Taking advantage of your head! If not for looks in your belly some that many resources not to spit, therefore does not facilitate immediately with the words that you get angry, I must beat your buttocks not to be possible! 借?借你个头!若不是看你肚子里面还有那么多资源没吐出来,所以不方便立刻跟你翻脸的话,我非要打烂你的屁股不可! This. 就这样。 Chu Tian passed in Imperial City safe and sound for a half month. 楚天王城安然无恙度过半个月。 All day closes up, the practice, seeks the breakthrough with concentration. 整天闭关,潜心修炼,寻求突破。 Chu Tian cultivation base promotes the speed to be obvious, a half month is not long, actually smoothly twice breaks through, now achieves the Awakened Soul 6th Layer boundary! 楚天修为增进速度非常明显,半个多月并不长,却顺利两次突破,现在达到魂醒六重境界! Nangong Yun also smoothly breaks through to Awakened Soul 6th Layer! 南宫云也顺利突破到魂醒六重 Meng Qingwu and Meng Yingying progress slightly slowly, but also is the Awakened Soul 5th Layer peak master. 梦轻舞梦莹莹进度稍微慢点,不过也已经是魂醒五重巅峰的高手了。 Those who make Chu Tian specially accidental is, when obtains the blood chalice, builds up corpse progress ten thousand li in a day, 18 god blood Yin Corpse digest the god blood unceasingly becomes more and more formidable, now the strength even goes far beyond Chu Tian, breaks through to Awakened Soul 7th Layer, probably reaches the Awakened Soul 7th Layer peak the level. 楚天特别意外的是,当获得鲜血圣杯,炼尸进度一日千里,18具神血阴尸不断消化神血而变得越来越强大,如今实力甚至远远超过楚天,突破到魂醒七重,大约达到魂醒七重巅峰的水平。 This means that Miracle Commerce has 18 strength good True Soul level bodyguards! 这意味着奇迹商会拥有18个战力不俗的真魂级保镖! Chu Tian sighed the great strength of Spiritual God, builds up the corpse each time time, but invests 12 drops of god blood to dilute massively, finally simultaneously is used to refine 18 Yin Corpse, these god blood Yin Corpse build now, altogether has not used up several drops of blood, the effect of obtains makes people pleasantly surprised sufficiently! 楚天不禁感叹神灵的强大,每次炼尸的时候,只不过投入12滴神血大量稀释,最后同时用来炼制18具阴尸,这些神血阴尸打造到现在,总共没有用掉几滴血,所取得的效果足以让人惊喜! Naturally, this very big reason is to obtain the blood chalice. 当然,这很大原因是得到鲜血圣杯。 The blood chalice produces the real blood, is used to moisten Yin Corpse unceasingly, this can Yin Corpse absorb the great power in a short time. But the strength of blood chalice is also limited, what is impossible to be inexhaustible is Yin Corpse provides the real blood, after last time builds up the corpse completes, the real blood of blood chalice strength exhausts. 正是鲜血圣杯产生真血,不断地用来滋润阴尸,这才能阴尸短时间内吸取强大力量。但鲜血圣杯的力量也是有限的,不可能无穷无尽的为阴尸提供真血,最后一次炼尸完成之后,鲜血圣杯力的真血就耗尽了。 The blood chalice condenses the real blood not to be but actually difficult, purchases some advanced Demon Beast blood massively, making the blood chalice swallow the absorption, can produce the real blood. 鲜血圣杯凝聚真血倒不难,大量购买一些高级点的魔兽血,让鲜血圣杯吞噬吸收,即能产生出真血。 This time cycle, short half a month, long in January, therefore cannot for a while, the god blood Yin Corpse present strength, enough Miracle Commerce use eagerly in any case. 这个时间周期嘛,短则半月,长则一月,所以不能急于一时,反正神血阴尸现在的实力,已经足够奇迹商会使用了。 Such 18 absolute loyally and formidable guard, regardless of places Southern Summer Country any place, can form one strong strength that enables other influences to belittle. 这么18个绝对忠诚而且又强大的护卫,无论放在南夏国任何一个地方,都能形成一股让其他势力不能小觑的强劲力量。 While Chu Tian is busy giving the Yin Corpse examination. 正当楚天忙着给阴尸检测。 Chu Tian, you in?” At this time Meng Yingying singed on the hot sharp fire, good news, «War of our work Scarlet Blood» has completed!” 楚天,你在吗?”这时梦莹莹就火急火燎冲进来,“好消息,我们的作品《赤血之战》已经做好!” What's wrong? 怎么? Did this complete? 这就做好了? Chu Tian thinks that minimum 1-2 months, result a half month handled. 楚天以为起码一两个月,结果半个多月就搞定了。 We invest are so big, material bought quickly neat, had enough material support, that was certainly quick! The elder sister is carrying on internal showing, can you come to have a look?” “我们投入这么大,材料很快就买齐了,有了足够的材料支持,那当然就快了!姐姐在进行内部放映呢,你要不要过来看看?” Nonsense, naturally must have a look!” “废话,当然要去看看!” This theater project, Chu Tian attaches great importance. 这个“影院”项目,楚天是非常重视的。 Let alone, this is Yingying several fruits of labor of days and nights, to build such a story, fully hires more than 100 people of teams, every day idea scene and plot, makes the effort to be really big, how could to support the support? 何况,这是莹莹十几个昼夜的劳动成果,为打造这么一个故事,整整雇佣100多人团队,每天都在构思场景和剧情,其中付出心血甚大,岂能不支持支持? Meng Qingwu establishes a personal theater in the headquarters. 梦轻舞在总部设置一件私人剧场。 This is Miracle Commerce special-purpose theater. 这是奇迹商会内部专用的影院。 The entire space can sit 500 people, a huge incomparable side mirror is hanging in the front. Naturally is not the ordinary mirror, is the biography shade mirror of Miracle Commerce manufacture, has the transmission image function. 整个空间足足能坐500人,一块巨大无比的方镜悬挂在前方。当然不是普通镜子,是奇迹商会制造的传影镜,有传输影像的功能。 Miracle Commerce few interior member sits in the big projection room strength, when saw Chu Tian to come, Nangong Yun stood unbearably anxiously: Boss, how you come, do we you know in?” 奇迹商会寥寥几个内部成员坐在偌大的放映室力,当见到楚天来了,南宫云急不可耐站起来:“老大,你怎么才来,我们都在等你知不知道?” Sorry, sorry!” Chu Tian hits one: Can start?” “抱歉,抱歉!”楚天打一个哈哈:“可以开始了吗?” Meng Qingwu makes a hand signal immediately, the staff holds a brick crystal block. This is builds with the high-density conceal shade stone crystallization, can store up the huge dynamic picture, therefore constitutes Movie/TV Show, Meng Qingwu names as video disk! 梦轻舞立刻做出一个手势,工作人员捧出一块砖头般的晶块。这是用高密度藏影石结晶打造而成,其中能储存庞大的动态画面,所以构成一部影视剧,梦轻舞命名为“影碟”! Starts!” “开始吧!” Before the Miracle Commerce staff arrives at small magnetic shade tower, immediately inserts the read function video disk in Source Energy Array, Source Energy Battery actuates, does not need to control artificially, when the video disk inserts the Source Energy Array instance, that was hanging in the giant biography shade mirror of midair together shines the ray. 奇迹商会员工走到小型磁影塔前,立刻把“影碟”插进读取功能的元力阵里面,元力电池来驱动,不用人工来控制,所以当影碟插进元力阵的瞬间,那一块悬挂在半空的巨大传影镜就亮起了光芒。 Appeared, appeared!” “出现了,出现了!” Several women excited chirp said. 几个女人兴奋的叽叽喳喳的叫起来。 At this moment linked usually steady Meng Qingwu, was difficult to cover the pride on face. 此刻连素来稳重的梦轻舞,都难掩脸上的自豪。 This big mirror starts to reappear picture, what first appears is one sharp eagle-eyed, no person such short distance observes Guo Ying yan, that sharp-eyed is profound, is producing an inverted image the rivers and streams earth, the entire picture starts the rapid move back. 这偌大镜子开始浮现出画面,首先出现的是一只犀利鹰眼,从来没有人这么近距离观察过鹰眼,那目光锐利而深邃,倒映着江河大地,整个画面开始迅速拉远。 This is a scene of eagle dive earth! 这是一只雄鹰俯冲大地的场景! A resonant hawk name, arranges the loudspeaker to transmit from all around, is incisive and resonant, feels the stereoscopic effect, making people feel unusual shock! 一阵嘹亮的鹰名,从四周布置喇叭传来,尖锐而嘹亮,充满立体感,让人感到非常的震撼! This dubbing is manufactures, ahead of time deposits the magnetic-sonic plate, passes on again through the loudspeaker, so long as broadcasts synchronously, the average person cannot see any flaw. 这配音是制作好,提前存进磁音盘,再通过喇叭传出来,只要完全同步播放,一般人看不出什么破绽。 When the eagle dive , the visual impact strength way, across big piece of vast grand mountains and rivers, falls before an old castle finally. In this imposing manner broad old castle, shows a desolate and ancient solemnness and stirring, entire has thousands Cultivator to arrange neatly, is a Cultivator disciple in top school. 当雄鹰俯冲而下,视觉冲击力方式,穿过一大片浩瀚壮丽的山河,最终落在一座古堡前。这座气势恢宏的古堡里面,透出一种苍凉而古老的悲壮,整有数以万计的修士排列整整齐齐,是一个顶级门派的修士门徒。 A low and deep aside started to appear. 一个低沉旁白开始出现了。 300 years ago, the kingdom rises evil Demonic Cultivator Sect that is called the scarlet blood to teach. They cruel, tyrannical and overbearing, murder like hemp, to serve the practice demon merit purpose, regard myriad things all living things to worthlessly......” “300年前,王国崛起一个叫做赤血教的邪恶魔修宗门。他们残忍、暴虐、霸道、杀人如麻,为达到修炼魔功目的,视万物众生为草芥……” The picture immediately changes. 画面顿时一变。 The innumerable Demonic Cultivator construction blood pond, is collecting the essence and blood cruelly, these victim pitiful whinning, making the person be moved. 无数魔修修建血池,正在残忍的采集精血,那些受害者凄惨的哀嚎,让人不禁为之动容。 Finally, the scarlet blood teaches all sorts of evil conduct, finally under entire day public indignation, thus causes asks for......” this picture to turn into a stretch of battlefield to assume, the surroundings loudspeaker exudes the murdering background sound of war, thousands Cultivator slaughters the fight in the battlefield, finally after the frigid decisive battle, the scarlet blood founder strength was annihilated completely, this evil Demonic Cultivator in kingdom thorough going into hiding. However, were they thoroughly eliminated really? No one knows when the scarlet blood founder is going to perish in the school, leaves behind one sufficiently to let the common people crazy buried treasure, for rises to prepare that the scarlet blood teaches......” “最终,赤血教种种恶行,最终全天下公愤,从而引起共讨……”这画面变成一片战场呈,周围喇叭发出金戈铁马的杀伐背景声,数以万计修士在战场厮杀战斗,“最终经过惨烈的决战,赤血教主力全部被歼灭,这一支邪恶的魔修在王国彻底的销声匿迹。然而,他们真的被彻底消灭了吗?谁都不知道,赤血教主在门派将要灭亡之际,留下一笔足以让世人疯狂的宝藏,为赤血教的重新崛起而做准备……” This is the upholstery. 这是铺垫呢。 The story has not started formally, this suspense had. 故事尚未正式开始,这悬念就已经有了。 This story takes Chu Tian to eliminate the scarlet blood temple to reorganize for the prototype. 这故事是以楚天消灭赤血神殿为原型改编而成的。 However is story independence, increases the theatrical effect, the content makes many modification. 不过为故事独立性,更为增添戏剧效果,其中内容做出不少改动。 The scarlet initial capital is a Heavenly Demon Cult branch, now independently has become Sect. The Chu Tian status turns into a folk vagrant sword to repair, but also increases a Princess Meng Yingying status. The leading actor and actress has loved one another in an accident, but the status encounters many difficulties disparately. 赤血本是天魔教的一个分支,现在被独立成了一个宗门楚天身份变成一个民间流浪剑修,还添加一个梦莹莹公主的身份。男女主角在一次意外中相恋了,只是地位悬殊而遭到很多困难。 Scarlet blood devil resurrecting must collect 1000 young girls to make the sacrificial offering. 赤血魔头复活需收集1000个少女做祭品。 Finally, their mistake arising out of chance circumstances princess seizing. 结果呢,他们阴差阳错把公主给抓走了。 A lead sword one person alone goes to Red swamp, steps rescues princess's hackneyed stuff plot, not only refers to the matter that has actually, for example Chu Tian joins the scarlet blood to teach as undercover, increases a series of row art have processed the plot, in brief the entire process is linked together windingly incomparable. 主角一人一剑孤身前往赤色沼泽,踏上解救公主的老套剧情,其中不仅仅参照实际发生的事情,比如楚天以卧底身份加入赤血教中,又增添一系列列艺术加工过的剧情,总之整个过程环环相扣曲折无比。 Especially is worth mentioning. 尤其值得一提。 Meng Yingying arranges King's General Tu, Zou Yan and Allied Canine Tribes to the story in! 梦莹莹王屠左湮犬戎族都编到故事里! Naturally, smears according to the request of Chu Tian, smears maliciously, King's General Tu and Zou Yan treasure hunt, for can take the scarlet blood buried treasure mean, did not hesitate at all costs, the sacrifice kingdom interests, did not hesitate to make the bait by the common people, even did not hesitate to be in cahoots with Allied Canine Tribes. 当然,按楚天的要求丑化,狠狠地丑化一番,其中王屠左湮是卑鄙的寻宝者,为能拿赤血宝藏,不惜一切代价,牺牲王国利益,不惜以平民做诱饵,甚至不惜和犬戎族狼狈为奸。 This story result naturally is very perfect. 这个故事结局自然是十分完美的。 After the leads defeat the resurrecting scarlet blood founder, finally lived in seclusion with the princess happily. 主角打败复活赤血教主后,最后和公主幸福的隐居了。 Chu Tian stands to make an effort to applaud: Good, good, has not thought really the Miracle theater first work, unexpectedly so splendid, is much higher than my anticipated!” 楚天站起来用力鼓掌:“好,太好了,真没有想到奇迹影院第一部作品,竟然会如此的出色,远远高于我的预期啊!” This does not think highly or comforts. 这绝不是恭维或安慰。 «War of this Scarlet Month» is truly splendid! 这部《赤月之战》确实非常出色! The entire work 100 minutes, the alternation risk and love, search the treasure, responsibility and honor...... Waits for a series of elements, the overall plot is linked together the engagement to be perfect, this must have very deep foundation of basic skills to do, makes people very difficult really to believe that unexpectedly is Director Meng Yingying. 整部作品100分钟,穿插冒险、爱情、探宝、责任、荣誉……等等一系列元素,整体剧情环环相扣衔接完美,这必须有着非常深厚功底才能做得出来,真的让人很难相信,居然是梦莹莹导演而成。 Moreover, in the entire work, almost floods the Miracle Commerce soft advertisement. 另外,整部作品中,几乎都充斥奇迹商会的软广告。 For example electric lamp, for example phonograph, for example Source Energy pot, for example Miracle canned food wait / etc., this is a powerful propaganda method! 比如电灯,比如留声机,比如元力锅,比如奇迹罐头等等,这是一种强有力的宣传手段啊! Meng Yingying proud said: That naturally, who don't you have a look at the director are? I invited Imperial City famous Master stage play specially, allowing everybody to participate in the screenwriter to work and assist the director together!” 梦莹莹一脸骄傲说:“那当然,你也不看看导演是谁?我特意把王城有名的话剧大师都请来,让大家共同参加编剧工作和辅助导演呢!” This no wonder! 这就难怪了! This is impeccable by the department work.” Meng Qingwu said: I want to be the time put in the theater it, making the Imperial City city people experience.” “这以部作品无可挑剔的。”梦轻舞说道:“我想是时候把它投放到影院里,让王城的城民们体验体验了。” Fixed price that this watches how many appropriate?” “这观看的定价多少合适呢?” I look on 20 gold coins!” “我看就20金币吧!” Chu Tian stares, is so cheap? This work investment about 200 million gold coins! However Chu Tian has not cared, he to not make money in any case. 楚天一愣,这么便宜?这作品投资近200000000金币呢!不过楚天没有太在意,反正他也不是为赚钱嘛。 Meng Qingwu said self-confidently: Relax, this time we will not only not lose money, even there is an opportunity to gain maliciously greatly!” 梦轻舞却自信满满说:“放心,这次我们不仅仅不会亏本,甚至有机会狠狠大赚一番!”
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