MT :: Volume #3

#293: Film and television play

If Burning Sun Monarch is a violent tiger. 如果说炎阳君是一只暴烈的老虎。 Then Wen Cheng is a cloudy and cold poisonous snake. 那么文成君就是一条阴冷的毒蛇。 The poisonous snake is sometimes fatal than the tiger, as for other people, for example Wang Family Person, Chu Tian does not have really pays attention. 有时毒蛇比老虎更致命,至于其他人,比如王家人,楚天真没太放在眼里。 Nangong Yun knows that after Chu Tian Nangong Clan expels facing the street, immediately affected is moved to tears, to give a Chu Tian hug directly: Thank you, I am do not want to return to Nangong Clan really...... am only, you helped me keep off them, feared that will annoy greatly troublesome, was I have implicated everybody.” 南宫云知道楚天南宫家族当街打跑后,立刻感动的热泪盈眶,直接给楚天一个拥抱:“谢谢你,我是真不想回南宫家族……只是,你帮我挡了他们,怕是会惹大麻烦,是我连累了大家。” What words is this?” Chu Tian righteousness thin Yun Tianhe racket chest: I protect the subordinate as the Boss, this is bounden, you felt relieved that is staying in Miracle Commerce! Relax, Burning Sun Monarch does not dare to act rashly!” “这是什么话?”楚天义薄云天拍拍胸膛:“我作为老大保护手下,这是义不容辞的,你就放心在奇迹商会呆着!放心,炎阳君不敢轻举妄动!” Which does Chu Tian come from the letter and energy? 楚天哪来自信和底气? The Meng Qingwu sisters hurry to inquire matter that Chu Tian has today. 梦轻舞姐妹赶紧询问楚天今天发生的事情。 Chu Tian statement truthfully, this makes the person be angry the item to be dumbfounded all, he not only affronts South Summer King, this time offends Burning Sun Monarch and Wang Family influence thoroughly, points at the nose to give scolding they in the deliberation hall, finally safe and sound walked? 楚天如实的陈述一遍,这让人无不嗔目结舌,他不仅仅冒犯南夏王,这次彻底得罪炎阳君王家势力,在朝堂指着鼻子痛骂他们,最后安然无恙的走出来了? Strange?” Meng Qingwu somewhat is puzzling: South Summer King was usually strong, your today's procedure makes him not have the face very much, by the South Summer King disposition, how to let off you with ease.” “奇怪?”梦轻舞有些百思不得其解:“南夏王素来强势,你今天做法让他很没面子,以南夏王的性格,怎么会轻松放过你。” Chu Tian does not feel to feel strange to this result probably: How is young lady intelligent will unable to understand this truth?” 楚天好像对这个结果不感到奇怪:“大小姐聪明怎么会看不懂这个道理呢?” Meng Qingwu slightly congealing eyebrow: You, and mentioned listens.” 梦轻舞微微凝眉:“你且说来听听。” First, South Summer King does not have enough reason to punish me. Second, South Summer King dreads Wu'an Monarch and big scholar influence, as well as my function. The third point, he should discover that I have to urge Imperial City to form the power balance the value.” “第一,南夏王没有足够理由惩罚我。第二,南夏王忌惮武安君、大学者影响力,以及我的作用。还有第三点,他应该发现我具有促使王城形成均势的价值。” The first two points said fortunately. 前两点还好说。 What meaning is this third point? 这第三点是什么意思? Chu Tian explained carefully: Today in royal palace, I, not only direct provocative Burning Sun Monarch, simultaneously maliciously teaches Wang Family Person, but Wen Cheng is hates me awfully. This does actually to South Summer King looked that must break off with them! But big scholar and Wu'an Monarch is supports my, therefore because of my appearance, the Imperial City will influence form balanced, I am support the power balance an essential pivot.” 楚天仔细解释:“今天在王宫,我非但直接挑衅炎阳君,同时狠狠教训王家人,而文成君更是恨我要命。这其实都是做给南夏王看的,就是要与他们决裂!而大学者和武安君偏偏是支持我的,所以因为我的出现,王城势力会形成一种平衡,我就是支撑均势的一个关键支点。” Meng Qingwu is a smart person, when heard here to understand immediately. 梦轻舞是一个聪明人,当听到这里顿时就明白了。 Three Monarch under South Summer King, the position high weight, affects greatly, three Monarch already formed the tacit understanding on behalf of the influence each many other years, each other does not have the direct conflict. Outside three Monarch, big scholar and Wang family wait / etc., all has the extraordinary influence, frequently onset and retreat synchronization, South Summer King status, although venerates, is very difficult to control this group of people completely. 南夏王之下的三君,位高权重,影响巨大,三君代表势力彼此多年早就形成默契,彼此没有直接的冲突。三君外,大学者、王氏家族等等,全都具有非凡影响力,经常进退同步,南夏王地位虽然尊崇,却很难完全驾驭这帮人。 Chu Tian appears forms a contradiction, Imperial City power balance aspect that might therefore form to confront. They in secret compete, South Summer King keeps out not to get involved, is responsible for regulating and diverting , helping controlling the general situation. 楚天出现形成一个矛盾点,王城有可能会因此形成对峙的均势局面。他们互相间暗中较劲,南夏王置身局外,负责调控和牵制,有利于控制大局。 Therefore, Chu Tian this person, does not go to him temporarily, does not entrust with heavy responsibility him. 所以,楚天这个人,暂时不去动他,也不去重用他。 Wu'an Monarch and big scholar represent a side to protect Chu Tian, then must carry on through South Summer King. Wen Cheng and a Burning Sun Monarch side wants to suppress Chu Tian, must carry on through South Summer King. 武安君、大学者代表一方要保护楚天,那么必须通过南夏王来进行。文成君、炎阳君一方想要打压楚天,也必须通过南夏王来进行。 The Chu Tian strength is not strong. 楚天实力不强。 This position is actually pulls one round to move the whole body. 这个位置却是牵一发而动全身。 At this time the contradiction was more intense, South Summer King appeared more advantageous, because the two sides people needed help from him, then advantage how could few? 这种时候矛盾越尖锐,南夏王就显得越有利,因为两边的人都有求于他,那么好处岂能少的了? So that's how it is.” Meng Qingwu reveals ashamed look: I compare insufficient some with you.” “原来如此。”梦轻舞露出一丝愧色:“我跟你比起来还是有很多不足。” Hi, did the young lady speak? This balance political skill not study!” “嗨,大小姐说什么话?这种制衡权术不学也罢!” Words cannot say, perhaps, useful?” “话不能这么说,说不定以后就用得上呢?” Excuse me, I am only a businessman, did the invention making money wealth to be OK, did not found the nation, what did the young lady think?” Chu Tian spoke of here, suddenly shift topic asked: These days the chamber of commerce has anything to display, mentioned quickly listens!” “拜托,我只是生意人,搞搞发明赚赚钱财就可以了,又不建立邦国,大小姐想什么呢?”楚天说到这里,突然转移话题问:“这段时间商会有什么表现,快说来听听!” Meng Qingwu started to report to work. 梦轻舞开始汇报工作了。 Meng Qingwu worthily is the Chu Tian best good wife...... Beyond the virtue does not help! 梦轻舞不愧是楚天最好贤内助……哦不,贤外助! The Chu Tian arrangement to the Meng Qingwu duty, Meng Qingwu not only brilliantly has been completed, overfulfills some duties. 楚天安排给梦轻舞的任务,梦轻舞不仅仅出色的完成了,更是超额完成一些任务。 The Imperial City research institute has been founded. 王城研究所已经成立了。 The Imperial City ordnance factory has also completed. 王城兵工厂也已经完成。 Miracle Commerce has completed a series of merger and acquisitions in Imperial City, various types of commodities have been on the proper way. Moreover, the Central State research institute spread the good news, the Source Energy submachine gun to improve successfully, now has been able to start to produce in the Central State ordnance factory. 奇迹商会王城已经完成一系列并购,各种商品都已经走上了正途。另外,中州研究所传来了好消息,元力冲锋枪已经成功改良了,现在在中州兵工厂已经可以率先开始生产了。 Meng Qingwu adds a point: We pass on image technology to be mature, now can the stabilized propagation and record dynamic image.” 梦轻舞补充一点:“我们传影技术已经成熟,现在能稳定传输和录制动态图像了。” This Chu Tian knew. 这点楚天已经知道了。 Imperial City many places install to upload the shade mirror. 王城不少地方都装上传影镜。 Especially what moreover is worth mentioning, I with Meng Yingying at last, after the careful research, suddenly discover a commercial action of being profitable.” “另外尤其值得一提的是,我跟梦莹莹在最近这段时间,经过仔细的研究,突然发现一种有利可图的商业手段。” Two sisters are really more than once give Chu Tian to bring pleasantly surprised! 两姐妹真是不止一次给楚天带来惊喜啊! „, What is?” “哦,是什么?” Lets Meng Yingying.” “让梦莹莹来说吧。” Meng Yingying is taking the written records, as if in recording anything, after seeing Chu Tian, immediately shows a beautiful bright smile: Chu Tian, you thanked me quickly!” 梦莹莹拿着纸笔呢,似乎在记录着什么,当见到楚天之后,立刻露出一个明媚灿烂微笑:“楚天,你快感谢我吧!” Thanked you?” “谢你?” This young lady must make you become famous immediately!” “本小姐马上就要让你出名了!” Chu Tian is surprised: „Am I not very famous? No joking!” 楚天非常惊讶:“难道我还不够出名吗?别闹了!” Meng Qingwu said: Do not keep guessing, told him directly.” 梦轻舞说:“别卖关子了,直接告诉他吧。” Meng Yingying said full of enthusiasm: I invent a new technology with the elder sister, we found an illusory image stone, we illusory image that uses the illusory image stone to manufacture, covers to store up to the storehouse shade mirror, forms a dynamic picture.” 梦莹莹兴致勃勃说:“我跟姐姐发明一项新技术,我们找到一种幻影石,我们用幻影石制作出来的幻影,覆盖储存到藏影镜里面的,形成一种动态画面。” „Is that also what kind of?” “那又怎么样?” Stupid, this is very big opportunity.” Meng Yingying mentioned seems to be excited, she said self-important: Now the Continent person, material life enjoyed to have, the spirit was actually very void, did not have what entertainment project. We through storehouse shade mirror and illusory image union, then can the legends, reorganize the director becomes the solid film and television story, this may be more interesting than the dry story book. I have thought that this director first story makes «War of Scarlet Blood», narrated that you save the innumerable villagers townspeoples, defeats the legendary experience of evil big devil!” “笨呀,这是很大的商机呀。”梦莹莹提起似乎非常兴奋,她老气横秋的说:“现在大陆人,物质生活享受有了,精神却是十分空虚,没有什么娱乐项目。我们通过藏影镜和幻影结合,那么就能把一个个传奇故事,改编导演成实实在在的影视故事,这可比干巴巴的故事书有趣多了。我已经想好了,本导演第一个故事就做成《赤血之战》,讲述你拯救无数村民镇民,打败邪恶大魔头的传奇经历!” Chu Tian almost water spurts. 楚天差点一口水喷出来。 Do these two sisters find out this idea? 这两姐妹是怎么想出这点子的? The Chu Tian life age, virtual Spiritual Technology was already mature, therefore the realistic film and television does not have any status, Chu Tian has not thought of this point, finally instead is wanted to come out by the Meng Qingwu sisters. 楚天生活年代,虚拟精神技术早就成熟,所以现实影视根本没什么地位,楚天都没有想到这一点,结果反而是被梦轻舞姐妹给想出来了。 Is same just as the Miracle canned food. 正像奇迹罐头一样。 The itself anything technique content, has not lacked merely is a drop. 本身没什么技术含量,缺的仅仅是一个点子。 A Meng Yingying face anticipates to look at Chu Tian: „Do you think how is it?” 梦莹莹一脸期待看着楚天:“你觉得怎么样?” Is very good, is very good!” Chu Tian brain fast turn-around, we just based Imperial City, needs to expand the influence time, this type of thing is giant to the Miracle Commerce publicity role.” “很好,很好!”楚天脑子快速运转,“我们刚刚立足王城,正是需要扩大影响力的时候,这种东西对奇迹商会宣传作用巨大。” Meng Yingying nods: What do you have to request?” 梦莹莹点点头:“你有什么要求吗?” „The first work does well, do not consider that the benefit and cost, how much money want to pound, only then a request, my image must lead, yes?” “第一部作品好好做,不要考虑利益和成本,要多少钱都砸,只有一个要求,我的形象要帅,明白吗?” Meng Yingying loses to her supercilious look directly: About the profit matter, you do not need to worry. But the elder sister commercial talent, investment much money, she can double even multipler gain.” 梦莹莹直接丢给她一个白眼:“关于盈利事情,你就不用操心。姐姐可是商业天才,投入再多的钱,她都能双倍甚至更多倍赚回来。” Chu Tian is a little half believing and half doubting. 楚天有点将信将疑。 This work production cost is not low, the present stage can suffer no loss of capital was good, can gain really? 这种作品制作成本可不低,现阶段能保本就不错了,真能够赚回来? Meng Yingying gives Chu Tian the bosom book: „, This I inquired from Nangong Sister mouth concrete process that now as the main source of story, writes the story program simply, you have a look how is it!” 梦莹莹把怀里册子递给楚天:“诺,这我从南宫姐姐口里打听到的具体经过,现在作为故事的蓝本,把故事大纲简单写好,你看看怎么样!” This is one saves, the story of risk and fight. 这是一个拯救、冒险、战斗的故事。 Has not looked, small girl a little art talent. 真没看出来,小丫头有点艺术天赋。 Chu Tian proposed that a suggestion said: I thought that adds a love element to be better again.” 楚天提出一点建议说:“我觉得嘛,再加一点爱情元素会更好。” Love? Adds?” “爱情?怎么加?” You can establish a leading lady image, this leading lady is your Meng Yingying, can establish a princess in country as for the status, was grasped by the fiendish person, finally I save you, story final lives together happily.” “你可以设定一个女主角形象嘛,这个女主角就是你梦莹莹,至于身份可以设定成一个国家的公主,被魔王抓起来了,最后我把你救出来,故事的最后幸福生活在一起。” The story of princess fiendish person was really outmoded. 公主魔王的故事真是老掉牙了。 However in this age, should have the market. 不过在这个年代,应该还是有市场的。 Meng Yingying face one red: „It is not really bashful, don't others see disgraced?” 梦莹莹脸一红:“真不害臊,别人看到不丢人吗?” „Can you think? This is the art! How will the art lose face?” Chu Tian said seriously: You do not like changing into the young lady leading lady. Nangong also no problem.” “你怎么能这么想呢?这是艺术!艺术怎么会丢人?”楚天一本正经说:“你不喜欢就把女主角换成大小姐也可以。或者南宫也没问题啊。” Meng Qingwu face one red, has not spoken. 梦轻舞脸一红,没有说话。 Nangong Yun laughs: I do not have the opinion!” 南宫云哈哈一笑:“我没意见啊!” „It is not good! The elder sister is chamber of commerce leader, therefore maintains the steady solemn image, Sister Nangong is also that powerful person. This princess is so weak, how can make them act?” Meng Yingying somewhat embarrassed scratches the head: It seems like, I have to sacrifice for art.” “不行不行!姐姐是商会领头人,所以保持稳重端庄的形象,南宫姐姐也是那么强悍的人。这个公主这么弱,怎么能让她们来扮演呢?”梦莹莹有些不好意思挠挠头:“看来,我只好为艺术牺牲一下自己了。” The people smile. 众人都是一笑。 The thoughts of this girl who couldn't guess correctly? 这丫头的心思谁猜不到? Chu Tian gets a sudden inspiration, thinks of a special drop. 楚天又灵机一动,想到一个特别的点子。 Nangong Clan and isn't the Wang family very rampant? This time looked how Uncle Chu Tian renovates you! 南宫家族、王氏家族不是很嚣张吗?这次看楚天大爷怎么整治你们! Chu Tian said to Meng Yingying: To let the story is more winding interesting, I thought that needs to strengthen portrays several villain characters, for example......” 楚天梦莹莹说:“为让故事更曲折有趣,我觉得需要强化刻画几个反派人物,比如……” Several people discussed for one hour. 几人商量一个小时。 This manufacture plan was makes a final decision. 这制作计划算是敲定了。 Meng Yingying led everybody to make the story full of enthusiasm. 梦莹莹带着大家兴致勃勃去做故事了。 Actually, like this builds a television work the cost not to be low, because in entire producuction process, not only needs the massive people, but also needs to consume many illusory image stones, the illusory image stone in Southern Summer Country is the rare material! 其实,这样打造一部影视作品的成本并不低,因为整个制作过程中,非但需要大量人,还需要消耗很多幻影石,幻影石在南夏国是稀有材料! The yieldly of this ore, entire Southern Summer Country over three, every year output is not very limited, therefore the price will be quite unavoidably expensive. After this work does, is impossible to recycle the cost, or in long time, is impossible to recycle the cost. 这种矿石的生产地,整个南夏国不超过三座,每年的产量都是非常有限,所以价格难免会比较昂贵。这部作品做出来以后,不可能回收成本,或者说很长时间里,不可能回收成本。 However, must do! 但是,还是要做! Miracle Commerce in the Imperial City cash, probably 600 million gold coins about, directly pulls out 200 million gold coins to invest to Meng Yingying now, making her unshackle to do, do not care about money the issue! 奇迹商会王城的现金,大概有600000000金币左右,现在直接掏出200000000金币投资给梦莹莹,让她放开手脚去做,不要在乎钱的问题! This sum of money bought sufficiently the market illusory image stone. 这笔钱足以把市场幻影石都买回来了。 Meng Yingying forms more than 100 individual manufacture teams, starts to study the manufacture plan. Meng Qingwu mobilizes the Miracle Commerce strength, through the broadcasting station, media and each channel, starts the crazy apron. 梦莹莹组建100多个人的制作团队,开始研究制作计划。梦轻舞则发动奇迹商会的力量,通过电台、媒体、各个渠道,开始疯狂的旋床。 Pastes about the Movie/TV Show playbill everywhere is. 关于影视剧海报贴的到处都是。 This stirs the controversy in Imperial City, people have heard stage play, has not heard movie theater this gadget! 这在王城引起轩然大波,人们都听说过话剧,从没听说过影剧这玩意儿! Meng Qingwu also buys Imperial City several big theaters, for the theater tailor giant biography shade mirror screen, after the Meng Yingying manufacture team completes the work, completely places these to carry on the demonstration to broadcast. 梦轻舞还花钱购买王城几个大剧院,为剧院量身打造巨大传影镜屏幕,梦莹莹制作团队完成作品之后,全部放在这些进行展示播出。 This time news spreads over entire Imperial City. 这一时间消息传遍整个王城 The people have the strong interest in abundance. 人们纷纷对此产生浓厚兴趣。 Next to dawn common people, on to royal palace aristocrat, all in attention history first Movie/TV Show manufacture progress. Before this matter becomes the people tea , after the food, topic that chatted, suddenly Movie/TV Show this novel noun, became the Imperial City newest fashion! 下到平明百姓,上到王宫贵族,无不关注史上第一部影视剧的制作进度。这件事情成为人们茶前饭后闲聊的话题,一时间“影视剧”这个新颖的名词,成为王城最新的时尚了!
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