MT :: Volume #3

#292: Chu Tian and mad dog party

The people shouted loudly see off South Summer King. 众人纷纷高呼恭送南夏王 Ten years of salary? This his mother also calculates the penalty! 十年俸禄?这他妈也算惩罚! Wang family several hundred old clans, but also depends on a salary to eat meal, that really can hang oneself. Chu Tian to this result obviously is unsatisfied, but Chu Tian did not have the words to say that trivial King's General Tu, Chu Tian did not pay attention. 王氏家族几百年老族,还靠一点俸禄吃饭,那真是可以去上吊了。楚天对此结果显然是不满意的,不过楚天也没有话可说,区区一个王屠而已,楚天根本就不放在眼里。 King's General Tu is staring Chu Tian with the vision of hatred extremely: From now on will walk well careful.” 王屠用极其仇恨的目光瞪着楚天:“今后走路最好小心一点。” „, You threaten me!” Chu Tian stares the big eye, very yelling of exaggeration in Royal Palace: What to do should this? Overawes War Hound solemn General Winged Dragon to deal with my small-scale merchant unexpectedly!” “哇,你恐吓我啊!”楚天瞪大一双眼睛,正在王殿里非常夸张的大叫:“这该怎么办?威震犬戎的堂堂翼龙上将居然要对付我一个小商人!” What fears?” An old sound conveys from back: Dragon did not have, what General Winged Dragon can this also calculate? Most is one jumps slapstick clown on the ground!” “怕什么?”一个苍老的声音从背后传来:“龙都没有了,这还能算哪门子翼龙上将?最多是一个在地上蹦跶的小丑!” A beard and hair all white old man walks, is not others Gu Qianqiu. 一个须发皆白的老者走过来,不是别人正是古千秋 King's General Tu vision cloudy and cold: Wang Family and big scholar element does not have the lond standing grudge!” 王屠目光阴冷:“王家与大学者素无旧怨!” That is before, now had.” The Gu Qianqiu beard shook to wait for King's General Tu: You will walk from now on are also careful, should better not to run upon the old man on the street. The people were old, the eye is not unavoidably good, if regarded the thief to hit conveniently remnantly, I not good to report on accomplishments to South Summer King.” “那是以前,现在有了。”古千秋胡子抖了抖等着王屠:“你今后走路也小心一点,最好不要在街上撞上老夫。人老了,眼睛难免不好,万一当成贼人随手打残了,我可不好向南夏王交差。” Wait and see!” “等着瞧!” King's General Tu walks away angrily. 王屠愤然走远。 The real men are not at a disadvantage from the outset, a Chu Tian mouth sufficed fiercely, if added Gu Qianqiu to lead a cheer again, he must the air/Qi probably the lung spit not to be possible. 好汉不吃眼前亏,一个楚天嘴巴就够厉害了,若再加一个古千秋助阵,他非得气得把肺都吐出来不可。 Big scholar long time did not see spirit young many!” “大学者多日不见精神年轻了不少嘛!” Do not call big scholar, Old man may receive it.” Gu Qianqiu in front of Chu Tian respectful like an apprentice, perhaps is faces South Summer King, Gu Qianqiu not such respectfully: I give you to introduce, these are the colleagues, but is the academic faction, each is the Bachelor titles.” “别叫大学者了,老朽可受之不起。”古千秋楚天面前恭敬的就像一个学徒,恐怕就算是面对南夏王,古千秋都没这么恭敬过:“我给你介绍一下,这些都是同僚,不过是学术派的,各个都是学士称号。” The Chu Tian vision has swept Chu Tian 78 scholar, each is to get old, it is estimated that is the generations of having great learning, since can on comes to the deliberation hall, the showing family background background is not simple. 楚天目光扫过楚天身边78个学者,每一个都是上年纪的,估计都是学识渊博之辈,既然能上的来朝堂,说明出身背景不简单。 This is to study palace executive elder Zhao Pu!” “这位是学宫常务长老赵普!” Wang Cheng studies the palace quite Southern Xia highest school, this person can become the person in management science palace, perhaps is not the generation of commonplace, its ability should not compare Central State Yun Tianhe too to be inferior many, just now in the main hall, this person is old scholar of head, has not helped little Chu Tian lead a cheer. 王成学宫相当南夏最高学府,此人能成为管理学宫的人,恐怕不是等闲之辈,其能耐应该不会比中州云天鹤逊色太多,方才在大殿上的时候,这个人为首的老学者,没少帮楚天助阵。 Chu Tian the arch cups one hand in the other across the chest immediately: Has seen Zhao Elder.” 楚天立刻拱拱手:“见过赵长老。” „, Cannot do without being possible!” This Zhao Pu hurries to withdraw one step, cups one hand in the other across the chest to bow in salute to Chu Tian, such appears very terrified: Your I am the Bachelor title, is the same level relations, let alone Chu Tian your excellency talent is shocking, how can the old man receive?” “诶诶,不可不可!”这赵普赶紧退后一步,也给楚天拱手作揖,那样子显得非常惶恐:“你我都是学士称号,本来就是同级关系,何况楚天阁下才华惊世,老头子怎么受得起?” These old-fashioned people were very insipid! 这些老古板忒没劲了! Chu Tian asked Gu Qianqiu: „Is your this?” 楚天古千秋:“你们这是?” Gu Qianqiu smiles: My these old friends are the Southern Summer Country most notch talents, although they with Chairman first meeting, actually admire your talent, therefore hopes that can officially join Miracle Commerce.” 古千秋笑笑说:“我这几位老朋友都是南夏国最顶尖人才,他们虽然与会长初次见面,却是非常仰慕您的才华,所以希望能正式加入奇迹商会。” Mr. Zhao Puwei first nods again and again: „, Is!” 赵普为首老头连连点头:“正是,正是!” This is the good deed, will Chu Tian reject? 这是好事啊,楚天怎么会拒绝? Miracle Commerce supposes Chu Sect and Cloud Sect two big structure, Chu Sect is my direct descendant strength and Hanger-on group, Cloud Sect is the Miracle Commerce research agency.” Chu Tian said to them: You to consecrate the status to enter Chu Sect, works in Cloud Sect as researcher again, how doesn't know under intent?” 奇迹商会楚门云门两大结构,楚门是我嫡系力量和门客集团,云门则是奇迹商会研究机构。”楚天对他们说:“你们就以供奉身份进楚门,再以研究员身份在云门工作,不知各位意下如何?” Good, good!” “好,好!” We want certainly!” “我们当然愿意!” Miracle Commerce works, is I and other Old man good fortunes!” 奇迹商会旗下做事,是我等老朽的福气!” These old men usually are the gruff bone that is difficult to gnaw, whom goes crazy catches to nip anyone like the dog, the aristocrat group is all right does not dare to annoy them, now was conformed by Chu Tian together, is really a formidable strength! 这些老头子平时是一块块难啃的倔骨头,发起疯来就像狗一样逮谁咬谁,贵族集团没事都不敢惹他们,现在被楚天整合到一起,真可是一股强大的力量啊! From now on who dares to annoy Chu Tian, first completes with this group of scholar to the dry mental preparation! 今后谁敢惹楚天,先做好和这帮学者对干的思想准备! Gu Qianqiu was certainly happy to this result: Chairman had been sealed Bachelor, but the ceremony has not carried on, I know that you do not like the thing of this over-detailed formalities, can therefore simplify simplified to you as far as possible, you look at or go to a study palace, so as to avoid the later some people gossipped.” 古千秋对此结果当然非常高兴:“会长已经受封学士,但是仪式还没有进行,我知道你不喜欢这种繁文缛节的东西,所以能精简尽量给您精简了,你看还是去一趟学宫,免得以后有人说闲话。” Good!” “好!” Chu Tian arrives at the Imperial City study palace with several scholar. 楚天跟着几个学者来到王城学宫。 Big scholar awards the Chu Tian Bachelor robe personally, Chu Tian was open and aboveboard scholar. 学者亲自授予楚天学士袍,楚天是堂堂正正的学者了。 This status is Continent is general, even if will leave Southern Summer Country in the future, even arrives at the foreign race domain, this status can play a certain role. 这种身份是大陆通用,哪怕将来离开南夏国,甚至到异族的地盘,这身份都能起到一定的作用。 I invited to drink one cup to Miracle Commerce.” “我请诸位到奇迹商会喝一杯。” Good, good!” “好,好!” These old men leave the royal palace cheerfully. 这些老头乐呵呵离开王宫。 Before everybody just arrived at the Miracle Commerce front door, actually in same place, saw only big Miracle Commerce surrounding by soldier of one crowd of bright red armor. 大家刚刚走到奇迹商会大门前却愣在原地,只见偌大奇迹商会正被一群鲜红铠甲的战士给包围了。 The Chu Tian brow selects: What's all this about?” 楚天眉头一挑:“这是怎么回事?” Had an accident.” The Gu Qianqiu calm face said: This is the Nangong Family army!” “出事了。”古千秋沉着脸说:“这是南宫家的部队!” Several thousand Nangong Clan officers surround Miracle Commerce all round, is several Nangong Clan senior elders is shouting propaganda loudly: Nangong Yun, gives you one minute, immediately comes out, returns to the family to accept the trial penalty, otherwise we must attack!” 数千南宫家族将士把奇迹商会团团包围,其中为首几个南宫家族资深长老正在大声喊话:“南宫云,给你一分钟时间,立刻自己出来,回家族接受审判惩罚,否则我们就要攻进去了!” Drinks! Drink! Drinks!” “喝!喝!喝!” Several thousand Nangong Clan officers drink the strong potential with one voice greatly. 数千南宫家族将士齐声大喝壮势。 Nangong Clan is the Southern Summer Country most important general's family family, in the combat general crack troops that the front and Allied Canine Tribes slaughter, there is a larger part came from Nangong Family, this imposing manner naturally very fearful. Miracle Commerce does not dare to touch its point obviously, therefore is shutting tightly the front door, how regardless of Nangong Clan shouted propaganda, they did not make the response. 南宫家族南夏国最重要的将门家族,前线与犬戎族厮杀的战将精兵中,有一大半都是来自南宫家的,这气势自然是非常的慑人。奇迹商会显然不敢触其锋芒,所以把大门紧闭着,无论南宫家族怎么喊话,他们就是不做回应。 damn!” Chu Tian violent anger like thunder: Today bullies the head of my Chu Tian to come, if not select the color to take a look to them, tomorrow to dispatch troops to attack directly?” 可恶!”楚天暴怒如雷:“今天就欺负到我楚天的头上来了,若不给他们点颜色瞧瞧,明天岂不是直接派兵攻进去了?” Gu Qianqiu is one group of old men rushes directly: „Do you do? Here is Imperial City! Do your heavy armed forces siege, have law of the land.” 古千秋为首一群老头更是直接冲上去:“你们干什么?这里是王城!你们重军围困,有没有王法。” When the Nangong Clan person looks at Chu Tian and Gu Qianqiu, troop old scholar, somewhat feels timid at heart! 南宫家族人一看楚天古千秋,还有一大群老学者,心里就有些犯怵! Gu Qianqiu one group of old fogies, are in Imperial City the famous mad dog party. 古千秋一伙老家伙,是王城中有名疯狗党。 Whom these old mad dogs catch to nip anyone, does not have what right in the hand, but can actually lead the world to be agitated, the average person will be all right will not annoy them. 这些老疯狗逮谁咬谁,没有什么权利在手里,不过却能带动天下汹汹,一般人没事都不会去惹他们。 Let alone, Chu Tian is the fight dog in mad dog! 何况,楚天更是疯狗中的战斗狗! Two months ago in the Central State time, can stress the pain flat insult including Western Marquis , today makes any frenzied move again, perhaps is not the strange matter. 两个月前在中州时候,连四方候都能抓起来痛扁侮辱,今天再做出什么疯狂举动,恐怕也不是什么奇怪的事情。 These mad dog parties have the alliance of Chu Tian and lead, that is really even more powerful! 这些疯狗党有楚天的加盟和带领,那真是如虎添翼! „Do you, you do!” A Nangong Clan senior elder stands: Our Nangong Family must return to own posterity, can you manage?” “你,你们干什么!”南宫家族一个资深长老站出来:“我们南宫家要回自己的后人,你们管得着吗?” Everybody listens, does this have the natural justice?” Gu Qianqiu raises the arm shouts, innumerable people encircle immediately: Nangong Yun is Southern Summer Country known only one thinks the God Level Source Spirit owner at present firmly, because actually encounters family certain people to envy, ten years of the year before last only nine -year-old she, was actually sent into exile to far away Xiaogucheng. This causes ten years of cultivation base slow progress, can become the super talent of Southern Xia pillar of the state, almost must therefore die!” “大家听一听,这还有天理吗?”古千秋振臂一呼,无数群众顿时围过来:“南宫云南夏国目前已知唯一一个确认为神级元魂拥有者,却因为遭到家族某些人嫉妒,十年前年仅九岁的她,却被放逐到偏远小古城。这导致十年时间修为进展缓慢,一位本来能成为南夏栋梁的超级天才,几乎就要因此而陨落了!” The people are in great surprise. 众人都是大惊。 God Level Source Spirit?” 神级元魂?” Real false?” “真的假的?” How I never know!” “我怎么从来不知道!” Gu Qianqiu continues saying: Nangong Yun is lucky, because meets Miracle Commerce Chairman Chu Tian, obtains the key cultivation of Chu Tian, therefore in less than five months, her cultivation base leaps from Body Refinement Realm achieves the Awakened Soul 5th Layer boundary!” 古千秋继续说道:“南宫云是幸运的,因为遇到奇迹商会会长楚天,获得楚天的重点栽培,所以在短短不到五个月时间,她的修为炼体境一跃达到魂醒五重的境界!” The people call out in alarm all, this speed was also too fast. 众人无不惊呼,这速度也太快了。 Because Nangong Yun high-speed growth, causes Nangong Family certain people to worry. Therefore now wants to go back the person. You said that once Nangong Yun were brought to go back, she also does have the means of livelihood?” Exclaiming that Gu Qianqiu is filled with righteous indignation: This loss is not only a Southern Xia talent, is my Southern Summer Country one top pillar of the state who is hopeful to compare favorably with three Mr. You said that we can hand over person?” “因为南宫云高速成长,又引起南宫家某些人担忧。所以现在想把人要回去。你们说,南宫云一旦被带回去,她还有活路吗?”古千秋义愤填膺的吼道:“这损失的不仅仅是一个南夏天才,更是我南夏国一位有望媲美三君的顶级栋梁。你们说,我们能不能把人交出去?” Cannot!” “不能!” Cannot!” “不能!” The people create a disturbance. 人们纷纷跟着起哄。 The Nangong Clan person is in an uncontrollable rage: Talk irresponsibly and do not spread rumors and mislead the people!” 南宫家族人怒不可遏:“你不要信口雌黄、妖言惑众!” Zhao Pu helps to lead a cheer: „The Nangong Clan fellow is listening, you want to cause difficulties for others first step from several of us old fogy corpse the past, otherwise gives up any idea of this front door one step!” 赵普跟着帮忙助阵:“南宫家族的家伙听着,你们想拿人就先从我们几个老家伙尸体上跨过去,否则休想进这个大门一步!” Isn't Nangong Clan?” “不就是南宫家族么?” Old man fights one fight with you!” “老夫就跟你们斗一斗!” Right, even if dies also splashes your blood!” “没错,就算死也溅你们一身血!” This sociology palace old Bachelor like hitting chicken blood, Nangong Clan sees this situation facial colors to be pale. Said honestly that they do not dare to move Gu Qianqiu are really the flock of old mad dogs of head. 这群学宫老学士一个个都像打过鸡血一样,南宫家族见此情形一个个面色铁青。坦白说,他们真不敢动古千秋为首的这群老疯狗。 You rubbish these many to do?” Chu Tian overruns a fist to hit on a military officer face: Punches them!” “你们废话这么多干什么?”楚天冲过去一拳就打在一个军官脸上:“揍他们!” Gu Qianqiu bellows: Hits!” 古千秋大吼:“打!” Mother?” “妈的?” Dares to hit really?” “真敢打?” damn, punches them!” 可恶,揍他们!” Nangong Clan several lead elders and old scholar make into one group. 南宫家族几个带头长老和老学者打成一团。 However Gu Qianqiu battle efficiency is astonishing, the needless moment throws off the most Nangong Family elder. 不过古千秋战斗力惊人,不消片刻就掀翻大半南宫家长老。 The Nangong Family ordinary officers, are thrown into confusion actually do not dare to act rashly, because has not ordered, they do not dare to hit back. 南宫家的普通将士们,一个个手忙脚乱却不敢轻举妄动,因为没有命令,他们不敢还手。 Withdraw, removes!” “撤,撤!” Goes back to ask for instructions Burning Sun Monarch!” “回去请示炎阳君!” The Nangong Clan person distressedly and withdrew hurriedly, only keeps the dumbfounded bystander, is this famous Central State Chu Tian? This is really a person, if, really valiant appalling. 南宫家族的人狼狈而又匆忙的撤走了,只留目瞪口呆的围观者,这就是大名鼎鼎的中州楚天吗?这果然是人如其名,实在彪悍的让人毛骨悚然啊。 Of Nangong Clan kingdom Three Great Clans, was pursued to the violence unexpectedly facing the street, this dozens and even over a hundred years has not occurred in Imperial City! 王国三大家族之一的南宫家族,居然被人当街给暴力驱逐了,这在王城几十乃至上百年都没有发生过! This news passes to the Burning Sun Monarch palace quickly. 这个消息很快就传到炎阳君府。 What?!” “什么?!” Burning Sun Monarch directly the smashing that a beloved jade cup falls, elder panic-stricken kneeling on the ground, they knows in abundance Burning Sun Monarch irritable disposition, today the Chu Tian procedure is too bad, will have the indelible negative impact on the Nangong Family prestige. 炎阳君直接把一个心爱的玉杯摔的粉碎,一众长老纷纷惊恐的跪在地上,他们知道炎阳君的火爆性格,今天楚天做法实在太恶劣,对南宫家声望会造成难以磨灭的负面影响。 If according to Burning Sun Monarch usually the attitude, decided must visit to tit for fat personally! 若依炎阳君素来作风,定是要亲自上门以牙还牙! „Did that mix the boy to gather the subordinates that group of mad dogs unexpectedly completely?” After Burning Sun Monarch anger, is rapidly tranquil, presses the anger to sit returns to the position, then the matter became has troubled, these old mad dogs, although did not have the real power, but could not move easily, especially Gu Qianqiu this old thing......” “那混小子居然把那帮疯狗全部招揽麾下了?”炎阳君愤怒之后,又迅速平静下来,压着怒火坐回到位置上,这下事情就变得麻烦了,“那些老疯狗虽然没有实权,但是轻易动不得,特别是古千秋这个老东西……” A senior elder said: Monarch, you goes into action personally, hasn't been able to solve?” 一位资深长老说:“君上,难道您亲自出马,还不能解决吗?” This Monarch does not fear Gu Qianqiu, at the worst was scolded by him, these old mad dogs except for this skill, pour do not have fearfully what.” Burning Sun Monarch spoke of here, the brow wrinkled little: But this Monarch, once gets rid, Wu'an Monarch will not sit by and do nothing.” “本君不惧古千秋,大不了被他骂一顿,这些老疯狗除了这点本事,倒也没有什么可怕的。”炎阳君说到这里,眉头一点点又皱起来:“但是本君一旦出手,武安君不会坐视不管。” Is Wu'an Monarch also that side Chu Tian? 武安君也是楚天那边的? Nangong Clan one group of elders immediately complete silence. 南宫家族一群长老顿时鸦雀无声。 Trades about Wu'an Monarch and Chu Tian, all are the top secrets, at present besides Gu Qianqiu and South Summer King, Southern Summer Country few knows personally. Burning Sun Monarch is not very clear, only knows that on Chu Tian this person relations, certainly has not seemed that simple. 关于武安君和楚天交易,一切都是最高机密,目前除古千秋南夏王外,南夏国没有几个人知道。炎阳君也不是很清楚,只知道楚天这个人身上关系,绝没有看上去那么简单。 Initially Wu'an Monarch is insurance Chu Tian, did not hesitate almost to get angry with Wen Cheng. 当初武安君为保楚天,不惜差点跟文成君翻脸。 An elder also cautiously asked one: Monarch, since Chu Tian is difficult to gnaw, why doesn't unite other people? For example Wen Cheng......” 一个长老又小心翼翼问一句:“君上,既然楚天难啃,为何不联合其他人?比如文成君……” Be quiet!” Burning Sun Monarch stares this elder one eyes: This Monarch is open and aboveboard, why collaborates with that old poisonous snake, we have a grudge with Chu Tian freely, but he turns over to him, I turn over to me, the boundary is clear, this matter does not permit to raise again!” “住嘴!”炎阳君瞪这个长老一眼:“本君堂堂正正,何必跟那个老毒蛇联手,我们尽管都跟楚天有仇,但他归他,我归我,边界清楚,这种事不准再提!” Yes, yes!” “是,是!” The Nangong Clan elders are disappointed. 南宫家族长老都一脸失望。 In three big feudal lords, Wu'an Monarch backs on the Dongfang Family clan, therefore the strength is strongest, Burning Sun Monarch and Wen Cheng are very alone difficult to fight, only then joins up to have the stratagem which ensures success, Burning Sun Monarch is not willing with Wen Cheng to be the stratagem, what means does this have? 三大封君中,武安君背靠东方家族,所以实力是最强的,炎阳君文成君单独都很难斗得过,只有联合起来才有胜算,炎阳君不愿意和文成君为谋,这又有什么办法? This Nangong Yun looked like can only slow one slow grasp. 这个南宫云看来只能缓一缓在抓了。
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