MT :: Volume #3

#291: Deliberation hall sharp debate

South Summer King palace main hall. 南夏王宫大殿。 Dozens top characters get together. 几十个顶级人物齐聚。 On that high nine levels of jade step thrones, is sitting well the Southern Summer Country status highest king. 那高高的九级玉阶王座上,正端坐着南夏国地位最高的国王陛下。 Under nine levels of stairs has three luxurious dignified thrones, was placed above the seventh level of jade step, this is the Southern Summer Country three father places, the left is Wen Cheng, the right is the burning sun armed forces, the middle is Wu'an Monarch, three Monarch arrived at this moment. 九级台阶下有三个奢华威严的宝座,被摆放在第七级玉阶之上,这是南夏国三大君座,左边是文成君,右边是炎阳军,中间是武安君,此时此刻三君都已经到场。 Bachelor Chu Tian!” 学士楚天到!” A vigorous sound reaches the main hall. 一个浑厚声音传进大殿。 These great people paid attention to be attracted immediately. 这些大人物注意顿时就被吸引了。 The people looked at the past, a white clothing youth, was striding bravely forward to display no fear to enter the imposing manner broad main hall, he be younger, both eyes that most people imagined were fiery, just like the nighttime sky cold star, the expression nature, body swinging was very optional, not having the least bit to be anxious. 人们纷纷望过去,一个白衣少年,正昂首阔步毫无惧色走进气势恢宏的大殿,他远要比绝大多数人想象的还要年轻,双目炯炯有神,宛如夜空寒星,表情自然,肢体摆动十分随意,没有半点紧张失态。 Is this famous Central State Chu Tian? 这就是大名鼎鼎的中州楚天么? The people discussed very quietly. 众人窃窃私语的议论了起来。 Wu'an Monarch nods lightly, Wen Cheng narrows the eye, the surface does not have what change, that pair of profound vision deep place actually hidden turbulent current. Burning Sun Monarch responded that instead is biggest, angry-looking stares Chu Tian that is walking. 武安君淡淡点点头,文成君则眯起眼睛,表面并没有什么变化,那双深邃目光深处却暗藏激流。炎阳君反应反而是最大的,正一脸怒容瞪着走上来的楚天 In these three big feudal lords, Burning Sun Monarch most does not have city palace one. 这三大封君中,炎阳君是最没有城府的一个。 Chu Tian really cannot master such a fellow, how he holds onto Monarch nobility seat. 楚天也真是搞不懂这么一个家伙,他是怎么坐稳君爵宝座的。 Under Wang Sanjun, naturally was other Southern Summer Country high-ranking court officials. 一王三君下,自然就是南夏国其他重臣了。 The leader is grand preceptor Gu Qianqiu, other people are various respected family leaders. In brief after Chu Tian walks, most minimum several are hostile to the vision to shoot to him, looks like Chu Tian are really so many in the potential threat of Southern Summer Country. 为首者是太师古千秋,其余人等都是各大家族领袖。总之楚天走进来后,最起码十几道敌视目光向他射过来,这么看来楚天南夏国的潜在威胁还真不少。 Bold Chu Tian!” “大胆楚天!” A dignified sound most place above conveys from main hall, the lineup sends deaf, dizzy, just likes day sound that spreads from the clouds. 一个威严的声音从大殿最上方传来,阵容发聩,让人晕眩,犹如从云端上传出的天音。 A landslide cracks in the earth pressure, upwells crazily to the Chu Tian body. 紧接着,一阵山崩地裂般的压力,疯狂向楚天身上涌来。 This is Wang Wei! 这是王威! How could to have the strength of deterrent for King? Do not say that the South Summer King itself strength is extraordinary, even if mediocre cultivation base, can make dozens years of throne, can train Wang Weilai. 为王者岂能无威慑之力?不要说南夏王本身实力超绝,哪怕平平庸庸的修为,能做几十年王位,也能培养出王威来。 What was a however king considered as? Do not say trivial small king, in the past the Great Emperor in Continent super empire, presented for the guest, but courteous reception. That is more than 30,000 years later, these kings of present and so on, said honestly pulls on shoes continually unqualified. 不过一个王又算得了什么呢?不要说区区小王,当年大陆超级帝国的大帝,都奉为座上宾而礼遇有加。那还是30000多年后,现在的这些国王之类的,坦白说连提鞋都不够资格。 Chu Tian does not have the least bit to be affected by Wang Wei, in this time, sold a South Summer King face to be good, after all offended South Summer King not to have the advantage, instead made everybody not to be happy, therefore very exaggeration did obeisance: „Below heinous crime, invited my Wang Cizui!” 楚天没有半点受王威影响,不过在这种时刻,还是卖南夏王一个面子好了,毕竟得罪南夏王没有好处,反而闹得大家都不愉快,因此非常夸张的一拜:“在下罪该万死,请吾王刺罪!” You make matter in Central State, this King read some people to help you speak, but you are truly active in Thunder State and Qing State, does not haggle over with you.” The South Summer King whole face anger is staring Chu Tian: But, you receive this King's Royal Proclamation, actually deliberate delay does not enter Imperial City, is regards Royal Proclamation in the child's play! After arriving in Imperial City, the earliest possible time does not see right in front of one this King, this is regards this King in the child's play! Your severe wound Wang Family few young masters, this is regards the Imperial City regulation in the child's play! You said that you should damn!” “你在中州闹得事,本王念有人帮你说话,而你在雷州青州确实有功,就不跟你计较。”南夏王满脸怒火瞪着楚天:“可是,你接到本王王书,却故意推迟不进王城,是视王书于儿戏!抵达王城之后,不第一时间面见本王,这是视本王于儿戏!你重伤王家少公子,这是视王城律法于儿戏!你说你该不该死!” „!” Gu Qianqiu coughs several to stand: My king, this matter thinks many misunderstanding, how listens to Chu Tian to explain first.” “咳咳!”古千秋咳嗽几声站出来:“我王,这件事情想必有许多误会,还是先听听楚天怎么解释。” Explained!” The Burning Sun Monarch temperament is quite hot tempered: Even if on the king does not ask him to trouble, this Monarch wants to ask you actually, you stir up the family posterity and families resist , the severe wound cripples the family senior elder, how you must explain to this Monarch!” “解释个屁!”炎阳君脾气比较暴躁:“即使王上不找他麻烦,本君倒是想问问你,你煽动家族后人与家族对抗,又重伤致残家族资深长老,你要如何向本君解释!” This old ordinary man! 这老匹夫! Chu Tian focuses to look at Burning Sun Monarch slantingly: That matter with Nangong Yun irrelevant, is I does. The Nangong Zhi wild ambition, delusion spatial glove Bailang, wins entire Miracle Commerce unexpectedly, is really dream of a fool.” 楚天斜着眼看着炎阳君:“那件事情跟南宫云无关,全都是我做的。南宫炙狼子野心,居然妄想空手套白狼,夺走整个奇迹商会,真是痴人说梦。” Nonsense!” Burning Sun Monarch stands from the throne, a burning hot aura fills the air rapidly in the main hall, Nangong Zhi clearly pledges the easy terms, what Laikong glove Bailang only said!” “胡说八道!”炎阳君从宝座上站起来,一股炙热气息迅速弥漫在大殿中,“南宫炙分明开出优厚条件,何来空手套白狼只说!” Easy terms? Ha!” Chu Tian did not install humbly, threw out the chest, gains ground, the vision looked straight ahead Burning Sun Monarch: In my eye Miracle Commerce is more valuable than Nangong Clan. I want to ask Burning Sun Monarch actually, you give me Nangong Clan now, I ten years later promotes you to work as small minute of Chairman in Miracle Commerce, you is a willing worker!” “优厚条件?哈哈哈!”楚天不装谦逊了,挺起胸,抬起头,目光直视炎阳君:“我的眼里奇迹商会南宫家族值钱多了。我倒是想问问炎阳君,你现在把南宫家族给我,我十年后提拔你在奇迹商会当一个小分会长,你肯做吗!” Dissolute!” “放肆!” The Burning Sun Monarch double fist grasps, flame shoots up to the sky, just likes a brave fighter descends the mountain, will throw to Chu Tian. 炎阳君双拳一握,一股火焰冲天而起,犹如一头猛虎下山,正要向楚天扑过去。 Everybody looks!” Chu Tian innocent beckons with the hand, immediately fast said: Encounters this situation, Burning Sun Monarch that no matter keeps aloof, is the status base and low tiny such as I, will make the same response.” “大家看!”楚天一脸无辜摆摆手,立刻快速说:“遇到这种情况,不管是高高在上的炎阳君,还是地位卑微渺小如我,都会做出一样的反应。” Burning Sun Monarch is about to be wild with rage: You think that I don't dare to move you really?” 炎阳君都快气疯了:“你以为我真不敢动你?” Here is a royal palace!” Wu'an Monarch let somebody cool off or calm down says one: „Doesn't Burning Sun Monarch understand the custom?” “这里是王宫!”武安君冷冷地说一句:“炎阳君也不懂规矩么?” Burning Sun Monarch clenches teeth, no matter what, the Nangong Family person, my Nangong Family manages, making Nangong Yun come back!” 炎阳君咬咬牙,“不管怎么说,南宫家的人,我南宫家自己管,让南宫云自己回来!” „Amn't I willing?” “我不肯呢?” You......” “你……” Wen Cheng said suddenly: Family internal affairs, my king, in addition is unsuitable to meddle, you also were too rather overbearing!” 文成君忽然开口说:“家族内务,我王尚且不便插手,你未免也太霸道了吧!” „The matter of your family, I cannot certainly manage, the Nangong Yun chamber of commerce member, has the contract with the chamber of commerce in the body!” Chu Tian said here, suddenly a voice revolution: This, you want to ask her to leave, Nangong Clan pays the penalty first, are not many also on hundreds of billions gold coins!” “你们家族的事情,我当然管不着,南宫云商会成员,与商会有合约在身!”楚天说道这里,突然话音一转:“这样吧,你想让她走也可以,南宫家族先把违约金付一付,不多也就几千亿金币!” Hundreds of billions gold coin penalties? 几千亿金币违约金? A Burning Sun Monarch almost blood spits! 炎阳君差点一口血吐出来! South Summer King knits the brows: Was good, today here, does not discuss the matters of these branch details. Your Nangong Family matter, can go to the result in secret, here is toward the palace!” 南夏王皱皱眉:“好了,今天在这里,不是谈论这些旁枝末节的事。你们南宫家的事情,可以私底下自己去结局,这里是朝殿!” Burning Sun Monarch has to clench teeth to sit. 炎阳君只好咬着牙坐下来。 This boy!” “这小子!” Gu Qianqiu worries maliciously. 古千秋狠狠捏一把汗。 Chu Tian really not awfully, enrages Burning Sun Monarch unexpectedly intentionally, this moment Burning Sun Monarch suppresses shamelessly red, but he knows that has Wu'an Monarch and big scholar protects him, even if angry is not useful, can only press temporarily. 楚天真是不要命,居然故意激怒炎阳君,此刻炎阳君一张老脸憋得通红,不过他知道有武安君和大学者保护他,即使生气也没有什么用,只能暂时压着。 South Summer King let somebody cool off or calm down said: What words did you have to think to say?” 南夏王冷冷地说:“你有什么话想想说?” Chu Tian continues to explain: This delay date is unable to mention, Royal Proclamation requests the quickest speed to arrive in Imperial City merely, has not actually stipulated the detail time. Below on the Imperial City road, met has troubled, therefore delayed the distance.” 楚天又继续解释道:“这延误日期是无从说起的,王书仅仅要求最快速度抵达王城,却没有规定详细时间。在下在来王城的路上,遇到了一点麻烦,所以耽误了路程。” A North Korean and Chinese minister stands: Has a glib tongue, if everybody look like your this group of quibbling, how could it not be the Southern Summer Country regulation does exist in name only?” 一个朝中大臣站出来:“巧舌如簧,若人人都像你这帮狡辩,南夏国律法岂非形同虚设?” Right, do you dare to talk clearly at the matter that on the road comes across you, let the reason that everybody has a look at this to postpone disobeys orders?! If not, that despises my king!” Wears the general of purple armor to stand muddily, also has, you beat the Prince Yuan matter, my Wang Family has not done accounts with you!” “没错,你敢将你在路上遇到的事情说清楚,让大家看看这是不是非得延期抗命的理由吗?!如果不是,那就是藐视我王!”一个浑身披着紫色铠甲的将军站出来,“还有,你殴打王渊的事情,我王家还没有跟你算账!” Chu Tian looked that the opposite party was happy: Matter that this beats Prince Yuan that bastard, I for the time being first do not raise. As for this time delays the matter of traveling schedule, others do not have the means to testify to me, a King's General Tu actually witness!” 楚天一看对方就乐了:“这殴打王渊那混蛋的事情,我就姑且先不提了。至于本次耽误行程的事情,别人没有办法给我作证,王屠将军倒是一个证人!” What did you say?!” “你说什么?!” This purple armor general is not others, unexpectedly in scarlet blood temple bitter experience King's General Tu. 这个紫铠将军不是别人,居然就是在赤血神殿遭遇的王屠 The Chu Tian clear throat started saying: This must mention from Central State from the villain, villain after receiving Royal Proclamation, nonstop, ship does not approach shore, rapidly approaches King's territory. Who knows after the Cang State boundary, soon will enter King's territory time, actually suddenly knows some extremely tragic murder cases. The Cang State boundary several villages and small towns suffer to slaughter, thousands innocent civilians tragic death!” 楚天清清嗓子开始说:“这要从小人从中州出发说起,小人在领到王书之后,马不停蹄、船不靠岸,一路急速向王域而来。谁知在经过苍州边界,即将进入王域的时候,却突然得知一些惨绝人寰的血案。苍州边界数个村镇惨遭屠戮,数以万计无辜百姓惨死!” Villain, although is a cotton garment, but Gan Dang uneven matter. Frigid does the so murder case, how could turn a blind eye? The villains lead the person of accompanying to go to investigate, finally traces the murderer, originally is a number of Demonic Cultivator. After I strike them kills, this thinks that the matter had ended, when the preparation continues to hurry along Imperial City, actually knew from their personal effects.” “小人虽然是一介布衣,但甘挡不平事。如此惨烈血案,岂能视若无睹?小人带着随行的人前去调查,最终追踪到真凶,原来是一批魔修。当我将他们击杀之后,本以为事情已经结束,准备继续赶路来王城时,却从他们的随身物品中得知。” These people unexpectedly were past Heavenly Demon Cult's surviving members, they prepared a secret total altar|jar that went to Heavenly Demon Cult to keep, resurrecting Heavenly Demon Cult big revere.” “这些人竟然是当年天魔教的余孽,他们准备前往天魔教留下来的一个秘密总坛,复活天魔教一大首尊。” Such remarks. 此言一出。 South Summer King and three Monarch complexions changed. 南夏王、三君脸色都变了。 King's General Tu is gloomy the face, he as if has thought of anything. 王屠更是阴沉着脸,他似乎已经想到什么。 Chu Tian braving Qi Xian designs ambush side the Heavenly Demon Cult owner, finally enters the temple, afterward as well as had the matter, all the character character described carefully, said vivid and winding, the suspense frequency left unceasingly, naturally for narrative, he made many revisions intentionally. 楚天把冒奇险设计潜伏在天魔教堂主身边,最终进入神殿,以及后来发生事情,全都字字细细描述一遍,讲的绘声绘色、曲折不断、悬念频出,当然为了故事性,他故意做出很多修改。 King's General Tu, I want to ask you actually!” Chu Tian waits for King's General Tu to let somebody cool off or calm down: You know obviously scarlet blood temple is born, you know obviously ferocious scarlet blood Venerable possibly resurrects, you did not report this matter to the king. Instead for the own selfish interests, goes to the scarlet blood temple to search the treasure actually secretly. For a oneself benefit, does not attend to the kingdom possibly facing a catastrophe plague, the vicious intention, the world accommodates you, I look most damn is you!” 王屠将军,我倒是想问你了!”楚天等着王屠冷冷地:“你明明知道赤血神殿出世,你明明知道穷凶极恶的赤血首尊可能复活,你却不把这件事情上报给国王陛下。反而倒是为了一己私利,私自去赤血神殿探宝。为自家一点利益,不顾王国可能会面临一场浩劫大灾,险恶之心,天地容你,我看最该死的就是你!” King's General Tu almost spits blood! 王屠差点吐血! Originally is this bastard, originally is this bastard! 原来是这混蛋,原来就是这混蛋! This fellow takes away the scarlet blood temple massive treasures, even kills he most important mount, now King's General Tu has not attacked with enough time, instead made a false countercharge by Chu Tian! 这家伙拿走赤血神殿大量宝物,甚至害死他最重要的坐骑,现在王屠还没来得及攻击,反而被楚天反咬一口! You, Burning Sun Monarch!” Chu Tian has turned the head to get angry refers to Burning Sun Monarch: You seriously are old and muddle-headed, on oneself the ministers cannot manage well, almost leads to the catastrophe! If not for the villain luck is good, put to death that scarlet blood Venerable that devil, once otherwise his strength fully recovered, even if were you and other Monarch is not the match. At that time around the War Hound prairie, latter had the Heavenly Demon Cult revival influence, Southern Summer Country is destroyed by you!” “还有你,炎阳君!”楚天转过头怒指炎阳君:“你当真是老而昏聩,自家上卿都管不好,差点酿成大祸!若不是小人运气好,诛杀了那赤血首尊那魔头,否则他的力量一旦完全恢复,就算是你等三君也不是对手。那时前后犬戎草原,后有天魔教复兴势力,南夏国就被你毁了!” South Summer King hears here, the complexion is pale immediately very: „Does this matter take seriously? Burning Sun Monarch, King's General Tu, how you explained!” 南夏王听到这里,脸色顿时铁青无比:“此事当真?炎阳君,王屠,你们怎么解释!” Burning Sun Monarch does not know completely: This...... This Monarch does not know completely that must go back to ask Zou Yan.” 炎阳君完全不知道:“这……本君完全不知,得回去问问左湮。” South Summer King snort|hum, was extremely apparently discontented. 南夏王哼一声,显然已经非常不满。 The King's General Tu forehead blue vein braves, anger gets up to refute: My king, undeserved! End will have the selfishness, naturally is the heinous crime, birth that but scarlet blood Venerable, is this male servant puts personally.” 王屠额头青筋直冒,怒起反驳道:“我王,冤枉啊!末将心存私心,自然是罪该万死,但赤血首尊的出世,是这厮亲手放出来的。” South Summer King looks at Chu Tian: How do you emit Venerable also explained?” 南夏王看着楚天:“你放出首尊又怎么解释?” Emits scarlet blood Venerable, to kill, but eliminates the future trouble!” Chu Tian has a strong sense of righteousness: How could it be otherwise!” “放出赤血首尊,为一杀而除后患!”楚天大义凛然:“岂有他哉!” King's General Tu prepared dead to knock with Chu Tian: Who knows that scarlet blood Venerable to die, how are you so weak possibly kill Venerable?” 王屠是准备跟楚天死磕到底了:“谁知道赤血首尊有没有死,你这么弱怎么可能杀死首尊?” In the people heart is one cold. 众人心中都是一凛。 Three Monarch frowned. 三君都皱起了眉头。 Yes! 是啊! This was the statement of only one of the parties, Chu Tian said from beginning to end he killed scarlet blood Venerable, but scarlet blood did revere does have dead? If scarlet blood Venerable to run away, then to Southern Summer Country absolutely was the big trouble! 这从始至终都是一面之词,楚天说他杀死赤血首尊,但是赤血首尊到底有没有死呢?如果赤血首尊逃了出去,那对南夏国来说绝对是大患! Works as! 哐当! A bright red chalice loses on the ground. 一个鲜红的圣杯丢在地上。 This is the scarlet blood Sacred Object blood chalice!” Chu Tian said loudly: This is scarlet blood Venerable most important personal Soul Communication Tool, follows scarlet blood first elders and superiors to amount to for dozens years. Now, this thing already without owner. Scarlet blood Venerable to keep in the above spirit to eliminate, he dies firmly without doubt!” “此乃赤血圣物鲜血圣杯!”楚天大声地说道:“这是赤血首尊最重要的贴身通灵魂器,跟随赤血首尊长达几十年时间。如今,此物已经无主。赤血首尊留在上面的精神里已经消除,他确死无疑!” People in an uproar. 众人一片哗然。 Chu Tian kills Heavenly Demon Cult one Venerable unexpectedly. 楚天居然干掉天魔教一位首尊。 If this from spreads toward the palace, causes a stir in the Southern Xia flash news! 这要是从朝殿传开,真是轰动南夏的大新闻啊! Your majesty!” Gu Qianqiu seizing the chance stands: Old man believes that Chu Tian not only does not have the crime, instead has the saving the nation great merit!” “陛下!”古千秋趁机站出来:“老夫认为,楚天非但没有罪,反而有救国大功!” Time. 顿时间。 A deliberation hall piece of Gu Qianqiu disciple shouted. 朝堂一片古千秋门生就跟着喊起来。 Chu Tian saves the nation active!” 楚天救国有功!” Chu Tian saves the nation active!” 楚天救国有功!” A Gu Qianqiu voice revolution: On the contrary, the King's General Tu first-class selfishness injures the country, even unites in the scarlet blood temple and War Hound, this behavior has seriously violated the bottom line, I think to the heavy fine not amnesty! If your majesty reward or punish wrongly, how faces the world long mouth!” 古千秋话音一转:“相反,王屠一流私心误国,甚至在赤血神殿与犬戎联合,这种行为严重违背了底线,我认为必须重罚不赦!若陛下赏罚不明,何以面对天下悠悠之口!” Heavy fine King's General Tu!” “重罚王屠!” Severe punishment not amnesty!” “严惩不赦!” That group of people shout. 那群人又跟着喊道。 Chu Tian considers a shape: Wang Family little young master Prince Yuan, is attempts to wrest away Meng Yingying forcefully, keeps off countless person surface to compel the marriage, made impertinent remarks to Miracle Commerce Vice President Meng Qingwu. I looked that Wang Family Person is holds the merit to be arrogant, is simply lawless, despises the kingdom regulation is they are right! The villains are guilty, are willing to subject to a penalty, but if only punishes me, my king is unfair!” 楚天又告一状:“王家小少爷王渊,更是企图强行霸占梦莹莹,挡着无数人面逼婚,更对奇迹商会副总会长梦轻舞出言不逊。我看,王家人就是持功而骄,简直无法无天,藐视王国律法是他们才对!小人有罪,甘愿受罚,但若只罚我一人,我王不公!” South Summer King hit facing this situation immediately. 南夏王面对这种情况顿时头都打了。 King's General Tu one after another was also attacked to hit is caught off guard. 王屠也被一连串攻击打得措手不及。 damn, I am a victim, this time goes to scarlet blood temple root hair not to fish, instead was killed including mount, whom do I ask to reason things out? Now also by this thief full mouth insult! 可恶,我才是受害者啊,这次去赤血神殿一根毛没捞到,反而连坐骑都被干掉了,我找谁说理去?现在还被这贼人满口侮辱! This is not easy to do. 这可不好办了。 The South Summer King original intention to Chu Tian demonstration of authority, extinguishes the Chu Tian power and prestige well, finally actually developed this, can't praise Chu Tian wantonly? This person repeatedly below defies superiors, if also praised it, only feared that the King dignity was damaged. 南夏王本意是给楚天一个下马威,好好灭灭楚天的威风,结果却发展成了这样,总不能大肆嘉奖楚天吧?此人屡次以下犯上,若还对其进行嘉奖,只怕王者尊严受损。 „Does Wu'an Monarch, how this matter you see?” “武安君,此事你怎么看?” This Monarch believes that Chu Tian also has active, but on the whole merits outweigh demerits.” Wu'an Monarch spoke of here, stopped: Scarlet blood temple obtained all belongs to him, is regarded as the reward.” “本君认为,楚天有功也有过,但大体上功大于过。”武安君说到这里,又停顿一下:“赤血神殿所得就全归他自己所有,就当做是奖励吧。” Good!” “好!” South Summer King is very satisfied to this method. 南夏王对这个方法很满意。 Chu Tian is almost mad spits blood, mother, Wu'an Monarch, where are you? These things are my, is difficult to be inadequate also delivers inadequately? You did not seal my marquis ding-dong, gave several 2 billion bonuses! 楚天差点气得吐血,妈的,武安君,你到底是哪边的?那些东西本来就是我的,难不成还上交不成?你们不封我一个侯爷当当就算了,好歹给个十几2000000000奖金吧! „The King's General Tu selfishness injures the country, punishes ten years of salary, oneself go back to think of faults.” 王屠私心误国,罚十年俸禄,自己回去思过。” Today arrived here, draws back toward!” “今天就到这里,退朝!” South Summer King said that does not give other person of opposition time, immediately flings the sleeve to leave. 南夏王说完,不给其他人反对时间,立刻一甩袖就离开了。
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