MT :: Volume #3

#298: The flame demon changes!

The soul of Dongfang Family clan arming is very specially and rare one Source Spirit, itself does not have the fixed shape, can actually turn into various mail-armor and helmets against to have the weapon wait / etc., this also means that the soldier of Dongfang Family clan, can adapt to fight under any form. 东方家族武装之魂是非常特别而又稀有的一种元魂,本身没有固定形态,却能化成各种甲胄防具兵器等等,这也就意味着东方家族的战士,能够适应任何形式之下的战斗。 The marksmanship, swordsmanship and knife skill, all can practice to display flexible, although to the amplification of Cultivation Technique might was inferior that the sole sword repairs, blade to repair such high, but wins in flexible, therefore is very hard to deal with. 枪法、剑法、刀法,全能够灵活修炼施展,虽说对功法威力的增幅不如单一的剑修、刀修这么高,但是胜在灵活多变,所以是非常难缠的。 When Dongfang Haoran facing Nangong Yun strikes wild, he immediately transforms as the defense attitude, in addition has practiced a very wise shield technique, can form an emission coating in the defense process, thus forcefully strength reflecting counter- wound match. 东方浩然面对南宫云狂暴一击时,他就立刻转化为防御状态,再加上修炼过一种十分高明的盾技,能在防御过程中形成一种放射层,从而强行将力量给反射回去来反伤对手。 Defense Cultivation Technique that this type has the rebound effect is advanced Cultivation Technique. 这种具有反弹效果的防御功法皆为高级功法 A soldier defensive power weakest time, is all -out attack time, if can while resisting the attack, part of striking power reflecting, often can obtain the unexpected effect. 一个战士防御力最薄弱时候,就是全力攻击的时候,若能在抵挡攻击的同时,又将一部分攻击力给反射回去,往往能取得意想不到的效果。 Starlight Immortal Body is such Cultivation Technique. 星光不灭体就是这样的功法 However, the Starlight Immortal Body reflective power is limited , to promote along with the Cultivation Technique promotion. Present stage, only if Meng Yingying mirror Source Spirit amplification effect as well as special equipment amplification, otherwise the echo strength cannot compare Dongfang Haoran the move. 不过,星光不灭体反射力有限,随着功法提升而提升。现阶段而言,除非是梦莹莹“镜元魂”增幅效果以及特殊装备增幅,否则反射强度远比不上东方浩然的这一招。 Nangong Yun heavy hammer pounds together, is almost equal to pounding on own body. 南宫云一道重锤砸过去,几乎等于砸在自己的身上。 This rebound intensity surpasses over 80%, is very terrifying one defensive measure. 这种反弹强度超过八成以上,是非常非常恐怖的一种防御手段。 Dongfang Haoran, to send the superiority to fight back by the static brake, caused heavy losses to Nangong Yun at one fell swoop. However Dongfang Haoran does not feel better, Nangong Yun strength sinking fierce rupturing, strokes unexpectedly arms the shield that Source Spirit transforms broken, part of strengths divulge on the body, causes certain damage to it sufficiently. 东方浩然以静制动、以发优势发起反击,一举重创了南宫云。不过东方浩然也不好受,南宫云力量太沉猛爆裂,居然一击打碎武装元魂幻化的盾牌,一部分力量宣泄在身上,足以对其造成一定伤害。 This woman is very strong. 这女人很强。 Even if also fully has strength of the war with Chu Xinghe, if gives enough training and attaches great importance, not necessarily cannot become his Dongfang Haoran big powerful enemy. 哪怕跟楚星河也足有一战之力吧,若给予足够的培养和重视,未必不能成为他东方浩然的一大劲敌啊。 Dongfang Haoran is excited. 东方浩然兴奋起来。 Has one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing, runs into the match, must always dispute. 见猎心喜,遇到对手,总是要较量一下的。 Nangong Yun is one match who is worth anticipating, hopes that she can become! 南宫云是一个值得期待的对手,希望她能够变得更强些吧! cheng. 琤得一声。 That status aloof white clothing youth, extracts a handle ice crystal to brave the cold air from the back the treasured sword, walks from several women, just likes a javelin stands in front of Dongfang Haoran straightly. 那个地位超然的白衣少年,从背后抽出一柄冰晶般冒着寒气的宝剑,从几个女人身边走出来,犹如一杆标枪般直挺挺站在东方浩然面前。 „Do you want to rest to hit first?” “你要不要先休息一下在打?” Dongfang Haoran disdained saying: This fight to I'm coming said that what is not, why waste time?” 东方浩然不屑说:“这种战斗对我来说不算什么,何必浪费时间?” Meng Qingwu hurries Nangong Yun that prevents to get angry, the disposition of Dongfang Haoran this person makes people somewhat repugnant freely, but compares the sincere on the whole. Only depending on these moves that Nangong Yun just fought, naturally could not cause anything to affect to Dongfang Haoran. 梦轻舞赶紧阻止就要发火的都南宫云,东方浩然这个人的性格尽管让人有些讨厌,但是大体上还是比较实诚的。只凭南宫云刚刚交手的这几招,当然对东方浩然造成不了什么影响。 Dongfang Haoran real cultivation base is the Awakened Soul 9th Layer boundary, if gets rid fully, Nangong Yun is also good, Chu Tian, perhaps 12 moves cannot block. Even if Dongfang Haoran suppresses oneself cultivation base, but the inside story, he huge incomparable Source Energy Chu Tian and Nangong Yun of total quantity to is unable to follow. 东方浩然真实修为魂醒九重境界啊,若全力出手的话,南宫云也好、楚天也罢,恐怕12招都挡不住。哪怕东方浩然压制自己修为,但是底蕴还是在的,他庞大无比的元力总量对楚天南宫云是无法望其项背的。 „The villain accompanies your prince to play!” Chu Tian moves the pate and both arms, „after I'm coming to Imperial City, has not fought with the person, has suppressed half a month, should satisfy a craving!” “那小人就陪你王子殿下玩一玩!”楚天活动活动颈部和双臂,“我来王城以后就没和人交过手,憋了半个月,该过一把瘾了!” Only feared 32 moves of conclusion fights, but cannot enjoy oneself to the full.” “只怕32招结束战斗而不能尽兴。” Perhaps!” “或许吧!” Chu Tian is disinclined to speak, the instantaneous stimulation of movement sword Secret Art vanishes in same place, several combustion sword light at the unbelievable speed, almost by do not divide successively the speed assault. 楚天懒得说话,瞬间催动剑诀消失在原地,数道燃烧剑光以难以置信速度,几乎以不分先后速度袭去。 Good swordsmanship!” “好剑法!” Dongfang Haoran quite shocking feelings, this swordsmanship is not only full of the explosive force but actually, before letting the match prepares without enough time, instantaneously launches the formidable assassination attack. Most commendable, this set of swordsmanship not only can quickly have the formidable explosive force, has very strong endurance, can by the violent storm offensive, suddenly disintegrate match's resistance fully. 东方浩然倒颇有一种惊艳感觉,这剑法不仅仅充满爆发力,让对手来不及准备之前,瞬间就发动强大的刺杀袭击。最难能可贵,这套剑法不仅仅能迅速产生强大爆发力,更具有很强的持续性,足能以狂风暴雨般的攻势,瞬息间瓦解对手的抵抗。 Dongfang Haoran not any hesitation, he regarding all kinds of fights, is almost one forms the instinct, massive Source Spirit spew out, purple covers the Dongfang Haoran whole body, forms one set of firm incomparable mail-armor and helmet instantaneously. 东方浩然没有任何的迟疑,他对于各种各样的战斗,几乎是一件形成本能,大量元魂喷涌而出,紫覆盖东方浩然全身,瞬间就形成一套坚固无比的甲胄。 When! When! 当!当! Chu Tian chops two swords continuously, creates several sword mark, has almost not broken possibly out this armor, possibly has not broken the Dongfang Haoran defensive power becomes the injury to other party. 楚天连续劈两剑,造成几道浅浅的剑痕,几乎没有可能劈开这层铠甲,更没有可能打破东方浩然的防御力对他造成伤害。 This fellow disposition is freely arrogant, but really has the arrogant qualification. 这家伙尽管性格非常高傲,不过确实有高傲的本钱。 Since Chu Tian has arrived at this time, this is he has seen the strongest defensive power, even if compares with Diamond Body condition Immortal body is not inferior. Even if Dongfang Haoran besides the formidable defensive power, other aspects is mediocre, but can also approach on the same level master in depending on this point sufficiently invincibly! 楚天来到这个时代以来,这是他见过最强的防御力,哪怕跟金刚体状态不灭体相比也丝毫不逊色。哪怕东方浩然除了强大防御力外,其他方面都平平庸庸,但光凭这一点就足以同级高手里面也能接近无敌了! Mediocre!” “不过如此!” Dongfang Haoran Source Spirit emerges an energy, this strength condenses in both hands, finally turns into a magnificent wide blade edge extravagant blade, is forms by the energy purely, the knife edge is limpid like the amethyst, the surface unceasingly spout the burning hot the flame. 东方浩然元魂又涌现出一股能量,这股力量凝聚在双手之中,最终化成一把华丽的宽刃阔刀,纯粹是由能量形成的,刀刃就像紫水晶般清澈,表面不断喷涌出炙热的火焰。 Heart's Eye sweeps! 心眼一扫! Latched position! 锁定位置! The purple chopper to dividing to start swift and fierce storm by below, the tornado that the blade meteorology longitudinal ejects together goes to the Chu Tian bang. Because of Chu Tian already completely by Divine Sense locking of Dongfang Haoran, how regardless of Chu Tian avoids, this will strike definitely will hit his. 紫色斩刀由下至劈出掀起一股凌厉风暴,刀气像一道纵向击出的龙卷风向楚天轰去。因为楚天已经完全被东方浩然神识锁定,无论楚天怎么躲避,这一击是必然会击中他的。 Meng Qingwu sisters and Nangong Yun slightly discoloration. 梦轻舞姐妹和南宫云微微色变。 Dongfang Haoran just did not have fully, the strength that this blade erupts conveniently, manifests the formidable aggressivity sufficiently, is the same level talents is hard to resist absolutely. 东方浩然刚刚没出全力,这随手一刀爆发出来的力量,足以体现强大的攻击性,绝对是同级天才们难以招架的。 When Chu Tian facing this swift and fierce attack, displays is also unhurriedly, has not avoided, has not defended, releases sword Source Spirit fiercely, in the hand the Netherworld Sword in addition holds the Demon God Sword strength, the power and influence disciple increases ten times suddenly, violent Sword Qi shoots up to the sky together, unites the surrounding Netherworld Flame strength, bursts out to get angry the flame to cut together! 楚天面对这道凌厉攻击时,所表现也是不慌不忙,既没有躲避,也没有防御,猛地释放出剑元魂,手中幽冥剑加持神魔剑的力量,威势骤然徒增十倍,一道猛烈剑气冲天而起,凝聚周围的幽冥火力量,迸发出一道怒炎斩! A sword. 一剑而出。 The blade air/Qi is all broken! 刀气全碎! That Source Spirit transforms becomes amethyst chopper also accordingly breaks. 元魂幻化而成紫晶斩刀也应声而断。 Dongfang Haoran compels to withdraw from several feet distance. Although still some massive fragmentary blade air/Qi fall on Chu Tian, but relies on the Chu Tian defensive power, this injury is immaterial. 东方浩然逼退出数丈距离。虽然依然有大量零碎刀气落在楚天身上,但是凭借楚天的防御力,这点伤害根本就是无关紧要的。 Dongfang Haoran has not thought that the Chu Tian swordsmanship so is unexpectedly sharp, this person can defeat Chu Xinghe it seems like to be by no means coincidental. 东方浩然没有想到楚天剑法竟然如此犀利,此人能够击败楚星河看来绝非偶然。 Actually, Dongfang Haoran made a mistake a matter, Chu Tian has truly defeated Chu Xinghe, contained in a crucial information was actually he does not know. 其实,东方浩然搞错一件事情,楚天确实是击败了楚星河,其中蕴藏在其中关键性的一个信息却是他不知道的。 That is, Chu Tian not only defeats Chu Xinghe, but also defeats under the situation of cross level his. This is not only is defeated was so simple, rather ** bare crush! Suppose, even if in cultivation base different under and other situation, Chu Tian can the powerful defeat Chu Xinghe, under the same level Source Energy intensity, Chu Xinghe also has the qualifications to resist with Chu Tian? 那就是,楚天不仅仅打败楚星河,而且是在跨级的情况之下击败他的。这已经不仅仅是打败这么简单了,而是**裸的碾压!试想,哪怕在修为不同等的情况之下,楚天都能够强势击败楚星河,那么在同级的元力强度之下,楚星河还有资格跟楚天对抗吗? Dongfang Haoran does not know this point, will therefore issue such challenge. He thinks that defeats Chu Tian under the same level strength, was also equal to defeating Chu Xinghe! 东方浩然不知道这一点,所以才会发出这样的挑战。他认为在同级实力之下击败楚天,那么也就等于击败了楚星河 „Couldn't prince such quickly resist?” Chu Tian laughs several: I have a fiercer style not to display with enough time!” “王子这么快就抵挡不住了吗?”楚天哈哈大笑几声:“我有更厉害的招式没来得及施展呢!” Dongfang Haoran sees on armor that Source Spirit transforms, presents a giant incomparable sword mark unexpectedly, in the sword mark is also burning the blue white flame, the Source Spirit armor, not only does not have the automatic repair, that flame instead swallows multi-zones in the according to slow speed, 东方浩然元魂幻化成的铠甲上,竟然出现一道巨大无比的剑痕,剑痕内还燃烧着蓝白色的火焰,元魂铠甲非但没有自动修复,那火焰反而在以缓慢速度吞噬更多区域, The Dongfang Family clan arms Source Spirit to have characteristics, the Source Spirit energy intensity is constant invariable, if stress arming defense, then attacks weakly, if stress arming attack, then defends weakly. Therefore, when Dongfang Haoran just transformed the Source Energy armor, the defensive power endures compared with Starlight Immortal Body, even must especially win it. When Dongfang Haoran contact part armor arming, condenses a long blade time, then the defensive power was weakened. 东方家族武装元魂有一个特点,元魂能量强度是恒定不变的,如果侧重武装防御,那么攻击就弱,如果侧重武装攻击,那么防御就弱。因此,东方浩然刚刚幻化成元力铠甲时,防御力堪比星光不灭体、甚至还要尤为胜之。当东方浩然接触部分铠甲武装,凝聚成一把长刀的时候,那么防御力就被削弱了。 This defends the attack the condition, can the interconversion, this is the fierce place of Dongfang Family clan, is the place of limit. 这就防御攻击的状态,是可以互相转换的,这是东方家族的厉害之处,同时也是限制之处。 The Dongfang Haoran heart is startled slightly. 东方浩然微微心惊起来。 The Dongfang Family clan Source Spirit characteristics, are not the secret, Dongfang Haoran understood own Source Spirit characteristics compared with anybody. If Chu Tian can also display compared with just this to strike a stronger strength, so long as that were seized the opportunity by him, can defend to destroy inevitably at one fell swoop. 东方家元魂特点,本来就不是什么秘密,东方浩然比任何人都更了解自己的元魂特点。若楚天还能施展出比刚刚这一击更强的力量,那么只要被他抓住机会,必然能一举将防御打碎。 Has the skill to display!” Dongfang Haoran simply relieves the attack condition, he prepares one's old tricks heavy, by static brake: I want to take a look actually, how to break my defense!” “有本事就施展出来吧!”东方浩然干脆解除进攻状态,他准备故技重施,以静制动:“我倒是想看看,怎么破我的防御!” Sound. 声。 Good, I such as you hope!” “好,我就如你所愿!” In Netherworld Sword exudes a shrieking and howling wildly keenly blowing sound, just likes ten thousand ghosts is calling out in grief with one voice, covers entire Miracle Commerce, making each people feel to restless, even presents the illusion scared. 幽冥剑中发出一股鬼哭狼嚎的尖啸声,犹如万鬼在齐声悲鸣,笼罩整个奇迹商会,让每一个人都感到心神不宁,恐慌甚至出现幻觉。 What this time must display is Netherworld Sword Secret Art third move of Netherworld Ghost Slash! 这一次要施展的是幽冥剑诀第三招幽冥鬼斩 This move of full release spirit strength, creates the dual attack from the energy spirit, was Netherworld strongest one incurs. However everything has the dual character, this move of shortcoming, once uses ghost to cut, is equal to releasing Netherworld Sword thoroughly the spirit power quantity, therefore after this move of might conclusion, Netherworld Sword will fall into short weak, afterward combat capability greatly will be affected. 这一招充分释放器灵的力量,从能量精神造成双重打击,是幽冥最强一招了。不过凡事都有两面性,这招缺点就在一旦使用“鬼斩”,等于彻底释放幽冥剑的器灵力量,所以当这一招的威力结束之后,幽冥剑就会陷入短暂虚弱中,随后的战斗能力就会大受影响。 Either does not use, either certainly kills! 要么不用,要么就绝杀! Meng Qingwu as if looked, his ten segragation reiterated: They are think that a move decides the victory and defeat!” 梦轻舞似乎看了出来,他十分凝重说:“他们是想一招定胜负!” Dongfang Haoran can perceive great power that Chu Tian spews out, can therefore deeply realize that this sword has multi- terrifying, immediately relieves whole body Source Spirit, condenses a giant incomparable shield completely. 东方浩然能觉察到楚天喷涌而出的强大力量,所以更能深深认识到这一剑有多恐怖,立刻就把全身元魂解除,全部凝聚成一块巨大无比的盾牌。 Is this move!” Nangong Yun had just suffered a loss, how she possibly cannot recognize: This is not wonderful, the strength that Boss attacks is stronger, then receives the make backlash rebound the strength to be stronger, this fellow wants by the static brake, through reflecting Boss' strength defeats the Boss!” “又是这招!”南宫云刚刚吃过亏,她怎么可能认不出来:“这可不妙,老大攻击的力量越强,那么受到反噬反弹的力量就越强,这个家伙是想以静制动,通过反射老大的力量来击败老大!” Is Chu Tian the astute person? 楚天是何等精明的人? Such obvious intention, is he impossible unable to see? 这么明显的意图,他不可能看不出? Chu Tian is still going all out to release the strength, not having the least bit to receive the thought of hand, what does he actually again think? 楚天依然在拼命释放力量,没有半点想要收手的念头,他到底再想什么呢? Dongfang Haoran also is very obviously curious, what are more is anticipates and excited: Come! Let me have a look at you strongest one move!” 东方浩然显然也很好奇,不过更多的是期待和兴奋:“来吧!让我看看你最强的一招!” If you hope!” The Chu Tian whole body burns, just likes a meteor clashes, Netherworld Ghost Slash!” “如你所愿!”楚天浑身燃烧起来,犹如一颗流星般冲出去,“幽冥鬼斩!” Instance when Netherworld Sword chops, air by high-density strength distortion. 幽冥剑劈出的瞬间,空气都被高密度力量扭曲。 Jet black sword glow chops together maliciously on the shield. 一道漆黑剑芒狠狠劈在盾牌上。 Bang! 轰! The fierce strengths, rebound from the shield, complete bombardment on the opposite party. Finally, the shield in the fierce incomparable sword presses, the little disintegration explodes, a terrifying strength passes through the shield, falls on Dongfang Haoran, making Dongfang Haoran spout blood flying upside down directly, just likes the kite with broken string crashes in the distant place. 有一股剧烈力量,从盾牌反弹回来,全部轰击在对方身上。最终,盾牌在剧烈无比的剑压中,一点点崩碎爆裂开来,一股恐怖力量穿过盾牌,落在东方浩然身上,让东方浩然直接喷出一口血倒飞而出,犹如断线风筝般坠落在远处。 This Dongfang Haoran is really a blockhead brain. 这个东方浩然真是一个木头脑子。 At this time did not release the compensation, actually to Sword Qi its bang severe wound! 这种时候不释放全部力量,却任凭剑气将其轰成了重伤! However, the Netherworld Ghost Slash most strength rebounds, Chu Tian breaks out the instance of shield, immediately was torn the fragment to explode? 不过,幽冥鬼斩大半力量都反弹回来,楚天劈开盾牌的瞬间,顿时就被撕扯成了碎片爆炸开来? „!” “啊!” Several females call out in alarm. 几女都惊呼起来。 Dongfang Haoran scratches a corners of the mouth blood, is a face unbelievable color. 东方浩然擦一把嘴角血,也是一脸难以置信之色。 Is Chu Tian a lunatic? Unexpectedly wants to defeat him in this perishing together way? This is only an ordinary competition, serves a need such to go all out? 难道楚天是一个疯子?居然想要以这种同归于尽方式打败他?这只是一场普通的比试而已,用得着这么拼命吗? However following, making person be shocked once more, after Chu Tian was torn, actually does not have the flesh and blood flying in all directions picture, actually turns into the flame that a big pile explodes to disperse, when these flame you condense again, turned into a big fierce flame devil. 不过接下来一幕,让人再次惊呆,楚天被撕裂之后,竟然没有血肉横飞景象,却是变成一大堆爆散开来的火焰,这些火焰重新你凝聚起来之时,已经变成一个高大狰狞的火焰恶魔了。 Spirit Netherworld ! 正是器灵幽冥 Chu Tian Netherworld Flame Sword in the practice process, Chu Tian continuously revises to optimize it, even can the independence summon spirit, when he displays Netherworld Ghost Slash, has the essential difference with the first edition! 楚天幽冥炎火剑在修炼过程中,楚天不断地对其进行修改优化,甚至能够独立将器灵召唤出来,所以当他施展“幽冥鬼斩”时,与原版有着本质区别! In original «Netherworld Flame Sword», this sword is the release overdraws Netherworld Sword all strengths, once the strength exhausts, Netherworld Sword will fall into weakly. 原来的《幽冥炎火剑》中,这一剑是释放透支幽冥剑的所有力量,一旦力量用尽,幽冥剑就会陷入虚弱。 After Chu Tian has revised, he spirit and strength release together, lets grasp Netherworld Sword to complete terrifying Netherworld Ghost Slash spirit, spirit can also recycle the majority of strengths promptly, and was condensed the realistic shape by oneself outside the sword. 楚天修改过之后,他将器灵和力量一起释放出来,让器灵手持幽冥剑完成恐怖幽冥鬼斩,器灵还能及时回收大部分力量,并且让自己在剑外凝聚成现实形态。 What the strength of rebound breaks is devil Netherworld , this flame devil is the body of element, not by own strength Shanghai, this rebound strength to Netherworld meaningless, instead the strength that it releases, returned completely. 反弹之力震碎的是恶魔幽冥而已,这个火焰恶魔是元素之身,是不会被自己力量上海的,这股反弹力量对幽冥来说毫无意义,反而把它释放出去的力量,又全部返还给了它。 This is any Cultivation Technique......” “这是什么功法……” Dongfang Haoran thorough being shocked. 东方浩然彻底的惊呆了。 Now was startled also early!” Chu Tian both hands tie seal, Netherworld , with Flame Demon Transformations!” “现在吃惊还早了点!”楚天双手结印,“幽冥,用炎魔变!” Compliant, I advocate!” “遵命,吾主!” Netherworld covers fiercely on Chu Tian, after the person and combines spirit, the incarnation becomes a big incomparable devil, the evil cloudy and cold aura, covers the entire Miracle Commerce headquarters suddenly, this strength almost made Dongfang Haoran collapse. 幽冥猛地覆盖在楚天身上,人和器灵合二为一之后,化身成一尊高大无比的恶魔,邪恶阴冷的气息,骤然笼罩整个奇迹商会总部,这股力量差点让东方浩然崩溃了。 This has far exceeded the Illustrious Soul level the might! 这已经远远超出显魂级的威力! Prince, you said right!” After the Chu Tian incarnation becomes big incomparable flame demon, occupies a commanding position to overlook Dongfang Haoran: 32 moves on fight of conclusion, truly did not have the means to make me enjoy oneself to the full!” “王子,你说得对!”楚天化身成高大无比的炎魔后,居高临下俯视着东方浩然:“32招就结束的战斗,确实没有办法让我尽兴!”
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