MT :: Volume #3

#288: Arrives in Imperial City

The head Venerable line start temple self-destruction trap! 首尊直接启动神殿自毁陷阱! The scarlet blood temple central location releases formidable Source Energy Array to fluctuate, this strength creates a violent attraction, making the palace central region hollow, the massive fissures spread to four, the building starts to collapse, the ground also rapidly disrupts, the massive active bog silt, from underground have spurted. 赤血神殿中央位置释放出一股强大元力阵波动,这股力量造成一股猛烈吸引力,让殿堂中央区域率先凹陷,大量裂痕向四周围蔓延,建筑物纷纷开始坍塌,地面也迅速碎裂开来,大量活跃沼泽淤泥,从地下喷了出来。 This is not the simple silence. 这不是简单的沉默。 Is the thorough destruction! 是彻底的毁灭! Red swamp was mixed, the wild and formidable attraction, tears into shreds the entire scarlet blood temple first, afterward is drawing the abyss the wreckage, buries on several hundred meters even kilometer deep dark region. 赤色沼泽都被搅动了,狂暴而强大的吸引力,先把整个赤血神殿撕碎,随后在把残骸拖进深渊,埋葬在几百米甚至上千米深的黑暗地带。 Since then in society does not have scarlet blood temple again. 从此世间再没有赤血神殿。 These buried treasures of storehouse in scarlet blood temple, forever deeply was buried in underground. 那些藏在赤血神殿里面的宝藏,永永远远的被深埋在地下。 Nangong Yun shouts unbelievable: This is what falls? Why I cannot move!” 南宫云难以置信喊道:“这到底是什么陷进?为什么我动不了了!” Pulling strength that releases from the temple, may in more formidable many compared with the imagination, everyone like by the iron sheet that the magnet holds firmly, every step becomes such as stagnates ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) to be difficult, even if Shen Bingyu is unable to take a single step forward. 从神殿里释放的拉扯力,可比想象中更强大的多,每个人像被磁石牢牢吸住的铁片一样,每一步都变得如滞万斤般困难,哪怕是沈冰雨都寸步难行。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! A worse situation occurred! 更恶劣的情况发生了! Entire temple barrier has the chap, huge barrier started to contract, in this process results in the fierce pressure, just likes must in all things the barrier space, piles up to completely turns into the meat patty together. 整个神殿结界出现龟裂,本来庞大结界开始收缩,这个过程中造成剧烈压力,犹如要将结界空间里所有东西,全部都积压到一起变成肉饼。 The dual heavy pressure also produce. 双重的重压同时产生。 Three people were impossible to escape from the scarlet blood temple. 三人已经不可能逃出赤血神殿了。 Ha!” “哈哈哈!” Death, the death, is buried along with the dead for the scarlet blood!” “死吧,死吧,为赤血陪葬吧!” Scarlet blood Venerable laughs crazily, whatever he body curls up, drops the avalanche center, was embezzled by the endless bog. 赤血首尊疯狂大笑中,他任由自己身体卷起,落进崩塌中心,被无尽沼泽吞没。 Mother!” Nangong Yun shouted abuse: This old demon must suspend us at the point of death together!” “妈的!”南宫云破口大骂:“这老魔临死还要摆我们一道!” Now said that anything no helps, the scarlet blood temple collapse speed is quick, three people cannot escape, finally must die without doubt. The small fox can flicker to move but actually to escape, but could not lead other people, it also fuss, does not have means. 现在说什么都于事无补,赤血神殿崩溃速度很快,三人逃脱不掉,结果必死无疑。小狐狸倒能瞬移逃脱,但根本带不了其他人,它也是急得团团转,没有一点办法。 Can die really here? 难道真要死在这里? Nangong Yun and Shen Bingyu have a deep dilutedness! 南宫云沈冰雨有一种深深无力感! You clash, do not turn head!” This crisis extremely moment, Chu Tian shouts suddenly loudly: Immediately walks!” “你们冲,不要回头!”这个危机万分关头,楚天忽然大声喊道:“立刻走!” When you old lady don't want to walk? 你当老娘不想走? Really cannot move! 实在是动不了啊! The scarlet blood temple most complete collapse, the deep purple bog silt swallows all, just likes in sea the vortex, the positive electrode quick speed is mixing, temple fragment float above vortex, will just like soon by the endless vortex swallowing isolated islands. 赤血神殿大半完全塌陷,深紫色沼泽淤泥吞噬一切,犹如一个海洋中漩涡,正极快速度搅动着,神殿碎片悬浮在漩涡之上,犹如即将被无尽漩涡给吞噬的一座座孤岛。 Did not have the means! 没办法了! Chu Tian gathers the palm fiercely! 楚天猛地一合手掌! A Ancient God secret vast strength, suddenly spout from within the body. 股神秘浩瀚的力量,从体内骤然喷涌出来。 The Chu Tian entire imposing manner changes suddenly, no longer is the sluggish appearance, just likes a king of keeping aloof, overlooks the Spiritual God of all living things. Both eyes turn into silver one white, seven pupils revolves, finally gathered one, overlapped mutually overlapping, just liked a seven colors of the spectrum flower, filled to be strange and mysterious. 楚天整个气势骤然间大变,不再是懒懒散散样子,犹如一位高高在上的君王,一尊俯视众生的神灵。双眼变成一银一白,七个瞳孔在其中旋转,最终聚集到了一起,互相重叠交叉,犹如一个七色花,充满诡异和神秘。 Chu Tian closed silver left eye, only opens the white right eye, that white pupil shines the ray gradually. 楚天闭合银色左眼,只睁开白色的右眼,那白色眸子渐渐亮起光芒。 It is not able with the strength release that the language described to eight sides. 一股无法用语言形容的力量释放向八方。 Let all collapse collapses be anchored, all pressures shortly will also extinguish in invisible. 让所有崩溃塌陷都被生生停住,所有压力也顷刻间消弭于无形。 Nangong Yun and Shen Bingyu were shocked. 南宫云沈冰雨都惊呆了。 What strength is this? 这到底是一股什么样的力量? Walks!” “走啊!” In the Chu Tian eye flows out one line of blood, clenches teeth to rise with a spring, three people break through the barrier range together. 楚天眼睛里流出一行鲜血,咬着牙一跃而起,三人一起冲破结界范围。 Chu Tian landing time, both eyes return to normal, but the complexion becomes pale like the paper, falls down straightly, completely lost the consciousness. 楚天落地时候,双眼就恢复正常,只是脸色变得苍白如纸,直挺挺倒在地上,已经完全失去意识。 Nangong Yun hurries to hug him: Hello, you how!” 南宫云赶紧抱起他:“喂,你怎么了!” His that strength is strong, but limits is also very big.” The Shen Bingyu complexion said dignifiedly: He should be only the prostration stupor, we leave here!” “他的那股力量非常强大,但是限制也很大。”沈冰雨脸色凝重说:“他应该只是虚脱昏迷了,我们离开这里!” Good!” “好!” Nangong Yun carries Chu Tian, they evacuate the bog fast. 南宫云楚天背起来,两人快速撤离沼泽。 The small fox has followed on the heels, when goes out is not far, it suddenly discovered that lies down in the ground giant beast, the whole body is scarred, had been killed thoroughly, is in Red swamp super Demon Beast Dragon Lizard Beast! 小狐狸一直跟在后面,当走出没有多远时,它忽然发现一只躺在地上巨兽,浑身伤痕累累,已经被彻底杀死,正是赤色沼泽中超级魔兽龙蜥兽 The small fox busy anchors the footsteps, puts out the soul puppet to grasp from the mouth in the hand, was shaking several to the Dragon Lizard Beast corpse, a faint trace purple thing gathers from the corpse, was received in the small puppet completely. 小狐狸百忙中停住脚步,从嘴巴里吐出灵魂木偶抓在手里,对着龙蜥兽的尸体晃了几下,一丝丝紫色东西从尸体周围聚集过来,全部被收到小木偶里。 This puppet turns into a miniature Dragon Lizard Beast appearance. 这个木偶变成一个迷你龙蜥兽的样子。 The small fox grins, satisfied nod, swallows the belly the soul puppet afterward, then the four limbs and have several times to flicker to move, followed three people fast, left Red swamp. 小狐狸咧咧嘴,满意的点点头,随后把灵魂木偶吞回肚子,接着四肢并有几次瞬移,快速跟上了三人,离开了赤色沼泽 Nangong Yun and Shen Bingyu do not know that Chu Tian prevents the temple avalanche with any means. In fact, the Chu Tian use technique by far is above their imagination, Chu Tian releases an energy to create the temporary coagulation of surrounding space, therefore the avalanche is unable to continue, three talented people can run away the birth day. 南宫云沈冰雨不知道楚天是用什么办法阻止神殿崩塌。实际上,楚天使用手法远远超乎他们的想象,楚天释放出一种能量造成周围空间的暂时凝固,所以崩塌无法继续进行,三人才得以逃出生天。 Skill that this type grasps the space, is almost the Spiritual God ability! 这种掌握空间的本事,几乎是神灵般的能力! Therefore, the Chu Tian consumption is huge, depending on the strength of its Awakened Soul Realm, is unable to shoulder the so formidable strength, therefore meets the stupor. 因此,楚天消耗非常巨大,凭其魂醒境界的实力,无法负荷如此强大的力量,所以才会昏迷过去。 Two females place Chu Tian in Red Marsh Town first. 二女先把楚天安置在赤沼镇 Chu Tian entire stupor three days three nights, wake finally slowly, he long one breath: Is living finally also!” 楚天整整昏迷三天三夜,终于缓缓地醒过来,他长长出一口气:“总算还活着!” Boss awoke finally, at that time was really too the overwhelming power!” A Nangong Yun face worship looks at Chu Tian: You have rescued our life! I must thank you really well!” “老大总算醒了,当时真是太威猛了!”南宫云一脸崇拜的看着楚天:“你救了我们的命啊!我真要好好感谢感谢你!” How do you prepare to thank me?” Chu Tian sizes up her one eyes worn out: Permits by the body?” “那你准备怎么感谢我?”楚天有气无力打量她一眼:“难道以身相许?” Nangong Yun pats the strong chest: You, if did not mind that I did not mind, is gets married in any case, Fei Shui does not flow the bystander field.” 南宫云一拍坚挺的胸部:“你要是不介意,我也不介意啊,反正都是嫁人的,肥水不流外人田嘛。” „!” Chu Tian coughs several, beckoned with the hand saying: My belly was hungry, makes eating comes.” “咳咳!”楚天咳嗽几声,摆摆手说:“我肚子饿了,去弄点吃的来。” Chu Tian eats several Level 2 canned food, the physical strength rapid restoration. 楚天吃掉数个2级罐头,体力迅速的恢复过来。 Although also pain ten points strength, but rested for 35 days greatly not to obstruct. Chu Tian has not thought that but starts short for 12 seconds, unexpectedly fainted. 虽然头还疼的十分力量,但是休息35天就没有大碍了。楚天也没想到,只是短暂发动12秒,居然就晕过去了。 The present is too weak! 现在还是太弱啊! Nangong Yun and Shen Bingyu see Chu Tian not to be willing to raise, does not have to ask on own initiative. After all, everyone has own privacy, most fierce Cultivator have their card in a hand, this matter is not suitable to get to the bottom the understanding to be clear. 南宫云沈冰雨楚天不愿多提,也就没有主动去问。毕竟,每个人都有自己的隐私,大多数厉害的修士都有自己的底牌,这种事情不适合刨根问底了解清楚。 We have delayed entire the day for the Heavenly Demon Cult matter.” Nangong Yun was a little worried saying: You said that South Summer King can therefore fall the crime we?” “我们为天魔教的事情已经耽搁整整一天了。”南宫云有一点担心说:“你说南夏王会不会因此而降罪我们呢?” „The Royal Proclamation request starts immediately Imperial City, had not stipulated that we arrive in the Imperial City time, I was not worried that what you do have to be good to be worried?” After Chu Tian is satiated with food and wine, perked up, to nearby small fox check finger: Immediately takes to me the chalice.” 王书要求立刻启程去王城,又没有规定我们抵达王城的时间,我都不担心,你们有什么好担心的?”楚天吃饱喝足之后,又重新恢复了精神,对旁边小狐狸勾勾手指:“立刻把圣杯给我拿出来。” The small fox is loathing to spit the blood chalice. 小狐狸极不情愿把鲜血圣杯吐出来。 This is genuine Soul Communication Tool, now scarlet blood Venerable died, Spiritual Imprint on blood chalice naturally also vanished. However what makes Chu Tian awkward is, when Chu Tian puts out a hand to move the blood chalice, immediately the strength wells up from inside, the Chu Tian entire palm was dyed the red, just liked just fished from the blood. 这是一件货真价实通灵魂器啊,现在赤血首尊已经死掉了,鲜血圣杯上的精神印记自然也消失了。不过让楚天为难的是,当楚天伸手触碰到鲜血圣杯时,立刻就有一股力量从里面涌出来,楚天整个手掌都被染成红色,犹如刚刚从血液里捞出来。 That burning feeling, like was sprinkled the strong acid above. 那种火辣辣感觉,像被泼了强酸在上面。 Chu Tian knits the brows: Really, not having the means to use it.” 楚天皱皱眉:“果然,没有办法使用它。” Nangong Yun and Shen Bingyu try, finally is the same, three people of attributes and Cultivation Technique are entirely different from the blood chalice, naturally does not have the means to operate this clever vitality. 南宫云沈冰雨上来试一下,结果都是一样的,三人属性与功法跟鲜血圣杯截然不同,自然没有办法操纵这件通灵生气。 This thing useless words, Bai Mao a big danger!” “这东西没用的话,岂不是白冒一次大危!” Cannot say useless!” “不能说没有用!” Chu Tian puts on a pair of glove, takes up the blood chalice to arrive at the next room, 18 big wooden barrels were placed in the room, Yin Corpse had been soaked in inside refines for several days several nights. 楚天戴上一双手套,拿起鲜血圣杯走到隔壁房间,18个大木桶被摆在房间里面,阴尸已经被浸泡在里面炼制几天几夜了。 Chu Tian Yin Hong liquid in the blood chalice pours into these big wooden barrels directly, probably about the consumption half amount of wind, Yin Corpse immediately the whole body covers entirely the blood thread stripe, explosive growth of some strength in their bodies. 楚天直接把鲜血圣杯里面殷虹液体倒进这些大木桶里,大约消耗一半左右的风量,阴尸顿时浑身布满血丝般的条纹,某种力量在他们的身体里迅速增长。 The blood chalice can condense the real blood. 鲜血圣杯能凝聚真血。 In Chu Tian grasps the bright blood material. 楚天手里又握有神血材料。 This two combine to refine a number of powerful god blood Yin Corpse sufficiently! 这二者组合足以炼制出一批强悍的神血阴尸 Although does not have means use blood chalice fight, but takes the blood chalice specifically to be used to build up the corpse as one type the tool, is very suitable. 虽然没有办法使用鲜血圣杯战斗,但是把鲜血圣杯作为一种专门用来炼尸的工具,还是非常适合的。 Three people stay in Red Marsh Town for five days. 三人又在赤沼镇呆五天。 Chu Tian gives to build up the corpse barrel to increase the real blood unceasingly, this group of god blood Yin Corpse strength suddenly to increase, each had the Awakened Soul 6th Layer peak ability. 楚天不断给炼尸桶添加真血,这批神血阴尸实力暴增,每一只都具备魂醒六重巅峰的能力了。 Good! 不错啊! This speed is satisfying! 这个速度让人满意! Chu Tian prepares Imperial City to modulate a number of dilution god blood again, at that time 18 god blood Yin Corpse, completely built the True Soul level Yin Corpse. 楚天准备到王城再调制一批稀释神血,那时候一口气把18具神血阴尸,全部打造成真魂级的阴尸 True Soul level master! 真魂级高手啊! That is very strong bodyguard! 那是非常强劲的保镖! 18 True Soul level Yin Corpse bodyguards in the side, Imperial City can deal with the Chu Tian person to be few! 18个真魂阴尸保镖在身边,王城能对付楚天的人就屈指可数了! Chu Tian starts to continue the going north distance, travels day and night, the horse kept the date, finally arrived in King's territory the place of core, simultaneously was in the Southern Summer Country mirror liveliest urban Imperial City! 楚天开始继续北上路程,日夜兼程,马不停日,终于抵达王域的核心之地,同时是南夏国镜内最繁华一座城市王城 The young lady entered a Imperial City half a month. 大小姐进王城一个半月了。 Now does not know that the Imperial City situation is what kind. 现在不知道王城情况怎么样。 When Chu Tian enters magnificent grand Imperial City, on the Imperial City street has packed the lighthouse of electric lamp, opens several Miracle Source Energy hotels along the street, on the front tall building pastes one to have ten meters high propaganda chart fully, that picture is a young girl is holding the appearance of canned food, but also carries on the processing doodle with the pigment, increases various advertisement languages, 楚天走进辉煌壮丽的王城时,王城街道上已经装满电灯的灯塔,沿街开放好几家奇迹元力大酒店,前方高楼上面都贴着一张足有十米高的宣传图,那图片是一个少女捧着罐头的样子,还用颜料进行加工涂鸦,添加各种广告语, „, Is this Yingying?” Nangong Yun is looking at huge incomparable propaganda chart: This is not the Yingying style, unexpectedly hangs own picture is so high!” “哇,这是莹莹么?”南宫云望着巨大无比宣传图:“这可不是莹莹的风格啊,居然把自己的照片挂的这么高!” On the Imperial City street has many loudspeakers, some passers-by carry the magnetic recording machine along, this Central State City difference were not quite just like more. Chu Tian secretly is flabbergasted, the young lady working efficiency is really agile, the achievement that this is also only seen, has made Chu Tian very satisfied. 王城街上有很多喇叭,有些路人随身背着磁音机,这俨然已经更中州城差不太多了。楚天不禁暗暗咋舌,大小姐办事效率果然利索,这还只是已经看到的成果,就已经让楚天非常满意了。 When three people in the street goes through, the surroundings passer-by calls out in alarm suddenly. 三人在街道穿行时,周围路人忽然惊呼起来。 Everybody looks quickly!” “大家快看!” That is Wang Family Person!” “那是王家人!” The Imperial City city people call out in alarm in abundance surround, the front row of extremely luxurious beast car(riage) motorcade, passes through from the spacious path, each beast car(riage) packs treasure box, a filthy rich appearance. 王城城民纷纷惊呼围观,前方一排极其奢华兽车车队,从宽敞的道路上经过,每一辆兽车都装满宝箱,一副财大气粗的样子。 City people wonder to ask: „Is this goes?” 一个城民纳闷问:“这是去哪?” Naturally is Miracle Commerce!” “当然是奇迹商会!” Today is the Miracle Commerce vice- Chairman Meng Qingwu birthday!” “今天是奇迹商会会长梦轻舞的生日!” Real false? Unexpectedly is the birthday of Sir Meng Qingwu!” “真的假的?居然是梦轻舞大人的生日!” The people familiar seem to be same to Meng Qingwu, think that in short one month, Meng Qingwu rushed out own reputation in Imperial City. However what makes Chu Tian wonder, Meng Qingwu birthday I do not know that this group of grandsons will know? 人们似乎对梦轻舞非常熟悉一样,想必是在短短一个多月时间里,梦轻舞已经在王城里闯出自己的名声。不过让楚天纳闷的是,梦轻舞生日连我都不知道,这帮孙子怎么会知道呢? With has a look! 跟上去看看!
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