MT :: Volume #3

#289: Rampant consequence

The Miracle Commerce Imperial City headquarters, are the big scholar Gu Qianqiu mansion. 奇迹商会王城总部,是大学者古千秋府邸。 After this is South Summer King reads big scholar is Southern Summer Country makes the major contributions, specially the reward gives big scholar. The scale is next to three Monarch's Monarch government offices and royal palaces, the scale greatly is not only small compared with the Central State headquarters. 这是南夏王念大学者南夏国做出重大贡献后,特意奖赏给大学者的。其规模仅次于三君的君府和王宫,规模比起中州的总部只大不小。 Gu Qianqiu lives in that big house not to be familiar with, for can the calm Meng Qingwu sisters, he simply entire evacuate the mansion as soon as possible, is used to make Miracle Commerce in the Imperial City headquarters. 古千秋住那么大的宅子也不习惯,为能尽快安顿梦轻舞姐妹,他干脆把府邸整个搬空,用来做奇迹商会王城总部了。 Because of so. 正是因为如此。 Imperial City person many know that big scholar and Miracle Commerce relate significantly, therefore Miracle Commerce moves into Wang Chenglai freely, carries on a series of actions resolutely, violates the benefits of many person, but little encounters the resistance extremely 王城人多数都知道大学者奇迹商会关系匪浅,所以尽管奇迹商会入驻王成来,大刀阔斧进行一系列举措,触犯不少人的利益,但是极少受到阻力 Today is the Meng Qingwu birthday. 今天是梦轻舞的生辰。 This Miracle Commerce vice- Chairman is not simple, two months are less than open a world in intriguing Imperial City, although there is relations of big scholar, but cannot separate with the itself ability. If changes into a talent average superintendent, perhaps one-fourth cannot achieve including the present aspect! 这位奇迹商会会长不简单,两个月不到就在错综复杂的王城开辟一番天地,虽说有大学者的关系,但是跟本身能力分不开。若换成一个才华平平的管理者,恐怕连现在局面1都达不到! Now, the Miracle Commerce commodity covers entirely Imperial City high and low. 如今,奇迹商会商品布满王城上下。 Meng Qingwu turns into the populace goddess in Imperial City people heart! 梦轻舞变成王城人们心中的大众女神! A young woman of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, not only can control the astonishing wealth, has the outstanding ability, finds a wife, when takes the view of Meng Qingwu, now is Imperial City most popular a few words. 一个倾国倾城的年轻女人,非但能支配惊人财富,更具有出类拔萃能力,娶妻当取梦轻舞的说法,现在已经是王城最流行的一句话了。 This starts merely. 这仅仅是开始。 The potential direct link of Miracle Commerce, making this chamber of commerce be doomed not to halt, it sooner or later becomes the Southern Summer Country most splendid chamber of commerce. Therefore Meng Qingwu birthday significance is not simple, this gives a countless person close Meng Qingwu opportunity and reason, therefore comes to bestow the generous gift. 奇迹商会的潜力直达,让这个商会注定不会止步,它早晚会成为南夏国最出色的商会。因此梦轻舞生辰意义不简单,这给无数人一个接近梦轻舞的机会和理由,所以纷纷前来赠送厚礼。 Present Meng Qingwu is newly-arrived, therefore has no alternative but to take seriously these local bullies. 现在的梦轻舞初来乍到,所以不能不重视这些地头蛇。 After Meng Qingwu stands firm thoroughly, these people want to flatter to fear that does not have the opportunity. 等到梦轻舞彻底站稳脚跟之后,这些人就算想来巴结怕也没有机会。 Chu Tian arrives at Miracle Commerce, first is to headquarters satisfied: This house is more luxurious than Central State, simply with palace Good enough.” 楚天来到奇迹商会,首先对总部感到满意:“这房子比中州还奢华,简直跟宫殿差不多了。” This is nine inward palace constructions, occupies a land area of area/proportion to be bigger than about 50% the Central State headquarters, the indoor may control the space to be many several times. Even if ten thousand people live, has more than enough to spare, will not feel crowded. 这是一座九进式的宫殿型建筑,占地面积中州总部大出五成左右,室内可支配空间则多出好几倍。哪怕万人住进去,也是绰绰有余,绝不会感到拥挤。 This meets large-scale chamber of commerce development needs sufficiently! 这足以满足一个大型商会发展需要! Nangong Yun despised saying: Sister Qingwu not only the brain is good, but also is diligent and personally takes care of things, which looks like certain people, the shadow cannot see all day!” 南宫云略带鄙夷说:“轻舞姐姐不仅脑子好,而且非常勤奋、事必躬亲,哪像某些人,整天影子都见不到!” „Are you are satirizing your greatly me? Said that may misunderstand.” Chu Tian was thick the facial skin saying: „Is this is loaf intentionally? My this does not keep a matter to do to you intentionally, is good to strengthen you status in chamber of commerce? You must understand that Boss' good pain is attentive, rather was chewed the root of the tongue behind, must set aside a stage for you.” “你是在讽刺你老大我吗?这么说可就误会了。”楚天厚着脸皮说:“这是故意偷懒么?我这不是故意留点事情给你们做,好增强你们在商会里的地位么?你要明白老大的良苦用心,宁肯被人背后嚼舌根,也要为你们腾出一片舞台。” Nangong Yun turns rolled one's eyes, was disinclined to say with this fellow: „Are we standing doing? This walks over half a month, finally can be quite delicious, walks!” 南宫云翻白眼,懒得跟这家伙说了:“我们站着干什么?这走大半个月,终于能好好吃,走吧!” Three people just walked, a bodyguard blocks: Halts, has the written invitation?” 三人刚走上去,一个卫士拦住:“站住,有请帖吗?” What? Unexpectedly asked that I want the written invitation!” Chu Tian walks the racket own face, asked you to open the eye to see clearly, your present handsome face is a pass!” “什么?居然问我要请帖!”楚天走上去拍拍自己的脸,“请你睁大眼睛看清楚,你眼前的这张俊脸就是通行证!” This bodyguard complexion one black must get angry. 这卫士脸色一黑就要发怒。 The Miracle Commerce outer layer guard, is Imperial City recruits actually, is mainly big scholar and Wu'an Junan Platoon, therefore has not seen Chu Tian also has been normal. Nangong Yun hurries, puts out together the token from waist: Knows this?” 奇迹商会外层护卫,其实都是王城招募,主要是大学者和武安君安排,所以没有见过楚天也是正常。南宫云赶紧走上来,从腰间拿出一块令牌:“认识这个么?” „, This is......” “啊,这是……” Several bodyguard complexions change. 几个卫士脸色一变。 This is the Miracle Commerce high-level personal token, on Second Young Lady Meng Yingying has the same place, in other words this person of status with Meng Yingying is Good enough, one side these bodyguards fall back on hastily, the respectful please three people go. 这是奇迹商会高层贴身令牌,二小姐梦莹莹身上有一块,也就是说此人地位跟梦莹莹差不多的,这几个卫士连忙退到一边,恭恭敬敬的请三人进去。 The Chu Tian full belly is depressed. 楚天满肚子郁闷。 Mother, this is my domain! 妈的,这是我自己的地盘! However sees these bodyguards, each big terse, the strength seems to be good, it seems like Miracle Commerce had not the small strength in Imperial City! 不过见这些卫士,各个高大精悍,实力似乎不俗,看来奇迹商会王城已经拥有不小的力量了! Miracle Commerce Main Headquarters early has been fully occupied, being thrown into confusion that the chamber of commerce staff entertain. At this time, the banquet started, Source Energy chef cooking thousands of feast, for people carrying in abundance. 奇迹商会总院早已经人满为患,商会员工招待的手忙脚乱。这时候,宴席已经开始,元力厨师烹饪数以千计大餐,为众人纷纷的端了上来。 Looks quickly!” The Nangong Yun eye casts aside, called pleasantly surprised: „Isn't that Yingying and Sister Qingwu?” “快看!”南宫云眼睛一撇,惊喜的叫了起来:“那不是莹莹轻舞姐姐吗?” When three people of vision look from afar, discovers the Meng Qingwu sisters from the business hall, they pass on grandly official, is receiving some distinguished guests' arrivals. One month has not seen two sisters, they looked like thin, but the facial expression was good, cultivation base clearly had strives very much. 三人目光远远望去时,从大厅中央发现梦轻舞姐妹,两人都传得非常隆重正式,正接待一些贵宾的到来。一个多月没见两姐妹,她们看起来清瘦了些,不过气色非常好,修为显然有很大精进。 Heaven Cloud Commerce, sends ten thousand years of amethyst one!” 天云商会,送来万年紫晶一份!” Zhao Family Patriarch, sends Mi Zhizhu Yan pill one!” 赵家族长,送来秘制驻颜丹一枚!” „......” “……” The innumerable gift snowflakes are the same, was not short flies in the halls, piled up a hill simply. The Chu Tian eye looked straight, can a birthday gain these many? Did him to manage one! 无数礼物雪片一样,不短飞向了大厅中间,简直堆积成一座小山。楚天眼睛都看直了,一个生日能赚这么多?搞得他都想办一场了! Three people have not passed with enough time. 三人没来得及过去。 Suddenly, a resounding sound resounds: Wang Family few young master Prince Yuan, send the deep sea precious pearl ten box, thousand annuity silk hundred, tame Dragon Shouche one...... Congratulates the birthday for Miss Meng Qingwu!” 突然,一个高亢的声音响起:“王家少公子王渊,送来深海宝珠十箱,千年金蚕丝百匹,驯龙兽车一辆……为梦轻舞小姐庆贺生辰!” Audience in an uproar. 全场一片哗然。 Really big writing skill! 真是好大手笔啊! Does an ordinary birthday, serve a need to give such big gift? 一次普通生辰而已,用得着送这么大的礼物么? The Meng Qingwu brow wrinkles slightly, as if was not happy, but quick returns to normal, has the politeness to say with a smile: Thanked Young Master Prince Yuan!” 梦轻舞眉头微微皱,似乎并不怎么高兴,但是很快就恢复正常,有礼貌微笑道:“谢王渊公子!” Ha!” Prince Yuan is a semblance loose clean youth, seems like younger than Meng Qingwu, most 17-18 years old, from accompanying with bearing, obviously stems from the respected family, today your home, not only to give the Chairman congratulations birthday, an important matter must announce that today adds on this matter, may be considered as on double happiness descend on the house.” “哈哈哈!”王渊是一个外表风流倜傥的少年,看起来比梦轻舞年龄还小,最多十七八岁而已,从随从和气度上来看,显然是出自大家族的,“今天来贵府,不仅仅是为给会长庆贺生辰,还有一件重要的事情要宣布,今天加上这件事情,可算得上双喜临门。” The Wang Family influence is big in Imperial City. 王家势力在王城非常大。 This family is the kingdom large clan, Imperial City status only Three Great Clans. 这个家族是王国大族,王城地位仅次三大家族 Meng Qingwu does not like the person of this family freely, but the opposite party influence is strong, pours does not dare move easily, she is a smart person, the Wang Family conduct attitude is overbearing, at this time first uses courtesy and then uses force, then proposed the matter, definitely was a very embarrassing matter. 梦轻舞尽管不喜欢这个家族的人,但是对方势力毕竟非常强大,倒也不敢轻易的招,她是一个聪明人,王家行事作风霸道,此时先礼后兵,接下来提出事情,肯定是一件很让人为难的事。 „After nobility has the matter might as well banquet to disperse, how was saying?” “王公有事不妨宴席散后在说如何?” No, no! This matter must to know!” Prince Yuan shakes the head, does not leave the Meng Qingwu maneuver leeway, my family agreed that making me get married Miss Meng Yingying!” “不,不!这件事情必须要让所有人知道!”王渊摇摇头,根本不留给梦轻舞回旋余地,“我的家族已经同意,让我迎娶梦莹莹小姐了!” Such remarks. 此言一出。 Audience in an uproar. 全场一片哗然。 The Meng Qingwu sisters are dumbfounded. 梦轻舞姐妹更是目瞪口呆。 Congratulates Master Wang!” “恭喜王少爷!” Congratulates Master Wang!” “恭喜王少爷!” The people stand the congratulations. 人们纷纷站起来庆贺。 A Prince Yuan face smiling face said: Such big good deed, installs the large size the day, I looked that while convenient decides the wedding certainly, how does Chairman Meng think?!” 王渊一脸笑容说:“这么大的好事,又装上大号的日子,我看就顺便把婚礼定一定,梦会长以为如何啊?!” Prince Yuan is proposes. 王渊是来求婚的。 Meng Yingying was mad quick jumping over roof to go: What were you talking nonsense? In your family agreed that I did agree? You so are how mindless!” 梦莹莹气得都快蹦到屋顶去了:“你在胡说八道什么?你家里同意,我同意了吗?你这人怎么这么不讲理!” Yingying, you believe me, since I see your first, I was deep on liking you. This a man should take a wife and a woman should take a husband should obey the arrangement of elder, I think that Chairman Meng will not reject this good deed.” A Prince Yuan face looks at Meng Qingwu assuredly: Your my two form an alliance, from now on will go smoothly everywhere inevitably, Three Great Clans must be apprehensive!” 莹莹,你相信我,从我见你第一眼起,我就深深喜欢上你了。这男婚女嫁应该听从长辈的安排,我想梦会长不会拒绝这门好事吧。”王渊一脸笃定看着梦轻舞:“你我两家结成联盟,今后必然无往不利,三大家族也要忌惮三分!” Young Master Wang can crack a joke!” The Meng Qingwu complexion sinks, obviously was very discontented: Younger sister life-long important matter, I do not dare to be careless. If Yingying likes, that but actually, but you compel the marriage forcefully!” “王公子太会开玩笑了!”梦轻舞脸色一沉,显然已经很不满:“妹妹终生大事,我不敢马虎。若莹莹真喜欢,那倒也就算了,可你这是强行逼婚!” Snort? Can't this young master be joined to Yingying? I was actually curious, is difficult to be inadequate Yingying to marry the royal family?” “哼?难道本公子配不上莹莹?那我倒是好奇了,难不成莹莹想嫁到王族去?” Nonsense! You do not look in a mirror to have a look at itself!” Meng Yingying maliciously scolded one, desperate under added: Person who let alone I already had liking, your his hair cannot compare!” “废话!你也不照照镜子看看自己!”梦莹莹狠狠的数落一句,情急之下又补充道:“何况我早就有喜欢的人了,你连他一根头发都比不上!” Meng Qingwu is impolite: This request please Qingwu can not comply!” 梦轻舞也不客气:“这个要求请恕轻舞不能答应!” Shames angry! 羞恼! Angry! 愤怒! This Prince Yuan was opposed so as to injure somebody's reputation in the presence of everyone, a face rises immediately the liver colored: This young master such has the sincerity to come to propose, do you actually dare so to treat me? Do you know my Wang Family strength? Offends Wang Family, you gave up any idea of that mixes in Imperial City!” 这个王渊被当众驳了面子,一张脸顿时涨成猪肝色:“本公子这么有诚意前来求婚,你们却敢如此对待我?你知道我王家的力量吗?得罪王家,你们休想在王城混下去!” Meng Qingwu does not yield an inch: Asked Young Master Wang to take back the gift, Miracle Commerce never with looking at the person complexion earned a living!” 梦轻舞寸步不让:“请王公子收回礼物吧,奇迹商会从来不用看人脸色过活!” Perhaps Meng Qingwu, haven't you known? You sooner or later have wanted my Wang Family gate. Now marries the younger sister, everybody present will be the whole families, will have the words also to say.” 梦轻舞,你或许还不知道吧?你迟早也是要过我王家的门。现在把妹妹嫁过来,大家今后都是一家人,有话也好说。” Meng Qingwu complexion big change: What did you say?” 梦轻舞脸色大变:“你说什么?” Might as well honestly told you, reminded while convenient presents each, had the person of heart of coveting to Chairman Meng.” Prince Yuan arrogantly, announced loudly that just likes announced the sovereignty is the same: Meng Qingwu is the woman who my big brother has a liking, this whole life can only be my big brother, you lost heart. If who dares to jump over Lei Chi one step, what consequence that well thinks to face.” “不妨坦白告诉你,顺便提醒提醒在场每一位,对梦会长有觊觎之心的人。”王渊趾高气扬,大声地宣布,犹如宣布主权一样:“梦轻舞是我大哥看上的女人,这辈子只能是我大哥的,你们死了这条心。谁要是敢越雷池一步,那就好好想想将会面对什么样的后果。” Some truly many youth talents are the Meng Qingwu admirers, when hears Prince Yuan these words, their practicing must all change. 现场确实有不少青年才俊都是梦轻舞仰慕者,不过当听到王渊这句话的时候,他们的练得全都变了。 If that person has a liking. 如果是那个人看上的。 That this Meng Qingwu really...... What a pity, what a pity! 那这个梦轻舞就真的……可惜,可惜啊! Who your his mother works as is!” “你他妈当自己是谁!” Together form rapidly clashes, fights with the fists on the Prince Yuan face, the Prince Yuan half handsome surface bone hits the distortion, rumbles him on directly but actually opposite wall. 一道身影急速的冲上来,一拳打在王渊脸上,王渊半边英俊面骨都打变形,直接将他轰倒对面墙壁上。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Young Master Wang Family was hit!” 王家公子被打了!” Right must leave the catastrophe!” “这下子要出大祸了!” Guest is panic-stricken, all the initiative recession, avoids annoying to trouble. 现场宾客一阵惊慌失措,全都主动退离,避免惹上麻烦。 The Meng Qingwu sisters first are one dull, at once sees clearly getting rid to touch the type, Meng Yingying stares two eyes, in the vision must spout the fire to come probably to be the same: You...... You also know!” 梦轻舞姐妹先是一呆,旋即看清出手者摸样,梦莹莹把两只眼睛一瞪,目光中好像要喷出火来了一样:“你……你还知道来!” Chu Tian smiles to her: Later again talked about old days!” 楚天对她一笑:“待会儿再叙旧!” Said. 说完。 Chu Tian walks directly. 楚天直接走过去。 Prince Yuan panic-stricken is covering the face, spat blood while panic-stricken said: „Do you dare to hit me?” 王渊惊恐的捂着脸,一边吐血一边惊恐的说:“你敢打我?” Brush! 刷! Chu Tian extracts Netherworld Sword: What hits you are? Today does not make you taste fiercely, you will not know my Chu Tian method!” 楚天抽出幽冥剑:“打你算什么?今天不让你尝点厉害的,你就不会知道我楚天的手段!” When sees coldly just likes the sword blade edge of ice crystal, when killing intent that and on Chu Tian slightly not covers up, Prince Yuan felt thoroughly frightened, this person he will begin. 当见到寒冷犹如冰晶的剑刃时,及楚天身上丝毫不加掩饰的杀气时,王渊彻底感到恐惧了,这个人他真的会动手的。 Meng Qingwu hurries to stop saying: Chu Tian, sufficed!” 梦轻舞慌忙制止道:“楚天,够了!” Chu Tian? 楚天 Is this person Chu Tian? 这个人是楚天 Although Chu Tian has not come Imperial City, however his reputation already made a sound Imperial City, this is one including the fellow who the Western Marquis South State regiment dares to capture, is a Southern Summer Country in history most rampant talent youth. 虽然楚天没有来过王城,但是他的名声早就响遍王城,这是一个连四方候南州军团都敢俘虏的家伙,是南夏国有史以来最嚣张的一个天才少年。 However because Chu Tian makes widely known, this causes Imperial City many people to refuse to accept, the Wang Family big young master is many looks at one of the Chu Tian not pleasing to the eyes people. 不过因为楚天太张扬,这引起王城很多人不服,其中王家大公子就是诸多看楚天不顺眼的人之一。 My Western Marquis dares to hit.” Chu Tian hey looks at this boy, „do you think yourself compared with Western Marquis also precious as gold?” “我连四方候都敢打。”楚天嘿嘿地看着这个小子,“你觉得自己比四方候还金贵么?” Chu Tian!” Meng Qingwu ran up to side Chu Tian: Today is my birthday, sells my face!” 楚天!”梦轻舞已经跑到楚天身边:“今天是我的生辰,卖我一个面子!” Chu Tian sees the Meng Qingwu vision to have different, he knows the Meng Qingwu discrete disposition, but Meng Qingwu also understands the Chu Tian disposition, if not this person really has the unique element, will depend on him just to attempt to wrest away younger sister procedure, Meng Qingwu will not forgive him. 楚天梦轻舞目光有异,他知道梦轻舞的谨慎性格,不过梦轻舞也了解楚天的性格,若非此人实在有特殊之处,就凭他刚刚企图霸占妹妹这个做法,梦轻舞就不会饶了他。 Good!” Chu Tian receives the sword: I did not chop him, but one hit does not exempt! Nangong, gave you!” “好!”楚天收起剑:“我就不砍他了,不过一顿打是免不的!南宫,交给你了!” no problem!” 没问题!” Nangong Yun ka ka makes noise, the whole face that the finger breaks off grins fiendishly to arrive in front of Prince Yuan, dragging Prince Yuan to go out of the hall. 南宫云把手指掰的咔咔作响,满脸狞笑走到王渊面前,拖着王渊就走出大厅。 „!” “啊!” „!” “啊啊!” Help!” “救命啊!” A sad and shrill pitiful yell makes everyone absolutely terrified. 一阵凄厉惨叫让现场每个人都毛骨悚然。 The Meng Qingwu vision flashes, but sighed one breath, Chu Tian was really the troublesome incarnation, this came Imperial City to make this matter, the opposite party anything origin did not ask, under such heavy hand, this matter feared that was hard to stop! 梦轻舞目光闪动,无奈叹一口气,楚天果然就是麻烦的化身,这一来王城就闹出这种事情,连对方什么来历都不问,就下这么重的手,这件事怕是难以消停了!
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