MT :: Volume #3

#287: Perishing together

Scarlet blood Venerable is not the simple role. 赤血首尊不是简单角色。 Since put, naturally must be responsible for ascending, this was the Chu Tian principle. 既然放出来了,自然要负责拾掉,这是楚天的原则。 Otherwise, scarlet blood Venerable in the Southern Xia development influence, in the future definitely will become a big hidden danger. The innumerable Southern Summer Country people will receive therefore to implicate did not say that to be finally not affected Miracle Commerce to also difficult insurance. 否则,赤血首尊在南夏发展势力,未来必然会成为一大隐患。无数南夏国人会因此受到牵连不说,奇迹商会到最后也难保不受影响。 Cuts the grass non- root, the future trouble must be infinite! 斩草不除根,后患必无穷! Begins!” “动手!” The Chu Tian order said. 楚天命令道。 The small fox jumps to leap, jumps to the Hellfire devil on, the Hellfire devil under the small fox order, the stride stride Venerable to push onward to scarlet blood immediately. 小狐狸纵身一跃,跳到地狱火恶魔头上,地狱火恶魔在小狐狸命令之下,立刻大步大步向赤血首尊挺进。 Chu Tian self-confident and has the reason. 楚天的自信并不是没有理由的。 Scarlet blood Venerable the strength to strive to excel compared with the Hellfire devil at present, but there is a small fox to bring up the rear in side, not only can weaken scarlet blood Venerable the demon merit, but can also prevent scarlet blood Venerable through the blood chalice restores the strength. 赤血首尊目前实力比地狱火恶魔要强一点,不过有小狐狸在旁边压阵,非但能削弱赤血首尊魔功,还能阻止赤血首尊通过鲜血圣杯来恢复力量。 At that moment scarlet blood Venerable very weakly. 当下赤血首尊十分虚弱。 The best opportunity of wiping out! 正是一举消灭的最佳时机! Shen Bingyu does not need to begin, her duty is to protect Chu Tian and Nangong Yun, because both sides during the process of fighting, head Venerable difficult insurance not to come one to remove firewood from under the pot to attack Chu Tian suddenly. 沈冰雨就没有必要动手了,她的任务是保护楚天南宫云,因为双方在交手的过程当中,首尊难保不会忽然来一个釜底抽薪去攻击楚天 Shen Bingyu naturally is not the head Venerable match. 沈冰雨自然不是首尊对手。 However resists 12 skills to have reluctantly, after all Shen Bingyu cultivates Starlight Immortal Body, own strength is also very powerful. 不过勉强抵挡12的本事还是有的,毕竟沈冰雨修炼星光不灭体,自身实力也是非常强悍。 Thump! 咚咚咚! The Hellfire devil Venerable to initiates the charge, the giant fist of that combustion has pounded fiercely. 地狱火恶魔向首尊就发起冲锋,那燃烧的巨大拳头猛地砸了过去。 The head Venerable the diminutive body to float in midair, the scarlet skeleton outline covers most flourishing, that skeleton also lifts a fist, with the Hellfire devil comes time meeting the tough head-on with toughness is facing the bang. 首尊矮小身体漂在半空,猩红骷髅轮廓笼罩全盛,那骷髅也抬起一只拳头,与地狱火恶魔来一次硬碰硬的正面对轰。 A bang! 一阵巨响! The Hellfire abyss green fire, scarlet skeleton the strength of blood, both sides simultaneously mutually attack, just likes the water and fire blend makes the sound. The strength of blood the head Venerable, has very strong corrosiveness, therefore is coping with the ordinary Cultivator time, has the advantageous enormous superiority. 地狱火的深渊绿火,血色骷髅的鲜血之力,双方同时互相冲击,犹如水火交融般发出嗤嗤的声音。首尊的鲜血之力,具有很强腐蚀性,所以在对付普通修士时候,有着得天独厚的巨大优势。 However. 然而。 The Hellfire devil is the element life, did not have the flesh and blood! 地狱火恶魔是元素生命,本来就没有血肉之躯! This Venerable the strength to have the influence to the Hellfire devil to be limited, what just the opposite is, the abyss green fire can the strength of evaporation blood, therefore currently speaking, the strength of Hellfire devil can restrain scarlet blood Venerable. 这个首尊力量对地狱火恶魔造成影响非常有限,恰恰相反的是,深渊绿火能蒸发鲜血之力,所以从这一点来看,地狱火恶魔的力量是能克制赤血首尊的。 Both sides back up respectively one step. 双方各自倒退一步。 The small fox urged again Hellfire devil attack, scarlet blood Venerable to refuse to admit being inferior to condense a giant long spear, initiates to puncture with raw hate to the Hellfire devil. 小狐狸再次催促地狱火恶魔攻击,赤血首尊不甘示弱凝聚成一杆巨大长枪,向地狱火恶魔发起凶狠刺过来。 The Hellfire devil does not dread, right fist ignites the abundant flame, bang to skeleton in the past. At this time, the small fox stood to raise an abdomen inspiration fiercely, the blood skeleton medium and long-term spear|gun must stab Hellfire instantaneous, was torn to be stave by an external force suddenly forcefully, was not only this weapon that was condensed. 地狱火恶魔丝毫不畏惧,右拳燃起雄厚火焰,向骷髅身上轰过去。这个时候,小狐狸猛地站起来提腹一吸气,鲜血骷髅手中长期枪就要刺中地狱火瞬间,突然间被一股外力强行撕扯而破碎,不仅仅是这把被凝聚出来的武器。 Scarlet blood Venerable to feel that demon merit flash was weakened few 30%. 赤血首尊感觉身上魔功一刹那被生生削弱最少三成。 damn! 可恶 This what's the matter? 这到底是怎么回事? Spirit beast that this hearing something never heard of before, its ability has exceeded the imagination, simply is the Demonic Cultivator difficult adversary! 这一只闻所未闻的灵兽,其能耐着实超出了想象,简直是魔修的克星啊! The small fox as if can explain any demon merit easily, moreover explains the process not to say gaudily, purely is removing firewood from under the pot -type barbaric explaining, directly the strength of opposite party screening out! 小狐狸似乎能轻易破解任何魔功,而且破解过程没有花哨可言,纯粹是釜底抽薪式的野蛮破解,直接把对方的力量给抽走! Scarlet blood Venerable to receive to incur actually already without enough time. 赤血首尊想收招却已经来不及了。 The Hellfire devil condenses a great power fist, body that shells heavily before scarlet blood Venerable, the blood skeleton was made a giant hole immediately, the wild strength divulges in scarlet blood Venerable the body, making him feel that the flesh and blood quickly was ground, an demon blood spurts, was hit to fly dozens zhang (3.33 m) far. 地狱火恶魔凝聚强大力量一拳,沉重轰击在赤血首尊的身前,鲜血骷髅顿时被打出一个巨大窟窿,狂暴的力量宣泄在赤血首尊身上,让他感觉骨肉都快被碾碎,一口魔血喷出来,被打飞几十丈远。 Nangong Yun loudly said: Small fox! Dry attractiveness! Beats to death this devil!” 南宫云大赞道:“小狐狸!干的漂亮!揍死这个魔头!” The small fox swings complacently wags the tail Palestine, urges the Hellfire devil to rush fast, lifts the thick right foot Venerable to step on to ground scarlet blood. Scarlet blood Venerable shoulders with both hands directly, that huge incomparable pressure mountain raids likely, making scarlet blood revere to feel that is incapable. 小狐狸得意洋洋摇摇尾巴,快速驱使地狱火恶魔冲上去,抬起粗大右脚就向地上赤血首尊踩下去。赤血首尊直接用双手一扛,那巨大无比压力像山岳般袭来,让赤血首尊感到一阵无力。 This monster was too strong! 这个怪物太强了! If continues to pester, perhaps the situation is not wonderful! 若继续纠缠,恐怕情况不妙! Scarlet blood Venerable the eruption to be compelled to draw back several steps the Hellfire devil, scarlet blood Venerable to stimulate to movement the blood chalice, is attempting to restore Source Energy with the blood chalice. 赤血首尊爆发把地狱火恶魔被被逼退几步,赤血首尊催动着鲜血圣杯,正尝试用鲜血圣杯来恢复元力 How will the small fox give him according to such opportunity? 小狐狸岂会给他按这样的机会? All comes to this fox! 全给本狐过来! The small fox makes an effort to attract. 小狐狸用力一吸。 The blood chalice wells up the energy, all was plundered, was drawn in the mouth by the kid, it also pounds pounds several lower mandibles, touching type that providing much food for thought! 鲜血圣杯涌能量,全都被掠夺过来,被小家伙吸进嘴巴里,它还砸吧砸吧几下嘴,一副回味无穷的摸样! Scarlet blood Venerable is wild with rage simply! 赤血首尊简直气疯! Can these small and weak base and low people compel this situation him? 这些弱小卑微的人能把他逼到这种地步? If the heyday, these small roles will not be paid attention to by him. 若是全盛时期,这几个小角色根本就不会被他放在眼里。 Dies!” “去死!” Scarlet blood Venerable to wave to sprinkle 45 blood from the pores of the feet, these time has not attacked the Hellfire devil, all goes in the Chu Tian direction. To such attack, Shen Bingyu already was prepared face to face, three clear ice walls simultaneously appear in the front. 赤血首尊一挥手洒出45道血箭,这一次并没有攻击地狱火恶魔,全都是向着楚天方向而去的。当面对这样的攻击,沈冰雨早就有准备,三面晶莹冰壁同时出现在前方。 The blood from the pores of the feet defeats ice wall. 血箭击破一面又一面冰壁。 Finally, when the blood from the pores of the feet arrived in front of several people the time, the strength already already the failure, a Shen Bingyu palm broke in the past completely. Scarlet blood Venerable facing the Hellfire devil of pursuing to the end and hit hard, there is a small fox that special restrains the evil merit demon merit, he simply does not have the time to unite the too strong strength. 最终,当血箭抵达几人面前时候,力量早就已经衰竭了,沈冰雨一掌过去全部震碎。赤血首尊面对穷追猛打的地狱火恶魔,又有专门克制邪功魔功的小狐狸,他根本没有时间凝聚太强力量。 Shen Bingyu is different, she prepares to defend frequently. 沈冰雨就不一样了,她时刻准备防御。 Attacks hastily, by the static brake, this situation sneak attack is very difficult to go well. 一个仓促出击,一个以静制动,这种情况偷袭是很难得手的。 Scarlet blood Venerable the strength to be getting more and more weak, he felt that the situation is not wonderful, if continues to pester again continuous, finally feared will be will capsize in this Yingouli. He is not resisting with the Hellfire devil, turns around to flush away to barrier. 赤血首尊力量越来越弱,他已经感觉到情况不妙,若再继续纠缠不休,最终怕是会在这条阴沟里翻船。他不在跟地狱火恶魔对抗,转身向结界外冲去。 Unexpectedly wants to run away? 居然想逃? Of scarlet blood inheritance Heavenly Demon Cult ten big inheritance revere, was hit by several Southern Xia small country people unexpectedly flees to the wilderness, if this is known by the Heavenly Demon Cult founder, that definitely can also be mad spits blood. However, will Chu Tian possibly make scarlet blood revere runs away easily? This is not leaves trouble for the future! 天魔教十大传承之一的赤血传承首尊,竟然被几个南夏小国人打得落荒而逃,这要是被天魔教的教主知道,那肯定也是会气得吐血。不过,楚天又怎么可能会让赤血首尊轻易逃走?这不是放虎归山么! The small fox personal appearance flickers, changes to the group ash-gray mist, very fast appearance Venerable the front. 小狐狸身形一瞬,化作团灰色雾气,非常快速的出现在首尊前方。 Flickers to move?! 瞬移?! Scarlet blood Venerable the complexion changes, he really underestimates this only Spirit beast skill, sudden that too because the small fox presents, scarlet blood Venerable did not determine whether the small fox has other skills, hurries to decelerate in a hurry, this is Hellfire pursues, fights with the fists in Venerable the back. 赤血首尊脸色一变,他果然还是低估这只灵兽的本事,因为小狐狸出现的太突然,赤血首尊不确定小狐狸是否有其他本事,仓促间慌忙减速,这是地狱火追上来,一拳打在首尊背后。 The head Venerable the bang to fly once again. 首尊又一次轰飞。 The small fox seizes the chance to pounce upon suddenly, flies high to grasp Venerable the blood chalice. When the small fox grasps blood chalice instantaneous, massive strange ancient Rune proliferates the chalice, this flash scarlet moon/month Venerable to feel that oneself contact with the chalice shut off. 小狐狸趁机一个猛扑,凌空抱住首尊鲜血圣杯。当小狐狸抱住鲜血圣杯瞬间,大量奇怪的古老符文遍布圣杯上上下下,这一瞬间赤月首尊感觉到自己与圣杯的联系被切断了。 Death!” “死!” The head Venerable to hold to pat it. 首尊就要一掌拍死它。 Bang! 砰! The small fox turned into the group fog to disappear. 小狐狸变成团灰雾消失了。 Those who let revere to be angry item of being dumbfounded, vanishes with the small fox together, the blood chalice in hand! 让首尊嗔目结舌的是,与小狐狸一起消失的,还有手里的鲜血圣杯! The front that this scarlet blood [lineage/vein] most important biology Sacred Object, is working as Venerable in Venerable in the hand, was robbed by a small fox! 这件赤血一脉最重要的生物圣物,当着首尊的面前就在首尊手里,被一只小狐狸抢走了! Just likes resounding ruthless spicy ear and area around it numerous fans, in Venerable on the face. 犹如一个响亮的狠辣耳光重重扇在首尊脸上。 Let scarlet blood revere loses the reason thoroughly, the use blood from the seven orifices, the blood red hair dances in the air immediately unceasingly, gushes out a blood flame from the whole body pore. 让赤血首尊彻底失去理智,从七孔中顿时用处鲜血,血红色头发飞舞不断,从浑身毛孔里面涌出一股血焰。 Chu Tian is startled: He in the combustion essence and blood, preparation wrestles at risk of life, is careful!” 楚天一怔:“他在燃烧精血,准备拼死一搏,要小心!” Scarlet blood Venerable not to hesitate to ban the technique burning down essence and blood, thus received exchange for the flash suddenly to increase strength. 赤血首尊不惜以禁术焚烧精血,从而换取一刹那暴增的实力。 This Cultivation Technique side effect is enormous, after the fight ended, cultivation base will fall very big one section. Therefore, when non- fight in which both sides perish, nobody will display this move. 这种功法的副作用极大,当战斗结束之后,修为会下跌很大一截。所以,非鱼死网破之时,没有人会施展这一招的。 Now could not give a thought to these many! 现在已经顾不得这么多了! cultivation base that even if puts together reduces greatly, must destroy completely these people! 哪怕拼的修为大减,也要灭掉这几人! Scarlet blood Venerable to Chu Tian one group of hatreds can also be imagined. 赤血首尊对楚天一伙的恨意也就可想而知了。 The small fox choice evades the point temporarily, controls Hellfire retrocedes, while wields the massive abyss green fires, attempts to reduce speed with the long-distance attack copes with the speed, goes all out to absorb the strength that Venerable from unites. 小狐狸选择暂避锋芒,控制地狱火一边后退,一边挥出大量深渊绿火,企图用远程攻击减慢对付速度,同时也拼命吸收从首尊身上凝聚的力量。 Blamed. 怪了。 On this fellow is the energy so strong? 这家伙身上能量怎么这么强? The small fox suction one wave to well up one wave, making the small fox be unbearably busy. 小狐狸吸走一波又涌一波,让小狐狸都忙不过来。 The head Venerable to roar, once again releases Source Spirit, the scarlet ray, covers eight sides suddenly. 首尊咆哮中,又一次释放元魂,猩红色的光芒,骤然笼罩八方。 This time releases nearby the blood skeleton several images to be completely different, the body of blood skeleton throws over a thick blood, both hands is having a handle giant incomparable long handle tomahawk, its imposing manner compared with promoted several times a moment ago most minimum. 这次释放出来鲜血骷髅跟前几次形象完全不同,鲜血骷髅的身上披着一层厚厚的鲜血,双手更持有一柄巨大无比的长柄战斧,其气势比刚才最起码提升好几倍。 Chu Tian reveals surprised expression. 楚天露出一丝惊色 This imposing manner clearly surpasses Awakened Soul Realm, thus achieves the Cultivator third largest boundary True Spirit level, this does not jump the ranks the fight, but surmounts the fight of boundary. If merely is the cross level, in addition exists to defeat the possibility, if the interstate war does not have the stratagem which ensures success certainly. 这种气势分明超出魂醒境,从而达到修士第三个大境界“真灵”级,这可不是越级战斗,而是跨越境界的战斗。若仅仅是跨级尚且存在战胜可能,如果是跨境之战绝无胜算。 The small fox makes an effort to absorb continuously several times. 小狐狸使劲连续吸取几次。 Blood skeleton sincere helmet and armor was weakened several points immediately, in the hand the tomahawk also all of a sudden changes the small several sizes. This is scarlet blood Venerable rushed to the front, that gigantic blood red tomahawk chops , the small fox hurries to operate Hellfire to fend. 鲜血骷髅厚重盔甲顿时被削弱好几分,手中战斧也一下子变小好几个尺寸。这是赤血首尊已经冲到面前,那硕大血红战斧一劈而下,小狐狸赶紧操纵地狱火闪避。 Too quick! 太快了! This axe chops on the Hellfire shoulder, cut off a left arm at the scene. 这一斧头还是劈在地狱火肩膀上,当场将一只左臂给生生斩断了。 The small fox spells to try to attract, on blood skeleton helmet and armor immediately entire broken, in the hand the tomahawk also became gloomy. However, scarlet blood Venerable has held up the tomahawk, this direct cuts to divide horizontally, the meniscus red blade edge glow sweeps Hellfire, almost cuts two sections Hellfire at the scene. 小狐狸拼尽全力又是一吸,鲜血骷髅身上盔甲顿时全碎,手中战斧也变得黯淡无光了。然而,赤血首尊已经举起战斧,这一次直接一道横斩劈过来,半月形红色刃芒扫中地狱火,几乎是当场把地狱火斩成两截。 Hellfire gets down but actually instantaneous. 地狱火倒下去瞬间。 Small fox fiercely its detonation. 小狐狸猛地将其引爆。 Almost in an instant, Hellfire entire explodes, all strength one breath releases, see only the dreadful green flame to shoot up to the sky, maliciously impact on barrier of scarlet blood palace, entire scarlet blood palace shaken dramatic turmoil. 几乎是在刹那之间,地狱火整个爆裂开来,所有力量一口气释放,只见滔天绿色火焰冲天而起,狠狠冲击在赤血殿的结界上,整个赤血殿都被震的剧烈动荡起来。 The Chu Tian three people blowing to fly by shock-wave. 楚天三人都被冲击波给吹飞了出去。 The small fox distressed draws back from explosion center, that fine attractive snow white fur, presented a damage, strength that it evidently also underestimates Venerable, but Venerable also underestimates its ability. This time detonates Hellfire, enough caused heavy losses to that fellow. 小狐狸则狼狈从爆炸中心退出来,那一身精致漂亮的雪白毛皮,都出现了一点损伤,它显然也低估首尊的力量,不过首尊也低估它的能耐。这次引爆地狱火,足够把那家伙重创一把了。 Nangong Yun hurries to ask: Died?” 南宫云赶紧问:“死了吗?” Shen Bingyu opens Heart's Eye, in the flame presents a scarlet outline, her brow wrinkles immediately: Has not died!” 沈冰雨开启心眼,火焰中出现一个猩红轮廓,她的眉头立刻皱起来:“还没死!” Scarlet moon/month Venerable the whole body to burn the flaming green fire, is treading step by step from inside, blood skeleton Source Spirit, almost melted, but Hellfire had been defeated! 赤月首尊浑身燃烧着熊熊绿火,正从里面一步步踏出来,鲜血骷髅般的元魂,几乎已经融化了,但是地狱火已经被打败! Nangong Yun in great surprise: Ended, so to be how strong, this we died!” 南宫云大惊:“完了,怎么这么强,这回我们死定了!” This is uncertain!” “这可不一定!” Chu Tian unhurriedly. 楚天一点不慌不忙。 Scarlet blood Venerable already to limit. 赤血首尊已经到极限。 The small fox attracts one once again greatly, Source Spirit the thorough collapse, Shen Bingyu suddenly projects like the arrow immediately, holds their palms together to separate the spatial palm to divide, the blue white incorruptible palm strength passes through the place, the ground ties thick solid ice. 小狐狸又一次大吸一口,元魂顿时彻底的崩溃,沈冰雨就像箭般骤然射出,双手合十隔空一掌劈过去,蓝白色冰霜掌力所经过地方,地面结起一层厚厚坚冰。 Bang! 砰! This palm strength hits scarlet blood Venerable instantaneous, ices Source Energy to congeal coldly the entity ice crystal, the chest that a giant incomparable ice cone passes through Venerable directly, sews him on the pillar of scarlet blood palace. 这股掌力击中赤血首尊瞬间,寒冰元力凝结成实体冰晶,一根巨大无比冰锥直接贯穿首尊的胸膛,将他钉在赤血殿的柱子上。 Nangong Yun racket chest: Scared to death the old lady, originally was the spent force.” 南宫云拍拍胸口:“吓死老娘了,原来是强弩之末了。” You several hundred years ago should die.” Chu Tian visits him saying: What last words has?” “你几百年前就应该死了。”楚天看着他说:“有什么遗言吗?” You think that won?” Scarlet blood Venerable has not thought that will lose to such one group of little rascal, the whole face hatred and unwilling anger exclaims: Main body dies, must drag you to be buried along with the dead!” “你们以为胜利了吗?”赤血首尊没有想到会输给这么一群小鬼,满脸怨毒和不甘的怒吼道:“本尊就算是死,也要拖你们陪葬!” The voice just fell. 话音刚落。 The entire palace vibrates, started to sink unexpectedly. 整个殿堂抖动,竟然开始下沉了。 Awful!” Chu Tian felt that the sole gushes out a huge attraction, will just like the gravity will shortly promote dozens times to be the same, scarlet blood palace must sink the bog, will walk quickly!” “糟糕!”楚天感觉脚底涌出一股巨大吸引力,犹如重力在顷刻间提升几十倍一样,“赤血殿要重新沉进沼泽,快走!” Scarlet blood Venerable to laugh sharply: Walks? Nobody walks, remained to be buried along with the dead!” 赤血首尊尖利大笑起来:“走?没人走的了,留下来陪葬吧!”
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