MT :: Volume #3

#286: Cleans up the mess

Venerable resurrecting to face to face pressure, the Southern Xia master chooses and Allied Canine Tribes Expert on own initiative forms the temporary alliance. 当面对首尊复活的压力,南夏高手主动选择和犬戎族强者形成暂时联盟。 First kills this old thing!” “先杀这个老东西!” King's General Tu and Zou Yan, three collaborates to launch the attack. 王屠左湮,诺罗,三强联手发起攻击。 Scarlet blood owner Shi Xin impossible by an enemy three, was struck to fly instantaneously, has made into the severe wound at the scene, but three people have not continued to begin with enough time. 赤血堂主噬心不可能以一敌三,瞬间就被击飞了出去,当场打成了重伤,不过三人没来得及继续动手。 In the main hall, rank wind Sheng, a red form at the extremely quick speed, arrives greatly suddenly in the people top of the head, the blood red energy condenses in the people top of the head like the red cloud, the pintle that the innumerable blood energies concentrate, unceasingly sprinkles like the rainstorm suddenly to three people. 大殿内,腥风大盛,一道红色身影以极快速度,骤然降临在众人头顶,血红色能量就像红云在人们头顶凝聚起来,无数鲜血能量凝成的细针,骤然就像暴雨般不断洒向三人。 Mediocre!” “不过如此!” Zou Yan stimulates to movement Flowing Flame Palanquin to move forward to meet somebody, that formidable energy needle falls on Flowing Flame Palanquin, shoots completely, and disrupts, Flowing Flame Palanquin looks like has not damaged unexpectedly slightly. 左湮催动流火轿迎上去,那强大能量针落在流火轿上,全部弹开并且碎裂,流火轿看起来竟是丝毫未损。 King's General Tu and see this, the nature hides behind Flowing Flame Palanquin hurriedly, they undergo the long-term fight, now Source Energy loses already more than half, must control the consumption, stingy each point of strength, so has a bigger assurance to cope with scarlet blood Venerable. 王屠、诺罗见此,自然急忙躲到流火轿背后,他们经过长时间的战斗,现在元力损耗已经过半,现在必须节制消耗,吝啬每一分力量,如此才有更大把握对付赤血首尊。 The innumerable red clouds condense, the energy density increases dozens times suddenly, finally transforms a shape of fist, strikes heavy heavy hammer on Flowing Flame Palanquin. This ancient treasure was rumbled to fly like meteor, the temple outer layer palace fence gives to hit to collapse most, reveals outside light red sky. 无数红云凝聚起来,能量密度骤然增加几十倍,最后幻化成一个拳头的形状,一击重重锤流火轿上。这件古老宝物就像流星般被轰飞出去,神殿外层宫殿围墙都给撞塌大半,露出外面淡红色的天空。 Damn!” “该死!” Zou Yan felt that Flowing Flame Palanquin presents several fissures, this Nangong Clan gives his treasure, since Zou Yan has obtained, has not received any wound, has not thought that under scarlet blood Venerable strikes, can actually cause the so big destruction! 左湮感觉到流火轿出现好几处裂痕,这件南宫家族送给他的宝物,自左湮获得以来,从来就没有受到任何创伤,没有想到赤血首尊一击之下,竟然能够造成如此大的破坏! The head Venerable three feet high body float in the midair, moves fast slowly from the thick blood cloud, that blood red energy cloud constantly changes the shape in behind, finally transforms a gigantic incomparable garnet skeleton skeleton. 首尊三尺高身体漂浮在半空,从浓稠血云里面缓缓飘忽出来,那股血红色能量云则在背后不断变化形状,最终幻化成一个硕大无比的暗红色骸骨骷髅。 Releases five Spirit Weapon directly. 诺罗直接释放出五个灵兵 That five spirit body composition wolf soldiers grasp the long blade edge, the lasing from body, Venerable to from the different direction thorns, the head Venerable the gearing not to move, the Spirit Weapon long blade edge grips above covering the body skeleton skeleton, was actually lived by simple resisting, cannot puncture. 那五个灵体组成狼兵手持长刃,从诺罗身体里面激射而出,从不同方向刺向首尊,首尊连动都没有动弹一下,灵兵长刃扎在笼罩身躯骸骨骷髅之上,竟然被干脆的抵挡住,根本就刺不进去。 The scarlet flame starts to spread from the long blade edge, five Spirit Weapon were lit directly, was burnt as the ashes instantaneously. 猩红火焰自长刃开始蔓延,五个灵兵直接被点燃,瞬间就被焚为灰烬。 Complexion changes! 诺罗脸色一变! Source Spirit that this giant garnet skeleton skeleton, it is estimated that on scarlet blood Venerable, has not thought such fiercely, enters to attack a fist to break Flowing Flame Palanquin, to draw back can cover the body defense whole body, compares favorably with most top defense Cultivation Technique sufficiently. So the offense and defense has both, there is a blood chalice in the hand, restores continuously, Source Energy is inexhaustible, he is almost in an impregnable position. 这巨型的暗红色骸骨骷髅,估计就赤血首尊的元魂,没有想到这么厉害,进能攻击一拳打破流火轿、退能笼罩身体防御周身,足以媲美最顶级的防御功法。如此攻守兼备,又有鲜血圣杯在手,源源不断恢复,元力取之不尽用之不竭,他几乎立于不败之地。 And. 而且。 Scarlet blood Venerable just regained consciousness, therefore with extension of time, he becomes stronger and stronger, eventually achieved Awakened Soul Cultivator not the situation that was possible to defeat, therefore the situation was very stern. 赤血首尊刚刚苏醒而已,因此随着时间的延长,他会变得越来越强,最终达到魂醒修士不可能战胜的地步,所以局势是非常严峻的。 Shi Xin shouted excitedly: Pays a visit Venerable!” 噬心激动大喊:“拜见首尊!” Shi Xin, what's all this about?” When Venerable the vision to sweep is looted a scarlet blood temple wantonly, his both eyes as if soon spout the fire: Who does!” 噬心,这是怎么回事?”当首尊目光扫过被大肆洗劫一番的赤血神殿,他的双眼仿佛快要喷出火来:“谁干的!” Mr. Shi Xin stares slightly. 噬心老人微微一愣。 She until now responds. 她直到现在才反应过来。 Right, is actually who loots one scarlet blood temple? 对啊,究竟是谁把赤血神殿洗劫一番呢? This temple sinks for a long time in several hundred meters deep violently poisonous bog, therefore some impossible people to open before the temple enters, but they almost simultaneously come. 这座神殿长时间都沉在好几百米深剧毒沼泽里,所以不可能有人在神殿开启前进入其中,而他们则几乎是同时进来的。 Is...... 难道是…… Advanced temple, only then cold front and Allied Canine Tribes Expert. 先进神殿的,只有冷锋和犬戎族强者 The head Venerable to be put, this explained the Allied Canine Tribes Expert organization failure, but cold front certainly in temple. Although does not know that all these occur, person but who most has the suspicion, unexpectedly is that most common cold front? 首尊已经被放出来了,这说明犬戎族强者组织失败,而冷锋一定就在神殿里面。虽然不知道这一切都是怎么发生的,但是最有嫌疑的人,居然是那个最不起眼的冷锋? Is smelling to the air: Most little has three people of smells.” 诺罗对着空气嗅嗅:“最少有三人气味。” damn!” King's General Tu clenched jaws saying: Some people attack brutally while us, unexpectedly slides to loot secretly wantonly! This simply is unforgivable!” 可恶!”王屠咬牙切齿说:“有人趁着我们大打出手的时候,居然偷偷溜进来大肆洗劫!这简直是不可饶恕!” Shi Xin is gloomy the face is exclaiming: Cold front, this place knows that your here, quickly leave to me!” 噬心更是阴沉着脸吼道:“冷锋,本座知道你就这里,快给我滚出来!” The main hall inside and outside does not have the least bit sound. 大殿里里外外都没有半点声息。 Scarlet blood Venerable stares slightly, to loot the person in scarlet blood palace, just that awakened his person unexpectedly? If so, this person inevitably also in palace. 赤血首尊微微一愣,难道说洗劫赤血殿的人,竟然是刚刚那个唤醒他的人?若是如此的话,此人必然还在殿中。 Heart's Eye! 心眼 Scarlet blood Venerable starts the Heart's Eye reconnaissance directly. 赤血首尊直接开启心眼侦察。 Finally, what making scarlet blood revere to be unbelievable, that boy looks like into thin air to disappear unexpectedly! 结果,让赤血首尊难以置信的是,那个小子居然像人间蒸发般不见了! Shadow cape!” “影子斗篷!” Is shadow cape!” “是影子斗篷!” He has stolen the shadow cape, here all are really he do!” “他盗走了影子斗篷,这里一切果然就是他干的!” The head Venerable naturally flies into a rage, the scarlet blood palace by this looting, most minimum loss quite tens of billions Southern Summer Country gold coins, these high-grade goods soul and these best quality goods soul, these wondrous medicines, these Saint pill, these best quality goods materials, which is not the value and expensive things! 首尊自然勃然大怒,赤血殿遭此一番洗劫,最起码损失相当几百亿南夏国金币,那些上品魂器、那些极品魂器,那些圣药、那些圣丹、那些极品材料,哪一个不是价值及其昂贵的东西! This is start resources that Heavenly Demon Cult rallies! 这是天魔教重振的启动资源啊! Shi Xin!” The head Venerable a Palestinian long-handled fan in the past, Shi Xin was patted directly on the wall, originally injured heavy she, was in the wound adds the wound at this moment, the head Venerable to get rid she not to dare to revolt, you had a look at the good deed that you did!” 噬心!”首尊一巴掌扇过去,噬心直接被拍在墙上,本就受伤不轻的她,此刻更是伤上加伤,首尊出手她也不敢反抗,“你看看你做的好事!” Mr. Shi Xin spits several blood, kneels on the ground distressedly: „The first your father forgives, I have the means to discover him to come!” 噬心老人吐几口血,非常狼狈跪在地上:“首尊大人饶命,我有办法找出他来!” The word finishes. 言毕。 She extracts Scroll. 她抽出卷轴 Does not appear, I then crush your spirit!” “再不出现,我便粉碎你的精神!” In scarlet blood palace silent piece, still does not have any sound, Mr. Shi Xin sees things have gotten to this point, can only steel one's heart, Source Energy wells up crazily, energetic contract Scroll was torn into shreds immediately. 赤血殿里寂静一片,依然没有任何动静,噬心老人见事已至此,只能把心一横,元力狂涌而出,精神契约卷轴顿时被撕碎了。 Without any change. 没有任何改变。 Mr. Shi Xin is scared. 噬心老人再一次傻眼。 This what's the matter? She through contract Scroll, can feel the cold front on conceal in the, even is gazing at this them secretly, but own hid with the shadow cape! 这到底是怎么回事?她通过契约卷轴,可以感觉到冷锋就藏在附近,甚至正在偷偷的注视这他们,只不过用影子斗篷把自己藏起来了而已! King's General Tu, Zou Yan and see this, is the grief and indignation occurred simultaneously. 王屠左湮、诺罗见此,也是悲愤交加。 King's General Tu let somebody cool off or calm down said: „Since the scarlet blood temple treasure were stolen 78, we were not worth going all out, removed!” 王屠冷冷地说:“既然赤血神殿里宝物被盗走78,我们也就不值得拼命了,撤吧!” Is having this intent!” “正有此意!” Zou Yan grieved Flowing Flame Palanquin, this time searched the treasure is really loses in a big way. 左湮心痛流火轿,这次探宝真是损失大了。 Now in scarlet blood palace, although still has big Cultivation Technique and material, but in comparison the high-quality goods had been selected up, now remains, although is also valuable, but regarding the people of their this status, is not worthwhile for this thing goes Venerable to fight with all might with scarlet blood. 现在赤血殿里面,虽说依然有大笔功法、材料,但是相比之下精品已经被挑光,现在剩下来的尽管也非常值钱,但是对于他们这种地位的人来说,犯不着为这点东西去跟赤血首尊拼杀。 „To walk?” “想走?” You can get away!” “你们走得了吗!” The head Venerable already angrily arrived at the extreme, held up the blood chalice high, vigorous Source Energy tumbled once again, just liked the dreadful ocean waves is in flood, the temple outer wall thorough bang collapsed, three people were advanced outside. 首尊早就愤怒到极点,高高举起鲜血圣杯,浑厚元力又一次翻滚,犹如滔天海浪般泛滥开来,神殿外墙彻底轰塌,三人都被推到外面。 „, Since you, or dies continuous, we fight with you!” “老贼,既然你要不死不休,我们就跟你斗到底!” King's General Tu cried loud and long, Wings Poison Dragon falls, was grabbing together the scarlet blood command, broke through blood red barrier directly, that poisonous tail attacked at the hurricane speed. 王屠长啸一声,双翼毒龙落进来,正抓着一块赤血令,直接突破血红色结界,那条毒尾以飓风般的速度袭击过来。 Go away!” “滚!” The head Venerable a Source Spirit palm of the hand to sweep, holds the Wings Poison Dragon tail, Wings Poison Dragon in great surprise, spouts a poisonous flame from the mouth, the violently poisonous flame hits Venerable is simply useless, was covered body Source Spirit to keep off outside completely. 首尊元魂一巴掌扫过去,抓住双翼毒龙尾巴,双翼毒龙大惊,从嘴里喷出一股毒焰,剧毒火焰打在首尊身上根本没有用,全部被笼罩身体元魂挡在外面。 The head Venerable to explode roars. Wings Poison Dragon was layer on layer fallen on the ground, the blood chalice bursts out one bunch of red energies, instills into skeleton another arm completely, condenses a bright red lance, maliciously thorn to Wings Poison Dragon. 首尊爆吼一声。双翼毒龙被重重摔在地上,鲜血圣杯迸发出一束红色能量,全部灌输进骷髅另外一只手臂,凝聚成一根鲜红长矛,狠狠刺向双翼毒龙 No!” “不!” King's General Tu gets angry to shout. 王屠红着眼大喊。 That blood red lance pierces the Wings Poison Dragon body, sews Wings Poison Dragon on ground stiffly, Wings Poison Dragon whins to struggle, the blood poison spreads following the wound rapidly the whole body, making its skin little change red changes soft, finally melts the bloody pus gradually. 那根血红长矛刺穿双翼毒龙身体,硬生生把双翼毒龙钉在地上,双翼毒龙哀嚎挣扎着,血毒顺着伤口迅速蔓延全身,让它的皮肤一点点变红变软,最终渐渐地融化成脓血。 The head Venerable erupts the strength once again. 首尊又一次爆发力量。 In that skeleton hand the lance transforms a big bow and an arrow, hits a target Zou Yan that instantaneously the preparation escapes, Flowing Flame Palanquin presented the fissure, now encounters this to strike the heavy losses, cannot withstand to burst again large hole. 那骷髅手中长矛幻化成一张大弓和一支箭,瞬间射中准备逃跑的左湮,流火轿本来就出现裂痕,现在又遭到这一击重创,再也承受不住破裂出一个大洞 Zou Yan does not have the means to leap, escapes from Flowing Flame Palanquin, avoided being killed by the arrow at the scene. Scarlet blood Venerable the strength to surpass ordinary Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak Expert, now grasps the Soul Communication Tool blood chalice, is not Awakened Soul Realm Expert can resist radically. 左湮没有办法只好一跃而出,从流火轿里逃脱出来,避免被箭给当场射杀了。赤血首尊实力就超过普通魂醒九重巅峰强者,现在手持通灵魂器鲜血圣杯,根本就不是魂醒境强者能够对抗的。 Did not have the favorable impression to the Southern Summer Country person, where will save them? Immediately receives the double blade, turns around to flush away to outside. 诺罗本来就对南夏国人没有好感,哪里会去救他们?立刻收起双刀,转身就向外面冲去。 The head Venerable to separate spatial one finger. 首尊隔空一指。 Some formidable mystique displays, the Source Energy eruption lasing, overtakes instantaneously, leaves the temple on the strategic place instantaneous, destroys to protect body Source Energy, shoots in body. A blood spurts, he has not stopped with this strength accelerates once again, finally escapes from the scarlet blood temple at one fell swoop. 某种强大秘法施展,元力爆发式激射而出,瞬间就追上诺罗,在诺罗就要冲出神殿瞬间,打碎护体元力,射进诺罗身体里。诺罗一口血喷出来,他没有停顿借着这股力量再度加速,终于一举逃出赤血神殿。 King's General Tu sees the Wings Poison Dragon whole body to turn into bloody pus massively, has struggled gradually motionless, apparent mount was incurable, clenches teeth to escape from a jade symbol to stimulate toward a ground racket. 王屠双翼毒龙浑身大量化成脓血,渐渐地已经挣扎不动,便知坐骑是没救了,咬着牙逃出一张玉符激发往地面一拍。 Rumbles a bang. 轰一声巨响。 But a thick incomparable soil ascension stop. 一层厚实无比泥土升腾而起阻拦在了。 Walks!” “走!” King's General Tu and Zou Yan jump to escape to leave. 王屠左湮纵身遁离。 The head Venerable the great blade edge to divide together, the ground barrier cuts directly broken, he is preparing to pursue two people of times, actually suddenly the body in a flash, almost from airborne falls. 首尊一道巨刃劈下,岩土屏障直接斩碎,他正准备去追击二人时候,却忽然身体一晃,差点从空中掉下来。 Damn! 该死! Source Energy consumed is too big! 元力耗损太大了! Scarlet blood Venerable just regained consciousness, temporarily is unable to be suitable for the weak condition, therefore has not controlled for a while, has consumed many Source Energy. Although there is a blood chalice in the hand, his strength will quickly recover, but leaves the opposite party several seconds, enough they escaped. 赤血首尊刚刚苏醒,暂时无法适用虚弱状态,所以一时没控制住,消耗了过多的元力。虽然有鲜血圣杯在手,他的力量很快就会恢复,但留给对方数秒时间,也足够两人逃脱了。 King's General Tu and Zou Yan ran away distressedly. 王屠左湮狼狈逃走了。 Mr. Shi Xin is cloudy the face, mood very disturbedly, this scarlet blood loss is serious, she has the huge responsibility. But, she cannot think in any event why that boy is an undercover! 噬心老人阴沉着脸,心情非常的忐忑,这次赤血损失惨重,她有巨大的责任。可是,她无论如何都想不到,为什么那个小子是一个卧底! But, where does he hide? 可是,他到底藏在哪里? Why energetic contract Wu Yong? 为什么精神契约武勇? You in Looking for me?” “你是在找我们吗?” Mr. Shi Xin the ear resounds a familiar sound, her complexion changes immediately, but comes, is big dense and numerous optical elastics, sprinkles on Mr. Shi Xin completely. 噬心老人耳边响起一个熟悉声音,她的脸色顿时大变,但紧接着而来的,是一大片密密麻麻的光弹,全部洒在噬心老人身上。 Mean! I have killed you!” “卑鄙!我杀了你!” Mr. Shi Xin immediately the Source Energy spear|gun wounding many, protects body Source Energy another gloomy getting down, she raises the right hand must launch the attack the time, an extremely cold aura from left, a palm sneak attack pats in Mr. Shi Xin the cerebellum. 噬心老人顿时元力枪给射伤多处,护体元力又一次的暗淡下去,她扬起右手就要发起攻击的时候,一股极寒气息从左侧袭来,一掌偷袭拍在噬心老人后脑。 Bang! 砰! Mr. Shi Xin the head blasts out, turns into the innumerable shaved ice to sprinkle on the ground. 噬心老人头颅炸开,变成无数冰屑洒落在地上。 This illustrious Heavenly Demon Cult owner, such nursed hatred dead here finally. 这位赫赫天魔教堂主,最终就这么含恨死在了这里。 „!!” “啊!!” The head Venerable to discover several people of trails, because Source Energy dries up the relations, wants to prevent already without enough time, Mr. Shi Xin is killed in him helplessly at present, can only exude one to roar sharply! 首尊发现几人踪迹,由于元力枯竭关系,想要阻止已经来不及,噬心老人眼睁睁在他眼前被杀死,只能发出一声尖利怒吼! Chu Tian walks, side with Nangong Yun, Shen Bingyu directly boldly thrusts forward on, exhibits a fight the stance. 楚天走出来,旁边跟着南宫云,沈冰雨则直接挺身而上,摆出一副战斗的架势。 Heavenly Demon Cult prestige first, will have been suspended one by your several juniors unexpectedly in the end.” Scarlet blood Venerable the face darken to the extreme: Thinks really how many depending on your can cope with the main body? Wishful thinking!” 天魔教威名一世,居然到头来会被你们几个小辈摆了一道。”赤血首尊脸色阴沉到极点:“不过真的以为,凭你们几个就能对付本尊?痴心妄想!” First do not speak fully the words, if no a point assurance, I will put how possibly you?” “先不要把话说得太满,如果没有一点把握,我怎么可能会把你放出来?” Chu Tian causes a look to the small fox, a small fox inspiration, in the blood chalice overflows the energy fiercely, immediately is towed, was swallowed by small fox one. 楚天对小狐狸使一个眼神,小狐狸猛地一吸气,鲜血圣杯里溢出能量,立刻被牵引过来,被小狐狸一口吞进去。 What?!” The head Venerable the complexion big change: This is any Spirit beast, can strip the strength of chalice unexpectedly!” “什么?!”首尊脸色大变:“这是什么灵兽,竟能剥离圣杯的力量!” First leaves anxiously being startled! The small fox, looks your!” “先别急着吃惊!小狐狸,看你的!” The small fox puts out a soul puppet, in the sparkling eye reveals the color of loving dearly, this was last time summons the Hellfire devil. 小狐狸吐出一个灵魂木偶,乌溜溜眼睛里流露出心疼之色,这是最后一次召唤地狱火恶魔了。 The green ray shoots up to the sky. 绿色光芒冲天而起。 A gigantic incomparable combustion giant appears in scarlet blood Venerable the front! 一尊硕大无比燃烧巨人出现在赤血首尊面前!
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