MT :: Volume #3

#285: Scarlet blood Venerable

When stands in the scarlet blood temple third entrance, only thinks that dark has a pressure to well up toward oneself, even if has not walked, first smells one to congeal the thick strong blood smell. The back of this leaf of great front door, just likes is blood sea, so long as will open the blood crazily to well up to be the same the door. 当站在赤血神殿第三层门口时,只觉冥冥中有一股压力朝自己涌来,即使还没有走进去,先就闻到一股凝稠浓重的血腥气味。这扇巨大门的背面,犹如是一片鲜血海洋,只要把门推开血液就会疯狂涌进来一样。 Chu Tian looks at two female one: Prepares, I must open!” 楚天看二女一眼:“准备好,我要开了!” Shen Bingyu and Nangong Yun nod, all has been ready! 沈冰雨南宫云点点头,全都做好了准备! Chu Tian catches up to shove open giant metal door suddenly, a scarlet ray covers suddenly, three people simultaneously felt that whole body, at the back of the front door is the whole body blood red malicious ghosts, that dense and numerous scene, was almost filled with the entire palace. 楚天猛然发力推开巨型金属门,骤然间一股猩红光芒笼罩过来,三个人同时感觉到浑身一阵,大门背面都是浑身血红的恶鬼,那密密麻麻的场景,几乎把整个殿堂都挤满了。 Nangong Yun has a big shock: „It is not good, has the ambush!” 南宫云大惊失色:“不好,有埋伏!” Why will have these many monsters? 为什么会有这么多怪物? When Nangong Yun carries heavy hammer must launch the attack, suddenly together Divine Sense enters to the Nangong Yun mind, Nangong Yun felt that at present a picture flower, the innumerable blood red malicious ghosts scatter in the field of vision. 南宫云拎起重锤就要发起攻击时,突然一道神识进到南宫云的脑海里面,南宫云感觉眼前画面一花,无数血红色恶鬼都在视野中飘散了。 Just what's the matter?” “刚刚是怎么回事?” Illusion, cheap trick.” “幻觉而已,小把戏。” Chu Tian has not cared, let alone has Mind's Light boundary Divine Sense, sufficiently distinctive most Illusion Technique, even if advocates the special talent addition that Source Spirit brings merely, Chu Tian attacked on fearless any Illusion Technique. 楚天没有怎么放在心上,别说拥有“心灯”境界的神识,足以甄别大多数幻术,哪怕仅仅主元魂带来的特殊天赋加成,楚天就无惧任何幻术攻击了。 Naturally Mind's Light can affect the surrounding person. 当然“心灯”能影响到周围的人。 Therefore Chu Tian can prompt be Shen Bingyu and Nangong Yun explains Illusion Technique. 所以楚天能及时为沈冰雨南宫云破解幻术 Blood temple third is not huge like the first two spaces, does not have the stack such as the valuables and money resources of mountain, only then several fierce and silent statues stand and wait for a long time here, the midpoint position has a Shitai. 鲜血神殿第三层不像前两层空间庞大,也没有堆砌如山的财宝资源,只有几尊狰狞而沉默的雕像伫立在此,正中央位置有一座石台。 An about 30 centimeters high scarlet utensil is placed above. 一座大约30厘米高的猩红器物摆在上面。 This thing all over the body is covering scarlet trace, above blood thread shape trace windings, fills the greatly strengthened energy aura from this utensil, brings an intense constriction to the person. 此物遍体覆盖着猩红纹路,一根根血丝状纹路缠绕其上,从这个器物里面弥漫出极强的能量气息,给人带来一种强烈的压迫感。 If there is not guessed that wrong, in this air thick smell of blood, and even just came to deliver to think instantaneously that is this thing causes. 若没有猜错的话,这空气中浓稠血腥味,乃至刚刚进来瞬间产出所觉,全都是这个东西导致的。 Is just the same as the illustrated handbook.” Nangong Yun reveals the pleasantly surprised color: This is the scarlet blood Sacred Object blood chalice!” “跟图鉴一模一样。”南宫云露出惊喜之色:“这是赤血圣物鲜血圣杯!” Blood chalice that three people of percentages hundred, Chu Tian wants to look, is the present thing. This blood chalice is also scarlet blood [lineage/vein] most important Sacred Object, therefore has all sort of mysterious abilities to be nothing unusual. 三人百分百,楚天想要找的鲜血圣杯,正是眼前的这个东西。这鲜血圣杯也是赤血一脉最重要的圣物,因此具备诸般神奇的能力不足为奇。 Nangong Yun said excitedly: I make a bet, this at least is Soul Communication Tool!” 南宫云激动地说:“我打赌,这起码是一件通灵魂器!” Chu Tian in vain his eyes: „Can you let alone rubbish!” 楚天白他一眼:“你能不能别说废话!” Nangong Yun indignants disturbed, did this call the idle talk? 南宫云忿忿不平,这叫废话么? Soul Communication Tool is rarely seen! 通灵魂器不多见! Chu Tian until now several Soul Communication Tool, including Netherworld Sword and Soul Controlling Bell, all pull out from ten thousand corpse ancient graves. These ten thousand corpse ancient grave origins are unable to research, only what can affirm, builds the schools in ten thousand corpse ancient graves, only feared that the strength is stronger than Heavenly Demon Cult. Therefore in ten thousand corpse ancient graves has massive Soul Communication Tool, even if after ten thousand years of unceasing regular opening excavation, still remained. 楚天迄今为止的几件通灵魂器,包括幽冥剑驭魂铃铛,全都是从万尸古墓里面掏出来。这万尸古墓来历无法考证了,唯一可以肯定的是,建立万尸古墓的门派,只怕实力比天魔教还强。所以万尸古墓内有大量的通灵魂器,哪怕经过万年不断规律性开启挖掘,至今仍有残留。 Fox face Corpse King. 狐脸尸王 Small fox. 还有小狐狸。 This is not in ten thousand corpse ancient graves? 这不都是万尸古墓里出的么? That ancient School dissipates already for over ten thousand years. 那个古门派消逝已经上万年。 Heavenly Demon Cult is actually several hundred years of destruction Sect. 天魔教却是几百年覆灭的宗门 Heavenly Demon Cult Soul Communication Tool does not have the valley school in Yin Corpse Canyon to be many freely, each [lineage/vein] most will have little Soul Communication Tool to take Sacred Object. The might of this blood chalice, will it is estimated that not compare Netherworld Sword to be inferior many, will be more formidable. 天魔教通灵魂器尽管没有阴尸峡谷里的谷门派多,每一脉却最少会有一件通灵魂器作为圣物。这个鲜血圣杯的威力,估计不会比幽冥剑逊色多少,甚至还会强大很多。 Said actually the blood chalice quality is higher than Netherworld Sword. 倒不是说鲜血圣杯品质高于幽冥剑 This blood chalice seals for merely several hundred years, the strength is unlikely large scale decline, the Netherworld Sword deep sleep at least ten thousand years, the two concept is completely different! 这鲜血圣杯封存仅仅几百年,力量不至于大幅度衰退,幽冥剑沉睡至少万年,二者概念是完全不同的! Nangong Yun overruns: I go to bring it!” 南宫云冲过去:“我去把它拿过来!” The blood chalice is a scarlet blood [lineage/vein] most important heavy treasure, now should plunder has plundered Good enough, finally takes the blood chalice, everybody can slip away! 鲜血圣杯是赤血一脉最重要的重宝,现在该搜刮已经搜刮差不多,最后取走鲜血圣杯,大家就可以溜之大吉了! Slow!” “慢!” Chu Tian hurries to prevent Nangong Yun. 楚天赶紧阻止南宫云 Nangong Yun knits the brows to ask: What does? Truth that the Soul Communication Tool close at hand, how can there be does not take!” 南宫云皱着眉问:“搞什么?通灵魂器近在眼前,岂有不拿的道理!” Nangong, I must criticize you, if the brain too long does not use, it can rust.” “南宫,我又要批评你了,脑子要是太久不用,它是会锈掉的。” The Nangong Yun air/Qi results in the tooth to be itchy, old lady where didn't use the brain? 南宫云气得牙痒痒,老娘哪里不用脑子了? Hasn't looked? The blood chalice has recognized the lord, now takes away it, so long as the blood chalice has not cancelled recognizes the lord, we are impossible to grasp its strength!” “难道没看出来吗?鲜血圣杯已经认主,现在就算拿走它,只要鲜血圣杯没有取消认主,我们就不可能掌握它的力量!” Most Soul Communication Tool, have the simple thought that will therefore choose to suit own master. Initially when ten thousand corpse ancient graves, cold wind swordsman Wan Wuyi attempted to win Thunder Spirit Bead, finally instead was given to wound by Thunder Spirit Bead, Chu Tian did not have the means to use Thunder Spirit Bead, the primary cause was the spirit is resisting. 大多数通灵魂器,都具备简单的思维,因此会选择适合自己的主人。当初在万尸古墓的时候,阴风剑客万无一企图夺走雷灵珠,结果反而被雷灵珠给炸伤,楚天也没有办法使用雷灵珠,主要原因是器灵在抗拒。 This is the merit is also a shortcoming. 这是优点也是缺点。 The merit is, once Soul Communication Tool recognizes the lord, only if the master thinks the means its division, otherwise before the master falls from the sky, Soul Communication Tool in addition will not select it to advocate. 优点就是,通灵魂器一旦认主,除非主人想办法将其分割,否则在主人陨落之前,通灵魂器都不会另择它主。 The fault lies, if obtains ideological quite intense Soul Communication Tool, if the itself attribute or Cultivation Technique are not suitable, will then be resisted by Soul Communication Tool automatically. 坏处就在于,若得到一件思想比较强烈通灵魂器,若本身属性或功法并不适合,那么会自动被通灵魂器所抗拒。 What to do should that?” “那该怎么办?” Do not be anxious!” Chu Tian opens Heart's Eye, observes chalice carefully: In main hall is the cloth has big, the chalice suppresses the big eye, if takes away rashly, big immediately starts. If the big start, forms some strength mostly, thus awakens scarlet blood Venerable.” “别急!”楚天开启心眼,仔细观测圣杯:“大殿内是布有大阵的,圣杯就是镇压大阵的阵眼,若是贸然拿走的话,大阵就会立刻启动。若大阵启动的话,多半形成某种力量,从而唤醒赤血首尊。” „?” A Nangong Yun face is awkward: „Should this not know what to do? In other words, are we impossible to take the blood chalice?” “啊?”南宫云一脸为难:“这该如何是好?也就是说,我们不可能拿得走鲜血圣杯咯?” This truly is terrible business. 这确实是一件麻烦事。 A heavy valuable close at hand. 一件重宝近在眼前了。 If cannot win it, rather has a great pity for this motion! 若不能夺走它,未免为本次行动留一个巨大遗憾! Bang...... 轰隆隆…… The exterior barrier strenuous vibration of scarlet blood temple! 赤血神殿的外部结界剧烈震动! The Shen Bingyu reminder said: Some people came in!” 沈冰雨提醒说:“有人进来了!” Did not have the means not to have the time.” Nangong Yun shouts to Chu Tian: We harvested to suffice in a big way, now removes, if they came to discover that inside situation, must go crazy at the scene may not! On a broken chalice, could not attain!” “没有办法也没有时间了。”南宫云楚天喊道:“我们收获够大了,现在就撤吧,他们要是进来发现里面的情况,非得当场发狂不可!不就一个破圣杯么,拿不到就算了!” Scarlet blood palace first two pulled out by a three people of fox actually spatially most, particularly the precious compounded drug and precious material, remain useless Cultivation Technique now, the Cheap compounded drug and conventional material. 赤血殿堂前两层硬是被三人一狐掏空大半,尤其是珍贵丹药、珍贵材料,现在就剩无用功法,廉价丹药、普通材料。 These search the treasure is not the generation of commonplace. 这些来探宝的都不是等闲之辈。 They see this situation, that must go crazy may not! 他们见此情形,那非得发狂不可! You take are concealing shape symbol, first walks!” Chu Tian pulls out several Talisman to give two people: „Outside goes, here I'm coming levels!” “你们拿着匿形符,先走!”楚天掏出几张符箓交给二人:“去外面等,这里我来摆平!” Deciding that you carry out?” “你搞的定么?” Walks quickly!” “快走!” Nangong Yun and Shen Bingyu must choose to believe Chu Tian. 南宫云沈冰雨必须选择相信楚天 They activate conceal the shape symbol, leaves the scarlet blood main hall, this conceals the shape symbol to have no way to evade the Divine Sense survey, under situation that in the opposite party does not know, with concealing the shape symbol left sufficiently safely. 两人激活匿形符,离开赤血大殿,这匿形符没法躲过神识探测,不过在对方不知道的情况之下,用匿形符足以安全离开了。 Main hall first hears fierce bellow! 大殿第一层传来剧烈轰鸣声! The wild strength divulges comes unexpectedly, the compounded drug bottle and jade slip expose place immediately. 狂暴力量宣泄竟来,丹药瓶和玉简顿时抖落一地。 Chu Tian felt that the time were not much, immediately deeply inspires, holds the blood chalice, high lifts. A scarlet ray, illuminates the entire main hall suddenly, reappears the massive complex traces from the floor, the innumerable surroundings interwine, constitutes gigantic Source Energy Array finally. 楚天感觉到时间已经不多,当即深深吸一口气,抓住鲜血圣杯,高高的举起来。一股猩红色光芒,骤然照亮整个大殿,从地板上浮现大量复杂纹路,无数周围交织在一起,最终构成一个硕大元力阵 Scarlet blood main hall vibration shivers. 赤血大殿抖动颤抖。 Source Energy Array becomes red, just likes is connecting a blood world, four surrounding massive red Thunder Ray twinkles, a blood red sarcophagus, rose gradually slowly, the ancient and broad pressure covers, an appalling strength, surges in the entire space. 元力阵变得通红,犹如连接着一个鲜血世界般,四周围大量红色雷光闪烁,渐渐地一只血红色的石棺,缓缓地上升了出来,古老而恢弘的威压笼罩,一股让人毛骨悚然的力量,激荡在整个空间里。 Chu Tian one flies on the ball, layer on layer hits on the wall, the blood chalice lets go, flew automatically to the sarcophagus, stopped in falling in the crown of sarcophagus, suddenly inclined dozens degrees, thick such as rubber bright red liquid, fell from the chalice on the sarcophagus. 楚天一下就弹飞出去,重重地撞在墙壁上,鲜血圣杯脱手而出,自动飞向了石棺,停在落在石棺的顶部,突然倾斜几十度,一股浓稠如胶鲜红液体,从圣杯里面倾倒在石棺上。 These bright red liquids fast spread in the sarcophagus, finally follows the sarcophagus crack to seep inside, was absorbed completely. 这些鲜红液体快速在石棺蔓延开来,最终顺着石棺裂缝渗透进里面,全部都被吸收掉了。 Mother! 妈的! The blood chalice is giving Venerable to restore the strength! 鲜血圣杯在给首尊恢复力量! At this time scarlet blood temple fiercely vibrated. 这时赤血神殿又剧烈抖动一下。 „The villain Heavenly Demon Cult believer, welcomed Venerable the return!” Chu Tian hurries to fire into the sarcophagus, filled with grief big shouts: Asked the first your father born as soon as possible, all Branch Lord died in battle, only remained the owner Venerable for protection is born smoothly, now had been besieged to be on the verge of death by various group of masters. My scarlet blood [lineage/vein], soon certainly!” “小人天魔教教徒,恭迎首尊归来!”楚天赶紧冲向石棺,一副悲怆的大喊道:“请首尊大人尽快出世,所有舵主都战死了,仅剩堂主为守护首尊顺利出世,现在已经被各路高手围攻而危在旦夕。我赤血一脉,就快要绝了!” What did you say?” “你说什么?” A sound spreads from the inner and outer coffin. 一个声音从棺椁里传出。 This sound sounds unusual variable torque, resembles the male female, high-pitched and fine strange, just likes the child's voice is ordinary, has a gloomy feeling. 这个声音听起来非常变扭,似男似女,尖细怪异,犹如童声一般,却又有种阴森感。 „The first your father, several covets scarlet blood buried treasure thieves on outside the palace!” “首尊大人,数个觊觎赤血宝藏宵小就在外殿!” Bang! 轰! The blood red coffin coverlet lifts suddenly. 血红棺盖被猛然间掀开。 A red form grazes. 一个红色身影飞掠而出。 Chu Tian gains ground to look at one, finally immediately both eyes. 楚天抬头瞄一眼,结果顿时双眼了。 This Venerable the height merely about three feet, is a child image, the whole body skin bright red like the blood, both hands refers to the head simply like the sharp knife blade, impressively is shocking monstruous talent. 这个首尊身高仅仅三尺左右,简直就是一个孩童般的形象,浑身皮肤鲜红如血,双手指甲长如利刃,赫然就是一个耸人听闻的妖孽。 The people have the phenomenon to have the different functions. 人有异象必有异能。 This elders and superiors must so strangely think that the method is not simple! 这首尊长得如此古怪想必手段不简单吧! Scarlet blood [lineage/vein] are one of the Heavenly Demon Cult ten big inheritance, will reduce unexpectedly also to so the situation!” Scarlet blood of this child image Venerable to face upward to cry loud and long, that sound is simply more incisive than the sword, the floor shears the fissure, Chu Tian felt that the heart leaks jumps several rackets: Violates my scarlet blood, death!” “赤血一脉乃天魔教十大传承之一,竟然也会沦落到如此地步!”这个孩童般形象的赤血首尊仰天长啸一声,那声音简直比刀剑还尖锐,地板都割出裂痕,楚天感觉心脏都漏跳几拍:“犯我赤血,死!” Scarlet blood Venerable to hold float in the blood chalice of midair, just likes does not have the weight and resistance, the ball spatial lasing palace is quite outward quick! 赤血首尊抓住悬浮在半空的鲜血圣杯,犹如没有重量和阻力般,弹空激射向外殿好快! Chu Tian is startled secretly! 楚天暗暗吃惊! Scarlet blood Venerable to regain consciousness has not the inferior Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak! 赤血首尊苏醒就具备不逊色魂醒九重巅峰! This strength restored the speed too to be also astonishing, naturally this certain extent was the merit of blood chalice, luckily Chu Tian enraged scarlet blood Venerable, making him not have to further restore the strength with enough time. 这实力恢复速度也太惊人了吧,当然这叶一定程度是鲜血圣杯的功劳,幸亏楚天激怒赤血首尊,让他没有来得及进一步恢复实力。 Is very good!” “很好!” Then must look at the luck!” “接下来就要看运气了!” Chu Tian raised just obtained the cape to cover body, changed to the nihility instantaneously, vanished is in-situ. 楚天掀起刚刚得到斗篷盖住身体,瞬间化作虚无,消失在原地。 In this time, King's General Tu, Zou Yan and Allied Canine Tribes two big Expert and scarlet blood owner Shi Xin, five people simultaneously are killing the scarlet blood temple, but appears in present one, making them immediately dumbfounded. 正在这个时候,王屠左湮犬戎族两大强者、赤血堂主噬心,五个人同时杀进赤血神殿,只是出现在眼前的一幕,让他们顿时目瞪口呆。 That thousands of compounded drug is few. 那数以千计的丹药寥寥无几。 Big pile of marines roll on the ground. 一大堆空瓶在地上滚动。 What's all this about? 这是怎么回事? The buried treasure of scarlet blood? 赤血的宝藏呢? Five big masters were scared, erupts one from the cella fearfully actually, Allied Canine Tribes, King's General Tu, Zou Yan felt. An unprecedented sense of crisis has covered them immediately...... Was needless to say! Scarlet blood Venerable to regain consciousness 五大高手都傻眼了,从内殿爆发出一股可怕其实,犬戎族诺罗、王屠左湮就都感觉到了。一股前所未有的危机感顿时笼罩了他们……不用说!赤血首尊苏醒了 Scarlet blood old awoke strangely!” “赤血老怪醒了!” damn, is the scarlet blood buried treasure a fraud?” 可恶,赤血宝藏难道是个骗局?” The people lung soon exploded with rage, they take the wonderful danger to come to search the treasure, the result true precious treasure had not seen that instead must revere the old monster to fight with scarlet blood like this! 众人肺都快要气炸了,他们冒奇险前来探宝,结果真正珍贵的宝物没有看到,反而要和赤血首尊这样的老怪物交手! Shi Xin Jie Jie smiles: Head Venerable born, you carefully listen dead certainly!” 噬心桀桀笑起来:“首尊出世,你们准备领死吧!” Although she does not know that what's the matter, but the urgent matter kills these intruder. 她虽然不知道怎么回事,但是当务之急是干掉这些入侵者。 Scarlet blood is Southern Xia and War Hound common archenemy.” King's General Tu said to Allied Canine Tribes: Now we should put down the gratitude and grudges, jointly copes this old strange!” “赤血老贼是南夏犬戎的共同大敌。”王屠犬戎族诺罗说道:“如今我们应该放下恩怨,共同对付这老怪!” Good!” “好!” Is also having this intent! 诺罗也正有此意!
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